curriculum vitae

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Daniela C. Martinez
Environmental Specialist

Daniela Martinez, a Project Engineer specializing
in environmental engineering, is based in ERM’s
Washington, D.C., office. Ms. Martinez possesses
a solid and integral knowledge of current and
emerging environmental issues such as
infrastructure (energy and transportation)
development, biodiversity protection, stormwater
management, water and wastewater treatment,
climate change, solid waste management,
environmental and occupational health, and
sustainable development. She has experience in
the field of Environmental Impact Assessment
and Planning conducting environmental and
social due diligence (ESDD), gap analyses and
independent lender monitoring under Equator
Principles (EP), and International Finance
Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards.
Ms. Martinez has collaborated with the federal,
state and local U.S. governments, international
agencies, research centers, non-profit
organizations, the private sector and international
financial institutions (e.g., IFC, CIFI, IDB). Over the
last two years, she has worked in various energy
and transportation infrastructure projects in Chile,
Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Nicaragua and Colombia
as well as sustainable development projects in
Guatemala, Haiti and Bolivia, and large mining
projects in Chile and Argentina. Most recently,
she conducted the ESDD of a 163.32-MW
Photovoltaic Project in the Atacama Desert and is
one of the environmental specialists for the ESDD
and monitoring of a 531-MW hydropower project
in the Central Valley of Chile. Ms. Martinez is
Ecuadorian and fluent in both English and

Fields of Competence
 Sustainable development, Equator Principles,
and IFC performance standards
 Environmental Impact Assessment and
 Energy and Transportation Infrastructure
 Environmental and Social Due Diligence
 Work and living experience in North America,
Central and South America, and Europe.
 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
M.S.E. Environmental Process Engineering
 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
B.S. Geography and Environmental
 University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Graduate courses on Sustainable Development

Certificate in International Development – in
Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced
International Studies, Washington D.C.

 Spanish, native speaker
 Fluent in English
Professional Affiliations & Registrations
 Engineer-in-training (EIT)
Honors & Awards
 Sigma Xi, International Honor Society of
Science and Engineering
 Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society
 NCED Outstanding Service Award
 Jack Kent Cooke Scholar
 The Washington Center Diversity Leaders

The world’s leading sustainability consultancy

 Kenney, M. A., Wilcock, P. R., Hobbs, B. F.,
Flores, N. E. and Martínez, D. C. (2012), Is
Urban Stream Restoration Worth It? JAWRA
Journal of the American Water Resources
 Martínez, D. C. (2011), Challenges for
Improving Water and Sanitation Services in
Developing Countries: A Case Study in Santa
Rosa de Ayora, Ecuador. M.S.E. Thesis, Johns
Hopkins University.

TCBuenaventura. Environmental and Social
Monitoring, Colombia
Enviromental specialist for a port facility on the
Pacific coast of Colombia. Conducted the site visit
to assess the current operation and construction
for the expansion phase, so as to ensure
compliance with IFC Performance Standards.
Prepared the enviromental and social monitoring
report regarding all the enviromental components
of the Project.
Lima Metro, Complementary Analysis to the
EIA. Inter-American Development Bank
(IDB), Peru.
Enviromental specialist for the preparation of a
complementary analysis to the EIA for the
contruction of Line 2 and 4 of the Lima Metro. The
project consisted of 35 km of constructions, 35
stations and various associated facilities. The
preparation of the analysis was based on desk
review of information from the pre-feasibility
study, the EIA, field observation, and additional
analysis of impacts.
First Solar Inc. Environmental and Social
Due Diligence (ESDD) of Luz del Norte
Photovoltaic Project, Chile.
Reviewed the environmental, social, and
permitting aspects of the Project to assess its
alignment with International Finance Corporation
(IFC) and the Overseas Private Investment
Corporation (OPIC) Performance Standards.
Provided recommendations on actions, studies or
assessments needed to achieve alignment with
required standards.


Alto Maipo Hydropower Project, San Jose de
Maipo, Chile, IDB, IFC and OPIC.
Assisted throughout the environmental and social
due diligence (ESDD) and monitoring of the 531MW Alto Maipo hydropower project and
transmission line sponsored by AES Gener in San
Jose de Maipo in the Central Valley of Chile.
Results of the ESDD and proposed action plan will
be used by the clients to present the project to
Board. The contract was expended to review the
Project Sponsor’s compliance of critical issues
identified in the ESDD prior to financing, and
assistance to verify compliance with Lender
Credit Agricole, Corporacion Andina de
Fomento, and Banco de Credito del Peru,
Red Vial No 4 Tool Road, Peru
Conducted an environmental and social due
diligence (ESDD) of the widening of 285 km of
the Pan-American highway under a concession
contract to Autopista del Norte – OHL
Performed desktop reviews of environmental
documentation regarding the project’s social and
environmental management systems, labor and
working conditions, pollution prevention and
abatement, biodiversity conservation, and
compliance with Peruvian regulatory
requirements; conducted visits to the project site;
and interviewed stakeholders to produce a
quarterly monitoring report.
Panama Canal Authority (ACP), Panama
Canal Expansion Project, Panama - ongoing
Conducted desktop reviews of documentation
regarding the Project’s compliance with
environmental and Social requirements for the
current project expansion. Prepared semestral
environmental and social monitoring, which
report provides the Panama Canal Authority with
an independent review of the project’s ESIA, by
assessing its compliance with international social
and environmental standards for prospective
project lenders.
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
(SMBC). Environmental and Social Due
Diligence (ESDD) of the TISUR Amarradero-F
Expansion in the Port of Matarani, Peru.
Identified and summarized relevant
environmental, social, and health and safety
characteristics of the Project to aid in identifying

any issues / risks that lenders should take into
account before making an investment decision
regarding the Project. Evaluated the adequacy of
the Project’s impacts management measures,
plans and procedures in alignment with the
Equator Principles and IFC’s requisites, and
assessed the significance of any insufficiencies.
Provided recommendation and additional actions
to achieve alignment with required standards.
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB),
Expanding Private Sector Investment in
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services,
Washington, D.C.
Collaborated in the development a Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Services Opportunity Assessment
Toll for IDB’s Structured Corporate Finance
Department (SCF). The tool included a set of
indicators that can be used to measure,
consistently, the impacts of private sector
investments in biodiversity and ecosystem
services, both directly and downstream.
HKND Group, Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment of the Routes of the
Nicaragua Canal, Nicaragua.
Reviewed documentation and existing studies
regarding the environmental impacts of the
proposed routes of the Nicaragua Canal. The
assessment included information regarding
biodiversity, protected areas, endangered
species, ecosystems services and environmental
requirements as per IFC Performance Standards,
Equator Principles, IDB Environmental and Social
Safeguards and other international requirement.
Coordinated on-site data management and
logistics for wet season biodiversity sampling
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB),
Climate Change Vulnerability and Smart
Growth Scenarios, Northern Development
Corridor, Haiti – ongoing
Co-managed the project and co-lead the hazard
vulnerability analysis which addressed five
hazards: inland and coastal flooding, seismic
events, drought, and hurricanes. Worked with
climate change, hydrology and risk management
specialists to assess climate change models
applicable to the area of study.


Capacity Development for Climate Change
Adaptation in Ecuador (Ministry of
Environment, Ecuador – funded by JICA),
Assisted the ERM – Japan team during the
development of a monitoring and management
system for climate change adaptation
plans/actions in Ecuador.
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB),
Climate Change Vulnerability and Smart
Growth Scenarios, Bolivia and Nicaragua
Co-managed the project, led the data collection
efforts in Bolivia and Nicaragua, and participated
in bi-weekly meetings with IDB officers to discuss
the project progress. Liaised with government
officials, NGO representatives and members of
academia in Bolivia and Nicaragua to gather
baseline data on greenhouse gas emission
sources, natural disaster vulnerability, and urban
growth in the areas of study. Worked with climate
change, hydrology and risk management
specialists to assess climate change models,
hydrological and seismic risk studies, and
greenhouse gas emission inventories developed
for Cochabamba and Managua.
Corporacion Interamericana para el
Financiamiento de Infrastructura, S.A.
(CIFI), Washington D.C.
Conducted an environmental and social review of
CIFI’s financial portfolio for 2011, which included
forty Category A and B projects in nineteen
countries across Latin American and the
Caribbean. Interviewed CIFI’s portfolio officers to
discuss loan agreements, credit proposals,
environmental impact assessments/audits,
environmental management plans and annual
monitoring reports for agriculture, airport and
seaport, thermo power and gas and oil projects,
among others.
Prepared CIFI’s 2011 Annual Environmental
Performance Report aimed to fulfill ICC and
Equator Principles.
Confidential Client, Bi-national Gold, Cooper
and Silver Mine Project, Chile and Argentina
Reviewed extensive documentation including
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs),
environmental monitoring reports, and
independent baseline studies to produce a
project-wide biological baseline. Conducted a

literature review of existing studies for a UNESCO
biosphere reserve located in the vicinity of the
project and prepared the reserve’s biological
baseline in Spanish. Investigated the potential
impacts of the project on Valued Environmental
Components (VECs) and drafted sections of the
project’s impact assessment study.
Engineers without Borders - USA - Johns
Hopkins University, Cayambe, Ecuador
Volunteer, project co-founder (2006), project
coordinator, community relations specialist (2006
– present) & professional partner (2010 – present)
Coordinated the construction of a daycare center
in a rural community in Ecuador
Managed in-country logistics and assisted
professional engineers in the evaluation of the
project site during assessment trips. Facilitated
communication between the core project team,
community leaders and members, and
government officials to ensure the active
participation of stakeholders during planning,
design, and implementation phases of the
project. Designed and conducted community
participation surveys and interviews.
United Nations, Department of Social and
Economic Affairs, New York/ Guatemala
Researched topics of relevance for the
preparation of the first and second “Harmony with
Nature” resolution reports reviewed during the
65th and 66th sessions of the United Nations
second committee in 2010 and 2011.
Prepared a manual in Spanish to support the
implementation of a pilot project in Guatemala to
introduce climate change in the development
plans of nations in Latin America and the
Caribbean. Assisted the United Nations team in
organizational and technical tasks related to
implementation of the project in conjunction with
the Guatemalan Ministry of Environment and
Natural Resources. Provided guidance and
training to climate change stakeholders in
Guatemala (government officials, NGOs, private
sector) on the use of the Action-Impact Matrix to
evaluate the impacts of climate change.
Baltimore City Bureau of Water and
Wastewater, Baltimore, Maryland

Studied the impacts of Enhanced Nutrient
Removal (ENR) technology on the performance of
Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant and
projected total nitrogen and phosphorous
amounts that will be present in the plant’s
effluent during wet weather events. Assisted
senior staff during the preparation of an Effective
Utility Management plan for the bureau, and
researched initiatives to provide stormwater
management credits to Baltimore City residents.
Maryland Department of the Environment,
Baltimore, Maryland
Studied and compared the accuracy of the
mapping models used by the Chesapeake Bay
Program (CBP) and MDE to quantify land
imperviousness and land use in the state of
Maryland. Used geographic information system
(GIS) to translate municipal to CBP data to
quantify urban acres treated by stream
restoration, retrofit and stormwater best
management practices
Reviewed Municipal Separated Storm Sewer
System Discharge (MS4) permits to verify
submission of complete GIS stormwater data.
Johns Hopkins University, Department of
Geography and Environmental Engineering
Designed and conducted a pilot study to
determine the recreational and aesthetic benefits
of urban stream restoration in Baltimore City.
Designed contingent valuation surveys and
helped execute a large-scale cost-benefit study of
urban stream restoration in Baltimore City.
Researched issues regarding design,
performance, and cost of stormwater best
management practices and stream restoration
projects implemented in urban areas throughout
the United States.
National Center for Earth-Surface Dynamics,
Minneapolis, MN/Sandy, OR
Conducted field research and used experimental
modeling to study the impacts of rivers dam
removal in sediment transport and riparian
vegetation growth.
Conducted topographic surveys of the Sandy
River, Oregon and created detailed facies maps of
patches of riverbed to monitor geomorphologic
changes after dam removal. Directed field
research for five junior geologists and engineers;


trained them to collect field data and ensured
their safety while working in the Sandy River, OR.
United States Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA)
Washington, D.C.
Assisted EPA launch its National Clean Diesel
Campaign Idling Reduction Program by
researching and identifying school districts and
small ports in the U.S. that have not established
idling reduction polices.
Researched, analyzed, and wrote materials on the
expansion of the Clean School Bus USA program
and the grants awarded to communities to retrofit
and replace outdated diesel engines in their
school buses.
Ashoka, Innovators for the Public
Baltimore, Maryland
Advised neighborhoods and community leaders in
Baltimore City on how to transform underused or
abandoned spaces into citizen-managed, shared
green areas. Created an “Alley Greening”
workshop and outreach materials for
neighborhood leaders, students and city agencies
who want to implement the alley gating and
greening model.



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