Customer Service or Supervisor or Call Center Trainer or Adminis

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alvaro (Al) Perez 1130 S. Corta Dr. Santa Ana, CA 92704 Home: (714) 839-0969

Cell: (714) 293-4289

Objective Seeking to take my experience to the next level by working for a company who will participate in the branding of my qualification which include: leadership skills, training experience, and multi-tasker.   Experience Mazda North American Operations

January 2006 - September 20

10 * Trainer, Customer Service * Responsible for (MMdM) Mazda de Mexico hotline, this included taking Spanish c alls and translating documents. * Assist customers with inquiries or concerns they may have on their vehicles. T his was facilitated through the 800 lines, letters or emails. * Handle E-business, Mazda Shopping Assistance, Mazda Dealer Online Leads and Cu stomer Letters. * Served as the Incentives and Technical contact for our department. * Processed letters of compliance for customers importing or exporting vehicles.   * Investigate process and filed requests for reimbursements on warranty issues. * Assisted with the mentoring and training of new employees on the floor. * Responsible for goodwill reports, Mazda Overseas deliveries, and CAC daily met rics. * Cordinated cubicles and computer set up for new employees.. Perform other duti es and * Responsible for the development of training curriculum, facilitation of new hi re and refresher training for Customer Assistance Specialists, Analysis and Repo rting of Metrics and "voice of the customer" data * Ensure the department has the technology required to provide the highest level of Customer Service. * Mentor, Evaluate and provide feedback and coaching to new hires. * Arrange and organize meetings, as well as schedule conference rooms and make c atering arrangements for meetings or accomplishments. * Order and purchase supplies for the department, training material and small gr atuity gifts for our customers and employees. * Update and improve training material into a PowerPoint presentation. * Made training user friendly for new hires, which included enthusiastic materia l. * "Go-to" person for company supplies, in addition to gifts of appreciation for customers and employees. * Involved in team building events, designing flyers or team posters. * Helped Parts & Marketing to improve dealer sales, by giving them the necessary tools to increase sales. This was done by coming up with or informing them of m arketing tools. * Also provide coaching and act in as Supervisor when Supervisors are away or bu sy.

National Support Services February 2005 - December 2005 * Negotiator * Averaged 250 out-bound and in-bound calls during one shift per day. * Negotiated with collectors to get the client the best settlement offer. * Received checking information from clients to set up payment on settled accoun ts. * Processed proper documentation for settlements.


* Assisted with the mentoring and training of new employees on the floor.

Hyundai Motor of America February 2004 - February 2005 * Warranty Analyst * Responded to an average of 35 inbound calls on one shift per day. * Assisted dealers with the submission of warranty claims. * Responsible for reviewing questionable pending claims and deciding whether to pay, return, adjust, or send to District Parts Service Manager for further review all depending on Warranty Policies. * Supported dealers and field personnel with claim processing and compliance adh erence. * Responsible for data entry, system updates, warranty reports and other related tasks. * Reviewed and assisted with the creation of training manuals for Warranty Admin istrators.   Card Express May 2003 - December 2004 * Customer Service Representative * Respond to and solve customer issues, problems, or discrepancies via telephone or Email, on average of 80 inbound calls. * Reprocessing of orders for shipment, verification of invoices and claims. * Responsible for data entry, filing and other business related tasks.   Metro One Telecommunications January 2001- May 2003 * Lead Operator * 411 Wireless Operator assisting on locating a place, phone number, direction, movie listing and dinner reservations. * Mentor who dealt with reviewing and training new agents on the floor. * Lead Operator who supervised and assisted approximately 100 operators to assur e that calls were being handled based on company standards. * Handled escalated issues which included Spanish calls.   Education

Santa Ana College

Santa Ana, CA * Graduated with AA in Liberal Arts. * Continuing to work on BA in Computer Graphics and Marketing, and hope to trans fer to CSUF. Los Amigos Lobos High School


994-1998 Fountain Valley, CA * Graduated with a 3.0 average. * Graduated with advanced Spanish for Spanish Speakers. * Participated in school events including Baseball, Wrestling and Cross County. Skills * Type 40-45 wpm * 10 key by touch * Beginning: PowerPoint, Illustrator, Excel, PowerPoint, AS 400, Warranty Wizard , MDOL, KANA, Crystal Reporting, SQL query capabil capability. ity. Intermediate: Microsoft Microsoft Word, Outlook, MX Connect, Metatrieve and Cisco reporting. Advanced: Internet, E piphany, and Cisco. * Fluent in Spanish (read, write, speak)


* Drawing, beginning painting and computer graphics.

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