Cut Detection and Re-routing in Wireless Sensor networks

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Mrs.Dipali Sonawane , Prof. Alka Khade , Prof. Seema BidayDept. Computer Engineering, Terna Engineering CollegeNerul, Navi-Mumbai-400706, MS, IndiaAbstractA wireless sensor network can get separated into multipleconnected components due to the failure of some of its nodes,which is called a “cut.” In this paper, we consider the problemof detecting cuts by the remaining nodes of a wireless sensornetwork. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is made up of fewor large number of sensor nodes and one sink node. One ofthe crucial challenges in WSN is cut generation instead ofincrease the life sensor node. Sensor node is small devicemade up of three basic units as sensor unit, processing unitand wireless communication (transceiver) unit equipped withlimited power supply through batteries. Since the node haslimited energy supply, these nodes are put in sleep mode toconserve energy which helps to prolong network life.. Wepropose an algorithm that allows 1) every node to detect whenthe connectivity to a specially designated node has been lost,and 2) one or more nodes (that are connected to the specialnode after the cut) to detect the occurrence of the cut. Thealgorithm is distributed and asynchronous: every node needsto communicate with only those nodes that are within itscommunication range. The algorithm is based on the iterativecomputation of a fictitious “electrical potential” of the nodes.The convergence rate of the underlying iterative scheme isindependent of the size and structure of the network. Wedemonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithmthrough simulations and a real hardware implementation.Keywords: Wireless networks, sensor networks, networkseparation, detection and estimation, iterative computation



International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2015

ISSN 2278-6856

Cut Detection and Re-routing in Wireless
Sensor networks
Mrs.Dipali Sonawane , Prof. Alka Khade , Prof. Seema Biday
Dept. Computer Engineering, Terna Engineering College
Nerul, Navi-Mumbai-400706, MS, India

A wireless sensor network can get separated into multiple
connected components due to the failure of some of its nodes,
which is called a “cut.” In this paper, we consider the problem
of detecting cuts by the remaining nodes of a wireless sensor
network. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is made up of few
or large number of sensor nodes and one sink node. One of
the crucial challenges in WSN is cut generation instead of
increase the life sensor node. Sensor node is small device
made up of three basic units as sensor unit, processing unit
and wireless communication (transceiver) unit equipped with
limited power supply through batteries. Since the node has
limited energy supply, these nodes are put in sleep mode to
conserve energy which helps to prolong network life.. We
propose an algorithm that allows 1) every node to detect when
the connectivity to a specially designated node has been lost,
and 2) one or more nodes (that are connected to the special
node after the cut) to detect the occurrence of the cut. The
algorithm is distributed and asynchronous: every node needs
to communicate with only those nodes that are within its
communication range. The algorithm is based on the iterative
computation of a fictitious “electrical potential” of the nodes.
The convergence rate of the underlying iterative scheme is
independent of the size and structure of the network. We
demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm
through simulations and a real hardware implementation.

Keywords: Wireless networks, sensor networks, network
separation, detection and estimation, iterative computation

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) consist of small nodes
with sensing, computation, and wireless communications
capabilities. Many routing, power management, and data
dissemination protocols have been specifically designed
for WSNs where energy awareness is an essential design

Figure 1.1 Wireless Sensor Network

Volume 4, Issue 2, March – April 2015

WSNs have a great advantage for various applications in
our real life. For example, battlefield surveillance, habitat
monitoring, intelligent agriculture, home automation are
widely used as real life applications. The sensor node, in
the WSN systems, detects the information of interest,
processes it with the help of an in-built microcontroller
and communicates results to a sink or base station.
By establishing millions of sensor nodes' interconnection
to each other, a wireless sensor network can be formed. A
sensor node is an embedded device that integrates a
number of Microprocessor components onto a single chip.
Although a sensor node is capable of sensing, data
processing and communication, their limited memory
capacity, limited battery power, low bandwidth and low
computational power make it vulnerable to many kinds of
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a auspicious
technology for monitoring large regions at high latitudinal
and temporal resolution. In fact, node failure is expected
to be quite common due to the typically limited energy
budget of the nodes that are powered by small batteries.
Failure of a set of nodes will reduce the number of multihop paths in the network.
Such failures can cause a subset of nodes – that have not
failed – to become disconnected from the rest, resulting in
a “cut”. Two nodes are said to be disconnected if there is
no path between them.
A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of a set of
sensor nodes which are able to collect data and
communicate with each other by radio links, and it can be
seen as a connected and undirected graph in which the
vertices refer to the sensor nodes and the edges stand for
the links among the nodes. Wireless sensor networks
(WSN) have emerged as an important new technology for
instrumenting and observing the physical world. The basic
building block of these networks is a tiny microprocessor
integrated with one or more MEMS (microelectromechanical system) sensors, actuators, and a
wireless transceiver. These devices can be embedded or
scattered in large quantities in a physical space, where
they self-organize into an ad hoc multi-hop wireless
network, allowing us to observe and monitor the world at
an unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), consisting of large
numbers of low-cost and low-power wireless nodes, have
recently been employed in many applications: disaster
response, military surveillance, and medical care among
others. The inherent nature of WSNs such as unattended
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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2015
operation, battery-powered nodes, and harsh environments
pose major challenges. One of the challenges is to ensure
that the network is connected. The connectivity of the
network can easily be disrupted due to unpredictable
wireless channels, early depletion of node’s energy, and
physical tampering by hostile users. Network
disconnection, typically referred as a network cut, may
cause a number of problems. For example, ill-informed
decisions to route data to a node located in a disconnected
segment of the network might lead to data loss, wasted
power consumption, and congestion around the network
Distributed Cut Detection in WSN
The algorithm propose here is distributed and
asynchronous: it involves only local communication
between neighboring nodes , and is robust to temporary
communication failure between node pair. A key
component of the DCD algorithm is a distributed iterative
computational step through which the nodes compute their
(fictitious) electrical potential. The convergence rate of the
computation is independent of the size and structure of the
CUT: The node failure is expected to be quite common
due to the typically limited energy budget of nodes that are
powered by small batteries. Failure of set of nodes will
reduce the number of multi-hop paths in the network.
Such can cause a subset of nodes- that have not failed- to
become disconnected from the rest, resulting in a ”cut”.
Two nodes are said to be disconnected if there is no path
between them.
SOURCE NODE: Here consider the problem of detecting
cuts by the nodes of a wireless network. Assume that there
is a specially designated node in the network, which we
call the source node. The source node may be a base
station that serves as an interface between the network and
its users. Since a cut may or may not separate a node from
the source node, we distinguish between two distinct
outcomes of a cut for a particular node.
CCOS AND DOS: When a node u is disconnected from
the source, we say that a DOS( disconnected from source)
event has occurred for u. when a cut occurs in the network
that does not separate a node , we say that
CCOS(connected, but a cut occurred somewhere) event
has occurred for u. by cut detection we mean(1) detection
by each node of a DOS event when it occurs, and(2)
detection of CCOS event by the node close to a cut, and
the approximate location of cut.
Node Failure
The Node failure is expected to be quite common in WSN,
due to their extremely limited energy budget and
environmental degradation. This scenario is mostly true
for the sensor networks that are deployed in harsh and
dangerous environments for such as forest fire monitoring.
When a number of sensors fail for whatever may be the
reason the resulting network topology may be
disconnected which in result is considered as a failure of
set of nodes. The nodes that have not failed become
disconnected from the rest of the network. The network
topology changes resulted by the node mobility and node

Volume 4, Issue 2, March – April 2015

ISSN 2278-6856

state transitions due to the use of power management or
energy efficient schemes may be detected as node failures.
A highly dynamic network greatly increases the
complexity of failure management. Unexpected node
failure is handled.through redundancy in the network and
backup pointers to reestablish damaged links. When a
node failure occur the subset of nodes get disconnected
from the network which results in a “cut”. The cut
occurred prevents the data from reaching the destination,
the subset of nodes that gets disconnected from the source
form a cut area which is known as a “hole”.

Figure 1.2 Examples of cuts and holes.
In the above figure filled circles represent active nodes
and unfilled filled circles represent failed nodes. Solid
lines represent edges, and dashed lines represent edges
that existed before the failure of the nodes.

Nisheeth Shrivastava proposed a low overhead scheme for
detecting a network partition or cut in a sensor network.
Consider a set S of n sensors, which are modeled as points
in the two-dimensional plane. An adversary can make a
linear cut through the sensor network, disabling all the
sensors on one side of the line; the base station is assumed
to lie on the other (safe) side. The scheme for detecting "cuts will choose a small subset of sensors, which act as
sentinels. Each sentinel will communicate with the base
station at a regular time interval. We assume that the base
station is not attacked, and it always lies in the safe half
plane L+. A communication failure from a sentinel is
taken to mean that the sentinel has been cut off. Our
problem now becomes: can one choose a small number of
sensor nodes as sentinels so that every "-cut can be
detected based solely on the live/dead status of sentinels,
and the algorithm does not report false positives.
The DSSD algorithm proposed in paper is not limited to
-linear cuts; it can detect cuts that separate the network
into multiple components of arbitrary shapes.
Furthermore, the DSSD algorithm is not restricted to
networks deployed in 2D, it does not require deploying
sentinel nodes, and it allows every node to detect if a cut
occurs. The DSSD algorithm involves only nearest
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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2015
neighbor communication, which eliminates the need of
routing messages to the source node. This feature makes
the algorithm applicable to mobile nodes as well. Since
the computation that a node has to carry out involves only
averaging, it is particularly well suited to wireless sensor
networks with nodes that have limited computational
Myounggyu Won propose solutions for a more general cut
detection problem – the destination-based cut detection
problem. Unlike the traditional cut detection problem, we
attempt to find a network cut between a sender and any
node in a set of given destinations. We first propose Pointto-Point Cut Detection protocol (P2P-CD). P2P-CD allows
a source node to identify a cut with respect to any
destination node. In this protocol, the boundary of a cut is
compactly represented as a set of linear segments. The
compact representation of a cut allows the information on
existing cuts (i.e., the shape and location of the cut) to be
efficiently distributed throughout the network with small
overheads. A source node, using the distributed
information, locally determines whether any potential
destination is reachable.



Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) has
many challenges such as nature of wireless media and
multimedia information transmission. Consequently
traditional mechanisms for network layers are no longer
acceptable or applicable for these networks. Wireless
sensor network can get separated into multiple connected
components due to the failure of some of its nodes, which
is called a “cut”. Existing cut detection system deployed
only for wired networks.
3.1E-linear cut detection
Cut detection in wireless networks has been proposed, an
algorithm that can be employed by a base station to detect
an e-linear cut in a network. An e- linear cut is a
separation of the network across a straight line so that at
least en of the nodes (n is the total number of nodes in the
network) are separated from the base station. The base
station detects cuts when they occur based on whether it is
able to receive messages from specially placed sentinel
3.2Flooding based scheme
A flooding based scheme may also be used for detecting
separations. Under node to- base flooding approach, every
node periodically sends a time-stamped message to the
base station. If the base station does not receive a new
message from node i for a certain time interval, it can
declare that i is disconnected from it. Base station floods
the network with time-stamped beacon packets
periodically. A node detects that it is disconnected from
the base if the length of time during which it hasn’t
received a new packet from the base exceeds a threshold

Volume 4, Issue 2, March – April 2015

ISSN 2278-6856

3.3 Critical node detection
A critical node is one whose removal renders the network

Past decade has seen a surge of research activities in the
field of wireless Communication. Emerging from this
research thrust are new points of view on how to
communicate effectively over wireless channels. We can
divide our complete mechanism into the major domain.
1. Wireless Transmission Channel
2. Routing Algorithm
3. Cut Detection
Route Discovery
The selection of path for data transmission is done based
on the availability of the nodes in the region using the adhoc on demand distance vector routing algorithm.
By using the Ad hoc on Demand Distance Vector routing
protocol, the routes are created on demand, i.e. only when
a route is needed for which there is no “fresh” record in
the routing table. In order to facilitate determination of the
freshness of routing information, AODV maintains the
time since when an entry has been last utilized. A routing
table entry is “expired” after a certain predetermined
threshold of time. Consider all the nodes to be in the
position. Now the shortest path is to be determined by
implementing the Ad hoc on Demand Distance Vector
routing protocol in the wireless simulation environment
for periodically sending the messages to the neighbors and
the shortest path.
Route Maintenance
The next step is the maintenance of these routes which is
equally important. The source has to continuously monitor
the position of the nodes to make sure the data is being
carried through the path to the destination without loss.
In any case, if the position of the nodes change and the
source doesn’t make a note of it then the packets will be
lost and eventually have to be resent.
Data Transmission
The path selection, maintenance and data transmission are
consecutive process which happen in split seconds in realtime transmission. Hence the paths allocated priory is
used for data transmission. The first path allocated
previously is now used for data transmission. The data is
transferred through the highlighted path. The second path
selected is now used for data transmission. The data is
transferred through the highlighted path. The third path
selected is used for data transmission. The data is
transferred through the highlighted path.
When a node u is disconnected from the source, we say
that a DOS (Disconnected from Source) event has
occurred for u. When a cut occurs in the network that does
not separate a node u from the source node, we say that
CCOS (Connected, but a Cut Occurred Somewhere) event
has occurred for u. By cut detection we mean 1) detection
by each node of a DOS event when it occurs, and 2)
detection of CCOS events by the nodes close to a cut, and
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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2015
the approximate location of the cut. In this article we
propose a distributed algorithm to detect cuts, named the
Distributed Cut Detection (DCD) algorithm. The
algorithm allows each node to detect DOS events and a
subset of nodes to detect CCOS events.
DCD Algorithm
procedure DCD Consider S=Source node;
neighbors of node S are A,B.
if the node A is active i.e. ack state then
Wait for 500ms.
Send file to node A.
else if the node A is deactive nodefailed i.e. dack state
file sending to A failed.
if the node B is active i.e ack state then
Wait for 500ms.
Send file to node B.
else if the node B is deactive nodefailed i.e dack state then
file sending to B failed.
DOS Detection
The approach here is to exploit the fact that if the state is
close to 0 then the node is disconnected from the source,
otherwise not (this is made precise in Theorem 1 of
Section 2.4). In order to reduce sensitivity of the algorithm
to variations in network size and structure, we use a
normalized state. DOS detection part consists of steadystate detection, normalized state computation, and
connection/separation detection. Every node i maintains a
binary variable DOSi(k), which is set to 1 if the node
believes it is disconnected from the source and 0
otherwise. This variable, which is called the DOS status,
is initialized to 1 since there is no reason to believe a node
is connected to the source initially.
CCOS Detection
The algorithm for detecting CCOS events relies on
finding a short path around a hole, if it exists, and is
partially inspired by the jamming detection algorithm
proposed in [9]. The method utilizes node states to assign
the task of hole-detection to the most appropriate nodes.
When a node detects a large change in its local state as
well as failure of one or more of its neighbors, and both of
these events occur within a (predetermined) small time
interval, the node initiates a PROBE message.
Each PROBE message p contains the following
1. a unique probe ID,
2. probe centroid Cp
3. destination node,
4. path traversed (in chronological order)
5. the angle traversed by the probe around the centroid.
The probe is forwarded in a manner such that if the probe
is triggered by the creation of a small hole or cut (with
circumference less than ‘max), the probe traverses a path
around the hole in a counter-clockwise (CCW) direction
and reaches the node that initiated the probe. In that case,
the net angle traversed by the probe is 360 degree. On the
other hand, if the probe was initiated by the occurrence of
a boundary cut, even if the probe eventually reaches its

Volume 4, Issue 2, March – April 2015

ISSN 2278-6856

node of initiation, the net angle traversed by the probe is
0. Nodes forward a probe only if the distance travelled by
the probe (the number of hops) is smaller than a threshold
value ‘max. Therefore, if a probe is initiated due to a large
internal cut/hole, then it will be absorbed by a node (i.e.,
not forwarded because it exceeded the distance threshold
constraint), and the absorbing node declares that a CCOS
event has taken place.

We propose a Distributed Cut Detection (DCD) algorithm.
The algorithm allows each node to detect DOS events and
a subset of nodes to detect CCOS events. The algorithm
propose here is distributed and asynchronous: it involves
only local communication between neighboring nodes,
and is robust to temporary communication failure between
node pairs. A key component of the DCD algorithm is a
distributed iterative computational step through which the
nodes compute their (fictitious) electrical potentials. The
convergence rate of the computation is independent of the
size and structure of the network.
The DCD algorithm, propose here enables every node of a
wireless sensor network to detect Disconnected from
Source events if they occur. Second, it enables a subset of
nodes that experience CCOS events to detect them and
estimate the approximate location of the cut in the form of
a list of active nodes that lie at the boundary of the
cut/hole. The DOS and CCOS events are defined with
respect to a specially designated source node. The
algorithm is based on ideas from electrical network theory
and parallel iterative solution of linear equations. All cut
nodes information is been updated and created into a log
file of system and filtered log record of cut nodes are

I express my sincere thanks to my project guides
Prof.Seema Biday and Prof. Alka Khade of Computer
Department for their guidance and supervision, assisting
with all kinds of support and inspiration, excellent
guidance and valuable suggestions throughout this
investigation and preparation of this project.

[1] N. Shrivastava, S. Suri, and C.D. To´ th, “Detecting
Cuts in Sensor Networks,” ACM Trans. Sensor
Networks, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1-25, 2008
[2] R P. Barooah, “Distributed Cut Detection in Sensor
Networks,” Proc. 47th IEEE Conf. Decision and
Control, pp. 1097-1102, Dec. 2008.
[3] J. Kleinberg, “Detecting a network failure,”
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science, p. 231, 2000.
[4] J. Kleinberg, M. Sandler, and A. Slivkins, “Network
failure detection and graph connectivity,” in Proc. of
ACM SODA, 2004.
[5] M. Won, and R. Stoleru, “Destination-based Cut
Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks” , in Proc. Of
Page 156

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2015

ISSN 2278-6856

IFIP International Conference on Embedded and
Ubiquitous Computing, 2011
[6] Prabir Barooah, Member, IEEE, Harshavardhan
Chenji, Student Member, IEEE, Radu Stoleru,
Member, IEEE, and Tama´s Kalma´r-Nagy , “Cut
Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks” , IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
vol.23, no.3, March 2012
[7] P. Barooah, “Distributed Cut Detection in Sensor
Networks, ”Proc. 47th IEEE Conf. Decision and
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[8] A.D. Wood, J.A. Stankovic, and S.H. Son, “Jam: A
Jammed-Area Mapping Service for Sensor
Networks,” Proc. IEEE Real Time Systems Symp.,

Dipali Sonawane received the B.E.
degree in Computer Engineering from
K.C College of Engineering, Jalgaon
affiliated to North Maharashtra
University in 2008 and is currently
pursuing M.E from Terna Engineering
College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai affiliated to Mumbai
Prof. Alka Khade has received the
degree in Electronics from
PDVVP College of Engineering
affiliated to Pune University, and M.E
degree in E/T from Terna Engineering
College, affiliated to Mumbai University in 1994 and 2008
respectively. She is currently working in Terna
Engineering College.


Prof. Seema Biday has received the
B.E & M.E degrees in Electronics
Engineering from SGGSCET, Nanded.
She is currently working in Terna
Engineering College. She has actively
in several national and international

Volume 4, Issue 2, March – April 2015

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