Cybersecurity Act of 2013

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Hebrew Rockefeller attaches cybersecurity bill to National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2014



II 113 TH CONGRESS 1 ST S ESSION S. 1353 To provide for an ongoing, voluntary pu li!"private partner#$ip to i%prove !y er#e!urity, and to #trengt$en !y er#e!urity re#ear!$ and develop%ent, &or'for!e develop%ent and edu!ation, and pu li! a&arene## and pre" paredne##, and for ot$er purpo#e#. IN THE SEN(TE O) THE *NITE+ ST(TES , *-. /0, /113 2r. R OC3E)E--ER 4for $i%#elf and 2r. T H*NE 5 introdu!ed t$e follo&ing ill6 &$i!$ &a# read t&i!e and referred to t$e Co%%ittee on Co%%er!e, S!ien!e, and Tran#portation ( 7I-To provide for an ongoing, voluntary pu li!"private partner" #$ip to i%prove !y er#e!urity, and to #trengt$en !y er#e" !urity re#ear!$ and develop%ent, &or'for!e develop%ent and edu!ation, and pu li! a&arene## and preparedne##, and for ot$er purpo#e#. 1 7e it ena!ted y t$e Senate and Hou#e of Repre#enta" / tive# of t$e *nited State# of (%eri!a in Congre## a##e% led, 3 0 SECTION 1. SHORT TIT-E6 T(7-E O) CONTENTS. 4a5 S HORT T IT-E .8T$i# (!t %ay e !ited a# t$e 5 99Cy er#e!urity (!t of /113::. ; 4 5 T (7-E O) C ONTENTS .8T$e ta le of !ontent# of < t$i# (!t i# a# follo&#= >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 11111 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353/ Se!. 1. S$ort title6 ta le of !ontent#. Se!. /. +efinition#. Se!. 3. No regulatory aut$ority. TIT-E I8A*7-IC"ARI>(TE CO--(7OR(TION ON C.7ERSEC*RIT. Se!. 111. Au li!"private !olla oration on !y er#e!urity. TIT-E II8C.7ERSEC*RIT. RESE(RCH (N+ +E>E-OA2ENT Se!. /11. )ederal !y er#e!urity re#ear!$ and develop%ent. Se!. /1/. Co%puter and net&or' #e!urity re#ear!$ !enter#.

TIT-E III8E+*C(TION (N+ COR3)ORCE +E>E-OA2ENT Se!. 311. Cy er#e!urity !o%petition# and !$allenge#. Se!. 31/. )ederal !y er #!$olar#$ip"for"#ervi!e progra%. Se!. 313. Study and analy#i# of edu!ation, a!!reditation, training, and !ertifi" !ation of infor%ation infra#tru!ture and !y er#e!urity profe#" #ional#. TIT-E I>8C.7ERSEC*RIT. (C(RENESS (N+ AREA(RE+NESS Se!. 011. National !y er#e!urity a&arene## and preparedne## !a%paign. 1 SEC. /. +E)INITIONS. / In t$i# (!t= 3 415 C .7ERSEC*RIT. er#e!urity %i##ion:: %ean# a!tivitie# t$at en!o%" 5 pa## t$e full range of t$reat redu!tion, vulnera ility ; redu!tion, deterren!e, international engage%ent, in" < !ident re#pon#e, re#ilien!y, and re!overy poli!ie# and ? a!tivitie#, in!luding !o%puter net&or' operation#, in" @ for%ation a##uran!e, la& enfor!e%ent, diplo%a!y, 11 %ilitary, and intelligen!e %i##ion# a# #u!$ a!tivitie# 11 relate to t$e #e!urity and #ta ility of !y er#pa!e. 4/5 I N)OR2(TION IN)R(STR*CT*RE .8T$e 13 ter% 99infor%ation infra#tru!ture:: %ean# t$e under" 10 lying fra%e&or' t$at infor%ation #y#te%# and a##et# 15 rely on to pro!e##, tran#%it, re!eive, or #tore infor" DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 ter% 99!y" 0 1/ 2ISSION .8T$e /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 1111/ )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S13533 1 %ation ele!troni!ally, in!luding progra%%a le ele!" / troni! devi!e#, !o%%uni!ation# net&or'#, and indu#" 3 trial or #upervi#ory !ontrol #y#te%# and any a##o!i" 0 ated $ard&are, #oft&are, or data. 5 435 I N)OR2(TION S.STE2 .8T$e ter% 99infor" ; %ation #y#te%:: $a# t$e %eaning given t$at ter% in

< #e!tion 351/ of title 00, *nited State# Code. ? @ SEC. 3. NO REG*-(TOR. (*THORIT.. Not$ing in t$i# (!t #$all e !on#trued to !onfer any 11 regulatory aut$ority on any )ederal, State, tri al, or lo!al 11 depart%ent or agen!y. 10 TIT-E I8A*7-IC"ARI>(TE CO-" -(7OR(TION ON C.7ERSEC*" RIT. 15 SEC. 111. A*7-IC"ARI>(TE CO--(7OR(TION ON C.7ERSE" 1/ 13 1; 1< C*RIT.. 4a5 C .7ERSEC*RIT. .8Se!tion /4!5 of t$e National 1? In#titute of Standard# and Te!$nology (!t 415 *.S.C. 1@ /</4!55 i# a%ended8 /1 415 y rede#ignating paragrap$# 4155 t$roug$ /1 4//5 a# paragrap$# 41;5 t$roug$ 4/35, re#pe!tively6 // and /3 /0 4/5 y in#erting after paragrap$ 4105 t$e fol" lo&ing= DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 11113 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S13530 1 994155 on an ongoing a#i#, fa!ilitate and #up" / port t$e develop%ent of a voluntary, indu#try"led #et 3 of #tandard#, guideline#, e#t pra!ti!e#, %et$odolo" 0 gie#, pro!edure#, and pro!e##e# to redu!e !y er ri#'# 5 to !riti!al infra#tru!ture 4a# defined under #u " ; #e!tion 4e556::. < 4 5 S COAE (N+ - I2IT(TIONS .8Se!tion / of t$e Na" ? tional In#titute of Standard# and Te!$nology (!t 415 @ *.S.C. /</5 i# a%ended y adding at t$e end t$e fol" 11 lo&ing= 11

994e5 C .7ER R IS3S .8 1/ 13 99415 I N !arrying out t$e a!tivi" tie# under #u #e!tion 4!54155, t$e +ire!tor8 10 GENER(- .8In 994(5 #$all8 15 994i5 !oordinate !lo#ely and !ontinu" 1; ou#ly &it$ relevant private #e!tor per#onnel 1< and entitie#, !riti!al infra#tru!ture o&ner# 1? and operator#, #e!tor !oordinating !oun!il#, 1@ Infor%ation S$aring and (naly#i# Center#, /1 and ot$er relevant indu#try organiEation#, /1 and in!orporate indu#try eFperti#e6 // 994ii5 !on#ult &it$ t$e $ead# of agen" /3 !ie# &it$ national #e!urity re#pon#i ilitie#, /0 #e!tor"#pe!ifi! agen!ie#, State and lo!al DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 11110 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S13535 1 govern%ent#, t$e govern%ent# of ot$er na" / tion#, and international organiEation#6 3 994iii5 identify a prioritiEed, fleFi le, re" 0 peata le, perfor%an!e" a#ed, and !o#t"ef" 5 fe!tive approa!$, in!luding infor%ation #e" ; !urity %ea#ure# and !ontrol#, t$at %ay e < voluntarily adopted y o&ner# and opera" ? tor# of !riti!al infra#tru!ture to $elp t$e% @ identify, a##e##, and %anage !y er ri#'#6 11 994iv5 in!lude %et$odologie#8 11 994I5 to identify and %itigate i%" 1/ pa!t# of t$e !y er#e!urity %ea#ure# or 13 !ontrol# on u#ine## !onfidentiality6 10 and 15 994II5 to prote!t individual priva!y 1; and !ivil li ertie#6 1< 994v5 in!orporate voluntary !on#en#u# 1? #tandard# and indu#try e#t pra!ti!e#6

1@ 994vi5 align &it$ voluntary /1 national #tandard# to t$e fulle#t eFtent /1 po##i le6 // 994vii5 prevent dupli!ation of regu" /3 latory pro!e##e# and prevent !onfli!t &it$ /0 or #uper#eding of regulatory reGuire%ent#, DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 inter" /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 11115 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353; 1 %andatory #tandard#, and related pro!" / e##e#6 and 3 994viii5 in!lude #u!$ ot$er #i%ilar and 0 !on#i#tent ele%ent# a# t$e +ire!tor !on" 5 #ider# ne!e##ary6 and ; 99475 #$all not pre#!ri e or ot$er&i#e re" < Guire8 ? 994i5 t$e u#e of #pe!ifi! #olution#6 @ 994ii5 t$e u#e of #pe!ifi! infor%ation or 11 !o%%uni!ation# te!$nology produ!t# or 11 #ervi!e#6 or 1/ 994iii5 t$at infor%ation or !o%%uni!a" 13 tion# te!$nology produ!t# or #ervi!e# e de" 10 #igned, developed, or %anufa!tured in a 15 parti!ular %anner. 1; 994/5 - I2IT(TION .8Infor%ation #$ared &it$ or 1< provided to t$e In#titute for t$e purpo#e of t$e a!" 1? tivitie# de#!ri ed under #u #e!tion 4!54155 #$all not 1@ e u#ed y any )ederal, State, tri al, or lo!al de" /1 part%ent or agen!y to regulate t$e a!tivity of any /1 entity. // 99435 + E)INITIONS .8In t$i# #u #e!tion= /3 994(5 C RITIC(/0 IN)R(STR*CT*RE .8T$e

ter% 9!riti!al infra#tru!ture: $a# t$e %eaning DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 1111; )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353< 1 given t$e ter% in #e!tion 111;4e5 of t$e *S( / A(TRIOT (!t of /111 40/ *.S.C. 51@5!4e55. 3 99475 (GENC. .8T$e 0 ter% 9#e!tor"#pe!ifi! agen!y: %ean# t$e )ederal 5 depart%ent or agen!y re#pon#i le for providing ; in#titutional 'no&ledge and #pe!ialiEed eFperti#e < a# &ell a# leading, fa!ilitating, or #upporting ? t$e #e!urity and re#ilien!e progra%# and a##o!i" @ ated a!tivitie# of it# de#ignated !riti!al infra" 11 #tru!ture #e!tor in t$e all"$aEard# environ" 11 %ent.::. 13 TIT-E II8C.7ERSEC*RIT. RESE(RCH (N+ +E>E-OA2ENT 10 SEC. /11. )E+ER(- C.7ERSEC*RIT. RESE(RCH (N+ +E" 1/ 15 1; >E-OA2ENT. 4a5 ) *N+(2ENT(- C .7ERSEC*RIT. R ESE(RCH .8 1< S ECTOR " SAECI)IC 415 I N GENER(- .8T$e +ire!tor of t$e Offi!e of 1? S!ien!e and Te!$nology Aoli!y, in !oordination &it$ 1@ t$e $ead of any relevant )ederal agen!y, #$all uild /1 upon progra%# and plan# in effe!t a# of t$e date of /1 ena!t%ent of t$i# (!t to develop a )ederal !y er#e" // !urity re#ear!$ and develop%ent plan to %eet o He!" /3 tive# in !y er#e!urity, #u!$ a#8 DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 1111<

)%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353? 1 4(5 $o& to de#ign and uild !o%pleF #oft" / &are"inten#ive #y#te%# t$at are #e!ure and reli" 3 a le &$en fir#t deployed6 0 475 $o& to te#t and verify t$at #oft&are 5 and $ard&are, &$et$er developed lo!ally or o " ; tained fro% a t$ird party, i# free of #ignifi!ant < 'no&n #e!urity fla&#6 ? 4C5 $o& to te#t and verify t$at #oft&are @ and $ard&are o tained fro% a t$ird party !or" 11 re!tly i%ple%ent# #tated fun!tionality, and only 11 t$at fun!tionality6 1/ 4+5 $o& to guarantee t$e priva!y of an in" 13 dividual, in!luding t$at individual:# identity, in" 10 for%ation, and la&ful tran#a!tion# &$en #tored 15 in di#tri uted #y#te%# or tran#%itted over net" 1; &or'#6 1< 4E5 $o& to uild ne& proto!ol# to ena le 1? t$e Internet to $ave ro u#t #e!urity a# one of 1@ t$e 'ey !apa ilitie# of t$e Internet6 /1 4)5 $o& to deter%ine t$e origin of a %e#" /1 #age tran#%itted over t$e Internet6 // 4G5 $o& to #upport priva!y in !onHun!tion /3 &it$ i%proved #e!urity6 /0 4H5 $o& to addre## t$e gro&ing pro le% of /5 in#ider t$reat#6 DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 1111? )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353@ 1 4I5 $o& i%proved !on#u%er edu!ation and / digital litera!y initiative# !an addre## $u%an 3 fa!tor# t$at !ontri ute to !y er#e!urity6 0 4,5 $o& to prote!t infor%ation pro!e##ed,

5 tran#%itted, or #tored u#ing !loud !o%puting or ; tran#%itted t$roug$ &irele## #ervi!e#6 and < 435 any additional o He!tive# t$e +ire!tor ? of t$e Offi!e of S!ien!e and Te!$nology Aoli!y, @ in !oordination &it$ t$e $ead of any relevant 11 )ederal agen!y and &it$ input fro% #ta'e" 11 $older#, in!luding indu#try and a!ade%ia, deter" 1/ %ine# appropriate. 13 4/5 R EI*IRE2ENTS .8 10 4(5 I N )ederal !y er#e!u" 15 rity re#ear!$ and develop%ent plan #$all iden" 1; tify and prioritiEe near"ter%, %id"ter%, and 1< long"ter% re#ear!$ in !o%puter and infor%ation 1? #!ien!e and engineering to %eet t$e o He!tive# 1@ under paragrap$ 415, in!luding re#ear!$ in t$e /1 area# de#!ri ed in #e!tion 04a5415 of t$e Cy er /1 Se!urity Re#ear!$ and +evelop%ent (!t 415 // *.S.C. <0134a54155. /3 GENER(- .8T$e 475 A RI>(TE SECTOR E))ORTS .8In /0 oping, i%ple%enting, and updating t$e )ederal /5 !y er#e!urity re#ear!$ and develop%ent plan, DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 devel" /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 1111@ )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S135311 1 t$e +ire!tor of t$e Offi!e of S!ien!e and Te!$" / nology Aoli!y #$all &or' in !lo#e !ooperation 3 &it$ indu#try, a!ade%ia, and ot$er intere#ted 0 #ta'e$older# to en#ure, to t$e eFtent po##i le, 5 t$at )ederal !y er#e!urity re#ear!$ and devel" ; op%ent i# not dupli!ative of private #e!tor ef" < fort#. ? 435 T RIENNI(@ 4(5 I N *A+(TES .8 GENER(- .8T$e )ederal !y er#e!u"

11 rity re#ear!$ and develop%ent plan #$all e up" 11 dated triennially. 1/ 475 R EAORT TO CONGRESS .8T$e +ire!tor 13 of t$e Offi!e of S!ien!e and Te!$nology Aoli!y 10 #$all #u %it t$e plan, not later t$an 1 year 15 after t$e date of ena!t%ent of t$i# (!t, and 1; ea!$ updated plan under t$i# #e!tion to t$e 1< Co%%ittee on Co%%er!e, S!ien!e, and Tran#" 1? portation of t$e Senate and t$e Co%%ittee on 1@ S!ien!e, Spa!e, and Te!$nology of t$e Hou#e of /1 Repre#entative#. /1 4 5 C .7ERSEC*RIT. A R(CTICES R ESE(RCH .8T$e // +ire!tor of t$e National S!ien!e )oundation #$all #upport /3 re#ear!$ t$at8 /0 415 develop#, evaluate#, di##e%inate#, and inte" /5 grate# ne& !y er#e!urity pra!ti!e# and !on!ept# into DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 11111 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S135311 1 t$e !ore !urri!ulu% of !o%puter #!ien!e progra%# / and of ot$er progra%# &$ere graduate# of #u!$ pro" 3 gra%# $ave a #u #tantial pro a ility of developing 0 #oft&are after graduation, in!luding ne& pra!ti!e# 5 and !on!ept# relating to #e!ure !oding edu!ation and ; i%prove%ent progra%#6 and < 4/5 develop# ne& %odel# for profe##ional devel" ? op%ent of fa!ulty in !y er#e!urity edu!ation, in!lud" @ ing #e!ure !oding develop%ent. 11 4!5 C .7ERSEC*RIT. 2 O+E-ING T EST 7 E+S .8 11 415 R E>IEC .8Not later t$an 1 year after t$e 1/ date of ena!t%ent of t$i# (!t, t$e +ire!tor t$e Na" 13 tional S!ien!e )oundation, in !oordination &it$ t$e 10 +ire!tor of t$e Offi!e of S!ien!e and Te!$nology 15 Aoli!y, #$all !ondu!t a revie& of !y er#e!urity te#t 1; ed# in eFi#ten!e on t$e date of ena!t%ent of t$i# 1< (!t to infor% t$e grant# under paragrap$ 4/5. T$e 1? revie& #$all in!lude an a##e##%ent of &$et$er a #uf" 1@ fi!ient nu% er of !y er#e!urity te#t ed# are avail"

/1 a le to %eet t$e re#ear!$ need# under t$e )ederal /1 !y er#e!urity re#ear!$ and develop%ent plan. // /3 (N+ 4/5 ( ++ITION(C.7ERSEC*RIT. (N+ TEST 7E+S .8 /0 4(5 I N /5 GENER(- .8If t$e +ire!tor of t$e National S!ien!e )oundation, after t$e revie& DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 2O+E-ING ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 11111 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S13531/ 1 under paragrap$ 415, deter%ine# t$at t$e re" / #ear!$ need# under t$e )ederal !y er#e!urity 3 re#ear!$ and develop%ent plan reGuire t$e e#" 0 ta li#$%ent of additional !y er#e!urity te#t 5 ed#, t$e +ire!tor of t$e National S!ien!e ; )oundation, in !oordination &it$ t$e Se!retary < of Co%%er!e and t$e Se!retary of Ho%eland ? Se!urity, %ay a&ard grant# to in#titution# of @ $ig$er edu!ation or re#ear!$ and develop%ent 11 non"profit in#titution# to e#ta li#$ !y er#e!urity 11 te#t ed#. 1/ 475 !y er#e!urity 13 te#t ed# under #u paragrap$ 4(5 #$all e #uffi" 10 !iently large in order to %odel t$e #!ale and 15 !o%pleFity of real"ti%e !y er atta!'# and de" 1; fen#e# on real &orld net&or'# and environ" 1< %ent#. 1? R EI*IRE2ENT .8T$e 4C5 ( SSESS2ENT REI*IRE+ .8T$e 1@ tor of t$e National S!ien!e )oundation, in !o"

/1 ordination &it$ t$e Se!retary of Co%%er!e and /1 t$e Se!retary of Ho%eland Se!urity, #$all // evaluate t$e effe!tivene## of any grant# a&ard" /3 ed under t$i# #u #e!tion in %eeting t$e o He!" /0 tive# of t$e )ederal !y er#e!urity re#ear!$ and /5 develop%ent plan under #u #e!tion 4a5 no later DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 +ire!" /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 1111/ )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S135313 1 t$an / year# after t$e revie& under paragrap$ / 415 of t$i# #u #e!tion, and periodi!ally t$ere" 3 after. 0 5 4d5 C OOR+IN(TION C ITH O THER R ESE(RCH I NITI( " TI>ES .8In a!!ordan!e &it$ t$e re#pon#i ilitie# under #e!" ; tion 111 of t$e Hig$"Aerfor%an!e Co%puting (!t of 1@@1 < 415 *.S.C. 55115, t$e +ire!tor t$e Offi!e of S!ien!e and ? Te!$nology Aoli!y #$all !oordinate, to t$e eFtent pra!" @ ti!a le, )ederal re#ear!$ and develop%ent a!tivitie# under 11 t$i# #e!tion &it$ ot$er ongoing re#ear!$ and develop%ent 11 #e!urity"related initiative#, in!luding re#ear!$ eing !on" 1/ du!ted y8 13 415 t$e National S!ien!e )oundation6 10 4/5 t$e National In#titute of Standard# and 15 Te!$nology6 1; 435 t$e +epart%ent of Ho%eland Se!urity6 1< 405 ot$er )ederal agen!ie#6 1? 455 ot$er )ederal and private re#ear!$ la ora" 1@ torie#, re#ear!$ entitie#, and univer#itie#6 /1 4;5 in#titution# of $ig$er edu!ation6 /1 4<5 relevant nonprofit organiEation#6 and // 4?5 international partner# of t$e *nited State#. /3 4e5 N (TION(- S CIENCE ) O*N+(TION C O2A*TER /0 (N+ N ETCOR3 S EC*RIT. R ESE(RCH G R(NT ( RE(S .8 DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111

/1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 11113 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S135310 1 Se!tion 04a5415 of t$e Cy er Se!urity Re#ear!$ and +evel" / op%ent (!t 415 *.S.C. <0134a54155 i# a%ended8 3 0 415 in #u paragrap$ 4H5, y #tri'ing 99and:: at t$e end6 5 ; 4/5 in #u paragrap$ 4I5, y #tri'ing t$e period at t$e end and in#erting a #e%i!olon6 and < 435 y adding at t$e end t$e follo&ing= ? 994,5 #e!ure funda%ental proto!ol# t$at are @ integral to inter"net&or' !o%%uni!ation# and 11 data eF!$ange6 11 99435 #e!ure #oft&are engineering and #oft" 1/ &are a##uran!e, in!luding8 13 994i5 progra%%ing language# and #y#" 10 te%# t$at in!lude funda%ental #e!urity 15 feature#6 1; 994ii5 porta le or reu#a le !ode t$at re" 1< %ain# #e!ure &$en deployed in variou# en" 1? viron%ent#6 1@ 994iii5 verifi!ation and validation te!$" /1 nologie# to en#ure t$at reGuire%ent# and /1 #pe!ifi!ation# $ave een i%ple%ented6 and // 994iv5 %odel# for !o%pari#on and /3 %etri!# to a##ure t$at reGuired #tandard# /0 $ave een %et6 /5 994-5 $oli#ti! #y#te% #e!urity t$at8 DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 11110 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11

E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S135315 1 994i5 addre##e# t$e uilding of #e!ure / #y#te%# fro% tru#ted and untru#ted !o%" 3 ponent#6 0 994ii5 5 vulnera ilitie#6 proa!tively redu!e# ; 994iii5 addre##e# in#ider t$reat#6 and < 994iv5 #upport# priva!y in !onHun!tion ? &it$ i%proved #e!urity6 @ 99425 %onitoring and dete!tion6 11 994N5 %itigation and rapid re!overy %et$" 11 od#6 1/ 994O5 #e!urity of &irele## net&or'# and %o" 13 ile devi!e#6 and 10 994A5 #e!urity of !loud infra#tru!ture and 15 #ervi!e#.::. 1; 4f5 R ESE(RCH 1< RIT. .8T$e ON THE S CIENCE O) C .7ERSEC* " $ead of ea!$ agen!y and depart%ent identi" 1? fied under #e!tion 1114a5435475 of t$e Hig$"Aerfor%an!e 1@ Co%puting (!t of 1@@1 415 *.S.C. 55114a54354755, /1 t$roug$ eFi#ting progra%# and a!tivitie#, #$all #upport re" /1 #ear!$ t$at &ill lead to t$e develop%ent of a #!ientifi! // foundation for t$e field of !y er#e!urity, in!luding re" /3 #ear!$ t$at in!rea#e# under#tanding of t$e underlying /0 prin!iple# of #e!uring !o%pleF net&or'ed #y#te%#, ena le# DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 11115 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S13531;

1 repeata le eFperi%entation, and !reate# Guantifia le #e!u" / rity %etri!#. 3 SEC. /1/. CO2A*TER (N+ NETCOR3 SEC*RIT. RESE(RCH 0 5 CENTERS. Se!tion 04 5 of t$e Cy er Se!urity Re#ear!$ and +e" ; velop%ent (!t 415 *.S.C. <0134 55 i# a%ended8 < ? 415 y #tri'ing 99t$e !enter:: in paragrap$ 4054+5 and in#erting 99t$e Center::6 and @ 4/5 in paragrap$ 4558 11 4(5 y #tri'ing 99and:: at t$e end of #u " 11 paragrap$ 4C56 1/ 475 y #tri'ing t$e period at t$e end of 13 #u paragrap$ 4+5 and in#erting a #e%i!olon6 10 and 15 4C5 y adding at t$e end t$e follo&ing= 1; 994E5 t$e de%on#trated !apa ility of t$e 1< appli!ant to !ondu!t $ig$ perfor%an!e !o%" 1? putation integral to !o%pleF !o%puter and net" 1@ &or' #e!urity re#ear!$, t$roug$ on"#ite or off" /1 #ite !o%puting6 /1 994)5 t$e appli!ant:# affiliation &it$ private // #e!tor entitie# involved &it$ indu#trial re#ear!$ /3 de#!ri ed in #u #e!tion 4a54156 /0 994G5 t$e !apa ility of t$e appli!ant to !on" /5 du!t re#ear!$ in a #e!ure environ%ent6 DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 1111; )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S13531< 1 994H5 t$e appli!ant:# affiliation &it$ eFi#t" / ing re#ear!$ progra%# of t$e )ederal Govern" 3 %ent6 0 994I5 t$e appli!ant:# eFperien!e %anaging 5 pu li!"private partner#$ip# to tran#ition ne&

; te!$nologie# into a !o%%er!ial #etting or t$e < govern%ent u#er !o%%unity6 and ? 994,5 t$e !apa ility of t$e appli!ant to !on" @ du!t interdi#!iplinary !y er#e!urity re#ear!$, 11 #u!$ a# in la&, e!ono%i!#, or e$avioral 11 #!ien!e#.::. 13 TIT-E III8E+*C(TION (N+ COR3)ORCE +E>E-OA2ENT 10 SEC. 311. C.7ERSEC*RIT. CO2AETITIONS (N+ CH(-" 1/ 15 1; -ENGES. 4a5 I N G ENER(- .8T$e Se!retary of Co%%er!e, +i" 1< re!tor of t$e National S!ien!e )oundation, and Se!retary 1? of Ho%eland Se!urity #$all8 1@ 415 #upport !o%petition# and !$allenge# under /1 #e!tion 115 of t$e (%eri!a CO2AETES Reaut$or" /1 iEation (!t of /111 41/0 Stat. 3@?@5 or any ot$er // provi#ion of la&, a# appropriate8 /3 4(5 to identify, develop, and re!ruit tal" /0 ented individual# to perfor% dutie# relating to /5 t$e #e!urity of infor%ation infra#tru!ture in DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 1111< )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S13531? 1 )ederal, State, and lo!al govern%ent agen!ie#, / and t$e private #e!tor6 or 3 475 to #ti%ulate innovation in a#i! and 0 applied !y er#e!urity re#ear!$, te!$nology devel" 5 op%ent, and prototype de%on#tration t$at $a# ; t$e potential for appli!ation to t$e infor%ation < te!$nology a!tivitie# of t$e )ederal Govern" ? %ent6 and @ 4/5 en#ure t$e effe!tive operation of t$e !o%" 11 petition# and !$allenge# under t$i# #e!tion. 11 4 5 A (RTICIA(TION .8Aarti!ipant# in t$e !o%peti" 1/ tion# and !$allenge# under #u #e!tion 4a5415 %ay in" 13 !lude8 10 415 #tudent# enrolled in grade# @ t$roug$ 1/6 15 4/5 #tudent# enrolled in a po#t#e!ondary pro" 1; gra% of #tudy leading to a a!!alaureate degree at

1< an in#titution of $ig$er edu!ation6 1? 435 #tudent# enrolled in a po#t a!!alaureate 1@ progra% of #tudy at an in#titution of $ig$er edu" /1 !ation6 /1 // 405 in#titution# of $ig$er edu!ation and re" #ear!$ in#titution#6 /3 455 veteran#6 and /0 4;5 ot$er group# or individual# t$at t$e Se!" /5 retary of Co%%er!e, +ire!tor of t$e National DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 1111? )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S13531@ 1 S!ien!e )oundation, and Se!retary of Ho%eland Se" / !urity deter%ine appropriate. 3 4!5 0 ( ))I-I(TION 2ENTS .8Co%petition# (N+ C OOAER(TI>E ( GREE " and !$allenge# under t$i# #e!tion 5 %ay e !arried out t$roug$ affiliation and !ooperative ; agree%ent# &it$8 < 415 )ederal agen!ie#6 ? 4/5 regional, State, or #!$ool progra%# #up" @ porting t$e develop%ent of !y er profe##ional#6 11 435 State, lo!al, and tri al govern%ent#6 or 11 405 ot$er private #e!tor organiEation#. 1/ 4d5 ( RE(S O) S 3I-- .8Co%petition# and !$allenge# 13 under #u #e!tion 4a54154(5 #$all e de#igned to identify, 10 develop, and re!ruit eF!eptional talent relating to8 15 415 et$i!al $a!'ing6 1; 4/5 penetration te#ting6 1< 435 vulnera ility a##e##%ent6 1? 405 !ontinuity of #y#te% operation#6

1@ 455 #e!urity in de#ign6 /1 4;5 !y er foren#i!#6 /1 4<5 offen#ive and defen#ive !y er operation#6 // and /3 4?5 ot$er area# t$e Se!retary of Co%%er!e, +i" /0 re!tor of t$e National S!ien!e )oundation, and Se!" DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 1111@ )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353/1 1 retary of Ho%eland Se!urity !on#ider ne!e##ary to / fulfill t$e !y er#e!urity %i##ion. 3 4e5 T OAICS .8In #ele!ting topi!# for !o%petition# and 0 !$allenge# under #u #e!tion 4a5415, t$e Se!retary of Co%" 5 %er!e, +ire!tor of t$e National S!ien!e )oundation, and ; Se!retary of Ho%eland Se!urity8 < ? 415 #$all !on#ult &idely ot$ &it$in and out#ide t$e )ederal Govern%ent6 and @ 11 4/5 %ay e%panel advi#ory !o%%ittee#. 4f5 I NTERNSHIAS .8T$e +ire!tor of t$e Offi!e of Aer" 11 #onnel 2anage%ent %ay #upport, a# appropriate, intern" 1/ #$ip# or ot$er &or' eFperien!e in t$e )ederal Govern%ent 13 to t$e &inner# of t$e !o%petition# and !$allenge# under 10 t$i# #e!tion. 15 SEC. 31/. )E+ER(- C.7ER SCHO-(RSHIA")OR"SER>ICE 1; 1< AROGR(2. 4a5 I N G ENER(- .8T$e +ire!tor of t$e National 1? S!ien!e )oundation, in !oordination &it$ t$e +ire!tor of 1@ t$e Offi!e of Aer#onnel 2anage%ent and Se!retary of /1 Ho%eland Se!urity, #$all !ontinue a )ederal Cy er S!$ol" /1 ar#$ip"for"Servi!e progra% to re!ruit and train t$e neFt // generation of infor%ation te!$nology profe##ional#, indu#" /3 trial !ontrol #y#te% #e!urity profe##ional#, and #e!urity /0 %anager# to %eet t$e need# of t$e !y er#e!urity %i##ion /5 for )ederal, State, lo!al, and tri al govern%ent#.

DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 111/1 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353/1 1 4 5 A ROGR(2 + ESCRIATION (N+ C O2AONENTS .8 / T$e )ederal Cy er S!$olar#$ip"for"Servi!e progra% 3 #$all8 0 415 provide #!$olar#$ip# to #tudent# &$o are en" 5 rolled in progra%# of #tudy at in#titution# of $ig$er ; edu!ation leading to degree# or #pe!ialiEed progra% < !ertifi!ation# in t$e !y er#e!urity field6 ? 4/5 provide t$e #!$olar#$ip re!ipient# &it$ #u%" @ %er intern#$ip opportunitie# or ot$er %eaningful 11 te%porary appoint%ent# in t$e )ederal infor%ation 11 te!$nology &or'for!e6 and 1/ 435 provide a pro!edure y &$i!$ t$e National 13 S!ien!e )oundation or a )ederal agen!y, !on#i#tent 10 &it$ regulation# of t$e Offi!e of Aer#onnel 2anage" 15 %ent, %ay reGue#t and fund #e!urity !learan!e# for 1; #!$olar#$ip re!ipient#, in!luding providing for !lear" 1< an!e# during intern#$ip# or ot$er te%porary ap" 1? point%ent# and after re!eipt of t$eir degree#. 1@ 4!5 S CHO-(RSHIA ( 2O*NTS .8Ea!$ #!$olar#$ip /1 under #u #e!tion 4 5 #$all e in an a%ount t$at !over# /1 t$e #tudent:# tuition and fee# at t$e in#titution under #u " // #e!tion 4 5415 and provide# t$e #tudent &it$ an additional /3 #tipend. /0 4d5 S CHO-(RSHIA C ON+ITIONS .8Ea!$ #!$olar#$ip /5 re!ipient, a# a !ondition of re!eiving a #!$olar#$ip under DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 111/1 )%t ;;5/

Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353// 1 t$e progra%, #$all enter into an agree%ent under &$i!$ / t$e re!ipient agree# to &or' in t$e !y er#e!urity %i##ion 3 of a )ederal, State, lo!al, or tri al agen!y for a period 0 eGual to t$e lengt$ of t$e #!$olar#$ip follo&ing re!eipt of 5 t$e #tudent:# degree. ; 4e5 H IRING ( *THORIT. .8 < 415 ( AAOINT2ENT ? Not&it$#tanding any provi#ion of !$apter 33 of title @ 5, *nited State# Code, governing appoint%ent# in 11 t$e !o%petitive #ervi!e, an agen!y #$all appoint in 11 t$e eF!epted #ervi!e an individual &$o $a# !o%pleted 1/ t$e a!ade%i! progra% for &$i!$ a #!$olar#$ip &a# 13 a&arded. 10 4/5 N ONCO2AETITI>E CON>ERSION .8EF!ept provided in paragrap$ 405, upon fulfill%ent of t$e 1; #ervi!e ter%, an e%ployee appointed under para" 1< grap$ 415 %ay e !onverted non!o%petitively to 1? ter%, !areer"!onditional or !areer appoint%ent. 435 T I2ING O) CON>ERSION .8(n agen!y %ay /1 non!o%petitively !onvert a ter% e%ployee appointed /1 under paragrap$ 4/5 to a !areer"!onditional or !a" // reer appoint%ent efore t$e ter% appoint%ent eF" /3 pire#. /0 /5 405 ( *THORIT. TO +EC-INE CON>ERSION .8(n agen!y %ay de!line to %a'e t$e non!o%petitive !on" DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 a# 15 1@ IN EJCEATE+ SER>ICE .8 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 111// )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11

E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353/3 1 ver#ion or appoint%ent under paragrap$ 4/5 for / !au#e. 3 4f5 E -IGI7I-IT. .8To e eligi le to re!eive a #!$olar" 0 #$ip under t$i# #e!tion, an individual #$all8 5 ; 415 e a !itiEen or la&ful per%anent re#ident of t$e *nited State#6 < 4/5 de%on#trate a !o%%it%ent to a !areer in ? i%proving t$e #e!urity of infor%ation infra#tru!ture6 @ and 11 435 $ave de%on#trated a $ig$ level of pro" 11 fi!ien!y in %at$e%ati!#, engineering, or !o%puter 1/ #!ien!e#. 13 4g5 R EA(.2ENT .8If a #!$olar#$ip re!ipient doe# not 10 %eet t$e ter%# of t$e progra% under t$i# #e!tion, t$e re" 15 !ipient #$all refund t$e #!$olar#$ip pay%ent# in a!!ord" 1; an!e &it$ rule# e#ta li#$ed y t$e +ire!tor of t$e National 1< S!ien!e )oundation, in !oordination &it$ t$e +ire!tor of 1? t$e Offi!e of Aer#onnel 2anage%ent and Se!retary of 1@ Ho%eland Se!urity. /1 4$5 E >(-*(TION (N+ R EAORT .8T$e +ire!tor of t$e /1 National S!ien!e )oundation #$all evaluate and report pe" // riodi!ally to Congre## on t$e #u!!e## of re!ruiting individ" /3 ual# for #!$olar#$ip# under t$i# #e!tion and on $iring and /0 retaining t$o#e individual# in t$e pu li! #e!tor &or'for!e. DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 111/3 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353/0 1 SEC. 313. ST*+. (N+ (N(-.SIS O) E+*C(TION, (CCRE+I" / T(TION, TR(INING, (N+ CERTI)IC(TION O) 3 IN)OR2(TION 0 7ERSEC*RIT. ARO)ESSION(-S. 5 IN)R(STR*CT*RE (N+ C." 4a5 S T*+. .8T$e +ire!tor of t$e National S!ien!e

; )oundation and t$e Se!retary of Ho%eland Se!urity #$all < underta'e to enter into appropriate arrange%ent# &it$ t$e ? National (!ade%y of S!ien!e# to !ondu!t a !o%pre$en#ive @ #tudy of govern%ent, a!ade%i!, and private"#e!tor edu" 11 !ation, a!!reditation, training, and !ertifi!ation progra%# 11 for t$e develop%ent of profe##ional# in infor%ation infra" 1/ #tru!ture and !y er#e!urity. T$e agree%ent #$all reGuire 13 t$e National (!ade%y of S!ien!e# to !on#ult &it$ #e!tor 10 !oordinating !oun!il# and relevant govern%ental agen!ie#, 15 regulatory entitie#, and nongovern%ental organiEation# in 1; t$e !our#e of t$e #tudy. 1< 4 5 S COAE .8T$e #tudy #$all in!lude8 1? 415 an evaluation of t$e ody of 'no&ledge and 1@ variou# #'ill# t$at #pe!ifi! !ategorie# of profe##ional# /1 in infor%ation infra#tru!ture and !y er#e!urity /1 #$ould po##e## in order to #e!ure infor%ation #y#" // te%#6 /3 4/5 an a##e##%ent of &$et$er eFi#ting govern" /0 %ent, a!ade%i!, and private"#e!tor edu!ation, a!" /5 !reditation, training, and !ertifi!ation progra%# pro" DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 111/0 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353/5 1 vide t$e ody of 'no&ledge and variou# #'ill# de" / #!ri ed in paragrap$ 4156 3 435 an evaluation of8 0 4(5 t$e #tate of !y er#e!urity edu!ation at 5 in#titution# of $ig$er edu!ation in t$e *nited ; State#6 < 475 t$e eFtent of profe##ional develop%ent ? opportunitie# for fa!ulty in !y er#e!urity prin" @ !iple# and pra!ti!e#6 11 4C5 t$e eFtent of t$e partner#$ip# and !ol" 11 la orative !y er#e!urity !urri!ulu% develop%ent 1/ a!tivitie# t$at leverage indu#try and govern%ent 13 need#, re#our!e#, and tool#6 10 4+5 t$e propo#ed

%etri!# a##e## 15 progre## to&ard i%proving !y er#e!urity edu" 1; !ation6 and 1< 4E5 t$e de#!ription# of t$e !ontent of !y" 1? er#e!urity !our#e# in undergraduate !o%puter 1@ #!ien!e !urri!ulu%6 /1 405 an analy#i# of any arrier# to t$e )ederal /1 Govern%ent re!ruiting and $iring !y er#e!urity tal" // ent, in!luding arrier# relating to !o%pen#ation, t$e /3 $iring pro!e##, Ho !la##ifi!ation, and $iring fleFi" /0 ility6 and DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 to /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 111/5 )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353/; 1 455 an analy#i# of t$e #our!e# and availa ility of / !y er#e!urity talent, a !o%pari#on of t$e #'ill# and 3 eFperti#e #oug$t y t$e )ederal Govern%ent and t$e 0 private #e!tor, an eFa%ination of t$e !urrent and fu" 5 ture !apa!ity of *nited State# in#titution# of $ig$er ; edu!ation, in!luding !o%%unity !ollege#, to provide < !urrent ? t$roug$ edu!ation and training a!tivitie#, &it$ t$o#e @ #'ill# #oug$t y t$e )ederal Govern%ent, State and and future !y er#e!urity profe##ional#, 11 lo!al entitie#, and t$e private #e!tor. 11 4!5 R EAORT .8Not later t$an 1 year after t$e date 1/ of ena!t%ent of t$i# (!t, t$e National (!ade%y of 13 S!ien!e# #$all #u %it to t$e Are#ident and Congre## a re" 10 port on t$e re#ult# of t$e #tudy. T$e report #$all in!lude8 15 415 finding# regarding t$e #tate of infor%ation 1; infra#tru!ture and !y er#e!urity edu!ation, a!!redi" 1< tation, training, and !ertifi!ation progra%#, in!lud" 1? ing #pe!ifi! area# of defi!ien!y and de%on#tra le 1@ progre##6 and /1 4/5 re!o%%endation# for furt$er re#ear!$ and /1 t$e i%prove%ent of infor%ation infra#tru!ture and // !y er#e!urity edu!ation, a!!reditation, training, and

/3 !ertifi!ation progra%#. DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 111/; )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353/< 3 TIT-E I>8C.7ERSEC*RIT. (C(RENESS (N+ AREA(RE+" NESS 0 SEC. 011. N(TION(- C.7ERSEC*RIT. (C(RENESS (N+ 1 / 5 ; AREA(RE+NESS C(2A(IGN. 4a5 N (TION(- C .7ERSEC*RIT. ( C(RENESS (N+ < A REA(RE+NESS C (2A(IGN .8T$e +ire!tor of t$e Na" ? tional In#titute of Standard# and Te!$nology 4referred to @ in t$i# #e!tion a# t$e 99+ire!tor::5, in !on#ultation &it$ ap" 11 propriate )ederal agen!ie#, #$all !ontinue to !oordinate a 11 national !y er#e!urity a&arene## and preparedne## !a%" 1/ paign, #u!$ a#8 13 415 a !a%paign to in!rea#e pu li! a&arene## of 10 !y er#e!urity, !y er #afety, and !y er et$i!#, in!lud" 15 ing t$e u#e of t$e Internet, #o!ial %edia, entertain" 1; %ent, and ot$er %edia to rea!$ t$e pu li!6 1< 4/5 a !a%paign to in!rea#e t$e under#tanding 1? of State and lo!al govern%ent# and private #e!tor 1@ entitie# of8 /1 4(5 t$e enefit# of en#uring effe!tive ri#' /1 %anage%ent of t$e infor%ation infra#tru!ture // ver#u# t$e !o#t# of failure to do #o6 and /3 475 t$e %et$od# to %itigate and re%ediate /0 vulnera ilitie#6 DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 111/<

)%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353/? 1 435 #upport for for%al !y er#e!urity edu!ation / progra%# at all edu!ation level# to prepare #'illed 3 !y er#e!urity and !o%puter #!ien!e &or'er# for t$e 0 private #e!tor and )ederal, State, and lo!al govern" 5 %ent6 and ; 405 initiative# to evaluate and fore!a#t future < !y er#e!urity &or'for!e need# of t$e )ederal govern" ? %ent and develop #trategie# for re!ruit%ent, train" @ ing, and retention. 11 4 5 C ONSI+ER(TIONS .8In !arrying out t$e aut$ority 11 de#!ri ed in #u #e!tion 4a5, t$e +ire!tor, in !on#ultation 1/ &it$ appropriate )ederal agen!ie#, #$all leverage eFi#ting 13 progra%# de#igned to infor% t$e pu li! of #afety and #e!u" 10 rity of produ!t# or #ervi!e#, in!luding #elf"!ertifi!ation# 15 and independently verified a##e##%ent# regarding t$e 1; Guantifi!ation and valuation of infor%ation #e!urity ri#'. 1< 4!5 S TR(TEGIC A -(N .8T$e +ire!tor, in !ooperation 1? &it$ relevant )ederal agen!ie# and ot$er #ta'e$older#, 1@ #$all uild upon progra%# and plan# in effe!t a# of t$e /1 date of ena!t%ent of t$i# (!t to develop and i%ple%ent /1 a #trategi! plan to guide )ederal progra%# and a!tivitie# // in #upport of t$e national !y er#e!urity a&arene## and /3 preparedne## !a%paign under #u #e!tion 4a5. /0 4d5 R EAORT .8Not later t$an 1 year after t$e date /5 of ena!t%ent of t$i# (!t, and every 5 year# t$ereafter, DS 1353 IS >er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 111/? )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;/11 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353/@ 1 t$e +ire!tor #$all tran#%it t$e #trategi! plan under #u " / #e!tion 4!5 to t$e Co%%ittee on Co%%er!e, S!ien!e, and 3 Tran#portation of t$e Senate and t$e Co%%ittee on 0 S!ien!e, Spa!e, and Te!$nology of t$e Hou#e of Rep" 5 re#entative#. K DS 1353 IS

>er+ate 2ar 15 /111 /1=1? ,ul /;, /113 ,'t 1/@/11 AO 11111 )r% 111/@ )%t ;;5/ Sf%t ;311 E=B7I--SBS1353.IS S1353

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