Data Recovery

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Data loss on Mac computers is an issue that plagues consumers across the globe. Through a variety ofdifferent circumstances, users often find themselves subjected to data corruption that makes itimpossible to retrieve information previously stored on the digital drives of the computer system.Fortunately, a wide variety of possibilities exist for recovering this information and restoring harddrives to working condition once more.As not all processes are created equal, certain methods often have more success than other efforts.Understanding the different options available is an important step in the recovery of one's personaldata, as these will allow the field of potential actions to be narrowed down to a precise set of actions.While data recovery is not possible in every situation, it is vital to pursue a diverse set of criteria beforewriting data recovery off entirely.In addition to the data recovery in itself, data loss prevention is an important process that should bethoroughly understood by consumers operating Macintosh systems. This twofold process involves theprotection of data already located on the drive, in addition to creating a backup system that can be usedto restore the system in the event of a catastrophic event and data loss. By understanding the differentramifications of eliminating this backup and data protection, consumers should begin to comprehendthe essential nature of data protection.



Whitepaper “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac”

Regarding the specific protocols, processes, and methods of recovering data from corrupted and damaged Apple computers.

Monday, November 7th, 2011

White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac”


Whitepaper..............................................................................................................................................1 “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac”............................................................................................1 Summary..................................................................................................................................................3 Introduction........................................................................................................................….................4 How Data Loss Occurs............................................................................................................................5 Hard Drive Failure..........................................................................................................................5 Erroneous User Action....................................................................................................................5 Infrastructure and Power Problems.................................................................................................6 Software and Application Conflicts................................................................................................6 Outside Interference........................................................................................................................6 Combined Variables........................................................................................................................7 Preventing Data Loss..............................................................................................................................8 External Drive Backups..................................................................................................................8 External Media Backups.................................................................................................................8 Cloud and Network Services...........................................................................................................9 Data Recovery Processes.......................................................................................................................10 Options for Functioning Drives Entering Data Failure.................................................................10 Options for Deleted Files...............................................................................................................10 Recovering Data from a Dead Drive..............................................................................................11 Do-It-Yourself Recovery Options.......................................................................................11 Professional Recovery Options...........................................................................................12 Conclusions...........................................................................................................................................14 About

White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac”


Data loss on Mac computers is an issue that plagues consumers across the globe. Through a variety of different circumstances, users often find themselves subjected to data corruption that makes it impossible to retrieve information previously stored on the digital drives of the computer system. Fortunately, a wide variety of possibilities exist for recovering this information and restoring hard drives to working condition once more. As not all processes are created equal, certain methods often have more success than other efforts. Understanding the different options available is an important step in the recovery of one's personal data, as these will allow the field of potential actions to be narrowed down to a precise set of actions. While data recovery is not possible in every situation, it is vital to pursue a diverse set of criteria before writing data recovery off entirely. In addition to the data recovery in itself, data loss prevention is an important process that should be thoroughly understood by consumers operating Macintosh systems. This twofold process involves the protection of data already located on the drive, in addition to creating a backup system that can be used to restore the system in the event of a catastrophic event and data loss. By understanding the different ramifications of eliminating this backup and data protection, consumers should begin to comprehend the essential nature of data protection.

White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac”


Data loss presents a unique set of challenges for computer users across the globe. From the initial stages of data corruption to total and complete loss of all information included on a computer, this problem is not only cumbersome and difficult to deal with, but it can also cause catastrophic consequences in terms of financial and personal losses. Many of those who have experienced hard drive corruption or destruction firsthand can attest to the devastation of losing all of the documents, photos, videos, and other files that were located on their machine. In order to fully comprehend how to recover lost information, it is important to understand the different facets of data loss. As data can be removed in several ways, the recovery process varies greatly based on how the affected information was lost in the first place. By examining data loss, consumers can equip themselves with the knowledge needed to attack this issue at the very heart of the matter. Once the cause of the loss has been pinpointed, a computer user will need to begin applying recovery tools to work to restore any data that can be recovered. While this is not possible in all instances, the root cause of the loss will allow the recovery to proceed in a logical manner, in order to most effectively treat the problem at hand. This greatly increases the user's chances of full and complete data restoration.

White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac”


How Data Loss Occurs
Data loss can occur in many different ways on a computer system. By exploring the different areas in greater detail, it is possible to draw many conclusions regarding keeping one's system safe and avoiding recovery efforts in the future. Furthermore, as there are so many different ways in which data can be damaged, it is important to understand that the prevention of one form of data loss is not enough to guarantee its protection across the board. Hard Drive Failure Hard drive failure is arguably one of the most prevalent forms of data loss. Hard drive failure can occur in several different ways, but it also happens to be one of the most dangerous forms of data loss. If a drive has failed entirely, it may not be possible to retrieve information previously stored on the device. Physical hard drive damage is one form of loss that affects many Mac owners. Physical hard drive damage can occur if the drive has been dropped or subject to blunt physical force. If the drive is beyond readable condition, recovery is likely a lost cause. A hard drive can also fail because of mechanical or electronic issues. As a drive becomes older, the parts inside it often become worn down from repeated usage. As there is no way to prevent simple wear and tear from occurring over the normal lifespan of the product, it is essential that computer owners protect themselves from this phenomenon. Electronic issues most often occur due to firmware issues. Firmware is information released from the hard drive developer, which is intended to cause the drive to function more appropriately. Unfortunately, in some instances corrupt firmware can cause the hard drive to fail entirely. Consumers must always utilize the utmost caution when updating a drive's firmware. In addition to drive failure, firmware updates occasionally wipe drives clean of all data. Erroneous User Action Erroneous user action is another leading cause of data loss. This most often occurs when a file is accidentally deleted from a Mac. While this is a common issue for many Mac owners, it also happens to be one of easiest issues to fix. The complex read and write procedures of a hard drive often work in a computer owner's favor when attempting to recover data. When information is written to a drive, there are several different levels of information stored on the device. Professional computer experts and government teams often peruse this information when examining the hard drives of criminals and suspects in legal cases. This is because the simple deletion of a file is not enough to remove all traces of the file. Instead, the drive has to be written several times for a complete erase to occur, with the previous data being replaced with new information. For this reason, data that has been damaged by users who mistook a file for another is often easy to recover. It is important for the drive to be stopped as soon as the action has occurred, in order to prevent any rewriting to occur over the data that is still located on the hard drive. This means the computer should not be used until complete data recovery efforts have had the opportunity to begin. Not only will this increase the chances of a successful and complete data recovery, but it will prevent White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac” 5

any further losses from occurring on the machine. Infrastructure and Power Problems Infrastructure issues and power problems are another source of data loss. These issues most often occur when a computer is in use and the power source is suddenly cut. This can cause incomplete data to be recorded to the machine, along with the creation of errors that will continually present themselves when the computer is rebooted. In these instances, data recovery often focuses on both the complete restoration of data that may have been lost on the system, along with restoration of the important information that allows the computer to run effectively. Software and Application Conflicts Software conflicts can present a wide variety of different issues for the data on a machine. When a new program is installed on a Mac, it may request certain read and write permissions. If the application interferes with the actions of another program, the computer may have difficulty sorting out the issue. In many instances, data rewriting and corruption can occur. Before installing any software on a computer, there are several different steps that can be taken to maximize the possibilities of integration and compatibility with existing software on the Mac. By taking some time to investigate the application and its development team, a computer user can save hours of frustration in the future. Furthermore, should a catastrophic problem like data loss be prevented, the financial savings will no doubt prove substantial. The first step in verifying a piece of software is to pay attention to the team responsible for the development of the product. Legitimate products will make this information evident on the download page, but some freeware products may be more difficult to identify immediately. At any rate, it remains essential to determine who is responsible for the product. Beyond simple identification, the product should be thoroughly vetted before being installed on the system. This includes conducting Internet research to determine whether other issues have signaled that the application in question has caused problems for their computer. If any potential concerns are presented, the computer user should reflect upon the severity of the claims and determine whether the risk of installing the software program is worth the potential damages it could cause. While ample research is a great way to make certain that any potential problems have been avoided, these methods are not guarantees that an application is safe for installation. It is certain that they will weed out programs that would best not be installed on the machine, but plenty of other software options may not be explained in great detail online, which means the computer user will install the product at his own risk. Furthermore, even legitimate programs can cause data errors and compatibility issues, which means potential issues are not solely limited to software that has been developed with a malicious purpose in mind. Outside Interference Beyond the assorted problems that often present themselves on a healthy machine, a Mac that has become infected with a virus or malicious coding will often demonstrates signs of data loss. This occurs because many viruses and worms attempt to destroy precious data. If the machine is not already protected by some sort of antivirus program, these attempts are often much worse than those seen in protected machines. White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac” 6

Most computer experts recommend that a computer be protected with a suitable antivirus program before the machine is ever given access to the Internet. This dramatically reduces the potential amount of interference that could be caused by outside individuals. In addition to data corruption and loss, viruses and worms can also cause issues like identity theft for computer users. While antivirus protection is a necessity for machines that regularly access online content, it is also becoming increasingly vital for computers used without an Internet connection. Many worms can be passed from computer to computer without anything ever being transmitted over the Internet. For example, if corrupted files are shared with a Mac from a flash drive or USB stick, the virus is given free entry without being transported over a traditional connection. Many consumers are unaware of the dangers that files from other individuals can present for their machines. In many instances, the other computer owner has no knowledge that his or her system has a malicious virus in operation. When a file is shared with another system, that virus is passed along to the next user, much like a contagious illness infects human hosts. This process further solidifies that need for antivirus protection. A reputable antivirus protection program will be able to scan any files that the system owner is attempting to open and execute, including those located on external media. This scan will recognize any files that have been corrupted, preventing them from being opened on the machine and keeping associated issues from affecting the Mac. Combined Variables In spite of a Mac user's best intentions and attempts to prevent data loss from ever occurring, this issue routinely affects machines across the globe. In some instances, it may not be possible to pinpoint one single issue that has caused the machine to stumble. Instead, a combination of variables can easily cause a variety of different issues that lead to data loss. In many cases, combined variables cause older machines to begin experiencing severe issues. When this is the case, physical damage or wear and tear on a drive, combined with attacks from on of the above outlined threats, proves to be too much for the machine's infrastructure. This will cause the drive to stop functioning, placing all of the data stored on it in peril.

White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac”


Preventing Data Loss
Data loss often has devastating consequences for the individuals and businesses it attacks. Not only is there often a significant cost involved in recovering the information and data that has been lost, but the down time can often times prove nearly catastrophic for those who work on tight deadlines. In the best case scenario, the person affected often suffers severe financial consequences because of the problem. Unfortunately, in many other situations, data recovery is simply not possible. If a drive is damaged beyond repair, the Mac owner has no choice but to start from scratch. Sometimes the information contained on the drive is found nowhere else, meaning the computer user could potentially find himself in an incredibly difficult situation. While there is no surefire way to make certain data loss never occurs, there are several different steps that can be taken to make certain that data is preserved whenever possible. Most prevention is actually simply the creation of backup data that can be used in the event of an emergency. There are several different systems in place that allow Mac users to effectively manage the data on their machines, but the following methods are some of the most practical and commonplace. External Drive Backups External drive backups are popular for individuals who have massive amounts of information on their machine that they cannot afford to lose. Some Mac users choose to backup the drive on their own, manually copying important files and information to the external drive. This allows the information to be safeguarded in an outside location, making for a perfect backup source should something go wrong. Mac also provides several different tools that make the entire backup process much easier to handle. Time Machine is the most notable of these tools. This helpful application will run in the background on your machine, creating a backup of valuable information in a specified place. As new information is written to this location, it is prioritized as the latest data from the system. This means that in the event of a failure, Time Machine would recognize those records as the latest information available from the system and write those back to the machine. External Media Backups An external media backup is not recommended for most computer users, simply because rewritable media do not generally contain enough space to work as a legitimate backup of the Mac in question. Nevertheless, some computer users opt to use media such as DVDs, CDs, and media sticks to record information from their Mac. While this does not accurately capture the state of the entire machine, it can serve to safeguard carefully selected information in the event of a drive failure. The very nature of an external media backup mandates that the process be managed by the Mac user. As there is rarely enough space to backup the system as a whole, the computer user will instead navigate the different areas of his machine and select those that should be protected on external media. If the product being used is a media stick or storage device, copied files will simply be dragged to the new location using Finder. For more complicated media options, such as DVDs and CDs, it may be necessary to create a burn folder that can be used for storing information about the data to be written. Furthermore, some users choose to utilize applications that are built specifically with the intention of writing external media. White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac” 8

Cloud and Network Services Cloud and network services provide an alternative to traditional media and external drives for Mac users looking to back up their systems. Many large networks already provide such services to their clients, though home users and small businesses may not be privy to backup options. This is an alternative that may be worth pursuing if the computer owner possesses a relatively high speed Internet connection. A network backup service works in the background, much like Time Machine on an external drive. Depending on the precise options that have been specified, a network backup service will work to make an external copy of all information on a Mac at set intervals. This information is copied to a digital location that can be accessed from any computer in the future. Many consumers opt to protect their data in this way as it is a safe alternative to external drives and media that could potentially be damaged. Cloud services have recently become a popular catchphrase in the media, though the services they provide are much the same as the network backup options available. Essentially, information from a computer is copied to a digital location and made available for redownload at the user's whim. Though Apple itself currently offers some Cloud-based services, entire computer backup is not presently something available. Computer users looking to begin utilizing a cloud or network service have several options available at their disposition. Many companies now offer such services for a monthly fee, with different plans available dependent on how much information needs to be transferred on a regular basis. Consumers who don't want to spend large amounts of time trying to manage their backup on their own often opt for these services because they eliminate some of the time intensive tasks associated with more traditional backup methods. Many web hosts are now offering this service as an add-on to traditional hosting. If a computer user already has a contract with a web host, it may be worth examining the products and services provided. For a small additional fee, it may be possible to secure backup services. Whenever selection a third-party backup company, it is essential to make certain that the company is a reputable provider of such services. A variety of different organizations providing these services proliferate online, but not all companies are created equal. Pay close attention to the technologies and safeguards in place, because just like consumers, companies are often faced with data loss of their own. If all of one's files have been stored on a server that suddenly crashes, there is often no recourse for recovering that data once and for all.

White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac”


Data Recovery Processes
Once data loss has occurred, there is no turning back. Instead of trying to treat any of the potential causes that may have brought the Mac to this point, it is time to focus on treating the results of data loss. For some users, this may simply mean placing safeguards in place to prevent further losses from occurring, while others may need to work at recovering all of the information once held on their Mac. Options for Functioning Drives Entering Data Failure In some instances, the hard drive may still be functioning when data loss or the potential becomes evident. When this happens, it is important to run a hard drive utility program as soon as possible. This will minimize the potential for massive data loss. Signs that a system needs to have its hard drive protected include error message received during the boot process and longer booting times than normal. If the machine seems to be running slowly or presenting a variety of error messages when carrying out normal tasks, this could also signal potential issues. Fortunately, a functioning drive carries the greatest potential for data recovery. Disk Utility is one of the easiest tools to use if hard drive problems present themselves. It can either be accessed by using the command lines diskutil or hdiutil, or instead by navigating to the Utilities folder in Finder. This tool provides a wide variety of different functionalities that can help save a failing machine from data loss. Some of the available options include the verification and reparation of the disk's integrity and reparation of corrupted images or permissions. Perhaps one of the most useful functions of Disk Utility is the ability to check the overall health of a Mac's drive. When selected from the list, any important information regarding the state of the drive will be displayed. In the event that a hardware issue is present and the drive cannot be repaired, Disk Utility will make this evident. This provides the user with the time needed to back up any information on the computer. Some functioning drives may not be able to boot normally, but will still boot if configured appropriately. In these instances, the user is presented with an error message whenever trying to boot, but bypasses the error by forcing the computer into a safe boot. Once this has been achieved, the disk recovery and loss prevention processes can begin. If the safe boot is enacted, it will automatically check and repair any issues that may be present. It is worth noting that this is only an option for machines running Mac OS X 10.2 and later. Options for Deleted Files If a file was accidentally deleted from the system, there are several relatively easy to use tools that can be used to restore the file to the system as quickly as possible. These tools vary greatly in price and functionality, so it is important to research all available options before installing them. As such options include the download and installation of external software, they are not viable alternatives for machines that are entering failure mode, for obvious reasons. As previously explained, a file removed from a Mac does not necessarily mean that it is gone forever. Instead, hard drives are created to write and rewrite data whenever certain processes are presented. If a file has been accidentally removed, the chances of its eventual recovery are greatly enhanced if a White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac” 10

recovery agent is immediately put into motion. Such tools will search the machine for recently deleted files and recover the files if still present. In addition to scanning the system and attempting the recovery of any files that were recently located on the machine, these recovery programs often offer alternatives for backing up files on the machine. For this reason, some consumers choose to purchase them before they ever experience issues with any of the files on their system. In this way, the twofold purpose of the application is able to be utilized. Recovering Data from a Dead Drive If the hard drive has died completely, the computer will not be booting whenever the user tries to launch a new session. This is the most dire data loss situation, as it means that whatever the cause of the drive failure may have been, it finally won the war against the hardware of the machine. While recovery in this stage is admittedly more difficult than machines that may be in earlier stages of drive failure, it is not impossible to recover data that may have been lost. The first step in this process is to make certain that hard drive failure is in fact the problem, and the machine is not instead dealing with another hardware related process. In a traditional PC, this involves the removal of the hard drive and its subsequent installation in another machine. With a Mac, this process is radically simplified. Armed with a functional Mac computer and a FireWire cable, the machine that isn't presently functioning can be “target” booted. As the computer is turned on, the “T” key should be held down to force the target boot. In the event that another issue is present but the hard drive of the machine is intact, the drive and a list of all of the data stored should appear on the screen of the working computer. Determining the exact issue with the hardware can in turn be entrusted to a reputable Mac expert. Should no information be brought up when the machine is target booted, hard drive failure is the likely explanation. Now is the moment that many computer users must determine whether or not to proceed with data recovery. While recovery in itself is successful in some instances, it can easily cost several hundred to thousands of dollars for the data to be removed from the damaged drive. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the process will be successful. Do-It-Yourself Recovery Options As data recovery and hard drive repair so often proves to be an expensive process, many computer users first attempt to tackle their data issues on their own. There are many different tools and resources available that make data recovery procedures accessible to those who may not possess advanced computer knowledge. While these tools can certainly save the user money and in many instances can be valuable, they should be used with caution, as further damage to the hard drive could potentially occur if the processes aren't followed in the appropriate manner. Firstly, it is important to make certain that the hard drive failure is logical in nature. In fact, there are two different forms of total drive failure: logical and mechanical. A logical failure means that the hard drive has failed due to a formatting error or corruption. Mechanical failures are instead related to the physical state of the drive itself. Logical failures are the only drive issues that can normally be fixed by the average home user, as a mechanical issues may involve troubleshooting the different pieces and attempting to repair broken bits that may be causing the drive to malfunction. While data may be present on both kinds of damaged drives, a logical failure has the potential for repair solely by software White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac” 11

means, while a mechanical repair is always labor intensive. Identifying the difference between a logical and mechanical failure is relatively simple. A mechanical drive failure will exhibit telltale signs of physical damage. This is generally made evident by a clicking sign that demonstrates that the drive is attempting to run, but something is preventing it from doing so. If this is noticed on any hard drive, it is best to abandon further efforts in order to prevent damage from occurring. If data recovery progression needs to progress, a qualified professional should be contacted. Logical failures can be resolved using one of the many software options available to consumers. Fortunately for the computer user's pocketbook, many of the companies that produce recovery options offer free diagnosis tools that can determine whether a hard drive may be repaired using the service. Unfortunately, a much wider selection of software exists for PC users, but Mac computer owners will still find adequate software options available to them. It is important to remember that no recovery via data recovery software will ever truly restore the hard drive to its previous state. These programs are designed to harvest information and rewrite it to a new drive as quickly as possible, meaning file names and the hierarchy of information on the machine will be tossed in favor of numeral archiving in most instances. While this can be cumbersome to navigate later, it is always preferential to total data loss. By using an external Mac computer, the software can be run on the damaged drive and any recoverable data saved. Once the recovery process has been completed, all of the recovered information will be viewable on the new drive. This can in turn be used as an external drive and consulted when necessary, or it can be installed as a new drive on the Mac, assuming the original machine and the new drive are compatible devices. Professional Recovery Services A professional recovery service will need to be consulted in some instances of both mechanical and logical drive failure. If a logical failure is causing issues to be made evident on a device, software solutions should be pursued, but they are guaranteed fixes. Particularly cumbersome issues may require the use of a professional program to resolve the issue and protect the data. Furthermore, a physically damaged drive will need to be repaired in a computer workshop where professionals have a variety of tools at their disposition that can help to make the drive's eventual repair a possibility. Estimating the financial cost of such endeavors is difficult to do, simply because different organizations charge varying rates for such recovery options. At any rate, it is rarely a cheap process. For this reason, some consumers simply opt to take their losses and proceed with building a new machine. If recovery services are to be followed, there are many different avenues to pursue. Apple itself offers a variety of drive recovery options. Making an appointment with a Genius is a good way to make an initial assessment of the machine's damages. In addition to allowing the Genius to provide a professional opinion, this initial meeting can help to make a guestimate as towards what the customer might expect to pay over the course of the long haul. Of course, the initial consultation in an Apple Store will take place for free. If the Genius deems the drive to be fixable by the team in the Apple Store, an estimation will be provided for the services and repair can begin immediately. In the event that repairs would exceed the White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac” 12

initial estimation price, the team will contact the computer owner to explain why the price has risen for repair. At that point, the customer can either opt to continue with the repair or abandon the recovery process. In addition to the services provided in store, some Apple customers may have the option of pursuing repairs performed by the team in Cupertino. If the drive has been severely damaged, this may be the only option offered by the Apple Genius. Of course, this service will cost significantly more than hard drive repairs and data recovery procedures that take place in the store. Beyond the data recovery options available directly from Apple, many customers choose to take their business elsewhere. This decision is generally financially motivated, as some organizations may choose to beat any of the estimated repair bills that Apple provides. Many such options exist online, all of which will require the drive to be sent to a warehouse for examination. It is here that the computer expert will provide his estimate for recovery and repair costs. If outside repair is a serious option that the customer is considering, there are several keys that are vital to consider. Firstly, most repair specialists will ask customers to sign a declaration that any potential damages or data losses resulting from the attempt to restore a drive and copy the files enclosed will not be held against the repair specialist. While this is a logical request on behalf of the computer repair expert, it is nevertheless difficult to entrust a repair specialist with the data recovery process if their talents and skills have not been identified. For this reason, it is important to research any firms that are being considered for data recovery. Reputable organizations will likely have a roster of recognizable clients that can help serve as testimony of the work that the company is capable of performing. Of course, resources such as the Better Business Bureau can help provide a clearer image of the overall business history of any organization. Furthermore, customer reviews and satisfaction information available online can fill in the blanks. If an online repair center is not the right solution for a customer, local repair services may instead be a better solution. Instead of sending the damaged drive for inspection, the customer will be able to present the hard drive directly to the repair specialist. Generally this inspection will take place immediately, along with the estimation for repairing the problem. This may be a better option for those wary of sending their precious data to an unknown processing center. Regardless of what option is ultimately decided upon as the best, it is important to determine the cause of action should an estimation prove to be too high. Reputable repair firms will have no problem returning a damaged drive to the owner if an estimation is refused on the grounds of financial reasons, but some companies make take issue with action. Carefully review all of the procedures and protocols of any organization before taking the steps to work with them.

White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac”


Conclusion Data loss can be a major issue that causes enormous problems for both businesses and private consumers alike. Because it is understood that all hard drives will fail at some point in time, the best course of action is to take the necessary steps today to protect volatile data that will likely be disturbed sometime in the future. By resolving the issue before any problems have the opportunity to present themselves, computer users will save frustration and financial problems down the road. Fortunately, a wide assortment of data recovery options means that even for those who did not take the necessary precautions needed to protect their data, information removed from the hard drive is not necessarily gone forever. Whether data was deleted voluntarily, through the use of another program, or due to physical trauma to the drive, the technology available today means there is always some form of recourse. Nevertheless, making certain that precautions for safeguarding data are in place remains the best form of data protection known. While PC users certainly have a wider range of options available to them, Mac computer owners have more and more possibilities available at their fingertips for resolving their data issues once they present themselves. From the tools available directly from Apple, to recovery service placed at their disposition from a variety of different competitors, there are plenty of avenues to exhaust before giving up on data recovery. It is important to understand the financial ramifications of recovery options, however, as repairing a damaged drive is rarely an inexpensive process. A combination of understanding how data gets corrupted or deleted in the first place, combined with an in-depth review of available services for recovering that information is one of the best ways to make certain that precious data is saved for years to come. Whether automatic backups are employed or external drives are used to keep data in several different locations, making the decision to secure information in multiple places could potentially mean the difference between paying large amounts of money to resolve an issue or simply fixing the problem at home. Staying informed on the options available is crucial for computer users, as easier methods tend to prove more popular with those who are reluctant to undertake time intensive proceses.

White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac”


About is a valuable resource for those who have experienced data loss on their machine. Consumers who understand the challenge of recovering data that has been lost on their system will appreciate the wealth of information about available options that can serve as a tool for resolving their issues. Furthermore, guidance and advice from expert professionals in the recovery field ensures that data recovery methods undertaken prove to be the most effective available. Data loss can be a nasty challenge for computer owners to face, as it often times presents many other issues that can plague the user. Fortunately, armed with a resource such as, data loss does not have to feel like a death sentence. Instead, data recovery options are explained in great detail and accompanied by an assortment of different recommendations that make it easy to determine what course of action makes the most sense for any computer system. Regardless of what data issue Mac owners may be facing, the are bound to find the solution for solving their problem at By taking the time needed to invest and research the available options, computer users can find a perfect solution for their computer. Keeping data safeguarded and recovering lost information just got much easier, thanks to this valuable resource available to all Mac users.

White Paper - “Specifications of Data Recovery for Mac”


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