Dear Andrew

Published on March 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 34 | Comments: 0 | Views: 309
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Dear Andrew My name is Peter Chen and although my friends have given me nicknames I don’t really go by a particular one. I am a freshman with the current major of pre-business but I am looking to get into the field of finance. I was originally born in Brooklyn, New York but have lived almost my entire life in North Carolina. I have large aspirations and they come in a variety of different fields. Before committing to come to The University of North Carolina for higher education I originally wanted to go to The University of Tennessee and major in Architecture, however I was unable to attend even after being accepted. What I hope to do with a financial degree is to become an actuary however I also hope to expand beyond that career field and work in field that I may be interested in the future. When I think of my own personal skills in the field of writing and reading, I see myself having an average skill set. When I was younger I was very interested in reading because there were often awards for reading the most. However as I grew up I feel as though my writing and reading skills have only developed marginally, and the only time I truly studied this particular subject was for the SATs. One of the most iconic people throughout history was Martin Luther King Jr. One of his most inspirational quotes is, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” To me this quote is something that shows what someone is made of. The quote urges you to reach outside your comfort zone and instead look towards challenging yourself. We are comfortable doing what we always do and in order to grow as a person we need to put ourselves in different situations. Peter Chen

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