ninder Prep Neu/s
Deserrrber News
llopefully you all hqd a uonderful ThanFsgivirtg and are ready to tttove into Christrrqs! There qre only $ r*eeFs of class this tqonth. hJe uill start leqrning qbout r'rhat qnimals do in the r*intan and then stqrt talFitrg qbout gingerbreqd arrd endirg uith Chnistnas.
UeeF 1
I uill be doihrg qssessments dunirrg the weel( of
fhe l0th.
rrill be qssessirrg the sane slellls fhat I looFed at the beglnnlry of the yeqr. If you have qny concerns please let ne Fnow. I qrr vet'y pleased nifh not only the behqvion of the class, but also the proglqess lrrqde thus far.
Irnportont Dotes
Fnidqy, Decenbel'21 - is tJhite shor*-NTell Day. llave your child corle dressed in
rrhite, share sorrething r*hite, ahd ure vill have a uhite snacF Bs uell!
It is also our Chnistrrqs Panty uith Sift
In oun Litet'qcy/Letten Tirn, I will be
Dec-ernber Sltills
I'londay, December 24 thnough t{ednesday, JanuqlT 2 * There is No School fon Christmas BreqF.
introducirrg the lettens Ss and Ji. These letters conflnue to use the "Hagic C, concept qnd we uill be revlewing all mqgic C letfers the
of class.
lriil resulqe class January S.
on Thrnsday,
This rronth in the mqth Center, students will be continuihg to write nunorqls. l^Ie uill be t'roving on to I arrd I usirrg the chalFboqnds and pnactice pqpers. $it'rilat'ly tle ulll qlso b€ uot'lsihg on connectirg fhese nunel'als fo quantlties. Then ue will hqve q revieu af T4 the Iast ueeF of clqss. This t ronth's charactet' educqtion topic is givirrg. This ts the perfect tirrre of year to give fo others qtd teach the itrrporfance of being
Christrhos Porty
uill be hqviry a Christnqs party on fhe2lsf.
Pleqse brirg in a
t eltrgift wqpped children's thqt ls one of yout'child's fqvorite so ue boolc
can have a
Please ehcolrl'age your child to Feep their booF a surprlse qhd nof tell their classrrates whqt it is - it rrqFes if so rruch nore fun that wqy.