December Newsletter

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December 2013


Greetings from Nizhny Novgorod
Just in case anyone noticed, we missed last month’s newsletter. This was the first time in ten years this has happened, but it was not because we were idle. This was an exceptionally busy month of ministry. In all during the month of November we traveled 750 miles by train, 2550 miles by car and 4650 miles by plane. We preached in 12 cities and at least 15 villages. We taught in 3 Bible schools and 1 missionary training school. At least 40 people made first time decisions to follow Christ, more than 60 re-dedicated their lives to following him, people received emotional healing and some received physical healing. We report these things not to say “look how great we are”, but rather to give an account of our ministry to those who pray for us and who support us as we work here.

We spend most of our time working side by side. We work as a team, not really liking to be separated, but sometimes it is necessary. The month of November was one of those times. We both went to Moscow for 1.5 days at the end of October to meet a fellow pastor from America, Jeff Nash. Michael and Jeff flew on to the city of Tomsk, Siberia and Karen returned to Nizhny Novgorod. The work in Nizhny Novgorod Rehab Ministry - Karen was in Nizhny Novgorod by herself for the entire month of November. Every week she visited the three rehab centers where we regularly minister in the region. She spent hours driving the Russian roads as she went from center to center, teaching and discipling the young men and women in the rehab centers. Several times she was told by the rehabilitants how important it is for her to come and teach them and to model an obedient minister of the Gospel for them. Bible School - Also this month Karen taught at the Cornerstone Church Bible School. This church based Bible School is for those who want more training for ministry as well as those who want to increase their understanding of the Bible and

deepen their relationship with God. Leadership Training Cornerstone church also has regular, weekly training meetings for the leaders of the many church ministries. This month Karen had the privilege to speak into these young leaders lives by addressing characteristics of a godly leader. Preaching - On the 10th of November Karen preached in the two Sunday Services of Cornerstone Church. During the first service while Karen was preaching, the Spirit of God opened the hearts of people in the church and some began to weep. Many people work hard to validate their lives by the things that they do and the ways that they serve becoming spiritually exhausted. It was a message of freedom to be reminded of the grace of God who loves us and approves of us simply because of the work of His son, Jesus. The work in Siberia Michael and Jeff spent nearly a week in the Tomsk region preaching and teaching in local churches, rehab centers and a Bible School. From Tomsk they went on to the city of Novosibirsk where Jeff was one of the invited speakers at the Fall Leadership Conference of the Cornerstone Churches. Jeff then returned


to the United States while Michael stayed in PRAISE HIM WITH US Novosibirsk continuing to minister for another week • for Karen’s safety and the reliability of the car as after the conference. He taught for 3 days at the she drove many miles each week to serve the Missionary Training School, ministered every day at rehab centers while Michael was traveling. The a different rehab center, preached in the Sunday brakes almost went completely out one time about morning church service and then that evening to the 40 miles from the city, but with the manual youth. transmission she was able to get safely back and to a service center.

After a week in Novosibirsk Michael began 5 days of daily travel. His travels took him from Novosibirsk to Yurga, then to Kemerovo, Mariensk, Bogotol, and Nazarovo. In each of these smaller cities Michael spoke in the churches and usually also in their rehabilitation centers. It was an exhausting time, but the spiritual fruit made it worthwhile.

• for Michael’s safety as he was traveling in Siberia • for the open and responsive hearts who responded to the gospel PRAY WITH US • as we seek God’s heart for our future. We believe that God is not leading us away from what we are doing, but may be leading us into new realms (adventures) in ministry

Finally after 5 days of traveling city to city Michael arrived in Achinsk for the last 3 days. This is the home of the mother church of the Fellowship of Cornerstone Churches and it was here that the Cornerstone movement began nearly 16 years ago. Huge “Thank You!” to all who pray for us and financially support our work. We could not be For the final three days Michael taught in the local here without you. Bible School, preached in the three rehab centers and then spoke on Sunday in three church services. The Spirit moved powerfully and people’s lives were touched. As Karen experienced in Nizhny Novgorod, Michael also saw people weep as the Good News of the Gospel was presented. We are looking forward to this holiday break and a time of rest.

A rehab center that is able to take mothers with their children. This is rare and a great need.

Inside one of the very rustic rehab centers

Important Giving Directions! Please make checks to “HOPE CHAPEL” and write “Russia” or “McDonald” in the memo portion. Please mail your check to: HOPE CHAPEL NASHUA, PO Box 1458, NASHUA, NH 03061-1458. Thank you so much for your partnership. Individuals may send support to our home church at the address above. Direct electronic giving link through Foursquare

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