DepEd School Nursing Procedures

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DepEd School Nursing Procedures



DepEd School Nursing Procedures
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Chapter IV (from 1997 DepEd School Health Manual)
The School Health Nursn! "ro!ram
Table of Contents
III. Vision Testing
The holistic approach to strengthen health and nutrition is attained through the Redesigned
Approach in School Health Nursing (RASHN) officially adopted through !CS "e#orandu# No.
$%& series '(('. This is restricted procedure in pro)iding school health nursing ser)ices *ith a
considerable length of ti#e spent for the acti)ities done in a pac+age during the school )isits of
the nurse. The RASHN is based on the philosophy that the acade#ic perfor#ance of the pupils
and the instructional outco#es are deter#ined by the ,uality of health of the school population
and the co##unity *here they co#e fro#.
#eneral $%&ect'e(
-ro)ide ,uality nursing ser)ice and education to de)elop the child physically& #entally& socially
and spiritually healthy to beco#e a producti)e& self.reliant and responsible #e#ber of society.
Specfc $%&ect'es(
etect early signs and sy#pto#s of illness/disabilities and de)iations fro# nor#al0
-ro)ide pre)enti)e and re#edial #easure& for si#ple and co##on ail#ents a#ong the school
Coordinate *ith other health personnel& the translation of scientific +no*ledge to desirable health
-articipate in the disse#ination of health #essages to teachers and pupils0
Create a*areness a#ong school children& personnel and ad#inistrators on the i#portance of
health and safety.
"onitor the i#ple#entation of the standards of school health nursing progra# relati)e to the
school plant0
!stablish/Strengthen lin+ages *ith go)ern#ent and non.go)ern#ent organi1ation for school.
co##unity health *or+0
!ncourage the pro)ision of needed health facilities0
2tili1e tried and tested #edicinal plants for the treat#ent of co##on ail#ents0
-ro)ide opportunities for research and studies on health related concerns.
"olces and #udelnes(
All ne*ly appointed school nurses shall undergo orientation/ in.ser)ice training
The shall conduct the orientation/in.ser)ice training *ith practicu# at the
regional/di)ision le)el in coordination *ith the regional and the di)ision #edical officer fro# one to
t*o *ee+s.
Vacancies for the school nurses shall be i##ediately filled up.
Applicants #ust satisfactorily #eet the re,uire#ents contained in the 3ualification Standards
Regional/i)ision "edical 4fficer/Nurse.In.Charge shall assist the Schools i)ision
Superintendent in the selection of the applicants.
-osition of school nurses *ho are on lea)e *ithout pay shall be filled up as soon as possible until
incu#bent reinstates.
School nurses shall upgrade their professional preparation
They shall be encouraged to ta+e 5raduate Studies in public health/school nursing
education/public ad#inistration and #anage#ent/health education and to attend se#inars&
*or+shops& conferences related to health and nursing.
Regular in.ser)ice training for school nurses shall be pro)ided.
Scholarship grants shall be #ade a)ailable to deser)ing/,ualified school nurses *ho ha)e been
in the ser)ice for t*o years or #ore.
School nurses *ho ha)e teaching load shall be re,uired to ta+e '6 units of education units
School nurses shall participate in health and nutrition acti)ities by7
Training teachers as health guardians as *ell as helping other groups *ith related functions at
different le)el.
5i)ing lectures/health tal+s to different classes at different grade le)els and other audiences
about health/nutrition topics.
Scientifically tried and tested #edicinal plants shall be utili1ed for the treat#ent of co##on
ail#ents. (8ayabas& 8a*ang& 9agundini& Sa#bong& Acepulco& Herba.8uena& A#palaya& Niyog.
Niyogan& Tsaang.5ubat& #angosteen& etc.)
Teachers/pupils/students/ hall be trained in the preparation and utili1ation of tried and tested ':
#edicinal plants.
All di)isions/school shall #aintain functional school clinics.
School nurses shall establish/strengthen coordination *ith go)ern#ent and non.go)ern#ent
agencies for support/resource generation and in)ol)e#ent in school co##unity health acti)ities.
A Nurse.In.Charge shall be designated fro# a#ong the public health nurses in the di)ision. The
selection shall be based on #anage#ent s+ills& *or+ perfor#ance& leadership ,ualities& full
+no*ledge on the health and nutrition progra#s and pro;ects& dedication and co##it#ent.
"onthly statistical reports shall be sub#itted to the Nurse.In.Charge for consolidation.
And shall be sub#itted on the <th *or+ing day of the succeeding #onth to the regional office&
copy furnished the Health and Nutrition Center& !CS Co#ple=& -asig City.
Regional ,uarterly report shall be sub #itted on the ':th of e)ery ,uarter (April& >uly& No)e#ber &
and >anuary) to the Health and Nutrition Center& !CS Co#ple=& -asig City.
-erfor#ance Appraisal Report and Ci)il Ser)ice ?or# @6 of school nurses shall be initialed by the
Nurse.In.Charge and duly signed by the i)ision "edical 4fficer or the Head of the Health and
Nutrition Section.
ata ban+ shall be established in e)ery school clinic to include records of the current health and
nutritional status of the school children& situation on the health care deli)ery& school en)iron#ent&
health facilities& the status of the health education acti)ities& etc. that are properly filed for
planning& research and other purposes.
"edicines and #edical supplies shall be #ade a)ailable.
':A of the ,uarterly cash disburse#ent ceiling (CC) shall be pro)ided for the procure#ent of
#edicine (!CS 4rder No. B( s. '(%6 and !CS "e#o No. $@C& S. '((<).
The Nurse.In.Charge should coordinate *ith the "edical 4fficer in the procure#ent of #edicines
and #edical supplies.
School nurses shall ha'e the follo)n! tar!ets(
School )isits ....................... @.B schools/nurse/#onth.
Health assess#ent/ . . . . .......'::: puplis/nurse/#onth or (:.(6A of e=a#ination pupil/student
Classroo# health tal+ ........... C: lectures/nurse/#onth
4rgani1ation/reorgani1ation... one per school/nurse/ of
Conduct of co##unity ......... one per nurse/#onth asse#blies
School nurses shall be re,uired to report to the di)ision clinic regularly& i.e. *ee+ly or on rotation
basis to prepare reports& attend to the needs of the school personnel and other related acti)ities.
School nurses shall bring their o*n instru#ent *hich could be either be personal or pro)ided by
the i)ision or Regional 4ffice li+e7 sphyg#o#ano#eter& stethoscope& ther#o#eter& etc.
contained in a nurses +it/bag.
'. The school nurse should *ear the prescribed unifor# *ith cap& and *hite shoes *hen in the
di)ision clinic and schools. Dhen on tra)el *hite bla1er& dar+ pants #ay be *orn. 8lac+ attire is
not allo*ed e)en *hen in #ourn. Dearing of slippers/step.ins are strictly prohibited.
Nurses in )ocaatinal/secondary school teaching C classes of health sub;ects shall render B hours
of nursing ser)ice.
?or school nurses teaching #ore than C classes of health sub;ects& they shall be paid honoraria.
Health e=a#inations of 5rade I enrollees shall start during the National School !nroll#ent ay
(NS!) up to Septe#ber $: of e)ery year.
School nurses shall be allo*ed to attend annual congress/con)entions/se#inars/*or+shops
based on #e#orandu# issued for the purpose.
Scope of *or+
The school nurses *ith their e=perience and +no*ledge of the changing gro*th and beha)ioral
patterns of children are in a uni,ue position in the school setting assist the children in ac,uiring
health +no*ledge& in de)eloping attitudes and practices conduci)e to healthful li)ing.
The duties and functions of the School nurse can be *ell stated through the fours co#ponents of
the school health and nutrition progra#.
,- Health and Nutrton Educaton
'. 5i)es health lectures/tal+s to classes or pupils before and after any health acti)ity or procedure
and on different le)els& on different health and nutrition topics.
C. Confers *ith the teachers about the +ind of follo*.up needed by the pupils.
$. e#onstrates to teacher the different screening procedures and their i#plication to the
learning process.
@. Conduct the different screening procedures li+e )ision test& hearing test& height and *eight
#easure#ent& health e=a#ination/assess#ent of pupils.
<. Assist teachers in the selection of appropriate health and nutrition instructional #aterials.
B. Acts as resource person in health classes and other health related acti)ities.
%. Initiates/assists in planning in.ser)ice trainings and se#inars for teachers on current health and
nutrition proble#s.
6. Initiates/conducts training of teachers as school health guardians.
(. Assists the ad#inistrators in pro)iding the school *ith ade,uate health education references
for pupils and teachers.
.- Healthful School /'n!
'. Helps super)ise the #aintenance of safe& healthful and sanitary conditions of the school plant.
C. 9oo+s into the sanitation of the lunch counter& in the selection& preparation and ser)ing of food.
$. !ncourages the pro#otion of *holeso#e interpersonal relationship.
@. Assists the ad#inistrator in the organi1ation of a healthful school day.
<. !ncourages the school ad#inistrator to pro)ide safe and sanitary health facilities.
C- Health and Nutrton Ser'ces
'. Helps organi1e a functional school clinic.
C. Conducts indi)idual health and nutrition assess#ent/e=a#ination.
$. Treats co##on ail#ent identified.
@. -ro)ide health guidance and counseling to pupils found *ith defects.
<. Render first aid treat#ent.
B. 2tili1es tried and tested #edicinal plants.
%. Isolates cases of co##unicable diseases and refers the# to the #edical officer or any health
agencies for proper diagnosis and #anage#ent.
6. Identifies& refers and follo* through e=ceptional and physically handicapped children.
D- School0Communt1 Coordnaton for Health and Nutrton
'. ?ollo*s.up cases of sic+ children& teachers and other school personnel through ho#e/hospital
C. Confers *ith parents/teachers concerning the health status of pupils/students.
$. Initiates/reacti)ates the organi1ation of the health council.
@. Coordinates *ith the co##unity health agencies regarding proper #anage#ent and referrals
and other health and nutrition pro;ects.
<. Coordinates *ith the co##unity health agencies regarding proper #anage#ent and referrals
and other health and nutrition pro;ects.
B. Acts as resource person in health related acti)ities.
%. Conducts asse#blies.
E- $ther 2elated Health and Nutrton ,ct'tes
'. -articipates in #eetings/conferences and other health and nutrition related acti)ities.
C. Initiates pro;ects related to health and nutrition education/ser)ice.
$. Conducts school health and nutrition sur)ey and utili1es results for planning research and other
@. Conducts action research in relation to school health and health education.
<. -articipates in the e)aluation of the school health and nutrition progra#s and pro;ects.
B. Consolidates& prepares and sub#its re,uired pro#ptly and regularly.
%. !stablish health and nutrition data ban+.
Dutes and 3unctons of the D'son Nurse0In0Char!e n ,ddton to ther 2e!ular Dutes
as Nurse-
'. "onitors the *or+ of the school nurses as regards their #onthly and yearly schedule of )isits&
school nursing techni,ues and acco#plish#ents of records and reports.
C. 4rients ne* nurses on the School Health Nursing -rogra# and the redesigned Approach in
School Health Nursing in order to pro)ide co#prehensi)e ,uality nursing care to school
$. -ro)ides regular feedbac+ related to school nursing to the Chief of the Health and Nutrition
@. Initiates/Conducts staff de)elop#ent acti)ities to upgrade the co#petencies of the school
nurses and first aid teachers.
<. -lans and prepares the annual i)ision Action -lan of the School Health Nursing -rogra# in
coordination *ith the Head& Health and Nutrition Section.
B. Assists the Head of the Health and Nutrition Section in the recruit#ent& place#ent and
pro#otion of school nurses and other health *or+ers.
%. "onitors and e)aluates the i#ple#entation of health and nutrition progra#s and pro;ects.
6. -repares drafts of #e#oranda/co##unications to the field.
(. Coordinates/collaborates *ith go)ern#ent and non.go)ern#ent agencies regarding the
i#ple#entation of health and nutrition progra#s and pro;ects.
':. Cooperates *ith other agencies in e#ergency and relief *or+s during epide#ics& disaster
cala#ities and other health.related acti)ities.
''. -repares/consolidates the school nurses health and nutrition acco#plish#ent reports.
'C. Reco##ends #edicines and other #edical supplies for school health nursing ser)ices.
"lan of *or+(
?or effecti)e i#ple#entation of School Health Nursing -rogra#& the school nurse should carefully
plan her *or+.
,- School Vst
5enerally& the school nurse )isits four to si= schools a #onth. The length of the )isit #ay )ary
fro# $ days or #ore depending upon the school population/distance and #eans of transportation.
Re)isits #ay be done after all the schools ha)e been )isited& for follo*.up purposes or as the
need arises and shall be prioriti1ed. Re)isit should not affect the regular schedule for other
schools. The schedule of )isits shall be prepared in ad)ance& and in close coordination *ith other
#e#bers of the school health and nutrition tea#.
.- ,ct'tes
'. School Health and Nutrition Sur)ey. This shall be done initially to pro)ide date for e)aluation
and for planning purposes. The sur)ey shall include a#ong others the current health and
nutritional status of school children& situation on health facilities as *ell as actual status of health
education acti)ities underta+en by the teachers and health personnel. A sur)ey for# is a)ailable
for this purpose. Actual sur)ey should be done during the first )isit of the nurse to the school and
e)ery three years thereafter.
Results of the sur)ey should be discussed *ith other #e#bers of the health tea# in order that
identified health needs #aybe addressed.
C. -utting up of a functional school clinic
R.A. 'C@ #andates that all schools are to pro)ide school clinics for the treat#ent of #inor
ail#ents and e#ergency cases.
$. -upils/Students health and nutrition assess#ent/e=a#ination.
To detect cases of ail#ents and de)iations fro# nor#al a#ong the school children& nurses shall
perfor# health and nutrition assess#ent/e=a#ination. This acti)ity is aligned *ith the e=panded
role of the school nurses.
@. Referral of cases
Cases disco)ered during health and nutrition assess#ent/e=a#ination that need further
#anage#ent shall be referred to appropriate health personnel/agencies. Dhen #edical officers
are not a)ailable& cases #ay be referred to any of the follo*ing7
a. -ublic health agencies
'. "unicipal/pro)incial health officer
C. -ro)incial/co##unity/district hospitals
$. Social *elfare ser)ice
b. -ri)ate entities
'. -ri)ate or fa#ily physicians
C. Ci)ic organi1ation
The school and co##unity should recogni1e the need to pro)ide treat#ent and other social
ser)ices for children *hose parents are financially unable to secure such ser)ices. The teacher
and school nurse *ho notice a pupil *ith any sign of social& e#otional #alad;ust#ent& #ental or
physical diseases/ail#ents should refer hi#/her to #edical officer& )oluntary health or *elfare
<. School -lant Inspection
The school plant shall be inspected in order to pro)ide a healthful en)iron#ent and safety in
schools. Aside fro# the #ini#u# standard for schools in relation& to school site& area& location&
space& school building& sanitation& classroo#s and other roo#s and facilities& schools shall be
inspected for si1e& lighting& )entilation and arrange#ent of seats. -articular attention shall focus
on the pro)ision and #aintenance of toilets& school clinics& *ater supplies& sanitation of school
canteen and safety of foods being ser)ed.
B. Attendance to e#ergency cases
It is incu#bent upon the nurse to attend to e#ergency cases *hile he/she is in school. Ho*e)er&
in his/her absence& the school has the responsibility of attending to e#ergency cases at all ti#es.
The teacher as school health guardian shall assu#e such responsibility.
%. 4rgani1ing/reacti)ating/reorgani1ing School Co##unity Health Council
The school nurse shall initiate/encourage the organi1ation/reacti)ation of School.Co##unity
Health Council& the #e#bership of *hich shall co#e fro# both school and co##unity. A set of
officers shall be elected to #anage the Council. !ach set of officers shall be encouraged to put up
one pro;ect during their ter#. "e#bers of the co##unity should be #oti)ated
to ta+e acti)e participation in the solution of health.related proble#s and
concerns. The school nurse shall conduct asse#blies to interpret the school
health proble#s/progra#s to the co##unity.
6. !stablish data ban+ on school health acti)ities
The follo*ing records and reports shall for# part of the data ban+7
a. aily treat#ent in the school clinic
b. Records of the school )isits (RH2 and school health personnel)
c. Inspection Report of the School Health -ersonnel
d. Health and Nutritional Status of School Children
e. Records of e#ergency cases attended to and referrals #ade
f. In)entory of clinic e,uip#ent and supplies
g. Health education acti)ities in school
h. School health ser)ice records of acco#plish#ents
i. Records of officers/officials of the School.Co##unity Health Council and their
(. Health !ducation Acti)ities
!ach school nurse shall plan a training progra# and conducts conferences/*or+shops on health
and nutrition for the teachers as school health guardians. The school nurse shall ser)e as
resource person on any related acti)ity. She shall prepare health co##unication
#essages/#aterials on the pre)ention and control of co##only found ail#ents a#ong children
*hich shall be co##unicated to the teachers during district/staff #eetings.
Standard School Clnc
The School clinic should be located in a strategic area that is accessible to the school children. It
should be functional& *ell.lighted and properly )entilated. It should ha)e the follo*ing facilities7 an
e=a#ination roo#0 treat#ent roo#& dental treat#ent roo#& drin+ing& hand*ashing and toilet
facilities. There should be a co#fortable *aiting area for the school children to rest as they *ait
for their turns to be treated or attended to. The school clinic should contain the follo*ing basic
e,uip#ent& supplies and #aterials& to *it7
A. !,uip#ent
'. Sphyg#o#ano#eter
C. Stethoscope
$. Deighing Scale
@. Sterili1er/boiler
<. !=a#ination bed $BE F %<E F $:E
B. "edicine/treat#ent cabinet
%. Dater ;ar/;ug
6. ressing cart
(. Clinic furnitures
a. 4ffice/*riting table
b. Stoc+ cabinet
c. Chairs
d. ?ootstool (half #oon shaped) CCE *ide& 'CE long and ''E high
e. Stools for pupils/students patient and nurse first aid teacher
':. Daste cans *ith co)er for solid and li,uid *aste. 9i,uid *astes shall be placed under the
footstool. uring the treat#ent& the co)er shall be re#o)ed.
''. Clinic linens li+e bedsheets& bath to*els& hand/face to*els& pillo* cases& #attress.
8. "achines and 2ses
'. 4phthal#ic 4int#ent !ye infection
C. !ye rops !ye *ash
$. 4tic rops !ar infection
@. Cough syrup/tablets Cough
<. Nasal econgestants Colds
B. Antispas#odics Abdo#inal -ain
%. Antacids Hyperacidity
6. Antidiarrhea/4ral hydration tablet 9oose bo*el #o)e#ent
(. Analgesic /Antipyretic Headache/fe)er
':. Aro#atic Spirit of A#onia ?ainting& di11iness
''. Tincture of Arnica He#ato#a& sprain
'C. Anti.allergy tablets Allergy
'$. Caladryl 9otion/4int#ent 2rticaria& Alleregy
'@. Ap.ap Solution/Salicydic Acid ':A Tinea ?la)a
'<. Dhitfield 4int#ent Ring*or#
'B. Topical 4int#ent Infected Dounds
'%. Antiseptics isinfectant
'6. Ginc 4=ide 4int#ent Scabies
'(. 8en1yl/8en1oate Solution Scabies& pediculosis
C:. Ichthyol of 8elladona 4int#ent Carbuncle& boil
C'. 9ysol ':A/Gephiran '7':&::: ?or disinfecting forceps& other instru#ents
C. Supplies and other e,uip#ent
'. Cotton& cotton balls& cotton pledgets
C. 5au1e bandages
$. -laster/adhesi)e tape
@. 8and.aid strips
<. Soap dish *ith soap
B. "edicine glasses
%. -air of scissors
6. -air of forceps
(. "edicine roppers
':. Applicators& tongue depressors& splints
''. 8asin& round
'C. Hidney basin
'$. rin+ing galsses
'@. Tray
'<. Clinical Ther#o#eter
'B. Ice cap
'%. Hot *ater bag
'6. 8ottles/;ars for cotton balls& cotton pledgets& tablets
'(. !lastic 8andage
The #edicines/#edical supplies in the treat#ent cabinet shall be arranged in the follo*ing
'. ?irst upper shelf I fro# left to right I !ye and ear #edicines& internal #edicines
C. Second #iddle shelf I e=ternal #edicines li+e ap.ap solution& Dhitfield 4int#ent& antiseptics
$. 9o*er shelf
a. >ar for gau1e dressing
b. >ar for cotton balls
c. >ar for cotton pledgets
d. 8ottle of Antiseptics (for *ashing of *ound li+e Hydrogen -ero=ide& 9ysol 'A& others)
e. Adhesi)e tape/plaster
f. -air of scissors
g. Hidney basin
h. A pair of forceps
i. Container for 9ysol Solution ':A or Gephiran solution for disinfecting the forceps in bet*een
treat#ents. Re#o)e and dry the pair of forceps at the end of the day.
The school #edicinal garden should be located near the clinic& as #uch as possible. It #ust ha)e
the ten reco##ended #edicinal plants. -otted #edicinal plants #ay be pro)ided inside the clinic
for aesthetic and #edicinal uses.
HE,/TH ,""2,IS,/ ,CTIVITIES T$ .E "E23$2MED .4 THE SCH$$/ N52SE
I. Health Assess#ent I It is the e=a#ination of the eyes& ears& nose& throat& nec+& #outh& s+in&
!=tre#ities& posture& nutritional status& heart and lungs. It differs fro# health inspection in that it is
#ore co#plete and e=tensi)e.
A. ?re,uency7
'. Health assess#ent should be done once a year. -riority should be gi)en to 5rade I enrollees
on the National School !nroll#ent ay (NS!) *hich falls on the last "onday of >anuary up
to Septe#ber $: of e)ery year. The first year students should li+e*ise be gi)en priority.
C. -upils/students in other grades/year le)els shall be e=a#ined once a year too.
8. Ai#s
'. To disco)er signs of illness& physical or beha)ioral defects or abnor#ality0
C. To chec+ on the habits of pupils on cleanliness0
$. To treat co##on ail#ents needing treat#ent0
@. To help parents deter#ine *ays of correcting defects0
<. To find *ays and #eans of pre)enting the progress of defects and ail#ents *hich cannot be
C. "aterials Needed7
'. A *ell.lighted roo#
C. Tray *ith to*el lining containing tongue depressors& penlight& oral ther#o#eter& alcohol&
stethoscopes etc.
$. Tables and chairs
@. School Health !=a#ination Card
. -rocedure
'. 8efore the e=a#ination is conducted& the nurse should e=plain to the pupils in si#ple ter#s&
the ai#s of the procedure and ho* this *ill benefit the#.
C. !=plain the different steps in the procedure.that the different parts of their body shall be
inspected and e=a#ined for cleanliness and abnor#al conditions.
$. -upils should be assessed one by one& obser)ing their gait& posture& odor& general appearance
and state of health.
@. ?indings should be recorded during the e=a#ination.
<. After the e=a#ination& the nurse should tell the class her general findings li+e.ho* clean and
healthy they are and the pupils can see her in the clinic if necessary.
!. ?ollo*.up0
'. The results of the health assess#ent should be discussed *ith the teacher so that she *ill
understand her pupils better.
C. If necessary& parents should be called for a conference& for proper guidance and ad)ice.
$. Ho#e )isits should be #ade for follo* up cases& if necessary.
@. Referrals should be done for pupils *ho need to be referred.
II. Rapid Classroo# Inspection I It is a fast inspection of the pupils in the classroo# or *hile the
pupils are in their lines outside of the classroo# noting their general cleanliness& signs and
sy#pto#s of illness and treat#ent or corrections #ade.
A. ?re,uency
'. It should be done after a long )acation& bet*een health e=a#ination& or *hen there is an
i#pending or actual epide#ic.
8. Ai#s
'. To detect early signs of sy#pto#s of a disease especially co##unicable diseases.
C. To note corrections and ha)e been #ade.
$. To note the general cleanliness of the pupils.
C. Needed ?acility and "aterial
'. A *ell.lighted place li+e the entrance of a roo#& corridor
C. HNC Re)ised ?or# <6 used during consolidation of health assess#ent.
. -rocedures7
'. Instruct the children to file past the nurse& sho*ing their hands or fingers& or ant part of the
body to loo+ into.
C. If rapid classroo# inspection is done during an epide#ic& special attention should be gi)en to
signs and sy#pto#s peculiar to the disease.
$. Record ne* findings.
!. ?ollo*.up
'. iscuss the findings *ith the classroo# teacher as soon as possible.
C. Any case found *hich re,uires #ore careful inspection should be e=a#ined in the clinic.
III- Vson Testn!
I It concerns *ith the e=a#ination of the )isual acuity of pupils. The appraisal of
Visual is acco#plished through continuous obser)ation by the teacher and screening
e=a#inationsJ of both eyes *hich are necessary for the continual and satisfactory appraisal of the
school children )ision.
A. ?re,uency7
'. Test for )isual acuity should be done once a year& preferably at the beginning of the school
8. Ai#7
'. To test the )isual acuity of the school children.
C. "aterials Needed7
'. SnellenJs Chart
. !. Chart or sy#bol chart
. 9etter chart or literate chart or alphabet chart
C. 8lac+ cardboard / eye co)er
$. 9etter ! sy#bol
@. -ointer or a piece of stic+
<. Ruler
. -rocedure
-reparation for Testing
'. -ost the chart at the eye le)el of the child in a place *ith sufficient space and light *ithout
C. 2sing a ruler& #easure C: feet fro# the chart& at the end of *hich a line shall be dra*n *here
the pupils shall stand during the testing.
$. If the child has eyeglasses& test )ision *ith eyeglasses first& then *ithout glasses.
@. The children should be tested one by one.
Techni,ues of Testing
'. Test the right eye first. Instruct the child to co)er the left eye *ith a cardboard& ta+ing care not
to press the eyeball.
C. Tell the child that as you point to each letter& he #ust sho* you& using his three fingers or letter
! sy#bol the direction of the K!E.
$. -oint to the letters at rando# for each line& starting fro# the top line do*n to the last line. 2se
a pointer& not a pen or pencil.
@. Note the last line in *hich the child can read *ithout error and record the fraction printed at the
end of this line. This is the )isual acuity of the eye.
<. Repeat the sa#e procedure *ith the left eye.
B. If the child cannot see the biggest letter on the chart& record this as Kless than C:/C::E.
%. There #ust be only one reading per eye.
'. Vision testing should only be done during the early part of the schoolyear.
C. It #ay be done inside the classroo#.
$. The sy#bol chart can be used for all grades. The letter chart #ay be used if it is a)ailable in
higher grades.
@. The chart should be re#o)ed *hen not in used so that the children *ill not #e#ori1e the
<. o not allo* the pointer to cast a shado* on the chart.
B. "ore than t*o (C) errors sho* inability to read that line.
%. o not obscure the letter *ith the pointer.
6. ?indings should be recorded i##ediately.
(. The teachers should *atch for the signs of7
a. I#paired )ision
. Holding head in a peculiar position
. Datery eyes
. 9oss of line reading
. Confusion in reading
. Co#plaints of the child li+e headache& di11iness& disco#fort in reading and confusion in
recognition of letters.
b. isease
. Redness
. S*elling
. Scaling
. 9oss of lashes
. ischarge
!. ?ollo*.up
'. Any child *ith a )ision *orse than C:/$: should be gi)en i##ediate attention.
C. Refer to the child physician or hospital for proper diagnosis and #anage#ent.
$. -upils *ith defecti)e )ision should be seated in front.
@. -arents should be infor#ed of the defecti)e )ision of their children.
IV. Height and Deight "easure#ent I It is a procedure of e)aluating the tallness or the shortness
of a pupil. It is the si#plest& easy to acco#plish and acceptable para#etersJ in deter#ining the
nutritional status of any gi)en population.
A. ?re,uency7
'. "easure#ent of height and *eight is done at the beginning and end of the school year.
C. -upils *ho are recipients of participant in any rehabilitati)e supple#entary feeding progra#
should be *eighted e)ery ,uarter.
8. Ai#7
'. The deter#ine the nutritional status of the school children
C. "aterials Needed7
'. Deighing scale& preferable bea# balance
C. Tape #easure
$. Triangular board or chal+ board
@. Re)ised HNC ?or# <6 / School Health !=a#ination Card
<. Thu#b tac+s
. -reparations7
'. Any foot*ear should be re#o)ed& poc+ets e#ptied and #ini#u# clothing be *orn.
C. 2rinary bladder should be e#ptied prior to *eight ta+ing.
$. Deighing should not be done after a full #eal.
@. The height and *eight of the child should be ta+en at the sa#e ti#e and day to pro)ide a
co##on basis for the co#putation of the childJs age.
<. If tape #easure is being used to #easure the height& it should be placed against a flay *all.
B. If the children to be #easured )ary in height& #easure C: centi#eters fro# the floor before
fastening the tape #easure on the *all and add C: centi#eters to the actual reading.
%. Care #ust be ta+en to get an accurate *eight. The bea# #ust not cling to the upper or lo*er
bar& but #ust s*ing freely. Al*ays place the sliding *eight to the 1ero.
6. The *eight #ust be read to the tenth of a +ilo and the height in centi#eter.
!. -rocedures7
"easure#ent in Height
'. Instruct the child to stand erect *ith heels together against the *all& that he straighten his spine
so that his heels& buttoc+s& bac+ and head touches the tape #easure.
C. 8ring the triangular board or chal+ bo= do*n on the childJs head not too tightly and being sure
that it is flat against the *all.
$. Read the height to the nearest :.< centi#eter.
@. Record the *eight.
?. Ho* to co#pute the age of the school child.
'. 9ong "ethod
Age of the child in years and #onths (as of last birthdate)
Co#pute the childJs age to nearest #onth using the for#ula7
. ate *hen #easure#ents *ere ta+en #inus his birthdate. 2se corresponding nu#bers for the
#onths& e.g. ' for >anuary& C for ?ebruary& $ for "arch& etc.
. ?or e=a#ple I >uan a 5rade ' pupil *as born on >anuary $& '(%'.
His height and *eight #easure#ent *ere ta+en on >une C'& '(%%.
?or#ula7 Lear "onth ay
ate *hen #easure#ents
Dere ta+en %% B C'
"inus birthday %' ' :$
>uanJs age is B years :B < '6
And fi)e #onths
isregard the e=tra
Nu#bers of days

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