Detox 1011

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Detox 1011



WHAT HAPPENS TO MY BODY DURING A DETOX? You absorb huge amounts of nutrition as pure micronutrients are introduced to your body during the juice detox. Since it is in liquid form and virtually free of fiber, the micronutrients are quickly processed and absorbed into your system (this is why it is important that during this time, no solid food is consumed). While on detox, the body removes and expels the accumulated toxins that has been stored inside of you. Can you guess where these toxins were stored? Most are stored in fat cells! This is why after a successful detox, the most noticeable side effect is the slimming down of the body. Other toxin prisons in our bodies are the liver and kidneys where alcohol and toxins from substances such as medication are filtered. The detox will give these organs a thorough spring cleaning.

PREPARING FOR A DETOX It is a good idea to plan your detox on a normal or uneventful period. For obvious and practical reasons, avoid periods where you might suddenly be sent on a business trip or where there is a tendency to celebrate or dine out with family and friends. Once you have decided on the date, it is a good idea to let everyone that you interact with on a daily basis know that you are undergoing a juice cleanse. They are more likely to be supportive and refrain from inviting you out for food and drinks. One day prior to your detox, help both your body and mind by eating only light meals such as fruits, vegetables and soup. Try to avoid meat and dairy products, as well as alcohol. Get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before and for the entire duration of the detox because lack of sleep will trigger false hunger.

THE DETOX The detoxification process strictly prohibits solid food intake and drinks with caffeine and alcohol. Detoxify Bar‟s Full Det ox Package includes 5 signature juices of your choice, an organic detox tea and an organic laxative tea which are to be consumed as follows:

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Breakfast = 1 bottle of juice AM Snack = 1 bottle of juice Lunch = 1 bottle of juice + 1 cup organic detox tea PM Snack = 1 bottle of juice Dinner = 1 bottle of juice Bedtime = 1 cup organic laxative tea

You are encouraged to drink lots of water throughout the day. A glass of water should accompany each bottle of juice as well. The juice variant you drink should be dictated by your activity during that time (eg. have a Red Vegan for lunch if you plan on hitting the gym after lunch). Our Detox Consultant will help you decide on the juices suited to your individual need. You can switch juices throughout your detox to break monotony. We are here to support you all throughout! Feel free to contact us for questions and advice. Thank you for choosing Detoxify Bar and for taking the plunge to a healthier you!

POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS Rest assured that there are no harmful side effects to a juice fast. There are a few instances however, wherein people undergoing a detox/cleanse experience what we call a “cleansing crisis” (feeling lightheaded or experience bouts of fatigue). Cleansing crisis is when the body reacts to the sudden release of stored toxins and is actually a sign that the detox is working. This phenomenon usually only occurs to clients with above normal and unusually high toxicity. In fact 90% of our clients report that during the days of the actual detox they gradually became more energetic, focused and that they were actually able to accomplish more at work during this period. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, we recommend that you consult your physician before undergoing a detox.

The After Cleanse Your New, Healthier Life, Post-Detox
Congratulations! You‟ve successfully undergone a detox. Your body now feels 100% of the benefits that comes from juice fastin g. On the outside: your skin looks radiant and your cheeks have that healthy flush that no cosmetic blusher can imitate and you‟ve lost a few pounds and inches from your body. What‟s more important is the positive change on the inside: your blood is cleansed, your stomach and c olon lining is cleansed and your liver and kidneys have been purged of harmful toxins. It‟s like you‟ve given your engine a complete overhaul and your now raring to join the Indie-something or the Formula-so-and-so (this is what I get for using macho metaphors). Bottomline is, you‟ve rebooted your body and its never felt this great! Your first thought is, “wow cleansing and flushing the body of toxins makes me this fabulous… I never wanna get a single ounce of toxin in me again, ever!” And this would be great… in a perfect world, but unfortunately in this one that we inhabit that‟s just not possible. We have to face the fact that everyday life, even merely breathing will reintroduce toxins to our body, the trick is, to lessen this as much as possible. Detoxifying has given us a clean slate and a healthy lifestyle will sustain this cleanliness. Sounds good and easy huh? But if you‟re like me, that could be easier said than done! Who are we kidding? Temptation is everywhere! That‟s why I recommend a more realisti c approach to a healthier lifestyle, let‟s stop kidding ourselves with hard and fast rules, because the stricter they are, the more likely a self-respecting fairly attractive mom like me will break them. I‟ve discovered that the key to a healthier lifestyle is common sense, yes literally. And here they are:

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Try your best to go Organic. I know its costly, but believe me it‟s worth it! It‟s hard to go all-organic all the time, but hey remember if it‟s not organic, you‟re eating pesticides Cut down on salt. It raises blood pressure, and my gosh it causes bloating and water retention (we all know we can do without that ladies Eat small frequent meals ideally every three hours to keep your metabolism at its peak. (an apple, organic peanut butter and jelly sandwich and even unsalted nuts are great) carry around little zip-lock baggies of snacks in your bag and set alarm intervals on your phone to remind you every 3 hours Minimize your consumption of white carbs (rice, white bread and most pasta) I know this is difficult especially for us Asians so if you must, go for brown carbs like brown and red rice, wheat bread and pasta Consume lots of quality protein. Chicken, fish and beef. Always go for the lean cuts and trim of any visible fat (no-brainer) Eat lots of vegetables. (if you‟ve just successfully undergone a d etox, then you know that veggies are your best friend!) get some exercise. If you‟re not the gym type, get your workout by using the stairs, parking in the farthest slot, or volunte er to wash all the cars in your neighborhood, just get moving! Your body will thank you for it.

It‟s not easy maintaining this new healthy lifestyle but we are here for you. That‟s why aside from providing you detox juices, we‟ve opened up our kitchen to you for organic and healthy meals that aid and compliment healthy living. I‟m not claiming to be a holier-than-thou health expert, „coz hey, I‟m human, I sometimes sneak in a burger or two, or three…. but the point is, you‟ve got to make a conscious effort to change for the better. Day by day it gets easier until living healthy becomes second nature. If you have kids, think of it as showing them by example how to live better. If you don‟t, well then think of that hottie that inspires you to have kids (haha). But better yet, think of yourself, after feeling this great about your body, do you wanna go back to what it was before? I didn‟t think so.

Green Vegan Detox

Ultimate Cleanse Our powerhouse blend of nature's most potent cleansing and detoxifying juices, designed to quickly, safely and effectively purge the body of the harmful deteriorant toxins that have dulled the senses and hindered proper vitamin and nutrient absorption. This drink is so densely loaded with vitamins and micro-nutrients per ounce that a glass of Green Vegan is equivalent in nutritional value to an average person's vegetable consumption for a week effectively restoring your body's pH balance to a healthy alkaline state. Recondition the system with the elixir we like to think of as mother earth's magnum opus.

Ingredients Apple - High source of quercetin which combats stress and fatigue. Cucumber - Ultimate hydration with high silicon and sulfur content promotes healthy skin and hair and joints. Romaine Lettuce - Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene and vitamin C that prevents oxidation of cholesterol. Broccoli - Contains some of the strongest natural anti-oxidants that help maintain blood pressure levels. Celery - A great anti-inflammatory agent used for centuries to treat bladder and fungal infections. Moringa - High concentration of vitamin A, C and potassium. Effective in balancing sugar levels. Lemon - Rich in flavonoids and naturally helps in dissolving gallstones, calcium deposits, intestinal worms and kidney stones.

Red Vegan Detox

Stimulate & Energize Reawaken the body and realize its fullest potential by maximizing the conversion of nutrient intake to kinetic energy. Designed for athletes and those with an active lifestyle or for anybody who needs an extra boost in stamina and vigor during their detox. Unlike caffeine or artificial stimulants that give short spurts of, the Red Vegan provides you with a steady and sustained higher energy level that fuels you throughout the day. Power and robust vitality the all-natural way.

Ingredients Apple - High source of quercetin which combats stress and fatigue. Carrot - Anti-aging juice efficient in liver cleansing as well as immune system boosting and vision clarity. Lemon - Rich in flavonoids and naturally helps in dissolving gallstones, calcium deposits, intestinal worms and kidney stones. Beet - Great source of energy with betalain anti-oxidants known to promote detoxification at cellular levels. Cucumber - Ultimate hydration with high silicon and sulfur content promotes healthy skin and hair and joints.

Minty Berry Detox

Focus & Harmonize Relieve stress and find your equilibrium with this delicious juice concoction thats arguably the best tasting drink in town. Berries are rich in anti-oxidants that fight harmful free radicals and has long been regarded as skin food is also believed to aid in concentration and effect a sharper focus and clarity of mind. Erase and rewind all the harsh effects of stress and environment, the Minty Berry Detox may very well be a virtual drink from the fountain of youth.

Ingredients Apple - High source of quercetin which combats stress and fatigue. Berries - A nutritional powerhouse that sharpens memory and is believed to lessen the risk of brain degenerative diseases such as Alzhe imer‟s and Parkinson‟s. Mint Leaf - a powerful antioxidant used to cool and soothe the digestive tract as well as providing relief of respiratory congestion by opening up the nose, throat, and lungs. Lemon - Rich in flavonoids and naturally helps in dissolving gallstones, calcium deposits, intestinal worms and kidney stones.

Lemon Detox

Purify and Neutralize Rejuvinate your system with this refreshing citrus blend that thoroughly cleanses your body while naturally bosting your immune system while the cayenne pepper significantly boosts your metabolism. Citrus fruits have been regarded for centuries as strong anti-viral immuno-boosters and has since been the basis for many vitamin supplements. We have harnessed the power of citron in Yellow Detox to bring you cleansing in its simplest and most natural form. This light drink is a favorite and often serves as a springboard to detoxifying.

Ingredients Lemon - Rich in flavonoids and naturally helps in dissolving gallstones, calcium deposits, intestinal worms and kidney stones. Maple Syrup Cayenne Pepper -

Browse through our all star cast and get reacquainted with the individual benefits of each vegetable and fruit.

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Add these veggies as boosters to perk up your detox juice of choice Select a base juice and one or more boosters to complete your signature drink

Carrots Anti-aging juice regarded as one of the most efficient in liver cleansing as well as immune system boosting and vision clarity. Celery A great anti-inflammatory agent used for centuries to treat bladder and fungal infections. This can help to ease rheumatic and arthritic pain as well as many other inflammatory problems in the body.

Moringa High concentration of vitamin A, C and potassium. Effective in balancing sugar levels. Dramatically increases both the quantity and quality of breastmilk. Broccoli Contains some of the strongest natural anti-oxidants that help maintain blood pressure levels. Has the proper balance of calcium and vitamin K to promote bone health and prevent osteoporosis. Spinach Highest in vegetable protein. Promotes bone health as well as healthy brain function and nervous system, aids in the flushing out colon toxins. Protects the stomach against ulcers. Cucumber Ultimate hydration with high silicon and sulfur content that promotes healthy skin, hair and joints. Contains phytochemicals which kills bacteria that causes bad breath. Beet Regulate blood pressure while managing fatigue with this natural source of energy. Contains high levels of betalain anti-oxidants known to promote detoxification at cellular levels. Ginger Anti-coagulant which reduces your risk of atherosclerosis. Trusted remedy for cough and colds and is also known to effectively treat mild pain and muscle aches associated with fever.

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