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Regional Statistics - Directory of Online Tables
1: Key Statistics 1.1a 1.1b 1.1c 1.1d 1.2 1.3 0

Release Date 3 December 2009
0 Key statistics: population, health and welfare Key statistics: labour market and education Key statistics: economy Key statistics: housing, transport, environment and crime Local authority population and vital statistics Local authority education, labour market, benefits and housing 0

Type1 0 Title Mixed Mixed Mixed Mixed NS Mixed 0 Type1 0 Mixed Mixed NS NS NS 0 Non-NS NS NS Mixed NS 0 Non-NS Mixed Mixed Mixed 0 Type1

Last updated Dec-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 0 Last updated 0 Mar-09 Mar-09 Dec-09 Mar-09 Dec-09 0 Dec-09 May-06 Sep-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 0 Dec-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 Jun-09 0 Last updated 0 Mar-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Dec-09 Jan-00 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Mar-09 Dec-09 Jan-00 Dec-09 Sep-09 Sep-09 Jan-00 Jun-09 Jan-00 Mar-09 Dec-08 May-08 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jan-00 Dec-09 Dec-09 Dec-09

Latest year 0 2009 2009 2007 2009 2008 2007/09 0 Latest year 0 2007/08 2007/08 2008/09 2007/08 2008/09 0 2007 2003 2007 2007 2007 0 2007/08 2007/08 2009 2008 0 Latest year 0 2007 2006 2007 2007 2007 0 2007 2007 2007 2006 2009 0 2009 2007 2007 0 2007 0 2006 2007 2013 2007 2008 0 2008 2007 2007

2: Crime and Justice 2.1 Crimes committed against households 2.2 Crimes committed against persons 2.3 Recorded crimes: by offence group 2.4 Subregional: selected recorded crimes by Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership 2.5 Recorded crimes detected by the police: by offence group 0.0 0 2.6 Number of Anti-social Behaviour Orders issued by all courts 2.7 People given a police caution: by type of offence and age 2.8 People found guilty: by type of offence and age 2.9 People aged 18 or over sentenced to immediate imprisonment: by sex and length of sentence imposed for principal offence 2.10 People aged 18 or over found guilty of offences: by sex and type of sentence 0.0 0 2.11 Firearms 2.12 Seizures of controlled drugs: by type of drug 2.13 2.14 0 Police service strength: by type Prison population 0

3: Economy 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 0.0 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 0 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 0.00 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 0 3.21 3.22 3.23 Workplace-based gross value added (GVA) at current basic prices Gross value added by industry groups at current basic prices Labour Productivity Gross value added by component of income at current basic prices Subregional: gross value added at current basic prices 0 Residence-based gross value added at current basic prices Gross disposable household income Subregional: gross disposable household income Percentage of gross value added derived from agriculture, industry and services Industrial classification of business sites 0 Subregional: business sites by industry and services Turnover, expenditure and gross value added in manufacturing Gross value added in manufacturing: by size of local unit Unallocated table number Subregional: business births and deaths 0 Business survival rates Export and import trade with EU and non-EU countries Allocation of EU Structural Funds Expenditure on research and development Construction: contractors’ output 0 Tourism Agricultural holdings: by area of crops and grass Agricultural holdings by farm type

0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS Mixed Mixed 0 NS 0 Non-NS NS Non-NS NS NS 0 Mixed NS NS

1 National Statistics (NS), Non National Statistics (Non NS), or Mixed. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Symbols and conventions Glossary Geography Notes and Definitions Useful websites

0 0 0

Jan-00 Jan-00 Jan-00

0 0 0

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Regional Statistics - Directory of Online Tables
Release Date 3 December 2009

0 Type1 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 Type1

Jan-00 Last updated 0 Dec-08 Sep-09 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-08 Jan-00 Jun-09 Mar-09 Sep-08 Sep-08 Mar-09 Jan-00 Mar-09 Mar-09 Sep-09 Dec-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 0 Last updated 0 Jun-09 Jun-09 Dec-08 Sep-09 Jun-09 Jan-00 Jun-09 Jun-09 Dec-09 Jun-09 Mar-09 Jan-00 Dec-09 Dec-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Dec-09 0 Last updated 0 Jan-00 Mar-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Jun-09 Jan-00 Dec-09 Jun-09 Dec-09 Dec-08 Sep-09 Jan-00 Dec-09 Mar-09 May-08 Sep-09 Sep-09 Jan-00 Dec-09 Dec-09 May-08 Jan-00 Jan-00 Jan-00

0 Latest year 0 2007/08 2008 2007 2007/08 2007/08 0 2007/08 2008 2006/07 2006/07 2006/07 0 2006/07 2006/07 2008 2008 2008 2008 0 Latest year 0 2008 2007/08 2006 2007/08 2007 0 2008 2008 2009 2008 2007 0 2008 2007/08 2007/08 2007 2006 0 Latest year 0 0 2007 2007 2007 2007/08 0 2008 2007/08 2006/08 2005 2008 0 2008 2007 2006 2007 2007 0 2008/09 2008 2006 0 0 0


4: Education and Training 4.1 Pupils and teachers: by type of school 4.2 Three- and four- year olds by type of early education provider 4.3 Subregional: education and training 4.4 Class sizes for all classes 4.5 School meal arrangements 0 0 4.6 Pupil absence from maintained primary and secondary schools 4.7 Pupils reaching or exceeding expected standards: by Key Stage Teacher Assessment 4.8 Subregional: examination achievements 4.9 Pupils achieving GCSE grades A*-C: by selected subjects and sex 4.10 16- and 17- year-olds participating in post-compulsory education and government-supported training 0 0 4.11 Home students in further education in England: by level of course of study 4.12 Home domiciled higher education students: by area of study and domicile 4.13 Destination of full-time first degree graduates 4.14 Population of working age: by highest qualification 4.15 Progress towards achieving National Targets for England for young people and adults 4.16 Employees of working age receiving job-related training: by sex 0 0

5: Environment 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 0.0 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 0 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 0 Annual rainfall Winter and summer seasonal rainfall Estimated abstractions from non-tidal surface and groundwaters: by purpose Estimated household water consumption Water quality of rivers and canals 0 Bathing water standards: by coastal region Prosecutions for pollution incidents: by type of prosecution Designated areas Land use Previous use of land changing to residential use 0 Household waste and recycling Recycling of household waste Municipal waste disposal: by method Percentage change in wild bird indicators Subregional: Carbon dioxide emissions: by sector 0

0 Non-NS Non-NS Non-NS Non-NS Mixed 0 Non-NS Non-NS Mixed NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 Type1 0 0 NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 Non-NS Non-NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS Mixed 0 0 0 0 0

6: Health and Care 6.1 Unallocated table number 6.2 Subregional: live births 6.3 Still births, perinatal mortality and infant mortality 6.4 Age-standardised mortality rates: by cause and sex 6.5 NHS hospital activity: by Strategic Health Authority and region 0 0 6.6 General practitioners and dentists: by Strategic Health Authority 6.7 Immunisation uptake 6.8 Subregional: life expectancy at birth and at age 65 6.9 Comparative cancer incidence ratios: selected sites by sex 6.10 Cervical and breast cancer: screening and age-standardised death rates 0 0 6.11 Diagnosed HIV-infected patients: by probable route of infection and region of residence 6.12 Notification rates of tuberculosis 6.13 Prescriptions dispensed 6.14 Cigarette smoking among people aged 16 or over: by sex 6.15 Alcohol consumption among people aged 16 or over: by sex 0 0 6.16 Drug use among 16- to 24-year-olds 6.17 Council supported residents in care homes 6.18 Children looked after by local authorities 0 0.00 1 National Statistics (NS), Non National Statistics (Non NS), or Mixed. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Symbols and conventions Glossary Geography Notes and Definitions Useful websites







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Regional Statistics - Directory of Online Tables
Release Date 3 December 2009
Stock of dwellings Housebuilding: permanent dwellings completed: by tenure Tenure of dwellings Subregional: mean and median prices of dwellings changing ownership Mortgage advances, income and age of borrowers 0 Selected housing costs of owner-occupiers Average weekly rents: by tenure Subregional: dwellings in council tax bands County Court mortgage possession orders Households accepted as homeless: by reason Householders’ satisfaction with their area 0

0 Type1 0 Non-NS NS Mixed Non-NS Mixed 0 Non-NS Non-NS Non-NS NS NS NS 0 Type1 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS Non-NS 0 Type1 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS 0 0

Jan-00 Last updated 0 Mar-09 Sep-09 Mar-09 Dec-09 Jun-09 Jan-00 Dec-08 Dec-08 Jun-09 Jun-09 Mar-09 Jun-09 0 Last updated 0 Jun-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 0 Dec-09 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Mar-09 0 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 0 Last updated 0 Dec-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-08 Jun-09 Jan-00 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Jan-00 Jun-09 Sep-09 Sep-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Jan-00 Dec-09 Sep-09 Jun-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Jan-00 Mar-09 Jun-09 Jan-00 Jan-00

0 Latest year 0 2007 2007/08 2007 2008 2008 0 2006/07 2006/07 2009 2008 2007/08 2006/07 0 Latest year 0 2006/07 2006/07 2007/08 2006/07 2006/07 0 2009 2006/07 2009 2007/08 2006/07 0 2007 2006/07 2006/07 2006/07 2006/07 2006/07 0 Latest year 0 2009 2008 2008 2007 2008 0 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 0 2009 2008 2008 2009 2009 0 2008 2009 2008 2008 2008 0 2008 2008 0 0

7: Housing 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 0 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 0

8: Income and Lifestyles 8.1 Household income: by source 8.2 Distribution of household income 8.3 Income distribution of individuals 8.4 Distribution of income liable to assessment for tax 8.5 Average total income and average income tax payable: by sex 0 0 8.6 Working-age households by combined economic activity status of household 8.7 Households in receipt of benefit: by type of benefit 8.8 Subregional: benefits 8.9 Households with different types of saving 8.10 Household expenditure: by commodity and service 0 0 8.11 Expenditure on selected foods bought for household consumption and expenditure on eating out 8.12 Expenditure on holidays in the UK compared to expenditure on holidays abroad 8.13 Households with selected durable goods 8.14 Households with Internet access 8.15 Participation in the National Lottery 8.16 Library resources and use 0 0

9: Labour Market 9.1 Employment and employment rates: by sex 9.2 Labour force: by age 9.3 Employee jobs and self-employment jobs: by sex 9.4 Industrial composition of employee jobs 9.5 Part-time working: by sex and reason 0 0 9.6 Distribution of usual weekly hours of work of employees; by sex 9.7 Employees with flexible working patterns: by sex 9.8 People in employment with a second job: by sex 9.9 Employment: by occupation 9.10 Unemployment rates 0 0 9.11 Claimant count proportions and rates 9.12 Unemployment rates: by age 9.13 Unemployment: by highest qualification 9.14 Economic activity 9.15 Economic activity and inactivity rates: by sex 0 0 9.16 Economic inactivity: by reason 9.17 Redundancy rates 9.18 Subregional: labour market 9.19 Median weekly earnings and hours: by area of residence and sex 9.20 Median and average weekly earnings, workplace based: by industry and sex 0 0 9.21 Median and mean gross weekly earnings: by area of residence and sex 9.22 Subregional: earnings distribution 0.00 0.00 1 National Statistics (NS), Non National Statistics (Non NS), or Mixed. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00



Symbols and conventions Glossary Geography Notes and Definitions Useful websites

0 0 0 0

Jan-00 Jan-00 Jan-00 Jan-00

0 0 0 0

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Regional Statistics - Directory of Online Tables
Release Date 3 December 2009

0 Type1 0 NS NS NS Non-NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 Type1

Jan-00 Last updated 0 Dec-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 Sep-09 Mar-09 Jan-00 Mar-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Jan-00 Mar-09 Mar-09 Jun-09 Mar-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 0 Last updated 0 Mar-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 0 Mar-09 Mar-09 Dec-09 Jun-09 Dec-09 0 Dec-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 Dec-09 0 Dec-09 Dec-09 Dec-08 Jan-00 Jan-00

0 Latest year 0 2008 2009 2008 2007 2007 0 2007 2008 2008 2007 2007 0 2017 2006 2006 2006 2031 2009 0 Latest year 0 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 0 2007 2007 2008 2007 2007/08 0 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0 2008 2008 2007/08 0 0


10: Population and Migration 10.1 Resident population: by sex 10.2 Subregional: resident population by age group and sex 10.3 Subregional: resident population by selected age groups 10.4 Resident population estimates by ethnic group (Experimental Statistics) 10.5 Live births, deaths and natural change in population 0 0 10.6 Migration 10.7 Inter-regional movements 10.8 Subregional: components of population change 10.9 Age-specific birth rates 10.10 Age-specific death rates: by sex 0 0 10.11 Subregional: projected population change 10.12 Conceptions to women aged under 18: by outcome 10.13 Marriages 10.14 Percentage of non-married people aged 16 to 59 cohabiting 10.15 Household numbers and projections 10.16 Households: by type 0 0

11: Transport 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 0 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 0 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 0 11.16 11.17 11.18 0.00 0.00 Motor cars currently licensed and new registrations Households with regular use of a car Time taken to walk to nearest bus stop Distance travelled per person per year: by mode of transport Trips per person per year: by purpose 0 Time taken to travel to work by workplace Usual method of travel to work by region of residence Trips to and from school: by main mode of transport and length Household expenditure on transport Public expenditure on roads 0 Average daily motor vehicle flows: by type of road Traffic increase on major roads Road traffic and distribution of accidents on major/minor roads Fatal and serious road accidents Road casualties: by age and type of road user 0 Activity at major airports Activity at major seaports Bus and light rail passenger journeys

0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS NS NS NS NS 0 NS Non-NS NS NS NS 0 Non-NS Non-NS NS 0 0 0 0

1 National Statistics (NS), Non National Statistics (Non NS), or Mixed. 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

Symbols and conventions Glossary Geography Notes and Definitions Useful websites





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Regional Statistics - Directory of Online Tables
Release Date 3 December 2009

Symbols and conventions
Billions Geography This term is used to represent a thousand million. Where possible Regional Trends uses data for the whole of the UK. When data from the constituent countries of the UK are not comparable, data for Great Britain or the constituent countries are used. Constituent countries can advise where data are available that are equivalent but not directly comparable with those of the other constituent countries. Some data for the latest year (and occasionally for earlier years) are provisional or estimated. To keep footnotes to a minimum, these have not been indicated; source departments will be able to advise if revised data are available. In tables where figures have been rounded to the nearest final digit, there may be an apparent discrepancy between the sum of the constituent items and the total as shown. Unless otherwise stated, unadjusted data have been used. Sources are usually listed as the name by which the source is currently known. Many of the tables, maps and figures in Regional Trends present the results of household surveys that can be subject to large sampling errors. Care should therefore be taken in drawing conclusions about regional differences, and especially with subnational changes over time.

Provisional and estimated data

Rounding of figures

Seasonal adjustment Sources Survey data

Years Reference years Where a choice of years has to be made, the most recent year or a run of recent years is shown. In some cases a particular reference year may be included, e.g. a past population census years (1991, 2001 etc.) or the mid-points between census years (1996 etc.) Other years may be added if they represent a peak or trough in the series or relate to a specific benchmark or target. For example, September 2006 to July 2007 would be shown as 2006/07. For example, 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 would be shown as 2006/07. Data covering more than one year, e.g. 1998, 1999 and 2000would be shown a 1998-2000. Figures are shown in italic The following symbols have been used throughout Regional Trends: .. not available . not applicable - negligible (less than half the first digit shown) 0 nil

Academic year Financial year Non-calendar years Units Symbols

0.00 0


Symbols and conventions Glossary Geography Notes and Definitions Useful websites

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Regional Statistics - Directory of Online Tables
Release Date 3 December 2009 Glossary
Age-standardised mortality rates A statistical measure to allow more precise comparisons between two or more populations by eliminating the effects in age structure by using a ‘standard population’. A sample survey of businesses in Great Britain that collects information on employee jobs and output. See the online Notes and Definitions for Labour Market and Economy. A sample survey providing data for local authority districts. It comprises the quarterly Labour Force Survey (LFS), plus data from the annual LLFS (Annual Local Area LFS) boosts for England (2004 and 2005 only), Scotland and Wales. Major areas designated by legislation to protect their landscape importance. Average prices for house purchases registered in the period. See the online Notes and Definitions for Housing tables. One thousand million. The number of live births per 1,000 of the mid-year resident population. A sample survey measuring crimes experienced by respondents in England and Wales. Scottish Crime and Victimisation Survey in Scotland and Northern Ireland Crime Survey collect similar information. See the online Notes and Definitions for Crime and Justice. Newly created enterprises. See the online Notes and Definitions for Economy. Enterprises that have ceased trading. See the online Notes and Definitions for Economy. These correspond to the International Classification of Diseases (10th Revision) codes (ICD10). See the online Notes and Definitions for the Population and Migration tables. A count, derived from administrative sources, of those who are claiming unemployment-related benefits at Jobcentre Plus local offices, primarily Jobseeker’s Allowance. Number of claimants in an area as a proportion of the resident working-age population of the area. Education is compulsory for all children in the UK between the ages of 5 (4 in Northern Ireland) and 16. A pregnancy which leads either to a maternity or an abortion. Carbon dioxide emissions are measured by ‘end user’ not ‘at source’. This means emissions are distributed according to the point of energy consumption. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Environment tables. These are calculated as annual traffic divided by road length and divided by the number of days in the year. Total deaths registered per 1,000 of the mid-year resident population. ‘Aged under 16, or aged 16–18 in full-time education and never married.’ A self-contained unit of accommodation with all the rooms behind a door, which only that household can use. People who are in employment plus the unemployed. People who are neither in employment nor unemployed. This includes those looking after a home, retired or permanently unable to work. A household-based measure of people aged 16 or over who regard themselves as paid employees. A measure of jobs held by civilians based on employer surveys. The term refers to the number of jobs rather than the number of persons with jobs. For example, a person holding both a full-time job and a part-time job, or someone with two part-time jobs, will be counted twice. People aged 16 or over who did some paid work in the reference week (whether as an employee or selfemployed); those who had a job that they were temporarily away from (on holiday, for example); those on government-supported training and employment programmes; and those doing unpaid family work.

Annual Business Inquiry (ABI) Annual Population Survey (APS)

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Average dwelling price Billion Birth rate British Crime Survey

Business births Business deaths Cause of death

Claimant count

Claimant count rate Compulsory education Conception CO2 emissions

Daily traffic flows Death rate Dependent children Dwelling Economically active Economically inactive Employees Employee jobs


Employment rate

The proportion of any given population group who are in employment. The main presentation of employment rates is the proportion of the population of working age who are in employment. The classification of ethnic groups is broadly the same as used in the 2001 Census. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Population and Migration tables. ONS Statistics that are in the testing phase and are not fully developed. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Population and Migration tables. Accounts for business activity that cannot be assigned to a specific region. For the UK this consists mainly of offshore oil and gas extraction and activities of UK embassies and forces overseas. See workforce jobs. In the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings data this refers to employees who were paid for more than 30 hours per week. Equivalent to Level 2 qualifications, see separate entry in Glossary. In Scotland, Standard Grade awards at levels 1–3, Intermediate 2 at grades A–C, Intermediate 1 at grade A.

Ethnic groups Experimental statistics Extra-regio

Filled jobs Full-time employees GCSE grades A*–C or equivalent

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Government-supported training

People aged 16 and over participating in one of the Government’s employment and training programmes administered by the Learning and Skills Councils in England, the National Council for Education and Training (ELWa) in Wales, local enterprise companies in Scotland, or the Training and Employment Agency in Northern Ireland. Total household income less certain cost items such as tax payments and social security contributions. In essence, this is the value of the resources that the household sector actually has available to spend. See 'Weighting' Regional GVA is a measure of the economic contribution of an area, measured as the sum of incomes earned from the production of goods and services in the region. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Economy tables. Measured before tax, National Insurance or other deductions. They include overtime pay, bonuses and other additions to basic pay but exclude any payments for earlier periods (for example, back pay), income in kind, tips and gratuities. A measure of labour productivity. On a workplace basis divides output of those working in a region by everyone living in the region. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Economy tables. This should not be used as a measure of productivity.

Gross disposable household income (GDHI)

Grossing Gross Value Added (GVA)

Gross weekly earnings

GVA per filled job GVA per head

GVA per hour worked Household

A measure of labour productivity that takes account of the variety of hours worked by employees. Defined as a single person or a group of people living at the same address as their only or main residence and either share one main meal a day or share the living accommodation or both. Household projections are trend-based; they illustrate what would happen if past trends in household formation were to continue into the future. See the online Notes andDefinitions for the Population and Migration tables. Newly built permanent dwellings. A dwelling is regarded as completed when it becomes ready for occupation, whether it is occupied or not. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Housing tables.

Household projections

Housing completions

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) Infant mortality rate International migration

A summary measure of relative deprivation at Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) level in England. See article on pages 93 to 114. Deaths of infants under one year of age per 1,000 live births. A long-term international migrant is defined as someone who changes his or her country of usual residence for a period of at least a year. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Population and Migration tables.

Inter-regional migration

Internal population movements based on the movement of NHS doctors’ patients between former Health Authorities (HAs) in England and Wales and Area Health Boards (AHBs) in Scotland and Northern Ireland. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Population and Migration tables. The number of filled jobs in an area divided by the number of people of working age resident in that area. Covers pupils aged between 14 and 16 (year groups 10 and 11) in England and Wales. Attainment is measured through Level 2 qualifications. GVA per filled job and GVA per hour worked are measures of labour productivity. A quarterly sample survey that provides the main labour market data for the UK. ‘Equivalent to five GCSEs at grades A* to C, a former Intermediate GNVQ, an RSA diploma, a City & Guilds craft or a BTEC first or general diploma.’ Equivalent to two A levels, a former Advanced GNVQ, an International Baccalaureate, an RSA advanced diploma, a City & Guilds advanced craft, an Ordinary National Diploma (OND) or Ordinary National Certificate (ONC) or a BTEC National Diploma. Equivalent to a first degree, an HND or HNC, a BTEC Higher Diploma, an RSA Higher Diploma, a nursing qualification or other higher education qualification below a higher degree. This is the average number of years that a person would live if he or she experienced that area’s age-specific mortality rates for the specified time period throughout his or her life. Small areas defined for England and Wales that are designed to be homogeneous and also roughly equal in population size. LSOA’s have an average population of 1,500. Schools funded through local authorities. Is the sum of the values, divided by the number of values. Statistical term for the value for which half the data are above and half are below. Analternative measure of the average, which is less affected by extreme values than the mean. Major areas designated by legislation to protect their landscape importance. The difference between births and deaths. More births than deaths results in the population experiencing natural increase, while more deaths than births in natural decline. The difference between migration into the area and migration out of the area. This includes changes in population due to internal and international civilian migration and changes in the number of armed forces (both non-UK and UK) and their dependants resident in the UK. NUTS is a hierarchical classification of areas that provides a breakdown of the EU’s economic territory for regional statistics that are comparable across the European Union. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Local Authority Key Statistics tables. Population per square kilometre. Based on mid-year estimates of the population and a set of demographic trend-based assumptions about the future. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Population and Migration tables. Statistics compiled from police returns that broadly cover the more serious offences. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Crime and Justice tables.

Jobs density Key Stage 4 Labour productivity Labour Force Survey (LFS) Level 2 qualifications Level 3 qualifications

Level 4 qualifications

Life expectancy at birth Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA)

Maintained schools Mean, or Average Median National Parks Natural change Net migration Net migration and other changes NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Statistics) area classification Population density Population projections Recorded crime

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Residence-based GVA Resident Population

Residence-based GVA allocates the income from employment to individuals’ place of residence. See entry for GVA and the online Notes and Definitions for the Economy tables. The estimated resident population of an area includes all people who usually live there, whatever their nationality. Members of UK and non-UK armed forces stationed in the UK are included and UK forces stationed outside the UK are excluded. Students are taken tobe resident at their term-time address. See the online Notes and Definitions for the Population and Migration tables. A classification of LSOA’s in England and Wales based on settlement size and relative population density in different areas. For more information see geography/nrudp.asp Data that have been adjusted using a statistical method for removing the seasonal component of a time series. Currently the industrial breakdown used is the Standard Industrial Classification Revised 2003 (SIC2003) for data for 2003 onwards. For further information see the online Notes and Definitions for the Economy tables.

Rural Urban Area Classification

Seasonally adjusted SIC

Standardised Mortality Ratio (SMR)

The standardised mortality ratio (SMR) compares overall mortality in a region with that for the UK. The ratio expresses the actual number of deaths in a region as a percentage of the hypothetical number that would have occurred if the region’s population had experienced the sex/age-specific rates of the UK that year.

State pension age Stock of dwellings

The age at which pensions are normally payable by the state pension scheme, currently 65 for men and 60 fo women. Number of dwellings including vacant dwellings and temporary dwellings occupied as a normal place of residence. Estimates of the stock in England, Wales and Scotland are based on data from the 2001 Census and projected forward yearly. A measure of the average number of live children that a group of women would bear if they experienced the age-specific fertility rates of the calendar year in question throughout their childbearing lifespan. See the onlin Notes and Definitions for the Population and Migration tables. The proportion of the economically active who are unemployed. The main presentation of unemployment rate is the proportion of the economically active population aged 16 or over who are unemployed.

Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

Unemployment rates


Sample survey data only relates to the units in the sample. Therefore the sample estimates need to be inflated to represent the whole population of interest. Each sample observation is assigned a 'weight' that reflects the population that the sample observation represents. The estimation process that calculates these weights is also referred to as 'weighting' or 'grossing up'. A measure of employee jobs, self-employment jobs, all HM Forces and government-supported trainees. Men aged 16 to 64 and women aged 16 to 59. No adults (men aged 16–64, women aged 16–59) in the household are in employment. Workplace GVA allocates the income from employment to individuals’ place of work. See entry for GVA and the online Notes and Definitions for the Economy tables. Work-based learning for young people (aged 16–24) in England covers Advanced Modern Apprenticeships (AMA), Foundation Modern Apprenticeships (FMA) and ‘Entry to Employment’.

Workforce jobs Working age Workless households Workplace-based GVA Work-based learning

0.00 0 0

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Regional Statistics - Directory of Online Tables
Release Date 3 December 2009

Geography Notes and Definitions
England: Government Office Regions
Most of the statistics in Regional Trends are based on the Government Office Regions (GORs) of England, together with Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Government Offices for the Regions were established across England in 1994. Changes were implemented in order that government departments could work effectively in partnership with local people and organisations to improve the quality of life and prosperity within their area. In 1996, GORs became the primary classification for the presentation of regional statistics. The Government Office for the North West merged with the Government Office for Merseyside in August 1998, so figures for Merseyside are no longer shown separately. In tables, the Government Office for the East of England (formerly the Eastern Region) is referred to as East.

England: Local government
The implementation of local government re-organisation in England, (which took place in four phases on 1 April in each year between 1995 and 1998) is summarised below. The reorganisation involved only the non-metropolitan counties. Unitary Authorities (UAs) replaced the two-tier system of County Councils and Local Authority District Councils in parts of some shire counties and, in some instances, across the whole county. For statistical purposes grouping UAs by geography can be helpful. By legal definition all unitary authorities in England are counties. However, for many purposes the UAs are treated as districts. For the majority of UAs their establishment was achieved without geographical change. However, for a few unitary authorities, there were some boundary changes at District and Ward levels, most notably, the County of Herefordshire UA in the West Midlands and Peterborough UA in the East of England.

The local government structure at 1 April 1998 is used unless otherwise specified. On the 1 April 2009 there was a local government reorganisation that created nine further Unitary Authorities in England. The tables will change to include these as datasets move onto the new geography. Details of the changes are below: Country Durham UA comprises the former districts of Chester-le-Street, Derwentside, Durham, Easington, Sedgefield, Teesdale and Wear Valley. Northumberland UA comprises the former districts of Alnwick, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Blyth Valley, Castle Morpeth, Tynedale and Wansbeck. Cheshire East UA comprises the former districts of Congleton, Crewe and Nantwich and Macclesfield. Cheshire West and Chester UA comprises the former districts of Chester, Ellesmere Port & Neston and Vale Royal. Shropshire UA comprises the former districts of Bridgnorth, North Shropshire, Oswestry, Shrewsbury and Atcham and South Shropshire. Bedford UA comprises the former district of Bedford. Central Bedfordshire UA comprises of the former districts of Mid Bedford and South Bedfordshire. Cornwall UA comprises the former districts of Caradon, Carrick, Kerrier, North Cornwall, Penwith and Restormel. The Isles of Scilly were recoded on 1 April 2009. Wiltshire UA comprises the former districts of Kennet, North Wiltshire, Salisbury and West Wiltshire. Maps for the various areas can be found in Regional Trends. Full details of administrative geography can be found at:

Wales: Unitary Authorities: On 1 April 1996, the 8 counties and 37 districts of Wales were replaced by 22 Unitary Authorities. These Unitary Authorities are usually presented in alphabetical order. Scotland: New Councils: On 1 April 1996, the 10 Local Authority regions and 56 districts of Scotland were replaced by 32 Unitary Councils. These Councils are usually presented in alphabetical order. Northern Ireland: Districts: The 26 districts of Northern Ireland are presented in the local authority key statistics tables. For education, data for the five Education and Library Boards are also shown. The districts comprising the Education and Library Boards are as follows:
Board Belfast South Southern North Eastern Western Districts Belfast Eastern Ards, Castlereagh, Down, Lisburn, North Down. Armagh, Banbridge, Cookstown, Craigavon, Dungannon, Newry and Mourne. Antrim, Ballymena, Ballymoney, Carrickfergus, Coleraine, Larne, Magherafelt, Moyle, Newtownabbey Derry, Fermanagh, Limavady, Omagh, Strabane.

NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Statistics) area classification
NUTS is a hierarchical classification of areas that provides a breakdown of the European Union’s economic territory for producing regional statistics that are comparable across the Union. It has been used since 1988 in EU legislation for determining the distribution of the Structural Funds. The NUTS five-tier structure for the United Kingdom (UK) was reviewed during 1998 as a consequence of the move to using Government Office Regions as the principal classification for English Regions and the local government re-organisation, which took place in the same year. The NUTS structure comprises current national administrative areas, except in Scotland where some NUTS areas comprise whole and/or part local enterprise company areas. As a result of a European Union wide NUTS regulation being enacted in June 2003 it is now obligatory to use the NUTS geographies in the regulation (including the new codes) and not those in the current gentleman’s agreement. There are only minimal changes for the UK although NUTS levels 4 and 5 no longer have any official status and should now be referred to as LAU (Local Administrative Unit) 1 and 2 respectively.

Other Regional Classifications
The UK Continental Shelf, now referred to as Extra-Regio, is treated as a separate region in Regional Accounts.

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Regional Statistics - Directory of Online Tables
Release Date 3 December 2009

Useful websites
Annual Business Inquiry Annual Population Survey Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings Business Enterprise Research and Development Expenditure Communities and Local Government Department for Children, Schools and Families Department for Culture, Media and Sport Department of Energy and Climate Change Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Department for Social Development in Northern Ireland Department for Transport Department for Work and Pensions Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Northern Ireland Department of Education, Northern Ireland Department of Health Department of the Environment, Northern Ireland

Designated Areas: England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland England and Wales Census Environment Agency General Household Survey General Register Office for Scotland Geography in National Statistics Home Office Index of Multiple Deprivation

Labour Force Survey Land Registry Learning and Skills Council Life Expectancy estimates Migration statistics Ministry of Justice National Statistics

Neighbourhood Statistics: England and Wales Scotland Northern Ireland Nomis® Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Office for National Statistics Population Estimates by Ethnic Group Population Estimates Publication Hub Home Page Release Calendar Regional Statistics What are National Statistics? UK Statistics Authority Regional Economic Indicators Regional Trends Regional Trends – latest data Scottish Environment Protection Agency Scottish Government Scottish Statistics

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Statistics for Regions in England: Yorkshire and The Humber North East North West East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West Subnational Population Estimates for England The NHS Information Centre for health and social care Welsh Assembly Government

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