Disaster Mitigation

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an Essay about disaster mitigation. Disaster mitigation is a preventive measure to minimize negative impact from natural disaster, human-caused disaster, or anything else.



Muhammad Yusuf Arya Ramadhan
Bioprocess Engineering
Disaster Mitigation
Have you ever trapped in a burning building? Or caught in a landslide?
Fire or landslide is one of the examples of disaster. Disaster is a sudden
event caused by nature or human activities that cause great damage that
can happen anytime and anywhere across the globe. Sometimes disaster
can lead to massive death and total destruction. Thousands of lives are
vanquished and millions of dollars of property are destroyed. How can we
minimize the risk of disaster, if we cannot eliminate? The answer is disaster
mitigation. Disaster mitigation is series of actions to decrease the risk of
disasters. There are three sequences in disaster mitigation: pre-disaster,
disaster, and post-disaster.
The first step is pre-disaster mitigation. Before disaster took place,
people need to prepare themselves. People need to be educated about what
to do when disaster happen. By teaching them where to evacuate, what to
do, and how to protect themselves when disaster happens the number of
victim can be reduced. Not only the people, but also the equipment should
be prepared. Emergency equipment such as fire hydrant, torchlight, axe,
and many more must be prepared so people can use them in emergency
situation and reduce the impact of disaster.
The next step is the mitigation when the disaster happens. Disaster is
not limited to natural disaster only but it can also be man-made disaster
such as terrorism attack, fire, industrial accident, and mine explosions.
Some disaster, especially the disaster caused by human activities, must be
contained quickly to decrease the number of casualty. When this happens,
fast respond from the related parties such as fire fighters, cops, rescue
teams, and Red Cross are needed. They need to evacuate people, handle
the disaster, and give help at the time disaster occurs. If the related parties
failed to give fast responds to disaster, the preparation that has been done
will go in vain.
Last but not least is post-disaster mitigation. Disaster can lead to
destroyed facility and loss of lives. So, after the disaster took place,
recovery attempts are needed. Post-disaster mitigation consists of recovery
and reconstruction. After disaster took place, many building lost their
function. The reconstruction actions are needed to make the facility or
property at that place fully functioning again. But, the reconstruction of
property cannot be done in an instant. So, in the meantime, temporary

Muhammad Yusuf Arya Ramadhan
Bioprocess Engineering
shelters must be built to fulfill the need of functioning facility. Not only the
property that need to be recovered but also the people. Recovering people
from disaster can be done with rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is not limited on
psychological and physical condition but also the social condition. So, a
simple system in the society is needed to fulfill the need of socializing.
So, these steps that written above are three steps of disaster mitigation.
The cooperation between people and government are needed to execute
the disaster mitigation plan. Sustainable preparations are needed to prepare
ourselves from every kind of condition that could happen when disaster took
place. Sustainable helps are also needed after the disaster happen to
recover people from the impact of disaster. By doing these three steps of
disaster mitigation, the number of victim can be minimized, the property
loss can be reconstructed, and the risk of disaster can be reduced..
1. Anonymous. 2014. Pengertian Mitigasi Bencana. [Online] Available at:
http://www.rcweb.0fees.net/index.php?p=1_27_Pengertian-MitigasiBencana [Accessed 10 November 2014]
2. IFRC. 2014. Reducing Disaster Risk.








November 2014]
3. IFRC. 2014. What is a disaster? [ONLINE] http://www.ifrc.org/en/whatwe-do/disaster-management/about-disasters/what-is-a-disaster/
[Accessed 10 November 2014]
4. http://library.nyu.edu/preservation/disaster/toc.htm



November 2014]
5. http://emergencymanagement.wi.gov/mitigation/short_notes/post_dis
aster_planning.pdf [Accessed 10 November 2014]
6. https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/12291
[Accessed 10 November 2014]
7. http://gfdrr.org/index.cfm?Page=home&ItemID200



November 2014]
8. http://scele.ui.ac.id/berkas_kolaborasi/konten/mpktb_2014genap/093.
pf [Accessed 10 November 2014]
9. http://scele.ui.ac.id/berkas_kolaborasi/konten/mpktb_2014genap/094.
pf [Accessed 10 November 2014]
gasi_Wabah.pdf [Accessed 10 November 2014]

Muhammad Yusuf Arya Ramadhan
Bioprocess Engineering

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