Disaster Preparedness

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Disaster Preparedness
 Listen to a local radio or television station and NOAA Weather Radio for official announcements issued from the County Emergency Operations Center, and the National Weather Service.

Know your risk
  

Make a Family Plan:

Is your home vulnerable to flooding? Consult your home's building plans for your first floor elevation. Special circumstances: (Requiring additional preparation time and/or evacuation time.) o Mobile homes/recreational vehicles o People with special needs o Pets

Know the strength of the hurricane:  Category One - 74-95 mph sustained winds  Category Two - 96-110 mph sustained winds  Category Three - 111-130 mph sustained winds  Category Four - 131-155 mph sustained winds  Category Five - sustained winds of more than 155 mph Determine where you will seek shelter, and select an alternate.  Stay at home if in a well-built home out of the risk area  Friend's house, if out of the risk area  Hotel or motel located inland. Arrange for pets.  Emergency public hurricane refuge operated by The County and/or the American Red Cross Take a practice drive to your shelter choice or evacuation destination.  Time the trip and multiply by three to account for pre-storm road and traffic conditions.  Make the commitment now to evacuate when told to do so by local or state officials. If you do not have flood insurance, consult your insurance agent concerning purchase details. There is a thirty-day waiting period before coverage begins.

Discuss the types of disasters that could occur: o Floods o Hurricanes o Thunderstorms and lightning o Tornadoes o Extreme heat o Earthquakes o Tsunamis o Fires o Wildfires

How to Prepare:
 Escape routes.  What is your alternate route?  Drive your routes before the event. Plan on 2 - 3 times the normal trip length in a disaster.  What must you take with you? o Family communications. o Utility shut-off and safety. o Insurance and vital records. o Special needs. o Caring for animals. o Safety Skills  Practice your plan.

Family Disaster Supplies
Grocery Store: Select based on your family's needs and
preferences. Pick low-salt, water-packed varieties when possible.

( ) Water (three day supply, one gallon should be purchased for each member of the household)  Three-day supply of non-perishable food ( ) Jar peanut butter (should be purchased for each member of the household) ( ) Large can juice (should be purchased for each member of the household) ( ) Instant coffee, tea, powdered soft drinks ( ) Cans of meat (should be purchased for each member of the household)
Types of canned meat: Tuna, chicken, ravioli, chili, beef stew, spam, corned beef

To Dos: ( ) Use a video camera to tape the contents of your home for insurance purposes. ( ) Store video tape with friend/family member who lives out of town. ( ) Extra medications or a prescription marked "emergency use" if needed. ( ) Install or test your smoke detector. ( ) Make arrangements for your pets to be sheltered if you plan to go to a public shelter ( ) Make a family plan. ( ) Date each perishable food item using marking pen. ( ) Check your house for hazards. ( ) Decide upon and acquire window protection. Be sure your family can install them easily.

( ) Cans of fruit (should be purchased for each member of the household)
Types of canned fruit: Pears, peaches, mandarin oranges, and applesauce.

( ) Cans of vegetables (should be purchased for each member of the household)
Types of vegetables: Green beans, kernel corn, peas, beets, kidney beans, and carrots

Other supplies: ( ) Hand-operated can opener ( ) Sanitary napkins ( ) Video tape ( ) Permanent marking pens to mark date of cans ( ) Portable, battery-powered radio ( ) Batteries ( ) First aid kit ( ) Matches and waterproof container ( ) Crescent wrench ( ) Heavy rope ( ) Duct tape ( ) Flashlights with batteries (at least two) ( ) "Bungee" cords ( ) Plumber's tape ( ) Crowbar ( ) Smoke detector with battery Pet supplies: ( )Water (one gallon of water for each pet) ( ) Pet food ( ) Leash or Carrier

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