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Overall, the life insurance and ensi!n sect!r is set f!r raid chan"es and "r!#th in
the $ears ahead% &eliverin" service, 'uildin" trust and 'ein" inn!vative are (e$ areas
in #hich an$ c!)an$ #ill have t! e*cel in !rder t! d! #ell in the l!n" r!ad ahead%
&ifferent c!)anies #ill ta(e different ar!aches and it #!uld 'e )$riad !f
s!luti!ns that #ill 'e f!und t! deli"ht the Indian cust!)er%
&urin" the first art, I #as "iven c!)lete classr!!) trainin" a'!ut the vari!us unit
lin(ed as #ell as the traditi!nal lans and s!luti!ns #hich the c!)an$ !ffers%
+ater, Mar(et Research #as d!ne thr!u"h vari!us activities and tele,callin" #hich are
discussed further in the re!rt% Activities led t! ractical e*!sure and tau"ht )e the
asects !f cust!)er dealin"%
-inall$, interestin" c!nclusi!ns #ere dra#n !ut !f the data c!llected re"ardin" the
A#areness !f -inancial .lannin" a)!n" the e!le in t!da$/s envir!n)ent%
It #as "reat e*erience 'ecause sellin" an insurance r!duct de)ands a "reat deal !f
c!nfidence and r!duct (n!#led"e%
The 'usiness !f life insurance in India in its e*istin" f!r) started in India in the $ear
1212 #ith the esta'lish)ent !f the Oriental +ife Insurance C!)an$ in Calcutta%
The st!r$ !f insurance is r!'a'l$ as !ld as the st!r$ !f )an(ind% The sa)e instinct
that r!)ts )!dern 'usiness)en t!da$ t! secure the)selves a"ainst l!ss and disaster
e*isted in ri)itive )en als!% The$ t!! s!u"ht t! avert the evil c!nse3uences !f fire
and fl!!d and l!ss !f life and #ere #illin" t! )a(e s!)e s!rt !f sacrifice in !rder t!
achieve securit$% Th!u"h the c!ncet !f insurance is lar"el$ a devel!)ent !f the
recent ast, articularl$ after the industrial era 4 ast fe# centuries 4 $et its
'e"innin"s date 'ac( al)!st 5666 $ears%
+ife Insurance in its )!dern f!r) ca)e t! India fr!) En"land in the $ear 1212%
Oriental +ife Insurance C!)an$ started '$ Eur!eans in Calcutta #as the first life
insurance c!)an$ !n Indian S!il% All the insurance c!)anies esta'lished durin"
that eri!d #ere 'r!u"ht u #ith the ur!se !f l!!(in" after the needs !f Eur!ean
c!))unit$ and these c!)anies #ere n!t insurin" Indian natives%
• 7!)'a$ Mutual +ife Assurance S!ciet$ heralded the 'irth !f first Indian life
insurance c!)an$ in the $ear 1286, and c!vered Indian lives at n!r)al rates%
• 7harat Insurance C!)an$ 912:5; #as als! !ne !f such c!)anies insired
'$ nati!nalis)% The S#adeshi )!ve)ent !f 1:6<,1:68 "ave rise t! )!re
insurance c!)anies%
• The United India in Madras, =ati!nal Indian and =ati!nal Insurance in
Calcutta and the C!,!erative Assurance at +ah!re #ere esta'lished in 1:65%
• In 1:68, >industan C!,!erative Insurance C!)an$ t!!( its 'irth in !ne !f
the r!!)s !f the ?!rasan(!, h!use !f the "reat !et Ra'indranath Ta"!re, in
• The Indian Mercantile, @eneral Assurance and S#adeshi +ife 9later 7!)'a$
+ife; #ere s!)e !f the c!)anies esta'lished durin" the sa)e eri!d%
The .arlia)ent !f India assed the +ife Insurance C!r!rati!n Act !n the 1:th !f
?une 1:<5, and the +ife Insurance C!r!rati!n !f India #as created !n 1st Sete)'er,
1:<5, #ith the !'Aective !f sreadin" life insurance )uch )!re #idel$ and in
articular t! the rural areas #ith a vie# t! reach all insura'le ers!ns in the c!untr$,
r!vidin" the) ade3uate financial c!ver at a reas!na'le c!st%
Some of the important mie!tone! in the ife in!"ran#e $"!ine!! in In%ia are&
12<6B =!n life insurance de'uts #ith trit!n insurance c!)an$%
1286B 7!)'a$ )utual life assurance s!ciet$ is the first Indian !#ned life insurer%
1:12B The Indian +ife Assurance C!)anies Act enacted as the first statute t!
re"ulate the life insurance 'usiness%
1:22B The Indian Insurance C!)anies Act enacted t! ena'le the "!vern)ent t!
c!llect statistical inf!r)ati!n a'!ut '!th life and n!n,life insurance 'usinesses%
1:02B Earlier le"islati!n c!ns!lidated and a)ended t! '$ the Insurance Act #ith the
!'Aective !f r!tectin" the interests !f the insurin" u'lic%
1:<5B 21< Indian and f!rei"n insurers and r!vident s!cieties ta(en !ver '$ the
central "!vern)ent and nati!naliCed% +IC f!r)ed '$ an Act !f .arlia)ent, viC% +IC
Act, 1:<5, #ith a caital c!ntri'uti!n !f Rs% < Cr!re fr!) the @!vern)ent !f India%
In!"ran#e !e#tor reform!
In 1::0, Malh!tra C!))ittee, headed '$ f!r)er -inance Secretar$ and R7I
@!vern!r R% =% Malh!tra, #as f!r)ed t! evaluate the Indian insurance industr$ and
rec!))end its future directi!n%
The Malh!tra c!))ittee #as set u #ith the !'Aective !f c!)le)entin" the ref!r)s
initiated in the financial sect!r%
The ref!r)s #ere ai)ed at Dcreatin" a )!re efficient and c!)etitive financial
s$ste) suita'le f!r the re3uire)ents !f the ec!n!)$ (eein" in )ind the structural
chan"es currentl$ under#a$ and rec!"niCin" that insurance is an i)!rtant art !f the
!verall financial s$ste) #here it #as necessar$ t! address the need f!r si)ilar
The In!"ran#e Re'"ator( an% De)eopment A"thorit( *IRDA+
The Insurance Act, 1:02 had r!vided f!r settin" u !f the C!ntr!ller !f Insurance t!
act as a str!n" and !#erful suervis!r$ and re"ulat!r$ auth!rit$ f!r insurance% .!st
nati!naliCati!n, the r!le !f C!ntr!ller !f Insurance di)inished c!nsidera'l$ in
si"nificance since the @!vern)ent !#ned the insurance c!)anies%
7ut the scenari! chan"ed #ith the rivate and f!rei"n c!)anies f!ra$in" in t! the
insurance sect!r% This necessitated the need f!r a str!n", indeendent and aut!n!)!us
Insurance Re"ulat!r$ Auth!rit$ #as felt% As the enactin" !f le"islati!n #!uld have
ta(en ti)e, the then @!vern)ent c!nstituted thr!u"h a @!vern)ent res!luti!n an
Interi) Insurance Re"ulat!r$ Auth!rit$ endin" the enact)ent !f a c!)rehensive
The Insurance Re"ulat!r$ and &evel!)ent Auth!rit$ Act, 1::: is an act t! r!vide
f!r the esta'lish)ent !f an Auth!rit$ t! r!tect the interests !f h!lders !f insurance
!licies, t! re"ulate, r!)!te and ensure !rderl$ "r!#th !f the insurance industr$ and
f!r )atters c!nnected there#ith !r incidental theret! and further t! a)end the
Insurance Act, 1:02, the +ife Insurance C!r!rati!n Act, 1:<5 and the @eneral
insurance 7usiness 9=ati!naliCati!n; Act, 1:82 t! end the )!n!!l$ !f the +ife
Insurance C!r!rati!n !f India 9f!r life insurance 'usiness; and @eneral Insurance
C!r!rati!n and its su'sidiaries 9f!r "eneral insurance 'usiness;%
In!"ran#e Se#tor Reform!
.ri!r t! li'eraliCati!n !f Insurance industr$, +ife insurance #as )!n!!l$ !f +IC%
In 1::0, Malh!tra C!))ittee, headed '$ f!r)er -inance Secretar$ and R7I
@!vern!r R%=% Malh!tra, #as f!r)ed t! evaluate the Indian insurance industr$ and
rec!))end its future directi!n% The Malh!tra c!))ittee #as set u #ith the
!'Aective !f c!)le)entin" the ref!r)s initiated in the financial sect!r% The ref!r)s
#ere ai)ed at creatin" a )!re efficient and c!)etitive financial s$ste) suita'le f!r
the re3uire)ents !f the ec!n!)$ (eein" in )ind the structural chan"es currentl$
under#a$ and rec!"niCin" that insurance is an i)!rtant art !f the !verall financial
s$ste) #here it #as necessar$ t! address the need f!r si)ilar ref!r)s% In 1::1, the
c!))ittee su')itted the re!rt and s!)e !f the (e$ rec!))endati!ns includedB
@!vern)ent sta(e in the insurance C!)anies t! 'e 'r!u"ht d!#n t! <6G%
@!vern)ent sh!uld ta(e !ver the h!ldin"s !f @IC and its su'sidiaries s! that these
su'sidiaries can act as indeendent c!r!rati!ns%
.rivate C!)anies #ith a )ini)u) aid u caital !f Rs%1 'illi!n sh!uld 'e all!#ed
t! enter the sect!r% =! C!)an$ sh!uld deal in '!th +ife and @eneral Insurance
thr!u"h a sin"le entit$% -!rei"n c!)anies )a$ 'e all!#ed t! enter the industr$ in
c!lla'!rati!n #ith the d!)estic c!)anies%
Re'"ator( ,o%(
The Insurance Act sh!uld 'e chan"ed% An Insurance Re"ulat!r$ '!d$ sh!uld 'e set
u% C!ntr!ller !f Insurance, a art !f the -inance Ministr$, sh!uld 'e )ade
Mandat!r$ Invest)ents !f +IC +ife -und in "!vern)ent securities t! 'e reduced fr!)
8<G t! <6G% @IC and its su'sidiaries are n!t t! h!ld )!re than <G in an$ c!)an$
9there current h!ldin"s t! 'e 'r!u"ht d!#n t! this level !ver a eri!d !f ti)e;
This secti!n "ives the users i)!rtant and detailed statistics !f the Indian as #ell as
the @l!'al insurance industr$% These statistics #!uld "ive i)!rtant insi"hts !f #here
the resective )ar(ets are headed f!r%
• The "l!'al life insurance )ar(et stands at H1,<21%2 'illi!n #hile the n!n,life
insurance )ar(et is laced at H:22%1 'illi!n%
• The United States itself acc!unts f!r a'!ut !ne,third !f the H2110%5 'illi!n
"l!'al insurance )ar(et and ?aan stands ne*t #ith a 26%52G share%
• India ta(es the 20rd !siti!n #ith US H:%:00 'illi!n annual re)iu)
c!llecti!ns and a )ea"er 6%11G share%
• Out !f !ne 'illi!n e!le in India, !nl$ 0< )illi!n e!le are c!vered '$
• IndiaIs life insurance re)iu) as a ercenta"e !f @&. is Aust 1%88 er cent%
• The inc!)e derived '$ @IC and its su'sidiar$ c!)anies thr!u"h invest)ent
#as Rs%21:1%85 cr!re and the investa'le fund "enerated #as Rs%2210 cr!re in
• Indian insurance )ar(et is set t! t!uch H2< 'illi!n '$ 2616, !n the assu)ti!n
!f a 8 er cent real annual "r!#th in @&.%
The insurance industr$ r!vides r!tecti!n a"ainst financial l!sses resultin" fr!) a
variet$ !f erils% 7$ urchasin" insurance !licies, individuals and 'usinesses can
receive rei)'urse)ent f!r l!sses due t! car accidents, theft !f r!ert$, and fire and
st!r) da)a"eJ )edical e*ensesJ and l!ss !f inc!)e due t! disa'ilit$ !r death%
The insurance industr$ c!nsists )ainl$ !f insurance carriers 9!r insurers; and
insurance a"encies and 'r!(era"es% In "eneral, insurance carriers are lar"e c!)anies
that r!vide insurance and assu)e the ris(s c!vered '$ the !lic$% Insurance a"encies
and 'r!(era"es sell insurance !licies f!r the carriers%
Insurance c!)anies assu)e the ris( ass!ciated #ith annuities and insurance !licies
and assi"n re)iu)s t! 'e aid f!r the !licies% In the !lic$, the c!)anies states
the len"th and c!nditi!ns !f the a"ree)ent, e*actl$ #hich l!sses it #ill r!vide
c!)ensati!n f!r, and h!# )uch #ill 'e a#arded%
The re)iu) char"ed f!r the !lic$ is 'ased ri)aril$ !n the a)!unt t! 'e a#arded
in case !f l!ss, as #ell as the li(elih!!d that the insurance carrier #ill actuall$ have t!
a$% In !rder t! 'e a'le t! c!)ensate !lic$h!lders f!r their l!sses, insurance
c!)anies invest the )!ne$ the$ receive in re)iu)s, 'uildin" u a !rtf!li! !f
financial assets and inc!)e,r!ducin" real estate #hich can then 'e used t! a$ !ff
an$ future clai)s that )a$ 'e 'r!u"ht%
There are t#! 'asic t$es !f insurance carriersB &irect and Reinsurance%
&irect carriers are res!nsi'le f!r the initial under#ritin" !f insurance !licies and
annuities, #hile Reinsurance carriers assu)e all !r art !f the ris( ass!ciated #ith the
e*istin" insurance !licies !ri"inall$ under#ritten '$ !ther insurance carriers%
&irect insurance carriers !ffer a variet$ !f insurance !licies%
+ife insurance r!vides financial r!tecti!n t! 'eneficiariesKusuall$ s!uses and
deendent childrenKu!n the death !f the insured%
&isa'ilit$ insurance sulies a reset inc!)e t! an insured ers!n #h! is una'le t!
#!r( due t! inAur$ !r illness
>ealth insurance a$s the e*enses resultin" fr!) accidents and illness%
An Annuit$ 9a c!ntract !r a "r!u !f c!ntracts that furnishes a eri!dic inc!)e at
re"ular intervals f!r a secified eri!d; r!vides a stead$ inc!)e durin" retire)ent
f!r the re)ainder !f !ne/s life%
.r!ert$,casualt$ insurance r!tects a"ainst l!ss !r da)a"e t! r!ert$ resultin" fr!)
haCards such as fire, theft, and natural disasters%
+ia'ilit$ insurance shields !lic$h!lders fr!) financial res!nsi'ilit$ f!r inAuries t!
!thers !r f!r da)a"e t! !ther e!le/s r!ert$% M!st !licies, such as aut!)!'ile
and h!)e!#ner/s insurance, c!)'ine '!th r!ert$,casualt$ and lia'ilit$ c!vera"e%
C!)anies that under#rite this (ind !f insurance are called r!ert$,casualt$ carriers%
/hat i! Life In!"ran#e0
>u)an life is su'Aect t! ris(s !f death and disa'ilit$ due t! natural and accidental
causes% Lhen hu)an life is l!st !r a ers!n is disa'led er)anentl$ !r te)!raril$,
there is a l!ss !f inc!)e t! the h!useh!ld% The fa)il$ is ut t! hardshi% Ris(s are
unredicta'le% &eathMdisa'ilit$ )a$ !ccur #hen !ne least e*ects it% There are a
nu)'er !f life insurance r!ducts #hich !ffer r!tecti!n and als! c!uled #ith
A Ter) insurance r!duct r!vides a fi*ed a)!unt !f )!ne$ !n death durin" the
eri!d !f c!ntract%
A Lh!le +ife insurance r!duct r!vides a fi*ed a)!unt !f )!ne$ !n death%
An End!#)ent Assurance r!duct r!vided a fi*ed a)!unt !f )!ne$ either !n death
durin" the eri!d !f c!ntract !r at the e*ir$ !f c!ntract if life assured is alive%
A M!ne$ 7ac( Assurance r!duct r!vides n!t !nl$ fi*ed a)!unts #hich are a$a'le
!n secified dates durin" the eri!d !f c!ntract, 'ut als! the full a)!unt !f )!ne$
assured !n death durin" the eri!d !f c!ntract%
An Annuit$ r!duct r!vides a series !f )!nthl$ a$)ents !n stiulated dates
r!vided that the life assured is alive !n the stiulated dates%
A +in(ed r!duct r!vides n!t !nl$ a fi*ed a)!unt !f )!ne$ !n death 'ut als! su)s
!f )!ne$ #hich are lin(ed #ith the underl$in" value !f assets !n the desired dates%
There are a variet$ !f life insurance r!ducts t! suit t! the needs !f vari!us cate"!ries
!f e!leKchildren, $!uth, #!)en, )iddle,a"ed ers!ns, !ld e!leJ and als! rural
e!le, fil) act!rs and un!r"aniCed la'!rers%
+ife insurance r!ducts c!uld 'e urchased fr!) re"istered life insurers n!tified '$
the IR&A% Insurers a!int insurance a"ents t! sell their r!ducts%
As er re"ulati!ns, insurers have t! "ive the vari!us features !f the r!ducts at the
!int !f sale% The insured sh!uld als! "! thr!u"h the vari!us ter)s and c!nditi!ns !f
the r!ducts and understand #hat the$ have '!u"ht and )et their insurance needs%
The$ !u"ht t! understand the clai) r!cedures s! that the$ (n!# #hat t! d! in the
event !f a l!ss%
Insurance is a federal su'Aect in India% The ri)ar$ le"islati!n that deals #ith
insurance 'usiness in India isB Insurance Act, 1:02, and Insurance Re"ulat!r$ N
&evel!)ent Auth!rit$ Act, 1:::%
The Insurance Re"ulat!r$ and &evel!)ent
Auth!rit$ 9IR&A;
Ref!r)s in the Insurance sect!r #ere initiated #ith the assa"e !f the IR&A 7ill in
.arlia)ent in &ece)'er 1:::% The IR&A since its inc!r!rati!n as a statut!r$ '!d$
in Aril 2666 has fastidi!usl$ stuc( t! its schedule !f fra)in" re"ulati!ns and
re"isterin" the rivate sect!r insurance c!)anies%
The !ther decisi!n ta(en si)ultane!usl$ t! r!vide the su!rtin" s$ste)s t! the
insurance sect!r and in articular the life insurance c!)anies #as the launch !f the
Ir&A/s !nline service f!r issue and rene#al !f licenses t! a"ents% Since 'ein" set u
as an indeendent statut!r$ '!d$ the IR&A has ut in a fra)e#!r( !f "l!'all$
c!)ati'le re"ulati!ns%
DT! r!tect the interests !f the !lic$h!lders, t! re"ulate, r!)!te and ensure !rderl$
"r!#th !f the insurance industr$ and f!r )atters c!nnected there#ith !r incidental
The intr!ducti!n !f rivate la$ers in the industr$ has added t! the c!l!rs in the dull
industr$% The initiatives ta(en '$ the rivate la$ers are ver$ c!)etitive and have
"iven i))ense c!)etiti!n t! the !n ti)e )!n!!l$ !f the )ar(et +IC% Since the
advent !f the rivate la$ers in the )ar(et the industr$ has seen ne# and inn!vative
stes ta(en '$ the la$ers in this sect!r%
The ne# la$ers have i)r!ved the service 3ualit$ !f the insurance% As a result +IC
d!#n the $ears have seen the declinin" hase in its career% The )ar(et share #as
distri'uted a)!n" the rivate la$ers% Th!u"h +IC still h!lds the 8:G !f the
insurance sect!r 'ut the uc!)in" natures !f these rivate la$ers are en!u"h t! "ive
)!re c!)etiti!n t! +IC in the near future% +IC )ar(et share has decreased fr!)
:<G 92662,60; t! 21 G9 2661,6<;%
+IC has the current )ar(et share !f 8:G%
A)!n" the rivate la$ers ICICI .rudential has the )a*i)u) !f a*% <%56G
7harti A*a has the current )ar(et share !f <G%
-!ll!#ed '$ 7aAaA AllianC 90%28 G; and >&-C Standard +ife !f a'!ut 0%11G%
7el!# is the ta'le that sh!#s the )ar(et share !f vari!us la$ers !f the industr$%
The foo1in' #ompanie! ha)e the re!t of the mar2et !hare of the in!"ran#e
+IC 67389
7A?A? A++IA=O 83<6
>&-C STA=&AR& +I-E 83==
7IR+A SU=+I-E <38<
TATA AI@ =3>:
S7I +I-E =3<>
AVIVA +I-E 93?<
I=@ VYSYA 93;;
OM POTAP +I-E 93:>
AM. SA=MAR 938?
MET+I-E 9388
RE+IA=CE +I-E 939:
The li'eraliCati!n !f the Indian insurance sect!r has !ened ne# d!!rs t! rivate
c!)etiti!n and the ne# and i)r!ved insurance sect!r t!da$ r!)ises several ne#
A!' !!rtunities% Lith rivate la$ers n!# in the field, there #ill 'e inn!vative
r!ducts, 'etter ac(a"in", i)r!ved cust!)er service, and, )!st i)!rtantl$, "reater
e)l!$)ent !!rtunities%
There are a nu)'er !f !ti!ns t! ch!!se fr!) f!r a career in Insurance% Ideall$ an
insurance c!)an$ #ill have !enin"s in the f!ll!#in" fieldsB
• Actuaries
• Under#riter
• Surve$!r
• Invest)ent
• Mar(etin" N &istri'uti!n
• Evaluates the ris( f!r c!)anies t! 'e used f!r strate"ic )ana"e)ent
• Actuaries use their anal$tical s(ills t! redict the ris( !f #ritin" insurance
!licies thr!u"h the use !f )athe)atical, statistical and ec!n!)ic )!dels%
• An actuar$ n!t !nl$ fi*es the re)iu) rates f!r ne# r!ducts, 'ut als! revises
'!th r!ducts and rices% The$ calculate c!sts t! assu)e ris(
• Insurance under#riters revie# insurance alicati!ns and decide #hether the$
sh!uld 'e acceted !r reAected 'ased !n the de"ree !f ris(s inv!lved in
insurin" the e!le !r !'Aects !f c!ncern%
• In the life insurance 'usiness, an under#riter is e*ected t! filter the Q'ad !r
su'standard livesQ% Lhereas, in the "eneral insurance se")ent, he ta(es care
!f ris( )ana"e)ent%
India #ith a'!ut 266 )illi!n )iddle class h!useh!ld sh!#s a hu"e untaed !tential
f!r la$ers in the insurance industr$% Saturati!n !f )ar(ets in )an$ devel!ed
ec!n!)ies has )ade the Indian )ar(et even )!re attractive f!r "l!'al insurance
)aA!rs% The insurance sect!r in India has c!)e t! a !siti!n !f ver$ hi"h !tential and
c!)etitiveness in the )ar(et%
Inn!vative r!ducts and a""ressive distri'uti!n have 'ec!)e the sa$ !f the da$%
Indians, have al#a$s seen life insurance as a ta* savin" device, are n!# suddenl$
turnin" t! the rivate sect!r that are r!vidin" the) ne# r!ducts and variet$ f!r their
ch!ice% +ife insurance industr$ is #aitin" f!r a 'i" "r!#th as )an$ Indian and f!rei"n
c!)anies are #aitin" in the line f!r the "reen si"nal t! start their !erati!ns% The
Indian c!nsu)er sh!uld 'e read$ n!# 'ecause the )ar(et is "!in" t! "ive the) an
arra$ !f r!ducts, different in rice, features and 'enefits% >!# the cust!)er is "!in"
t! )a(e his ch!ice #ill deter)ine the future !f the industr$%
+IC has alread$ #ell esta'lished and have an e*tensive distri'uti!n channel and
resence% =e# la$ers )a$ find it e*ensive and ti)e c!nsu)in" t! 'rin" u a
distri'uti!n net#!r( t! such standards% Theref!re the$ are l!!(in" t! the diverse areas
!f distri'uti!n channel t! have an advanta"e% At resent the distri'uti!n channels that
are availa'le in the )ar(et areB
R &irect sellin"MRetail
R C!r!rate a"ents
R @r!u sellin"
R 7r!(ers and c!!erative s!cieties
R 7ancassurance
An a"ent sh!uld 'e a leasin" ers!nalit$ #ith c!)lete (n!#led"e a'!ut the vari!us
lans and s!luti!ns #hich the c!)an$ has t! !ffer and )ust als! understand the
cust!)er/s s$ch!l!"$ #ell t! deal in an efficient )anner%
7ancassurance is the distri'uti!n !f insurance r!ducts thr!u"h the 'an(Is distri'uti!n
channel% It is a hen!)en!n #herein insurance r!ducts are !ffered thr!u"h the
distri'uti!n channels !f the 'an(in" services al!n" #ith a c!)lete ran"e !f 'an(in"
and invest)ent r!ducts and services% T! ut it si)l$, 7ancassurance, tries t! e*l!it
s$ner"ies 'et#een '!th the insurance c!)anies and 'an(s%
A%)anta'e! to $an2!
• .r!ductivit$ !f the e)l!$ees increases%
• 7$ r!vidin" cust!)ers #ith '!th the services under !ne r!!f, the$
can I)r!ve !verall cust!)er satisfacti!n resultin" in hi"her cust!)er retenti!n
• Increase in return !n assets '$ 'uildin" fee inc!)e thr!u"h the sale !f
In!"ran#e pro%"#t!3
• Can levera"e !n face,t!,face c!ntacts and a#areness a'!ut the
financial C!nditi!ns !f cust!)ers t! sell insurance r!ducts%
• 7an(s can cr!ss sell insurance r!ducts e%"%B Ter) insurance r!ducts #ith l!ans%
A%)anta'e! to in!"rer!
• Insurers can e*l!it the 'an(sI #ide net#!r( !f 'ranches f!r distri'uti!n !f
r!ducts% The enetrati!n !f 'an(sI 'ranches int! the rural areas can 'e
utiliCed t! sell r!ducts in th!se areas%
• Cust!)er data'ase li(e cust!)ersI financial standin", sendin" ha'its,
invest)ent and urchase caa'ilit$ can 'e used t! cust!)iCe r!ducts and sell
• Since 'an(s have alread$ esta'lished relati!nshi #ith cust!)ers, c!nversi!n
rati! !f leads t! sales is li(el$ t! 'e hi"h% -urther service asect can als! 'e
tac(led easil$%
A%)anta'e! to #on!"mer!
• C!)rehensive financial advis!r$ services under !ne r!!f% i%e%, insurance
services al!n" #ith !ther financial services such as 'an(in", )utual funds,
ers!nal l!ans etc%
• Enhanced c!nvenience !n the art !f the insured
• Eas$ accesses f!r clai)s, as 'an(s are a re"ular "!%
• Inn!vative and 'etter r!duct ran"es
+ife insurance is )an$ different thin"s t! )an$ different e!le% -!r s!)e, it is a
re)iu) t! 'e aid !n ti)e% -!r !thers it !ffers li3uidit$ since cash can 'e '!rr!#ed
#hen needed% -!r the invest)ent,)inded, it den!tes a c!nstantl$ "r!#in" caital
acc!unt and nu)er!us !ther 'enefits%
The c!ntractual "uarantee is the r!)ise t! a$, 'ac(ed '$ !ne !f the !ldest and )!st
sta'l$ re"ulated financial industr$ !eratin" in the Indian su',c!ntinent t!da$%
1; Insurance 7u$s Ti)e and M!ne$
.e!le li(e t! refer t! life insurance as ti)e insurance, the reas!n 'ein" that life
insurance r!ceeds are aid t! the insuredIs 'eneficiaries in case !f death% The )!ne$
r!ffered '$ life insurance hels 'u$ ti)e t! adAust t! the chan"e !f circu)stances%
Insurance r!vides lar"e a)!unts !f cash that #ill (ee the lifest$le f!r the surviv!rs
the #a$ it #as 'ef!re the insuredIs death%
2; Insurance Offers .eace !f Mind
-!r the ers!n #h! 'u$s an insurance !lic$, it !ffers a's!lute and c!)lete eace !f
)ind% >e !r she (n!#s that the decisi!n )ade '$ hi) #ill r!vide s!und 'enefits in
the future, #hether !r n!t the individual )a$ live t! see it%
0; Multile Alicati!ns
The future is uncertain f!r each and ever$ !ne% =! !ne (n!#s h!# l!n" he !r she #ill
live% The invest)ent 'enefit is aid t! the insuredIs 'eneficiaries after his death !r it
can 'e used durin" the life as #ell% +ife insurance !lic$ !#ners can turn t! the cash
value !f the !lic$ in case !f a financial e)er"enc$ #hen all avenues are either
'l!c(ed !r denied%
1; Endurin" Elasticit$
Since life insurance is fle*i'le en!u"h t! serve several needs, the insured can (ee
several l!n",ter) "!als in )ind !nce he !r she invests in the insurance lan% The cash
value !f the !lic$ can 'e all!cated t!#ards au")entin" the )!nthl$ inc!)e durin"
the retire)ent $ears% +eisure $ears sh!uld 'e turned int! leasure $ears% .er)anent
life insurance is desi"ned !n the c!ncets !f l!n",ter) fle*i'ilit$%
<; -inancial Securit$
The insurance !lic$ !ffers c!ntractual "uarantees t! e!le l!!(in" f!r eace !f
)ind #hen the$ 'u$ life insurance% +ife insurance !ffers c!)lete financial securit$%
The urchase !f life insurance de)!nstrates c!ncern f!r a fa)il$Is future financial
#ell 'ein"%
5; Re"ard f!r -a)il$
The urchase !f life insurance clearl$ disla$s care and c!ncern f!r the e!le the
!lic$ !#ner l!ves%
8; Insurance is Safer
=! financial instituti!n can d! #hat life insurance d!es% =! industr$ can 'ac( its
r!ducts #ith reserves and surlus as s!und as th!se !f the insurance industr$%
The r!!f !f stren"th and safet$ that insurance c!)anies have ensured even under
the )!st adverse !f c!nditi!ns is a )atter !f ride f!r the entire insurance industr$%
-!r "enerati!n after "enerati!n, life insurance has 'een acclai)ed as the ver$
'ench)ar( !f securit$ a"ainst #hich the !ther industries are )easured%
In the n!# !en sect!r !n insurance, the f!ll!#in" is #hat I feel #ill deter)ine the
success !f the c!)an$ in articular and the industr$ in "eneralB
• A chan"e in the attitude !f the !ulati!n
Indians have al#a$s 'een #ar$ !f e)l!$in" their hard,earned )!ne$ in a venture
that #ill a$ the) !n their death% Insurance has al#a$s 'een used as a Ta* savin"
t!!l% =! )!re, n! less% It is u!n the insurers t! educate the e!le t! secureMinsure
their future a"ainst an$ un(n!#n cala)it$ and )a(e a shield ar!und their fa)ilies
and 'usinesses%
• An !en and transarent envir!n)ent created under the IR&A%
The reas!n f!r this 'ein" !n the t! !f !ur understandin" is that #hen ever #e have
seen an$ sect!r !en u in India there are al#a$s "re$ areas and unsure !licies%
These are n!t e*actl$ #hat an$ la$er, 'e it Indian !r f!rei"n, l!!(s f!r% It creates an
air !f uncertaint$ in all the decisi!n )a(in" r!cess% Insurance as a sect!r re3uires
la$ers #h! are str!n" financiall$ and are #illin" t! #ait f!r returns% Their c!nfidence
can 'e '!lstered !nl$ if there is an !en and a transarent !lic$ "uidelines% This #ill
als! hel the c!nsu)ers feel safe that the re"ulat!r$ is an active !ne and cares t! d!
ever$thin" !ssi'le t! (ee thin"s under c!ntr!l and hel the insurance envir!n)ent
"r!# )aturel$%
• A #ell,esta'lished distri'uti!n net#!r(%
T! cater t! the lar"est de)!crac$ in the #!rld is '$ n! )eans a ca(e#al(% Insurance
r!fits are directl$ related t! nu)'er !f insured and this is in turn related t! the reach%
• Trained r!fessi!nals t! 'uild and sell the r!duct%
It is said that the insurance a"ent is the 'est sales)an in the #!rld% >e )a(es $!u a$,
re"ularl$, an a)!unt r!)isin" t! a$ 'ac( !nl$ !n $!ur death% Thus the la$ers #ill
re3uire an e*cellent sales tea) t! sell their r!ducts in the n!# c!)etitive
• Enc!ura"e)ent !f ne# and 'etter r!ducts and lettin" the hac(ne$ed !nes die !ut%
This #ill itself ensure the )ar(et "r!#s% And that ever$ classMs!ciet$ "ets a r!duct
that 'est suits the)%
The Inc!)e Ta* Act and +ife Insurance !licies
• Under Secti!n 16916&;, an$ su) received under a +ife Insurance !lic$ 9n!t
'ein" a Pe$ Man !lic$; is als! e*e)t fr!) ta*ati!n% 7ut it is #ise t! re)e)'er
that .ensi!ns received fr!) Annuit$ lans are n!t e*e)ted fr!) Inc!)e Ta*%
• Secti!n 26C r!vides a deducti!n u t! Rs%1,66,666M, t! an individual assesses
f!r an$ a)!unt aid as a re)iu)%
.!lic$h!lders )a$ have c!)laints a"ainst insurers either in resect !f their !licies
!r their clai)s% As er Re"ulati!ns f!r .r!tecti!n !f !lic$h!lders/ interests, 2662,
ever$ insurer sh!uld have in lace, a "rievance redressal s$ste) t! address the
c!)laints !f !lic$h!lders% The IR&A has a @rievance Redressal Cell #hich la$s a
facilitative r!le '$ ta(in" u c!)laints a"ainst insurers #ith the resective
c!)anies f!r seed$ res!luti!n% The IR&A h!#ever d!es n!t adAudicate !n
1% 7est returns #ith the added advanta"e !f 166G life insurance c!vera"e%
2% @!!d !ti!n f!r ne# invest!rs int! the )ar(et as all the )!ne$ is invested '$ 'est
fund )ana"ers s! #ith less (n!#led"e als! the$ can earn "!!d Returns%
0% 7est c!))issi!n char"es aid t! the a"ents #hich var$ fr!) 12G t! 0<G #hich is
)uch hi"her as c!)ared t! )utual funds i%e% , !nl$ 2,2%<G%
1% 7>ARTI AXA c!uld n!t a'le t! )atch +IC in re)!te areas services%
2% Misleadin" facts "iven '$ life advis!rs a'!ut the returns !f U+I.s%
0% >idden char"es ta(en '$ the c!)anies%
1% +ess .r!)!ti!nal Ca)ai"ns%
1% 26 ercent !f Indian !ulati!n is still under insured% S! there is a 'i" !!rtunit$
f!r insurance c!)anies%
2% As the st!c( )ar(et can 'e under the )ar( an$ ti)e s! it can 'rin" l!ss t! the
invest!rs 'ut as in U+I.s there is r!er )i*ture !f de't securities and e3uit$ s!
the l!ss is incurred durin" dar( tradin" da$s als!%
0% Unit,lin(ed r!ducts are e*e)ted fr!) ta* and the$ r!vide life insurance%
1% Increasin" c!nsu)er a#areness a'!ut Insurance and its use%

1% Canni'alis) #ithin the industr$ '$ r!vidin" )isleadin" fi"ures t! the invest!rs%
2% @!vt%/s insta'ilit$ has a l!n" ter) reercussi!ns affectin" c!)an$/s !licies
and its "r!#th%
To prote#t (o"r fami( finan#ia(
Y!u l!ve $!ur fa)il$ and feel res!nsi'le t!#ards the) in ever$ #a$% A life
insurance lan c!vers $!ur life at n!)inal c!sts s! that $!u can fulfill $!ur
res!nsi'ilit$ #ith ease and $!ur fa)il$ never has t! face financial c!nstraints%
/h( %o I nee% to !e#"re m( fami( 1hen I@m there for them0
A life insurance lan #ill ta(e care !f $!ur fa)il$ in case $!u are n!t ar!und f!r
Y!u need t! r!tect $!ur fa)il$ a"ainst unf!reseen events% A life insurance lan hels
$!u d! s! ver$ easil$%
Prote#t (o"r o)e% one! a'ain!t finan#ia #ontin'en#ie! at nomina #o!t!
Y!u l!ve $!ur fa)il$ and feel res!nsi'le t!#ards the) in ever$ #a$% 7ut life can 'e
uncertain and unf!reseen c!ntin"encies can )eet $!u an$ti)e% At such ti)es, life
insurance c!)es t! $!ur rescue% As s!)e!ne #h! #ants !nl$ the 'est f!r their fa)il$,
#e understand $!ur need t! safe"uard $!ur fa)il$ a"ainst an$ crisis% Our r!tecti!n
lans !ffer $!u hi"h life c!ver at n!)inal c!sts s! that $!u can fulfill $!ur
res!nsi'ilit$ #ith ease and $!ur fa)il$ never has t! face financial c!nstraints%
To maAimi!e (o"r !a)in'!
+ife insurance lans n!t !nl$ ensure $!ur fa)il$Is securit$ 'ut are als! a health$
invest)ent !ti!n% These invest)ents ensure $!ur )!ne$ #!r(s hard f!r $!u '$
"ivin" $!u "!!d returns al!n" #ith eace !f )ind, as $!ur fa)il$ is r!tected% S!
#hether it is $!ur !#n h!)e, the 'est educati!n f!r $!ur child !r even a c!)f!rta'le
lifest$le, life insurance lans are the 'est s!luti!ns%
5o1 %oe! a Life In!"ran#e pan maAimi!e m( !a)in'!0
There are variants !f +ife Insurance lans availa'le t!da$ that can )a*i)ise $!ur
The traditi!nal lans "ive $!u definite a)!unt as assured )!ne$ 'ac(% U+I.s !r
)ar(et,lin(ed lans invest $!ur )!ne$ in the )ar(ets t! hel $!u rea hi"h returns
al!n" #ith life insurance 'enefits%
-und )ana"ers are the e*erts that ta(e care !f $!ur invest)ent lans t! ensure $!u
)a*i)ise $!ur savin"s%
Do I nee% to 1orr( a$o"t the !afet( of m( in)e!tment!0
There are different lans that $!u can invest in, deendin" !n h!# )uch ris( $!u are
read$ t! ta(e% The lans can 'e su))ed u int! , Traditi!nal .lans, U+I.s and
@uarantee .lans
Tra%itiona Pan!
Traditi!nal .lans "ive $!u "uaranteed returns !n the invested )!ne$% The returns $!u
earn thr!u"h these lans are re,decided and c!))unicated t! $!u at the ti)e !f
issuance !f !lic$%
Unli(e Traditi!nal .lans, Unit +in(ed Insurance .lans 9U+I.s; invest a art !f $!ur
re)iu) a)!unt int! the financial )ar(ets% The returns under these !licies deend
!n )ar(et erf!r)ance% Mar(et us#in"s can ensure $!u earn hi"h returns% There are
vari!us fund !ti!ns availa'le under these lans% 7asis $!ur ris( aetite, $!u can !t
f!r the ar!riate fund !ti!n%
."arantee Pan!
@uarantee .lans are Unit +in(ed .lans, #ith an in,'uilt I"uaranteeI feature% These
lans safe"uard the )!ne$ invested a"ainst an$ )ar(et d!#nturns% Lhen the )ar(et
is u, $!u can enA!$ hi"h returns and in case !f )ar(et d!#ns#in"s, there is a
)ini)u) "uaranteed a)!unt aid t! $!u that ensures $!u d! n!t l!se $!ur hard
earned )!ne$%
En!"re (o"r fami(@! !e#"rit( a! (o" maAimi!e (o"r !a)in'!
Y!u can )a(e $!ur )!ne$ #!r( harder #ith !ur Lealth Creati!n #ith .r!tecti!n
lans% These lans c!)e #ith the d!u'le advanta"e !fB
• C!)lete eace !f )ind as $!ur fa)il$ is financiall$ r!tected and
• @!!d invest)ent !ti!n that ensures l!n",ter) financial "!als are )et

Lhether it is a 'i""er h!)e, a drea) vacati!n !r even a c!)f!rta'le future, these life
insurance lans are the 'est s!luti!ns al!n" #ith the suret$ !f financial r!tecti!n%
Our life insurance c!vera"e lans include Itraditi!nalI lans that "ive "uaranteed
)!ne$ !n )aturit$% Lhile, #e als! !ffer )ar(et,lin(ed lans that "ive $!u the 'enefit
!f "!!d )ar(et erf!r)ance t! )a*i)ise $!ur savin"s%
Pan! that hep (o"r #hi% reai!e hi! potentia an% et him a#hie)e 1hat he
%ream! of
As a res!nsi'le arent $!u #ill never #ant t! )a(e an$ c!)r!)ises #hen it c!)es
t! $!ur child% L!uldn/t it 'e nice if $!u have a trusted friend #h! ta(es care !f all the
finances f!r $!ur childIs "r!#in" drea)sS Child lans, #ith a life insurance c!)an$
li(e !urs, have 'een created t! hel $!u r!vide the 'est f!r $!ur childIs (e$ sta"es
and hel hi) secure a 'ri"ht future%
To f"fi (o"r #hi%@! %ream!
As a res!nsi'le arent, $!u #!uldn/t li(e t! )a(e c!)r!)ises #hen it c!)es t!
$!ur child% Child lans hel $!u secure $!ur childIs future in a lanned and s$ste)atic
)anner% These lans can hel $!u fulfill $!ur res!nsi'ilities t!#ards $!ur child
Y!u can s$ste)aticall$ lan f!r the finances re3uired f!r $!ur childIs future #ith
these lans% Y!u can select the ter) !f the lan deendin" !n $!ur childIs
re3uire)ents at their (e$ life sta"es, hisMher educati!n, hi"her studies !r even
)arria"e% And thr!u"h eri!dic #ithdra#als fr!) the !lic$, $!u can r!vide
financial assistance f!r the (e$ )ilest!nes !f $!ur child% 7$ investin" in this lan, $!u
can )a(e $!ur )!ne$ "r!# !ver a eri!d !f ti)e, there'$ securin" $!ur childIs
/i m( #hi% 'et the $enefit from thi! panB in #a!e I@m not aro"n%0
The uni3ue Laiver !f .re)iu) feature ta(es care !f this c!ncern% &urin" the ter) !f
the !lic$, sh!uld an$thin" unf!rtunate haen t! $!u, the r!tecti!n c!ver is aid !ut
and all future re)iu)s are #aived !ff% This ensures that the !lic$ c!ntinues till
)aturit$ and $!u need n!t fear !f !lic$ lase 'ecause $!u are n!t ar!und t! a$ the
future re)iu)s% Child lans in that sense #ill ta(e care !f $!ur child and his future,
even in $!ur a'sence%
EnCo( a 'o%en retirement
Retire)ent lans are the 'est #a$ t! s$ste)aticall$ lan f!r $!ur "!lden $ears% 7$
investin" in these l!n",ter) lans, $!u can earn a re"ular inc!)e even after $!uIve
st!ed #!r(in"% Lith!ut #!rr$in" a'!ut risin" c!sts, $!u can 'e self,reliant and
lead a c!)f!rta'le retired life%
These are l!n",ter) lans since the$ ai) t! r!vide a re"ular inc!)e t! $!u !st $!ur
retire)ent% The earlier $!u start, the 'etter it is, s! that #hen the ter) !f the lan
ends, $!u can enA!$ a "!!d c!rus as ensi!n%
7$ investin" in retire)ent lans t!da$, $!u can ensure $!u lead a c!)f!rta'le life,
even after $!uIve st!ed #!r(in"%
Sta( 1orr(-free a$o"t (o"r me%i#a eApen!e!
>ealth r!'le)s !ften hit us suddenl$ and the$ 'rin" #ith the) hu"e )edical 'ills%
T! av!id 'ein" financiall$ strained, due t! health c!ntin"encies, $!u can !t f!r a
health insurance lan and sta$ #!rr$,free%
>ealth r!'le)s can arise an$ti)e% Lith the hel !f a health lan, $!u can invest
s$ste)aticall$ t!da$, s! that in case !f an$ health crisis, $!ur heft$ )edical 'ills are
ta(en care !f%
Lhat/s )!re, health insurance lans als! ta(e care !f certain critical illnesses and
disa'ilities t! ensure health r!'le)s d! n!t i)act $!ur fa)il$Is financial securit$%
Insurance is defined as a c!,!erative device t! sread the l!ss
caused '$ a articular ris( !ver a nu)'er !f ers!ns #h! are
e*!sed t! it and #h! a"ree t! ensure the)selves a"ainst that
ris(% Ris( is uncertaint $ !f a financial l!ss% It sh!uld n!t 'e
c!nfused #ith the chance !f l!ss, #hich is the r!'a'le nu)'er
!f l!sses !ut !f c!nfused #ith eril, #hich is defined as the
cause !f l!ss !r #ith haCard, #hich is a c!nditi!n, )a$ increase
the chance !f l!ss%
Ever$ ris( inv!lves the l!ss !f !ne !r !ther (ind% The functi!n
!f insurance is t! sread the l!ss !ver a lar"e nu)'er !f ers!ns
#h! are a"reed t! c!,!erate each !ther at the ti)e !f l!ss% The
ris( cann!t 'e !ver rated 'ut l!ss !ccurrin" due t! a certain ris(
can 'e distri'uted a)!n"st the a"reed ers!ns% The$ are a"reed
t! share the l!ss 'ecause the chance !f l!ss is there%
Ever$'!d$/s "reatest asset durin" hisMher #!r(in" $ears is
hisMher a'ilit $ t! earn an inc!)e% It is i)!rtant t! ade3uatel $
safe"uard this asset t! ensure hisMher cash fl!# #ill c!ntinue in
the event !f an une*ected disaster% >isMher insurance !licies
#ill hel t! r!tect hi)Mher 9if an$; a"ainst an$ unf!reseen !dds%
There are t#! (inds !f insurance availa'le viC% +ife Insurance
and @eneral Insurance%
 .r!vides f!r deendents in case !f death%
 Relaces earnin" !#er, if disa'led%
 .r!tects hisMher a'ili t $ t! )eet accu)ulati!n M
educati!n M )arri a"e "!als%
.enera In!"ran#e
 Addresses health care c!ncerns%
 .r!vides f!r aut!, h!)e and ers!nal lia'il it $
 .r!vides f!r !tential l!n",ter) care c!sts%
 .lans f!r 'usiness c!ntinuati!n%
The "eneral definiti!ns are "iven '$ the s!cial scientists N
the$ c!nsider insurance as a device t! r!tecti!n a"ainst
ris(s, !r a r!visi!n a"ainst inevita'le c!ntin"encies !r a
c!,!erative device !f sreadin" ris(s% S!)e !f such
definiti!ns are "iven 'el!#B
 In the #!rds !f ?!hn Ma"ee , “Insurance is a plan by
which large number of people associate themselves
& transfer to the shoulder of all, risks that attach to
individuals. ”
 In the #!rds !f Sir Lilli a) 7evrid"es , “The
collective bearing of risks is insurance. ”
 In the #!rds !f 7!!ne N PurtC , “Insurance is a
substitution for a small known loss (the insurance
premium for a large unknown loss, which may or
may not occur.”
 In the #!rds !f Th!)as , “Insurance is a provision,
which a prudent man makes against for the loss or
inevitable contingencies, loss or misfortune. ”
 In the #!rds !f Allen O% Ma$ers!n , “Insurance is a
device for the transfer to an insurer of certain risks
of economic loss that would otherwise come by the
insured. ”
 In the #!rds !f @h!sh N A"ar#al , “Insurance is a
co!operative form of distributing a certain risk over
a group of persons who are e"posed to it. ”
These are 'ased !n ec!n!)ic !r 'usiness !riented since it
is a device r!vidin" financial c!)ensati!n a"ainst ris(
!r )isf!rtune%
 In the #!rds !f &% S% >arsell , “Insurance may be
defined as a social device providing financial
compensation for the effects of misfortune, the
payments being made from the accumulated
contribution of all parties participating in the
scheme. ”
 In the #!rds !f R!'ert I% Mehr N E)ers!n
Ca))ar( , “Insurance is purchased to offset the risk
resulting from ha#ards, which e"poses a person to
loss. ”
 In the #!rds !f Rie"el N Miller , “Insurance is a
social device whereby the uncertain risks of
individuals may be combined in a group & thus
made more certain small periodic contributions, by
the individuals providing a fund, out of which, those
who suffer losses may be reimbursed. ”
 Insurance f!ll!#s i)!rtant characteristics%
Sharin' of Ri!2!
Insurance is a c!,!erative device t! share the 'urden !f
ris(, #hich )a$ fall !n haenin" !f s!)e unf!reseen
events, such as the death !f head !f the fa)il $, !r !n
haenin" !f )arine erils !r l!ss !f '$ fire%
Co-operati)e De)i#e
Insurance is a c!,!erative f!r) !f distri'utin" a certain
ris( !ver a "r!u !f ers!ns #h! are e*!sed t! it 9@h!sh
N A"ar#al;% A lar"e nu)'er !f ers!ns share the l!sses
arisin" fr!) a articul ar ris(%
E)a"ation of Ri!2
-!r the ur!se !f ascertainin" the insurance re)iu), the
v!lu)e !f ris( is evaluated, #hich f!r)s the 'asis !f
insurance c!ntract%
Pa(ment of happenin' of !pe#ifie% e)ent
On haenin" !f secified event, the insurance c!)an$ is
'!und t! )a(e a$)ent t! the insured% >aenin" !f the
secified event is certain in life insurance, 'ut in the case
!f fire, )arine !r accidental insurance, it is n!t necessar$%
In such cases, the insurer is n!t lia'le f!r a$)ent !f
inde)nit $%
Amo"nt of pa(ment
The a)!unt !f a$)ent in inde)nit $ insurance deends !n
the nature !f l!sses !ccurred, su'A ect t! a )a*i)u) !f the
su) insured% In life insurance, h!#ever, a fi*ed a)!unt is
aid !n the haenin" !f s!)e uncertain event !r !n the
)aturit $ !f the !lic$%
Lar'e n"m$er of in!"re% per!on!
The success !f insurance 'usiness deends !n the lar"e
nu)'er !f ers!ns insured a"ainst si)ilar ris(% This #ill
ena'le the insurer t! sread the l!sses !f ris( a)!n" lar"e
nu)'er !f ers!ns, thus (eein" the re)iu) rate at the
In!"ran#e i! not a 'am$in'
Insurance is n!t a "a)'lin"% @a)'lin" is ille"al, #hich
"ives "ain t! !ne art$ N l!ss t! the !ther% Insurance is a
valid c!ntract t! inde)ni t $ a"ainst l!sses% M!re!ver,
insura'le interest is resent in insurance c!ntracts N it has
the ele)ent !f invest)ent als!%
In!"ran#e i! not #harit(
Charit $ a$s #ith!ut c!nsiderati!n 'ut in the case !f
insurance, re)iu) is aid '$ the insured t! the insurer in
c!nsiderati!n !f future a$)ent %
Prote#tion a'ain!t ri!2!
Insurance r!vides r!tecti!n a"ainst ris(s inv!lved in
life, )aterials N r!ert $% It is a device t! av!id !r
reduce ris(s%
Sprea%in' of ri!2
Insurance is a lan, #hich sread the ris(s N l!sses !f fe#
e!le a)!n" a lar"e nu)'er !f e!le% ?!hn Ma"ee
#rites, “Insurance is a plan by which large number of
people associates themselves & transfer to the shoulders
of all, risks attached to individuals. ”
Tran!fer of ri!2
Insurance is a lan in #hich the insured transfers his ris(
!n the insurer% This )a$ 'e the reas!n that Ma$ers!n
!'serves, that insurance is a device t! transfer s!)e
ec!n!)ic l!sses t! the insurer, and !ther#ise such l!sses
#!uld have 'een '!rne '$ the insured the)selves%
A!#ertainin' of o!!e!
7$ ta(in" a life insurance !lic$, !ne can ascertain his
future l!sses in ter)s !f )!ne$% This is d!ne '$ the
insurer t! deter)inin" the rate !f re)iu), #hich is
calculated !n the 'asis !f )a*i )u) ris(s%
A #ontra#t
Insurance is a le"al c!ntract 'et#een the insurer N insured
under #hich the insurer r!)ises t! c!)ensate the
insured financial l $ #ithin the sc!e !f insurance !lic$, N
the insured r!)ises t! a$ a fi*ed rate !f re)iu) t! the
,a!e% "pon #ertain prin#ip e
Insurance is a c!ntract 'ased u!n certain funda)ental
rinciles !f insurance, #hich includes ut)!st "!!d faith,
insura'le interest, c!ntri'uti!n, inde)nit $, causa r!*i)a,
su'r!"ati!n, etc% , #hich are the 'asis f!r successful
!erati!n !f insurance lan%
Utmo!t .oo% Faith
Insurance is a c!ntract 'ased !n "!!d faith 'et#een the
arties% Theref!re, '!th the arties are '!und t! discl!se
the i)!rt ant facts affectin" t! the c!ntract 'ef!re each
!ther% Ut)!st "!!d faith is !ne !f the i)!rt ant
rinciles !f insurance%
T! c!nclude, insurance is a device f!r the transfer !f ris(s fr!)
the insured t! the insurers, #h! a"ree t! it f!r a c!nsiderati!n
9(n!#n as re)iu);, N r!)ises that the secified e*tent !f l!ss
suffered '$ the insured shall 'e c!)ensated% It is a le"al
c!ntract !f a technical nature%
T! c!nclude, insurance is a device f!r the transfer !f ris(s fr!) the insured t!
the insurers, #h! a"ree t! it f!r a c!nsiderati!n 9(n!#n as re)iu);, N
r!)ises that the secified e*tent !f l!ss suffered '$ the insured shall 'e
c!)ensated% It is a le"al c!ntract !f a technical nature%
In !rder t! "! thr!u"h the A!urne$ !f +IC 4 .ath !f rivate sect!r
insurance c!)anies t! nati!naliCe c!)an$ t! a"ain rivate sect!r
insurance c!)anies is "iven as 'el!#B
.rivate +ife Insurance C!)anies
.rivatiCati!n !f +ife Insurance Sect!r
1286 4
+ife Insurance c!ncet #as
acceted #ith al)!st 2<6 .rivate
+ife Insurance C!)anies
Mer"in" !f al)!st 2<6 .rivate
Sect!r +ife Insurance C!)anies in
!ne nati!naliCed
+ife Insurance C!r!rati!n !f India
.r!!sal t! rivatiCe life insurance
Re"istrati!n r!cess #as n!tified
Au"ust Alicati!n #as filed
license #as issued #ith
intr!ducti!n !f IR&A
&urin" the )!nth !f ?anuar$, 11
+ife and =!n,+ife .rivate Insurance
license #ere issued
In !rder t! ela'!rate the a'!ve ath lets "! thr!u"h the hist!r$ !f +ife
Insurance Sect!r%
On 0
&ece)'er 1586, seven earnest )en !f 7!)'a$ #ith Aust seven ruees
f!r initial e*enses "ave shae t! a lan !f !fferin" insurance t! the u'lic
#ith!ut the ris( !f ruin and the 7!)'a$ Mutual +ife Insurance S!ciet$ ca)e
int! e*istence%
Ri"ht u t! the end !f the 1:
centur$, f!rei"n insurance c!)anies had an
uer hand in the )atter !f insurance 'usiness and the$ enA!$ed )ere
)!n!!l$ and the artialit$ #ere !'served in the f!r) that Indian lives #ere
insured #ith 16G e*tra re)iu) as a c!))!n ractice, at that ti)e +ala
>ari(ishan +al fr!) +ah!re #as called DThe =a!le!n !f Indian -inanceF as
he #as then called t! launch the 7harat Insurance C!)an$ at +ah!re 912:5;
in .unAa'%
.ri!r t! 1:12, India had n! le"islati!n f!r re"ulatin" insurance% The +ife
Insurance C!)anies Act 1:12 and the .r!vident -und Act 1:12 #ere
The Insurance Act 1:02 #as the first c!)rehensive le"islati!n "!vernin" n!t
!nl$ life 'ut als! n!n,life 'ranches !f insurance t! r!vide strict state c!ntr!l
!ver insurance 'usiness%
7ut after the intr!ducti!n !f Insurance Act 1:02, the de)and f!r
nati!naliCati!n !f +ife Insurance Industr$ #as raised, there #ere s! )an$
reas!ns in !rder t! nati!naliCe the insurance sect!r%
The$ areB
 .!lic$h!lders #ill 'e r!vided cent ercent securit$%
 E*enses #ill 'e reduced due t! A'sence !f dulicati!n,
#asteful c!)etiti!n
 7etter service due t! a'sence !f r!fit )!tive%
 The funds #ill 'e availa'le f!r nati!n 'uildin" activities%
 Insurance is servicin" sect!r and s! that it sh!uld 'e in the
hands !f "!vern)ent !nl$%
A'!ve are fe# 'ut str!n" reas!ns, #hich have c!ntri'uted t!#ards
nati!naliCati!n !f insurance sect!r, and then after in the $ear 1:<5, all
insurance c!)anies #ere )er"ed in t! !ne and +ife Insurance C!r!rati!n !f
India ca)e int! e*istence%
Till the $ear 1:::, +IC !f India #as the !nl$ insurance sect!r in ec!n!)ic
)ar(et #ith ever,increasin" "r!#th rate and )ar(et share #ith the caacit$ t!
earn hi"h rate !f r!fit and thus r!fita'ilit$% In site !f all these )erits !f
+IC, the !verall status !f insurance sect!r #as n!t s! satisfact!r$%
7usiness fi"ure 'ef!re the intr!ducti!n !f IR&A
.!ulati!n 1%66 7illi!n
Insura'le .!ulati!n 6%05 7illi!n
=!% Of insured individuals 6%62 7illi!n
.!tential uninsured
6%22 7illi!n
=e# 7usiness re)iu) 6%55 7illi!n
A'!ve stated fi"ures clearl$ sh!#s that fr!) 1 7illi!n !ulati!n !f India,
al)!st 6%22 7illi!n !ulati!n #as uninsured% A"ain the e*istin" "!vern)ent
unit did n!t r!erl$ )eet the e)er"in" se")ents li(e retire)ent, disa'ilit$%
M!re!ver, the "!vern)ent #anted 2<G %a% "r!#th rate in ne# 'usiness
re)iu) fr!) insurance sect!r% All these fact!rs c!)'ine f!rced the
"!vern)ent t! ta(e the decisi!n a'!ut the rivatiCati!n !f insurance sect!r%
In !rder t! increase the 'usiness activities, the intr!ducti!n !f IR&A #as
)ade '$ @!vern)ent% Thus, IR&A 9Insurance Re"ulat!r$ and &evel!)ent
Auth!rit$; #itnessed the e*istence !#er t! c!,!rdinate re"ular and c!ntr!l
the insurance 'usiness%
Pri)ate In!"rer! in In%ian In!"ran#e Mar2et
Date of
Name of the Compan(
161 20% 16% 2666 >&-C Standard +ife
161 1<% 11% 2666 Ma* =e# Y!r( +ife
16< 21% 11% 2666 ICICI .rudential +ife
168 16% 61% 2661 O) P!ta( Mahindra +ife
16: 01% 61% 2661 7irla Sun +ife Insurance
116 12% 62% 2661 TATA AI@ +ife Insurance
111 06% 60% 2661 S7I +ife Insurance

ICICI 7an( is India/s sec!nd,lar"est 'an( #ith t!tal assets !f a'!ut
Rs%112%621 cr!re and a net#!r( !f a'!ut 1<6 'ranches and !ffices and a'!ut
18<6 ATMs% ICICI 7an( !ffers a #ide ran"e !f 'an(in" r!ducts and
financial services t! c!r!rate and retail cust!)er thr!u"h a variet$ !f
deliver$ channels and thr!u"h its secialiCed su'sidiaries and affiliates in the
areas !f invest)ent 'an(in", life and n!n,life insurance, venture caital, asset
)ana"e)ent and inf!r)ati!n techn!l!"$% ICICI 7an(/s e3uit$ shares are
listed in India !n st!c( e*chan"es at
Chennai% &elhi, P!l(ata and Vad!dara, the St!c( E*chan"e, Mu)'ai and the
=ati!nal St!c( E*chan"e !f India +i)ited and its A)erican &e!sitar$
Receits 9A&Rs; are listed !n the =e# Y!r( St!c( E*chan"e 9=YSE;%
ICICI 7an( #as !ri"inall$ r!)!ted in 1::1 '$ ICICI +i)ited, an Indian
financial instituti!n, and #as its #h!ll$ !#ned su'sidiar$% ICICI/s
shareh!ldin" in ICICI 7an( #as reduced t! 15G thr!u"h a u'lic !fferin" !f
shares in India in fiscal 1::2, an e3uit$ !fferin" in the f!r) !f A&Rs listed !n
the =YSE in fiscal 2666, ICICI 7an(/s ac3uisiti!n !f 7an( !f Mathura
+i)ited in an all,st!c( a)al"a)ati!n in fiscal 2661, and sec!ndar$ )ar(et
sales '$ ICICI t! instituti!nal invest!rs in fiscal 2661 and fiscal 2662% ICICI
#as f!r)ed in 1:<< at the initiative !f the L!rld 7an(, the @!vern)ent !f
India and reresentatives !f Indian industr$% The rincial !'Aective #as t!
create a devel!)ent financial instituti!n f!r r!vidin" )ediu) ter) and l!n"
ter) r!Aect financin" t! Indian 'usinesses% In the 1::6s, ICICI transf!r)ed
its 'usiness fr!) a devel!)ent financial instituti!n !fferin" !nl$ r!Aect
finance t! a diversified financial services "r!u !fferin" a #ide variet$ !f
r!ducts and services, '!th directl$ and thr!u"h a nu)'er !f su'sidiaries and
affiliates li(e ICICI 7an(, In 1:::, ICICI 'ec!)e the first Indian c!)an$
and the first 'an( !r financial instituti!n fr!) n!n,?aan Asia t! 'e listed !n
the =YSE%
After c!nsiderati!n !f vari!us c!r!rate structurin" alternatives in the c!nte*t
!f the e)er"in" c!)etitive scenari! in the Indian 'an(in" industr$, and the
)!ve t!#ards universal 'an(in", the )ana"e)ent !f ICICI and ICICI 7an(
f!r)ed the vie# that the )er"er !f ICICI #ith ICICI 7an( #!uld 'e the
!ti)al strate"ic alternative f!r '!th entities, and #!uld create the !ti)al
le"al structure f!r the ICICI "r!u/s universal 'an(in" strate"$% The )er"er
#!uld enhance value f!r ICICI shareh!lders thr!u"h the )er"ed entit$/s
access t! l!#,c!st de!sits, "reater !!rtunities f!r earnin" fee,'ased
inc!)e and the a'ilit$ t! articiate in the a$)ent s$ste) and r!vide
transacti!n,'an(in" services% The )er"er #!uld enhance value f!r ICICI
7an( shareh!lders thr!u"h a lar"e caital 'ase and scale !f !erati!ns,
sea)less access t! ICICI/s str!n" c!r!rate relati!nshis 'uilt u !ver five
decades, entr$ int! ne# 'usiness se")ents, hi"her )ar(et share in vari!us
'usiness se")ents, .articularl$ fee,'ased services, and access t! the vast
talent !!l !f ICICI 7an( ar!ved the )er"er !f ICICI and t#! !f its
#h!ll$,!#ned retail finance su'sidiaries, ICICI .ers!nal -inancial Services
+i)ited and ICICI Caital Services +i)ited, Lith ICICI 7an(%
Shareh!lders !f ICICI and ICICI 7A=P ar!ved the )er"er in ?anuar$
2662, '$ the >i"h C!urt !f @uAarat at ?alandhar in March 2662, and '$ the
>i"h C!urt !f
?udicature at Mu)'ai and the Reserve 7an( !f India in Aril 2662%
C!nse3uent t! the )er"er, the ICICI "r!u/s financin" and 'an(in"
!erati!ns, '!th #h!lesale and retail, have 'een inte"rated in a sin"le entit$%
ICICI 7an( is the !nl$ Indian c!)an$ t! 'e rated a'!ve the c!untr$ ratin"
'$ the internati!nal ratin" a"enc$ )!!d$ Ds and the !nl$ Indian c!)an$ t!
'e a#arded an invest)ent "rade internati!nal credit ratin"% The 7an( enA!$s
the hi"hest AAA 9!r e3uivalent; ratin" fr!) all +eadin" Indian ratin"
Pr"%entia P3L3C3
Esta'lished in 1212, t!da$ rudential lc is a leadin" internati!nal financial
services c!)an$ #ith s!)e 15 )illi!n cust!)ers, !lic$h!lders and unit
h!lders and s!)e 26,666 e)l!$ees #!rld#ide% In the UP .rudential is a
leadin" life and ensi!ns r!vider #ith ar!und seven )illi!n cust!)ers%
MN@ #as ac3uired '$ .rudential in 1::: and is the @r!u/s UP and
Eur!ean fund )ana"er, res!nsi'le f!r )ana"in" !ver !f 111 'illi!n !f
funds 9as at &ece)'er 2660;% +aunched '$ .rudential in 1::2, E"" is an
inn!vative financial services c!)an$, #ith !ver three )illi!n cust!)ers,
#ith nearl$ si* er cent !f UP credit card 'alances% In Asia, .rudential is the
leadin" Eur!ean life insurer #ith 20 life and fund )ana"e)ent !erati!ns in
12 c!untries servin" s!)e five )illi!n cust!)ers% In the US, .rudential !#ns
?ac(s!n =ati!nal +ife, a leadin" life insurance c!)an$, and has )!re than
1%< )illi!ns !licies and c!ntracts in f!rce%
.rudential has 'r!u"ht t! )ar(et an inte"rated ran"e !f financial services
r!ducts that n!# includes life assurance, ensi!ns, )utual funds, 'an(in",
invest)ent )ana"e)ent and "eneral insurance% In Asia, .rudential is UPFs
+ar"est life insurance c!)an$ #ith a vast net#!r( !f 22 life and )utual fund
!erati!ns in t#elve c!untries 4 China, >!n" P!n", India, Ind!nesia, ?aan,
P!rea, Mala$sia, the .hiliines, Sin"a!re, Tai#an, Thailand and Vietna)%
Since 1:20, .rudential has cha)i!ned cust!)er,centric r!ducts and
services, su!rted '$ !ver 56,666 staff and a"ents acr!ss the re"i!n%
.rudential lc/s str!n" )i* !f 'usiness ar!und the #!rld !siti!ns us #ell t!
'enefit f!r) the "r!#th in cust!)er de)and f!r asset accu)ulati!n and
inc!)e in retire)ent% Our internati!nal reach and diversit$ !f earnin"s '$
"e!"rahic re"i!n and r!duct #ill c!ntinue t! "ive us si"nificant advanta"e%
Our c!))it)ent t! the shareh!lders #h! !#n .rudential is t! )a*i)iCe the
value !ver ti)e !f their invest)ent% Le d! this '$ investin" f!r the l!n" ter)
t! devel! and 'rin" !ut the 'est in !ur e!le and !ur 'usinesses t! r!duce
sueri!r r!ducts and services, !ur internati!nal eer "r!u in ter)s !f t!tal
shareh!lder returns%
At .rudential !ur ai) is lastin" relati!nshis #ith !ur cust!)ers and
!lic$h!lders, thr!u"h r!ducts and services that !ffer value f!r )!ne$ and
securit$% Le als! see( t! enhance !ur C!)an$/s reutati!n, 'uilt !ver 1<6
$ears, f!r inte"rit$ and f!r actin" res!nsi'l$ #ithin s!ciet$%
ICICI Pr"%entia Life In!"ran#e&
ICICI .rudential +ife Insurance C!)an$ is a A!int venture 'et#een ICICI
7an(, a re)ier financial !#erh!use and .rudential .lc, a leadin"
internati!nal financial services "r!u head3uartered in the United Pin"d!)%
ICICI .rudential #as a)!n"st the first rivate sect!r insurance c!)anies t!
'e"in !erati!ns in &ece)'er 2666 after receivin" ar!val fr!) insurance
Re"ulat!r$ &evel!)ent Auth!rit$ 9IR&A;%
ICICI .rudential/ s e3uit$ 'ase stands at Rs%5%8< 'illi!n #ith ICICI 7an( and
.rudential lc h!ldin" 81G and 25G sta(e resectivel$% In the $ear ended
March 01,2661 the c!)an$ had issued !ver 106,666 !licies, f!r a t!tal su)
assured !f !ver Rs 2,666 cr!re and re)iu) inc!)e in e*cess !f Rs%:26
cr!re% The c!)an$ has a net#!r( !f a'!ut 06,666 advis!rsJ as #ell as 12
'anc assurance tie,us% T!da$ the c!)an$ is the nu)'er !ne rivate life
insurer in the c!untr$%
43 V3 4amath
Mana"in" &irect!r and Chief E*ecutive Officer
Lalita Gupte
Joint Managing Director
Kalpana Morparia
Joint Managing Director
Chanda Kochhar
Deputy Managing Director
Nachiket Mor
Deputy Managing Director
,oar% Committee!
A"%it Committee
,oar% .o)ernan#e -
Rem"neration Committee
Mr% Sridar I$en"ar
Mr% =arendra Mur(u)'i
Mr% M% P% Shar)a
Mr% =% Va"hul
Mr% Anua) .uri
Mr% M% P% Shar)a
Mr% .% M% Sinha
.r!f% Marti @% Su'rah)an$a)
C"!tomer Ser)i#e
Cre%it Committee
=% Va"hul
=arendra Mur(u)'i
M%P% Shar)a
.%M% Sinha
P% V% Pa)ath
Mr% =% Va"hul
Mr% =arendra Mur(u)'i
Mr% M %P% Shar)a
Mr% .% M% Sinha
Mr% P% V% Pa)ath
Fra"% Monitorin'
Ri!2 Committee
Mr% M% P% Shar)a
Mr% =arendra Mur(u)'i
Mr% P% V% Pa)ath
Ms% Palana M!raria
Ms% Chanda &% P!chhar
Mr% =% Va"hul
Mr% Sridar I$en"ar
.r!f% Marti @% Su'rah)an$a)
Mr% V% .re) Latsa
Mr% P% V% Pa)ath
Share Tran!fer -
In)e!tor!@ .rie)an#e
A!!et-Lia$iit( Mana'ement
Mr% M% P% Shar)a
Mr% =arendra Mur(u)'i
Ms% Palana M!raria
Ms% Chanda &% P!chhar
Ms% +alita &% @ute
Ms% Palana M!raria
Ms% Chanda &% P!chhar
&r% =achi(et M!r
Committee of Dire#tor!
Mr% P% V% Pa)ath
Ms% +alita &% @ute
Ms% Palana M!raria
Ms% Chanda &% P!chhar
&r% =achi(et M!r
In!"ran#e !o"tion for in%i)i%"a!E33
ICICI .rudential +ife Insurance !ffers a ran"e !f inn!vative,
cust!)er,centric r!ducts that )eet the needs !f cust!)ers at ever$
life sta"e% Its 18 r!ducts ca' is enhanced #ith u t! 5 riders, t! create
a cust!)iCed s!luti!n f!r each !lic$h!lder%
Savin"s S!luti!nsE%%
Secure .lus is a transarent and feature,ac(ed savin"s lan that !ffers 0
levels !f r!tecti!n% Cash .lus is a transarent, feature,ac(ed savin"s lan
that !ffers 0 levels !f r!tecti!n as #ell as li3uidit$ !ti!ns% Save n .r!tect is
a traditi!nal end!#)ent savin"s lan that !ffers life r!tecti!n al!n" #ith
ade3uate returns% Cash 7ac( is an anticiated end!#)ent !lic$ ideal f!r
)eetin" )ilest!ne e*enses li(e a child/s )arria"e, e*enses f!r a child/s
hi"her educati!n !r urchase !f an asset%
.r!tecti!n S!luti!nsEE%
+ife@uard is a r!tecti!n lan, #hich !ffers life c!ver at ver$ l!#
c!st% It is availa'le in 0 c!u!ns 4 level ter) assurance, level ter)
assurance #ith return !r re)iu) and sin"le re)iu)%

Child S!luti!nsEE%
S)art (id child lans r!vide "uaranteed educati!nal 'enefits t! a
child al!n" #ith life insurance c!ver f!r the arent #h! urchases the
!lic$% The !lic$ is desi"ned t! r!vide )!ne$ at i)!rtant
)ilest!nes in the child/s life% S)artPid child laned are als! availa'le
#ith in unit,lin(ed f!r) 4 '!th sin"le re)iu) and re"ular re)iu)%
Mar(et,lin(ed S!luti!ns
+ife+in( is a sin"le re)iu) Mar(et +in(ed Insurance .lan, #hich
c!)'ines life insurance c!ver #ith the !!rtunit$ t! sta$, invested in
the st!c( )ar(et% +ife Ti)e !ffers cust!)ers the fle*i'ilit$ and c!ntr!l
t! cust!)iCe the !lic$ t! )eet the chan"in" needs at different life
sta"es% It !ffers 0 invest)ent !ti!ns 4@r!#th .lan, Inc!)e lan and
7alance lan%
Retire)ent S!luti!nsEE
-!rever +ife is a retire)ent r!ducts tar"eted at individual in there
thirties% Secure .lus .ensi!n is a fle*i'le ensi!n lan that all!#s !ne
t! select 'et#een 0 levels !f c!ver%
Mar(et,lin(ed retire)ent r!ducts
+ife Ti)e .ensi!n is a re"ular re)iu) )ar(et,lin(ed ensi!n lan%
+ife +in( .ensi!n is a sin"le re)iu) )ar(et lin(ed ensi!n lan%
ICICI .rudential als! launched DSalaa) Oinda"iF, a s!cial sect!r
"r!u insurance !lic$ tar"eted at the ec!n!)icall$ underrivile"ed
secti!ns !f the s!ciet$%
@r!u Insurance S!luti!nsEE
ICICI .rudential als! !ffers @r!u Insurance S!luti!ns f!r c!)anies
see(in" t! enhance 'enefits t! their e)l!$ees%
@r!u @ratuit$ .lanEE
ICICI .ruFs "r!u "ratuit$ lan hels e)l!$ers fund their statut!r$
"ratuit$ !'li"ati!n in a scientific )anner% The lan can als! cust!)iCe
t! structure sche)es that can r!vide 'enefits 'e$!nd the statut!r$
@r!u Suerannuati!n .lan
ICICI 7an( !ffers fle*i'le defined c!ntri'uti!n suerannuati!n
sche)e t! r!vide a retire)ent (itt$ f!r each )e)'er !f the "r!u%
E)l!$ees have the !ti!n !f ch!!sin" fr!) vari!us annuit$ !ti!ns
!r !tin" f!r artial c!))utati!n !f the annuit$ at the ti)e !f
@r!u Ter) .lan
@r!u Ter) .lanEE
ICICI .ruFs fle*i'le "r!u ter) s!luti!n hels r!vides aff!rda'le
c!ver t! )e)'ers !f "r!u% The c!ver c!uld 'e unif!r) !r 'ased !n
desi"nati!nMran( !r a )ultile !f salar$% The 'enefit under the !lic$
is aid t! the 'eneficiar$ n!)inated '$ the )e)'er !n hisMher death%
-le*i'le Rider Oti!ns
ICICI .ru +ife !ffers fle*i'le riders, #hich can 'e added t! the 'asic !lic$ at
)ar"inal c!st, deendin" !n the secific !f the cust!)er%
A##i%ent - %i!a$iit( $enefit& If death !ccurs as the result !f an accident
durin" the ter) !f the !lic$, the 'eneficiar$ receives an additi!nal a)!unt
e3ual t! the su) assured under the !lic$% If the death !ccurs #hile travelin"
in an auth!riCed )ass trans!rt vehicle, the 'eneficiar$ #ill 'e entitled t!
t#ice the su) assured as additi!nal 'enefit%
A##i%ent $enefit& This rider !ti!n a$s the su) assured the rider !n death
due t! accidents%
Criti#a Ine!! ,enefit& r!tects the insured a"ainst financial l!ss in the
event !f : secified critical illnesses% 7enefits are a$a'le t! the insured f!r
)edical ri!r t! death%
MaCor S"r'i#a A!!i!tan#e ,enefit!& r!vides financial su!rt in the event
!f )edical e)er"encies, ensurin" that 'enefits are a$a'le t! the life assured
f!r )edical e*enses Incurred f!r sur"ical r!cedures% C!ve is !ffered a"ainst
10 different sur"ical r!cedures%
In#ome ,enefit& This rider a$s the 16G !f the su) assured t! the n!)inee
ever$ $ear, till )aturit$, in the event !f the death !f the life assured% It is
availa'le !n S)artPid, Secure.lus and Cashlus%
/ai)er of Premi"m& In Case !f t!tal and er)anent due t! an accident, the
re)iu)s are #aived till )aturit$% This rider is availa'le #ith Secure.lus and
C"!tomer Sati!fa#tion
/hat i! #"!tomer !ati!fa#tion0
Cust!)er satisfacti!n refers t! h!# satisfied cust!)ers are #ith the r!ducts !r
services the$ receive fr!) a articular a"enc$% The level !f satisfacti!n is deter)ined
n!t !nl$ '$ the 3ualit$ and t$e !f cust!)er e*erience 'ut als! '$ the cust!)er/s
A cust!)er )a$ 'e defined as s!)e!ne #h!B
• has a direct relati!nshi #ith, !r is directl$ affected '$ $!ur a"enc$ and
• receives !r relies !n !ne !r )!re !f $!ur a"enc$/s services !r r!ducts%
Cust!)ers in hu)an services are c!))!nl$ referred t! as service users, c!nsu)ers !r
clients% The$ can 'e individuals !r "r!us%
An !r"anisati!n #ith a str!n" cust!)er service culture laces the cust!)er at the
centre !f service desi"n, lannin" and service deliver$% Cust!)er centric
!r"anisati!ns #illB
• deter)ine the cust!)ers e*ectati!ns #hen the$ lan
• listen t! the cust!)er as the$ desi"n
• f!cus !n the deliver$ !f cust!)er service activities
• Value cust!)er feed'ac( #hen the$ )easure erf!r)ance%
/h( i! it important0
There are a nu)'er !f reas!ns #h$ cust!)er satisfacti!n is i)!rtant in Insurance
• Meetin" the needs !f the cust!)er is the underl$in" rati!nale f!r the e*istence
!f c!))unit$ service !r"aniCati!ns% Cust!)ers have a ri"ht t! 3ualit$
services that deliver !utc!)es%
• Or"aniCati!ns that strive 'e$!nd )ini)u) standards and e*ceed the
e*ectati!ns !f their cust!)ers are li(el$ t! 'e leaders in their sect!r%
• Cust!)ers are rec!"niCed as (e$ artners in shain" service devel!)ent and
assessin" 3ualit$ !f service deliver$%
The r!cess f!r )easurin" cust!)er satisfacti!n and !'tainin" feed'ac( !n
!r"aniCati!nal erf!r)ance are valua'le t!!ls f!r 3ualit$ and c!ntinu!us service
Statement Of Pro$em&
The research is carried !n in a r!er lanned and s$ste)atic )anner%
• The research #as articularl$ a teleh!nic research% Le have t! sell r!ducts
t! list !f e!le #hich include their na)es and c!ntact nu)'ers "iven '$
• &urin" the teleh!nic #e have t! sell different r!ducts '$ e*lainin" the
'enefits !f a articular r!duct, 'ut% The )ini)u) a)!unt f!r sellin" a !lic$
t! a cust!)er is e3ual t! !r )!re then Rs% 12666 !nl$%
• A"e li)it f!r sellin" a r!ductM!licies #as 1 )!nth t! 56 $rs 4 this )ean that
a !lic$ can 'e s!ld t! ers!n 'et#een the a"e !f 1 )!nth t! 56 $rs and n!t
an$thin" e*ceedin" !r 'el!# it%
Re!ear#h De!i'n&
The research desi"n !f this r!Aect is e*l!rat!r$% Th!u"h each research stud$ has its
!#n secific ur!se 'ut the research desi"n !f this r!Aect !n ICICI is e*l!rat!r$ in
nature as the !'Aective is the devel!)ent !f the h$!thesis rather than their testin"%
Ever$ r!Aect #!r( is 'ased !n certain )eth!d!l!"$, #hich is a #a$ t! s$ste)aticall$
s!lve the r!'le) !r attain its !'Aectives% It is a ver$ i)!rtant "uideline and lead t!
c!)leti!n !f an$ r!Aect #!r( thr!u"h !'servati!n, data c!llecti!n and data
A##or%in' to Ciffor% /oo%(B
DResearch Meth!d!l!"$ c!)rises !f definin" N redefinin" r!'le)s, c!llectin",
!r"aniCin" Nevaluatin" data, )a(in" deducti!ns Nresearchin" t! c!nclusi!ns%F
Acc!rdin"l$, the )eth!d!l!"$ used in the r!Aect is as f!ll!#sB ,
&efinin" the !'Aectives !f the stud$
-ra)in" !f 3uesti!nnaire (eein" !'Aectives in )ind 9c!nsiderin" the !'Aectives;
-eed'ac( fr!) the e)l!$ees
Anal$sis !f feed'ac(
C!nclusi!n, findin"s and su""esti!ns%
Sampin' Te#hniF"e U!e%&
This research has used c!nvenience sa)lin" techni3ue%
1; Con)enien#e !ampin' te#hniF"e B C!nvenience sa)lin" is used in e*l!rat!r$
research #here the researcher is interested in "ettin" an ine*ensive ar!*i)ati!n !f
the truth% As the na)e i)lies, the sa)le is selected 'ecause the$ are c!nvenient
See#tion of Sampe SiGe&
-!r the surve$, a sa)le siCe !f <6 has 'een ta(en int! c!nsiderati!n%
So"r#e! of Data Coe#tion&
Research #ill 'e 'ased !n t#! s!urcesB
1% .ri)ar$ data
2% Sec!ndar$ data
H"e!tionnaire& .ri)ar$ data #as c!llected '$ rearin" 3uesti!nnaire f!r cust!)ers%
The 3uesti!nnaire #as filled thr!u"h teleh!nic research%
Sec!ndar$ data #ill c!nsist !f different literatures li(e '!!(s #hich are u'lished,
articles, internet , the c!)an$ )anuals and #e'sites !f c!)an$,
In !rder t! reach relevant c!nclusi!n, research #!r( needed t! 'e desi"ned in a r!er
This research )eth!d!l!"$ als! includesB,
• -a)iliariCati!n #ith the c!ncet !f insurance and its vari!us ter)s%
• Th!r!u"h stud$ !f the inf!r)ati!n c!llected%
• C!nclusi!ns 'ased !n findin"s%
Stati!ti#a Too! U!e%
The )ain statistical t!!ls used f!r the c!llecti!n and anal$ses !f data in this r!Aect
• Tuesti!nnaire
• .ie Charts
• 7ar &ia"ra)s
Limitation! of !t"%(
&ue t! the f!ll!#in" unav!ida'le and unc!ntr!lla'le fact!rs the fact!rs,the result
)i"ht n!t 'e accurate% S!)e !f the r!'le)s faced #hile c!nductin" the surve$ are as
• Ti)e and c!st c!nstraints #ere als! there%
• Chances !f s!)e 'iasness c!uld n!t 'e eli)inated%
• A Sa)les siCe !f fift$ has 'een use due t! ti)e li)itati!ns%
• A )aA!rit$ !f res!ndents sh!# lac( !f c!!erati!n and are 'iased t!#ards
their !#n !ini!ns%
The )ain !'Aective !f this stud$ is t! carr$ !n 'rief stud$ !n DC"!tomer !ati!fa#tion
!"r)e( on in!"ran#e pro%"#t! of ICICI PRUDENTIALF thr!u"h this I a) a'le t!
"et the different +ife Insurance .!licies and their r!ducts%
Other o$Ce#ti)e! of thi! proCe#t are a! foo1!&
• T! identif$ the insurance needs !f the Indian !ulati!n #ith resect t! their
e)!ti!nal, h$sical and financial c!nditi!ns%
• C!)arative stud$ !f vari!us insurance la$ers in the )ar(et
• T! stud$ the varied reas!ns !f availin" life insurance lans
T1% Are $!u currentl$ insuredS
.articulars =!% !f Res!ndents .ercenta"e
Yes 01 52G
=! 1: 02G
T!tal <6 166G
No. of Respondents
-r!) the surve$ it #as f!und that a)!n"st <6 res!ndents
a; 52G !f the res!ndents are alread$ insured%
'; 02G !f the res!ndents are n!t insured%
T2% Are $!u satisfied #ith $!ur current insurerS
.articulars =!% !f Res!ndents .ercenta"e
Yes 11 22G
=! : 12G
T!tal <6 166G
No. of Respondents
-r!) the surve$ it #as f!und that a)!n"st <6 res!ndents
a; 22G !f the res!ndents are satisfied%
'; 12G !f the res!ndents are n!t satisfied%
T0% Lhich !ne is $!ur fav!red insurance c!)an$S
.articulars =!% !f Res!ndents .ercenta"e
+IC 21 12G
>&-C < 16G
7irla Sun +ife 1 2G
7aAaA AllianC 1 2G
Others 5 12G
T!tal <6 166G
T1% Are $!u interested in the r!ducts !ffered '$ ICICI .rudential S
-r!) the surve$ it #as f!und that a)!n"st <6 res!ndents
a; 12G !f the res!ndents li(es +IC%
'; 11G !f the res!ndents li(es ICICI%
c; 16G !f the res!ndents li(es >&-C%
d; 2G !f the res!ndents li(es 7irla Sun +ife%
e; 2G !f the res!ndents li(es 7aAaA AllianC%
f; 12G !f the res!ndents li(es !ther c!)anies%
T1% Are $!u interested in the r!ducts !ffered '$ ICICI .rudential S
.articulars =!% !f Res!ndents .ercenta"e
Yes 06 56G
=! 12 21G
Can/t Sa$ 2 15G
T!tal <6 166G
No. of Respondents
"an#t $ay
-r!) the surve$ it #as f!und that a)!n"st <6 res!ndents
a; 56G !f the res!ndents are attracted t!#ards ICICI r!ducts%
'; 21G !f the res!ndents are n!t attracted t!#ards ICICI
c; 15G !f the res!ndents Can/t Sa$ a'!ut it%
T<% Lhat is $!ur )ain c!ncern #hile ta(in" an insurance !lic$ S
.articulars =!% !f Res!ndents .ercenta"e
Ta* 7enefit 26 16G
Securit$ 15 02G
Invest)entsMSavin"s 11 22G
T!tal <6 166G



-r!) the surve$ it #as f!und that a)!n"st <6 res!ndents
a; 16G !f the res!ndents are c!ncerned a'!ut Ta* 7enefit%
'; 02G !f the res!ndents are c!ncerned a'!ut their Securit$%
c; 22G !f the res!ndents are c!ncerned a'!ut
T5% &!es this !lic$ satisf$ $!ur financial needsS rate !n the
scale !f 1 t! < #ith 1 'ein" least satisfied;
Ratin" =!% !f Res!ndents .ercenta"e
1 : 12G
2 : 12G
0 2 15G
1 16 26G
< 11 22G
T!tal <6 166G


-r!) the surve$ it #as f!und that a)!n"st <6 res!ndents
a; 12G !f the res!ndents are >i"hl$ unsatisfied%
'; 12G !f the res!ndents are Unsatisfied%
c; 15G !f the res!ndents are M!derate%
d; 26G !f the res!ndents are Satisfied%
e; 22G !f the res!ndents are >i"hl$ satisfied%
T8% .lease e*ress $!ur !ini!n f!r the re)iu)s aid f!r the a'!ve !lic$S
.articulars =!% !f Res!ndents .ercenta"e
Ver$ >i"h 11 22G
>i"h 11 22G
M!derate 10 25G
+!# 2 15G
Ver$ +!# 1 2G
T!tal <6 166G
-r!) the surve$ it #as f!und that a)!n"st <6 res!ndents
a; 22G !f the res!ndents thin( that .re)iu) is Ver$ >i"h%
'; 22G !f the res!ndents thin( that .re)iu) is >i"h%
c; 20G !f the res!ndents thin( that .re)iu) is M!derate%
d; 1<G !f the res!ndents thin( that .re)iu) is +!#%
e; 12G !f the res!ndents thin( that .re)iu) is Ver$ +!#%
No. of Respondents
.ery /ig0
.ery Lo1
T2% >!# d! $!u c!)e t! (n!# a'!ut this !lic$S
.articulars =!% !f Res!ndents .ercenta"e
Advertise)ents 16 26G
-riends and Relatives 12 21G
&irect Sellin" A"ents 21 12G
Others 8 11G
T!tal <6 166G
-r!) the surve$ it #as f!und that a)!n"st <6 res!ndents
a; 26G !f the res!ndents (n!# a'!ut it fr!) Advertise)ents%
'; 21G !f the res!ndents (n!# a'!ut it fr!) -riends and
c; 12G !f the res!ndents (n!# a'!ut it fr!) &irect Sellin"
d; 11G !f the res!ndents (n!# a'!ut it fr!) Other S!urces%
No. of Respondents
4riends and Relati+es
Direct $elling 3gents
T:3 Are $!u satisfied #ith the incentives 9ta* 'enefits !r 7!nuses;
ass!ciated #ith $!ur !lic$S
Ratin" =!% !f Res!ndents .ercenta"e
>i"hl$ satisfied : 12G
Satisfied 12 21G
M!derate 16 26G
Unsatisfied 11 22G
>i"hl$ Unsatisfied 2 15G
T!tal <6 166G
-r!) the surve$ it #as f!und that a)!n"st <6 res!ndents
a; 12G !f the res!ndents are >i"hl$ Satisfied%
'; 21G !f the res!ndents are Satisfied%
c; 26G !f the res!ndents are M!derate%
d; 22G !f the res!ndents are Unsatisfied%
e; 15G !f the res!ndents are >i"hl$ Unsatisfied%
No. of Respondents
/ig0ly $atisfied
/ig0ly 6nsatisfied
T16% Acc!rdin" t! $!u, in #hat areas sh!uld the insurance c!)anies #!r( u!nS
.articulars =!% !f Res!ndents .ercenta"e
Eas$ .r!cedures 11 22G
-e#er re)iu)s 16 26G
M!re Returns : 12G
Transarenc$ 18 01G
T!tal <6 166G

7asy Returns 4e1er
More Returns 'ransperancy


-r!) the surve$ it #as f!und that a)!n"st <6 res!ndents
a; 22G !f the res!ndents #ant Eas$ r!cedures%
'; 26G !f the res!ndents #ant -e#er re)iu)s%
c; 12G !f the res!ndents #ant M!re returns%
d; 01G !f the res!ndents #ant Transarenc$%
T11% &! Y!u thin( that services have i)r!ved after all!#in" rivate la$ers in
insurance sect!r S

.articulars =!% !f Res!ndents .ercenta"e
Yes 16 26G
=! 16 26G
T!tal <6 166G
-r!) the surve$ it #as f!und that a)!n"st <6 res!ndents
a; 26G !f the res!ndents thin( that services have i)r!ved%
';26G !f the res!ndents thin( that services have n!t i)r!ved%
Acc!rdin" t! )$ surve$ the n!te#!rth$ !ints areB
• M!st !f the e!le 'u$ life insurance as Aust a ta* 'enefit t!!l !r as a life
c!ver #hile !nl$ a fe# !f the res!ndent ta(e it as a savin" !ti!n%The reas!n
f!r this is lac( !f (n!#led"e !f insurance 'enefits a)!n" the e!le%
• A MaA!rit$ !f the res!ndent 'u$ insurance r!ducts 'ecause !f the need
reas!n #hile rest !f the res!ndents 'u$ f!r the 'rand ur!se%
• A MaA!rit$ !f the e!le c!)e t! (n!# a'!ut the !licies fr!) the &irect
Sellin" A"ents%
• A MaA!rit$ !f the e!le are satisfied '$ the incentives ass!ciated #ith their
• M!st !f the res!ndents are satisfied '$ the services !ffered '$ there insurance
c!)an$ #hile s!)e sa$s that the$ are n!t satisfied '$ the services%
• M!st !f the res!ndents #ant )!re Transarenc$ fr!) the side !f the
After !verhaulin" the all situati!n that '!!sted a nu)'er !f .vt% C!)anies
ass!ciated #ith )ultinati!nal in the Insurance Sect!r t! "ive 'efittin" c!)etiti!n t!
the esta'lished 'ehe)!th ICICI in rivate sect!r, #e c!)e at the c!nclusi!n that
• There are ver$ t!u"h c!)etiti!n a)!n" the rivate insurance c!)anies !n
the level !f ne# trend !f advertisin" t! lull a )aA!r art !f Cust!)ers%
• ICICI is n!t left 'ehind in the resent race !f advertise)ent%
• The entr$ !f )!re .vt% la$ers in the Insurance Sect!r have e*anded the
r!duct se")ent t! )eet the different level !f the re3uire)ent !f the
cust!)ers% It has 'r!u"ht a'!ut "reater ch!ice t! the cust!)ers%
• ICICI has vast )ar(et and ver$ fir) "ri !n its traditi!nal cust!)ers and
)!n!!l$ !f life insurance r!ducts%%
IR&A, is als! la$in" ver$ c!)rehensive r!le '$ re"ulatin" n!r)s )andatin" t!
rivate la$ers in this sect!r, that increases the c!nfidence level !f the cust!)ers t!
the rivate la$ers%
• It #as difficult t! c!llect s!)e inf!r)ati!n 'ecause !f s!)e c!)an$ rules%
• Interacti!n #ith the e)l!$ees #as li)ited 'ecause !f the #!r( schedule%
• It #as difficult t! c!ver all the t$es !f rati!s 'ecause !f lac( !f inf!r)ati!n i%e%
re"ardin" invent!ries, de't!r/s turn!ver etcE%%
The stud$ has r!vided #ith the useful data fr!) the res!ndents% There has a l!t t!
'e rec!))ended% -!ll!#in" are the rec!))endati!nsB
• There is a need f!r 'etter r!)!ti!n f!r the invest)ent r!ducts N services%
The 'an( sh!uld advertise its r!ducts thr!u"h televisi!n 'ecause it #ill
reach t! the )asses%
• M!re returns sh!uld 'e r!vided !n Insurance lans%
• As the 'an( r!vides the Insurance facilit$ t! its cust!)ers% It sh!uld
r!vide this facilit$ '$ tie u #ith the !ther Insurance !r"aniCati!ns as #ell%
The )ain reas!n is that, the entire cust!)ers d! n!t #ant Insurance !f !nl$
!ne c!)an$% The$ sh!uld have ch!ice #hile selectin" a suita'le Insurance
lans% This #ill definitel$ add t! the "!!d#ill N r!fit f!r the 'an(%
• ###%icici'an(%c!)
• ###%icicirulife%c!)
• en%#i(iedia%!r"M#i(iMMainU.a"e
• ###%licindia%c!)
• ###%hdfcinsurance%c!)
• ###%)a*ne#$!r(life%c!)
• 7r!chures r!vided '$ the ICICI .rudential
• P!thari C R, $%esearch and &ethodology! &ethods & Techni'ues(, =e#
A"e Internati!nal 9.; +td%, 2661
T1% Are $!u currentl$ insuredS
, Yes
, =!
If $es, lease "ive the details !f c!)an$, lan, re)iu) etc%
T2% Are $!u satisfied #ith $!ur current insurer S
, Yes
, =!
T0% Lhich is $!ur fav!ured insurance c!)an$ S
, +IC
, >&-C
, 7irla sun life
, 7aAaA AllianC
, Others
T1 Are $!u interested in the r!ducts !ffered '$ ICICI .rudential S
, Yes
, =!
, Cant sa$
T<% Lhat is $!ur )ain c!ncern #hile ta(in" an insurance !lic$ S
, Ta* 'enefit
, Securit$
, Invest)entMSavin"s
T%5 &!es this !lic$ satisf$ $!ur financial needsS rate !n the scale
!f 1 t! 16 #ith 1 'ein" least satisfied;

T%8 .lease e*ress $!ur !ini!n f!r the re)iu)s aid f!r the a'!ve !lic$S
,Ver$ hi"h V W
,>i"h V W
,M!derate V W
,+!# V W
,Ver$ +!# V W
T%2 >!# d! $!u c!)e t! (n!# a'!ut this !lic$S tic(;%
,Advertise)ents V W
,-riends and relatives V W
,&irect sellin" a"ents V W%
, Others 9lease secif$; UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU%
T%: Are there an$ incentives 9ta* 'enefits !r 7!nuses; ass!ciated #ith this
!lic$S "ive ar!riate details a'!ut it;%
16% Are $!u satisfied #ith the incentives ass!ciated #ith $!ur !lic$S
,>i"hl$ satisfied V W%
,Satisfied V W
,M!derate V W
,Unsatisfied V W
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T12% &! Y!u thin( that services have i)r!ved after all!#in" rivate la$ers in
insurance sect!r S
, Yes
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Y!ur c!))ents !n ICICI .rudential

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