Evolving Web's Crossword Challenge: DrupalCon London Edition
DrupalCon London Edition
2. Home to Acquia HQ 4. Mime, snail, etc. 6. Puts the S in HTTPS 7. Baltic TLD 9. Comic book Joe 10. What Watchdog did with a failed login attempt 14. Where CODs are used and birds ock together 16. Drush dl complement 17. The ultimate theme 20. A CCK data type you can count on 21. Tasty Unix bootloader 23. Footnote ditto 24. Feline Linux command 25. vi precursor 26. Greenr search? 28. A tag's unique key 30. Translation le format 31. Twitter handle pre x 33. Egyptian deity 35. Where Dries goes each August 38. Designated Drupal drink 40. Beyond waterfall methodology 43. Computer scientists wonder if it's equal to p 44. Dries owns this for 'Drupal' 45. _router or _links 46. What goes in tpl.php les 50. Aggregated on Drupal Planet 54. AOL's take on IRC 55. Obscure HTML tag for image maps 56. Relaxation technique for Zen themers 57. Data API for the Enterprise 60. Flash scripting format 62. Like 25 across, but for octals 63. Proprietary Android competitor 65. What .htaccess does with internal IPs 69. svn pull 70. Sup. commerce suite 72. They make websites and crosswords special 74. What the Romans left behind 76. What the themer did to the PSD after it was sliced. 78. Old UK party 79. Development best practices, often using Jenkins 80. Used in CSS pseudo classes to select a child 81. Content structures, as per UX specialist 83. Colourful number codes 84. HTML element meta data 88. Core hackers need a ________ talking to.
1. How some think Drupal core should be 3. Proprietary vector format 4. Ballmer & co 5. Half the price of a good Drupal developer 6. Open source VOIP protocol 8. Freudian issue queue impediment 9. Drupal.org sets its watch by this 11. Burdensome responsibility 12. mordendk's UAE counterpart 13. Linux Ian's wife 14. Italian salute 15. Six-legged build tool 18. Motivated a great migration 19. What we recently said to Drupal 5 21. Image magic alternative 22. Metalloid element that adds HTML5 support 24. Unoriginal Bash command 25. For D7, the answer was 'When it's ready' 27. Open source web stack 29. Tape for community plumbing 32. Sed and grep engine 34. Gets aggregated along with CSS 36. DNS daemon 37. Diplomates 39. Code to insert Youtube videos 41. They use Drupal, but not for light bulbs 42. Early bird hook 46. Linux failover server 47. Zebra-stripped tag 48. Unpopular Windows 98 sequel 49. 90210 Drupal Camp 50. Submitted preposition 51. Exclamation with behold 52. Workhorse module for g.d.o. 53. Hassle-free web analytics 58. Data center cooling metric 59. Sloppy code surprise 60. See ___; Common Wikipedia heading 61. Programming Q&A site, over owing with tips 62. Sysadmin team 64. Pronoun for the D7 maintainer 65. When coding sessions often end 66. Lisp assignment keyword 67. Dry humour that goes well with whisky 68. Masquerade for the command line 69. Linux precursor 71. Globally distributed edge servers 73. A CMS facilitates these 75. Code freeze result 77. Crowd that says "Turn it off and on again" 82. Software estimation is an inexact ___ 83. Pronoun for Drupal 7's top contributor 85. Browser everyone loves to hate 86. Non-semantic <p> alternative 87. They use Drupal to end poverty and ght hunger
For a chance to win a bottle of champagne, submit completed crosswords to our booth by 4pm on Thursday.
To do this crossword on your mobile device, visit evolvingweb.ca/drupalcon-london follow us @evolvingweb