Edición 23 de Marzo 2012

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Ley DREAM Act propuesta para Delaware / DREAM Act bill proposed for State



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Bilingue - Bilingual

Periódico Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware www.eltiempohispano.com Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper Delaware Año 7, No.04, 23 de Marzo de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No.04, March 23, 2012

Ley DREAM Act propuesta para Delaware

DREAM Act bill proposed for State
Inaugurada Cooperativa de Crédito Stepping Stones Stepping Stones Credit Union Opening
Credit Union to help Wilmington residents access regular banking, financial education services

La cooperativa de crédito ayudará a los residentes de Wilmington a tener acceso a operaciones bancarias regulares y servicios de educación financiera


23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 07 No.04

Hay más de 4,000 químicos en el humo de su cigarrillo.
Estos químicos le hacen daño no sólo al fumador, sino a cualquiera a su alrededor, incluyendo a los niños. Fumar puede causar enfermedades al corazón, derrame cerebral, enfermedad en los pulmones, bronquitis y enfisema. Si sigue fumando, puede enfermarse y estar incapacitado para ayudarse a sí mismo y a su familia. La línea para dejar de fumar puede ayudarle. Recibirá consejería por teléfono o en persona y podría incluso recibir parches de nicotina gratuitos, chicles u otros medicamentos que le ayudarán a dejar de fumar para siempre. Este servicio es gratuito para cualquier persona mayor de 18 años de edad y que viva en Delaware.

There are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. These chemicals hurt not just the smoker, but anyone who is around the smoker—including children. Smoking can cause heart disease, stroke, lung disease, bronchitis and emphysema. If you continue to smoke, it could make you sick and unable to care for yourself and your family. The Delaware Quitline can help you quit. You’ll get counseling on the phone or in person and you may even be able to get free nicotine patches, gum and other medications to help you stop smoking for good. The service is free for anyone 18 years of age and older living in Delaware. It’s not just hurting you, it’s hurting your family.

¿Qué se esconde ? us cigarrilloss? en s igarette
What’s hiding in your c

Llame a la línea gratuita Delaware Quitline para dejar de fumar 1-866-409-1858.
To quit smoking, call the Delaware Quitline toll-free at 1-866-409-1858.
Hablamos español. Mantenemos su información personal privada y confidencial. We speak Spanish. We keep your personal information private and confidential.
DELAWARE HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Division of Public Health Tobacco Prevention and Control Program

Periódico Bilingue Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012, Vol. VII No.04 Delaware Statewide Bi-Weekly Bilingual Newspaper March 23, 2012, Vol.VII No.04

El Tiempo Hispano es una Publicación de Hola Delaware LLC 123 Rosmary Court, Bear, Delaware,19701

302-832 3620 fax 302- 832 3620
El Tiempo Hispano is published by

>Gabriel pilonieta-Blanco

editorial editorial

La vida es sueño, es el título de una obra de teatro del español Calderón de la Barca, que es considerada por muchos una reminiscencia del concepto platónico de que el hombre vive en un mundo de sueños dentro de una cueva, en la cual solo puede ver las sombras de la realidad y solo puede liberarse de ello haciendo el bien. El tiempo de soñar en el sentido de lograr lo posible no ha terminado. De hecho, este es el momento para que la propuesta de ley llamada la Ley del Sueño sea aprobada, al menos en el estado de Delaware, que muy bien podría ponerle en sintonía con el espíritu de los tiempos y acompañar a los otros 13 estados que ya han aprobado leyes que abren el camino a los jóvenes estudiantes -hijos de padres indocumentadosa las universidades y colegios universitarios. Al respecto, Delaware trabaja en dos frentes para lograr la realidad de la ley del sueño. El Senador por Delaware Chris Coons ha presentado en el congreso de la nación el American Dream Accounts Act of 2012. Esta ley promueve las asociaciones entre escuelas, institutos universitarios, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y negocios para que desarrollen cuentas estudiantiles basadas en Internet que sean seguras y que contengan información sobre preparación académica, conocimientos financieros y tutoría de alto impacto, todo ello ligado a una cuenta de ahorros para estudios superiores. En vez de abordar estas corrientes separadamente, esta ley conecta a estudiantes, padres y maestros a través de estos silos. Es un paso pequeño pero muy importante para ayudar a más estudiantes de todos los niveles de ingreso, tener acceso y completar una educación superior. Esto abre una puerta para los que están en desventaja económica de tener acceso a la educación superior. Mientras tanto en el estado, el senador por Delaware Robert Marshall y el representante estatal profesor Joe Miro, han unido esfuerzos para presentar una propuesta a su colegas legisladores que facilitaría las cosas a esos niños que fueron traídos a este país por sus padres y que han demostrado una excelente actuación escolar. Nunca se sabe, como dijo el día de la presentación de la propuesta la Representante Helen Keeley. ¿Cómo saber si uno de esos muchachos será el futuro creador de la cura del cáncer o un premio Nobel? La única respuesta es dejar de soñar y aprobar la ley que haga ese sueño realidad. Ya sabemos que no es pan comido, y menos en tiempo de elecciones, que al fin y al cabo pareciera que fuera siempre. Incluso, a pesar de ser una propuesta bipartidista, se han escuchado noticias de que precisamente donde más hace falta la implementación de esta ley (que es en el sur del estado), más oposición ha encontrado. Ojalá estos legisladores del condado de Sussex piensen en verdad en los futuros electores que los van a elegir o a sacar de su cómoda silla. Por favor revisen aunque sea superficialmente los resultados del último censo y caerán en cuenta. No es un premio para aquellos que hicieron mal las cosas en el pasado, sino un compromiso con el futuro de este país y de este estado. La educación es la una vía para mantener el sueño americano y hacer las cosas bien. Life is a Dream; this is the title of a play by the Spaniard Calderon de la Barca, considered by many as a reminiscence of the platonic concept that man lives in a world of dreams inside a cave, where he can just see the shadows of reality and can only be liberated from it by doing good. The time for dreaming, in the sense of achieving the feasible, has not come to an end. In fact, this is the time for the bill called the Dream Act to be approved, at least in the state of Delaware, which can tune it with the spirit of times and take it to accompany 13 other states that have already approved laws that open the path to young students -who are children of undocumented parents- to the universities and colleges. In this respect, Delaware is working in two fronts to achieve the reality of the dream act. Delaware’s Senator Chris Coons has presented in congress the American Dream Accounts Act of 2012. This legislation encourages partnerships among schools, colleges, nonprofits and businesses to develop secure, Web-based student accounts that contain information about academic preparedness, financial literacy and highimpact mentoring and are tied to a college savings account. Instead of approaching these threads independently, this bill connects students, parents and teachers across these silos. It is a small but significant step toward helping more students of all income levels access, afford and complete a college education. This opens a door for those financially less fortunate, granting them access to higher education. Meanwhile in the state, Delaware’s Senator Robert Marshall and State Representative Prof. Joe Miro have joined efforts to present a proposal to their colleagues, which would facilitate things to those kids who were brought to this country by their parents and who have demonstrated academic excellence. You never know, like Representative Helen Keeley said the day the proposal was presented. How can you know if one of those kids will be the finder of a cure for cancer or a Nobel Prize winner? The only answer is to stop dreaming and approve the law that will make it come true. We already know this is no easy task, and worse in times of elections, which ultimately seems like it always is. And although it is a bipartisan proposition, news have been heard that precisely where it is most needed (which is in the southern part of the state), more opposition it has encountered. I hope these legislators of Sussex County seriously think about their future constituents that will elect them or throw them out of their comfortable chair. Please review, even on the surface, the results of the last census and you will get it. It is not a prize for those who did things mistakenly in the past, but a commitment with the future of this country and of this state. Education is the way to maintain the American dream and do things rightfully.

GERENTE General Manager María Vera Rodríguez [email protected] EDITOR Gabriel Pilonieta-Blanco [email protected] 302- 588 9584 ADVERTISING [email protected] 302- 494 3133 COLABORADORES Contributors Cecilia Cardesa Lusardi Karyl Thomas Rattay Carlos Dipres Margaret Reyes Peter Gonzales Keyla Rivero-Rodríguez Annette Merino Miguel Acosta Laura Poppiti Tabatha Castro Lastenia Narvaez Greer Firestone Eric Doroshow María Picazo + Samuel Blanco Arizpe Eric Soberanis María Velásquez Naranjo Ismael Santos Wanda Lopez Elizabeth Cordeiro-Rowe Allison Burris Christopher Posh Ronaldo Tello Alfredo Lascoutx Vivian L. Rapposelli Nelly Arevalo Jason Keller Alma Villalobos Rafael Guerrero Javier Moreno Antonia Donato Ricardo Diaz Eli Ramos Margie King Michelle Acosta Pierre Smythe Luis Alejandro Vera Antonio Droz Zuleika Cervantes Brenda Palomo Jaime Rivera Nina Qureshi-Ibqal Melissa Skolnick Lilia Estrada Roxanna Valdes Antonio Droz Amy Libonate Tamara Romero Jennifer L. Cohan

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[email protected] Michael Lovett/ William Galindo

Esteban M.P Vera/ Gabriel Pilonieta - Blanco . Magdalena Sierra / Wanda Lopez Jonathan Galindo/ Eli Ramos Nelson González / Adrián Abonce. Fernando Hernández / Pedro Escárcega


Leyes / Laws: Abogando por la Educación Latina en el Capitolio / Advocating for Latin Education in the Capitol Locales/ Local: Cooperativa de Crédito Stepping Stones Credit Union /Stepping Stones Credit Union Estado / State: Proyecto de Ley DREAM Act propuesto para el estado /DREAM Act bill proposed for state Y mucho más / And much more

TRADUCCION / TRANSLATION Valentina P Rodríguez . María Picazo + Gabriela Montilva P / Marianella Vera . Michelle Acosta

The opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors. Any published material might be used or reprinted as long as the source is cited.

123 Rosemary Court, Bear, DE 19701 302-588 9584 email: [email protected]


Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04



información information

Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04

El Senador Chris Coons, Lakenzia Gordon, el Congresante John Carney, la Directora Ejecutiva de DCRAC Rashmi Rangan, el Senador Tom Carper, el Director de la Junta Ejecutiva de Stepping Stones Terri Hasson, y el Ejecutivo del Condado de New Castle Paul Clark cortan la cinta en la gran inauguración de Stepping Stones Federal Credit Union en Wilmington.

Cooperativa de Crédito Stepping Stones Credit Union
La delegación del congreso de Delaware ayudó a la apertura de la cooperativa de crédito Stepping Stones Credit Union en la zona este de Wilmington. La Cooperativa de crédito ayudará a los residentes de Wilmington a tener acceso a operaciones bancarias regulares y servicios de educación financiera
El Congresista John Carney y los Senadores Tom Carper y Chris Coons (todos D-DE) se unieron al Consejo de Acción de Reinversión en la Comunidad de Delaware (DCRAC por sus siglas en inglés) y a los líderes de la comunidad de Wilmington para celebrar la gran inauguración de la cooperativa de crédito de DCRAC Stepping Stones Community Federal Credit Union. Stepping Stones FCU fue creada a través de una fuerte coalición entre DCRAC, la industria de servicios financieros de Delaware, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y líderes de la comunidad de Wilmington. Está dirigida a ayudar a los residentes locales a entrar en la corriente bancaria y proveerles las herramientas financieras para mejorar su propia situación económica. La membresía para Stepping Stones FCU está abierta para aquellos que viven, trabajan, asisten a servicios religiosos, van a la escuela o tienen algún interés por aliviar la pobreza en la ciudad de Wilmington. Los nuevos miembros pueden abrir una cuenta con tan poco como $5 y se les concede acceso a los otros programas de educación financiera provistos por DCRAC. “Tener acceso a servicios bancarios y a créditos asequibles es crítico para ayudar a las familias a escapar de la pobreza”, dijo el Congresista Carney, quien sirve en el Comité de Servicios Financieros de la Cámara de Representantes. “Parte del reto es animar a aquellos en la comunidad a aprovechar las ventajas que ofrecen los ahorros y las oportunidades de administración inteligente

del dinero que los bancos proveen. Estoy muy emocionado de poder ayudar a Stepping Stones y a su patrocinador DCRAC a alcanzar este reto, y he decidido mostrar mi apoyo abriendo una cuenta. Espero con ansias ver este proyecto crecer al llegarle a nuevas personas en nuestra comunidad”. “Creo que programas como el Stepping Stones Federal Credit Union, que proporcionan a los delawarianos el conocimiento y las herramientas que ellos necesitan para entender mejor y saber administrar sus finanzas personales, son de vital importancia para el éxito de cualquier comunidad”, dijo el Senador Tom Carper (D-Del). “Este programa innovador no solo ayuda a los delawarianos a administrar mejor sus finanzas hoy en día, sino que también refuerza a las familias trabajadoras con habilidades financieras críticas que le serán útiles durante generaciones por venir”. “Stepping Stones Federal Credit Union le brindará a las familias que no están conectadas al sistema bancario o que sub-utilizan las ventajas que ofrece el sistema bancario, las herramientas que necesitan para alcanzar la salud financiera”, dijo el Senador Coons. “Se trata de darle a individuos de bajos ingresos acceso a una cooperativa de crédito que rompe las barreras para que ellos puedan ingresar en el mundo bancario y sirven de camino para un futuro económico más prometedor. Espero escuchar muchas historias de éxitos de parte de aquellos que realizan sus actividades bancarias en Stepping Stones Federal Credit Union”. “Parafraseando el antiguo proverbio: ‘una jornada de mil millas comienza con un primer paso””, dijo Rashmi Rangan, Director Ejecutivo de DCRAC. “Hoy en Wilmington, la jornada de ahorrar mil dólares y más comienza con una membresía de cinco dólares para ser parte de Stepping Stones Community Federal Credit Union. Cinco dólares en su cuenta de accionistas otorga a nuestros miembros propiedad en la cooperativa de crédito. Al romper las barreras de entrada a la industria financiera tradicional, Stepping Stones ofrece a la comunidad una oportunidad para la inclusión económica. Sabemos que nuestros miembros se verán inspirados a acompañarnos en esta jornada hacia el crecimiento financiera de ellos mismos y de esta cooperativa de crédito. Stepping Stones Community FCU está aquí para servir a los miles de residentes de Wilmington que no utilizan los servicios banqueros regulares”. Stepping Stones FCU está abierto lunes a viernes de 3:00 pm a 7:00 pm, y los sábados de 11:00 am a 2:00 pm. La asesoría financiera gratis de DCRAC también está disponible para sus miembros a petición de los mismos.

información information



Préstamos para Tiempos de Crisis
>El Tiempo Hispano

comunidad community

Si en un momento de apuro usted se ve obligado a pedir un préstamo a corto plazo, no vaya a cualquier lugar, ahora Westside Neighborhood House ofrece pequeños préstamos a bajos intereses.

Lisa Rodriguez es la nueva representante del programa de préstamos «Loans Plus» para personas con problemas financieros que implementó West End Neighborhood House. «La idea fundamental del programa es que cuando una persona requiere una cierta cantidad de dinero para pagar renta, recibos de luz, reparar el carro etc., por lo general recurren a compañías de prestamos rápidos que cobran unos intereses muy altos, 29 o 30%,» explica Rodriguez, y «al final pasan meses y meses pagando intereses sin nunca poder pagar el capital, eso es muy triste,» agrega. Los préstamos que el Programa Loans Plus ofrece están en un rango de 12 al 15 % de interés, lo cual representa la mitad de lo que las compañías cobran normalmente por pequeños préstamos de entre 200 y 500 dólares. El límite de tiempo de pago es muy diferente también, las compañías de Cash Advance piden el pago en dos semanas y el programa Loans Plus contempla el pago en tres meses, con la ventaja adicional de que mejora el crédito, en las otras compañías los pagos no cuentan para la historia de crédito. Las personas que busquen un crédito del programa deben estar trabajando, tener los recibos de agua, o gas, o cable, etc., a su nombre, también pude servir el contrato de alquiler con su nombre; una cuenta de cheques, con sus libros; la licencia de conducir o el pasaporte. Con estos papeles puede calificar para pedir el préstamo, el cual es directamente con el banco Wilmington Trust, y como se dijo antes, cuenta para la historia de crédito de la persona.
Congressman John Carney opens an account with Rodriguez dice que al Federal Credit la persona que solicita el crédito tiene su dinero en dos horas, the Stepping Stones tener los papelesUnion

Stepping Stones Credit Union
Delaware’s Congressional Delegation Help Open Stepping Stones Credit Union on Wilmington’s East Side. Credit Union to help Wilmington residents access regular banking, financial education services
U.S. Congressman John Carney and U.S. Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons (all D-DE) joined the Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council (DCRAC) and Wilmington community leaders to celebrate the grand opening of DCRAC’s Stepping Stones Community Federal Credit Union. Stepping Stones FCU was built through a strong partnership between DCRAC, Delaware’s financial services industry, non-profit organizations, and Wilmington community leaders. It aims to help local residents enter mainstream banking, and provide them with the financial tools to improve their own economic situations. Membership in the Stepping Stones FCU is open to those who live, work, worship, go to school, or have an interest in alleviating poverty in the City of Wilmington. New members can open an account for as little as $5 and are granted access to the other financial education programs that DCRAC provides. “Having access to bank services and affordable credit is critical to helping families escape poverty,” said Congressman Carney, who serves on the House Financial Services Committee. “Part of the challenge is encouraging those in the community to take advantage of the savings and smart money management opportunities that banks provide. I’m very excited to help Stepping Stones, and its sponsor, DCRAC, meet this challenge and have decided to show my support by opening an account. I look forward to seeing this project grow as it reaches more people in our community.” “I believe programs like the Stepping Stones Federal Credit Union, which provides Delawareans with the knowledge and tools they need to better understand and manage their personal finances, are vitally important to the success of any community,” said Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.). “Not only does this innovative program help Delawareans better manage their finances today, but it also empowers hardworking families with critical financial skills that will serve them well for generations to come.” “Stepping Stones Federal Credit Union is about giving unbanked and underbanked households the tools they need to achieve financial health.” said Senator Coons. “ It’s about giving low-income individuals access to a credit union that breaks down barriers to banking, and serves as a pathway to a brighter financial future. I look forward to hearing many success stories from those who bank at Stepping Stones’ Federal Credit Union.” “To paraphrase the ancient proverb: ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step,’” said Rashmi Rangan, Executive Director of DCRAC. “Today in Wilmington, the journey of saving a thousand dollars and more begins with a five dollar membership fee to join Stepping Stones Community Federal Credit Union. Five dollars in their share account gives our members ownership in the credit union. Breaking the barrier of entry into traditional banking, Stepping Stones offers the community an opportunity for economic inclusion. We know that our members will be inspired to join us in a journey toward financial growth for themselves and this credit union. Stepping Stones Community FCU is here to serve the thousands of Wilmingtonians who do not use regular banking services.”

¿Cómo suena eso? Dentro de los propósitos del programa Loan Plus, están el recuperar o establecer crédito de la persona que requiere los servicios; educación financiera del cliente; planeamiento de presupuesto e intervención en casos de crisis, explica Lisa Rodriguez. No se trata solo de un crédito, se trata, finalmente, de aprender now open Monday and Friday from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m., and on Saturday Stepping Stones FCU is a manejar sus cuentas, con alguien que hable su idioma, «los invito a que mi visiten a mi o al señor Jose DCRAC’s free financial counseling tarde finaliza Rodriguez. from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.Varela, quien trabaja de 4.30 a 8 de lais also«available to members upon Para contactar a Lisa Rodriguez, puede llamar al 302- 658 4117 request.


Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04



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Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04

opinión opinion

‘Un Punto de Vista’ ‘A Matter Of View’

| Keyla I. Rivero-Rodriguez

“KONY 2012”
El 5 de marzo, el documental de media hora de Jason Russell sobre Joseph Kony, líder del Ejército de Resistencia del Señor, salió al aire en la Internet. La intención de Russell fue hacer de Kony un nombre conocido y obtener apoyo mundial para ponerle fin a muchos años de abuso, secuestros, asesinatos y violaciones que se cometen todos los días en Uganda en contra de los niños. Hace un par de semanas tuve la oportunidad de ver este documental que fue publicado a través de un link de You Tube a la página de Facebook de mi hija, y debo decir que técnicamente hablando estaba muy bien hecho y su contenido era muy perturbador. Luego de treinta minutos te quedas pensando “¿cómo es posible esto?” o “¿qué puedo hacer yo para marcar la diferencia?” Debo admitir que lloré mientras veía este video, lo cual me dejó pensando sobre las víctimas de estas atrocidades, quienes son todos niños. Y aún, cómo luego de tantos años estos actos de violencia todavía se cometen día tras día contra estos innumerables niños indefensos. El sábado pasado se informó que el video “KONY 2012” ha sido visto más de 80 millones de veces y ha sido criticado por la manera que Jason Russell escogió para contar esta historia al mundo. En este documental, Jason le está contando a su pequeño hijo sobre su trabajo y sobre los múltiples viajes que realiza a África porque hay un hombre llamado Kony que por las noches se roba a los niños de sus casas y que está utilizando a niños y convirtiéndolos en soldados, y niñas están siendo convertidas en esclavas sexuales. Niños Invisibles, así se llama la organización sin fines de lucro basada en San Diego que produjo este enormemente popular documental sobre este caudillo africano en Uganda. Algunos podrán argumentar que el éxito social y el mensaje que conlleva este video son buenos, sin embargo, llegó probablemente dos décadas muy tarde. Los críticos de este filme están aconsejando precaución diciendo que en el pasado, Niños Invisibles ha manipulado los hechos y que los espectadores deberían ver este documental teniendo este hecho presente. El objetivo de este documental es hacer de Kony un nombre tan familiar que forzará a los Estados Unidos y a otros gobiernos a mantener la persecución de este caudillo. A Joseph Kony se le busca por crímenes contra la humanidad por la Corte Internacional de Justicia y soy de la opinión que algo debe ser hecho luego de 20 años de este tipo de abuso contra la humanidad. Espero que se tomen el tiempo de ver este documental de 30 minutos. No tienen por qué creerme, les ruego que lo busquen en You Tube y luego saquen sus propias conclusiones y opiniones. Uno de mis cantantes favoritos, Bono de U2 dijo: “¿Hay algún Oscar para un trabajo de dirección de este tipo? Jason Russell se lo merece”. Esta campaña se ha ganado el respaldo de reconocidas celebridades incluyendo a Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie y Rihanna, por nombrar solo unas cuantas. El próximo 20 de abril, la organización Niños Invisibles planifica tapizar las ciudades de todo el mundo con afiches “KONY 2012”.

“KONY 2012”
On March the 5th Jason Russell’s half-hour documentary on Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda, went live on the internet. Russell’s aim was to make Kony a household name and get worldwide support to end the many years of abuses, abductions, murders and rapes that every day are committed towards children in Uganda. A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to view this documentary that was posted from a YouTube link to my daughter’s Facebook page, and I have to say that technically, it was well done and its content is very disturbing. After thirty minutes you are left thinking “how is this possible?” or “what can I do to make a difference?” I have to admit that I cried while viewing this video, which left me thinking about the victims of these atrocities, which are all children. And still, how after many years these acts of violence are still being committed day in and day out against these countless defenseless children. Last Saturday, it was reported that “KONY 2012” video had received over 80 million views and it has been criticized the approach that Jason Russell took to tell his story to the world. In this documentary, Jason is telling his young son about his job and the many trips he makes to Africa because there is a man named Kony that at night he takes children from their homes and is using young boys and turning them into soldiers and young girls are being turned into sex slaves. Invisible Children, is the San Diego-based nonprofit organization that produced this vastly popular documentary about this African warlord in Uganda. But some would argue that the social success and message that this video carries is a good one, however, is probably two decades years too late. Critics of this film are advising caution, saying that in the past, Invisible Children has manipulated facts and that viewers should watch this documentary with that in mind. The goal of this documentary is to make Kony’s name so familiar that it will force the United States and other governments to keep on the chase of this warlord. Joseph Kony is wanted for crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court and is my opinion that something has to be done after 20 years of this type of abuse against humankind. I hope you take the time to view this 30 minute documentary. You don’t have to take my word, I urge you to search for it on YouTube and afterwards make your own conclusion and opinion. One of my favorite band lead-singers Bono from U2 said “Is there an Oscar for this kind of direction? Jason Russell deserves it.” This campaign has attracted many endorsements from well-known celebrities including Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie and Rihanna, just to name a few. This coming April 20th, the Invisible Children organization plans to paper cities from all over the world with “KONY 2012” posters.

[ cartas al editor / letters to the editor ]
ObAMA’s “GreeN JObs” MirAGe In recent weeks, President Obama has cranked up his commitment to federal subsidies for “green” energy in the face of accumulating defaults by the politically connected companies. “I will not walk away from the promise of clean energy,” he recently declared. The President can make grand pronouncements, but the results of his green energy efforts have been paltry in terms of jobs and industry growth--and fiscal irresponsibility. And now his campaign team has distorted the green energy truth. A new 30-second TV spot released by the campaign credits Obama for “2.7 million workers” employed in clean energy. This statistic is jerry-built. Its mendacity is all the more ironic given that the spot begins by accusing clean-energy critics of making claims that are “not tethered to the facts.” That 2.7-million figure comes from a Brookings Institute study that broadly defines a clean energy job as one “that produces goods or services with an environmental benefit.” That encompasses a lot of jobs unrelated to windmills or solar panels, including sanitation workers, bus drivers, and those in “waste management.” In reality, just 29,000 Americans work in solar energy. Further, the figure represents the total number of green tech jobs in this country -- most created before Obama took office. He can’t take credit for them. Obama’s ad also neglects to mention that green jobs expanded annually at just 3.4 percent between 2003 and 2010, significantly below the overall economy’s 4.2 percent growth. The real figure could be the Council of Economic Advisers’ estimate that the 2009 stimulus package generated 224,500 new green-tech jobs. And at a cost to jobs elsewhere in the economy, leaving taxpayers-qua-consumers with a hole in their pocket. Still, even a corrected-for figure is paltry compared to, say, the 13 million unemployed, or the 9.2 million jobs supported by domestic oil and natural gas. Despite the President’s grand promises and slick ads, green energy won’t revive the economy. Wind, solar, and batteries have little to show for massive taxpayer support. In some cases, taxpayers just get a huge bill after the firm goes bankrupt (e.g. Solyndra, Ener1, Range Fuels, Beacon Power Corp., etc.). It’s the oil and natural gas industry that can launch a resurgent American jobs market. Oddly but encouragingly, Obama has started to acknowledge this inconvenient truth. During the State of the Union, he promised to “open more than 75 percent of our potential offshore oil and gas resources” for development. That’s a good start. But these promises have to be backed with hard-and-fast reforms. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, under current policy Gulf offshore production will drop one-third by next year. Permitting of western federal lands declined 13 percent. And the Obama administration just rejected the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have transported oil from Canada to Texas with an estimated 20,000 new jobs. Such blockage creates upside, though A study from consulting firm Wood Mackenzie found just simple reforms -- including improving regulations, expanding development access and raising permit rates -- could create a million or more new jobs by 2030 and generate $800 billion in economic activity. Tapping into this potential requires the President to make good on his State of the Union promise. But he can’t stop there. The House is considering new legislation -- the “American Energy Infrastructure Act” -- that would tie domestic energy to high priority infrastructure projects. Importantly, the bill opens up tracts of Alaska and offshore territories to exploration. And speeds the development of shale resources. The President should get behind the Act, as well as opening and streamlining the process for leasing and permitting areas for development. Grand “green” energy promises might make for good headlines. But there’s scant evidence the industry will live up. The true path to sustainable growth is right here at home when it comes to oil and natural gas. Robert L. Bradley Jr. is the CEO & Founder of the Institute for Energy Research and author of seven books on energy history and public policy. exPOrteD FUel CONtribUtiNG tO GAsOliNe PriCe iNCreAses The increase in gasoline prices is not attributable to worldwide supply problems. Threats by Iran to close the Strait of Hormuz are partly responsible for the increased prices, but another culprit is our oil industry. In 2011 U.S. refineries exported a record amount of refined fuels to foreign markets. In December 2011 fuel exports averaged 2.89 million barrels a day compared to an average of 1.25 million barrels a day in 2007. Higher prices paid in foreign markets attracted U.S. exports. Fuels exported overseas means less fuel in this country and higher gasoline prices. Our oil companies have put profits ahead of our economic health. It is estimated the five largest U.S. oil companies had profits of $120 billion in 2011. U.S. refineries closed some facilities or reduced production in 2011. We continue to be constrained by old refineries, which require major maintenance, and thereby increase the cost of refined fuels. The last new refinery to come on line in the U.S. was in 1975. We need the Obama administration to pressure U.S. oil companies to upgrade refineries and sell more refined fuels to U.S. markets to help lower our prices. When Obama became President gasoline was $1.84 per gallon. Donald A. Moskowitz, Londonderry, NH A FArM bill FOr the FUtUre House and Senate Agriculture Committees are already holding hearings on writing a new farm bill. However, past farm bills demonstrate that we must demand more of Congress, we must demand a farm bill that invests in the future of rural communities and the next generation of family farmers and ranchers. On March 19th the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition and Center for Rural Affairs released a 2012 Farm Bill policy platform entitled Farming for the Future, A Sustainable Agriculture Agenda for the 2012 Food and Farm Bill. It includes proposals to strengthen family farming and ranching, and assist beginning farmers and ranchers. These policies, if advanced, will help smaller producers tap into high-value, niche markets; provide access to land and capital for the next generation of farmers and ranchers; level the playing field by capping subsidies to mega-farms and invest in real family farmers and ranchers. The entire platform spans nearly every section of the farm bill and constitutes a comprehensive approach to reforming federal farm and food policies that will create jobs and economic growth, drive innovation for farm and food entrepreneurs, enhance conservation, protect our natural resources and invest in the future of rural America. We cannot continue to follow the failed farm policies of the past. Rural America wants, needs and deserves a better farm bill, one that creates a future for America’s rural places and the people that live there. Farming for the Future contains a best first step at making reform a reality. By John Crabtree, [email protected], Center for Rural Affairs KeViN WADe Recently we had the opportunity to meet Kevin Wade, the Republican candidate for United States Senate in Delaware. I as far as candidates go, we are not very impressed with many but we like what we heard from Mr. Wade. We believe that Mr. Wade brings common sense and vision in addressing the challenges we now face in our country. He is a businessman who has created jobs and met payrolls. He grew up in a working class family and worked his way through college. Mr. Wade’s first job was in a Pennsylvania steel mill and knows by experience what it is like to scratch out a living. Congress has proven over and over again that it is broken and incapable of working on behalf of the American people. Most politicians are out of touch with the concerns of a working family and that is because there are far to many career politicians in Washington. Many of them have never had a real job. Kevin Wade has solid values; he understands the importance of hard work and family cohesion. We hope that a majority of Delaware voters reach this same conclusion by next November. Sincerely, Paul & Janet Schroer, Bridgeville

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Advocating for Latin Education in the Capitol
On March 7th and 8th, 2012, the NCLR National Latino Advocacy Days was the opportunity for hundreds of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and communal agencies to raise their voice for the millions of students who want an opportunity to pay their contribution to the country with their education.
> Fernando Alcayaga The call was one and it was translated as: “education for young immigrants.” During the event, the representatives of NCLR and other affiliated organizations received an intensive training in the promotion of policies and laws affecting the Latino community, besides learning how to build relationships with members of the Congress through the legislative visits to the Capitol. Regarding Delaware’s representatives, the group encompassing the Latin Center and Delaware State University had the opportunity to meet with the Legislative Correspondents of Senator Christopher Coons, Senator Thomas Carper and of Representative John Carney. In the meetings, the Delaware representatives talked about issues like education and immigration with each one of the Legislative Correspondents, demonstrating the great interest existing in the Latino community to legally resolve the situation of thousands of young people impeded to continue their studies by the mere fact of being undocumented. The work of the representatives of the Latin Center and Delaware State University saw its fruits when they were able to communicate their concerns to Paul O’Brien, Legislative Correspondent of Senator Thomas Carper, who promised to take their petitions about a DREAM Act to the senator, and also to make an effort to speak with Senator Dick Durbin about him releasing a report on the advancement of the DREAM Act at a federal level. This was a very enriching experience for the attendees who also encourage the NCLR to keep this type of trips to maintain the newly gained relationships with the legislators and therefore continue advocating for the rights of Latinos and students. “It was an enriching experience to participate in this democratic process. It was inspirational to see how simple it is to have an open dialog with the legislators and to promote the feeling that our voice is being heard,” said Nicole Gonzalez, member of the Latin Center Advocacy Task Force and coordinator of this legislative encounter. In the near future, the Advocacy Task Force and other members of the Community will discuss a plan to promote Delaware’s DREAM Act, which was already presented by Senator Bob Marshall in the Latin Center. “We are going to discuss with him the most efficient way to pass this legislation, so needed by all the state’s students,” said Nicole González. With this beneficial visit to the United States’ capital, the participants of these legislative meetings came back convinced that their acts can demolish barriers and create better and more worthy spaces for the millions of Latinos who patiently wait for an opportunity to serve the country that took them in.

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Abogando por la Educación Latina en el Capitolio
Durante los días 7 y 8 de marzo del 2012, el NCLR National Latino Advocacy Days fue la oportunidad de cientos de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONG) y agencias comunales de alzar la voz por los millones de estudiantes que quieren una oportunidad de contribuir al país con su educación.
El llamado era uno y se traducía como: “educación para los jóvenes inmigrantes”. Durante el evento, los representantes afiliados al NCLR y otras organizaciones asociadas recibieron una capacitación intensiva en la promoción de políticas y leyes que afectan a la comunidad latina, además de aprender a construir relaciones con los miembros del Congreso a través de las visitas legislativas en el Capitolio. En el caso de los representantes de Delaware, el grupo conformado por el Centro Latino y la Universidad Estatal de Delaware, tuvieron la oportunidad de reunirse con los Corresponsales Legislativos del Senador Christopher Coons, del Senador Thomas Carper y del Representante John Carney. En las citas, los representantes por Delaware tocaron temas como la educación y la inmigración con cada uno de los Corresponsales Legislativos, demostrando el enorme interés que hay en la comunidad latina por resolver legalmente la situación de miles de jóvenes que se ven impedidos de continuar sus estudios por el sólo hecho de carecer de documentos. El trabajo de los representantes del Centro Latino y la Universidad Estatal de Delaware se vio recompensado cuando pudieron manifestar sus inquietudes a Paul O’Brien, Corresponsal Legislativo del Senador Thomas Carper, quien se comprometió hacerle llegar los pedidos sobre un DREAM Act al senador y además hacer un esfuerzo para hablar con el Senador Dick Durbin para que entregara un estado del avance sobre el DREAM Act a nivel federal. La experiencia fue muy enriquecedora para los asistentes que además alentaron al NCLR a mantener este tipo de viajes para cuidar las relaciones ganadas con los legislativos y así para seguir abogando por los derechos de los latinos y los estudiantes. “Fue una experiencia enriquecedora el participar en este proceso democrático. Fue inspirador ver lo fácil que es tener un dialogo abierto con los legisladores y hacer sentir que nuestra voz es escuchada” manifestó Nicole González, miembro del Advocay Task Force del Centro Latino y coordinadora de este encuentro legislativo. En un futuro cercano, el Advocacy Task Force y otros miembros de la comunidad discutirán un plan para promover el Delaware DREAM Act, que ya fue presentado por el Senador Bob Marshall en el Centro Latino. “Vamos a discutir con él la manera más efectiva de poder hacer pasar esta ley tan necesaria para todos los estudiantes del estado”, dijo Nicole González. Con esta provechosa visita a la capital de los Estados Unidos, los participantes de estas jornadas legislativas volvieron con la convicción de que sus actos pueden derrumbar barreras y crear espacios más dignos y mejores para los millones de latinos que esperan pacientemente una oportunidad para servir a su país de acogida.

Nicole Gonzalez, Rayton Sianjina con su hijo Brenton Sianjina Ana C. Velasquez y Margie Vela con su hijo Elijah Vela


Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04




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Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04

Camino a la Prominencia
Gran interés ha generado la compra por parte de la Universidad de Delaware del enorme terreno de 272 acres de Chrysler
>Aisle Say
Asistí a una presentación en Power Point de la Dra. Kathy Matt, Decano del Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, donde mostró no sólo los planos del proyecto completo sino también la abismante visión de su propio instituto universitario. La planta de 3.4 millones de pies cuadrados fue construida en 1951 para fabricar tanques de guerra para el gobierno. Aisle Say pasó un verano allí, a finales de los 60, en la línea de producción instalando cinturones de seguridad; toda la motivación requerida para querer un título universitario. Sólo espero que nadie haya sufrido por la colocación equivocada de más de un par de tornillos aquí y allá. En general, el área será transformada en un centro de actividades de salud y bienestar dentro de un campus de fácil tránsito peatonal y de usos múltiples. Habrá acceso a servicios clínicos, terapia, consejos nutricionales y entrenamiento en ejercicios – todo en un solo sitio. Los edificios tendrán un diseño “verde”. El primer edificio programado para la construcción es el Edificio de Ciencias de la Salud, con espacios para clínicas, investigación y educación. “Interdisciplinario” es la palabra operativa que cabe aquí. Una parte sumamente interesante del espectáculo itinerante de la Dra. Matt fueron los logros del Centro de Aprendizaje Temprano de la Universidad de Delaware, dirigido a promover movilidad a niños que no pueden gatear o caminar. El personal ha creado un trabajo original e innovador. La investigación comenzó con el diseño y desarrollo de dispositivos robóticos a la medida. Con la colaboración interdisciplinaria de terceros de un instituto educativo completamente diferente, el equipo está adaptando ahora vehículos de juguete en donde niños tan pequeños como de 12 meses se pueden montar. Los bebés y los infantes están literalmente ‘manejando’ su propio desarrollo social e intelectual, formando parte de la acción en casa o en el centro de cuidado diario. Esto debe ser un gran placer para sus padres. La Universidad de Delaware desarrolló un programa de ‘simulación’, que ahora cuenta con el apoyo del Comité Americano de Patinaje Sobre Hielo y el Comité Olímpico Americano. El simulador explora posiciones del tipo ‘¿Qué pasa si…?’, así como escenarios de movimiento. Uno de los primeros patinadores olímpicos en utilizar esta tecnología realizó su primer salto cuádruple luego de implantar los cambios sugeridos por el simulador. He aquí una asociación que a uno podría escapársele. ¡El Programa de Pacientes y el Departamento de Teatro! Estudiantes de pregrado cuya sub-especialización es teatro son entrenados para personificar pacientes y sus familiares para que los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud puedan practicar en escenarios realistas sin poner en riesgo los estándares de cuidado. La Dra. Matt comentó que un estudiante de ciencias de la salud participando en una “escena” perdió completamente el control debido a la autenticidad de la actuación del paciente-actor. ¡Eh... mejor que sea en ese foro y no en la vida real! Por otra parte, los chicos de teatro ganan una experiencia invalorable representando el comportamiento asociado con varias enfermedades y discapacidades. Podríamos estar viendo al próximo “Rainman” o “My Left Foot” (“Mi pie izquierdo”) en uno de estos estudiantes. ¡Aisle Say podría crear gran confusión en ese salón de clases! Este entrenamiento práctico ha tenido tanto éxito que ha sido extendido a Christiana Care y a la Fundación Nemours. El instituto universitario está trabajando con Nemours en un estudio de dos años de la enfermedad huesos de cristal (fragilidad ósea), una dolencia insidiosa y desgarradora. Una pequeña de 8 años se ha fracturado 30 huesos de su diminuto cuerpo y ha sido sometida a 4 cirugías para que pueda caminar. El instituto universitario ofrecerá un nuevo doctorado (PhD) en ciencias de la enfermería para darles a las enfermeras orientadas a la investigación la habilidad de descubrir y promover las mejores prácticas clínicas. Como nuestro estado no tiene escuela de medicina, la Dra. Matt ha intensificado la afiliación de la Universidad de Delaware con el Hospital Thomas Jefferson en Philly. Ciencias de la Salud está creando un nuevo programa de médico asistente, en donde los estudiantes comienzan a estudiar en la Universidad de Delaware y terminan en Jefferson. También están lanzando una pasantía nueva con los estudiantes de medicina de Jeff. La Dra. Matt está predicando un nuevo y atrevido mundo de las ciencias innovadoras y marcha a paso cerrado con “Camino a la Prominencia” del Presidente Harker. La apoteosis de este Centro de Ciencia y Tecnología está a décadas de distancia pero los visionarios están aquí mismo trabajando duro. La Dra. Matt está buscando socios corporativos en varios niveles y de manera multitudinaria. Para mayor información, 831.8370. Udel.edu/chs Udel.edu/scitechsite

Path to Prominence
Much interest has been generated by UD’s purchase of the massive 272 acre Chrysler site.
>Aisle Say
I attended a power point presentation by Dr. Kathy Matt, Dean of the College of Health Sciences at which she gave not only the plans for the entire project but also the jaw dropping vision of her own college. The 3.4 million sq. ft plant was built in 1951 to make US Army tanks. Then it was converted to a Chrysler plant. Aisle Say spent a summer there in the late ‘60’s on the production line putting in seat belts; all the motivation needed for a college degree. I only hope that no one suffered from the errant placement of more than a few screws now and then. Overall, the acreage will be transformed into a suite of health and wellness activity centers in a walkable, mixed-use campus. There will be access to clinical services, therapy, nutrition advice and exercise training – all on one site. Buildings will model green design. Slated first for construction is the Health Sciences Building, with spaces for clinics, research and educa-

tion. “Interdisciplinary” is the operative word here. A most interesting part of Dr. Matt’s traveling show was accomplishments of UD’s Early Learning Center, aimed at providing mobility for children who cannot crawl or walk. The staff has created original, groundbreaking work. The research began on the design and development of custom robotic devices. With interdisciplinary collaboration from others in a completely different college, the team is now adapting ride-on toy cars for children as young as 12 months. The babies and toddlers are literally ‘driving’ their own social and intellectual development, becoming part of the action at home or daycare. What a joy this must be for their parents. UD developed a program of ‘simulation’, now supported by US Figure Skating and US Olympic Committee. The simulator explores ‘what-if” positioning and movement scenarios. One of the first Olympic skaters to use this technology performed his first quadruple jump after implementing changes suggested by the simulator. Here’s a partnership one might not consider: Patient Program and Theatre Department! Undergraduate theatre minors are trained to portray patients and family members so that health science students can practice in realistic scenarios without compromising the standard of care. Dr Matt commented that a health science student partaking in this “scene” completely freaked out due to the authenticity of the actor patient. Hey....better in that forum than in real life! The theatre kids, on the other hand, gain valuable experience in portraying the behavior associated with various diseases and disabilities. In one of these students, we may be looking at the next “Rainman” or “My Left Foot.” Aisle Say could cause a lot of havoc in that classroom! This very practical training has become so successful that it was extended to Christiana Care and Nemours Foundation. The college is working with Nemours on a two year study of brittle bone disease, an insidious and heart wrenching ailment. One little 8 year old has fractured 30 bones in her tiny body and undergone 4 surgeries so that she may walk. The college will be offering a new PhD in nursing science to give research-oriented nurses the ability to discover and promote the best clinical practices. Since our state has no medical school, Dr. Matt has intensified UD’s affiliation with Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philly. Health Sciences is creating a new physician assistant program, where students begin at UD and finish at Jefferson. They are pioneering a new internship with Jeff medical students as well. Dr Matt is preaching a brave new world of innovative science and is in lock step with President Harker’s “Path to Prominence”. The finale of this Science and Technology Center is decades away but the visionaries are here and on the ground digging away Dr. Matt is seeking corporate partners on various levels and in multitudinous ways. For info, 831.8370. Udel.edu/chs Udel.edu/scitechsite

Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04

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Proyecto de Ley DREAM Act propuesto para el Estado
Un proyecto de ley bipartidista, la Ley de Delaware DREAM Act, diseñada para hacer asequible los estudios universitarios para los hijos de inmigrantes indocumentados, fue presentado en el Centro Comunitario Latinoamericano en Wilmington el 14 de marzo.
El Senador Robert Marshall, D-Wilmington Oeste, develó el proyecto de ley, “Estos son niños que fueron traídos aquí por unos padres que esperaban construir una mejor vida para sus familias”, dijo Marshall. “La educación es la gran clave para tener éxito en este país y nosotros no deberíamos negársela a gente joven que quiere triunfar aquí solo porque sus padres decidieron venir a este país ilegalmente para brindarles a ellos la oportunidad de una mejor vida”. El Representante Joe Miro, R-Pike Creek Valley, será el principal patrocinador de este proyecto de ley en la Cámara de Representantes. “Éste es un reto, pero uno que estoy dispuesto a asumir”, dijo Miro, y agregó que éste es el momento perfecto para obtener los 21 votos necesarios para lograr la aprobación del proyecto de ley. Si esta legislación es aprobada, los hijos de los inmigrantes indocumentados de Delaware podrían ser elegibles para conseguir becas y pagar la matrícula de la universidad como residentes del estado. Actualmente la tarifa de la universidad para residentes del estado es de $9.670 al año versus $25.940 para estudiantes de otros estados. Por su parte, el Senador Chris Coons (D-Del) habló en el senado el jueves 15 de marzo por la mañana para presentar una nueva legislación que ayudará a aumentar el número de estudiantes de bajos recursos capaces de acceder y completar una educación universitaria. La Ley de Responsabilidad del Sueño Americano de 2012, la cual está copatrocinada por los senadores Marco Rubio (R-Fla) y Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), autorizaría al Departamento de Educación otorgar préstamos competitivos de tres años para respaldar asociaciones globales e innovadoras que apoyen a los estudiantes de bajos ingresos que se están preparando para la educación universitaria. “En Delaware hay muchos jóvenes inmigrantes muy trabajadores que están destacándose en nuestras escuelas y lo único que quieren es igualdad de oportunidades para obtener una educación universitaria”, dijo el senador Chris Coons. La ley DREAM Act de Delaware permite que los estudiantes indocumentados graduados de bachillerato y que han asistido a escuelas de Delaware durante por lo menos tres años, tengan la oportunidad de recibir educación superior al mismo costo que sus compañeros de clases que tienen

documentos legales. Aplaudo la labor del Senador del Estado Robert Marshall y del Representante Joe Miro por su liderazgo en lo que a esta legislación se refiere y continuaré trabajando para asegurarme que todos los dedicados estudiantes de Delaware, sin importar el nivel de ingreso o estatus de inmigración, sean capaces de acceder y de completar una educación superior”, dijo el Senador Chris Coons. El vocero del Gobernador Markell, Brian Selander, dijo: El Gobernador no ha revisado el proyecto de ley todavía ni la estrategia para su implantación, pero sí cree que tiene las intenciones y metas correctas. Durante la ceremonia de presentación de la propuesta de ley estuvieron presentes entre otros, el Senador Robert I. Marshall, D-Wilmington Oeste, el principal patrocinador del proyecto de ley, la Senadora Líder Mayoritaria Margaret Rose Henry, D-Wilmington Este, la Representante Helene Keeley, D-Wilmington Oeste, el Representante Joe Miro, R-Pike Creek Valley, María Matos, Directora Ejecutiva del Centro Comunitario Latinoamericano, Yessenia Tolentino, estudiante de la Universidad de Delaware y miembro del equipo “Dream Team”, quienes están apoyando el proyecto de ley, y otros miembros de equipos. “Algunos de estos niños fueron traídos aquí cuando eran unos bebés por unos padres que no podían obtener la ciudadanía”, dijo durante la presentación del proyecto de ley María Matos, directora ejecutiva del centro comunitario. “Ellos son tan americanos como tú y como yo”. “Ellos son los futuros científicos, físicos y maestros de nuestro estado; nuestros futuros trabajadores, contribuyentes fiscales y votantes. La juventud latina de hoy en día será un factor crítico para el futuro económico y político de nuestro estado y nuestra nación. Delaware no se puede dar el lujo de perder esta reserva de talento”. Ella dijo que aprobar este proyecto de ley sería “lo correcto”. Los estudiantes elegibles para los beneficios de esta propuesta deben haber asistido a una escuela en Delaware durante los tres años anteriores, no haber sido condenados por ningún delito y cumplir con los requisitos de residencia. Desde 2003, la Universidad de Delaware ha utilizado fondos privados para cubrir la brecha que existe entre la matrícula de residentes y de no-residentes para estudiantes indocumentados que se graduaron en colegios de Delaware, dijo John Brennan, un vocero de la Universidad. Añadió que a la universidad aplican entre 5 y 10 estudiantes indocumentados cada año. En el Technical Community College de Delaware se considera a los estudiantes como residentes del estado si se graduaron en una escuela de Delaware o si recibieron un certificado GED emitido por el estado y todavía viven aquí. Otros 13 estados han aprobado propuestas similares, en un sueño que la juventud hispana espera se haga realidad.

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Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04

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DREAM Act bill proposed for state
A bipartisan bill, Delaware DREAM Act, aimed at making college affordable for children of undocumented aliens, was presented at the Latin American Community Center in Wilmington on March 14th. >El Tiempo Hispano
Sen. Robert Marshall, D-Wilmington West, unveiled the bill, “These are kids who were brought here by parents that were hoping to make a better life for their families,” Marshall said. “Education is a big key to succeeding in this country and we shouldn’t deny young people who want to succeed here because their parents decided to come to this country illegally to give them a chance at a better life.” Rep. Joe Miro, R-Pike Creek Valley, will be the bill’s prime sponsor in the state House of Representatives. “This is a challenge but it’s a challenge I’m willing to undertake,” Miro said, and he added that this is the perfect moment to achieve the 21 votes needed to approve this bill. If this bill is passed, the children of undocumented immigrants of Delaware may be eligible for scholarships and to pay tuition as a state resident. The current in-state rate is $9,670 a year versus $25,940 for out-of-state students at the university. In turn, U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) spoke on the Senate floor Thursday march 15 morning introducing new legislation to help increase the number of low-income students able to access and complete a college education. The American Dream Accounts Act of 2012, which is cosponsored by Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), would authorize the Department of Education to award three-year competitive grants to support innovative and comprehensive partnerships that support low-income students in preparation for a college education. “Delaware is home to many hard-working young immigrants who are excelling in our schools and want nothing more than an equal shot at a college education,” U.S. Senator Chris Coons said. “The Delaware DREAM Act allows undocumented students who have completed high school and attended Delaware schools for at least three years the opportunity to receive a higher education at the same cost as their documented classmates. I applaud the work of State Senator Robert Marshall and Representative Joe Miro for their leadership on this legislation and I will continue to work to ensure that all hard-working Delaware students, regardless of income level and immigration status, are able to access and complete college.” Said Senator Chris Coons The Governor Markell spokesperson Brian Selander said: The Governor has not yet reviewed the bill and its approach to implementation, but he does believe that it has the right intentions and goals. Among the attendees during the bill’s presentation event were Sen. Robert I. Marshall, D-Wilmington West, the bill’s prime sponsor, Senate Majority Whip Margaret Rose Henry, D-Wilmington East, Rep. Helene Keeley, D-Wilmington West, Rep. Joe Miro, R-Pike Creek Valley, Maria Matos, executive director Latin American Community Center, Yessenia Tolentino, UD student and member of the “Dream Team,” which is advocating for the bill, and other team members. “Some of these children were brought here as toddlers by parents who could not obtain citizenship,” Maria Matos, executive director of the community center, said during the bill’s announcement. “They are as American as you and me.” “They are our state’s future scientist, physicians and teacher; our future workers, taxpayers and voters. Today’s Latino youth will be critical to our state and nation’s economic and political future. Delaware cannot afford to lose this pool of talent.” She said passing the legislation would be the “right thing to do.” Students eligible for benefits under the proposal must have been attending a high school in Delaware for the previous three years, have no felony convictions and meet residency requirements. Since 2003, the University of Delaware has used private funding to cover the gap between in-

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state tuition and out-of-state tuition for undocumented students who graduated from Delaware high schools, said John Brennan, a spokesman for the university. He added that the university has between 5 and 10 undocumented students applying each year. At Delaware Technical Community College, students are considered in-state residents if they attended a Delaware high school or received a state-issued GED certificate, and still live here. Another 13 states have adopted their own versions of a dream that the Hispanic community awaits to become a reality.

Sen. Robert Marshall, D-Wilmington West and Rep. Joe Miro, R-Pike Creek Valley, will be the bill’s prime sponsor in the state House of Representatives.

¡Ahora disponible en Español!
(Now available in Spanish!)

Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04



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Dreamer’s Testimonies
Dreamer 1

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Muy pronto

“I was born on July 31, 1990, in Morelos, Mexico. Eight months later after I was born and my mother and I crossed the border to meet with my father; he had migrated to United States when my mother was a couple weeks pregnant. I have been living in United States since I was eight months old. I had no choice, no say, no option, I had to leave. I went to pre-school, kindergarten, elementary, middle, and graduated high school in Seaford, DE. My parents always tried to give my sister and me a better life, we had everything. I never thought that being undocumented would affect me so much. From pre- school to the beginning of high school, I always felt like I was part of United States. It began to affect me my sophomore year in high school; when all my friends who I have known since pre-school, were excited that they finally have earned their driver’s license. I had to throw away my blue slip, the slip that said I passed drivers ED. I worked hard for it, I earned an A but all that hard work was thrown away. When I graduated, I wanted to apply to the University of Delaware but I also threw that application away because I knew that it would be impossible. The Delaware DREAM act would give students an opportunity to move forward with their studies. It would motivate undocumented high school students to keep studying, to gradate high school and attend a college. The majority of the undocumented students drop out of high school because they think they can’t go to college. These children had no choice to move here, they had to follow their parents, just like me. They worked hard and earn their diploma just like the other students; I believe they deserve to continue their studies, don’t you?”


I am currently enrolled in Delaware Tech, an institution I am grateful for having because without it hundreds of brilliant students in Delaware would not be able to continue their education, even though for many of us it is still a large financial setback. I am writing not out of pity for myself, but because it is an act of injustice that a country that was founded by immigrants from all countries, all colors and all languages. Many of the brightest minds go to waste because they are not holders of a credential of the country that saw them grow since they were young. Delaware State Legislatures must understand that most of these bright minds do not see themselves as foreigners but as proud Americans, who have done nothing but be loyal to this country. All we expect in return is to allow us to continue our education so that we can continue to give back to the country that witnessed our growth. There is so much growth we can accomplish, only if our legislators allow the passage of the DREAM Act, which can be very beneficial to you and I, as Delawareans.”

Dreamer 3

“I am a young lady that desires for one thing more than anything in this life and that is, to continue my education until I reach my goal. I aspire to be a Psychologist, work here in the United States and continue to contribute to the economy. However, there is a huge barrier standing in front of me, it’s like an enormous wall, as high as the sky, and I am supposed to, somehow, climb it. That’s the way I feel by being undocumented. There is so much I want to do, so much eagerness to succeed and have a better life, but, as long as I am undocumented, I will always feel like I am stuck there, not able to move forward. There is hope, it’s called D.R.E.A.M. ACT. The current D.R.E.A.M. Act Proposal here in Delaware is like a rope that would finally allow us to cross the huge wall upon us. There are thousands of students who would benefit from the Delaware D.R.E.A.M. ACT if it becomes a law. It would allow in-state tuitions instead of out-of-state tuition, which is a huge difference moneywise. It would also allow us to be able to qualify for state scholarships to help us fund college expenses. I obtained in-state tuition at Delaware Technical & Community College because I graduated from a Delaware High School. I also received SEEDS, a state scholarship that pays tuition for six consecutive semesters, as long as you maintain a high GPA. When I first applied for SEEDS when I went to register for classes I was afraid that they would turn me down, that they would crush my dreams of furthering my education of going to college. Fortunately, I will now graduate May 15th, 2012 with my Human Services Associates. I am very excited as I was the first person from my entire family to graduate from high school and now let alone college. My journey does not end there. I want to go to a 4 year university and get my Bachelor’s in Psychology. Unfortunately, I am not eligible for specific scholarships due to my legal status, and paying for a 4 year university is much more expensive. If the Delaware D.R.E.A.M. Act passes in Delaware I would be able to continue to pursue my goal. Lastly, I am grateful for the opportunities I have received for I have gotten to where I am at now, a month and a half away from graduation. This is what the D.R.E.A.M. Act is about. I want many students who desire to go to college like me, to be able to do so regardless of their legal status. Our nation deserves to have educated individuals, it is important for students to continue with their education especially with the high dropout rate. With that being said, let’s do everything in our power to help the Delaware D.R.E.A.M. Act pass, to give undocumented students the hope needed to keep going and not give up.”


Dreamer 2

“I grew up in a city in Northern Mexico, not far from the border, where I was born, raised, and where I studied up to fifth grade. Throughout my young life I received immense support from my grandmother, who instilled in me the importance of education. I was also supported by my mother, who at the time was thousands of miles away in Sussex County, Delaware. Despite being brought up by my grandmother while my own mother worked hard on the other side of the frontier, my childhood was the happiest time of my life. I was surrounded by an amazing family and great friends while attending a private school where I was on the top of my class for several years. At age eleven, my mother decided to bring me to Delaware to live with her, my stepdad, and my sisters; nevertheless, Mexico never left my heart, and the Norteño in me never diluted. The language barrier was not an issue for me, for I had become fluent in the English while in Mexico, and the cultural life here was very easy to get accustomed to. However, while in high school, where I maintained a 3.2 GPA having taken five AP classes and over a dozen honors classes, I wasn’t able to apply to any of the universities I was eligible for because like hundreds of thousands of others across this country, I am an undocumented student. No residency meant no financial aid, and no financial aid meant no money to cover the gargantuan school costs, thus not being able to pay for the collegiate education I am entitled to.



Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04

comida food

| Valentina Pilonieta-Vera

Stir-fried Beef
Ingredients 1½ pounds sirloin steak 2 teaspoons vegetable oil 1 clove garlic, minced 1 teaspoon vinegar ⅛ Teaspoon salt ⅛ Teaspoon pepper 2 large onions, sliced 1 large tomato, sliced 3 cups boiled potatoes, diced Preparation 1. Trim fat from steak and cut steak into small, thin pieces. 2. In a large skillet, heat oil and sauté garlic until garlic is golden. 3. Add steak, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Cook for 6 minutes, stirring beef until brown. 4. Add onion and tomato. Cook until onion is transparent. Serve with boiled potatoes or rice.

Lomo Saltado
Ingredientes 1½ libras de lomo de res 2 cucharaditas de aceite vegetal 1 diente de ajo, picado 1 cucharadita de vinagre ⅛ cucharadita de sal ⅛ cucharadita de pimienta 2 cebollas grandes, rebanadas 1 tomate grande, rebanado 3 tazas de papas hervidas, cortadas en cubitos Preparación 1. Quite la grasa a la carne antes de cocinarla. Corte el resto en tiras delgadas y pequeñas. 2. Caliente el aceite en un sartén grande y sofría el ajo hasta que esté dorado. 3. Agregue la carne, el vinagre, la sal y la pimienta negra. Cocine 6 minutos más, moviendo la carne hasta que esté dorada. 4. Agregue las cebollas y el tomate. Cocine hasta que la cebolla esté transparente. Sirva con papas hervidas o arroz

salud health
Chimes Delaware Avanza

Chimes Delaware Stride
Join Miss Delaware Maria Cahill at the 2012 Chimes Delaware Stride for Awareness on May 19!
Chimes Delaware is hosting its largest fundraiser of the year, the Stride for Awareness Walk, on Saturday, May 19, 2012. Miss Delaware Maria Cahill will be on hand to kick off the walk at The Riverfront in Wilmington. Rocky Bluewinkle, mascot for the Wilmington Blue Rocks, will make an appearance as well! Last year’s Stride for Awareness Walk attracted more than 300 people and raised thousands of dollars to support services for people with disabilities. As one of the largest nonprofit organizations in the state, Chimes Delaware is a leading provider of day, vocational and residential services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including Autism and Behavioral Disorders. Stride for Awareness is a 1K/3K walk aimed at raising awareness for Chimes programs and services that help people in Delaware develop skills and fulfill their potential. Join hundreds of Chimes staff, supporters and various community leaders and those served by Chimes Delaware at this great spring time event. Leading sponsors this year include AAA Mid-Atlantic Insurance and PSA Financial. Learn more about the event at www.chimesdel.org.

Acompañe a Miss Delaware María Cahill en la Caminata 2012 Avanzando en la Concientización de Chimes Delaware el 19 de mayo
Chimes Delaware está presentando su evento de recaudación de fondos más importante del año, la Caminata Avanzando en la Concientización, el sábado 19 de mayo de 2012. Miss Delaware María Cahill arrancará la caminata en The Riverfront en Wilmington. Rocky Bluewinkle, la mascota de Wilmington Blue Rocks, también se presentará. El año pasado la Caminata Avanzando en la Concientización (Stride for Awareness) atrajo a más de 300 personas y recolectó miles de dólares para financiar servicios para personas con discapacidades. Como una de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro más grandes del estado, Chimes Delaware es un proveedor líder de servicios de día, vocacionales y residenciales para personas con discapacidades intelectuales y de desarrollo, incluyendo Autismo y Trastornos de Conducta. Avanzando en la Concientización (Stride for Awareness) es una caminata de 1K/3K orientada a crear consciencia para los servicios y programas de Chimes que ayudan a las personas de Delaware a desarrollar habilidades y alcanzar su máximo potencial. Únase a cientos de integrantes del personal de Chimes, seguidores y varios líderes de la comunidad, así como aquellos a quienes Chimes Delaware les prestan su servicio, en este gran evento de primavera. Los patrocinadores líderes este año incluyen AAA Mid-Atlantic Insurance y PSA Financial. Para mayor información sobre el evento visite www.chimesdel.org.

New Castle County Executive Paul Clark addresses the crowd at Chimes Delaware’s Stride for Awareness.


Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04




Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04

información information

Jóvenes Adultos buscan Trabajo
Fijando metas para el futuro en la Feria de Trabajo y Seminario de Reforzamiento YF&C You-Front & Center (Tú – el Protagonista)
El evento “You-Front & Center” de Brandywine Counseling & Community Services (BCCS por sus siglas en inglés) le dio la bienvenida con mucho éxito a un gran número de participantes y a 30 empleadores de las áreas de Delaware y Filadelfia a esta Feria de Trabajo y Seminario de Reforzamiento en el campus Stanton de Delaware Technical and Community College el miércoles 14 de marzo. “Estamos muy emocionados por el éxito de nuestra feria de trabajo y seminario de reforzamiento”, dijo la Directora Ejecutiva de BCCS Lynn Fahey, Ph.D. “You-Front & Center ha sido protagonista animando a los jóvenes adultos a elegir opciones positivas en sus vidas y proveyendo un plan de trabajo para llegar allí”. La conferencia de la Feria de Trabajo y Seminario de Reforzamiento incluyó una palabras de presentación a cargo de Joyce Dungee Proctor de la firma de asesoría Take the Limits Off Career Coaching Services™, y talleres tales como el llamado ‘Prime for Life’, diseñado para asistir en la identificación y priorización de valores personales de los asistentes. También se entregaron muchos premios a los asistentes, tales como un iPod touch, laptop HP y varias tarjetas de regalo de tiendas al detal. Los fans de YF&C de Facebook recibieron un iPad2 y un Xbox 360 Kinect. La Feria de Trabajo y Seminario de Reforzamiento YF&C You-Front & Center es una de una serie de ferias de empleo en donde los jóvenes adultos pueden establecer contacto con importantes empleadores de la región y participar en talleres de establecimiento de metas. Los empleadores representaron industrias desde el cuidado de la salud, gobierno, agencias de empleo e instituciones educativas. El evento fue patrocinado por BCCS y Delaware Technical & Community College.

Joyce Dungee Proctor, YFC job fair keynote speaker, poses with Dr. Lynn Fahey, BCCS CEO

Young Adults Seek Jobs
Set Goals for Future at YF&C Job Fair & Empowerment Seminar
Brandywine Counseling & Community Services (BCCS)’s You-Front & Center welcomed with success a large number of participants and 30 employers from Delaware and the Philadelphia area to its Job Fair & Empowerment Seminar at Delaware Technical & Community College’s Stanton campus Wednesday, March 14. “We are thrilled with the success of our job fair and empowerment seminar,” said Lynn Fahey, Ph.D., BCCS CEO. “You-Front & Center is front and center in encouraging young adults to make positive choices in their life and in providing a roadmap to get there.” The job fair & empowerment summit featured a keynote address by Joyce Dungee Proctor of Take the Limits Off Career Coaching Services™, and workshops, including a ‘Prime for Life’ workshop that assisted in identifying and prioritizing personal values for attendees. Also, several prizes, including an iPod Touch, HP laptop, and several retail gift cards, were awarded to attendees. YF&C Facebook fans were awarded an iPad2 and Xbox 360 Kinect. The You-Front & Center Job Fair & Empowerment Seminar is one of a series of job fair summits where young adults can connect with prominent employers in the region and participate in goalsetting workshops. Employers represented industries from healthcare, government, staffing and educational institutions. The event was hosted by BCCS and Delaware Technical & Community College.

Dr. Lynn Fahey y el vocero de YFC Tony DiVirgilio

Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04


información information


The Wilmington Grand Prix
2012 Wilmington Grand Prix Culminates with Gran
Wilmington Renaissance Corporation (WRC), the City of Wilmington and their many partners announced that the 2012 Wilmington Grand Prix will include a new ride, the Gran Fondo, on Sunday, May 20. This year’s Grand Prix is set for May 18-20 and has been named to USA Cycling’s prestigious National Criterium Calendar (NCC) and will attract pro cyclists from around the world. “The Gran Fondo is an Italian-style racing that is not typically seen in this area,” said race director Randy Inglis. “It is 62 miles long and will be a challenging, but beautiful, course designed for top cyclists who are both pros and amateur.” The ride will begin at 8 a.m. at the Delaware Art Museum and will take cyclists through 13 cultural attractions in Wilmington including Hagley Museum & Gardens, Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library, and the Mt. Cuba Center. Many of the locations will feature rest areas for cyclists to take a break along the trek. The ride will finish at the Delaware Art Museum with a post-ride party in the sculpture garden. Gran Fondo participants will receive a cycling jersey, welcome packet, five aid stations, chip timing for two climbs, catered postride party, competition prizes, bike valet service at the festivities and more.

El Grand Prix de Wilmington
El Grand Prix de Wilmington 2012 culmina con Grand Fondo
La Corporación Renacimiento de Wilmington (Wilmington Renaissance Corporation -WRC por sus siglas en inglés), la ciudad de Wilmington y sus muchos asociados anunciaron que el Grand Prix de Wilmington 2012 incluirá una nueva carrera, el Grand Fondo, el domingo 20 de mayo. Este año el Grand Prix está programado para el 18-20 de mayo y ha sido nombrado en el prestigioso Calendario de Criterio Nacional (NCC por sus siglas en inglés) del USA Cycling y atraerá a ciclistas profesionales de todo el mundo. “El Grand Fondo es un estilo de carrera italiano que no es típicamente visto en esta área”, dijo el director de la carrera Randy Inglis. “Tiene 62 millas de longitud y será una retadora pero hermosa pista diseñada para los mejores ciclistas que son tanto profesionales como amateurs”. La carrera comenzará a las 8:00 am en el Museo de Arte de Delaware y llevará a los ciclistas a través de 13 atracciones culturales en Wilmington, incluyendo el museo Hagley Museum & Gardens, el museo Winterthur Museum, Jardín y Biblioteca, y el Centro Mt. Cuba. Muchas de las localidades tendrán áreas de descanso para que los ciclistas tomen un respiro a lo largo del trayecto. La carrera terminará en el Museo de Arte de Delaware con una fiesta post-carrera en el jardín de las esculturas. Los participantes de Grand Fondo recibirán una franela de ciclista, un paquete de bienvenida, cinco estaciones de ayuda, cronometraje electrónico para dos escaladas, fiesta post-carrera con comida, premios de competencia, servicio de parqueo de bicicletas en el lugar de las festividades, y más. El domingo también incluirá la 2da Carrera Anual del Gobernador, una carrera menos retadora de 15 millas que partirá y llegará al Museo de Arte de Delaware. Los montos por inscripción para ambas carreras (del Gobernador y Grand Fondo) serán donados al Banco de Comida de Delaware. La tarifa de inscripción de Grand Fondo es de $109 y aumenta el 1ero de abril. La tarifa de inscripción de la Carrera del Gobernador es de $45 para adultos y $15 para menores de 18 años. El Grand Prix de Wilmington arranca el viernes 18 de mayo con el Monkey Hill Time Trail a través del parque Brandywine. El sábado 19 de mayo comenzará con un Desfile para Combatir el Hambre y continuará con carreras de jóvenes así como una serie de carreras de hombres y mujeres de tipo figura-ocho criterios a lo largo de un trayecto de más de una milla en Downtown Wilmington. El día incluye un festival de calle gratis de ambiente familiar a lo largo de Market Street desde la 5ta a la 10ma calle. Para más información, visite www.wilmgrandprix.com.

Sunday will also include the 2nd Annual Governor’s Ride, a less-challenging 15-mile ride that will also leave and return to the Delaware Art Museum. Registration fees for both the Governor’s Ride and the Gran Fondo will benefit the Food Bank of Delaware. The Gran Fondo registration is $109 and increases April 1. The Governor’s Ride fees are $45 for adults and $15 for youth riders under 18. The Wilmington Grand Prix kicks off on Friday, May 18 with the Monkey Hill Time Trial through Brandywine Park. Saturday, May 19 will begin with a Parade to Fight Hunger and continue with youth races as well as a series of men’s and women’s figure-eight criterium races along a more than one-mile course in Downtown Wilmington. The day includes a free, family-friendly street festival that spans Market Street from 5th to 10th Streets. For more information, visit www.wilmgrandprix.com.



información information

Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04

AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 14 OF THE DELAWARE CODE ESTABLISHING THE DELAWARE DEVELOPMENT, RELIEF, AND EDUCATION FOR ALIEN MINORS OR “DREAM” ACT. Section 1. Amend Title 14 of the Delaware Code by adding a new subchapter XVI as follows: “Subchapter XVI. Delaware DREAM Act. S3420A. Short title. This act shall be known and may be cited as the “Delaware DREAM Act”, “DREAM” being an acronym for the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act. S3421A. Definitions. As used in this subchapter, the term “public institution” shall mean the University of Delaware, Delaware State University, and Delaware Technical and Community College. S3422A. Eligibility. (a) An individual shall be deemed to be a resident of Delaware for the purpose of tuition and fees for attendance at a public institution if: (1) The individual attended a public or nonpublic secondary school in this State for at least 3 years; (2) The individual graduated from a public or nonpublic secondary school in this State or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in this State; (3) The individual registers as an entering student in a public institution in this State not earlier than the 2012 fall semester; (4) The individual entered the United States before the age of eighteen and is under the age of thirtyfive; and (5) The individual has not been convicted of any felony. (b) A student who is deemed to be a resident of Delaware pursuant to subsection (a) shall be eligible to participate in the Delaware Student Excellence Equals Degree Program (“SEED”) and the Inspire Scholarship Program established under this title and to qualify for grants thereunder, provided the student otherwise meets the criteria of those programs. S3423A. Policies, Rules and Regulations. Each public institution shall adopt appropriate policies, rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this subchapter. “ Section 2. Amend Section 3404A(a)(1) of Title 14 of the Delaware Code by making insertions as shown by underlining as follows: “(a) To be eligible to participate in the SEED program and to qualify for a grant to pay tuition by the State pursuant to this subchapter for the first semester or other academic unit of post-secondary enrollment at Delaware Technical and Community College or the University of Delaware, Associate in Arts program, a student shall meet all of the following: (1) A student who satisfies the state residency requirements set forth in the Institution’s residency policy, or who is deemed to be a resident of Delaware under section 3422A of this Title, shall be eligible for such grant if that student is enrolled on a full time, degree seeking basis or is a student with a disability seeking a degree through the institution’s academic accommodation policy.” Section 3. Amend Section 3412A(a)(1) of Title 14 of the Delaware Code by making insertions as shown by underlining as follows: “a) To be eligible to participate in the Inspire Scholarship program and to qualify for a grant towards tuition assistance by the State pursuant to this subchapter students shall meet all of the following: (1) A student who satisfies the state residency requirements set forth in the institution’s residency policy, or who is deemed to be a resident of Delaware under section 3422A of this Title, shall be eligible for such grant if that student is enrolled on a full time, degree seeking basis or is a student with a disability seeking a degree through the institution’s academic accommodation policy.” SYNOPSIS This is the Delaware “DREAM” Act. “DREAM” is an acronym which stands for the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act. The Delaware DREAM Act will permit undocumented students to pay tuition and fees at the in-state, resident rate at public institutions of higher education in the State of Delaware. If an applicant meets the criteria of the Act, they will qualify for in-state tuition rates and consideration for the SEED and Inspire scholarship programs. Author: Senator Marshall

A Dominican Republic Mission’s Trip
I’ve been offered the opportunity to travel to Dominican Republic to help translate on a missions trip.
I’m Courtney Keller here from Newark, DE. A little about myself is that I’m a 21 years, and have recently arrived back home from being in Argentina for a year and three months. Why did I go to Argentina? I went to study the language, and culture as well as the Bible. While there I captured the language, and embraced the culture. I also was able to travel to south Argentina and work at a Hotel that the school owns. I stayed there in December, celebrating Christmas and New Years, the Argentine way. Which was just getting together and eating a barbecue, you know lamb, pig, steak, chicken, lots. The school also holds trips for people to come on and supplies translators for them to communicate to the Argentine people. I had the lovely opportunity of going on two trips like these. On one, we went down to South Argentina to a town called Neuquen, and the other was more local in Buenos Aires. Due to not being home for such a long period of time I’ve had some culture shock since arriving back in December of 2011. For example, there is no nap time in the United States, and I still have yet to get used to that. Around 2:30pm each day stores would close down just for lunch and nap time in Argentina. Here the people are always going, no breaks. Right now I’m in the process of applying for college in the fall, meaning I’m at a in between stage. I have three jobs, as a convenient store clerk, a secretary, and a housecleaner. I also help out with the teen group at my church on Wednesday nights, as well as on Sundays for practices of competitions that they are in. Amongst all these things happening, I’ve been offered the opportunity to travel to Dominican Republic to help translate on a missions trip, as well as help with a camp they have down there to reach out to children and teens. The total trip cost is $2,798.00, which will cover my air fare, ground transportation, food, lodging, and other trip related expenses. All money is due in by May 7th 2012. The dates of the trip are scheduled for July 7, 2012 to July 26, 2012. The first week we will be stationed in Schroon Lake, New York for training, and then we’ll head down to the Dominican Republic for a 10 day trip. Why this trip? I miss the culture, I miss being able to ride or walk a bike to town and by the necessities, due to not having the money for any luxuries. To motivate and encourage teens to live a better life, to give hope and future to people who have little and even those who are well off. To keep my Spanish fresh, and learn more. To reach out and make disciples for Christ. With that I do ask that you pray if God is leading you to support this need. If the Lord does lead you to give to Him through this ministry, you can give by going online to https:// home.wol.org/giving/giveto/Courtney+Keller+(0YG720) . Thank you for your interest.

West Chester, Pennsylvania BIENVENIDOS NUESTROS AMIGOS HISPANOS Y SUS FAMILIAS Brandywine Garden Apartments 215 North Everhart Avenue West Chester, PA 19380 Amplios Apartamentos con Balcón A distancia de caminar de la ciudad, centros comerciales y el Bus SEPTA Comenzando desde solo $675 mensuales mas utilidades Apartamentos Estudio y de dos y una Habitación Disponibles Llame al : (610) 918-1694 Horario: L-V: 10.00A- 4.00P Sab: 10.00A-12.00P
BILINGUAL pERSON Busy Latino Tax Preparation Service in Wilmington needs Bilingual, computer literate, people person, able to work without direct supervision to work as a part time tax preparer. Experience helpful, but not necessary, training provided. Must be able to work daily 12-8PM. Call 215-913-1580 or email [email protected]. MECANICO DE AUTOS Se busca mecanico de autos con experiencia para trabajar en Newark, DE inetresados comunicarse con Ruth Matos por el tel. 302494 7154 HOUSE MAID Familia busca House Maid Para trabajos de limpieza de 2 a 3 veces por semana durante 2 hrs. al dia (Hockessin Area) 610-274-2059 OpORTUNIDADES DE TRABAJO Westside Family Health is seeking to fill several open positions: Promotora/Health Educator, Driver/Security, Social Worker Bilingual required - Spanish and English Please e-mail resumes to [email protected] or fax resumes to 302-504-3066, Attn: HR Dept BI-LINGUAL pARENT CONSULTANT/ASESORES DE pADRES Parent Information Center of Delaware Inc. 5570 Kirkwood Highway Wilmington, DE 19808 The Parent Information Center of Delaware provides information education and support to families of children with special needs or disabilities. http://www.picofdel.org Application Process: Cover letter and resume attention: Marie-Anne Aghazadian [email protected] or fax 302-999-7637 or US mail to address above Posting expires when position is filled. Job Title: Location: New - Castle County Part-Time: 20 hours/week EMpLOYMENT !!!!assistant manager/customer rep. is urgently wanted by our organization . we need a person with a good technical knowhow . Must possess computer skills . We will pay $2650 monthly .we are a growing service company in need of very dedicated and responsible individuals to be part of our team. Please send your resume to :[email protected] COCINEROS DOVER Se buscan cocineros con experiencia y preparadores con o sin experiencia, 40+ horas semanales, aplique en persona. Piazza Mia Italian Bar & Grill, 492 South Red Heaven Ln, Dover DE 19901, Tel 302-387-1870. RECEpTIONISTposition available at established construction Management/ real estate development firm. Flexible 30 hour Monday thru Friday work week. An excellent opportunity for advancement for the right person. Please send your resume to [email protected] WEEKEND RENTAL ASSISTANT, Oversee rental of non-profit facility on intermittent Saturdays and Sundays. Custodial duties included. Bilingual (Eng/ Span) preferred. Fax resume to 610-444-0282 or email to aoconnor@kennettseniorcenter. org.EOE CHOFER Con experiencia en seguridad para trabajar en De – PA. Juan Jeshor 215-589 2308

SI BUSCA TRABAJO Llame al 302-832 3620 Lunes a Viernes de 9 a 5 pm. para publicar un aviso gratis.

empleos jobs

CUIDO NIÑOS Necesito trabajo como niñera, hablo un poco de ingles, soy muy dedicada y responsable. Favor llamar al 302-293-1225 con Jessica. BUSCO pERSONA pARA CORTAR CABELLO. Para trabajar en Salisbury MD llamar al 443859 2532 Juanita CARpINTERO SE OFRECE Tengo mucha experiencia, tengo todas las herramientas y trabajo a domicilo Cesar 512-634 7097 BUSCO TRABAJO En jardinería en Delaware o Maryland tel. 443- 880 8597 Jose Sena BUSCO TRABAJO en la tardes en Kennett, yarda o restaurante Tel. 484-908 2314 Clemente Gonzalez COCINERO Experiencia en comida gourmet e hispana en el area de Rehobooth, cualquier turno 302- 259 8796 Daniel Huertas. CORTO ARBOLES Y hago trabajos de mecánica. Miguel Aguila Tel. 803-622 8627 BUSCO TRABAJO Chofer o construcción en Newark. 302- 981 8954 Jose Quiroz BUSCO EMpLEO de ayudante de panadero para trabajar en el condado de Sussex. 302- 249 1520 Cesar Duarte COSTURERO BUSCO TRABAJO DE COSTURERO, tengo experiencia y ganas de trabajar. 302- 761 3098 Humberto Chavez. COSMETOLOGA Hago limpiezas faciales, tratamientos de piel, manicures, pedicuras. Servicios a domicilio en el norte de Delaware. Irma (302) 743-9920 pAYASO El payaso Teterete esta disponible para animar fiestas infantiles. Diversión Garantizada. Llame al 302 444 7661 BUSCO TRABAJO Limpieza o restuarante, por las tardes. Por favor llamar a Angel Hernandez 302- 358 7874

BUSCO TRABAJO En plomería Jose Sanchez 240- 216 2553 BUSCO TRABAJO En fábrica o casa de familia. Georgetown 302- 249 7186 Nelita Garcia. BUSCO TRABAJO De costurero. Tengo experiencia en máquinas industriales, hablo inglés. 302- 563 5847 BUSCO TRABAJO EN CONSTRUCCIÓN Tengo experiencia en drywall, pisos etc. Newark 302- 981 8954 Miguel Dorantes BUSCO TRABAJO como chofer o farm los sábados y domingos en el condado de Chester, llame al 215-260-2021 Mario Ayala pINTOR Tengo experiencia en trabajos de pintura de casas, todas las herramientas, para trabajar en Delaware. Rigoberto Sanchez 302- 727 9486 CONSTRUCCIÓN Wilmington-Dover 302- 443 510 6811 pLOMERÍA DELAWARE Jose Sanchez 240- 216 2553 COSTURA- ALTERACIONES Todo en confección Lucy Romero 610- 888 8463 West Grove

LA IGLESIA SAN pABLO en la calle Van Buren y la calle 4 en Wilmington ofrece clases de Ingles gratis los domingos de 12 a 1:30. Para mas información llame a 302-655-6596. «GRATIS-GRATIS! CLASES DE INGLES!» Los domingos 11:15 am y miercoles de 6:30 a 7:55 pm 140 Airport Rd...New Castle, DE Ignacio (302) 328 3800 ex 94 pARROqUIA SAN JOSE 321 East Main Street en Middletown,Los Miércoles de 7:00 a 8:30 PM mas información llamar a Antonia al 302- 378 5805 ESL CLASES GRATIS Casa San Francisco, 125 Broad St.,Milton, (302) 684-8694.Lunes y Miércoles de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. Todos los niveles.

LACC En la calle 4 y Van Buren, Wilmington. para informacion llamar al tel 302- 655 7338 ¿qUIERE MEJORAR SU INGLES? La iglesia Presbiteriana de la Gracia en Dover ofrece cursos desde principiantes, intermedios y avanzados. Los cursos son los jueves de 6:30-8:45 pm. Inscripción en la Iglesia: 350 McKee Road, Dover, DE. Se facilita cuidado de los niños. Mas información:(302) 734-8150. THE SUSSEX TECH División de adultos Ofrece ingles como segunda lengua Los miércoles y jueves de 7:15 - 9:15 p.m. Cualquiera que quiera aprender ingles puede asistir.En la ruta 9 – carretera LaurelGeorgetown.Mas información: (302) 856-9035 CLASES DE INGLES Ingles basico por las mañanas de Enero 23 a Marzo 8 Lunes y Miercoles de 9 a 11:30 am y por las tardes desde el 9 de enero a el 4 de abril, Lunes y miercoles de 7 a 9:00 pm. Tambien ofrecemos clases de ingles avanzado, Cecil College, 107 Railroad Avenue, Elkton, MD 21921 Salon 328 Para mas informacion, 410-392-3366 LINCOLN: Lincoln United Methodist Church ESL martes/jueves 9am-1pm 4-7pm information Laurie Holubik 398-8945 x30 Administered by Lake Forest School Early Childhood Center GEORGETOWN: Georgetown Middle School (intermedia) ESL 301Market St (luz intermitente) Lunes a jueves 6-8pm (cuidan niños) 856-1900 Administered by Indian River School District La Esperanza ESL/Ciudadania 216 north Race St. Georgetown, DE 19947 302 854-9262 [email protected] Sussex Tech ESl 856-9035 SELBYVILLE: Selbyville Middle School ESL 80 Bethany Beach 302 436-1020 llame para dias y horas administered by Indian River School District BRIDGEVILLE ESL Phyllis Wheatley Middle School ESL Bridgeville, De 19933 (302) 337-3469 Administered by Sussex Tech H.S. HARBESON: CoolSpring Presbyterian Church ESL 288843 Log Cabin Hill Rd.Lewes, De 19958 (302 )249-5073 Lunes y Miercoles 6:30 -8:00pm SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACION Leila Borrero Krouse. La Casita 411 Wicomico Street, Suite A, Salisbury MD 21801

SUDOKU y cómo se juega
El objetivo es insertar los números en las cajas con solo una condición: cada fila, columna, y caja de 9 x 9 debe contener los números del 1 al 9 únicamente una vez. Qué puede ser mas simple? Dicen que resolverlo requiere entre 10 y 30 minutos, según seas de hábil con los números y la lógica. Te invitamos a intentarlo y a pasar un rato entretenido que al mismo tiempo desarrolle tu capacidad de razonamiento. Disfrútalo!

Solución al Anterior

BIG DOWNTOWN LOT 507 East 3rd Street, Wilmington DE 19801 Call Joe 302-438 5453 SE VENDE Nevera -Color Almendra - $150 (no es side by side) Congelador tamaño compacto - $50 Mueble de baño en madera pino, incluye lavamanos y pluma (faucet) -$60 4 sillas de “counter” (Counter stool) Unidad central de aire acondicionado York escucho oferta Y vendo otras cosas mas Llamar para enviar fotos y/o mas detalles as 302-834-3059 ALqUILO HABITACIONES EN NEWARK RUTA 273 $250 Y $350 LLAMAR AL TEL 302- 494 7154

Franco Sierra Experto en Limpieza de Alfombras Trabajo Garantizado, somos expertos, Licenciados y Asegurados Para un presupuesto llame al 302-377 7939

• • •

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Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04



Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04

calendario calendar
loS SeñoreS Del tieMPo El Penn Museum de Filadelfia explora los orígenes de las predicciones del fin del mundo en 2012 con la nueva e importante exhibición MAYA 2012: Los Señores del Tiempo, una exhibición de estreno mundial que se inaugura el 5 de mayo, el Penn Museum confronta la fascinación actual con el año 2012 y compara las predicciones de un apocalipsis que transformaría el mundo con sus supuestos orígenes en la antigua civilización maya. La exhibición se presentará hasta el 13 de enero de 2013. Las entradas de admisión ncluyen la admisión al resto del museo • Adultos: $22.50 • Adultos mayores (más de 65 años)/Militares: $18.50 • Estudiantes (de tiempo completo con ID)/Menores (de 6 a 17 años): $16.50 Las entradas especiales para la exhibición pueden adquirirse por Internet: www.penn.museum/ maya2012,

SerVicioS a la coMuNiDaD
NEW CASTLE Centro Comunitario LatinoameriCano

2do Anual

~ Viviendo la Vida Saludable.

Latina Breast Health Forum.
Marzo 24, 2012 de 12:00 – 4:00p.m. En Grace United Methodist Church, 7 S. King street Georgetown, DE 19947 Patrocinado por:

SPaNiSH BraSS Spanish Brass – one of the most popular ensembles ever to play at Coastal Concerts – comes to Lewes Saturday evening, March 24. The audience enthusiasm generated by the group’s 2009 performance made a return engagement of this dynamic brass quintet mandatory. Once again, the versatile Valencia-based ensemble will take the audience on a musical journey, starting with a composition from the Spanish Baroque and ending with works by jazz greats Fats Waller and Lee Morgan. Along the way will be Bach’s familiar Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, a Spanish dance by Enrique Granados, zarzuela pieces by Geronimo Gimenez and Tomas Breton, a nod to Italian film maker Federico Fellini by Nino Rota, a flamenco-flavored work by Pascual Piqueras, “Four Sketches” by contemporary American composer Anthony Plog, and a bossa nova number by Antonio Carlos Jobim. At the forefront of international music education, the members of Spanish Brass work with young students wherever their travels take them. Their visit to the Lewes area will be no exception. The day before their concert, they will be sharing their knowledge and love of brass music with Georgetown Middle School students and teachers as part of Coastal Concerts’ outreach activities. The Saturday concert by Spanish Brass will begin at 8 p.m. in downtown Lewes at Bethel United Methodist Church Hall (handicapped accessible), Fourth and Market Streets. Individual tickets are $25. As a family-friendly event, the concert is free for ages 10 to 18. Visit www.coastalconcerts.org for tickets or call (888) 212-6458. Tickets may also be purchased in person at the door the night of the concert (credit cards accepted) and in advance (cash or check only) at the Lewes Chamber of Commerce or Lewes Gourmet/Puzzles on Front Street.

Quisiera invitarlos atender una conferencia GRATIS y bilingüe. Sera educativo sobre exámenes, el tratamiento y la supervivencia del Cáncer de pecho. Tendremos juegos educativo y presentar exhibiciones. Almuerzo será servido y las primeras 100 personas que atiendan, recibirán una bolsa del regalo Espacio limitado, registrarse temprano! Call 1-888-672-9647

Los siguientes examenes estarán disponibles: ◊ Presión arterial ◊ Colesterol ◊ Diabetes ◊ Cáncer de la piel ◊ Osteoporosis ◊ Mammograms* ◊ Examenes Clinico del seno

Viviendo la Vida Saludable!

*Llámanos para aprender más sobre las Mamografía y para hacer su cita*.

Women’s Mobile Health Screening 1-888-672-9647

*Una receta o orden de un profesional medico es necesario*

Patrocinado por:

¿Necesitan obtener su pasaporte y no tienen tiempo durante la semana para tramitarlo?
El Consulado de Guatemala continuando con su programa de apoyo a la comunidad y operando en horario extraordinario de fin de semana para trámites consulares las siguientes fechas:

SABADO 24 y DOMINGO 25 de MARZO 2012

4 0 2 N. V a N B u r e N S t r e e t , W ilmiNgtoN , De 19085. t el . 655-7338 La ofiCina niños y famiLia 301 N. HariSoN Street, WilmiNgtoN De 19805. tel.302- 655-6486 ameriCan CanCer soCiety 92 reaD’S Way Suite 205, NeW CaStle Corporate CoNmoNS, NeW C aStle , De 19720. t el . 3244227 VoCes sin fronteras parroquia SaN paBlo, 1010 WeSt 4tH St. WilmiNgtoN, De 19805 tel. 576-4120 Caridad CatóLiCa 260 W. 4 tH. Street, WilmiNgtoN, De 19805. 655-9624 ChiLd inC. 507 pHilaDelpHia pike, De 19809, tel.762-8989 Westside heaLth 1802 WeSt4 Street,WilmiNgtoN, De, 19805. tel. 655-5822 ayuda LegaL inmigrantes CommuNity SerViCe BuilDiNg, 100 WetS teHt Street, Suite 801, W ilmiNgtoN , De, 19801, t el . 575-0660. Westend neighborhood 710 N. liNColN, De, 19805 tel. 658-4171 h enrietta J ohnson m. 601 NeW CaStle aVe.WilmiNgtoN, De 19801tel 302.655.6187 diVisión de mantenimiento de Los niños CHurCHmaNS Corporate CeNter 84 a CHriStiaNa roaD, NeW CaStle, De 19702 VíCtimas de VioLaCión sexuaL C oNDaDo De N eW C aStle 302761-9100 cancer care connection One Innovation Way, Suite 300, Newark, Delaware 19711. 302- 294-8551 or 866-2667008 (toll-free). http://www. cancercareconnection.org/ CONDADO DE KENT deLmarVa ruraL ministries 26 W yomiNg a Ve . D oVer , De, 19904. tel. 678-2000 ChiLd inC. 2089 DupoNt HigHWay, DoVer diVision de mantenimiento de Los niños Carrol’S plaza, 114 S. DupoNt HWy. DoVer, De 19901 CONDADO DE SUSSEX Centro La esperanza 216 NortH raCe Street, georgetoWN, De, 19947 Tel.302854-9262 Fax 854-9277 diVision de mantenimiento de Los niños 9 aCaDemy St. georgetoWN, De 19947 a b r i e n d o p u e r ta s – a yu Da
para mujereS VíCtimaS De VioleNCia DomeStiCa. tel. 745-9874 Centro de informaCión para padres 1 0 9 N. B e D F o r D S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947, t el . 302-856- 9880 La Casita 308 N.railDroaD aVe. georgetoWN 856 9660 Centro de saLud La red 505-a W e S t m a r k e t S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947. t el . 855-1233 teLamon Corp. StoCkley CeNter W-3. georgetoWN, De, 19947. tel. 934-1642 Línea de apoyo para VíCtimas de VioLaCión sexuaL CoNDaDo De SuSSex y keNt 1-800262-9800

en las instalaciones de:

26007 Pugs Crossing – Ruta 24 Este MILLSBORO, DELAWARE 19966

ParaNorMal SeMiNarS, FIREWORKS, PLEIN AIR ARTS COMPETITION Mark your calendars and plan to visit Dover, Delaware, the Capital of the First State, for the 79th Dover Days Festival, set for May 4-6, 2012. For more information including exhibitor registration forms, car show entry forms, pet parade registration forms or weekend lodging packages, visit www. doverdaysfestival.com, follow us on Facebook (Dover Days) or call Kent County Tourism, producers of the event, at 800-233-5368.

SuMMer Day caMP Autism Delaware offers summer day camp in Lewes Applications are available at www. delautism.org—and due by April 24. This year’s program runs from August 20 to 23 from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Specifically designed to accommodate children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) who will be in grades 3 to 11 in the next school year, the program offers structured summer activities in a safe and supported environment. Activities include swimming, sailing, navigating a rope course, and enjoying arts and crafts. For more information on how you can help, visit www.delautism.org.

NaNoDay Imagine, discover, and explore a world that’s too small to see at Delaware Museum of Natural History’s NanoDay. “Nano” is the scientific term for one-billionth, from the Greek working meaning “dwarf.” Nanoscale refers to measurements of 1 - 100 nanometers, where many common materials exhibit unusual properties such as lower resistance to electricity or faster chemical reactions. Delaware Museum of Natural History, 4840 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807 Saturday, March 24, 2012 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ADMISSION: $9 for adults, $7 for children (3-17), $8 for seniors, FREE for children 2 and younger. MORE INFO: Visit www.delmnh. org or call (302) 658-9111.

(efectivo exacto o money order)

Pasaporte y ID $ 90.00 Solo Pasaporte $65.00 Si ya tiene su pasaporte azul el ID cuesta $ 25.00

HORARIO Sábado de 08:00 am - 05:00 pm Domingo de 08:00 am - 12:00 pm
 Recuerde que usted puede tramitar su ID Consular al mismo tiempo que tramita su pasaporte realizar Registro  Puede Matrimonios y Defunciones) Civil (Nacimientos,


 A partir de enero de 2010, se aceptarán únicamente Certificados de Nacimiento de Guatemala emitidos por el RENAP (Registro Nacional de las Personas)


Victim’s Assistant from the Victim’s Assistant from the NCC Police Dept. to Speak! NCC Police Dept. to Speak!
Plan on attending! Tuesday April 17th 3:00-5:00pm at the Woodlawn Library!
Carmen Mendez, Victims’ Assistant with the NCC Police Dept. will be presenting a program about the many ways she and her dept. can assist victims of crime! Here’s what she’ll cover:
* Overview of the criminal justice system * Information about warrants, arrests procedures and no contact orders * Domestic violence education and resources/developing a safety plan * How to file a Victim Compensation Assistance application * Specialized resources available

HaVe eaSter eggS goNe to tHe DogS? The PAWS Easter Bone Hunt Puts a New Spin on the Traditional Easter Egg Hunt Once again, the annual PAWS for People Easter Bone Hunt offers dogs and the people who love and care for them the opportunity to run, play and search for dozens of Easter eggs filled with dog bones, toys, treats and March 31st at the Blue Hen Bed & Breakfast in Newark, DE.

BraNDyWiNe SProutS The Brandywine Sprouts chapter of Roots & Shoots, a program of the Jane Goodall Institute, will be featured alongside the Delaware Museum of Natural History’s upcoming special exhibit, Conservation Quest, on display until May 28, 2012. By focusing on the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, the Brandy- wine Sprouts will entertain and educate children and adults about how singleuse plastic bags impact our environment and how we can minimize their effects. The Brandywine Sprouts will be on hand from 12 - 4 p.m. on April 14, allowing visitors the opportunity to learn how to reduce their use of plastic shopping bags, reuse the bags that they have, and recycle all the bags that they can, plus, throughout the duration of Conservation Quest, visitors can enjoy the movie Bag It! in the Museum’s DuPont Auditorium. For more information, visit the Brandywine Sprouts website at www. BringYourOwnBag.us

Many crimes still go unreported.
A lot of misconceptions exist about victims’ rights—especially within the Hispanic community.

Come and learn more about what can be done and the resources available to help victims of crime.
RSVP to Woodlawn Library Reference Desk at 302-571-7425
Sponsored by Soñando Juntos Hispanic Outreach Group.

CONDADO DE CHESTER PA La Comunidad hispana 314 e. State St. keNNett Square, pa, 19348 teléFoNo: 610-388 72 59 misión santa maría 37 S peNNSylVaNia aVe, aVoNDale, pa 19311, teléFoNo 610-268 3365 programa madrina oxForD - (610) 444-4002 keNNett Square,(610) 444-4002 (610) 917-1360
DelaWare HelPliNe 1-800-464 4357 María para español

Delaware 23 de Marzo 2012 Vol 7 No.04


Abierto Durante la Construcción

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Nuevo diseño. El siempre popular Accord crece en poder, estilo y utilidad. Cómodo tamaño estándar, pagos reducidos. Trasmisión automática, bien equipado. Modelo #CP2F3CEW. Stock # H123155***
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*0.9% de interés en financiamiento hasta por 36 meses, oferta disponible en modelos seleccionados. Sujeto a la aprobación de crédito " en escala" a través de AHFC.** Arrendamientos que ofrecen contratos de 36 meses, solo firme y maneje. La oferta excluye los impuestos y la matrícula del carro al firmar. 12.000 millas por año. Requiere una aprobación de crédito " en escala" a través de AHFC. ^Según el reporte calendario de ventas carros nuevos en 2010. ****En base al estimado de consumo de gasolina de EPA de 2010, reflejando los nuevos métodos de economía de gasolina empezando con los modelos del 2008. Úselos solo como comparación. No compare con modelos anteriores al 2008. Su rendimiento por milla variará dependiendo de cómo maneje y mantenga el vehículo. Las ofertas no pueden ser combinadas. Se excluyen las ofertas anteriores. Por favor llame para detalles. La oferta expira el 02-10-2012

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¡Si ha sufrido un accidente, obtenga la ayuda e información que necesita rápido y gratis!
¿Tiene dolor y necesita ver a un médico? ¿Tiene el auto dañado? ¿No puede trabajar debido a sus lesiones? La Línea Hispana de Accidentes puede ayudarle a obtener cuidado médico aunque no tenga seguro y todo es estrictamente confidencial. Además usted puede tener derecho a recibir compensación por dolor y sufrimiento.

Anuncio por parte de los doctores en medicina quiropráctica Nikki Patel DC, Trisha Mangano DC, Kent Messer DC


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