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Go-Givers’ PowerPoints are designed to inform and support critical thinking and discussion. They can be used in their entirety. However, please feel free to save this lesson to your computer and edit, omit or add content as appropriate for your pupils. Please remember: • Always show the PowerPoint in ‘slide show’ view. Links and animations will only work when in this mode. • The green dot in the bottom right hand corner of the slide indicates when the slide animation is complete. •The Learning Activities are intended for use in conjunction with the PowerPoints and are linked at the end.

In this lesson we will be exploring the work of the emergency services and how to cope with minor medical emergencies.

What is a volunteer?

A volunteer is a person who chooses to do something.

A volunteer does not expect payment for what he or she does.

DID YOU KNOW THAT: The volunteer crews of the 233 RNLI lifeboat stations in Britain save an average of 21 people a day!

Volunteer NSVL Lifeguards help hundreds of people every year.

Often putting their own lives at risk!

You might think that you will never need rescuing ……

but how well do you know the rules of the beach?

Can you spot the dangers ……

before they get out of hand?

Are you a good swimmer?

Don't overestimate your swimming ability or overdo it. If you do become tired, however, backstroke or float. If you get cramp, massage the affected area and change strokes often.

Avoid cold water! Swimming in cool water for long periods may increase the risk of hypothermia. This is a lowering of body temperature to a point where body heat is lost faster than it's made.

Now … supposing you have been rescued from an accident on the beach or at sea … you might need urgent treatment at a hospital.

The faster you can get there, the greater your chances of survival!

In some parts of the country charities have been set up to provide an air ambulance service for the benefit of the community.

County Air Ambulance Shropshire/West Midlands

Helicopters can fly direct, avoiding traffic jams, at a speed of over 150 mph to wherever help is needed.

Picture by London Air Ambulance.

In response to 999 calls, the Kent Air Ambulance is able to take a medical crew to the scene of an accident or medical emergency, and transport patients to the nearest suitable hospital in a fraction of the time taken by a land ambulance.

The service costs just over £4,000 a day. It is always on call, 7 days a week, flying up to a thousand missions a year.

The charity needs to raise around £1.5 million every year to maintain the service.

Click here to find out more about Kent Air Ambulance

Some Air Ambulances carry doctors. If not, at least one member of the crew will be a trained paramedic.

Paramedics have to be highly skilled and able to treat and stabilise patients before moving them and flying to the hospital without unnecessary delay.
They need to be able to make decisions quickly, and to maintain a sense of calm to reassure the patients and those accompanying them. Paramedics often carry out tests to find out the extent of the patients’ injuries and undertake basic medical procedures during the flight.


• • • • • • • • • • •

Stretcher Monitoring system Oxygen Ventilator Splints spinal board Stiff neck collars Burns kit Maternity kit Dressings Thermal blanket
Inside the cabin of the Thames Valley and Chiltern Air Ambulance

The very first person on the scene of an accident is unlikely to be a paramedic or a doctor.

One day it may be you who has the opportunity to save a life, or to help someone make a quick recovery!
Go-Givers, would you know what to do in an emergency?

How much do you know about First Aid? How many points can you score on this quiz?

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1. Nose Bleed
If the casualty has a nose bleed do you ask him/her to: A. lean forward B. Sit up straight C. Put their head back

Nose Bleeds Sit the patient down with the head well forward and loosen any tight clothing around the neck and chest. Tell the patient to pinch the sides of their nose together and breathe through their mouth for between 10 - 20 minutes. Tell the patient to spit any fluid out rather than swallow, as this may disturb the clot and cause the casualty to feel sick. Advise the patient not to touch or blow their nose for several hours after bleeding has stopped. This will prevent disturbance of the clot which might cause further bleeding. If the bleeding does not stop, seek medical help. If bleeding from the nose is a result of a blow to the head, it could be a symptom of a fracture of the skull. The patient will need urgent attention from a doctor.

2. Bee Stings
If the patient has been stung by a bee should you: A. Try to remove it B. Leave it in the skin

Bee Stings

If there is a sting left in the skin, remove it with a pair of tweezers. Hold the tweezers as close to the skin as possible and pull the sting out. Avoid squeezing the sack at the top of the sting as this will force more poison into the casualty.
Apply a cold compress (a packet of frozen would do fine) to the site of the sting to reduce the pain and swelling. If a bite is more serious, then bleeding will have to be controlled by putting pressure on it.

Some people are particularly sensitive to bee stings, and may suffer a severe allergic reaction. If this is the case professional medical help should be sought immediately.

3. Cuts and Grazes
After cleaning a wound should you dress it with: A. Cotton wool B. A sterile dressing C. Nothing – leave it open

Cuts and Grazes Rinse the wound under cold running water until it is clean

In the case of grazes, where there may be dirt and germs present, further clean the wound by using wet cotton wool. Always clean away from the centre of the wound outwards.
Dry the area around the wound and place a clean dressing over it. Never dress a wound with cotton wool or anything fluffy.

4. Burns and Scalds
The area of skin which has been burnt or scalded should be treated by: A. Rubbing antiseptic cream into it B. Running it under cold water C. Covering it with butter

Burns and Scalds

Cool the burnt area immediately by holding the injured part under cold running water for at least 10 minutes to reduce the pain and to limit the extent of the burn. This will remove the heat from the injury and can help prevent scarring. If this is not possible, plunge the injured part in a bowl of cold water.
Quickly, but carefully, remove any rings, watches, and tight clothing from the injured area before any swelling develops. Protect the injury by placing a sterile dressing over it, large enough to cover the area completely without the dressing sticking to the injury. If there are any blisters, do not attempt to burst them.

5. Accidents on the road:
If an accident occurs on a road should you: A. Phone the AA B. Stop the traffic C. Move the patient off the road immediately

Accidents on the Road
When administering First Aid you need to assess the situation very quickly. Give yourself time to stop, look and listen, so that you can take in the circumstances. Before moving a patient it is important to ensure there is no injury to the spine. Stop the traffic rather than moving them and risking a permanent injury.

You will not have time to await a response from an agency like the AA at this point in time!

6. Accidents in the Home
If an accident occurs involving electricity would you: A. Move the patient away from the cable B. Switch off the electricity C. Do nothing until the paramedic arrives

Accidents involving electricity
Switch off the electricity immediately. The current may still be passing through the patient’s body. Do not touch the patient. You may get an electric shock as well!

7. Reassuring the Patient
When tending to the person who is injured, should you: A. Keep silent B. Talk in a quiet, friendly manner C. Speak loudly so that everyone around can hear.

Reassuring the Patient Talking to the patient is the first step in reassuring someone who is injured, and possibly anxious and confused. Talk in a quiet but confident way. Reassure them that help is on its way. Comfort them with a gentle pat on the shoulder. Check their hand to see if they are warm enough.

If everybody keeps calm it will make it easier to administer First Aid.

How well did you do?

• volunteer – an unpaid helper • hypothermia – a state where the body’s temperature has fallen dangerously low • survival – the ability to stay alive • paramedic – a nurse especially trained to cope in medical emergencies • emergency – a crisis, an urgent situation • antiseptic – clean, sterile

Activities to complete this lesson include:
• key questions to accompany video • group activity to prepare a presentation for younger children on safety issues
Rate this lesson here.

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How tragedies can be avoided if preventative measures are taken. Safety in the home, school etc. Why humans need to take risks.

Useful Web Links
• http://www.rnli.org.uk/Shorething/Youth/ - A fun, educational site for children created by the RNLI with safety tips, games and information on beach and water safety • http://www.rnli.org.uk/Shorething/Adults/Default.aspx - resources, fact files and information for adults and teachers from the RNLI • http://www.nsvl.org/ - North Sea Volunteer Lifeguards site – includes safety tip and information on free training • http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/watch/out/water.html - tips for kids on safe swimming • http://www.kentairambulance.co.uk/ - the Kent Air Ambulance website, there are air ambulances throughout the U.K, all with their own website and individual contacts

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