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it discusses about emergency safety



Emergency – potentially life-threatening situation, usually occurring suddenly and unexpectedly.
Immediate response is essential
Speed in responding can mean the difference between life and death or between minimal damage and
major damage
Preparation is planning for emergencies
Plan, practice, evaluate, adjust
Responses to emergencies include:
Medical personnel
Fire-fighting personnel
Security personnel
Safety personnel
Specialists from different fields
Keys to success in an emergency
One person is in charge
Everyone involved knows who is in charge
Everyone who has a role in responding to an emergency is given ample opportunities to practice in
simulated conditions that come as close as possible to real conditions
Minimum six elements must be included in the plan:
Emergency escape procedures and emergency escape route assignments
Procedures for employees who stay behind to run critical plant operations before evacuating
Procedures to account for all employees after the emergency evacuation has been completed
Rescue and medical duties for those employees who are to perform them
Preferred procedures for reporting fires and other emergencies
Contact personnel and information for anyone who needs more information or clarification about any
aspect of the plan
Alarm System:
Employers are required or provide an alarm system that complies with 29 CFR 1026.159
If alarm system is used for alerting members or the fire brigade, a distinctive signal for each purpose
must be decided on, used and made known to all employees
Evacuation Procedures:
They must be developed and made known to all employees
It is recommended that construction companies practice emergency evacuations with all employees
Employers must designate and train a sufficient number of workers to assist in evacuation.
Employers must review emergency action plans with all employees

A map in the plan – map of specific job site with exits, access points, evacuation routes, alarms,
emergency equipment, a central control or command center, first aid kits, emergency shut-down

buttons, and any other important information
Chain of command – an organizational chart illustrating the chain of command with phone numbers
and names
Coordination information – telephone numbers and contact names of people in agencies with which the
company coordinates emergency activities should be listed
Local training – all training should be geared toward the types of emergencies that might occur on the
job site
Emergency Response Team (ERT) is a special team that responds to general and localized emergencies
to facilitate personnel evacuation and safety
ERT shuts down building services, and utilities as needed
ERT works with civil authorities to protect and salvage company property
ERT evaluates areas of safety before reentry or personnel
1-A. Conditions for “Evacuation”
Emergencies that include fires, explosions, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, toxic material
releases, radiological & biological accidents, civil disturbances & workplace violence may require a
workplace to be evacuated.
Areas of Rescue Assistance Requirements:
Location and Construction
Stairway Width
Two-way Communication
Area of Rescue Assistance’, ‘Area of Refuge’, or ‘Shelter-in-Place’
An area, which has direct access to an exit, where people who are unable to use stairs may remain
temporarily in safety to await further instructions or assistance during emergency evacuation.
Fire Evacuation Plans

To Prepare for and Define the Roles for Evacuation and Relocation of Occupants During an

Emergency egress or escape routes
Procedures for employees:
Who remains to operate critical equip. before evacuating
To account for employees and occupants
ID those:
Responsible for rescue or medical aid
Who can be contacted for further information
ID preferred and alternative means of notifying occupants of a fire or emergency
Preferred and any alternative means of notifying fire department or appropriate emergency organization
How to React to an Emergency; Building Site Layout and Hazards
How to React to an Emergency
Procedure to report an emergency
Activating an emergency plan
Procedure for alerting staff
Ordering an evacuation
ID personnel responsible for systems and equip. installed to prevent or control fires
ID personnel responsible for maintenance, housekeeping, and controlling fuel hazard sources
List of major fire hazards
Shall be reviewed or updated annually or as necessitated by changes in:
Staff assignments
Physical arrangement of building
Shall be available in the workplace for reference and review by employees
Shall be available to fire code official for review upon reques
In case of fire, think “RACE”:
Rescue all persons in immediate area
Alarm: announce the fire- Pull alarm and dial 911
Confine the fire by closing doors
Fire Extinguisher Training
Only use if the fire is small and contained,
and not spreading beyond its starting point

Do not waste time in trying to fight the fire if the fire might block your only way out
Proper extinguisher use, think “PASS
Pull trigger pin (Stand back several feet away from fire)
Aim low, point the nozzle at the base of the fire
Squeeze trigger
Sweep from side to side until the fire appears to be out
Medical Training
First aid, CPR, etc.
Safety Equipment
First aid kits, hardhats, goggles, eye washing facilities, breathing apparatus, etc.
Fire Prevention-Monthly Inspections
Egress Hazards
Buildings or structures that are not provided with adequate means of egress or emergency escapes are
unsafe and shall be subject to the abatement procedures specified in Section 110.
Staff Duties and Responsibilities
Emergency coordinator
Chain of command
Alternative communication center
Address who will assist disabled workers
A system for accounting for personnel and non-personnel following an evacuation
Identify who is trained and willing to deal with casualties

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