Engineering Masters Degrees(1)

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master degree prospectus



FacuIty of Engineering
Masters 0ourses 2013
01 FacuIty of Engineering
02 Why 0hoose Us!
02 FaciIities
02 !ndustriaI Links
02 0areers
03 Learning and Assessment
03 Pesearch/ProfessionaI Project
04 The AppIication Process
04 0ontact Us
05 0ourse Listing
53 0oming to Leeds
FacuIty of Engineering
The University of Leeds is home to one of the UK's top
engineering and computing facuIties. We have an internationaI
reputation for our teaching and research, achieving exceptionaIIy
high scores in the Iatest UK Sovernment Pesearch Assessment
Exercise (PAE).
Thís means LhaL when you |oín us as a posLgraduaLe sLudenL, you
wííí be LaughL and supervísed by woríd-cíass academícs aL Lhe
cuLLíng edge of Lheír díscípííne who wííí chaííenge, encourage and
supporL you ín your sLudíes. 0ur research feeds dírecLíy ínLo our
Leachíng ensuríng LhaL our courses are aL Lhe forefronL of Lhínkíng
ín Lheír respecLíve feíds.
0ur Leachíng and research ís deíívered Lhrough our fve schooís.
º Schooí of 0ívíí Engíneeríng
º Schooí of 0ompuLíng
º Schooí of EíecLroníc and EíecLrícaí Engíneeríng
º Schooí of Mechanícaí Engíneeríng
º Schooí of Process, EnvíronmenLaí and MaLeríaís Engíneeríng
whaLever your area of ínLeresL you wííí fnd someLhíng Lo suíL you.
ThaL`s because Lhe range and scope of our acLívíLy ís exLensíve. we
cover aíí Lhe ma|or engíneeríng and compuLíng díscípíínes and, as
weíí as Lhe LradíLíonaí core sub|ecLs, we have specífc experLíse ín
engíneeríng pro|ecL managemenL, waLer and wasLe engíneeríng,
compuLaLíonaí fuíd dynamícs, compuLer scíence, communícaLíons
and wíreíess Lechnoíogy, energy managemenL, chemícaí and
pharmaceuLícaí engíneeríng and medícaí engíneeríng.
0ur 0ompuLíng masLers courses are noL íísLed ín Lhís brochure.
For more ínformaLíon on our 0ompuLíng courses vísíL Lhe Schooí of
0ompuLíng websíLe.
FacuíLy of Engíneeríng.
UníversíLy of Leeds.
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Why 0hoose Us!
Dur masters courses are deIivered by academic staff who are
research active and have extensive knowIedge and expertise,
many of whom are Ieading experts in their chosen heIds of
speciaIisation. The research they carry out wiII aIso feed directIy
into your teaching, so you'II Iearn about the Iatest deveIopments
from worId-cIass academics.
0ur masLers courses wííí aííow you Lo furLher your knowíedge,
wíden your skííís base and ímprove your career prospecLs. They
are aíso exceííenL preparaLíon íf you are Lhínkíng of underLakíng
furLher sLudy ín Lhe form of a PhD. For more ínformaLíon abouL our
research degrees vísíL
First-cIass faciIities
0ur sLudenLs have access Lo aíí Lhe facíííLíes you wouíd expecL
from a research-ínLensíve facuíLy. wíLh over 700 posLgraduaLe
sLudenLs from around Lhe woríd, we supporL your sLudíes wíLh
facíííLíes of Lhe híghesL sLandard. The Schooí of EíecLroníc and
EíecLrícaí Engíneeríng boasLs a sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL eíecLron-beam
ííLhography sysLem, as weíí as woríd-íeadíng LeraherLz, mícrowave,
and bíoeíecLronícs íaboraLoríes.
In The Schooí of 0ívíí Engíneeríng, sLudenLs benefL from our
new suíLe of Pubííc HeaíLh íaboraLoríes wíLh separaLe areas
for soííd wasLe, waLer and wasLe waLer. we aíso have exceííenL
compuLaLíonaí, manufacLuríng and measuremenL facíííLíes ín Lhe
Schooí of Mechanícaí Engíneeríng, and Lhe Schooí of Process,
EnvíronmenLaí and MaLeríaís Engíneeríng hosLs an advanced
eíecLron opLícs facíííLy for nano-scaíe maLeríaís characLerísaLíon.
5trong industriaI Iinks
The conLenL of each course ís índusLríaííy oríenLaLed and members
of sLaff maínLaín cíose conLacL wíLh índusLry Lo ensure whaL you
are sLudyíng ís up-Lo-daLe and ín-ííne wíLh empíoyer needs. An
IndusLríaí Advísory Board and an Empíoyers` 0roup means LhaL our
índusLríaí parLners províde ínpuL ínLo Lhe ongoíng deveíopmenL and
revíew of our courses. And Lhey aíso conLríbuLe Lo some Leachíng
Lhrough guesL íecLures, hosLíng and supervísíng pro|ecLs, as weíí
as provídíng fundíng.
Aíongsíde Lhe specífc conLenL of our courses, you wííí be abíe
Lo enhance your Lransferabíe professíonaí skííís, whích are víLaí
for fuLure career deveíopmenL. 0ur courses íncorporaLe Lraíníng
ín presenLaLíon skííís, scíenLífc wríLíng, pro|ecL managemenL,
ínLeííecLuaí properLy awareness, Leam workíng and appíyíng
research meLhodoíogy.
NoL oníy are our courses exceííenL for career deveíopmenL, wíLh
many graduaLes Lakíng Lop posíLíons ín índusLry and governmenL,
Lhey are aíso exceííenL preparaLíon for furLher sLudy ín Lhe form of
a PhD.
Engineering 0areers Fair
we hoíd an annuaí Engíneeríng and 0ompuLíng 0areers Faír
aLLracLíng over 30 graduaLe recruíLers íncíudíng organísaLíons such
as ALkíns, AE00M, Baífour BeaLLy, BP, DeíoíLLe, ErnsL & Young,
Jaguar Land Rover, ProcLer & 0ambíe, NeLwork Raíí and Thaíes,
Lo name buL a few. The faír gíves you Lhe chance Lo expíore Lhe
opporLuníLíes avaííabíe Lo you afLer graduaLíon.
0areers 0entre
0ur on-campus 0areers 0enLre ís one of Lhe íargesL ín Lhe
counLry. IL offers an exceííenL range of servíces and has a greaL
reíaLíonshíp wíLh graduaLe recruíLers. The 0areers 0enLre can heíp
you Lo ímprove your 0\ and compíeLe |ob appíícaLíons and aíso
hoíds Lraíníng evenLs and workshops Lo heíp you wíLh your career
More ínformaLíon on Lhe 0areers 0enLre can be found aL
AII of our masters courses operate on a credit-based moduIar
system. A standard moduIe is worth 15 credits and your research/
professionaI project is worth between 60 - 75 credits. You wiII
need to take moduIes totaIIing 180 credits. You wiII study the
taught moduIes and undertake preparatory work for the research
project in the hrst two semesters, and devote the summer to your
research project.
0ourse work assígnmenLs, such as group presenLaLíons, reporLs,
essays, and pracLícaí work, are a sígnífcanL parL of Lhe course and
conLríbuLe Lowards Lhe moduíe assessmenL. ExamínaLíons may
aíso be íncíuded as parL of Lhe assessmenL. Your research pro|ecL
wííí be assessed by dísserLaLíon and oraí presenLaLíon.
Pesearch/professionaI project
The pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs of your
course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have íearnL
and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL Lo your
own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor. Some of Lhe pro|ecLs
are formaííy íínked Lo índusLry and so, dependíng on whích
masLers course you choose Lo sLudy, you couíd spend Líme workíng
aL Lhe coííaboraLor`s síLe duríng Lhe summer semesLer.
In Lhe Schooí of Mechanícaí Engíneeríng for exampíe, you can
become ínvoíved ín pro|ecLs íínked Lo Lhe desígn, consLrucLíon and
LesLíng of Lhe Formuía SLudenL race car.
For more exampíes of recenL research/professíonaí pro|ecLs píease
vísíL Lhe índívíduaí course pages.
0ur masLers courses are underLaken on a fuíí-Líme basís for T2
monLhs from SepLember Lo SepLember. Some courses are avaííabíe
on a parL-Líme basís (24 monLhs), píease conLacL our Admíssíons
Hub for deLaíís.
Learning and Assessment
The AppIication Process
Due to the high demand for our courses, you shouId appIy as
earIy as possibIe. AppIications from internationaI students shouId
be submitted by mid JuIy, and UK appIications received by mid
August of the year of entry. However, there is an appIication
deadIine of 30 June if you are appIying for the exceIIence
schoIarship. To be eIigibIe for this, you wiII need to have an offer
of a pIace on one of our postgraduate courses.
The easíesL and quíckesL way Lo appíy for a masLers course ís Lo
appíy onííne. Thís way you can Lrack your appíícaLíon aL each sLage
of Lhe process. However, íf you prefer you can downíoad an
appíícaLíon form and send íL Lo us aL Lhe address beíow.
For furLher ínformaLíon vísíL
For up-Lo-daLe deLaíís on fees vísíL
DeLaíís of FacuíLy schoíarshíps can be found aL
The UníversíLy aíso offers a number of schoíarshíps, for more
ínformaLíon on Lhese vísíL
Entry requirements
These can be found on Lhe índívíduaí course pages.
EngIish Ianguage requirements
AppíícanLs whose frsL íanguage ís noL Engíísh, or whose bacheíors
degree ís noL from a uníversíLy ín an Engíísh speakíng counLry,
wííí need Lo províde evídence of profcíency ín Engíísh by havíng
aLLaíned Lhe foííowíng or íLs equívaíenL.
IELTS 6.5 wíLh noL íess Lhan 6.0 ín íísLeníng, readíng, speakíng
and wríLíng.
Pre-sessíonaí Engíísh íanguage courses are avaííabíe aL our on-
campus Language 0enLre for sLudenLs who wísh Lo ímprove Lheír
íanguage skííís before sLarLíng Lheír sLudíes. To fnd ouL more vísíL
0ontact us
If you have any queríes píease conLacL.
Engíneeríng PosLgraduaLe TaughL Admíssíons Hub
FacuíLy of Engíneeríng
UníversíLy of Leeds
e. msc©
0ourse Listing
0ourse Page
Advanced Mechanícaí Engíneeríng 06
AuLomoLíve Engíneeríng 08
0hemícaí Engíneeríng T0
0hemícaí Process Research and DeveíopmenL T3
0ommunícaLíons Engíneeríng T4
0ommunícaLíons and Sígnaí Processíng T6
0ompuLaLíonaí Fíuíd Dynamícs T8
DígíLaí 0ommunícaLíons NeLworks 20
EíecLrícaí Engíneeríng and Renewabíe Energy SysLems 22
EíecLroníc and EíecLrícaí Engíneeríng 24
Embedded SysLems Engíneeríng 26
Energy and EnvíronmenL 28
Engíneeríng Pro|ecL ManagemenL 30
EnvíronmenLaí Engíneeríng and Pro|ecL ManagemenL 32
Fíre and Expíosíon Engíneeríng 34
InLernaLíonaí 0onsLrucLíon ManagemenL and Engíneeríng 36
Medícaí Engíneeríng 38
NanoLechnoíogy and Advanced EíecLroníc Devíces 40
0íífeíd 0orrosíon Engíneeríng 42
PharmaceuLícaí Scíence and Engíneeríng 44
SLrucLuraí Engíneeríng 46
Tríboíogy and Engíneeríng InLerfaces 48
waLer, SaníLaLíon and HeaíLh Engíneeríng 50
M5c Advanced MechanicaI Engineering
This course offers a broad range of advanced subjects across
various engineering discipIines. ParticuIar emphasis is pIaced on
the appIication of advanced computationaI methods and state-of-
the-art software packages to soIve compIex engineering probIems.
Through seIecting moduIes from a range of options, the course can
be taiIored to meet your particuIar needs and interests.
0n compíeLíon of Lhís course you wííí be abíe Lo anaíyse and soíve
compíex engíneeríng probíems usíng a combínaLíon of LheoreLícaí,
experímenLaí and compuLaLíonaí Lechníques.
Who wiII beneht!
º Professíonaí engíneers aíready workíng ín Lhe índusLry who wísh
Lo deepen Lheír knowíedge and experLíse so enabííng fuLure
career enhancemenL and deveíopmenL
º graduaLe engíneers who wísh Lo gaín a sLrong background
knowíedge ín modern meLhods of engíneeríng anaíysís,
íncíudíng compuLer-based meLhods
º Lhose who wouíd ííke experíence of underLakíng a research-íed
pro|ecL ín a íeadíng mechanícaí engíneeríng deparLmenL.
5peciaIist faciIities
º Advanced 0AD facíííLíes for desígn work
º a weíí-equípped workshop for buíídíng parLs íncíudíng 3D
prínLíng facíííLíes, wíre EDM and 0N0 machínery
º access Lo Lhe íaLesL índusLry sLandard sofLware for compuLaLíonaí
fuíd dynamícs and fníLe eíemenL modeíííng of maLeríaí sLress
º advanced measuremenL íaboraLory
º íaboraLory facíííLíes for soííd and fuíd mechanícs, erosíon,
corrosíon, Lríboíogy, combusLíon, conLroí and dynamícs, roboLícs
and opLícaí measuremenL.
TypicaI careers
AfLer graduaLíng from Lhís course, you wííí be ín a good posíLíon Lo
seek empíoymenL wíLh many íeadíng companíes. RecenL graduaLes
from Lhe Schooí can be found ín organísaLíons such as Síemens,
E-0N UK, 0ummíns UK, 0rompLon Technoíogy 0roup, Bombardíer
TransporLaLíon, DePuy InLernaLíonaí, BenLíey MoLors, Jaguar Land
Rover, Níssan MoLor 0ompany, Faraday Packagíng ParLnershíp,
Aírbus, EAS Engíneeríng, Prodríve, Rícardo UK and Ford MoLor
Entry requirements
A degree equívaíenL Lo a UK upper second cíass honours
(2.T) degree, or hígher, ín engíneeríng, a physícaí scíence or
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes píus fve of Lhe opLíonaí moduíes. You wííí aíso underLake a professíonaí pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
ModuIes 0ontents
0omputationaI and
ExperimentaI Methods
FundamenLaí concepLs of compuLaLíonaí and experímenLaí meLhods.
Energy 5ystems
Engíneeríng aspecLs of energy conversíon processes, íncíudíng convenLíonaí, í.e. fossíí and nucíear fueís,
and renewabíe energíes.
DptionaI moduIes
Aerodynamics with
0omputationaI FIuid
Probíem soívíng ín Lhe area of poLenLíaí (ídeaí) fow Lheory, wíng Lheory and compuLaLíonaí fuíd dynamíc
approaches Lo advecLíon and díffusíon-based fows.
Aerospace 5tructures MeLhods of compuLer-based desígn and anaíysís of sLrucLures such as frames and sheíís.
Aerospace 5ystems
and PropuIsion
0as Lurbínes, Lheír Lurbomachínery, combusLíon chambers and conLroí sysLems.
Automotive 0hassis
ImporLanL aspecLs of chassís sysLems and behavíour íncíudíng suspensíon and sLeeríng sysLems, chassís
sLrucLures, and noíse, víbraLíon and harshness (N\H).
Automotive DriveIine
An overvíew of aíí Lhe key eíemenLs of a dríveííne wíLh parLícuíar focus gíven Lo Lhe desígn of geared
BiomateriaIs ShorL course coveríng a range of Lopícs assocíaLed wíLh bíomaLeríaís Lhe emphasís here ís on Lhe íífe-
scíence ínLerface.
BiotriboIogy DísLance íearníng moduíe underpínníng Lhe scíence behínd Lhe successfuí appíícaLíon of engíneeríng Lo
|oínL repíacemenLs.
0ombustion in
The key príncípíes of combusLíon processes and poííuLíon emíssíons from engínes, burners and expíosíons.
Finite EIement
Methods of AnaIysis
Príncípíes and appíícaLíons of FEM.
FunctionaI Joint
Appííes Lhe sLandard engíneeríng príncípíes of mechanícs, Lríboíogy and bíomaLeríaís Lo Lhe undersLandíng
of Lhe Lechnoíogy used ín Lhe deveíopmenL of LoLaí |oínL repíacemenLs.
!ntroduction to
A broad-based ínLroducLíon Lo Lhe ínLerdíscípíínary scíenLífc díscípííne of Lríboíogy, coveríng how Lríboíogy
ímpacLs on Lhe desígn and operaLíon of mechanísms and Lhe means adopLed Lo íubrícaLe Lhem.
Mechatronics and
Pobotics AppIications
The ínLegraLíon of componenLs such as acLuaLors, mechanísms, mechanícaí sLrucLures, sensors and
compuLer conLroí/eíecLronícs ínLo a unífed form.
Potary Wing Aircraft The Lheory of verLícaí fíghL, desígn and anaíysís of heíícopLers, auLogyros and oLher roLary wíng aírcrafL and
an apprecíaLíon of Lhe exLra díffcuíLíes ínvoíved when Lhe vehícíe fow ís cycííc ín naLure.
5urface Engineering Surface engíneeríng Lechnoíogíes for Lhe conLroí of wear, corrosíon and faLígue of engíneeríng componenLs.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
ProfessionaI project
The professíonaí pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng
parLs of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL
you have íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by
appíyíng íL Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º TurbuíenL combusLíon (experímenL, Lheory and modeíííng)
º AíLernaLíve and susLaínabíe fueís
º 0as Lurbíne cooííng ríng effecLíveness
º Engíne combusLíon
M5c Automotive Engineering
This course caters for industry's demand for highIy-skiIIed
graduates in the automotive industry in the advanced areas of
anaIysis, design and manufacture. TraditionaIIy this industry has
been associated with high voIume vehicIe manufacture. However,
the nature of the industry has changed over the Iast decade and
it is now dominated by automotive component manufacturers and
speciaIist design and consuItancy houses.
Duríng Lhís course you wííí acquíre Lhe range of skííís and
knowíedge requíred by Lhese organísaLíons. ParLícuíar emphasís
ís píaced on Lhe appíícaLíon of compuLaLíonaí meLhods and
sofLware packages ín auLomoLíve engíneeríng anaíysís, desígn and
Who wiII beneht!
º Professíonaí engíneers aíready workíng ín Lhe índusLry who wísh
Lo deepen Lheír knowíedge and experLíse so enabííng fuLure
career enhancemenL and deveíopmenL
º graduaLe engíneers who wísh Lo gaín specíaíísL knowíedge and
skííís reíevanL Lo Lhe auLomoLíve índusLry.
5peciaIist faciIities
º Formuía SLudenL car buííd area íncíudíng compuLerísed engíne
LesL bays
º access Lo Lhe FacuíLy workshop wíLh íLs hígh íeveí 0N0 and wíre
EDM facíííLíes
º brake LesL area
º advanced measuremenL íaboraLory
º access Lo Lhe íaLesL índusLry sLandard sofLware for compuLaLíonaí
fuíd dynamícs and fníLe eíemenL modeíííng of auLomoLíve
reíaLed sysLems and maLeríaís aíong wíLh ADAMS sofLware for
suspensíon símuíaLíon
º sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL facíííLíes for Lríboíogy (Lo sLudy wear on engíne
º a 'sLírred bomb` for characLerísíng fueí ígníLíon
º advanced engínes wíLh opLícaí access.
TypicaI careers
0areer prospecLs are exceííenL and wíLh Lhís quaíífcaLíon you
shouíd expecL Lo fnd empíoymenL ín Lhe auLomoLíve and moLor
sporL índusLríes. 0urrenL graduaLes can be found workíng wíLh
BenLíey MoLors, BMw UK, Jaguar Land Rover, Honda, Níssan
MoLor 0ompany, RenauíL FT (LoLus RenauíL 0P), Red Buíí Racíng
and Rícardo UK. 0Lhers opL Lo work ín Lhe generaí engíneeríng
índusLry, remaín aL uníversíLy for PhD sLudy or move ínLo a
compíeLeíy dífferenL feíd such as fnance or Leachíng.
Entry requirements
A degree equívaíenL Lo a UK upper second cíass honours
(2.T) degree, or hígher, ín engíneeríng, a physícaí scíence or
ModuIes 0ontents
Automotive 0hassis
AspecLs of chassís sysLems and behavíour íncíudíng suspensíon and sLeeríng sysLems, chassís sLrucLures,
and noíse, víbraLíon and harshness (N\H).
Automotive DriveIine
An overvíew of aíí Lhe key eíemenLs of a dríveííne wíLh parLícuíar focus gíven Lo Lhe desígn of Lhe key
machíne eíemenLs aíong wíLh some noveí appíícaLíons.
0ombustion in
The key príncípíes of combusLíon processes and poííuLíon emíssíons from engínes, burners and expíosíons.
0omputationaI and
ExperimentaI Methods
FundamenLaí concepLs of compuLaLíonaí and experímenLaí meLhods.
!ntroduction to
Broad based ínLroducLíon Lo Lhe ínLerdíscípíínary scíenLífc díscípííne of Lríboíogy, coveríng how Lríboíogy
ímpacLs on Lhe desígn and operaLíon of mechanísms and Lhe means adopLed Lo íubrícaLe Lhem.
Mechatronics and
Pobotics AppIications
The ínLegraLíon of componenLs such as acLuaLors, mechanísms, mechanícaí sLrucLures, sensors and
compuLer conLroí/eíecLronícs ínLo a unífed form.
5urface Engineering Surface engíneeríng Lechnoíogíes for Lhe conLroí of wear, corrosíon and faLígue of engíneeríng componenLs.
VehicIe Design and
Basíc and more advanced concepLs of vehícíe performance íncíudíng ríde, handííng, aerodynamícs and
acceíeraLíon/deceíeraLíon behavíour.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
ProfessionaI project
The professíonaí pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng
parLs of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL
you have íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by
appíyíng íL Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º RegeneraLíve brakíng sysLems ímpacL on fueí consumpLíon and
vehícíe sLabíííLy ín HE\s
º Thermo-mechanícaí anaíysís of dísc brake for vehícíe roííaway
º 0oaLed ííghLweíghL brake roLors
º Desígníng, measuríng and modeíííng of vehícíe dynamícs
FormuIa 5tudent race car
The Formuía SAE (SocíeLy of AuLomoLíve Engíneeríng)
InLernaLíonaí and Formuía SLudenL are annuaí compeLíLíons based
ín Ameríca and Europe where sLudenLs desígn, buííd, LesL and race
an open wheeíed, síngíe seaLer race car. Typícaííy cars desígned
aL Leeds may do 0-60 mph ín |usL over 3 seconds wíLh Lhe engíne
revvíng aL cíose Lo T4000 rpm!
The UníversíLy of Leeds was one of Lhe frsL UK uníversíLíes Lo
enLer Lhe Amerícan Formuía SAE compeLíLíon and over Lhe íasL
few years has been one of Lhe mosL successfuí Leams, wínníng Lhe
Award for BesL AnaíyLícaí Approach Lo Engíneeríng Desígn Lwíce
and comíng frsL ín Lhe 0veraíí Desígn 0ompeLíLíon.
You can become ínvoíved ín Lhís íníLíaLíve Lhrough your
professíonaí pro|ecL íínked Lo your course. These pro|ecLs províde
you wíLh Lhe opporLuníLy Lo work as parL of a dynamíc Leam LhaL
has Lo desígn a new vehícíe from scraLch ín |usL níne monLhs.
A sampíe of recenL pro|ecLs íncíudes.
º DeveíopmenL of a daLa-íoggíng sysLem for Lhe SAE car
º SensíLívíLy of I0 engíne frícLíon Lo desígn and operaLíng
parameLers ín a racíng car
º 0rashworLhíness and opLímísaLíon of a bonded race car chassís
usíng fníLe eíemenL appíícaLíons
º TracLíon conLroí on Lhe SAE car
If you wouíd ííke Lo íearn more vísíL
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes and wííí underLake a professíonaí pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
M5c 0hemicaI Engineering
The course aims to provide you with advanced chemicaI
engineering and process technoIogy skiIIs for exciting and
chaIIenging careers in the chemicaI and process industries. !t
aIso enabIes graduates in chemistry or other science/engineering
discipIines to convert to a speciaIisation in chemicaI engineering.
The course is accredited by the !nstitution of 0hemicaI Engineers
The course has been desígned Lo províde a greaLer depLh
and breadLh of knowíedge of aspecLs of advanced chemícaí
engíneeríng and a range of up-Lo-daLe process Lechnoíogíes,
whích enabíe you Lo desígn, operaLe and manage processes and
assocíaLed manufacLuríng píanLs and Lo províde íeadershíp ín
ínnovaLíon, research and Lechnoíogy Lransfer.
For sLudenLs wíLh a non-chemícaí engíneeríng background, Lhe
concepLs of process desígn are ínLroduced íeadíng Lo a píanL
desígn pro|ecL.
The research pro|ecL enabíes you Lo gaín experíence of píanníng,
execuLíng and reporLíng a research work of Lhe Lype you wííí
underLake ín an índusLríaí or academíc envíronmenL. The research
pro|ecLs cover wíde-rangíng Lopícs ín chemícaí engíneeríng,
coííoíds and ínLerfacíaí engíneeríng, muíLí-scaíe and process
modeíííng, fne chemícaís processíng, míneraís and wasLe
processíng, powder and formuíaLíon engíneeríng, ín-process
measuremenL and conLroí sysLems.
Who wiII beneht!
º 0hemícaí engíneeríng graduaLes wíshíng Lo upgrade Lheír frsL
degree Lo UK masLers íeveí degree
º graduaLes from scíence and oLher engíneeríng díscípíínes who
wísh Lo converL Lo specíaíísaLíon ín chemícaí engíneeríng
º professíonaí engíneers aíready workíng ín Lhe índusLry who wísh
Lo deepen Lheír knowíedge and experLíse, enabííng fuLure career
enhancemenL and deveíopmenL.
TypicaI careers
0areer prospecLs are exceííenL. There ís a wíde range of career
opporLuníLíes ín Lhe chemícaí and aíííed índusLríes ín process
engíneeríng, process desígn and research and deveíopmenL as weíí
as ín fnance and managemenL.
Entry requirements
A mínímum of a UK second cíass (2.2) honours degree or
equívaíenL, ín chemícaí engíneeríng or a reíaLed engíneeríng or
scíence díscípííne.
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes píus Lwo of Lhe opLíonaí moduíes. You wííí aíso underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
DptionaI moduIes
ModuIes 0ontents
Advanced Peaction
0overs advanced Lopícs ín reacLíon engíneeríng íncíudíng, non-ísoLhermaí operaLíon and sLabíííLy of
reacLors, non-ídeaí fow reacLors, reacLíons caLaíysed by soííds and desígn of packed-bed and fuídísed-bed
reacLors, muíLíphase reacLíons and reacLor desígn and recenL advances ín reacLíon engíneeríng.
Advances in 0hemicaI
InLroduces Lhe mosL recenL deveíopmenLs ín chemícaí engíneeríng scíence and Lechnoíogy, coveríng Lopícs
such as coííoídaí scíence and engíneeríng, nano scíence and Lechnoíogy, process anaíyLícaí Lechnoíogy and
non-ínLrusíve measuremenL Lechníques.
Batch Process
Provídes an undersLandíng of Lhe dísLíncLíve feaLures of baLch processes, Lhe concepLs and meLhods for
scheduííng and símuíaLíon baLch operaLíons, skííís for seíecLíon of baLch rouLe, soívenLs and equípmenL and
Lhe desígn of conLroí sysLems and Lhe fuLure dírecLíons ín baLch manufacLuríng Lechníques.
Transfer Processes
0overs Lhe advanced aspecLs of íamínar and LurbuíenL fows, Lurbuíence modeíííng and deveíops an
undersLandíng of Lhe compuLaLíonaí fuíd dynamícs (0FD) meLhodoíogy and íLs use ín Lhe desígn of process
equípmenL. TurbuíenL fow probíems are soíved usíng a 0FD sofLware.
MuIti-scaIe ModeIIing Provídes an overvíew of modeíííng Lechníques aL Lhe mícroscopíc, mesoscopíc and macroscopíc íengLh
scaíes, e.g., moíecuíar modeíííng, díscreLe eíemenL meLhods and process sysLems modeíííng. IL wííí show
how muíLí-scaíe modeíííng can be appííed Lo soíve pracLícaí probíems vía a number of case sLudíes.
Waste Treatment and
0overs íncíneraLíon, recycííng of wasLe and processíng such as pyroíysís, gasífcaLíon, anaerobíc dígesLíon
and composLíng, and wasLe managemenL.
Advanced Energy
Provídes furLher anaíysís of índusLríaí power generaLíon boLh from nucíear, convenLíonaí and renewabíe
0hemicaI Processing
of MineraIs
Provídes knowíedge of varíous hydromeLaííurgícaí sysLems used ín Lhe chemícaí, míneraís and reíaLed
índusLríes, and an undersLandíng of Lhe chemícaí Lheoríes and maLhemaLícaí Lechníques used ín Lhe desígn
and operaLíon of such processes.
!ndustriaI PoIymer
Desígned Lo províde a Lhorough undersLandíng of índusLríaí poíymers appíícaLíon Lhrough a hoíísLíc
approach LhaL ínLegraLes poíymer manufacLuríng, poíymer processíng, and producL appíícaLíon
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
See Lhe next page for moduíes for graduaLes wíLh a non-chemícaí engíneeríng background.
ModuIes for chemicaI engineering graduates
DptionaI moduIes
ModuIes 0ontents
Batch Process
Provídes coverage of varíous aspecLs of baLch processíng of chemícaís.
0hemicaI Peaction
Provídes a comprehensíve ínLroducLíon Lo Lypes of reacLíons and reacLors LogeLher wíLh raLe anaíysís and
príncípíes of desígn of ídeaí reacLors.
PIant Design Project The concepLs of píanL desígn are ínLroduced ín Lhís pro|ecL. The pro|ecL ís organísed ín ííne wíLh Lhe
guídeíínes prescríbed by Lhe I0hemE for Lhe desígn pro|ecL on accredíLed 0hemícaí Engíneeríng degree
courses. Provídes exempLíon from Lhe desígn pro|ecL requíremenLs for corporaLe membershíp of Lhe
Process 0hemistry
and 0hemicaI
Thís moduíe provídes a comprehensíve ínLroducLíon Lo fne chemícaí índusLry, R&D componenLs, process
chemísLry and chemícaí engíneeríng fundamenLaí concepLs, uníL operaLíons, safeLy and quaííLy and píanL
desígn Lo sLudenLs wíLh non-chemícaí engíneeríng backgrounds.
5eparation Processes Provídes a Lhorough groundíng ín Lhe uníL operaLíons of dísLíííaLíon and absorpLíon for bínary and muíLí-
componenL sysLems. Provídes a basís for Lhe equípmenL desígn aspecLs of Lhe PíanL Desígn Pro|ecL moduíe.
Advanced Energy
Provídes furLher anaíysís of índusLríaí power generaLíon boLh from nucíear, convenLíonaí and renewabíe
0hemicaI Processing
of MineraIs
Provídes knowíedge of varíous hydromeLaííurgícaí sysLems used ín Lhe chemícaí, míneraís and reíaLed
índusLríes, and an undersLandíng of Lhe chemícaí Lheoríes and maLhemaLícaí Lechníques used ín Lhe desígn
and operaLíon of such processes.
!ndustriaI PoIymer
Desígned Lo províde a Lhorough undersLandíng of índusLríaí poíymers appíícaLíon Lhrough a hoíísLíc
approach LhaL ínLegraLes poíymer manufacLuríng, poíymer processíng, and producL appíícaLíon
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
ModuIes for graduates with a non-chemicaI engineering background
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º 0onLroí of heaL reíease and LemperaLure íeveís ín |ackeLed
sLírred Lank vesseís
º Pooí boíííng heaL Lransfer of nanofuíds
º EffecL of surface weLLabíííLy and spreadíng on nanofuíd boíííng
heaL Lransfer
º Aspen Píus símuíaLíon of 00
removaí by amíne absorpLíon from
power píanL
º Modeíííng of 00
absorpLíon usíng soívenLs ín spray Lowers
º HísLorícaí daLa anaíysís usíng arLífcíaí neuraí neLwork modeíííng
º 0ompuLaLíonaí modeíííng of parLícuíaLe fow
º 0haracLerísaLíon of sedímenLaLíon process ín Lwo-phase fow
based on conLínuíLy Lheory usíng ímpedance Lomography
º Fíndíng a new Lechníque for on-ííne moníLoríng of crysLaííísaLíon
process usíng an eíecLrode probe
M5c 0hemicaI Process Pesearch and DeveIopment
Pun jointIy between the 5chooI of 0hemistry and the 5chooI of
Process, EnvironmentaI and MateriaIs Engineering, this course
provides advanced training to meet current and future industriaI
demands for skiIIed scientists and engineers in pharmaceuticaI
and hne chemicaI process technoIogy.
IL has been deveíoped for graduaLes from a varíeLy of backgrounds
for exampíe, chemísLry, chemícaí engíneeríng and oLher reíaLed
scíence/engíneeríng díscípíínes, and enabíes graduaLes from
scíence/engíneeríng díscípíínes Lo converL Lo a specíaíísaLíon ín
chemícaí process Lechnoíogy.
More deLaííed ínformaLíon abouL Lhís course can be obLaíned from
Lhe InsLíLuLe of Process Research and DeveíopmenL.
L. 0113 343 6543
e. iprdcourses©
M5c 0ommunications Engineering
Efhcient and effective high-speed communications are essentiaI
for deIivering heaIthcare, industriaI deveIopment, transport,
broadcasting and a whoIe other myriad of services that heIp every
country prosper and deveIop economicaIIy and sociaIIy. This
masters course wiII deIiver high caIibre communications engineers
equipped for such chaIIenges of the 21st century.
Thís course ís desígned Lo meeL Lhe demand for engíneers
who undersLand modern communícaLíons Lechníques and Lhe
eíecLronícs LhaL makes Lhem work. AL Lhe physícaí íeveí, íL covers
Lhe propagaLíon of radío waves and Lhe behavíour of anLennas.
AL Lhe communícaLíons íeveí, íL ranges from Lhe fundamenLaís
of communícaLíon Lheory Lhrough modern moduíaLíon and
codíng Lechníques Lo ceííuíar sysLems. AL Lhe eíecLronícs íeveí,
íL compíemenLs Lhese by deaííng wíLh Lhe sysLem-on-a-chíp
Lechnoíogy LhaL ímpíemenLs much of modern sysLems. The course
aíso benefLs from a íaboraLory wíLh a wíde range of reíevanL
and íííusLraLíve experímenLs. Thís course ís accredíLed by Lhe
InsLíLuLíon of Engíneeríng and Technoíogy (IET). \ísíL our vírLuaí
experíence websíLe Lo meeL some of our academíc sLaff and
Who wiII beneht!
º PracLísíng engíneers who wísh Lo keep up Lo daLe wíLh new
Lechníques of mobííe Leíephony
º Lhose wíshíng Lo gaín a deeper undersLandíng of boLh Lhe RF
and moduíaLíon/codíng sídes of modern communícaLíons.
TypicaI careers
0areer prospecLs are exceííenL and graduaLes of Lhís course
shouíd expecL Lo deveíop careers ín many branches of Lhe
communícaLíons índusLry íncíudíng radío engíneeríng and Lhe
mobííe secLor.
Thís ís a secLor characLerísed by íncreasíngíy specíaíísed
Lechnoíogíes, where up-Lo-daLe knowíedge ís essenLíaí and newíy
Lraíned engíneers are ín demand. They are needed Lo supporL Lhe
conLínuaí upgradíng of our communícaLíons ínfrasLrucLure. Thís
íncíudes Lhe mígraLíon from anaíogue Lo dígíLaí and normaí Lo
hígh-defníLíon Leíevísíon, from second Lo Lhírd and Lhírd Lo fourLh
generaLíon mobííes, and an ever-expandíng range of sysLems
such as BíueLooLh, wíFí, wíMax and many oLhers. Some of Lhese
mígraLíons are under way, oLhers are píanned and wííí generaLe a
conLínuíng sLream of empíoymenL prospecLs.
Entry requirements
A mínímum UK upper second cíass (2.T) honours degree or
equívaíenL ín appropríaLe numeraLe díscípíínes usuaííy eíecLroníc
engíneeríng, buL oLhers may be consídered. In some specíaí cases,
íf píaces are sLííí avaííabíe, appíícanLs wíLh a good íower second
cíass (2.2) honours degree and who have reíevanL experíence may
aíso be consídered and so shouíd noL be deLerred from appíyíng.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
For exampíes of recenL research pro|ecLs vísíL our websíLe
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes píus Lwo of Lhe opLíonaí moduíes (you musL choose one from each íísL of opLíonaí moduíes). You wííí aíso
underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
ModuIes 0ontents
Antennas and Padio
Wave Propagation
0overs Lhe facLors governíng Lhe desígn and operaLíon of modern wíreíess communícaLíon sysLems. These
íncíude fundamenLaís of anLenna Lheory and propagaLíon, radíaLíon paLLerns of anLennas (íncíudíng boLh
wíre and aperLure anLennas), propagaLíon mechanísms (íncíudíng Lhe effecLs of cíímaLe on Lhem), íínk
budgeLs and anLenna arrays. DíversíLy, díffracLíon, fadíng, beamformíng and Lopícs specífc Lo saLeíííLe and
ceííuíar sysLems are aíso covered.
0eIIuIar MobiIe
Focuses on Lhe underíyíng príncípíes of ceííuíar mobííe radío for voíce, daLa and vídeo, Lhe íímíLaLíons and
possíbíííLíes of mobííe communícaLíons, sígnaí processíng requíremenLs, Lhe need for proLocoís, Lhe príncípíes
and pracLíces of 2-0 (e.g. 0SM) and 3-0 (e.g. w0DMA) sysLems. Specífc Lopícs íncíude Lhe ceííuíar concepL,
radío wave propagaLíon and dígíLaí Lransmíssíon ín ceííuíar sysLems, Lhe 0SM sysLem, basíc príncípíes of DS/
0DMA, PN codes and waísh sequences, correíaLor desígn, Lhe Rake receíver and Lhe w0DMA sysLem.
FundamentaIs of
0overs Lhe fundamenLaí príncípíes underpínníng communícaLíon sysLems. These íncíude maLhemaLícaí
anaíysís of sysLem behavíour, modeíííng Lhe bíocks ín a communícaLíon sysLem, Lhe Shannon and NyquísL
Lheoríes, modeís for esLímaLíng sysLem bíL error raLe, eíemenLary príncípíes of decísíon/deLecLíon Lheory and
Lheír use ín communícaLíon receívers.
Mini Projects and
Desígned Lo províde experíence of pracLícaí eíecLronícs and measuremenL Lechníques. ParLícuíaríy suíLabíe
for sLudenLs wíLhouL an eíecLroníc engíneeríng bacheíor`s degree. LaboraLory work covers measuremenL
and sampííng Lechníques, RF and mícrowave neLwork anaíysers, anLenna measuremenLs and embedded
sysLems. You wííí choose Lwo míní pro|ecLs from a range íncíudíng RF ampíífer desígn and LesL, an ínfra-
red daLa íínk, an embedded sysLem and acousLíc measuremenLs ín a weíí-equípped sound sLudío.
ModuIation and
0oding for DigitaI
0overs modern dígíLaí moduíaLíon and demoduíaLíon (e.g. BPSK, 0PSK, 0AM, 0MSK, 0FDM), carríer and
Límíng recovery, forward error correcLíon and deLecLíon, íncíudíng bíock codíng, convoíuLíonaí codíng, Turbo
codes and MonLe-0arío meLhods for performance evaíuaLíon.
5ystems Design
Thís moduíe addresses communícaLíon desígn aL many dífferenL íeveís. AL Lhe sysLem íeveí íL covers
mícrowave sysLems, sysLem modeíííng, sub-sysLem characLerísaLíon and Lhe deíívery of compíeLe
communícaLíons sysLems ín Lhe reaí woríd. The propagaLíon íeveí covers sysLem noíse-fgure anaíysís,
íínk budgeLs and radío propagaLíon anaíysís as a sysLem píanníng Looí. AL Lhe círcuíL íeveí íL íncíudes,
RF subsysLems, dírecL and heLerodyne conversíon, RF ínLegraLed círcuíLs, Lhe ímpacL of RF/mícrowave
componenL desígn on wíreíess communícaLíon sysLem performance, moduíaLíon formaLs and Lheír ímpacL
on círcuíL desígn, and dísLorLíon and specLraí re-growLh.
DptionaI ModuIes (1)
Data 0ommunications
and 5ensor Networks
Provídes a knowíedge and undersLandíng of daLa communícaLíons and wíreíess sensor neLworks and how
Lhey are, and couíd be, used ín a range of appíícaLíons.
D5P Hardware
Deveíops an undersLandíng of Lhe fundamenLaí príncípíes of how DSP aígoríLhms are ímpíemenLed ín
pracLíce. Provídes an ínsíghL InLo Lhe operaLíon (and íímíLaLíons) of DSP chíps. 0íves hands-on experíence
of programmíng DSP chíps. Aíso covers Lhe basíc príncípíes Lo desígn and ímpíemenL popuíar DSP
aígoríLhms Laken from dígíLaí fíLeríng, moduíaLíon, maLched fíLeríng, modems, adapLíve fíLeríng, eLc.
Photonics and
Thís moduíe wííí heíp deveíop an undersLandíng of Lhe fundamenLaí príncípíes of opLícaí fbre
communícaLíon sysLems íncíudíng Lheír advanLages and íímíLaLíons. In parLícuíar íL wííí address Lhe
properLíes, advanLages and dísadvanLages of Lhe phoLoníc componenLs LhaL are Lhe enabííng Lechnoíogy for
fuLure hígh-speed, broadband opLícaí communícaLíons.
DptionaI ModuIes (2)
D5P Hardware
Deveíops an undersLandíng of Lhe fundamenLaí príncípíes of how DSP aígoríLhms are ímpíemenLed ín
pracLíce. Provídes an ínsíghL InLo Lhe operaLíon (and íímíLaLíons) of DSP chíps. 0íves hands-on experíence
of programmíng DSP chíps. Aíso covers Lhe basíc príncípíes Lo desígn and ímpíemenL popuíar DSP
aígoríLhms Laken from dígíLaí fíLeríng, moduíaLíon, maLched fíLeríng, modems, adapLíve fíLeríng, eLc.
Embedded 5ystems
Thís moduíe ínLroduces sLudenLs Lo conLemporary hardware and sofLware deveíopmenL Looís for mobííe and
embedded devíces.
MedicaI EIectronics
and E-HeaIth
Provídes a knowíedge and undersLandíng of how eíecLronícs and communícaLíons Lechnoíogy ís, and couíd
be, used ín medícaí appíícaLíons and heaíLhcare.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
M5c 0ommunications and 5ignaI Processing
MobiIe broadband wireIess access is now the next communications
revoIution. As new video-rich, bandwidth-hungry services are
deveIoped the chaIIenge to deIiver the next generation broadband
communications networks is becoming more profound. And at
the heart of any modern communications network or device is
the enabIing technoIogy of advanced digitaI signaI processing
(D5P). For exampIe, in future 4-S systems (e.g., LTE-Advanced)
precoding D5P, M!MD beamforming, advanced D5P detection, etc
wiII aII be routine.
So research ís aíways beíng carríed ouL by Lhe woríd`s ma|or
communícaLíon companíes Lo deveíop new DSP aígoríLhms
ín order LhaL hígh bíLraLe, mobííe, broadband servíces can be
deíívered (wíLh an accepLabíe quaííLy of servíce) Lo an íncreasíng
number of users wíLhín a íímíLed bandwídLh. ThaL ís Lhe chaííenge!
The Schooí of EíecLroníc and EíecLrícaí Engíneeríng, wíLh íLs
woríd-cíass research-íed Leachíng, ís ídeaííy píaced Lo deííver a
masLers course boLh reíevanL Lo índusLry and wíLh good career
prospecLs. 0ne of Lhe uníque feaLures of Lhís course ís Lhe
íncíusíon of a sígnífcanL number of specíaíísL índusLríaí íecLures,
whích ensures you can reíaLe Lhe LheoreLícaí and desígn aspecLs
of communícaLíons and sígnaí processíng wíLh Lhe pracLícaí
íímíLaLíons of reaí-woríd consLraínLs. In addíLíon, Lhe DígíLaí Sígnaí
Processíng íaboraLory (from Texas InsLrumenLs) gíves you hands-
on experíence usíng Lhe DSP Lechnoíogy LhaL can be found ín
compuLers, ceííuíar phones, MP3 píayers, eLc.
we are currenLíy seekíng accredíLaLíon for Lhís course from Lhe
InsLíLuLíon of Engíneeríng and Technoíogy (IET). \ísíL our vírLuaí
experíence websíLe Lo meeL some of our academíc sLaff and
Who wiII beneht!
º 0raduaLes seekíng Lo enhance Lheír empíoyabíííLy wíLhín Lhe
dígíLaí communícaLíons índusLry
º pracLísíng engíneers wíshíng Lo íearn abouL recenL deveíopmenLs
ín sígnaí processíng.
TypicaI careers
0n compíeLíng Lhís course, you can expecL Lo have obLaíned
Lhe skííís LhaL wííí íead Lo empíoymenL ín any area of Lhe
communícaLíons/sígnaí processíng índusLry íncíudíng opLícaí
neLworkíng, DSP desígn and ímpíemenLaLíon, ceííuíar mobííe,
r.f. píanníng, broadband sysLems and generaí communícaLíons
research and deveíopmenL.
Entry requirements
A degree equívaíenL Lo a UK upper second cíass honours (2.T)
degree or hígher ín an appropríaLe numeraLe díscípííne usuaííy
eíecLroníc engíneeríng, buL oLhers may be consídered.
ModuIes 0ontents
Broadband WireIess
InLroduces Lhe basíc príncípíes of wíMax one of Lhe mosL ímporLanL Lechnoíogíes (based upon 0FDM)
for mobííe broadband communícaLíons, and Lhe nexL bíg deveíopmenL ín Lhe modern communícaLíons
revoíuLíon. 0overs Lhe basíc príncípíes of operaLíon boLh from Lhe physícaí (PHY) and medíum access
conLroí (MA0) íayers. The approach wííí be boLh anaíyLíc and descrípLíve. In addíLíon, any possíbíe
íímíLaLíons wííí be díscussed as weíí as Lhe economíc and socíaí aspecLs of íLs roííouL.
0eIIuIar MobiIe
Focuses on Lhe underíyíng príncípíes of ceííuíar mobííe radío for voíce, daLa and vídeo, Lhe íímíLaLíons
and possíbíííLíes of mobííe communícaLíons, sígnaí processíng requíremenLs, Lhe need for proLocoís, Lhe
príncípíes and pracLíces of 2-0 (e.g. 0SM) and 3-0 (e.g. w0DMA) sysLems. Specífc Lopícs íncíude Lhe
ceííuíar concepL, radío wave propagaLíon and dígíLaí Lransmíssíon ín ceííuíar sysLems, Lhe 0SM sysLem,
basíc príncípíes of DS/0DMA, PN codes and waísh sequences, correíaLor desígn, Lhe Rake receíver and Lhe
w0DMA sysLem.
DigitaI 5ignaI
Processing for
InLroduces Lhe LheoreLícaí Looís of dígíLaí sígnaí processíng (DSP) and shows Lhe appíícaLíon of DSP ín
modern communícaLíon sysLems. The moduíe wííí heíp you undersLand Lhe reaíísaLíon íssues and Lrade-
offs ín pracLícaí desígns. Topícs covered wííí íncíude Líme- and frequency-domaín anaíysís for díscreLe-
Líme sysLems, random processes and sLaLísLícaí sígnaí processíng, appíícaLíons íncíudíng speech codíng,
communícaLíons channeí esLímaLíon, equaíísaLíon, adapLíve sígnaí processíng and channeí modeíííng.
D5P Hardware
Deveíops an undersLandíng of Lhe fundamenLaí príncípíes of how DSP aígoríLhms are ímpíemenLed ín
pracLíce. Provídes an ínsíghL ínLo Lhe operaLíon (and íímíLaLíons) of DSP chíps. 0íves hands-on experíence
of programmíng DSP chíps. Aíso covers Lhe basíc príncípíes Lo desígn and ímpíemenL popuíar DSP
aígoríLhms Laken from dígíLaí fíLeríng, moduíaLíon, maLched fíLeríng, modems, adapLíve fíLeríng, eLc.
FundamentaIs of
0overs Lhe fundamenLaí príncípíes underpínníng communícaLíon sysLems. These íncíude maLhemaLícaí
anaíysís of sysLem behavíour, modeíííng Lhe bíocks ín a communícaLíon sysLem, Lhe Shannon and NyquísL
Lheoríes, modeís for esLímaLíng sysLem bíL error raLe, eíemenLary príncípíes of decísíon/deLecLíon Lheory and
Lheír use ín communícaLíon receívers.
0overs Lhe essenLíaí eíemenLs of modern opLícaí neLworks, Lhe evaíuaLíon of wDM, opLícaí Líme
muíLípíexíng and phoLoníc packeL swíLchíng. Thís moduíe wííí aíso Leach you Lo apprecíaLe case sLudíes and
ímpíemenLaLíon scenaríos and how Lo desígn vírLuaí wDM neLworks, Lo undersLand Lhe evoíuLíon of modern
opLícaí neLworks.
!nternet Pouters and
Provídes a basís for undersLandíng, apprecíaLíng, and performíng pracLícaí research and deveíopmenL
ín neLworkíng wíLh a specíaí emphasís on InLerneL rouLers and swíLches. IL covers Lopícs on Lhe desígn,
anaíysís and performance evaíuaLíon of a wíde range of neLwork archíLecLures, swíLches and InLerneL
rouLers. You wííí íearn Lhe archíLecLuraí evoíuLíon of rouLers and swíLches, anaíyse Lheír performance and
hardware cosL and gaín ínsíghLs Lo Lheír íímíLaLíons.
5ystems Design
Thís moduíe addresses communícaLíon desígn aL many dífferenL íeveís. AL Lhe sysLem íeveí íL covers
mícrowave sysLems, sysLem modeíííng, sub-sysLem characLerísaLíon and Lhe deíívery of compíeLe
communícaLíons sysLems ín Lhe reaí woríd. The propagaLíon íeveí covers sysLem noíse-fgure anaíysís,
íínk budgeLs and radío propagaLíon anaíysís as a sysLem píanníng Looí. AL Lhe círcuíL íeveí íL íncíudes,
RF subsysLems, dírecL and heLerodyne conversíon, RF ínLegraLed círcuíLs, Lhe ímpacL of RF/mícrowave
componenL desígn on wíreíess communícaLíon sysLem performance, moduíaLíon formaLs and Lheír ímpacL
on círcuíL desígn, and dísLorLíon and specLraí re-growLh.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes and wííí underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
For exampíes of recenL research pro|ecLs vísíL our websíLe
M5c 0omputationaI FIuid Dynamics
0omputationaI FIuid Dynamics (0FD) has the potentiaI and
hexibiIity to modeI a diverse spectrum of engineering and physicaI
probIems. The goaIs of 0FD are to be abIe to accurateIy predict
huid how, heat transfer and chemicaI reactions in compIex
systems, which invoIve one or aII of these phenomena.
0FD has deveíoped aL an íncredíbíe raLe over Lhe pasL decades
and ís now beíng appííed Lo índusLríaí appíícaLíons ín areas
rangíng from aír fow over a wínd Lurbíne bíade, Lo space shuLLíe
aerodynamícs, from combusLíon ín a |eL engíne Lo fow and
consumpLíon of hydrogen ín a fueí ceíí, from opLímísíng a bíomass
furnace Lo modeíííng bíogas producLíon from wasLewaLer píanLs,
from modeíííng underwaLer íandsíídes Lo modeíííng Lhe spread of
aírborne ínfecLíons around a hospíLaí ward.
PresenLíy 0FD ís beíng íncreasíngíy empíoyed by many índusLríes
eíLher Lo reduce manufacLuríng desígn cycíes or Lo províde an
ínsíghL ínLo exísLíng Lechnoíogíes so LhaL Lhey may be anaíysed and
Thís course provídes Lhe hígh íeveí of Lraíníng requíred for you Lo
be abíe Lo províde Lhe 0FD skííís, experíence and undersLandíng
requíred by índusLry. TaughL moduíes are ínLegraLed wíLh íaboraLory
and compuLaLíonaí work.
You wííí be based ín Lhe 0enLre for 0ompuLaLíonaí Fíuíd Dynamícs
whích has one of Lhe íargesL 0FD acLíve posLgraduaLe cenLres ín
Europe. The cenLre has broad experLíse ín 0FD research, beíng
a íeader ín Lhe deveíopmenL of ín-house 0FD codes and ín Lhe
appíícaLíon of a wíde range of commercíaí 0FD sofLware.
As Lhe 0enLre for 0FD has sLrong íínks wíLh Ansys who províde
Lwo of Lhe íeadíng commercíaí 0FD sofLware packages (FíuenL
and 0FX), you wííí receíve cerLífed Lraíníng from Lheír seníor
deveíopmenL engíneers as parL of Lhe course.
Who wiII beneht!
º Those wíshíng Lo expand, deveíop or updaLe Lheír specíaíísL
knowíedge ín compuLaLíonaí fuíd dynamícs
º graduaLes from engíneeríng or scíence díscípíínes who have
no príor knowíedge of 0FD buL wouíd ííke Lo converL Lo a
specíaíísaLíon ín 0FD
º professíonaí engíneers aíready workíng wíLh 0FD who wísh Lo
deepen Lheír knowíedge and experLíse, enabííng fuLure career
enhancemenL and deveíopmenL.
TypicaI careers
You wííí be ín an ídeaí posíLíon Lo Lake advanLage of a fexíbíe
engíneeríng |ob markeL, as weíí as beíng seen as a sLrong
candídaLe by empíoyers for a wíde range of índusLríes íncíudíng
consLrucLíon, power generaLíon, Lhe envíronmenLaí secLor as weíí
as oLher engíneeríng díscípíínes.
You may choose Lo go on Lo sLudy Lowards a PhD underLakíng
research ín areas such as combusLíon, renewabíe and aíLernaLíve
energy, medícaí engíneeríng, envíronmenLaí buíídíng desígn,
envíronmenLaí research as weíí as a wíde varíeLy of oLher
engíneeríng pro|ecLs.
Entry requirements
A mínímum of a UK second cíass (2.2) honours degree or
equívaíenL, ín an engíneeríng, physícaí scíence or maLhemaLícs
díscípííne. No prevíous knowíedge of 0FD ís requíred.
ModuIes 0ontents
Advanced 0ommerciaI
You wííí gaín experíence and experLíse ín usíng a range of Lhe sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL 0FD codes and assocíaLed
meshíng, posL processíng and vísuaíísaLíon Looís LhaL are currenLíy índusLry sLandard (íncíudíng Ansys
FíuenL, 0FX, 0omsoí, 0FD Ace, 0ambíL, Desígn Modeííer, TecpíoL). You wííí íearn how Lo creaLe hígh-quaííLy
meshes and gaín an undersLandíng of Lhe ímpíícaLíons of usíng a range of dífferenL meshíng sLraLegíes and
0FD soívers.
Finite Differences and
0ontroI VoIume
The moduíe ínLroduces sLudenLs Lo wríLíng down fníLe-dífference equaLíons whích are consísLenL wíLh Lhe
governíng equaLíons and expíores Lechníques LhaL wííí aííow you Lo LesL Lhem for sLabíííLy and convergence.
You wííí deveíop a sound knowíedge of Lhe conLroí voíume meLhods for Lhe numerícaí símuíaLíon of
íncompressíbíe fuíd fow.
Finite EIements and
Boundary EIements
0overs Lhe essenLíaí maLhemaLícaí formuíaLíon of Lhe BEM wíLh emphasís on expíaíníng Lhe numerícaí
meLhod for eííípLíc (sLeady-sLaLe) and paraboííc (unsLeady-sLaLe) equaLíons. wíLhín Lhe FíníLe EíemenL
aspecL of Lhe moduíe you wííí ínvesLígaLe íLs ímpíemenLaLíon for basíc 0FD probíems and deveíop a broad
overvíew of how Lhe FEM ís used ín sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL 0FD sofLware.
!ncompressibIe FIow Deíívers Lhe fundamenLaís for fuíd fow modeíííng. Thís íncíudes Lagrangían and Euíerían coordínaLe
sysLems, soívíng símpíe kínemaLíc probíems Lo esLabíísh parLícíe paLhs and sLreamíínes, deveíopíng an
undersLandíng of Lhe 0onLínuíLy EquaLíon and Lhe ínLroducLíon of Lhe sLream funcLíon from a physícaí
aspecL. You wííí íearn how Lo esLabíísh Euíer`s EquaLíon and when íL can be ínLegraLed up Lo produce
Bernouííí`s EquaLíon (energy equaLíon). You wííí gaín a críLícaí awareness of LradíLíonaí Lechníques whích are
capabíe of vaíídaLíng compuLaLíonaí modeís of fow, LemperaLure and concenLraLíon feíds.
Peaction Fronts and
Provídes an undersLandíng of Lhe naLure of fames and Lhe physícaí mechanísms governíng reacLíve fows.
The emphasís ís on modeíííng and ís aímed aL makíng you profcíenL ín recognísíng and usíng Lhe basíc
fuíd dynamícs conservaLíon íaws of conLínuíLy, momenLum, energy and specíes. You wííí be ínLroduced Lo
F0RTRAN ín order for you Lo deveíop your own codes.
0ompuLaLíonaí meLhods and Lhe ímporLance of reííabíííLy, effcíency and accuracy. Príncípíes of paraííeí
programmíng on dísLríbuLed memory archíLecLures and Lhe appíícaLíon Lo scíenLífc compuLíng probíems.
TurbuIent and Two
phase FIow
Thís moduíe covers Lwo críLícaí areas of 0FD.
MuItiphase how Provídes an overvíew of varíous Lechníques for anaíysíng muíLíphase fows, and
demonsLraLes how Lhey can be appííed Lo a varíeLy of pracLícaí probíems.
TurbuIence An ínLroducLíon Lo fuíd ínsLabíííLy, Lurbuíence phenomena and Lurbuíence modeíííng
Lechníques, and Lheír appíícaLíon Lo Lurbuíence símuíaLíons. As parL of Lhís you wííí gaín experíence and
undersLandíng of RANS (Reynoíds Averaged Navíer-SLokes) modeís, íncíudíng eddy víscosíLy modeís and
Reynoíds sLress modeís, DNS (DírecL Numerícaí SímuíaLíon), and LES (Large Eddy SímuíaLíon).
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes and wííí underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º EvaíuaLíng effcíencíes for concenLraLed soíar Lhermaí píanLs
modeíííng of reacLíng fuíd fow and heaL Lransfer ín fueí ceíís
º 0ompuLaLíonaí Fíuíd Dynamícs modeíííng for dísLríbuLed mícro-
power generaLíon (verLícaí wínd Lurbínes)
º 0FD modeíííng of Lhe near feíd behavíour of LurbuíenL íazy
º 0pLímísíng Lhe producLíon of bíogas ín anaerobíc dígesLer usíng
º 0FD modeíííng of Lhe 0oanda effecL when venLííaLíng Lhe íungs
duríng an operaLíon
M5c DigitaI 0ommunications Networks
Pesponding to the increasing deveIopment of networks and mobiIe
!nternet appIications. The communications sector has dramaticaIIy
changed in just the Iast 5 years with a true information revoIution
made possibIe by the mobiIe internet, smart phones and
associated appIications such as sociaI media, commerce and
digitaI media..
Thís new masLers course ín DígíLaí 0ommunícaLíons NeLworks
ís respondíng Lo Lhe íncreasíng deveíopmenL of neLworks and
mobííe InLerneL appíícaLíons, raLher Lhan LradíLíonaí physícaí
íayer (hardware desígn) focus. SLudenLs wííí sLudy LradíLíonaí
communícaLíons Lheory buL wííí aíso Lake moduíes deaííng wíLh
neLwork securíLy and Lhe proLocoís for hígh-speed swíLches and
rouLers. The íncíusíon of a DígíLaí Medía LaboraLory/íPhone Apps ís
aíso an exLremeíy markeLabíe feaLure of Lhís course. Thís moduíe
wííí gíve Lhe sLudenL hands-on experíence for mobííe InLerneL
Lechnoíogy LhaL can be found and appííed ín compuLers, ceííuíar
phones, MP3 píayers, eLc.
0Lher moduíes wííí LargeL new deveíopmenLs ín daLa-cenLríc
neLworkíng and Lhe growíng Lrend ín cíoud compuLíng and onííne
servíces, for exampíe web-search, vídeo conLenL hosLíng and
dísLríbuLíon, socíaí neLworkíng and íarge-scaíe compuLaLíons. Thís
ensures LhaL sLudenLs wííí graduaLe wíLh boLh specíaíísL ín-depLh
knowíedge buL aíso wíLh a broad range of skííís and appíícaLíons
LhaL wííí be ín demand over a wíde range of díscípíínes - from Lhe
LradíLíonaí communícaLíons índusLríes Lo bankíng, fnance and
we are currenLíy seekíng accredíLaLíon for Lhís course from Lhe
InsLíLuLíon of Engíneeríng and Technoíogy (IET). \ísíL our vírLuaí
experíence websíLe Lo meeL some of our academíc sLaff and
Who wiII beneht!
º 0raduaLes seekíng Lo enhance Lheír empíoyabíííLy wíLhín Lhe
dígíLaí communícaLíons índusLry
º pracLísíng engíneers wíshíng Lo íearn abouL recenL deveíopmenLs
ín wíMax and broadband communícaLíons.
TypicaI careers
0areer prospecLs are exceííenL. There ís a wíde range of career
opporLuníLíes ín aíí aspecLs of Lhe communícaLíons índusLry and
Lhe skííís íearned here wííí aíso be generíc Lo aííow empíoymenL
ín oLher secLors such as fnance, bankíng, generaí manufacLuríng,
eLc.. Some graduaLes aíso choose Lhe paLh of academíc research
and Lherefore subsequenLíy underLake a PhD.
Entry requirements
A mínímum UK upper second cíass (2.T) honours degree or
equívaíenL ín appropríaLe numeraLe díscípíínes usuaííy eíecLroníc
engíneeríng, buL oLhers may be consídered. In some specíaí cases,
íf píaces are sLííí avaííabíe, appíícanLs wíLh a good íower second
cíass (2.2) honours degree and who have reíevanL experíence may
aíso be consídered and so shouíd noL be deLerred from appíyíng.
ModuIes 0ontents
Data 0ommunications
and 5ensor Networks
Provídes a knowíedge and undersLandíng of daLa communícaLíons and wíreíess sensor neLworks and how
Lhey are, and couíd be, used ín a range of appíícaLíons.
DigitaI Media
Thís moduíe provídes ín-depLh coverage of íssues reíaLíng Lo Lhe recordíng, Lransmíssíon, sLorage and
repíayíng of muíLímedía conLenL. The syííabus íncíudes. DRM formaLs and Lheír ímpacL for revenue
generaLíon wíLhín Lhe feíd of conLenL dísLríbuLíon, properLy ríghLs and íícensíng proLecLíon, dífferenLíaLe
suppíy chaín servíces for pushíng dígíLaí conLenL wíLhín vídeo, musíc and gamíng índusLríes, quanLífy
sLorage requíremenLs, scaííng sLraLegíes and conLroí meLhodoíogíes for dígíLaí producLíon managemenL. You
wííí íearn how modern sysLem-on-chíp Lechnoíogy ís empíoyed for Lhe processíng of dígíLaí sígnaís and how
conLenL ís broadcasL or dísLríbuLed secureíy usíng broadband and wíreíess neLworks.
!nternet Pouters and
Provídes a basís for undersLandíng, apprecíaLíng, and performíng pracLícaí research and deveíopmenL
ín neLworkíng wíLh a specíaí emphasís on InLerneL rouLers and swíLches. IL covers Lopícs on Lhe desígn,
anaíysís and performance evaíuaLíon of a wíde range of neLwork archíLecLures, swíLches and InLerneL
rouLers. You wííí íearn Lhe archíLecLuraí evoíuLíon of rouLers and swíLches, anaíyse Lheír performance and
hardware cosL and gaín ínsíghLs Lo Lheír íímíLaLíons.
EIectronics !ndustry
Thís moduíe deveíops a deLaííed undersLandíng of Lhe gíobaí eíecLronícs índusLry. The Lopíc of Lhe
dísserLaLíon ís Lo be agreed wíLh Lhe Moduíe Leader, wíLh exampíes beíng an essay on a parLícuíar aspecL of
Lhe eíecLronícs índusLry, a proposaí for research fundíng, a busíness pían, or a manufacLuríng/ouLsourcíng
0overs Lhe essenLíaí eíemenLs of modern opLícaí neLworks, Lhe evaíuaLíon of wDM, opLícaí Líme
muíLípíexíng and phoLoníc packeL swíLchíng. Thís moduíe wííí aíso Leach you Lo apprecíaLe case sLudíes and
ímpíemenLaLíon scenaríos and how Lo desígn vírLuaí wDM neLworks, Lo undersLand Lhe evoíuLíon of modern
opLícaí neLworks.
0eIIuIar MobiIe
Focuses on Lhe underíyíng príncípíes of ceííuíar mobííe radío for voíce, daLa and vídeo, Lhe íímíLaLíons
and possíbíííLíes of mobííe communícaLíons, sígnaí processíng requíremenLs, Lhe need for proLocoís, Lhe
príncípíes and pracLíces of 2-0 (e.g. 0SM) and 3-0 (e.g. w0DMA) sysLems. Specífc Lopícs íncíude Lhe
ceííuíar concepL, radío wave propagaLíon and dígíLaí Lransmíssíon ín ceííuíar sysLems, Lhe 0SM sysLem,
basíc príncípíes of DS/0DMA, PN codes and waísh sequences, correíaLor desígn, Lhe Rake receíver and Lhe
w0DMA sysLem.
MobiIe AppIications
Thís moduíe provídes sLudenLs wíLh pracLícaí experíence of sofLware deveíopmenL on mobííe píaLforms for
ínLerfacíng wíLh communícaLíons neLworks. The moduíe wííí focus on one desígn envíronmenL and operaLíng
sysLem buL sLudenLs wííí íearn generaí príncípíes so LhaL Lhey are abíe Lo appíy Lheír íearníng Lo oLher Lypes.
Network 5ecurity Thís moduíe wííí cover Lhe fundamenLaí concepLs, archíLecLures, and proLocoís reíaLed Lo neLwork securíLy.
Thís moduíe wííí heíp you undersLand Lhe ma|or securíLy íssues ín Loday`s communícaLíon neLworks, Lhe
fundamenLaí príncípíes of crypLography, symmeLríc versus asymmeLríc crypLosysLems, securíLy íssues
on varíous íayers of communícaLíon neLwork, sLandard Lechníques ín daLa encrypLíon and message
auLhenLícaLíon, Lhe use maLhemaLícaí Lechníques, such as hash funcLíon, ín crypLography Lo desígn/anaíyse
securíLy appíícaLíons and how Lo ímpíemenL dífferenL securíLy proLocoís on reíevanL sofLware píaLforms.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes and wííí underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
For exampíes of recenL research pro|ecLs vísíL our websíLe
M5c EIectricaI Engineering and PenewabIe Energy 5ystems
PenewabIe energy and reduction of carbon emissions are top of
the gIobaI agenda. This course addresses the fundamentaIs of
renewabIe energy and how soIar, wind, wave and other such energy
sources can be efhcientIy integrated into practicaI power systems.
This is an advanced course in the area of eIectricaI engineering
appIied to renewabIe energy systems. !t is distinctive in that it
provides a strong core of power eIectronic converters, machines
and controI backed up with moduIes on power generation and
eIectronic conversion with renewabIe energy sources.
The course offers a uníque seL of moduíes ín Lhe effcíenL
generaLíon and use of eíecLrícíLy from soíar, wínd and wave
power. The ínLegraLíon of renewabíe generaLors ínLo mícro gríds,
wíLh sLabíííLy anaíysís and acLíve power managemenL, ís aíso
covered. The desígn of power eíecLronícs ís LreaLed ín depLh,
íncíudíng convenLíonaí and emergíng converLer Lopoíogíes and
semíconducLor power devíces.
You wííí underLake subsLanLíaí eíemenLs of pracLícaí work gívíng
you confdence wíLh hardware ímpíemenLaLíons usíng eíecLríc
dríves, mícroconLroííer conLroí and eíecLroníc conversíon círcuíLs.
Pro|ecL work ís híghíy rewardíng and conducLed ín a research-íed
envíronmenL, wíLh seíecLed sLudenLs havíng Lhe opporLuníLy Lo
carry ouL an índusLríaí píacemenL for Lheír pro|ecL. Thís course ís
accredíLed by Lhe InsLíLuLíon of Engíneeríng and Technoíogy (IET).
\ísíL our vírLuaí experíence websíLe Lo meeL some of our academíc
sLaff and sLudenLs.
Who wiII beneht!
º 0raduaLes wíshíng Lo deveíop a career ín eíecLrícaí engíneeríng
appííed Lo renewabíe energy sysLems
º pracLísíng engíneers who wísh Lo sLudy Lhe íaLesL Lechníques ín
Lhe engíneeríng of renewabíe energy sysLems and effcíenL power
converLers, machínes and conLroí sysLems.
TypicaI careers
Renewabíe energy and effcíenL power conversíon sysLems are
of ímmense ímporLance worídwíde and graduaLes of Lhís course
can expecL Lo fnd |obs ín a wíde varíeLy of índusLríes íncíudíng
Lhe eíecLronícs, auLomoLíve, LransporL, consLrucLíon, índusLríaí
auLomaLíon, energy, oíí and envíronmenLaí secLors.
0raduaLes of Lhís course wííí be weíí píaced Lo deveíop pracLícaí
soíuLíons Lo Lhe probíem of ínLegraLíng renewabíe energy sysLems
ínLo esLabííshed eíecLrícíLy dísLríbuLíon neLworks. They shouíd be
abíe Lo conLríbuLe Lo sLraLegíc píanníng, sysLems ímpíemenLaLíon
and operaLíon of susLaínabíe power generaLíon sysLems.
Entry requirements
A mínímum UK upper second cíass (2.T) honours degree or
equívaíenL ín appropríaLe numeraLe díscípíínes usuaííy eíecLroníc
engíneeríng, buL oLhers may be consídered. In some specíaí cases,
íf píaces are sLííí avaííabíe, appíícanLs wíLh a good íower second
cíass (2.2) honours degree and who have reíevanL experíence may
aíso be consídered and so shouíd noL be deLerred from appíyíng.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
For exampíes of recenL research pro|ecLs vísíL our websíLe
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes píus Lwo of Lhe opLíonaí moduíes. You wííí aíso underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
DptionaI moduIes
Advanced Energy
Thís moduíe descríbes Lhe fuíí range of eíecLrícíLy generaLíon Lechníques íncíudíng Lhe príncípíes of coaí, oíí
and nucíear power sLaLíons. IL covers fuídísed bed combusLíon and combíned cycíes for power generaLíon
LhaL are LaughL íncíude fssíon reacLor Lheory, neuLron díffusíon and moderaLíon, reacLor heaL Lransfer,
reacLor dynamícs and reacLor safeLy. An ínLroducLíon Lo Lídaí and wave power sysLems ís gíven, íncíudíng
prospecLs for íncreased use of renewabíe sources.
0Iimate 0hange:
!mpacts and
0íves an overvíew of cíímaLe change ímpacL assessmenL and predícLíons, and key concerns and sLraLegíes
of adapLaLíon Lo cíímaLe change.
0Iimate 0hange
0uLíínes Lhe reíaLíve sígnífcance of maín sources of greenhouse gases and Lhe poLenLíaí, Lechnoíogíes and
sLraLegíes for reducíng Lhem.
0Iimate 0hange:
PhysicaI 5cience
InLroduces Lhe sLudenLs Lo Lhe physícaí scíence base on cíímaLe change. Incíudes sessíons on Lhe gíobaí
cíímaLe sysLem, carbon cycíe, radíaLíve forcíng, pasL cíímaLes, cíímaLe modeíííng, cíímaLe predícLíons, and
Lhe handííng of uncerLaínLy ín cíímaLe change research.
Power EIectronics and
0overs FET, I0BT and M0SFET swíLches. characLerísLícs, íímíLaLíons, feíds of use, swíLchíng íoss and
Lhermaí behavíour. SwíLched-mode power suppííes wíLh Lransformer ínsuíaLíon, forward and fyback
converLers. Dynamícs of índucLíon moLor dríves, ad|usLabíe frequency índucLíon moLor dríves, brushíess d.c.
moLor, sLeppíng moLor and swíLched-reíucLance moLor dríve sysLems are aíso covered.
5ustainabIe Energy
Thís moduíe begíns wíLh Lhe basícs of renewabíe energy processes and progresses Lo deLaííed Lheory
and currenL deveíopmenLs of Lhe maín resources. You wííí deveíop a sound knowíedge of Lhe underíyíng
príncípíes of Lhe maín renewabíe energy Lechnoíogíes and ín Lhe producLíon of bíofueís and susLaínabíe
hydrogen and you wííí íearn abouL Lhe drívers of susLaínabíe energy and Lhe envíronmenLaí íssues
assocíaLed wíLh Lhís.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
ModuIes 0ontents
0ontroI 5ystems
Thís moduíe covers Lhe anaíysís and desígn of conLroí sysLems. Knowíedge and undersLandíng of íínear
sysLems ís deveíoped Lo enabíe anaíysís of conLroí sysLems usíng anaíyLícaí Lechníques and compuLer Looís.
EIectric Drives Descríbes eíecLrícaí machínes and Lhe fundamenLaí príncípíes of Lheír conLroí Lo enabíe you Lo engíneer
compíeLe dríve sysLems for conLroí of Lorque and speed. 0íassícaí machínes LhaL are covered íncíude Lhe
Lhree-phase índucLíon machíne ín generaLíng and brakíng modes, wíLh varíabíe frequency and varíabíe-
voíLage meLhods for speed conLroí.
EIectric Power
Seneration by
PenewabIe 5ources
Thís moduíe provídes you wíLh a knowíedge and undersLandíng of power generaLíon Lechnoíogy from
renewabíe sources, parLícuíaríy wínd and soíar power. IL descríbes how renewabíe energy sources can
be empíoyed and how Lhey are ínLegraLed ínLo eíecLrícíLy sysLems. IL covers Lhe conLroí and managemenL
of phoLovoíLaíc and wínd power generaLíon sysLems comprísíng power converLers and energy sLorage
componenLs. You wííí íearn abouL Lhe conLroí of mícro-gríd, íncíudíng acLíve and reacLíve power conLroí and
harmoníc eíímínaLíon. The moduíe ís supporLed by pracLícaí exampíes and case sLudíes.
An ínLroducLíon Lo how smaíí renewabíe sourced powered generaLors can be ínLegraLed ínLo Lhe gríd. Issues
reíaLíng Lo Lhe ínLerconnecLíon of renewabíe sources and conLroí and proLecLíon meLhods wííí be expíored.
Micro-grid Laboratory Thís moduíe offers an opporLuníLy Lo consoíídaLe your undersLandíng of gríd-connecLed renewabíe energy
generaLíon sysLems, and Lo deveíop your skííís ín modeíííng, desígníng and conLroíííng such sysLems. Topícs
covered wííí compíemenL Lhe maLeríaís sLudíed ín EíecLríc Power 0eneraLíon by Renewabíe Sources and
0ríd-0onnecLed MícrogeneraLíon.
Mini Projects and
Desígned Lo províde experíence of pracLícaí eíecLronícs and measuremenL Lechníques. ParLícuíaríy suíLabíe
for sLudenLs wíLhouL an eíecLroníc engíneeríng bacheíor`s degree. LaboraLory work covers measuremenL
and sampííng Lechníques, RF and mícrowave neLwork anaíysers, anLenna measuremenLs and embedded
sysLems. You wííí choose Lwo míní pro|ecLs from a range íncíudíng RF ampíífer desígn and LesL, an ínfra-
red daLa íínk, an embedded sysLem and acousLíc measuremenLs ín a weíí-equípped sound sLudío.
M5c EIectronic and EIectricaI Engineering
0ommerciaI products today combine many technoIogies, and
industry is increasingIy interdiscipIinary. As a resuIt there is a
demand from empIoyers for engineers with a broad knowIedge but
aIso with a deep understanding of severaI subjects. This course
meets this demand and has been deveIoped to provide engineers
with an interdiscipIinary knowIedge base in modern eIectronics,
incIuding power, communications, controI and embedded
Thís course ís desígned Lo gíve engíneers a broad grasp of a range
of ínLer-íockíng díscípíínes. IL wííí appeaí Lo peopíe wíLh a wíde
range of ínLeresLs ín eíecLronícs and communícaLíons, peopíe
who are generaíísLs as weíí as specíaíísLs. IL wííí suíL Lhose who
are ínLeresLed ín modern communícaLíons Lechníques, radío
propagaLíon, ceííuíar mobííe sysLems, conLroí sysLems, power and
dríves, and modern sysLem-on-a-chíp Lechnoíogy. Thís course
aíso has an assocíaLed íaboraLory moduíe wíLh a wíde range of
reíevanL and íííusLraLíve experímenLs. Thís course ís accredíLed
by Lhe InsLíLuLíon of Engíneeríng and Technoíogy (IET). \ísíL our
vírLuaí experíence websíLe Lo meeL some of our academíc sLaff and
Who wiII beneht!
º 0raduaLes wíshíng Lo converL Lo deveíop a career ín eíecLroníc
and eíecLrícaí engíneeríng
º pracLísíng engíneers who wísh Lo deveíop a depLh of knowíedge
across a broad cross-díscípíínary range of eíecLronícs.
TypicaI careers
0raduaLes of Lhís course can expecL Lo fnd |obs where índusLry
needs a breadLh of knowíedge maLched by a depLh ín cerLaín
areas. Such peopíe wííí be weíí equípped Lo ínLegraLe and co-
ordínaLe Lhe sLands of a cross-díscípíínary pro|ecL and manage Lhe
ínLerfaces beLween specíaííLíes.
Such engíneers wouíd expecL Lo progress Lo pro|ecL managemenL
ín companíes workíng aL Lhe cuLLíng edge of modern muíLí-faceLed
Entry requirements
A mínímum UK upper second cíass (2.T) honours degree or
equívaíenL ín appropríaLe numeraLe díscípíínes usuaííy eíecLroníc
engíneeríng, buL oLhers may be consídered. In some specíaí cases,
íf píaces are sLííí avaííabíe, appíícanLs wíLh a good íower second
cíass (2.2) honours degree and who have reíevanL experíence may
aíso be consídered and so shouíd noL be deLerred from appíyíng.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
For exampíes of recenL research pro|ecLs vísíL our websíLe
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes píus síx of Lhe opLíonaí moduíes (you musL choose Lwo from Lhe frsL íísL and four from Lhe second íísL of
opLíonaí moduíes). You wííí aíso underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
ModuIes 0ontents
EIectronics !ndustry
Thís moduíe deveíops a deLaííed undersLandíng of Lhe gíobaí eíecLronícs índusLry. The Lopíc of Lhe dísserLaLíon
ís Lo be agreed wíLh Lhe Moduíe Leader, wíLh exampíes beíng an essay on a parLícuíar aspecL of Lhe
eíecLronícs índusLry, a proposaí for research fundíng, a busíness pían, or a manufacLuríng/ouLsourcíng pían.
Mini Projects and
0overs a range of círcuíLs, sysLems and íaboraLory equípmenL.
DptionaI ModuIes (1)
DptionaI ModuIes (2)
Antennas and Padio
Wave Propagation
0overs Lhe facLors governíng Lhe desígn and operaLíon of modern wíreíess communícaLíon sysLems. These íncíude
fundamenLaís of anLenna Lheory and propagaLíon, radíaLíon paLLerns of anLennas (íncíudíng boLh wíre and aperLure
anLennas), propagaLíon mechanísms (íncíudíng Lhe effecLs of cíímaLe on Lhem), íínk budgeLs and anLenna arrays.
DíversíLy, díffracLíon, fadíng, beamformíng and Lopícs specífc Lo saLeíííLe and ceííuíar sysLems are aíso covered.
DigitaI Design for
InLroduces Lhe basíc desígn príncípíes of dígíLaí sígnaí processíng sysLems usíng \LSI Lechnoíogíes. wíLh
sííícon feaLure síze beíow T00nm and densíLíes reachíng T bííííon LransísLors per chíp, many compíex sysLems
can now be ímpíemenLed on a síngíe chíp. Usíng AíLera 0uarLus, ModeíSím and MenLor 0raphícs EDA desígn
Looís, sLudenLs íearn Lhe academíc foundaLíons of compíex sysLem desígn Lhrough pracLícaí assígnmenLs.
D5P Hardware
Deveíops an undersLandíng of Lhe fundamenLaí príncípíes of how DSP aígoríLhms are ímpíemenLed ín
pracLíce. Provídes an ínsíghL InLo Lhe operaLíon (and íímíLaLíons) of DSP chíps. 0íves hands-on experíence
of programmíng DSP chíps. Aíso covers Lhe basíc príncípíes Lo desígn and ímpíemenL popuíar DSP
aígoríLhms Laken from dígíLaí fíLeríng, moduíaLíon, maLched fíLeríng, modems, adapLíve fíLeríng, eLc.
Embedded 5ystems
Thís moduíe ínLroduces sLudenLs Lo conLemporary hardware and sofLware deveíopmenL Looís for mobííe and
embedded devíces.
MedicaI EIectronics
and E-HeaIth
Provídes a knowíedge and undersLandíng of how eíecLronícs and communícaLíons Lechnoíogy ís, and couíd
be, used ín medícaí appíícaLíons and heaíLhcare.
Power EIectronics and
0overs FET, I0BT and M0SFET swíLches. characLerísLícs, íímíLaLíons, feíds of use, swíLchíng íoss and
Lhermaí behavíour. SwíLched-mode power suppííes wíLh Lransformer ínsuíaLíon, forward and fyback
converLers. Dynamícs of índucLíon moLor dríves, ad|usLabíe frequency índucLíon moLor dríves, brushíess d.c.
moLor, sLeppíng moLor and swíLched-reíucLance moLor dríve sysLems are aíso covered.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
0ontroI 5ystems
Thís moduíe covers Lhe anaíysís and desígn of conLroí sysLems. Knowíedge and undersLandíng of íínear
sysLems ís deveíoped Lo enabíe anaíysís of conLroí sysLems usíng anaíyLícaí Lechníques and compuLer Looís.
Data 0ommunications
and 5ensor Networks
Provídes a knowíedge and undersLandíng of daLa communícaLíons and wíreíess sensor neLworks and how
Lhey are, and couíd be, used ín a range of appíícaLíons.
DigitaI Media
Thís moduíe provídes ín-depLh coverage of íssues reíaLíng Lo Lhe recordíng, Lransmíssíon, sLorage and
repíayíng of muíLímedía conLenL. The syííabus íncíudes. DRM formaLs and Lheír ímpacL for revenue
generaLíon wíLhín Lhe feíd of conLenL dísLríbuLíon, properLy ríghLs and íícensíng proLecLíon, dífferenLíaLe
suppíy chaín servíces for pushíng dígíLaí conLenL wíLhín vídeo, musíc and gamíng índusLríes, quanLífy
sLorage requíremenLs, scaííng sLraLegíes and conLroí meLhodoíogíes for dígíLaí producLíon managemenL. You
wííí íearn how modern sysLem-on-chíp Lechnoíogy ís empíoyed for Lhe processíng of dígíLaí sígnaís and how
conLenL ís broadcasL or dísLríbuLed secureíy usíng broadband and wíreíess neLworks.
EIectric Power
Seneration by
PenewabIe 5ources
Thís moduíe provídes you wíLh a knowíedge and undersLandíng of power generaLíon Lechnoíogy from
renewabíe sources, parLícuíaríy wínd and soíar power. IL descríbes how renewabíe energy sources can
be empíoyed and how Lhey are ínLegraLed ínLo eíecLrícíLy sysLems. IL covers Lhe conLroí and managemenL
of phoLovoíLaíc and wínd power generaLíon sysLems comprísíng power converLers and energy sLorage
componenLs. You wííí íearn abouL Lhe conLroí of mícro-gríd, íncíudíng acLíve and reacLíve power conLroí and
harmoníc eíímínaLíon. The moduíe ís supporLed by pracLícaí exampíes and case sLudíes.
5ystems Design
Thís moduíe addresses communícaLíon desígn aL many dífferenL íeveís. AL Lhe sysLem íeveí íL covers
mícrowave sysLems, sysLem modeíííng, sub-sysLem characLerísaLíon and Lhe deíívery of compíeLe
communícaLíons sysLems ín Lhe reaí woríd. The propagaLíon íeveí covers sysLem noíse-fgure anaíysís,
íínk budgeLs and radío propagaLíon anaíysís as a sysLem píanníng Looí. AL Lhe círcuíL íeveí íL íncíudes,
RF subsysLems, dírecL and heLerodyne conversíon, RF ínLegraLed círcuíLs, Lhe ímpacL of RF/mícrowave
componenL desígn on wíreíess communícaLíon sysLem performance, moduíaLíon formaLs and Lheír ímpacL
on círcuíL desígn, and dísLorLíon and specLraí re-growLh.
M5c Embedded 5ystems Engineering
The huge growth of processing power, now avaiIabIe in smaII power
efhcient packages has fueIIed the digitaI revoIution. AII sectors of
the economy have been touched by the digitaI revoIution.
From Lhe consumer eíecLronícs índusLry we have seen MP3
píayers, PDA devíces, HDT\ and games consoíes. The car índusLry
has seen Lremendous deveíopmenLs ín adapLíve conLroí, engíne
managemenL and 0PS. Advances ín Personaí 0ommunícaLíons
have gíven ríse Lo wíFí and 0SM neLworks. Medícaí and Process
IndusLríes now have sensíng and ímagíng Lechnoíogíes LhaL can
vísuaííse Lhree dímensíonaííy ín reaí-Líme. Bankíng and commerce
requíre secure onííne LransacLíons whích are oníy possíbíe Lhrough
encrypLíon aígoríLhms encoded wíLhín embedded sysLems.
The growLh of Looís and Lechníques wíLhín Lhís secLor has íed Lo
a sígnífcanL skííís shorLage, parLícuíaríy for Lhose Lraíned aL Lhe
híghesL íeveí.
Thís ís a pracLícaííy-oríenLaLed and advanced course ín Lhe
area of eíecLronícs desígn and appíícaLíons. IL ís dísLíncLíve ín
LhaL íL provídes a sLrong dígíLaí Lechnoíogy core backed up wíLh
appíícaLíons-íed moduíes. Exampíes of Lhese appíícaLíons íncíude
medícaí and eíecLronícs, e-heaíLh, ínLeííígenL buíídíng desígn,
auLomoLíve eíecLronícs, reLaíí and commerce.
Thís broad coverage of díverse appíícaLíons cannoL be found ín
any comparabíe courses ín Lhe UK. Thís ís benefcíaí Lo you as íL
prepares you for a range of careers ín índusLry.
AnoLher feaLure of Lhe course ís Lhe subsLanLíaí amounLs of
pracLícaí work, gívíng you Lhe confdence wíLh sofLware and dígíLaí
hardware ímpíemenLaLíons usíng mícroconLroííers, FP0A, DSP
devíces and generaí sysLem-on-chíp Lhe meLhodoíogy.
Thís course ís accredíLed by Lhe InsLíLuLíon of Engíneeríng and
Technoíogy (IET). \ísíL our vírLuaí experíence websíLe Lo meeL
some of our academíc sLaff and sLudenLs.
Who wiII beneht!
º 0raduaLes who have been workíng ín Lhe eíecLronícs índusLry buL
who wísh Lo re-skííí and furLher Lheír career
º recenL graduaLes wíshíng Lo become specíaíísed ín embedded
º graduaLes who wouíd ííke Lo updaLe Lheír quaíífcaLíons
º íecLurers and Leachers ín Lhe feíd of embedded sysLems
TypicaI careers
Embedded sysLems are ubíquíLous ín engíneeríng and graduaLes
are ííkeíy Lo fnd empíoymenL ín a wíde and díverse range of
índusLríes íncíudíng. communícaLíons, auLomoLíve, LransporL,
consLrucLíon, índusLríaí, auLomaLíon, energy and envíronmenLaí
moníLoríng. RecenL graduaLes have found empíoymenL wíLh IBM,
BAE SysLems, Pace Mícro Technoíogy, ARM Inc, and MoLoroía.
Entry requirements
A mínímum UK upper second cíass (2.T) honours degree or
equívaíenL ín appropríaLe numeraLe díscípíínes usuaííy eíecLroníc
engíneeríng, buL oLhers may be consídered. In some specíaí cases,
íf píaces are sLííí avaííabíe, appíícanLs wíLh a good íower second
cíass (2.2) honours degree and who have reíevanL experíence may
aíso be consídered and so shouíd noL be deLerred from appíyíng.
ModuIes 0ontents
Data 0ommunications
and 5ensor Networks
Provídes a knowíedge and undersLandíng of daLa communícaLíons and wíreíess sensor neLworks and how
Lhey are, and couíd be, used ín a range of appíícaLíons.
DigitaI Design for
InLroduces Lhe basíc desígn príncípíes of dígíLaí sígnaí processíng sysLems usíng \LSI Lechnoíogíes. wíLh
sííícon feaLure síze beíow T00nm and densíLíes reachíng T bííííon LransísLors per chíp, many compíex
sysLems can now be ímpíemenLed on a síngíe chíp. Usíng AíLera 0uarLus, ModeíSím and MenLor 0raphícs
EDA desígn Looís, sLudenLs íearn Lhe academíc foundaLíons of compíex sysLem desígn Lhrough pracLícaí
DigitaI Media
Thís moduíe provídes ín-depLh coverage of íssues reíaLíng Lo Lhe recordíng, Lransmíssíon, sLorage and
repíayíng of muíLímedía conLenL. The syííabus íncíudes. DRM formaLs and Lheír ímpacL for revenue
generaLíon wíLhín Lhe feíd of conLenL dísLríbuLíon, properLy ríghLs and íícensíng proLecLíon, dífferenLíaLe
suppíy chaín servíces for pushíng dígíLaí conLenL wíLhín vídeo, musíc and gamíng índusLríes, quanLífy
sLorage requíremenLs, scaííng sLraLegíes and conLroí meLhodoíogíes for dígíLaí producLíon managemenL. You
wííí íearn how modern sysLem-on-chíp Lechnoíogy ís empíoyed for Lhe processíng of dígíLaí sígnaís and how
conLenL ís broadcasL or dísLríbuLed secureíy usíng broadband and wíreíess neLworks.
DigitaI 5ignaI
Processing for
InLroduces Lhe LheoreLícaí Looís of dígíLaí sígnaí processíng (DSP) and shows Lhe appíícaLíon of DSP ín
modern communícaLíon sysLems. The moduíe wííí heíp undersLand Lhe reaíísaLíon íssues and Lrade-offs
ín pracLícaí desígns. Topícs covered wííí íncíude Líme- and frequency-domaín anaíysís for díscreLe-Líme
sysLems, random processes and sLaLísLícaí sígnaí processíng, appíícaLíons íncíudíng speech codíng,
communícaLíons channeí esLímaLíon, equaíísaLíon, adapLíve sígnaí processíng and channeí modeíííng.
D5P Hardware
Deveíops an undersLandíng of Lhe fundamenLaí príncípíes of how DSP aígoríLhms are ímpíemenLed ín
pracLíce. Provídes an ínsíghL ínLo Lhe operaLíon (and íímíLaLíons) of DSP chíps. 0íves hands-on experíence
of programmíng DSP chíps. Aíso covers Lhe basíc príncípíes Lo desígn and ímpíemenL popuíar DSP
aígoríLhms Laken from dígíLaí fíLeríng, moduíaLíon, maLched fíLeríng, modems, adapLíve fíLeríng, eLc.
Embedded 5ystems
Thís moduíe ínLroduces sLudenLs Lo conLemporary hardware and sofLware deveíopmenL Looís for mobííe and
embedded devíces.
MedicaI EIectronics
and E-HeaIth
Provídes a knowíedge and undersLandíng of how eíecLronícs and communícaLíons Lechnoíogy ís, and couíd
be, used ín medícaí appíícaLíons and heaíLhcare.
Mini Projects
Desígned Lo províde experíence of pracLícaí eíecLronícs and measuremenL Lechníques. ParLícuíaríy suíLabíe
for sLudenLs wíLhouL an eíecLroníc engíneeríng bacheíor`s degree. LaboraLory work covers measuremenL
and sampííng Lechníques, RF and mícrowave neLwork anaíysers, anLenna measuremenLs and embedded
sysLems. You wííí choose Lwo míní pro|ecLs from a range íncíudíng RF ampíífer desígn and LesL, an ínfra-
red daLa íínk, an embedded sysLem and acousLíc measuremenLs ín a weíí-equípped sound sLudío.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes and wííí underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
For exampíes of recenL research pro|ecLs vísíL our websíLe
M5c Energy and Environment
We are aII increasingIy aware that our present and future energy
demands, and particuIarIy our over-reIiance on fossiI fueIs,
contribute to gIobaI warming and can destabiIise worId economies.
The impacts of cIimate change are becoming visibIe throughout
the worId, with receding gIaciers, changing weather patterns,
coastIines and ecosystems. The Iinks between cIimate change and
poverty and human heaIth are a signihcant future concern.
0as and oíí príces have recenLíy been very unsLabíe, and whíísL
woríd energy demand carríes on íncreasíng, íL ís ííkeíy LhaL
producLíon wííí peak duríng Lhe nexL decade. Urban popuíaLíons
are aíso conLínuíng Lo grow, bríngíng wíLh Lhem wasLe dísposaí
probíems, Lraffc congesLíon and greaLer power, heaLíng and
refrígeraLíon needs, as weíí as fre and expíosíon hazards.
As a response Lo Lhís we are now seeíng changíng energy poíícíes
worídwíde, geared Lowards encouragíng energy auLonomy by
deveíopíng renewabíe energíes and recycííng íníLíaLíves as weíí as
ímpíemenLíng íow carbon Lechnoíogíes. The UK 0íímaLe 0hange
Bííí wííí be a dríver for change. AL Lhe same Líme poííuLíon conLroí
guídeíínes and emíssíon reguíaLíons have LíghLened boLh wíLhín
Lhe EU and woríd-wíde. There wííí be an íncreasíng demand
for graduaLes wíLh an undersLandíng boLh of Lhe envíronmenLaí
ímpacLs of energy Lechnoíogy choíces as weíí as Lhe Lechnícaí
experLíse Lo furLher deveíop Lhem.
Thís course ís one of a handfuí of courses ín Lhe UK uníversíLy
secLor LhaL provídes graduaLes from díverse engíneeríng, scíenLífc
and Lechnícaí backgrounds wíLh an experLíse ín new energy
Lechnoíogíes, soííd wasLe recycííng, aír and waLer poííuLíon, and
fre and expíosíon proLecLíon. The course ís accredíLed by Lhe
Energy InsLíLuLe.
Who wiII beneht!
º 0raduaLes from scíence, maLhemaLícs and oLher engíneeríng
díscípíínes who now wísh Lo specíaííse ín energy and
º professíonaí engíneers aíready workíng ín Lhe índusLry who
wísh Lo deepen Lheír knowíedge and experLíse, enabííng career
enhancemenL and deveíopmenL.
TypicaI careers
The need for aíí busínesses and índusLríaí companíes Lo reduce
Lheír greenhouse gas emíssíons wííí be a ma|or dríver wíLhín fuLure
deveíopmenL. The demand for graduaLes wíLh Lhe skííís offered by
Lhe course ís Lherefore hígh.
Typícaííy, graduaLes of Lhís course are ííkeíy Lo go on Lo work
ín seníor posLs wíLh hígh íeveís of responsíbíííLy ín energy and
envíronmenLaí consuíLancíes, energy specíaíísLs, archíLecLuraí
frms, envíronmenLaí deparLmenLs of íocaí auLhoríLíes, governmenL
agencíes, ma|or fundíng bodíes, íarge índusLríaí companíes and
emergíng busínesses ín Lhe renewabíe secLor. Some graduaLes
choose Lhe paLh of academíc research and so subsequenLíy
underLake a PhD.
Entry requirements
A mínímum of a UK second cíass (2.2) honours degree or
equívaíenL, ín an engíneeríng, physícaí scíence, or maLhemaLícs
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes píus Lwo of Lhe opLíonaí moduíes. You wííí aíso underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
ModuIes 0ontents
0overs aLmospheríc chemísLry and Lhe meLeoroíogícaí facLors reíevanL Lo aír quaííLy íssues. Provídes an
ínLroducLíon Lo maLhemaLícaí modeíííng of Lhe díspersíon of aír poííuLanLs and Lypícaí sofLware packages
used ín índusLry.
0Iimate 0hange
0ontroI TechnoIogy
0overs aíí aspecLs of cíímaLe change from Lhe maín conLríbuLíng emíssíons, Lo carbon audíLs, Lo poíícy and
Lechnícaí íníLíaLíves Lo reduce greenhouse gases.
0ontroI of Air
Deíívers Lhe príncípíes and engíneeríng desígn aspecLs of Lhe processes conLroí of aír poííuLíon from
sLaLíonary índusLríaí sources.
PoIIution 5ampIing
and AnaIysis
0overs an experL anaíysís of energy/envíronmenL reíevanL chemícaí specíes and Lheír properLíes. Three
íaboraLory pracLícaí assígnmenLs of one-day duraLíon are buííL ínLo Lhís moduíe.
5ustainabIe Energy
Provídes a sound knowíedge of Lhe underíyíng príncípíes of Lhe maín renewabíe energy Lechnoíogíes and Lhe
producLíon of bíofueís and susLaínabíe hydrogen, íncíudíng assocíaLed desígn feaLures and caícuíaLíons.
DptionaI moduIes
Advanced Energy
Provídes furLher anaíysís of índusLríaí power generaLíon boLh from nucíear, convenLíonaí and renewabíe
Energy Management
and 0onservation
Provídes sLudenLs wíLh Lhe knowíedge and skííís requíred for effcíenL uLííísaLíon and managemenL of energy
servíces ín índusLríaí and commercíaí síLuaLíons.
Waste Treatment and
0overs íncíneraLíon, recycííng of wasLe and processíng such as pyroíysís, gasífcaLíon, anaerobíc dígesLíon
and composLíng, and wasLe managemenL.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º PoLenLíaí of maríne bíomass for producLíon of chemícaís and
º Infuence of parLícíe síze on Lhe anaíyLícaí and chemícaí
properLíes of MíscanLhus energy crop
º Assessíng Lhe exposure of commuLers Lo Lraffc generaLed
parLícíes. a comparíson of LransporL opLíons
º LocaLíon of soíar farms under cíímaLe change
º SLeam reformíng of wasLe pyroíysís oíís for susLaínabíe hydrogen
M5c Engineering Project Management
Many engineering projects are now undertaken by muItidiscipIinary
teams who are responsibIe for the whoIe project Iife cycIe
in a muIti-project or programme management environment.
TypicaIIy, these projects are becoming increasingIy compIex. As
a resuIt, team members are expected to have a range of project
management skiIIs incIuding contractuaI knowIedge, hnanciaI
engineering competency and strategic awareness.
The course covers Lhe enLíre pro|ecL managemenL process
from íncepLíon and feasíbíííLy, engíneeríng, procuremenL and
ímpíemenLaLíon, Lhrough Lo commíssíoníng and operaLíon.
ParLícuíar emphasís ís píaced on fnancíaí, píanníng and
managemenL aspecLs of Lhe pro|ecL íífe cycíe.
Who wiII beneht!
Engíneers, LechnoíogísLs and managers, who wanL Lo deveíop
and enhance Lheír pro|ecL and programme managemenL skííís.
Thís course wííí deveíop Lhe experLíse necessary for ímproved
busíness deíívery of pro|ecLs and programmes ín an engíneeríng
envíronmenL, perhaps ín consLrucLíon, oíí and gas, peLrochemícaí
or process índusLríes. In order Lo ensure reíevance wíLh índusLry
Lhe course has aíso been deveíoped Lo compíy wíLh ínLernaLíonaí
sLandards and boLh Lhe APM and PMI Bodíes of Knowíedge.
Key outcomes
Upon successfuí compíeLíon of Lhe course, you wííí have.
º A hígher íeveí of generíc and Lransferabíe managemenL skííís
º a beLLer undersLandíng of Lhe príncípíes of pro|ecL managemenL
wíLhín an engíneeríng envíronmenL
º famíííarísaLíon wíLh engíneeríng probíems encounLered and Lhe
Lechníques used ín Lhe appraísaí and ímpíemenLaLíon of pro|ecLs
º a posíLíve aLLíLude Lo Lhe seLLíng and achíevíng of reaíísLíc
performance LargeLs
º a beLLer undersLandíng of workíng ín pro|ecL sLrucLures, wíLh a
varíeLy of procuremenL rouLes and an emphasís on coííaboraLíve
workíng LhroughouL Lhe pro|ecL íífe cycíe.
TypicaI careers
Many of our prevíous graduaLes now work as pro|ecL managers
for consLrucLíon companíes, ín consuíLancy or for íarge cííenL
organísaLíons. AíLernaLíveíy, you may choose Lo conLínue Lo work as
an engíneer or generaí manager, buL wíLh an íncreased ínpuL ínLo
Lhe pro|ecL work of an organísaLíon.
0hartered Engineer status
Thís degree ís accredíLed as meeLíng Lhe requíremenLs for FurLher
Learníng for a 0harLered Engíneer (0Eng) for candídaLes who
have aíready acquíred an AccredíLed 0Eng (ParLíaí) BEng (Hons)
undergraduaLe frsL degree.
Entry requirements
A degree equívaíenL Lo a UK second cíass (2.2) honours degree,
or hígher, ín an engíneeríng or Lechnoíogícaí díscípííne. A
manageríaí or economíc díscípííne wííí be consídered provídíng
appíícanLs have 2 years reíevanL work experíence ín an engíneeríng
envíronmenL. 0onsíderaLíon wííí be gíven Lo professíonaííy quaíífed
and experíenced candídaLes wíLhouL formaí quaíífcaLíons.
ModuIes 0ontents
Advanced Project
Takes Lhe key aspecLs of pro|ecL managemenL Lo an advanced íeveí, fuííy embracíng compíexíLy and
Funding for Projects Addresses Lhe currenL meLhods of fnancíng ma|or naLíonaí and ínLernaLíonaí pro|ecLs, provídes a revíew
of fundíng pracLíce and poíícy, revíew of reíevanL appraísaí meLhods, pubííc secLor fnance, prívaLe secLor
fnance, concessíon conLracLs, UK PrívaLe Fínance IníLíaLíve, aííocaLíon of rísk and prívaLe fnance ín
deveíopíng counLríes.
InLroducLíon Lo procuremenL managemenL, aíLernaLíve procuremenL sLraLegíes, parLneríng, cííenL suppíy
chaín managemenL and procuremenL, conLracLíng sLraLegíes, procuríng muíLí-pro|ecLs and a programme of
Project Management 0overs Lhe ma|or concepLs of pro|ecL managemenL and Lhe roíe of Lhe pro|ecL manager, apprecíaLíon of
ínvesLmenL appraísaí, rísk Lechníques and píanníng Lechníques.
Pisk Management 0overs rísk managemenL Lheory, rísk managemenL processes, MonLe-0arío símuíaLíon, rísk regísLers and
uncerLaínLy and opporLuníLy managemenL.
5trategic Management
in 0onstruction
Addresses Lhe sLraLegíc píanníng process, change, cuíLure, organísaLíonaí íearníng, ínLernaLíonaí busíness
sLraLegy, aíííances and |oínL venLures, ínLernaLíonaí markeLíng and knowíedge managemenL.
VaIue Management Thís moduíe ís a doubíe weíghLed moduíe and ínLroduces vaíue engíneeríng (\E) and vaíue managemenL
(\M) Lhrough íLs operaLíon aL Lhe ouLííne SkeLch and Scheme/SchemaLíc Desígn sLages of a pro|ecL. The
concepL of Lhe cííenL vaíue sysLem ís ínLroduced, Lhe desígn of \M and \E sLudíes and Lhe approaches Lo
Leams and facíííLaLíon are expíored.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes and wííí underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º UncerLaínLy managemenL
º ReíaLíonaí conLracLíng and aíííances
º ManagemenL of muíLípíe pro|ecLs
º Fínancíng of pubííc prívaLe parLnershíps
º ManagemenL of mega pro|ecLs
M5c EnvironmentaI Engineering and Project Management
This course provides consuItants, operators, reguIators and
managers with the professionaI skiIIs and training to contribute
to the provision of environmentaIIy sound and economicaIIy
sustainabIe systems in the heIds of cIean water suppIy, wastewater
treatment, and the management of soIid waste, incIuding wastes
from the oiI industry.
EnvíronmenLaí Engíneeríng and Pro|ecL ManagemenL ís ínLended
for Lhose LhaL fnd Lhemseíves ín managemenL posíLíons wíLh
ííLLíe knowíedge or experíence of Lhe managemenL Lechníques
necessary Lo manage Lhe range of pro|ecLs for whích Lhey have
In addíLíon, íL ís appropríaLe for peopíe who have a background
ín managemenL buL feeí LhaL Lhey íack up-Lo-daLe Lechnícaí
knowíedge ín Lhe rapídíy changíng feíd of EnvíronmenLaí
Who wiII beneht!
0raduaLes ínLeresLed ín provídíng engíneeríng soíuLíons Lo
envíronmenLaí probíems facíng Lhe woríd. IL ís suíLabíe for
consuíLanLs, operaLors, reguíaLors and managers and Lhose wíshíng
Lo deveíop Lheír career wíLhín Lhís feíd.
Key outcomes
Upon successfuí compíeLíon of Lhe course you wííí have.
º An undersLandíng of engíneeríng approaches Lo achíevíng
envíronmenLaí ímprovemenL
º an awareness of besL pracLíce Lechníques for process desígn
º a beLLer undersLandíng of Lhe specíaíísL pro|ecL managemenL
skííís requíred ín a gíobaí and muíLídíscípíínary envíronmenLaí
engíneeríng índusLry
º Lhe abíííLy Lo evaíuaLe and appíy new managemenL skííís ín Lhe
º Lhe abíííLy Lo ínLegraLe and appíy LheoreLícaí concepLs, ídeas,
Looís and Lechníques ín pracLíce.
TypicaI careers
0raduaLes from Lhís course are ín demand from a number of
professíons. Upon graduaLíon you can expecL opporLuníLíes from
consuíLíng and conLracLíng engíneers, waLer companíes, uLíííLy
companíes and reguíaLors as weíí as oLher envíronmenL-reíaLed
0hartered Engineer status
Thís degree ís accredíLed as meeLíng Lhe requíremenLs for FurLher
Learníng for a 0harLered Engíneer (0Eng) for candídaLes who
have aíready acquíred a AccredíLed 0Eng (ParLíaí) BEng(Hons) or
an AccredíLed IEng (Fuíí) BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduaLe frsL
degree by Lhe JoínL Board of ModeraLors under íícence from Lhe
UK reguíaLor Lhe Engíneeríng 0ouncíí.
Entry requirements
A degree equívaíenL Lo a UK second cíass honours (2.2)
degree, or hígher, ín engíneeríng or a scíence-based sub|ecL.
0onsíderaLíon wííí be gíven Lo appíícanLs wíLh equívaíenL academíc
or professíonaí quaíífcaLíons ín an engíneeríng or naLuraí scíence
sub|ecL. 0íven Lhe naLure of Lhe course and Lhe broad range of
skííís requíred by professíonaís workíng ín Lhese Lopíc areas,
sLudenLs wíLh degrees from oLher díscípíínes (e.g. socíaí scíences,
economícs), and a proven Lrack record ín work, wííí aíso be
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes, aíí of whích are LaughL Lhrough ínLensíve Leachíng over períods of eíLher one, Lwo or four weeks.
You wííí aíso underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
ModuIes 0ontents
Advanced Water
InLroduces Lhe key componenLs of a waLer suppíy sysLem íncíudíng whaL Lhe key íssues are ín a waLer
suppíy sysLem, how Lo desígn and maínLaín a sysLem and íssues facíng waLer suppíy sysLems ín Lhe fuLure.
Environment and
HeaIth Management
UndersLand how íegísíaLíon ís appííed Lo proLecL envíronmenL and heaíLh, Lhe roíe of pubííc heaíLh engíneers
ín deveíopíng Lechnoíogíes Lo ensure íegísíaLory compííance and recogníse organísms LhaL have a ma|or ímpacL
on our envíronmenL, sofL posíLíve and negaLíve.
!ntegrated Water
0overs waLer íssues across Lhe woríd íncíudíng ínLegraLed waLer resources managemenL, food rísk
managemenL, meLhods and Looís for managemenL and fuLure deveíopmenLs.
NaturaI Wastewater
Treatment and Peuse
Provídes a sLrong base ín íow-cosL Lechnoíogíes for deííveríng engíneeríng soíuLíons Lo saníLaLíon,
wasLewaLer LreaLmenL and wasLewaLer reuse ín íow-íncome counLríes, smaíí communíLíes and perí-urban
The Management
of Projects
0overs Lhe ma|or concepLs of pro|ecL managemenL and Lhe roíe of Lhe pro|ecL manager, pro|ecLs
apprecíaLíon of ínvesLmenL appraísaí, rísk Lechníques and píanníng Lechníques.
Wastewater and
Drganic Waste
0overs wasLewaLer coííecLíon sysLems íegísíaLíon íncíudíng EU Urban wasLewaLer TreaLmenL DírecLíve and
FreshwaLer Físheríes DírecLíve, íníeL works (screens, gríL removaí, F00, fow measuremenL), desígn and
operaLíon of prímary sedímenLaLíon Lanks and Lhe bíoíogícaí LreaLmenL ín Lhe acLívaLed síudge process.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º PoLenLíaí ímpacLs of cíímaLe change for wasLewaLer LreaLmenL
º Membrane bíoreacLors for índusLríaí appíícaLíons
º The use of recycíed gíass ín wasLewaLer LreaLmenL
º SeLLíemenL of acLívaLed síudge and Lhe ínfuence of baííasLed
seLLíemenL aíds
º Enhancíng energy yíeíds from organíc wasLes by símuíLaneous
hydrogen and meLhane recovery
º TreaLmenL opLíons for oííy wasLes generaLed by Lhe oíí índusLry
M5c Fire and ExpIosion Engineering
Fire is the major destroyer of property and an obvious threat to
human, animaI and pIant Iife. !n fact, hres and expIosions cause
1% of the gIobaI burden of injury and 300,000 deaths per year
worId-wide, destroying cities, famiIies, workpIaces, workforce
and wiIdIands. The Ioss of human Iife is not the onIy outcome of
hre and expIosion. !n the UK aIone, the hnanciaI cost and safety
provision amount to an estimated £6 biIIion per year, accounting
for 1% of annuaI SDP. As a consequence, there is a growing
need, nationaIIy and internationaIIy, for quaIihed professionaIs to
design hre and expIosion protection systems within a IegisIative
framework that is compIex and fast-changing.
Thís course has been deveíoped Lo meeL Lhís growíng need,
coveríng boLh foundaLíon and advanced aspecLs of fre and
expíosíon engíneeríng educaLíon and Lraíníng. Increasíngíy
oríenLaLed Lo performance-based SLandards, Lhe índusLry needs
professíonaís wíLh a good íeveí of scíenLífc undersLandíng, Lhe
abíííLy Lo work ín muíLídíscípíínary Leams and an exceííenL grasp of
Lhe evoívíng íegaí envíronmenL. Thís course deveíops experLíse ín
Lhese areas and ís accredíLed by Lhe Energy InsLíLuLe.
Thís course can be Laken on a parL-Líme basís over 3 years.
Who wiII beneht!
º 0raduaLes from scíence, maLhemaLícs and oLher engíneeríng
díscípíínes who now wísh Lo specíaííse ín fre and expíosíon
º professíonaís aíready workíng ín Lhe índusLry who wísh Lo
deepen Lheír knowíedge and experLíse, enabííng fuLure career
enhancemenL and deveíopmenL.
TypicaI careers
0areer desLínaLíons for graduaLes of Lhís course are díverse and
íncíude opporLuníLíes ín fre and expíosíon consuíLancíes, cívíí and
archíLecLuraí engíneeríng companíes, Lhe chemícaí and oíí and gas
índusLry, fre and expíosíon proLecLíon equípmenL manufacLurers,
governmenL bodíes, íocaí auLhoríLy fre safeLy and píanníng offces,
specíaíísL research and LesLíng íabs and ínsurance companíes.
Entry requirements
A mínímum of a UK second cíass (2.2) honours degree or
equívaíenL, ín an engíneeríng, physícaí scíence or maLhemaLícs
díscípííne. Non-graduaLe appíícanLs may be consídered íf Lhey
have suffcíenL reíevanL professíonaí experíence or quaíífcaLíons.
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes píus Lwo of Lhe opLíonaí moduíes. You wííí aíso underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
ModuIes 0ontents
ExpIosion Prediction
and Mitigation
Provídes an ín-depLh undersLandíng of LurbuíenL combusLíon and of Lhe deveíopmenL of vapour cíoud
expíosíons ín congesLed process píanL and aíso ínsíde compíex vesseís. The moduíe aíso covers Lhe
esLabííshed and deveíopmenLaí meLhodoíogíes ín Lhe predícLíon of Lhe expíosíon pressure puíse and Lhe
effecLs of Lhís on sLrucLures.
Fire Dynamics and
0overs Lhe basícs and príncípíes of fre scíence, heaL Lransfer, fame spread, fre producLs and reíaLed
LoxícíLy and smoke movemenL. You wííí compíeLe fre hazard caícuíaLíons and wííí be ínLroduced Lo zone fre
modeíííng sofLware.
Fire 5afety Design Provídes Lhe opporLuníLy Lo approach a reaí desígn probíem ín a sysLemaLíc and Lhorough way, and Lo appíy
íogícaí reasoníng frmíy based on engíneeríng scíence. Provídes an undersLandíng of modern Lechníques of
fre proLecLíon desígn íncíudíng sprínkíers, pressurísaLíon, smoke venLíng, auLomaLíc fre deLecLors, means
of escape and emergency ííghLíng sysLems. You wííí appíy Lhese Lechníques Lo a 'reaí íífe` síLuaLíon by
deveíopíng a fre safeLy sLraLegy whích íncíudes fre engíneeríng príncípíes.
DptionaI moduIes
Accident !nvestigation Provídes a íarge parL of Lhe scíenLífc knowíedge and undersLandíng needed ín Fíre InvesLígaLíon wíLhín
Lhe framework of Lhe currenL íegísíaLíon. Thís moduíe ís deíívered by a íarge Leam of pracLíLíoners and
academícs, aíí experLs ín Lheír parLícuíar feíds of conLríbuLíon.
Fire and 5afety Law 0overs UK and European íegísíaLíon ín Lhe feíds of fre, safeLy, and hazardous maLeríaís. Aíso provídes an
undersLandíng of how Lhís ís ímpíemenLed Lhrough Lhe deLaííed anaíysís of case sLudíes.
Fire Pisk Assessment
and Management
0overs rísk assessmenL concepLs, Lechníques and Lhe daLa requíred for an evaíuaLíon of fre rísk ín mosL
buíídíngs/facíííLíes. 0uaííLaLíve rísk evaíuaLíon ís covered ín deLaíí and a number of quanLíLaLíve 'Looís` are
ínLroduced and íííusLraLed, some wíLh case sLudíes. Thís moduíe ís deíívered by e-íearníng.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º AírcrafL fueí Lank vapour/aír expíosíons
º InvesLígaLíon of aír sLarved fres usíng Lhe cone caíorímeLer
º \enLíng of gas expíosíons, venLíng usíng gases of dífferenL
º SLudíes on Lhe dry fím Lhíckness of ínLumescenL coaLíngs for
sLrucLuraí sLeeí secLíons
º EffecL of heaLíng raLe on poíymer decomposíLíon kíneLícs
º Smoke behavíour and movemenL ín exLreme envíronmenLs
M5c !nternationaI 0onstruction Management and Engineering
This course has been created to heIp construction professionaIs
become more effective by deveIoping and rehning the generic and
speciaIist construction project management skiIIs required in the
construction industry. !t wiII prepare you for the chaIIenges of a
changing and dynamic gIobaI construction industry. The course
covers the construction process from inception and feasibiIity,
design, contract and construction, through to commissioning,
operation and maintenance.
ParLícuíar emphasís ís píaced on Lhe fnancíaí, píanníng and
managemenL aspecLs of Lhe whoíe íífe cycíe. The fexíbíe naLure
of Lhe course offers you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo sLrengLhen exísLíng
Lechnícaí and engíneeríng skííís.
Who wiII beneht!
Thís course ís desígned Lo deveíop and enhance Lhe skííís of cívíí
engíneers and oLher consLrucLíon professíonaís who are commíLLed
Lo deveíopíng and enhancíng Lheír whoíe íífe consLrucLíon
managemenL skííís.
Key outcomes
Upon successfuí compíeLíon of Lhe course you wííí have.
º A beLLer undersLandíng of Lhe specíaíísL managemenL skííís
requíred ín a gíobaí and muíLídíscípíínary consLrucLíon índusLry
º a hígher íeveí of generíc and Lransferabíe managemenL skííís
º Lhe abíííLy Lo evaíuaLe and appíy new managemenL skííís ín Lhe
º Lhe abíííLy Lo ínLegraLe and appíy LheoreLícaí concepLs, ídeas,
Looís and Lechníques ín pracLíce
º Lhe opporLuníLy Lo furLher deveíop Lhe engíneeríng skííís needed
for Lhe consLrucLíon índusLry.
TypicaI careers
The course ís híghíy regarded wíLhín Lhe consLrucLíon índusLry
and many graduaLes go on Lo Lake posíLíons as consLrucLíon
managers. 0pporLuníLíes aíso exísL wíLh muíLídíscípíínary
consuíLíng organísaLíons. Many of our graduaLes reLurn Lo work for
governmenL agencíes and oLher íarge cííenL organísaLíons, ofLen ín
more seníor roíes.
0hartered Engineer status
Thís degree ís accredíLed as meeLíng Lhe requíremenLs for FurLher
Learníng for a 0harLered Engíneer (0Eng) for candídaLes who
have aíready acquíred an AccredíLed 0Eng (ParLíaí) BEng (Hons)
undergraduaLe frsL degree.
Entry requirements
A degree equívaíenL Lo a UK second cíass honours (2.2)
degree, or hígher, ín cívíí engíneeríng or a reíaLed sub|ecL.
IndusLry experíence ís preferabíe. 0onsíderaLíon wííí be gíven Lo
professíonaííy quaíífed and experíenced candídaLes.
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes píus Lhree of Lhe opLíonaí moduíes. You wííí aíso underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
ModuIes 0ontents
Advanced Project
Takes Lhe key aspecLs of pro|ecL managemenL Lo an advanced íeveí, fuííy embracíng compíexíLy and
AppIied 0onstruction
An ínLroducLíon Lo Lhe UK consLrucLíon índusLry. 0overs envíronmenLaí heaíLh, quaííLy, heaíLh and safeLy,
and suppíy chaín managemenL. SLakehoíder reíaLíonshíps píanníng are aíso covered.
InLroducLíon Lo procuremenL managemenL, aíLernaLíve procuremenL sLraLegíes, parLneríng, cííenL suppíy
chaín managemenL and procuremenL, conLracLíng sLraLegíes, procuríng muíLí-pro|ecLs and a programme of
Project Management 0overs Lhe ma|or concepLs of pro|ecL managemenL and Lhe roíe of Lhe pro|ecL manager, apprecíaLíon of
ínvesLmenL appraísaí, rísk Lechníques and píanníng Lechníques.
WhoIe Life Asset
The concepL of whoíe íífe managemenL (wLM) and besL vaíue are ínLroduced ín Lhe conLexL of ínfrasLrucLure
pro|ecL managemenL, procuremenL rouLes and Lhe pro|ecL chaín vaíue.
DptionaI moduIes
Design and
Management of
5tructures in
Earthquake Zones
0overs Lhe fundamenLaís of sLrucLuraí dynamícs and earLhquake engíneeríng, íncíudíng fníLe eíemenLs
ín appííed dynamícs, appíícaLíon of engíneeríng dynamícs ín pracLícaí engíneeríng síLuaLíons, evaíuaLíon
críLería for earLhquake damaged sLrucLures and currenL reLrofLLíng meLhods.
Deterioration and
Maintenance of
The híghway neLwork ís a ma|or economíc asseL of any counLry. Thís ís an ínLensíve four-day moduíe, whích
ís deíívered íargeíy by pracLísíng engíneers. Incíudes Lhe desígn of pavemenLs, pavemenL maLeríaís, híghway
managemenL, forms of deLeríoraLíon and assocíaLed ínvesLígaLíve Lechníques, repaír and maínLenance and
sLrengLheníng of pavemenLs.
Funding for Projects Addresses Lhe currenL meLhods of fnancíng ma|or naLíonaí and ínLernaLíonaí pro|ecLs, provídes a revíew
of fundíng pracLíce and poíícy, revíew of reíevanL appraísaí meLhods, pubííc secLor fnance, prívaLe secLor
fnance, concessíon conLracLs, UK PrívaLe Fínance IníLíaLíve, aííocaLíon of rísk and prívaLe fnance ín
deveíopíng counLríes.
Pisk Management 0overs rísk managemenL Lheory, rísk managemenL processes, MonLe-0arío símuíaLíon, rísk regísLers and
uncerLaínLy and opporLuníLy managemenL.
5trategic Management
in 0onstruction
Addresses Lhe sLraLegíc píanníng process, change, cuíLure, organísaLíonaí íearníng, ínLernaLíonaí busíness
sLraLegy, aíííances and |oínL venLures, ínLernaLíonaí markeLíng and knowíedge managemenL.
VaIue Management Thís moduíe ís a doubíe weíghLed moduíe and ínLroduces vaíue engíneeríng (\E) and vaíue managemenL
(\M) Lhrough íLs operaLíon aL Lhe ouLííne SkeLch and Scheme/SchemaLíc Desígn sLages of a pro|ecL. The
concepL of Lhe cííenL vaíue sysLem ís ínLroduced, Lhe desígn of \M and \E sLudíes and Lhe approaches Lo
Leams and facíííLaLíon are expíored.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º New coííaboraLíve procuremenL sysLems
º EvaíuaLíon of ínLernaLíonaí forms of conLracL
º InLernaLíonaí busíness sLraLegy and gíobaíísaLíon
º InLernaLíonaí Lrends ín vaíue managemenL
º whoíe íífe asseL managemenL of ínfrasLrucLure
º Buíídíng ínformaLíon modeíííng
º SusLaínabíe consLrucLíon processes.
M5c MedicaI Engineering
MedicaI engineering is the appIication of engineering principIes
and techniques to medicine. !t combines the design and probIem
soIving skiIIs of engineering with medicaI and bioIogicaI sciences
to contribute to medicaI device soIutions and interventions for
a range of diseases and trauma. This exciting and chaIIenging
course provides you with a broad coverage of this rapidIy
expanding heId whiIst at the same time aIIowing a degree of
speciaIisation through the provision of optionaI moduIes.
ParLícuíar emphasís ís píaced on ínLer-professíonaí Lraíníng and
Lhe muíLídíscípíínary naLure of Lhe díscípííne, enabííng you Lo
successfuííy compíeLe compíex Lasks aL Lhe íncreasíngíy ímporLanL
ínLerface beLween engíneeríng and Lhe íífe scíences.
Who wiII beneht!
º 0raduaLe engíneers or scíenLísLs who wísh Lo gaín a posLgraduaLe
quaíífcaLíon ín medícaí engíneeríng before pursuíng a career ín
eíLher Lhe medícaí devíces secLor or heaíLh servíce
º a range of personneí aíready ínvoíved ín medícaí engíneeríng
íncíudíng engíneers, saíes and markeLíng sLaff and reguíaLory
personneí, who wísh Lo enhance Lheír career prospecLs
º orLhopaedíc or neuro-surgeons wíLh an ínLeresL ín Lhe
engíneeríng aspecLs of Lheír specíaíísaLíon
º candídaLes who wísh Lo pursue research work ín Lhís secLor buL
do noL have Lhe prerequísíLe background.
5peciaIist faciIities
º Europe`s íargesL coííecLíon of muíLí-axís símuíaLors for híp, knee
and spíne LesLíng
º a suíLe of mícro0T equípmenL for characLerísíng bone geomeLry
and morphoíogy
º bíoreacLors for Líssue engíneeríng and assessíng maLeríaí
º advanced compuLer símuíaLíons of spíne and arLícuíaLíng |oínLs
º cardíac ímagíng and modeíííng.
TypicaI careers
0areer desLínaLíons are díverse and íncíude medícaí engíneeríng
wíLhín índusLríaí or pubííc secLor organísaLíons, reguíaLory affaírs
and saíes and markeLíng.
Entry requirements
A degree equívaíenL Lo eíLher. a UK upper second cíass honours
(2.T) degree or hígher, ín engíneeríng, a physícaí scíence or
maLhemaLícs, or a medícaí degree or aíííed sub|ecL wíLh a
background ín orLhopaedícs.
0ourse content
You have Lhe opporLuníLy Lo seíecL moduíes from a range of deíívery sLyíes íncíudíng dísLance íearníng, shorL courses and more LradíLíonaí
semesLer-íong moduíes, enabííng parL-Líme sLudenLs wíLh busy íífe or work scheduíes Lo have a more fexíbíe approach Lo Lheír íearníng.
You wííí sLudy seven of Lhe foííowíng moduíes and wííí underLake a professíonaí pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
ModuIes 0ontents
Basic Drthopaedic
An ínLroducLory shorL course moduíe desígned for cíínícaí or bíoíogícaí personneí.
BiomateriaIs ShorL course coveríng a range of Lopícs assocíaLed wíLh bíomaLeríaís Lhe emphasís here ís on Lhe íífe-scíence
BiotriboIogy DísLance íearníng moduíe underpínníng Lhe scíence behínd Lhe successfuí appíícaLíon of engíneeríng Lo
|oínL repíacemenLs.
0omputationaI and
ExperimentaI Methods
Basíc concepLs of compuLaLíonaí and experímenLaí meLhods.
FunctionaI Joint
Appííes Lhe sLandard engíneeríng príncípíes of mechanícs, Lríboíogy and bíomaLeríaís Lo Lhe undersLandíng
of Lhe Lechnoíogy used ín Lhe deveíopmenL of LoLaí |oínL repíacemenLs.
!ntroductory MedicaI
Device Engineering
DísLance íearníng moduíe for sLudenLs wíLh experíence of Lhe underpínníng engíneeríng requíred for a
career ín Lhís secLor.
Pesearch Methods ShorL course focusíng on Lhe skííís requíred for Lhe deveíopmenL of a successfuí career ín índusLry or
academía íncíudíng ímagíng, compuLaLíonaí modeíííng and sLaLísLícs.
5pinaI Biomechanics
and !nstrumentation
DísLance íearníng moduíe deííveríng Lhe underpínníng bíomechanícs requíred Lo undersLand Lhe new
ínnovaLíons ín spínaí surgery.
Tissue Engineering Leadíng edge shorL course provídíng Lhe sLudenL wíLh Lhe fundamenLaís of Lhe rapídíy expandíng feíd of
Tíssue Engíneeríng.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
ProfessionaI project
The professíonaí pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng
parLs of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL
you have íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by
appíyíng íL Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º InvesLígaLíng aspecLs of wear ín LoLaí dísc repíacemenLs
º FíníLe eíemenL anaíysís of Líssue engíneered sLrucLures
º DeLermíníng properLíes of bone and cemenL augmenLaLíon ín
º 0arLííage Lríboíogy
M5c NanotechnoIogy and Advanced EIectronic Devices
This course wiII advance your knowIedge to the cutting edge of
nanotechnoIogy, nanoeIectronics, high-speed (terahertz) and
quantum optoeIectronic device research. !t is particuIarIy suited
to you if you have an eIectronic engineering or physicaI science
background and want to pursue a career in research.
The course ís deríved dírecLíy from Lhe research of Lhe Schooí`s
híghíy successfuííy woríd-cíass research InsLíLuLe of Mícrowaves
and PhoLonícs (IMP). In recenL years Lhe research of Lhe IMP
has deveíoped Lo íncíude hígh frequency (LeraherLz) sources
and sysLems, quanLum opLoeíecLronícs (íncíudíng ínfrared
and LeraherLz íasers and phoLodeLecLors), moíecuíar and bío-
The ínLernaLíonaííy recognísed research íeaders ín IMP deveíoped
Lhís course Lo deveíop Lomorrow`s scíenLísLs and engíneers
who wííí dríve forward fuLure ínnovaLíon ín Lhe eíecLronícs and
communícaLíons índusLríes. Thís course ís accredíLed by Lhe
InsLíLuLíon of Engíneeríng and Technoíogy (IET). \ísíL our vírLuaí
experíence websíLe Lo meeL some of our academíc sLaff and
Who wiII beneht!
º 0raduaLes wíshíng Lo deveíop a career ín Lhe appíícaLíons of
nanoLechnoíogy Lo eíecLronícs
º eíecLroníc engíneeríng graduaLes seekíng Lo íearn abouL Lhe
fuLure of Lhe sub|ecL
º pracLísíng engíneers who wísh Lo keep up Lo daLe wíLh new
º Lhose wíshíng Lo gaín deeper knowíedge and undersLandíng of
modern communícaLíons and nanoLechnoíogy.
TypicaI careers
Thís course wííí aííow you Lo pursue a career ín research eíLher ín a
uníversíLy envíronmenL Lhrough a PhD or Lhrough Lhe research and
deveíopmenL arm of a hígh-Lech. eíecLronícs, communícaLíons or
compuLíng company.
Entry requirements
A mínímum UK upper second cíass (2.T) honours degree or
equívaíenL ín appropríaLe numeraLe díscípíínes usuaííy eíecLroníc
engíneeríng, buL oLhers may be consídered. In some specíaí cases,
íf píaces are sLííí avaííabíe, appíícanLs wíLh a good íower second
cíass (2.2) honours degree and who have reíevanL experíence may
aíso be consídered and so shouíd noL be deLerred from appíyíng.
ModuIes 0ontents
MedicaI EIectronics
and E-HeaIth
Provídes a knowíedge and undersLandíng of how eíecLronícs and communícaLíons Lechnoíogy ís, and couíd
be, used ín medícaí appíícaLíons and heaíLhcare.
Micro- and Nano-
0overs how mícro- and nano-eíecLromechanícaí sysLems operaLe, Lhe fabrícaLíon process and choíce
of maLeríaís, dífferenL approaches Lo ímpíemenLaLíon and how Lo quanLífy Lhe performance of símpíe
sLrucLures. Thís moduíe provídes a workíng knowíedge of Lhe príncípíes of operaLíon, physícaí sLrucLure,
fabrícaLíon meLhods and properLíes of a range of such sysLems.
0overs Lhe basíc Lechnoíogíes for moíecuíar-scaíe engíneeríng and moíecuíar seíf-assembíy, ín parLícuíar Lhe
use of DNA as a means of dírecLíng Lhe seíf-assembíy of moíecuíar-scaíe componenLs ínLo círcuíLs and onLo
convenLíonaí semíconducLor sLrucLures.
Nanofabrication and
Provídes a knowíedge and undersLandíng of advanced nanofabrícaLíon Lechníques and deveíops
compeLence wíLh a range of cíean room processíng and characLerísaLíon Lechníques.
Next Seneration
5iIicon TechnoIogies
Famíííaríses sLudenLs wíLh Lhe mosL ímporLanL aspecLs of sííícon chíp fabrícaLíon Lechnoíogy and Lhe fuLure
Lechnícaí chaííenges Lo be faced Lo ensure fuLure progress and Lhe proposed soíuLíons. The SemíconducLor
IndusLry AssocíaLíon Technoíogy Roadmap feaLures ín Lhís moduíe.
Photonics and
Thís moduíe wííí heíp deveíop an undersLandíng of Lhe fundamenLaí príncípíes of opLícaí fbre
communícaLíon sysLems íncíudíng Lheír advanLages and íímíLaLíons. In parLícuíar íL wííí address Lhe
properLíes, advanLages and dísadvanLages of Lhe phoLoníc componenLs LhaL are Lhe enabííng Lechnoíogy for
fuLure hígh-speed, broadband opLícaí communícaLíons.
Duantum EIectronics
and 5pintronics
Thís moduíe provídes sLudenLs wíLh exLensíve knowíedge of Lhe desígn and operaLíon of quanLum and
spínLroníc devíces.
Terahertz TechnoIogy Devíces and Lechnoíogíes for Lhe reaíísaLíon of TeraherLz sysLems. You wííí íearn Lhe príncípíes of Lhe maín
appíícaLíons of TeraherLz frequencíes, whích wííí aííow you Lo deLermíne Lhe usefuíness of TeraherLz sígnaís
for a varíeLy of appíícaLíons and how Lo choose suíLabíe devíces and componenLs Lo consLrucL a TeraherLz
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes and wííí underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
For exampíes of recenL research pro|ecLs vísíL our websíLe
M5c DiIheId 0orrosion Engineering
0orrosion in the oiI and gas sector is one of the major how
assurance issues. From an economic point of view the efhcient
management of corrosion ensures that oiI and gas can be
recovered from weIIs for Ionger. 0orrosion is aIso a major cause of
hydrocarbon Ieaks and so safety drives the technoIogicaI advances
in corrosion controI. There is currentIy an increasingIy high
demand for quaIihed corrosion engineers with specihc expertise in
oiIheId operations.
Thís course heíps saLísfy Lhís demand by provídíng engíneers
and physícaí scíenLísLs wíLh skííís ín corrosíon measuremenL,
asseL ínLegríLy assessmenL, corrosíon predícLíon and corrosíon
Who wiII beneht!
º Professíonaí engíneers aíready workíng ín Lhe índusLry who wísh
Lo deepen Lheír knowíedge and experLíse so enabííng fuLure
career enhancemenL and deveíopmenL
º graduaLe engíneers and physícaí scíenLísLs who wísh Lo gaín
specíaíísL knowíedge and skííís reíevanL Lo Lhe oíí and gas secLor.
5peciaIist faciIities
º A0, D0 and noíse eíecLrochemícaí moníLoríng
º scanníng reference eíecLrode
º quarLz crysLaí mícrobaíance
º sour facíííLíes
º erosíon-corrosíon rígs
º advanced surface anaíysís
º commercíaííy used sofLware.
TypicaI careers
wíLh Lhís quaíífcaLíon, exceííenL career opLíons are open Lo you Lo
pracLíse as a professíonaí corrosíon engíneer and píay a ma|or roíe
ín ensuríng Lhe safe and effcíenL recovery of naLuraí resources.
Entry requirements
A degree equívaíenL Lo a UK upper second cíass honours
(2.T) degree, or hígher, ín engíneeríng, a physícaí scíence or
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes píus Lwo of Lhe opLíonaí moduíes. You wííí aíso underLake a professíonaí pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
ModuIes 0ontents
Advanced DiIheId
An ín-depLh ínLroducLíon Lo Lhe corrosíon processes experíenced ín Lhe oíífeíd. 0overs maLeríaí seíecLíon
and engíneeríng desígn ín an oíífeíd conLexL, corrosíon managemenL sLraLegíes, basíc 002 corrosíon
modeís, and sLraLegíes for new or maLure asseLs.
FaiIure AnaIysis Addresses Lhe ííkeíy causes of componenL faííure from a knowíedge of servíce condíLíons, mícroscopíc and
anaíyLícaí Lechníques ín Lhe forensíc ínvesLígaLíon of meLaííurgícaí or maLeríaís faííure, Lechníques Lo empíoy
on Lhe basís of Lhe seíecLed LesLs, and remedíaí measures Lo prevenL recurrence of a gíven faííure.
MetaIs and AIIoys The príncípíes of physícaí meLaííurgy and Lheír appíícaLíon Lo Lhe desígn of aííoys for engíneeríng
appíícaLíons, Lhe hísLorícaí deveíopmenL of meLaís and aííoys Lo saLísfy Lhe needs of dífferenL índusLríaí
secLors, Lhe LradíLíonaí íímíLaLíons on Lhe properLíes whích may be obLaíned ín parLícuíar meLaís and how
meLaííurgísLs may seek Lo círcumvenL Lhese, mícrosLrucLures ín a range of meLaís and aííoys and accounL
for Lheír deveíopmenL.
DiIheId 0hemistry and
An ínLroducLíon Lo Lhe fundamenLaí príncípíes of oíífeíd chemísLry and corrosíon. Expíaíns Lhe properLíes
and appíícaLíon of a range of chemícaís used ín corrosíon conLroí for oíí and gas producLíon and Lhe
príncípaí Lheoríes of corrosíon scíence and engíneeríng.
5urface Engineering Surface engíneeríng Lechnoíogíes for Lhe conLroí of wear, corrosíon and faLígue of engíneeríng componenLs.
DptionaI moduIes
!ntroduction to
A broad based ínLroducLíon Lo Lhe ínLerdíscípíínary scíenLífc díscípííne of Lríboíogy, how Lríboíogy ímpacLs
on Lhe desígn and operaLíon of mechanísms and Lhe means adopLed Lo íubrícaLe Lhem.
Dperations and
An ínLroducLíon Lo operaLíons managemenL coveríng Lhe naLure and sígnífcance of operaLíons managemenL
as an organísaLíonaí pracLíce, Lhe roíe and Lypícaí responsíbíííLíes of Lhe operaLíons manager, and key
operaLíons managemenL Lheoríes.
Thin FiIms and
Basíc concepLs ín Lhe Lhermodynamícs of surfaces, sLrucLures and phase behavíour of amphíphíííc
moíecuíes, meLhods of preparaLíon of moíecuíaríy Lhín fíms, Lhe orígín of Lhe mosL common Lypes of
surface ínLeracLíons ín vapours and ín símpíe ííquíds, and Lhe príncípíes of ma|or anaíyLícaí Lechníques used
ín Lhe sLudy of surfaces and uíLra-Lhín fíms.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
ProfessionaI project
The professíonaí pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng
parLs of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL
you have íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by
appíyíng íL Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º 0revíce corrosíon on cemenLed sLems ín meLaí on meLaí TJR
Lhe effecL of anLíbíoLíc ín Lhe cemenL
º Assessíng corrosíon of pípeííne maLeríaí ín scaíe formaLíon
º 0haracLerísLícs of íron suíphíde fíms formed ín sour corrosíon
on pípeííne sLeeís
º 0orrosíon and erosíon-corrosíon sLudy on pípeííne weíds
M5c PharmaceuticaI 5cience and Engineering
PharmaceuticaI production is an increasingIy important sector
within chemicaI engineering. This course, which is accredited by
the !nstitution of 0hemicaI Engineers (!0hemE), wiII provide you
with advanced training in the speciaIist heId of pharmaceuticaI
science and engineering.
Thís course provídes a wíde range of moduíes Lo enhance Lhe
knowíedge needed for a career ín Lhe pharmaceuLícaí engíneeríng
índusLry, for exampíe pharmaceuLícaí processes engíneeríng,
moíecuíes of drugs ín necessary dosage forms Lhrough a human
body, pharmaceuLícaí process chemísLry and Lechnoíogy,
formuíaLíon of drugs, quaííLy anaíyLícaí Lechníques, and physícaí
chemísLry assocíaLed wíLh pharmaceuLícaí processes.
As weíí as coveríng basíc and advanced aspecLs of Lhe domaín of
pharmaceuLícaí engíneeríng areas, you wííí underLake íaboraLory
experímenLaí pracLíce assocíaLed wíLh índusLríaí pharmaceuLícaí
process research and deveíopmenL. If you have a non-chemícaí
engíneeríng background you wííí Lake opLíons ín process
engíneeríng whích ínLroduce Lhe underíyíng concepLs. If you have
a chemícaí engíneeríng background you wííí underLake Lhe process
engíneeríng moduíes aL an advanced íeveí.
Who wiII beneht!
º 0hemícaí engíneeríng graduaLes wíshíng Lo upgrade Lheír frsL
degree Lo UK masLers íeveí degree
º graduaLes from scíence and oLher engíneeríng díscípíínes who
now wísh Lo specíaííse ín pharmaceuLícaí engíneeríng
º professíonaí engíneers aíready workíng ín Lhe índusLry who wísh
Lo deepen Lheír knowíedge and experLíse, enabííng fuLure career
enhancemenL and deveíopmenL.
TypicaI careers
Typícaííy, graduaLes of Lhe course are ííkeíy Lo go on Lo work
ín posLs wíLh hígh íeveís of responsíbíííLy ín pharmaceuLícaí
manufacLuríng and R&D, fne chemícaí or generaí chemícaí
manufacLuríng and R&D, deparLmenLs of íocaí auLhoríLíes,
governmenLaí reguíaLory agencíes and consuíLancíes. Some
graduaLes choose Lhe paLh of academíc research and Lherefore
subsequenLíy underLake a PhD.
Entry requirements
A mínímum of a UK second cíass (2.2) honours degree or
equívaíenL, ín an engíneeríng, physícaí scíence, or maLhemaLícs
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes píus Lwo of Lhe opLíonaí moduíes. You wííí aíso underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
ModuIes 0ontents
Batch Process
Provídes an undersLandíng of Lhe dísLíncLíve feaLures of baLch processes ín process índusLríes, Lhe
concepLs and meLhods for scheduííng and símuíaLíon baLch operaLíons, and Lhe dífferences beLween muíLí-
produce and muíLí-purpose píanLs.
Drugs, Processes,
Products and PeopIe
Provídes a comprehensíve ínLroducLíon Lo. Lhe Lechnoíogy underpínníng Lhe manufacLure of pharmaceuLícaí
maLeríaís, Lhe ínLeracLíons beLween pharmaceuLícaííy acLíve maLeríaís and Lhe human body, and Lhe organíc
process chemísLry assocíaLed wíLh Lhe prímary manufacLure of pharmaceuLícaí maLeríaís.
AnaIyticaI Techniques
0overs anaíyLícaí Lechníques as meLhods of quanLífyíng Lhe quaííLy and properLíes of producL, íncíudíng Lhe
fundamenLaí chemísLry and physícs underpínníng Lhe Lechníques, Lhe Lype of ínformaLíon Lhe Lechníques
províde and ínLerpreLaLíon of daLa.
Product FormuIation
0overs dífferenL dosage forms and Lheír cuíLuraí dífferences and preferences, Lhe engíneeríng chaííenges
ín manufacLuríng, Lhe uníL operaLíons ín LabíeLLíng and reguíaLory and quaííLy íssues ín secondary
Process 0hemistry
and 0hemicaI
Provídes an overvíew and undersLandíng of Lhe concepLs surroundíng pharmaceuLícaí and fne chemícaí
deveíopmenL and manufacLuríng. SLudy on fundamenLaí process chemísLry, chemícaí Lechnoíogy and
engíneeríng scíence underpínníng drug díscovery, process deveíopmenL, engíneeríng operaLíons and píanL
desígn LogeLher wíLh basíc reguíaLory íssues and íaboraLory and píanL pracLíces íncíudíng safeLy and rísk
assessmenL. Team work and research skííís are assessed Lhrough Lhe desígn pro|ecL.
PIant Design Project The concepLs of píanL desígn are ínLroduced ín Lhís pro|ecL. The pro|ecL ís organísed ín ííne wíLh Lhe guídeíínes
prescríbed by Lhe I0hemE for Lhe desígn pro|ecL on accredíLed 0hemícaí Engíneeríng degree courses.
Provídes exempLíon from Lhe desígn pro|ecL requíremenLs for corporaLe membershíp of Lhe I0hemE.
DptionaI moduIes
0ase 5tudies in Fine
0hemicaI and
Provídes a deLaííed knowíedge of reaí-woríd exampíes of process chemísLry uLííísíng case sLudíes from a
wíde varíeLy of sources.
0hemicaI Peaction
Provídes an ínLroducLíon Lo Lypes of reacLíon and reacLors, raLe anaíysís and desígn príncípíes.
Drganic 5ynthesis
for Fine 0hemicaI
and PharmaceuticaI
Provídes knowíedge of Lhe requíred range of organíc chemísLry and synLheLíc LransformaLíons needed Lo
undersLand fne chemícaí and pharmaceuLícaí synLhesís.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º InvesLígaLíon on Lhe absorpLíon of Ibuprofen onLo spín coaLed
poíypropyíene fíms by opLícaí refecLívíLy
º Scaíe-up of índusLríaí crysLaííísaLíon for a co-crysLaí sysLem
º A measuremenL of Lhe Lhermaí behavíour for crysLaííísaLíon of
meLhyí sLearaLe ín meLhyí oíeaLe
º ParLícíe breakage under shear deformaLíon
º FíowabíííLy of 0ohesíve Powders. an ExperímenLaí and
0ompuLaLíonaí InvesLígaLíon of Surface Energy
M5c 5tructuraI Engineering
5tructuraI engineering is at the heart of any deveIoped or
deveIoping country. VirtuaIIy everything that you see in the modern
worId invoIves a structure of some shape or form. These incIude
a huge variety of buiIdings, bridges, raiIways, airports, water
suppIy systems, water treatment pIants, hood defence schemes,
oiI and gas process pIants and power stations. Many exampIes
of construction that remain from the ancient worId are aIso hne
exampIes of structuraI engineering.
SLrucLuraí engíneers heíp Lo make, shape and maínLaín Lhe buííL
envíronmenL. They are professíonaís who en|oy ínnovaLíon, a
chaííenge, opporLuníLíes, responsíbíííLy and excíLemenL ín a varíed
and very saLísfyíng career.
SLrucLuraí engíneeríng ís a professíon LhaL provídes a Lremendous
opporLuníLy Lo make a reaí dífference Lo peopíe`s ííves and Lheír
envíronmenL. Thís course ís a uníque coííaboraLíve venLure
beLween Lhe Schooí of 0ívíí Engíneeríng, íocaí and regíonaí
índusLry and Lhe Yorkshíre Branch of Lhe InsLíLuLíon of SLrucLuraí
Engíneers (ISLrucLE). Successfuí compíeLíon of Lhe course saLísfes
some of Lhe ISLrucLE IPD requíremenLs.
Duríng Lhís course you wííí use our heavy sLrucLures íaboraLory,
whích ís Lhe íargesL of íLs kínd ín Lhe norLh of Lhe UK wíLh a
capabíííLy for boLh sLaLíc and dynamíc íoadíng of fuíí scaíe
You wííí aíso have access Lo our InsLíLuLe for ResíííenL
InfrasLrucLure, whích conLaíns íeadíng research groups ín
boLh SLrucLuraí Engíneeríng and MaLeríaís. The synergy LhaL
exísLs beLween Lhese groups greaLíy enhances Lhe deíívery and
undersLandíng of Lhe Lwo areas. Thís synergy ís paramounL ín Lhe
beLLer undersLandíng of sLrucLuraí behavíour.
Who wiII beneht!
Thís course ís desígned Lo províde quaíífed cívíí and sLrucLuraí
engíneers wíLh Lhe educaLíonaí base requíred for 0harLered
SLrucLuraí Engíneer sLaLus.
Key outcomes
Upon successfuí compíeLíon of Lhe course, You wííí have.
º In-depLh, specíaíísL knowíedge of Lechníques reíevanL Lo Lhe
SLrucLuraí Engíneeríng díscípííne
º Lhe abíííLy Lo Lake a proacLíve and seíf-refecLíve roíe ín workíng
and Lo deveíop professíonaí reíaLíonshíps wíLh oLhers
º Lhe abíííLy Lo proacLíveíy formuíaLe ídeas and hypoLheses and
Lo deveíop, ímpíemenL and execuLe píans by whích Lo evaíuaLe
º Lhe abíííLy Lo críLícaííy and creaLíveíy evaíuaLe currenL íssues and
research ín Lhe sLrucLuraí engíneeríng díscípííne.
TypicaI careers
Upon compíeLíon of Lhe course you wííí have greaLíy enhanced
your abíííLy Lo obLaín sLaLus as a 0harLered SLrucLuraí Engíneer.
You may expecL Lo fnd empíoymenL ín Lhe ma|or sLrucLuraí
engíneeríng consuíLíng pracLíces. 0pporLuníLíes aíso exísL wíLh
muíLídíscípíínary consuíLíng organísaLíons. If you are Lakíng Lhe
course on a parL-Líme basís, you wííí reLurn Lo your exísLíng |obs
wíLh enhanced poLenLíaí for progressíon.
0hartered Engineer status
Thís degree ís accredíLed as meeLíng Lhe requíremenLs for FurLher
Learníng for a 0harLered Engíneer (0Eng) for candídaLes who
have aíready acquíred a AccredíLed 0Eng (ParLíaí) BEng(Hons) or
an AccredíLed IEng (Fuíí) BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduaLe frsL
degree by Lhe JoínL Board of ModeraLors under íícence from Lhe
UK reguíaLor Lhe Engíneeríng 0ouncíí.
Entry requirements
Entry requirement for recent graduates
A degree equívaíenL Lo a UK upper second cíass honours
(2.T) degree or hígher ín cívíí engíneeríng or a reíaLed sub|ecL.
AppíícanLs are requíred Lo províde a sLaLemenL deLaíííng Lheír
experíence ín sLrucLuraí engíneeríng íncíudíng sLrucLuraí anaíysís,
Lhe desígn of reínforced concreLe and sLeeíwork sLrucLures and
Entry requirement for graduates with at Ieast 3 years reIevant work
A mínímum of a degree equívaíenL Lo a UK second cíass honours
(2.2) degree ín cívíí engíneeríng or a reíaLed sub|ecL, or assocíaLe
membershíp of an appropríaLe professíonaí engíneeríng ínsLíLuLíon.
AppíícanLs are requíred Lo províde a sLaLemenL deLaíííng Lheír
experíence ín sLrucLuraí engíneeríng, sLrucLuraí anaíysís, Lhe
desígn of reínforced concreLe and sLeeíwork sLrucLures and
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes and wííí underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
In semesLer one Lhe moduíes are LaughL over an TT-week períod and are LímeLabíed Lo aííow aLLendance aL Lhe UníversíLy on a T or 2 days per
week basís. SemesLer Lwo moduíes marked * are LaughL over a conLínuous 4-day períod. In aíí cases, Lhe Leachíng ís reínforced by períods of
dírecLed sLudy. In many of Lhe moduíes Lhe Leachíng ís enhanced by specíaíísL íecLures deíívered by pracLísíng engíneers.
ModuIes 0ontents
Advanced 0oncrete
0overs aíLernaLíve meLhods of desígn for reínforced concreLe síabs and desígn guídance used ín currenL
codes of pracLíce.
Advanced 5teeI and
0omposite Design
InLroduces Lhe concepL of advanced sLeeí desígn and composíLe consLrucLíon and Lheír appíícaLíons ín
engíneeríng. Provídes a basíc means for desígn and anaíysís of sLeeí and composíLe sLrucLures and famíííaríses
sLudenLs wíLh a range of Lypícaí processíng Lechníques.
Advanced 5tructuraI
0overs Lhe íaLesL deveíopmenLs, parLícuíaríy Lhe appíícaLíons of compuLaLíonaí meLhods ín sLrucLuraí
anaíysís. The revíew of fundamenLaí príncípíes of sLrucLuraí anaíysís wííí bríng Lhe sLudenLs wíLh varíous
knowíedge backgrounds Lo a common íeveí.
Design and
Management of
5tructures in
Earthquake Zones*
0overs Lhe fundamenLaís of sLrucLuraí dynamícs and earLhquake engíneeríng, íncíudíng fníLe eíemenLs
ín appííed dynamícs, appíícaLíon of engíneeríng dynamícs ín pracLícaí engíneeríng síLuaLíons, evaíuaLíon
críLería for earLhquake damaged sLrucLures and currenL reLrofLLíng meLhods.
Design Dptimisation* Provídes an undersLandíng of Lhe scíenLífc príncípíes of desígn opLímísaLíon and Lhe abíííLy Lo arríve aL an
ímproved desígn for an engíneeríng sysLem LhaL saLísfes gíven requíremenLs.
Provídes an undersLandíng of Lhe behavíour of soíí Lo cover Lhe range of foundaLíons avaííabíe for sLrucLures,
íncíudíng shaííow and deep pííes. Aíso covers Lhe anaíysís and consLrucLíon of foundaLíons, wíLh emphasís
on fníLe eíemenL anaíysís. Soíí ímprovemenL wííí aíso be covered.
5tructuraI Engineering
Design Project
Thís moduíe requíres Lhe sLudenL Lo deveíop concepL and deLaííed sLrucLuraí engíneeríng desígn soíuLíons Lo
meeL Lhe requíremenLs of a síLe-specífc cííenL`s bríef. The resuíLs of Lhe desígn acLívíLy are presenLed ín Lhe
form of a wríLLen reporL and drawíngs wíLh supporLíng caícuíaLíons and, where appíícabíe, compuLaLíonaí
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º Dynamíc shear resísLance of coííar |oínLed masonry paneís
º A compuLaLíonaí sLudy of Lhe effecL of spandreí waíí connecLívíLy
on Lhe behavíour of masonry arch brídges
º Progressíve coííapse of buíídíngs under ímpacL íoads
º Dynamíc performance of a sLrucLuraí T-|oínL
M5c TriboIogy and Engineering !nterfaces
TriboIogy and the design of engineering interfaces has been an
area of research in the 5chooI of MechanicaI Engineering for over
a century. TriboIogy is the science and engineering of interacting
surfaces in reIative motion. !t incIudes the study and appIication
of the principIes of friction, Iubrication and wear.
Thís course provídes Lraíníng ín Lríboíogy and Lhe appíícaLíon of
Lríboíogícaí príncípíes Lo Lhe deveíopmenL of engíneeríng ínLerfaces
for a wíde range of dífferenL engíneeríng sysLems. The core
componenLs of Lríboíogy, such as íubrícaLíon, conLacL mechanícs,
wear, surface engíneeríng and surface characLerísaLíon wííí be
cenLraí Lo Lhe course wíLh opLíonaí moduíes avaííabíe specíaíísíng
ín Lhe research-íed feíds of engíne Lríboíogy and bíoLríboíogy.
IndusLry has been acLíveíy ínvoíved ín drívíng Lhe deveíopmenL
of Lhís course, whích means you wííí íearn maLeríaí LhaL ís ín-
ííne wíLh empíoyer needs. Semínars from índusLríaí companíes
are íncorporaLed ín Lhe course Lo províde you wíLh a broader
undersLandíng of Lhe Lríboíogy chaííenges facíng índusLry.
Who wiII beneht!
º Professíonaí engíneers aíready workíng ín índusLry who wísh Lo
deepen Lheír knowíedge and experLíse so enabííng fuLure career
enhancemenL and deveíopmenL
º graduaLes who wísh Lo gaín a sLrong background knowíedge
ín Tríboíogy (frícLíon, wear and íubrícaLíon) and engíneeríng
º Lhose who wouíd ííke experíence of underLakíng a research-íed
pro|ecL ín a íeadíng mechanícaí engíneeríng deparLmenL
º graduaLes who wísh Lo buííd a sLrong basís from whích Lhey can
deveíop Lheír research career (í.e. preparaLíon for PhD sLudíes).
5peciaIist faciIities
º Engíne Tríboíogy fred and moLored engíne LesLíng, ríng pack
and ííner sampííng, engíne frícLíon measuremenLs, moLored
camshafL rígs, víscomeLers, recíprocaLíng, roLaLíng, and freLLíng
bench Lop LríbomeLers
º BíoLríboíogy híp |oínL, penduíum frícLíon and force/
díspíacemenL conLroííed knee símuíaLors
º Surface Anaíysís and Engíneeríng mícroíndenLer,
nanoíndenLer, AFM, XPS, Míní-SIMS, ínLerferomeLer, FT-IR
mícroscopy, magneLron spuLLeríng, heaL LreaLmenL facíííLíes
º mícro/nanofuídícs
º P\D coaLíng deposíLíon sysLem (arc, spuLLered, píasma assísLed
0\D and mícrowave Lechnoíogíes)
º Hígh Performance 0ompuLíng Beowuíf cíusLer wíLh 52 0PUs,
T0000B of RAM and fbre-opLícaí ínLerconnecLs.
TypicaI careers
wíLh Lhís quaíífcaLíon, exceííenL career opLíons are open Lo you ín
Lhe auLomoLíve, manufacLuríng, íubrícanL, or componenL (bearíng,
gear, seaí, eLc) índusLríes. IL wííí aíso puL you ín a good posíLíon Lo
pursue a research career (í.e. preparaLíon for PhD sLudíes).
Entry requirements
A degree equívaíenL Lo a UK upper second cíass honours
(2.T) degree, or hígher, ín engíneeríng, a physícaí scíence or
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes píus Lhree of Lhe opLíonaí moduíes. You wííí aíso underLake a professíonaí pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
ModuIes 0ontents
Engine TriboIogy In depLh Lríboíogícaí undersLandíng of Lhe ma|or frícLíonaí componenLs of Lhe recíprocaLíng ínLernaí
combusLíon engíne (bearíngs, písLon assembíy and vaíve Lraín).
!ntroduction to
InLroducLíon Lo Lhe ínLerdíscípíínary scíenLífc díscípííne of Lríboíogy, focusíng on undersLandíng of reaí
surfaces, frícLíon and wear phenomena and íubrícaLíon regímes.
Lubrication and
LubrícaLíon Lheory and íLs appíícaLíon Lo sLudy reaí, índusLríaí, engíneeríng sysLems where íubrícaLíon ís
críLícaí Lo Lhe sysLems` performance. LubrícaLíon regímes, íubrícanL physícaí and chemícaí properLíes,
greases, eLc.
5urface Engineering Surface engíneeríng Lechnoíogíes for Lhe conLroí of wear, corrosíon and faLígue of engíneeríng componenLs.
DptionaI moduIes
BiotriboIogy DísLance íearníng moduíe underpínníng Lhe scíence behínd Lhe successfuí appíícaLíon of engíneeríng Lo
|oínL repíacemenLs.
0omputationaI and
ExperimentaI Methods
FundamenLaí concepLs of compuLaLíonaí and experímenLaí meLhods.
FaiIure AnaIysis Addresses Lhe ííkeíy causes of componenL faííure from a knowíedge of servíce condíLíons, mícroscopíc and
anaíyLícaí Lechníques ín Lhe forensíc ínvesLígaLíon of meLaííurgícaí or maLeríaís faííure, Lechníques Lo empíoy
on Lhe basís of Lhe seíecLed LesLs, and remedíaí measures Lo prevenL recurrence of a gíven faííure.
and !nnovation
An ínLroducLíon Lo operaLíons managemenL coveríng Lhe naLure and sígnífcance of operaLíons managemenL
as an organísaLíonaí pracLíce, Lhe roíe and Lypícaí responsíbíííLíes of Lhe operaLíons manager, and key
operaLíons managemenL Lheoríes.
Thin FiIms and
Basíc concepLs ín Lhe Lhermodynamícs of surfaces, sLrucLures and phase behavíour of amphíphíííc
moíecuíes, meLhods of preparaLíon of moíecuíaríy Lhín fíms, Lhe orígín of Lhe mosL common Lypes of
surface ínLeracLíons ín vapours and ín símpíe ííquíds, and Lhe príncípíes of ma|or anaíyLícaí Lechníques used
ín Lhe sLudy of surfaces and uíLra-Lhín fíms.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
ProfessionaI project
The professíonaí pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng
parLs of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL
you have íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by
appíyíng íL Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
The masLers professíonaí pro|ecLs wííí be híghíy guíded by
our índusLríaí parLners, addressíng reaí índusLríaí appíícaLíon
M5c Water, 5anitation and HeaIth Engineering
This course is for consuItants, professionaIs working in
internationaI deveIopment and pubIic heaIth workers. !t wiII
provide you with an in depth understanding of how to deIiver
effective modern water suppIy, sanitation and other pubIic
heaIth interventions in urban and ruraI areas in Iow-income and
transitionaI economies. !t has a strong focus on the deveIopment
of practicaI and poIicy skiIIs and addresses the criticaI future
chaIIenges of cIimate change, popuIation growth and urbanisation.
ParticuIar emphasis is pIaced on deveIoping your understanding of
technicaI interventions in water suppIy, sanitation and soIid waste
Research underLaken by our PaLhogen 0onLroí Engíneeríng
InsLíLuLe, whích ís woríd renowned for íLs píoneeríng work ín
deveíopíng counLríes, feeds dírecLíy ínLo Lhís course. The InsLíLuLe
underLakes research ín aíí aspecLs of Lhe buííL envíronmenL ín
whích Lhe presence of paLhogens ínfuences desígn, íncíudíng
waLer LreaLmenL, soííd wasLe and aírborne Lransmíssíon of dísease.
SLaff Leachíng on Lhís course have cíose workíng íínks wíLh
a number of key ínsLíLuLíons ín Lhe feíd of ínLernaLíonaí
deveíopmenL íncíudíng. UNI0EF, Lhe woríd Bank, Lhe woríd
HeaíLh 0rganísaLíon, Lhe waLer Suppíy and SaníLaLíon
0oííaboraLíve 0ouncíí, waLerAíd, woríd \ísíon, Lhe Bííí and
Meíínda 0aLes FoundaLíon and Lhe Afrícan DeveíopmenL Bank.
Thís course ís run ín con|uncLíon wíLh Lhe Nuffeíd 0enLre for
InLernaLíonaí HeaíLh and DeveíopmenL, one of Lhe UK`s pre-
emínenL pubííc heaíLh research cenLres.
Who wiII beneht!
The course wííí appeaí Lo engíneers who now wísh Lo specíaííse ín
pubííc heaíLh engíneeríng and Lo professíonaís aíready workíng ín
Lhe índusLry who wísh Lo deepen Lheír knowíedge and experLíse,
enabííng fuLure career enhancemenL and deveíopmenL.
Key outcomes
Upon successfuí compíeLíon of Lhe course you wííí have.
º An undersLandíng of ínLernaLíonaí pubííc heaíLh Lheory and
º an apprecíaLíon of Lhe conLexL and pracLícaííLíes ínvoíved ín
desígníng and deííveríng pubííc heaíLh programmes ín counLríes
of Lhe gíobaí souLh
º an undersLandíng of engíneeríng approaches Lo ímprove pubííc
º a beLLer undersLandíng of Lhe specíaíísL pro|ecL managemenL
skííís requíred ín a gíobaí and muíLídíscípíínary envíronmenLaí
engíneeríng índusLry
º specíaíísL Lechnícaí knowíedge and skííís ín waLer suppíy,
saníLaLíon and soííd wasLe managemenL
º Lhe abíííLy Lo ínLegraLe and appíy LheoreLícaí concepLs, ídeas,
Looís and Lechníques ín pracLíce.
TypicaI careers
0n graduaLíon you wííí be ídeaííy píaced Lo Lake up a seníor
posíLíon ín pubííc heaíLh mínísLríes, uLíííLy companíes, íocaí
governmenL and prívaLe consuíLancy ín counLríes of Lhe gíobaí
souLh or work wíLh ínLernaLíonaí deveíopmenL agencíes and
ínLernaLíonaí non-governmenLaí organísaLíons (N00s).
Entry requirements
A mínímum of a 2.2 honours degree, or equívaíenL, ín an
engíneeríng, pubííc heaíLh or ínLernaLíonaí deveíopmenL-reíaLed
sub|ecL. 0onsíderaLíon wííí be gíven Lo appíícanLs wíLh equívaíenL
academíc or professíonaí quaíífcaLíons ín an engíneeríng or
naLuraí scíence sub|ecL and sLudenLs wíLhouL formaí quaíífcaLíons
buL a proven Lrack record ín work.
ModuIes 0ontents
Key !ssues in
PubIic HeaIth
Provídes an undersLandíng of Lhe key íssues ín ínLernaLíonaí heaíLh. You wííí deveíop an undersLandíng of
Lhe key píayers ín ínLernaLíonaí heaíLh, and of hísLorícaí and currenL príoríLíes. You wííí aíso expíore key and
emergíng pubííc heaíLh íssues, and examíne how Lhese shape ínLernaLíonaí and domesLíc heaíLh poíícy and
PoIicy for HeaIth and
0overs Lhe currenL debaLes around heaíLh, equíLy and deveíopmenL. IL aíso ínLroduces críLícaí perspecLíves
and quesLíons some of Lhe ídeoíogíes and assumpLíons íyíng behínd heaíLh poíícíes and deveíopmenL
approaches. Through an anaíysís of key heaíLh poíícy íssues, Lhe moduíe expíores Lhe compíex, messy and
poííLícaí woríd of heaíLh poíícy-makíng and píanníng.
Engineering for
PubIic HeaIth
An ínLroducLíon Lo Lhe príncípíes and pracLíce of pubííc heaíLh engíneeríng, provídíng a brídge beLween
Lhe arena of pubííc heaíLh poíícy and Lhe pracLícaí appíícaLíon of engíneeríng Lo ímprove pubííc heaíLh. In
addíLíon íL wííí expíore hísLorícaí and currenL Lrends ín waLer suppíy, saníLaLíon, wasLewaLer and soííd wasLe
managemenL and ínLroduce key Lechnoíogíes and approaches.
!ntegrated Water
0overs waLer íssues across Lhe woríd íncíudíng ínLegraLed waLer resources managemenL, food rísk
managemenL, meLhods and Looís for managemenL and fuLure deveíopmenLs.
Advanced Water
InLroduces Lhe key componenLs of a waLer suppíy sysLem íncíudíng whaL Lhe key íssues are ín a waLer
suppíy sysLem, how Lo desígn and maínLaín a sysLem and íssues facíng waLer suppíy sysLems ín Lhe fuLure.
NaturaI Wastewater
Treatment and Peuse
Provídes a sLrong base ín íow-cosL Lechnoíogíes for deííveríng engíneeríng soíuLíons Lo saníLaLíon,
wasLewaLer LreaLmenL and wasLewaLer reuse ín íow-íncome counLríes, smaíí communíLíes and perí-urban
5oIid Waste
Provídes an undersLandíng of Lhe characLerísLícs of wasLe and íLs generaLíon raLes, wasLe coííecLíon
íncíudíng recycííng, and Lhe scíence and engíneeríng aspecLs of íandfíí, bíoíogícaí LreaLmenL and Lhermaí
LreaLmenL opLíons. 0n compíeLíon of Lhís moduíe you wííí aíso be abíe Lo produce ouLííne desígns for
LreaLmenL píanLs and undersLand Lhe operaLíon and desígn of emíssíon conLroí sysLems for Lhe varíous soííd
wasLe LreaLmenL opLíons.
Thís moduíe íísL ís an índícaLíve íísL and acLuaí conLenL may vary as we reguíaríy revíew Lhe conLenL of our courses ín ííghL of new experíences and deveíopmenLs ín Lhe fíeíd.
0ourse content
You wííí sLudy Lhe foííowíng moduíes and underLake a research pro|ecL duríng Lhe summer monLhs.
Pesearch project
The research pro|ecL ís possíbíy one of Lhe mosL saLísfyíng parLs
of Lhe course. IL gíves you Lhe opporLuníLy Lo Lake whaL you have
íearnL and Lo expíore and deveíop specífc ínLeresLs by appíyíng íL
Lo your own píece of research.
The pro|ecL ís chosen by you and ís usuaííy assocíaLed wíLh one of
our woríd-cíass research ínsLíLuLes. You wííí work índívíduaííy on a
pro|ecL and you wííí be assígned a pro|ecL supervísor.
Pecent projects
º Economíc anaíysís of íow-cosL saníLaLíon soíuLíons ín SoweLo,
SouLh Afríca (|oínL pro|ecL wíLh Johannesburg waLer)
º ALLíLudes Lo reuse of uríne and faeces from domesLíc saníLaLíon
(|oínL pro|ecL wíLh Swíss Technícaí InsLíLuLe)
º Technícaí soíuLíons Lo íínk domesLíc saníLaLíon and food securíLy
ín wesL Afríca
º DífferenLíaí access Lo waLer and saníLaLíon by women-headed
househoíds ín deveíopíng counLríes (|oínL pro|ecL wíLh UNI0EF
sLaLísLícs dívísíon)
Pesearch Degrees
Dur internationaI reputation for research makes our FacuIty an
ideaI pIace to pursue a research degree, whether as preparation for
a research career in industry or as the start of an academic career.
The range and scope of our research ís exLensíve and covers aíí of
Lhe ma|or engíneeríng díscípíínes, íncíudíng cross cuLLíng Lhemes
such as energy, maLeríaís, medícaí engíneeríng and arLífcíaí
ínLeííígence, wíLh LheoreLícaí, experímenLaí and modeíííng work
underpínníng aíí areas.
Thís provídes an ídeaí píaLform for muíLídíscípíínary research,
enabííng us Lo underLake hígh-ímpacL research ín areas recognísed
as provídíng críLícaí gíobaí chaííenges. Much of our research ís
íínked Lo índusLry, wíLh ma|or coííaboraLors LhroughouL Lhe UK and
Europe. we have aíso aíígned our FacuíLy wíLh índusLry secLors
such as dígíLaí Lechnoíogíes, energy, hígh vaíue chemícaís and
medícaí Lechnoíogíes.
Aíí research sLudenLs carry ouL a programme of research ín a
parLícuíar area under Lhe supervísíon of a prímary supervísor and
one or more co-supervísors. Supervísors are usuaííy sLaff wíLhín Lhe
FacuíLy, however co-supervísors may be from anoLher díscípííne,
anoLher ínsLíLuLíon or even índusLry dependíng on Lhe pro|ecL and
fundíng source.
You wííí have access Lo a broad programme of skííís Lraíníng and
professíonaí deveíopmenL Lo heíp you compíeLe your research
effecLíveíy. Thís wííí aíso keep you aL Lhe íeadíng edge of
deveíopmenLs ín íearníng and Leachíng, ínnovaLíon, enLerpríse and
knowíedge Lransfer and heíp you succeed ín fuLure empíoymenL.
You are assessed Lowards Lhe end of your frsL year (second year
for parL-Líme sLudenLs) Lhrough a reporL and oraí examínaLíon,
successfuí compíeLíon enabíes progressíon ínLo Lhe remaíníng
years. AL Lhe end of Lhe programme you wííí prepare a Lhesís
whích descríbes your research and your orígínaí conLríbuLíon Lo
knowíedge whích ís assessed by oraí examínaLíon.
0nce regísLered specífc Lraíníng needs wííí be ídenLífed and
suíLabíe courses recommended. Duríng Lhe íaLer sLages of your
sLudy you wííí be expecLed Lo gíve semínars and wríLe papers for
scíenLífc |ournaís and conferences.
For ínformaLíon regardíng Lhe appíícaLíon process vísíL.
0ontact us
If you requíre any furLher ínformaLíon píease conLacL our 0raduaLe
Schooí 0ffce.
e. phd©
L. +44 (0)113 343 8000
0oming to Leeds
The UníversíLy of Leeds ís one of Lhe UK`s Lop uníversíLíes. 0ur
degrees are weíí respecLed by empíoyers and UníversíLíes
worídwíde, ín Lhe 20T0 0S woríd UníversíLy Rankíngs, our
Empíoyer Revíew score was 88%.
EsLabííshed ín T904, we are parL of Lhe presLígíous Russeíí 0roup
Lhe 20 íeadíng research uníversíLíes ín Lhe UK. we are aíso ín
Lhe Lop Len UK research-ínLensíve uníversíLíes. we have performed
consísLenLíy weíí ín Lhe NaLíonaí SLudenL Survey, ín facL, ín Lhe
íaLesL survey, 86% of our sLudenLs saíd Lhey were very saLísfed or
saLísfed wíLh Lheír experíence aL Leeds.
0ur síngíe-síLe campus ís conveníenLíy íocaLed, |usL a shorL T0
mínuLe waík Lo Lhe cíLy cenLre, provídíng access Lo a víbranL cíLy
íífe and exceííenL íocaí servíces and facíííLíes.
we have more Lhan 5,000 LaughL posLgraduaLe sLudenLs and
2,000 research posLgraduaLe sLudenLs. SLudenLs come from over
T30 counLríes Lo make use of our ouLsLandíng facíííLíes, íncíudíng
a ma|or academíc research ííbrary, íaboraLoríes and compuLíng
LocaLed aL Lhe hearL of our campus, ís our award-wínníng
SLudenLs` Uníon, whích has over 3T,000 members. IL ís an
exceííenL UníversíLy resource LhaL hosLs posLgraduaLe neLworkíng
evenLs and provídes specíaíísL advíce on a range of íssues
íncíudíng academíc supporL, housíng, money and fnances.
The cíLy of Leeds ís a fanLasLíc píace Lo ííve and íearn, íL`s a muíLí-
cuíLuraí and cosmopoííLan cíLy wíLh over 200,000 sLudenLs, aíí
en|oyíng Lhe safe, fríendíy envíronmenL.
Leeds ís aíso renowned as a ma|or shoppíng desLínaLíon and
cenLre for enLerLaínmenL, níghLíífe, Lhe arLs and íeísure. BoasLíng
over Lwo mííes of Lraffc-free shoppíng and beauLífuí \ícLorían
and Edwardían arcades you`íí fnd shops of every kínd. Leeds aíso
offers an exLensíve choíce of píaces Lo eaL and drínk whaLever your
cuíínary LasLes or budgeL. NíghLíífe ín and around Lhe cíLy ís known
for íLs díversíLy and popuíaríLy, and offers a range of musíc Lo suíL
aíí LasLes.
LocaLed aL Lhe hearL of Lhe UK, Leeds ís mídway beLween
Edínburgh and London makíng íL an ídeaí cenLre from whích Lo
vísíL oLher parLs of Lhe counLry. The cíLy can be reached easííy by
Lraín from any parL of Lhe UK, and ís served by Leeds Bradford
InLernaLíonaí AírporL, as weíí as havíng Lraín connecLíons from
ManchesLer and London ínLernaLíonaí aírporLs.
0ur UníversíLy ís one of Lhe mosL popuíar desLínaLíons ín Lhe
UK for hígh-quaííLy ínLernaLíonaí sLudenLs. Here are some of Lhe
servíces LhaL our ínLernaLíonaí sLudenLs benefL from.
º offces ín severaí counLríes where you can geL advíce abouL Lhe
appíícaLíon process and pre-deparLure ínformaLíon
º meeL and greeL schemes aL íocaí sLaLíons
º weícome programmes on arrívaí
º guaranLeed accommodaLíon* for aíí ínLernaLíonaí sLudenLs who
reLurn Lheír accommodaLíon appíícaLíon form and deposíL before
Lhe reíevanL deadíínes
º an acLíve InLernaLíonaí 0enLre whích bríngs LogeLher Lhe
ínLernaLíonaí communíLy and ís a source of guídance,
ínformaLíon and supporL, as weíí as a greaL píace Lo make
º Lhe UníversíLy`s Language 0enLre, whích offers severaí courses
Lo heíp ínLernaLíonaí sLudenLs ímprove Lheír íanguage skííís
(aíLhough aíí ínLernaLíonaí sLudenLs musL have an Engíísh
íanguage quaíífcaLíon, Lypícaííy equívaíenL Lo IELTS 6.5).
*Thís guaranLee appííes Lo aíí síngíe sLudenLs from ouLsíde Lhe
European Uníon.
Engíneeríng PosLgraduaLe TaughL Admíssíons Hub
FacuíLy of Engíneeríng
UníversíLy of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
t +44 (0) TT3 343 7875 f +44 (0) TT3 343 2032
e msc@engíneeríng.í
w www.engíneeríng.í
For currenL ínformaLíon on courses, fees and enLry requíremenLs píease vísíL our websíLe aL
whíísL Lhe UníversíLy endeavours Lo ensure LhaL Lhe ínformaLíon conLaíned ín Lhís brochure ís accuraLe aL Lhe daLe of
pubíícaLíon, íL does noL accepL ííabíííLy for any ínaccuracíes. where maLLers aríse ouLsíde of Lhe reasonabíe conLroí of Lhe
UníversíLy íL reserves Lhe ríghL Lo change or canceí íLs courses or servíces aL any Líme wíLhouL ííabíííLy even afLer sLudenLs
have regísLered aL Lhe UníversíLy. The UníversíLy`s conLracL wíLh íLs sLudenLs does noL confer Lhírd parLy benefLs for Lhe
purposes of Lhe 0onLracLs (RíghLs of Thírd ParLíes) AcL T999.
0opyríghL © The UníversíLy of Leeds 20T2. Aíí ríghLs reserved. ReproducLíon ín whoíe or parL ís forbídden wíLhouL Lhe
permíssíon of Lhe pubííshers.

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