Evans Rd

Published on May 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 38 | Comments: 0 | Views: 380
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HEADLINE1 = Historic home and land bank in Glen Eden
HEADLINE2 = Sun, space and a slice o histor! in Glen Eden
It’s not every day we come across properties that are as substantial as 52 Evans Rd. In
rapidly subdividing Auckland where large sections are increasingly hard to come by
this !len Eden property comprises all o" ##$% s&uare metres o" mostly "lat land.
'ou can’t "ind "ault with the location either. (lose to both !len Eden and )ruitvale
train stations and the bus route the neighbourhood is the per"ect solution to your
public transport needs. *lus the areas boasts &uality schools shops and a variety o"
entertainment which blend to create an e+cellent environment "or "amilies.
It is a measure o" the pride in ownership that the property is on the market "or the "irst
time in ,2 years. -he #.2$s bungalow is currently the proud possession o" (larice
who has lived here since #./0 raised three children and en1oys her time with her
223e’ve had some great times here and the children had a wonder"ul childhood’’
(larice told us. 22-he land out back was endless as there were no houses at the back
those days. 3e had chickens and an aviary and those big trees creating a truly idyllic
4ome o" the trees are still around including apple pear mandarin doris plums and
"ei1oa. -he lawns are "ully "enced which not only bestows considerable privacy but
also leaves it sa"e "or children and pets.
-he house itsel" is a beauty and in e+cellent condition. (larice’s husband )red now
deceased was a builder by trade and made sure the house was as solid as a rock. 5is
hobbies included "urniture making and some o" the "eatures inside including the
dining table are his creations.
-he interiors comprise a "ormal lounge with gas "ireplace a dining6"amily area
kitchen large laundry and three bedrooms 7 served by a bathroom and separate toilet.
8ost o" the house gets plenty o" natural light and generous use o" native timber adds
to the warmth.
-he house comes under historic 9oning which means you retain most o" its original
"eatures including the attractive portico out "ront. It is ideal "or someone who would
like to own a slice o" Auckland’s historic architecture and also keep the spacious
backyard "or his "amily. 5owever i" subdivision is what you are looking at then do
your homework and get down and have a look.
:iewing at open homes 4aturday and 4unday #.$$;#./5pm. Auction on site at
##<$$am October #% 2$#/ unless sold prior.
)or more in"ormation call Raymond and *ia 4a+ton o" =ar"oot > -hompson Royal
5eights. Raymond $2,/ .0# 25, *ia $2,/ %$? 0?%.

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