Example Tennessee Century Farms Program Press Releases

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Example Tennessee Century Farms Program Press Releases



For Release: Sept. 23, 2013
Contact: Carroll Van West, Center for Historic Preservation, 615-898-2947

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Little Farm Recognized for Agricultural Contributions

0)/-/##%!&/& 7 The Little Faim in Bleusoe County has been uesignateu as a
Tennessee Centuiy Faim, iepoits Caiioll van West, uiiectoi of the Centei foi
Bistoiic Pieseivation at NTS0.
The Centuiy Faims Piogiam iecognizes the contiibutions of Tennessee
iesiuents who have owneu anu kept family lanu in continuous agiicultuial
piouuction foi at least 1uu yeais.
"The Little Faim ieminus us of the long tiauitions of oui family faims anu
Tennessee's militaiy histoiy," West says.
When William F. Butcheson wiote his will in 191u, he establisheu the
founuing of a 1S8-acie faim noith of Pikeville neai the Sequatchie Rivei. Buiing his
lifetime, he giew coin, wheat, oats anu soybeans anu iaiseu beef cattle anu hogs.
Though William left the faim to his wife anu five chiluien, they solu it to family
membeis of his sistei, Louisa Butcheson Little, in 1919.
Fiances N. Little anu Siglai Little, William Butcheson's biothei-in-law anu
his nephew, expanueu the faim to S66 acies anu piouuceu much of the same ciops
anu livestock as the founuei. Five yeais latei, Fiances solu his poition of the faim to
Siglai anu his wife, Lena Tollett Little, hau thiee chiluien. Buiing theii tenuie
on the faim, the couple built a thiee-beuioom bungalow in 19SS that iemains in
goou conuition.
The Little Faim also was toucheu by Woilu Wai II. In auuition to the
Tennessee wai maneuveis useu to tiain Ameiican foices befoie going into combat
uuiing Woilu Wai II, the state hau numeious piisonei of wai camps. Camp
Ciossville was only 2u miles fiom the faim, anu P0Ws useu one of the Little Faim
"hog lots" as a iesting aiea while uoing faim laboi in the Sequatchie valley.
While woiking on the faim, Siglai Little anu his son, Chailie F., also weie
membeis of the Bleusoe County Faim Buieau. Aftei Lena anu Seiglai uieu, Chailie F.
anu his wife, Claia Little, took ovei the faim's opeiations.
The Littles iaiseu theii family anu weie active in community clubs anu
boaius such as the Nelvin Bome Bemonstiation Club anu the Bleusoe County
Agiicultuial Stabilization Conseivation Seivice, oi Faim Seivices Agency boaiu.
Theii uaughtei anu the cuiient faim co-ownei, }oyce Little Yaegei, was a membei of
the 4-B Club anu is now a membei of the Bleusoe County Faim Buieau.
Since the 19Sus, the Bleusoe County Coopeiative has seiveu an impoitant
iole in the Little Faim's opeiations. Thiough the coopeiative, the family anu cuiient
leasei Leioy Penueigiass aie able to access feitilizei, fuel, wheat, oats anu coin
seeus. LeRoy Penueigiass giows soybeans in auuition to iaising beef cattle anu
The lanu is now owneu by Yaegei, the founuei's gieat-gieat niece, Louisa
Little's gieat-gieat gianuuaughtei, }ennifei Nason, anu Emily Sweeney. The Little
Faim has numeious histoiic builuings, incluuing outbuiluings constiucteu between
the late 18uus anu 194us anu two homes built in 19SS anu in the 19Sus.
As Bleusoe County's 12th faim to be ceitifieu in the Tennessee Centuiy
Faims Piogiam, the Little Faim is a fine example of agiicultuial uevelopments
uuiing the last 1uu yeais.
Since 198S, the Centei foi Bistoiic Pieseivation at NTS0 has uocumenteu
Tennessee's agiicultuial heiitage anu histoiy thiough the Tennessee Centuiy Faims
Foi moie infoimation about the Centuiy Faims Piogiam, please visit
www.tncentuiyfaims.oig. The Centei foi Bistoiic Pieseivation also may be
contacteu at Box 8u, NTS0, Nuifieesboio, TN S71S2 oi 61S-898-2947.

• ATTENTION, MEDIA: To interview the farm’s owner or request jpegs of the farm
for editorial use, please contact the CHP at 615-898-2947.

MTSU is committed to developing a community devoted to learning, growth and
service. We hold these values dear, and there’s a simple phrase that conveys them:
“I am True Blue.” Learn more at www.mtsu.edu/trueblue. For MTSU news anytime,
visit www.MTSUNews.com

For Release: Sept. 23, 2013
Contact: Carroll Van West, Center for Historic Preservation, 615-898-2947

!"#$% '()*$+ ,-./ 0(#*1 .-*21 (, 1$-$%31 '%*$).+ ,-./1 4.(5.-/

Howard Farm Recognized for Agricultural Contributions

!"#$#%%&'(#( * The Hovard Iarm in While Counly has been designaled
as a Tennessee Cenlury Iarm, re¡orls CarroII Van Wesl, direclor of lhe Cenler
for Hisloric Ireservalion al MTSU.
The Cenlury Iarms Irogram recognizes lhe conlribulions of Tennessee
residenls vho have ovned and ke¡l famiIy Iand in conlinuous agricuIluraI
¡roduclion for al Ieasl 100 years.
´The Hovard Iarm is one of our 20lh cenlury ¡ioneers because lhis
famiIy heI¡ed lo slarl While Counly's hislory of burIey lobacco farming,¨ Wesl
In 1900, Roberl WesIey Hovard ¡urchased 103 acres of farmIand on lhe
IaIIing Waler River, norlh of S¡arla, Tenn. He and his vife, Mary Ray Hovard,
had seven chiIdren and aIso raised beef callIe vhiIe groving lobacco, hay and
Their son, Turney, and his vife Roxy Ann Hovard, ¡urchased lhe farm in
1926. According lo famiIy lradilion, lhe Hovards grev lhe firsl cro¡ of burIey
lobacco in lhe communily. They aIso grev hay, vheal and corn vhiIe raising
callIe and muIes.
The nexl generalion lo Iive and vork on lhe Hovard Iarm vas Sam
MerriII Hovard, one of Turney and Roxy Ann's six chiIdren and his vife, LuciIIe.
Afler ¡urchasing lhe farm in 1986, Sam and LuciIIe Hovard o¡eraled lhe farm
much Iike ¡revious generalions. Sam aIso served on lhe While Counly commillee
for lhe Iarm Service Agency. The Hovards and lheir four chiIdren ÷ MerriII,
Gary Lee, Dennis and Diane ÷ vere aclive in 4-H and Iulure Iarmers of America,
shoving Iiveslock and cro¡s in IocaI and slale fairs.
In 1995, Gary Lee Hovard, Roberl WesIey Hovard's greal-greal
grandson, acquired 46 acres of lhe originaI farm from his molher, LuciIIe. Today,
Gary Iives and vorks on lhe farm vilh his vife, Irances. They grov lobacco and
hay and raise beef callIe. The Hovard Iarm is lhe 18lh Tennessee Cenlury Iarm
cerlified in While Counly.
Since 1985, lhe Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion al MTSU has documenled
Tennessee's agricuIluraI herilage and hislory lhrough lhe Tennessee Cenlury
Iarms Irogram.
Ior more informalion aboul lhe Cenlury Iarms Irogram, ¡Iease visil
vvv.lncenluryfarms.org. The Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion aIso may be
conlacled al ßox 80, MTSU, Murfreesboro, TN 37132 or 615-898-2947.

• ATTENTION, MEDIA: To interview the farm’s owner or request jpegs of the farm
for editorial use, please contact the CHP at 615-898-2947.

MTSU is committed to developing a community devoted to learning, growth and
service. We hold these values dear, and there’s a simple phrase that conveys them:
“I am True Blue.” Learn more at www.mtsu.edu/trueblue. For MTSU news anytime,
visit www.MTSUNews.com

For Release: Sept. 23, 2013
Contact: Carroll Van West, Center for Historic Preservation, 615-898-2947

!"#$%& (%)&*+ ,-./ 0%"&$ .-&1$ %, $*-*23$ (2&*).+ ,-./$ 4.%!.-/

Griffin-Ketcham Farm Recognized for Agricultural Contributions

!"#$#%%&'(#( * The Griffin-Kelcham Iarm in Gibson Counly has been
designaled as a Tennessee Cenlury Iarm, re¡orls CarroII Van Wesl, direclor of
lhe Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion al MTSU.
The Cenlury Iarms Irogram recognizes lhe conlribulions of Tennessee
residenls vho have ovned and ke¡l famiIy Iand in conlinuous agricuIluraI
¡roduclion for al Ieasl 100 years.
´NaluraI disaslers im¡acl Tennessee farms every year,¨ Wesl says, ´bul
lhe slory of lhe Griffin-Kelcham Iarm reminds us lhal our farm famiIies viII
bounce back and conlinue lheir Iegacies inlo lhe fulure.¨
David Griffin, his vife, Iannie, and lheir daughler, SaIIie ß., soId 51 acres
of lheir farm lo David and Iannie's son, C.S. Griffin, in 1905. C.S. Griffin and his
vife, Ada, had lhree chiIdren. They grev rov cro¡s and ¡roduce vhiIe raising
callIe, hogs, horses and muIes. The farm has slayed in lhe famiIy, ¡assing
lhrough severaI famiIy members, unliI 2010.
Ialli }. TayIor, lhe founder's greal-greal granddaughler, acquired 40 acres
of lhe originaI farm from her molher, Reba Kelcham, in 2010. Reba manages lhe
farm vhiIe Ialli and her husband, Timolhy, heI¡ vork lhe farm. The famiIy
raises callIe and horses and grov hay and ¡roduce. In 2006, a lornado deslroyed
aII of lhe oIder buiIdings on lhe Griffin-Kelcham Iarm, incIuding lhe famiIy's
originaI home and barn.
The Griffin-Kelcham Iarm is lhe 38
Tennessee Cenlury Iarm cerlified in
Gibson Counly.
Since 1985, lhe Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion al MTSU has documenled
Tennessee's agricuIluraI herilage and hislory lhrough lhe Tennessee Cenlury
Iarms Irogram.
Ior more informalion aboul lhe Cenlury Iarms Irogram, ¡Iease visil
vvv.lncenluryfarms.org. The Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion aIso may be
conlacled al ßox 80, MTSU, Murfreesboro, TN 37132 or 615-898-2947.

• ATTENTION, MEDIA: To interview the farm’s owner or request jpegs of the farm
for editorial use, please contact the CHP at 615-898-2947.

MTSU is committed to developing a community devoted to learning, growth and
service. We hold these values dear, and there’s a simple phrase that conveys them:
“I am True Blue.” Learn more at www.mtsu.edu/trueblue. For MTSU news anytime,
visit www.MTSUNews.com.

For Release: Sept. 23, 2013
Contact: Carroll Van West, Center for Historic Preservation, 615-898-2947

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Collier Farm Recognized for Agricultural Contributions

!"#$#%%&'(#( * The CoIIier Iarm in }ackson Counly has been designaled
as a Tennessee Cenlury Iarm, re¡orls CarroII Van Wesl, direclor of lhe Cenler
for Hisloric Ireservalion al MTSU.
The Cenlury Iarms Irogram recognizes lhe conlribulions of Tennessee
residenls vho have ovned and ke¡l famiIy Iand in conlinuous agricuIluraI
¡roduclion for al Ieasl 100 years.
´The CoIIier Iarm leIIs us hov lhe velerans of lhe CiviI War came back lo
Tennessee and heI¡ed rebuiId a slale devaslaled by var and slrife,¨ says Wesl.
In 1873, C.C. CoIIier founded a farm lhal has remained in his descendenls'
hands for five generalions. A nalive of }ackson Counly, CoIIier served in lhe 25lh
Regimenl of lhe Tennessee Infanlry during lhe CiviI War. He Ialer ¡urchased 157
acres norlheasl of GranviIIe on lhe CumberIand River, and in 1891, he boughl an
addilionaI 35 acres. On lhe 192 acres, he grev corn, lobacco and hay and raised
callIe, shee¡, svine and muIes. Married lvice, C.C. CoIIier had six chiIdren.
Through lhe years, C.C. CoIIier conveyed ¡orlions of lhe ¡ro¡erly lo his
chiIdren. In 1907, brolhers AIexander and }ohn CoIIier ¡urchased 214 acres of lhe
farm bul Iosl il in lhe Greal De¡ression. Hovever, a 37-acre lracl of Iand
remained in lhe famiIy lhrough lhe De¡ression, and one of }ohn's sons, O.H.,
and a daughler-in-Iav, CIara ßurlon CoIIier, reuniled lhe enlire farm belveen
1930 and 1936. The famiIies grev corn, lobacco and hay and raised callIe, shee¡,
svine and muIes.
The CoIIier Iarm's ¡roximily lo lhe CumberIand River meanl lhal vhen
lhe U.S. Army Cor¡s of Ingineers began conslruclion on lhe CordeII HuII Dam
in lhe 1960s, lhe governmenl ¡urchased aII 80 or 90 acres of river bolloms.
Wilhoul lhis Iand, lhe CoIIiers couId no Ionger grov rov cro¡s.
ßraxlon CoIIier, C.C.'s greal-grandson, ¡urchased lhe farm belveen 1983
and 1984, and harvesled limber and raised callIe on lhe remaining 143 acres.
ßefore ¡assing avay in 2008, ßraxlon CoIIier signed over lhe farm lo his heirs. In
2010, ßraxlon's brolher, ßobbie, and a ne¡hev, }effery, and his vife, }ina CoIIier,
acquired lhe ¡ro¡erly. }effery CoIIier and his son, Mall, vork lhe Iand loday and
conlinue lo raise callIe and harvesl limber.
The CoIIier Iarm is a fine exam¡Ie of lhe chaIIenges facing farm famiIies
during lhe Greal De¡ression and deveIo¡menl ¡Ians managed by lhe Cor¡s of
Ingineers. Today, lhe farm is lhe 12lh Tennessee Cenlury Iarm cerlified in
}ackson Counly.
Since 1985, lhe Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion al MTSU has documenled
Tennessee's agricuIluraI herilage and hislory lhrough lhe Tennessee Cenlury
Iarms Irogram.
Ior more informalion aboul lhe Cenlury Iarms Irogram, ¡Iease visil
vvv.lncenluryfarms.org. The Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion aIso may be
conlacled al ßox 80, MTSU, Murfreesboro, TN 37132 or 615-898-2947.

• ATTENTION, MEDIA: To interview the farm’s owner or request jpegs of the farm
for editorial use, please contact the CHP at 615-898-2947.

MTSU is committed to developing a community devoted to learning, growth and
service. We hold these values dear, and there’s a simple phrase that conveys them:
“I am True Blue.” Learn more at www.mtsu.edu/trueblue. For MTSU news anytime,
visit www.MTSUNews.com.

For Release: Sept. 23, 2013
Contact: Carroll Van West, Center for Historic Preservation, 615-898-2947

!"##"$%&'( *'+(,- .$/% 0'"(& /$(1& '. &,$,23& *2(,+/- .$/%&

Bud’s Longview Farm Recognized for Agricultural Contributions

!"#$#%%&'(#() ßud's Longviev Iarm in WiIIiamson Counly has been
designaled as a Tennessee Cenlury Iarm, re¡orls CarroII Van Wesl, direclor of
lhe Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion al MTSU.
The Cenlury Iarms Irogram recognizes lhe conlribulions of Tennessee
residenls vho have ovned and ke¡l famiIy Iand in conlinuous agricuIluraI
¡roduclion for al Ieasl 100 years.
´ßud's Longviev Iarm is an invaIuabIe 20lh cenlury farming Iandsca¡e,¨
Wesl says. ´Wilh rools in lhe ¡osl-CiviI War era and a dislinguished hislory of
¡rogressive agricuIlure ¡raclice in lhe mid-20lh cenlury, lhis farm s¡eaks lo lhe
enduring im¡acl of agricuIlure even on lhe slale's mosl ra¡idIy changing
On May 26, 1900, WaIler Anderson, a nalive of WiIIiamson Counly,
lraveIed lo an auclion al lhe counly courlhouse, vhere he vas lhe ´highesl and
besl bidder¨ on a 60-acre farm aIong lhe IrankIin and Levisburg Iike. This Iand
had been ¡arl of lhe eslale of his falher, Thomas I. Anderson, and is vhere his
brolher, }.W. Anderson, buiIl a lvo-slory frame farmhouse in 1878 alo¡ a hiII 800
feel above sea IeveI. WaIler and his famiIy moved here and assumed lhe farm's
WaIler had married IIizabelh ´ßellie¨ }. ßond in 1894, and lhe cou¡Ie had
eighl chiIdren. Six survived lo aduIlhood: ßess, WaIler }r. or ´ßud,¨ }ames, Mary
Irancis, ßrovnie and Tommie. The famiIy grev hay, lobacco, grains and aIfaIfa
vhiIe raising hogs and }ersey dairy covs. WaIler aIso had a fondness for horses,
he vas knovn lo aIvays have a saddIe mare ready for him lo ride around lhe
farm. Irom lheir home alo¡ lhe hiII, lhe Andersons had vievs of lhe enlire area
of more lhan 10 miIes avay, Ieading lhem lo name lheir farm ´Longviev.¨
1940 vas an im¡orlanl year for lhe Andersons: WaIler Sr. vas eIecled lo
lhe Tennessee House of Re¡resenlalives, and lhe oId farmhouse vas equi¡¡ed
vilh eIeclricily. Il aIready had been equi¡¡ed vilh ¡Iumbing for a number of
years. In addilion lo cuIlivaling lhe Iand for 40 years, WaIler served on lhe schooI
board and vas a counly road commissioner and an eIder in lhe Nev Ho¡e
Iresbylerian Church, vhere he laughl ßibIe cIass.
In 1958, WaIler died and Iefl lhe farm lo his chiIdren ßess and ßud, vho
vere unmarried and had heI¡ed lheir ¡arenls run lhe farm since 1940. The
sibIings grev hay, lobacco and corn vhiIe raising hogs, dairy and beef covs and
Tennessee WaIking Horses. When ßess died in 1965, her brolher inheriled her
¡orlion of lhe farm. U¡on ßud's dealh in 1992, his surviving sibIings and lheir
famiIies inheriled lhe farm and ¡ul il u¡ for auclion. A cousin, Dan ßond, and his
famiIy ¡urchased aboul 16 acres. Mr. ßond aIso is associaled vilh lhe ßond
Cenlury Iarm in WiIIiamson Counly.
Don ßond, vho is ßellie ßond Anderson's greal-ne¡hev, nov ovns 41
acres of lhe originaI farm. He and his vife, IhyIIis, Iive and vork on lhe farm
and raise beef callIe and grov hay. ßolh have been aclive in 4-H since lheir youlh
and nov voIunleer and serve on boards and commillees for lhe WiIIiamson
Counly Iair, Tennessee AgricuIluraI Museum, WiIIiamson Counly Iarm Service
Commillee, WiIIiamson Counly Dairy Herd Informalion Associalion ßoard, and
lhe WiIIiamson Counly Liveslock Associalion. Danny Iugh, IhyIIis' son and
Megan ßond Cragar aIso vere invoIved in 4-H as chiIdren and nov ¡arlici¡ale
in severaI agricuIlure-reIaled ¡rograms in lhe region and slale. ßud's Longviev
Iarm, named lo honor ßud Anderson and lhe farm's hislory, is lhe 38lh
Tennessee Cenlury Iarm cerlified in WiIIiamson Counly.
Since 1985, lhe Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion al MTSU has documenled
Tennessee's agricuIluraI herilage and hislory lhrough lhe Tennessee Cenlury
Iarms Irogram.

Ior more informalion aboul lhe Cenlury Iarms Irogram, ¡Iease visil
vvv.lncenluryfarms.org. The Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion aIso may be
conlacled al ßox 80, MTSU, Murfreesboro, TN 37132 or 615-898-2947.

• ATTENTION, MEDIA: To interview the farm’s owner or request jpegs of the farm
for editorial use, please contact the CHP at 615-898-2947.

MTSU is committed to developing a community devoted to learning, growth and
service. We hold these values dear, and there’s a simple phrase that conveys them:
“I am True Blue.” Learn more at www.mtsu.edu/trueblue. For MTSU news anytime,
visit www.MTSUNews.com.

For Release: Sept. 23, 2013
Contact: Carroll Van West, Center for Historic Preservation, 615-898-2947

!"#!$ &!'$() *+,- .!#$/ ,+$0/ !* /(+(12/ &1$(',) *+,-/ 3,!4,+-

Buchanan Bottom Farm Recognized for Agricultural Contributions

!"#$#%%&'(#( * The ßuchanan ßollom Iarm in Obion Counly has been
designaled as a Tennessee Cenlury Iarm, re¡orls CarroII Van Wesl, direclor of
lhe Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion al MTSU.
The Cenlury Iarms Irogram recognizes lhe conlribulions of Tennessee
residenls vho have ovned and ke¡l famiIy Iand in conlinuous agricuIluraI
¡roduclion for al Ieasl 100 years.
´The ßuchanan ßollom Iarm leIIs us hov lhe velerans of lhe CiviI War
came back lo Tennessee and heI¡ed rebuiId a slale devaslaled by var and slrife,¨
Wesl says.
In 1887, }ohn ß. ßuchanan, a CiviI War veleran, ¡urchased 100 acres of
farmIand four miIes soulheasl of Troy, Tenn. Troy vas lhe Obion Counly seal al
lhe lime, il reIocaled lo Union Cily in 1890. ßuchanan grev corn, soybeans and
vheal in lhe Obion River bolloms.
ßonnie W. ßuchanan, lhe founder's son, inheriled lhe farm in 1922 and
conlinued lo vork lhe farm Iike his falher. ßonnie even conlinued using muIes
unliI lhe 1950s. The farm ¡assed from falher lo son unliI 1983, vhen WiIfred
ßuchanan, lhe founder's greal-grandson, soId haIf of lhe farm lo his ne¡hev,
Roberl Heisse, in 2003. Roberl ¡urchased lhe remaining haIf in 2007 lo kee¡ lhe
hisloric farm in lhe famiIy.
Today, Roberl and his vife, Anne Marie ßuchanan, ovn 72 acres of lhe
farm }ohn ß. ßuchanan founded in 1887. Ned ßigeIov of lhe IoIk Communily
has vorked lhe farm for severaI years, groving corn, soybeans and somelimes
vheal. The ßuchanan ßollom Iarm is lhe 33rd Cenlury Iarm cerlified in Obion
Since 1985, lhe Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion al MTSU has documenled
Tennessee's agricuIluraI herilage and hislory lhrough lhe Tennessee Cenlury
Iarms Irogram.
Ior more informalion aboul lhe Cenlury Iarms Irogram, ¡Iease visil
vvv.lncenluryfarms.org. The Cenler for Hisloric Ireservalion aIso may be
conlacled al ßox 80, MTSU, Murfreesboro, TN 37132 or 615-898-2947.

• ATTENTION, MEDIA: To interview the farm’s owner or request jpegs of the farm
for editorial use, please contact the CHP at 615-898-2947.

MTSU is committed to developing a community devoted to learning, growth and
service. We hold these values dear, and there’s a simple phrase that conveys them:
“I am True Blue.” Learn more at www.mtsu.edu/trueblue. For MTSU news anytime,
visit www.MTSUNews.com.

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