Exercise - Hypothesis Testing

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Exercise – Hypothesis Testing
1. The average hourly wage in the United States is $10.05 (The Tampa tribune,
Deember 15, 1!!1". #ssume that a sample o$ %5 individuals in &hoeni', #ri(ona
showed a sample mean wage o$ $10.)* per hour with a sample standard deviation
o$ $*.%5 per hour. Test the hypothesis on the average hourly wage in the United
States to see i$ the population mean in &hoeni' di+ers $rom the mean throughout
the United States. to see i$ the population mean in &hoeni' di+ers $rom the mean
throughout the United States. Using a 0.05 level o$ signi,ane, what is your
onlusion- Using a 0.05 level o$ signi,ane, what is your onlusion-
2. .iami University in /'$ord, /hio reported that a sample o$ *% males entering publi
aounting reeived an average starting salary o$ $%!,*00 while a sample o$ *0
$emales entering publi aounting reeived an average starting salary o$ $%),)00
(.iami University 1lass &ro,le, 1!!0". The sample standard deviations were $%000
and $1)00, respetively. #re starting salary di+erentials present $or male and
$emale graduates o$ business shools- Use 0.05 level o$ signi,ane. 2hat is your
3. A random sample of 14 cows was selected from a large dairy herd at Brookfield Farm. The milk
yield in one week was recorded, in kilograms, for each cow. The results are gien !elow.
169.6 142.0 103.3 111.6 123.4 143.5 155.1 101.7 170.7 113.2 130.9 146.1 169.3 155.5
"tating clearly any distri!utional assumptions that you make, inestigate the claim that the
mean weekly milk yield for the herd is greater than 12# kg.
4. 2ord3proessing systems are o$ten 4usti,ed on the basis o$ improved e5ienies $or
a seretarial sta+. Shown in a table below are typing rates in words per minute $or 6
seretaries who previously used eletroni typewriters and who are now using
omputer3based word proessors. Test at the 0.05 level o$ signi,ane to see i$
there has been an inrease in the mean typing rate due to the word3proessing
typewriter Word processor
1 72 75
2 68 66
3 55 60
4 58 64
5 52 55
6 55 57
7 64 64
$. There has been a researh on the omparison o$ two training methods. /ne group o$
%% students used the urrent programmed3te't method and the other group o$ %%
students used the proposed omputer3assisted method. The time in hours was
reorded $or eah student in the researh. 1ondut a hypothesis test about the
e7uality o$ varianes o$ two populations $or the two training methods. Use a 0.05
level o$ signi,ane. 8ind out i$ there is a di+erene in the average time spent
between the two training methods.
1st group 2nd group
76 74
76 75
77 77
74 78
76 74
74 80
74 73
77 73
72 78
78 76
73 76
78 74
75 77
80 69
79 76
72 75
69 72
79 75
72 72
70 76
70 72
81 77
%. #n insurane ompany is reviewing its urrent poliy rates. 2hen originally setting
the rates they believed that the average laim amount was $1,)00. They are
onerned that the true mean is atually higher than this, beause they ould
potentially lose a lot o$ money. They randomly selet 90 laims, and alulate a
sample mean o$ $1,!50. #ssuming that the standard deviation o$ laims is $500,
and set level o$ signi,ane at 5:, test to see i$ the insurane ompany should be
&. # onsumer group, onerned about the mean $at ontent o$ a ertain grade o$
stea;burger submits to an independent laboratory a random sample o$ 1%
stea;burgers $or analysis. The perentage o$ $at in eah o$ the stea;burgers is as
%1 1) 1! 10 1) %9 %% 1! %9 19 1) 15
The manu$aturer laims that the mean $at ontent o$ this grade o$ stea;burger is
less than %0:. #ssuming perentage $at ontent to be normally distributed with a
standard deviation o$ *, arry out an appropriate hypothesis test in order to advise
the onsumer group as to the validity o$ the manu$aturer<s laim.
'. Trying to enourage people to stop driving to ampus, the university laims that on
average it ta;es people *0 minutes to ,nd a par;ing spae on ampus. = don>t thin;
it ta;es so long to ,nd a spot. =n $at = have a sample o$ the last ,ve times = drove to
ampus, and = alulated mean as %0. #ssuming that the time it ta;es to ,nd a
par;ing spot is normal, and that standard deviation o$ 0 minutes, then per$orm a
hypothesis test with 10: level o$ signi,ane to see i$ my laim is orret.
(. A car manufacturer introduces a new method of assem!ling a particular component. The old method
had a mean assem!ly time of 42 minutes. The manufacturer would like the assem!ly time to !e as
short as possi!le, and so he e)pects the new method to hae a smaller mean. A random sample of
assem!ly times *minutes+ taken after the new method had !ecome esta!lished was
27 39 28 41 47 42 35 32 38
"tating any necessary distri!utional assumptions, inestigate the manufacturer,s e)pectation.
1#. #ssume that &eet>s 1o+ee is loo;ing at two possible loations $or a new shop. To
help ma;e a deision they loo; at the number o$ pedestrians that go by eah o$ the
two loations in one3hour segments. The results o$ the random sample are shown
@oation # @oation A
.ean number o$ pedestrians 9%1 *96
Sample standard deviation 1%% )5
Bumber o$ hours sampled *5 50
#ssume the two population varianes are not ;nown but e7ual. 1omplete the steps
re7uired to test the null and alternative hypothesis at the 1: level o$ signi,ane
that both sites have the same number o$ pedestrians and alulate the !5:
on,dene interval.
11. =n a mar;et researh study ondut by .arilyn .erlot 2inery on red wine
pre$erene, the $ollowing results were $ound. /$ a sample o$ 500 men, %10
pre$erred red wine and o$ a sample o$ 500 women, 1%0 pre$erred red wine. &er$orm
an hypothesis test to determine i$ the proportion o$ men pre$erring red wine is %5:
higher than $or women.
12. During a loal promotion to inrease sales o$ a ertain store brand o$ mil;, Aob
Cohnson, sta+ statistiian $or the D/BS $ood hain, per$ormed a hidden shopper
observation at seleted stores o$ D/BS and S#DE.#FT to determine i$ patrons
shopping at Don>s purhased signi,antly more mil;. To try to eliminate any bias in
his data olletion, Aob did his best to dupliate the same onditions while
observing these people buy mil;. The $ollowing is the data whih Aob olleted
(shown in hal$ gallons o$ mil;"?
D/BS? *, 9, 5, %, 9, 0, *, 5, ), !, 5, %, 1, 6, *, 0, 5
S#DE.#FT? *, *, %, %, *, 5, %, 1, 6
1omplete the 5 steps neessary to test the hypothesis that Don>s sells more mil;
than Savemart at a 5: level o$ signi,ane.

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