The process of developing a pool of qualified applicants who are interested in working for an organization and from which the organization might reasonably select the best individual or individuals to hire for employment.
External recruitment
The process of looking to sources outside the organization for prospective employees.
Trends in Recruitment
Managing work force diversity Contract recruiting Work flow management Truth-in-hiring: Ethics in recruitment
Discussion Question
How could recruitment strategies impact diversity?
Internal vs. external recruitment agency? Individual vs. cooperative recruitment alliances? Centralized vs. decentralized recruitment?
Discussion Question
When would a cooperative alliance be effective?
Administrative Issues
Requisition Timing Number of contacts Types of contacts Recruitment budget Recruitment guide Process flow and record keeping
Three key issues
Selecting Training Rewarding
Quick Quiz
Rate each statement as True or False
B) C)
Applicants respond more positively when the recruiter is an HR specialist than line managers or incumbents. Applicants respond positively to recruiters whom are warm and informative. Personnel policies are more important than the recruiter when deciding whether or not to take a job.
Recruitment Strategy Issues
Three issues
Open vs. targeted Sources Choosing sources
Discussion Question
What is targeted recruiting? Why would a company use this approach?
Executive search firms Professional associations and meetings State employment services Outplacement services Community agencies Job fairs Co-ops and internships
Discussion Question
Where is the first place you go when you look for jobs?
Discussion Question
Which of the following are legal issues related to online recruiting?
A) B) C) D) E)
The use (or misuse) of screening software Exclusion of protected classes from the process Collection of federally required applicant information Identification of “real” applicants Online informality that leads to improper discussions or information
Choosing Sources
Four key issues
Sufficient quality and quantity Cost Past experience with source Impact on HR outcomes
Quick Quiz
When applying for a job, which is most important to you? Please rank.
What are today’s college graduates looking for in first–time employment?
A) B)
C) D)
Plain and simple as it has always been – best starting salary gets the most graduates. Geography and life style perks are what drives the decisions Gen Xers are making today; they are quite different than the generation before. They want to work for one of the best places to work; money is way down on the list. They look for a competitive pay package to narrow the field, then decide based on work culture and developmental opportunities, not always the best money offer. Total money package – including salary, incentives/bonuses and ownership are the biggest draws.
Table of Generational Values
Cohort Entered Workforce Approx. Age Dominant Work Values
Hard working, conservative, conforming; loyalty to the organization Success, achievement, ambition, dislike of authority, loyalty to career
Boomers Xers Nexters
25-40 Work/life balance, team-oriented, dislike
of rules; loyalty to relationships
Under Confident, financial success, self-reliant 25 but team-oriented; loyalty to both self and
Take-Home Points
Aware of basics issues involved with external recruitment Think about own “key issues” when applying for jobs