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Benchawan Poomlamjiak A0123857 溥慧欣

Final exam International Internation al Business strategy































Essay 1 Center for global

Global business environment can be e!ine as t"e environment in i!!erent soverei#n countries$ %it" !actors e&o#enous to t"e "ome environment o! t"e or#ani'ation$ in!luencin# ecision ma(in# on resource use an caabilities* +"is inclues t"e social$ olitical$ economic$ re#ulator,$ ta&$ cultural$ le#al$ an tec"nolo#ical environments*

+"e olitical environment in a countr, in!luences t"e le#islations an #overnment rules an re#ulations uner %"ic" a !orei#n !irm oerates* +"e economic environment relates to all t"e !actors t"at contribute to a countr,-s attractiveness !or !orei#n businesses*


Benchawan Poomlamjiak A0123857 溥慧欣

.ver, countr, in t"e %orl !ollo%s ! ollo%s its o%n s,stem s ,stem o! la%* A !orei#n coman, oeratin# in t"at articular countr, "as to abie %it" its s,stem o! la% as lon# as it is oeratin# in t"at countr,* +"e tec"nolo#ical environment comrises !actors relate to t"e materials an mac"ines use in manu!acturin# #oos an services* /ecetivit, o! or#ani'ations to ne% tec"nolo#, an aotion o! ne% tec"nolo#, b, consumers in!luence ecisions mae in an or#ani'ation*

As !irms "ave no control over t"e e&ternal environment$ t"eir success eens uon "o% %ell t"e, aat to t"e e&ternal environment* A !irm-s abilit, to esi#n an aust its internal variables to ta(e avanta#e o! oortunities o!!ere b, t"e e&ternal environment$ an its abilit, to control t"reats ose b, t"e same environment$ etermine its success* local for local innovation rocesses nnovative caacit, o! !irms "as traitionall,

 been e&laine t"rou#" intra!irm c"aracteristics* muc" em"asis "as been ut on eterminants t"at are e&ternal to t"e !irm* +"ese e&ternal !actors$ calle (no%le#e sillovers$ re!er to t"e ositive e&ternalities t"at !irms receive in terms o! (no%le#e !rom t"e environment in %"ic" t"e, oerate an imortant i!!erence e&ists bet%een t"e aroac" o! (no%le#e sillover an t"at o! sociali'e rocesses o! local (no%le#e creation eveloe  b, re#ional economists %"ile in t"e !ormer$ t"e mere robabilit, o! contacts e&lains local (no%le#e trans!er$ in t"e latter$ t"e c"annels t"rou#" %"ic" (no%le#e sills over a local area are clearl, ienti!ie in t"e relational caital o! t"e area* /elational caital is e!ine as all relations"is  mar(et relations"is$ o%er relations"is an cooeration  establis"e  bet%een !irms$ institutions an eole$ %"ic" stem !rom a stron# sense o! belon#in# belon#in# an a "i#"l, eveloe caacit, o! cooeration t,ical o! culturall, similar eole an institutions* The contrast of center – for –global innovation and local –for-local innovation is


Benchawan Poomlamjiak A0123857 溥慧欣

Center !or local innovation  %"en "eauarters !oun !oun ne% innovation or ne% tec"nolo#, or ne% mana#ement strate#, "eauarters %ill i!!use to subsiiaries but local !or  local t"e, %ont i!!use innovation innovation or ne% (no%le#e to "eauarters t"e, ust s"are it  bet%een local !irm because some innovation or some strate#, is limit it not suit !or some countr, or "eauarters suc" as in local or some subsiiaries t"e, "ave some source t"at can  rouce or use !or ener#, t"en because o! t"is t"is can ecrease cost !or coman, but !or "eauarters or some countr, ont "ave t"is source or t"is ener#, so t"is strate#, cant not aust * How to mae m ae center – for –global innovation and local –for-local –for-local innovation efficiency !

Accorin# in!ormation above %e (no% t"at %"at is center !or #lobal an %"at is local !or local an t"e contrast bet%een 2 moel so %e can aust t"is (no%le#e !or romote our coman, more e!!icient  believe t"at ust about ever, or#ani'ation$ re#arless o! si'e$ coul o more in ma&imi'in# e!!iciencies$ eliminatin# %aste$ s"arin# best ractices an roviin# better$ sa!er  roucts an services to its customers an constituents* nee$ #iven t"e %orls %orls limite resources an t"e relentless #ro%t" o! t"e "uman !amil,$ !amil,$  believe ever, or#ani'ation is obli#ate to ma&imi'e its resources ever, a, Coman, or or#ani'ation nee to care!ull, o researc" or stu, avanta#e an isavanta#e !or 2 moel $ center !or #lobal an local !or local t"en tr, to use an aust to strate#, !or t"eir coman, t"en t"eir coman, can ma(e e!!icient an more ro!it *


Benchawan Poomlamjiak A0123857 溥慧欣

" #cer case $ultinational Com%anies &$'Cs(

t e!ines C as a cororation t"at "as its !acilities an ot"er assets in at least one countr, ot"er t"an its "ome countr,$ or t"at$ %"ic" "as o!!ices anor !actories in i!!erent countries an usuall, "as a centrali'e "ea o!!ice %"ere t"e, coorinate #lobal mana#ement* :econ$ it e!ines Cs as a business enterrise %it" manu!acturin#$ sales$ or service subsiiaries in one or more !orei#n countries*  o%aa,s Acer Acer "a man, subsiiaries in man, countr, aroun t"e %orl so t" t"e, e, can e&loitin# cross broaer broaer (no%le#e to aat to t"e #lobal e&ansion environment in man, %a, suc" as e&c"an#e ne% (no%le#e $ mana#ement strate#, $ tec"nolo#, an so on %"en some subsiiaries !oun #oo (no%le#e t"e, can s"are t"is to "eauarters or ot"er subsiiaries so i! some subsiiar, t"e, "ave some environment is same or similar t"e, can use same strate#, so coman, can ma(e more e!!icient an more ro!it but be!ore coman, use t"is (no%le#e or aat somet"in# in t"eir coman, t"e, nee to o researc" care!ull, an ma(e sure t"at an aat it* ;or e&amle e&amle  s"o% e&amle case belo% t"en t"en %e can aat it in some countr, or some subsiiaries t"at similar nia *

#cer in India

A"erin# to t"eir "iloso", o! <carin# t"rou#" innovation$ Acer Acer "as euie t"e ran#e o! roucts %it" a suite o! customer !rienl, an intuitive inter!aces calle <.mo%erin# +ec"nolo#, +ec"nolo#, t"at #ive users !ast an eas, eas , access to t"e cuttin#e#e "ar%are an so!t%are solutions* ;ul!illin# Acers mission o! brea(in# t"e barriers bet%een eole an tec"nolo#,$ t"e customercentric <.mo%erin# +ec"nolo#, +ec"nolo#, suite brin#s t"e latest innovations in intuitive !orm$ allo%in# customers to easil, e&erience all t"e bene!its o! an Acer s,stem* +"e <.mo%erin# +ec"nolo#, +ec"nolo#, streamlines access acce ss to !reuentl,use !unctions


Benchawan Poomlamjiak A0123857 溥慧欣

an settin#s$ allo%in# t"e user to en"ance t"eir comutin# e&erience in an eas, to use !ormat esi#ne !or t"e la,man* =it" ust t"e clic( o! a button$ t"e .mo%erin# >e, launc"es an intuitive t"ree ste rocess t"at ma(es it simler t"an ever to comlete common tas(s an c"an#e con!i#urations* Acer "as been one o! t"e ioneers in t"is inustr, in terms o! its %or( in t"e #overnment roects sace* +"e, +"e, "ave success!ull, e&ecute a ver, lar#e number o! e Governance roects in various states li(e Guarat$ Goa$ Assam$ ?"ar("an$ @unab$ >erala to name ust a !e%* ost o! t"ese roects "ave involve e&ecution across vast #eo#ra"ies uner ti#"t ealines an Acer "as elivere on its romises eac" time* t"e, "ave also  artnere %it" (e, :,stem nte#ration :) artners to aress t"is sace in a bi# %a, %"ic" "as "ele us as a bran to ta(e tec"nolo#, to t"e remotest corners o! t"is countr,* +"is is bac(e b, an e&tremel, robust service suort ro#rammer !or t"eir customers* +"e, "ave enable toll !ree elline !or bot" consumer es(tos an noteboo(s* Currentl, t"e, "ave Acer service roviers locate in over 175 cities in nia an over 75 Acer oteboo( Customer :ervice Centers* +"e, also "ave a uniue unmatc"e assurance %it"in t"e %arrant, erio to rovie comlete eace o! min to t"e customer* n some cases !or seci!ic #overnment roects t"e, "ave even suorte it %it" eicate call centers to aress customer issues* Aart !rom t"is$ in t"e re#ular course o! business i! a customer nees an, aitional "el or in!ormation on <"o% to obtain reair services$ t"e, coul contact an, o! our @ro!essional :ervice @roviers* Customers ma, also reuest in!ormation on "o% to obtain reair service or t"e location o! t"e nearest Acer Aut"orise :ervice @rovier b, %ritin# or callin#* +"e %arrant, inclues nternational +ravellers =arrant, =arrant, %it"in t"e !irs !irstt ,ear* +"ese are ust some o! t"e initiatives %"ic" "ave roelle Acer as one o! t"e to @C  brans in t"e countr, an a (e, la,er la,er in t"e #overnment roects sace !rom an + "ar%are  ersective*


Benchawan Poomlamjiak A0123857 溥慧欣

)lans to ex%and your maret further in India

;rom a #overnment roects ersective$ %e are activel, loo(in# at articiatin# in all (e, roects t"at are comin# u* t is our intention to success!ull, artner %it" various #overnments an #overnment #overnment a#encies to brin# tec"nolo#, closer to t"e co common mmon man* ;rom t"at ersective %e %ill !ocus on customisin# our o!!erin#s o!!erin#s to suit (e, roect roect nees$ ali#n ourselves %it" strate#ic artner or#anisations %"o %"o also aress t"is sace to o!!er robust an cost e!!ective solutions in resonse resonse to roect nees an last but not t"e least (ee %or(in# on roviin# t"e "i#"est levels o! customer service on t"ese roects*

;rom a tec"nolo#, oint o! vie% in t"e comin# ,ear$ Acer %ill continue to !ocus on innovations in tec"nolo#, across all t"e rouct cate#ories* oo(in# at t"e noteboo(s se#ment$ Acer Acer %ill continue to !ocus on leain# t"e mar(et in terms o! rouct tec"nolo#,$ tec"nolo#,$ screens$ tical Dis( Drives DDs)$ ar Dis( Drives DDs) an ot"ers* n t"e consumer  line it %ill !ocus on a lot o! multimeia oriente in innovations novations an in t"e commercial line on  rouctivit,$ ru##eness an securit, !ull, euie %it" !eatures li(e one touc" mana#eabilit, (e,s$ ma#nesium allo, casin# an !in#er rint reco#nition* :ome o! our (e, lans !or t"e comin# ,ear can be summarise as uner    

!!er !!er suer suerior ior esi# esi#n n rouc roucts ts %it" %it" unm unmatc" atc"e e !unct !unction ionalit, alit, ;ocu ;ocuss on in inus ustr, tr, leai leain# n# ric ricee e er! r!orm orman ance ce** Best Best c"ann c"annel el arran arran#em #ement ent to reac reac" " all all tar# tar#ete ete se#men se#ments ts Buili Builin# n# a aro roriat riatee bran associ associati ations ons romotio romotions ns to increase increase bran bran euit, euit,


Benchawan Poomlamjiak A0123857 溥慧欣

 selecte oint Eenture because  believe t"e best an aroriate strate#ic alliance !ormat !rom t"e ersective o!  +ec"nolo#, +ec"nolo#, !or oint venture t"e, ccan an s"are tec"nolo#, an ever ever, , (no%le#e t"at can ma(e coman, more e!!icient suc" as coman, A (no% some tec"nolo#, t"at is ver, # #oo oo  but coman, B oesnt (no% so t"e, can e&c"an#e an  o o it to#et"er !or ma(e t"eir coman, more e!!icient because some coman, "a a lot mone, but lac( #oo tec"nolo#, so t"e, can !ul!ill eac" ot"er *  Cometition  ! in case %e o oint venture i!!erence countr, so %e ont muc" about cometition in ne% countr, so is better %e o oint venture because t"e coman, in t"at countr, t"e, (no% %ell about cometition so %e can learn !rom t"em so %e %ill (no% t"e ot"er cometitor more *  /is(  accorin# t"is !ormat is invest more t"an 1 !irm so %e can s"are ris( to t"e ot"er !irm so in case i! out coman, lost ro!it our coman, not #et "urt muc" * Cost  n some roect %e nee a "u#e mone, !or invest but our coman, ont "ave mone, enou#" so is better i! %e o oint venture %e %ill "ave more mone, to invest ne% roect* ;or t"e ot"er reason %",  selecte oint venture can see in!ormation an avanta#e belo%* ?oint Eenture A oint venture is a strate#ic alliance %"ere t%o or more arties$ usuall,  businesses$ !orm a artners"i to s"are mar(ets$ intellectual roert,$ assets$ (no%le#e$ an$ o! course$ ro!its* A oint venture i!!ers !rom a mer#er in t"e sense t"at t"ere is no trans!er o!  o%ners"i in t"e eal* +"ere are man, #oo business an accountin# reasons to articiate in a ?oint Eenture Eenture o!ten s"ortene ?E)* @artnerin# %it" a business t"at "as comlementar, abilities an resources$ suc" as !inance$ istribution c"annels$ or tec"nolo#,$ ma(es #oo sense* +"ese are ust some o! t"e reasons artners"is !orme b, oint venture are becomin# increasin#l, oular* A oint venture is a strate#ic alliance bet%een t%o or more iniviuals or entities to en#a#e in a seci!ic roect or unerta(in#* @artners"is an oint ventures can be similar but in !act can "ave si#ni!icantl, i!!erent imlications !or t"ose involve* A artners"i usuall,


Benchawan Poomlamjiak A0123857 溥慧欣

involves a continuin#$ lon#term business relations"i$ %"ereas a oint venture is base on a sin#le business roect* @arties enter ?oint Eentures to #ain iniviual bene!its$ usuall, a s"are o! t"e roect obective* +"is ma, be to evelo a rouct or intellectual roert, rat"er t"an oint or collective ro!its$ as is t"e case %it" a #eneral or limite artners"i* A oint venture$ li(e a #eneral artners"i is not a searate le#al entit,* /evenues$ e&enses an asset o%ners"i usuall, !lo% t"rou#" t"e oint venture to t"e articiants$ since t"e oint venture itsel! "as no le#al status* nce t"e ?oint venture "as met its #oals t"e entit, ceases to e&ist* ="at are t"e Avanta#es o! !ormin# a ?oint EentureF EentureF 

@rovi @roviee comani comanies es %it" %it" t"e oor oortun tunit, it, to #ain #ain ne% ne% caacit, caacit, an an e&ert e&ertise ise Allo% comanies to enter relate businesses or ne% #eo#ra"ic mar(ets or #ain ne%

 

tec"nolo#ical (no%le#e access access to #reate #reaterr resourc resources$ es$ inclu incluin in# # seciali secialise se sta!! sta!! an an tec"n tec"nolo olo#, #, s"arin# o! ris(s %it" a venture artner  ?oint ventures ventures can be !le&ibl !le&ible* e* ;or ;or e&amle$ e&amle$ a oint oint venture venture can "ave "ave a limite limite li!e li!e san an onl, cover art o! %"at ,ou o$ t"us limitin# bot" ,our commitment an t"e

 business- e&osure* n t"e t"e era o! o! ivestiture ivestiture an consol consoliatio iation$ n$ ?Es ?Es o!!er a creative creative %a, !or comani comanies es to

e&it !rom noncore businesses* Comanies can #rauall, searate a business !rom t"e rest o! t"e or#anisation$ an eventuall,$ sell it to t"e ot"er arent coman,* /ou#"l, 80 o! all oint ventures en in a sale  b, one artner to t"e ot"er* ot"er* How to *et a +oint ,enture tarted +"e !irst ste to creatin# a oint venture is to set ,our #oals an ecie %"at ,ou %ant ,our oint venture to o* ! ,ou nee "el #ettin# starte %it" t"is$ loo( at t"e !our t"in#s a  oint venture can o t"at -ve liste at t"e be#innin# o! t"is article$ ic( one$ an an t"en evelo a #oal t"at is as seci!ic as ossible*


Benchawan Poomlamjiak A0123857 溥慧欣

+"en it-s time to loo( !or t"e li(emine  eole or !irms t"at mi#"t be intereste in t"e same #oal or #oals ,ou %ant to ursue* oo( in t"e business #rous ,ou alrea, belon# to$ bot" in erson an virtuall,* virt uall,* H Hse se ,our social net%or(in# connections* :tu, business listin#s in t"e "one boo( or on =eb =eb sites to !in t"ose t"at mi#"t s"are ,our #oals* An be oen to bein# as(e* nce ,ou start tal(in# to ot"er eole about %"at ,ou mi#"t o to#et"er$ a oint venture iea ,ou "avent even t"ou#"t o! mi#"t o u  one %it" a lot o!  otential* nce ,ou-ve !oun t"e eole to s"are in a oint venture$ be sure to "ave it all ut into %ritin# in a oint venture a#reement*  stron#l, recommen "irin# a le#al ro!essional to o t"is* :o instea o! ismissin# an oortunit, as out o! ,our reac"$ start t"in(in# instea about "o% ,ou coul articiate %it" a oint venture* @roerl, lanne an e&ecute$ oint ventures can "el ,our small business #o %"ere it-s never been able to #o be!ore*

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