Finance Poll: July Tracking Toplines

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Morning Consult
National Tracking Poll #140705:
Financial Regulations
July 2014
Crosstabulation Results
This poll was conducted from July 25-27, 2014, among a national sample of 1829 registered voters. The
interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of reg-
istered voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual household
income, home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of error
of plus or minus 2 percentage points.
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political offices?
certain to
Very likely About
Not too
Not likely
at all
Registered Voters 65 21 11 2 0 1829
Male 67 20 10 2 0 853
Female 62 22 12 3 1 976
Age: 18-29 50 24 16 7 2 318
Age: 30-44 60 24 13 3 0 430
Age: 45-64 65 23 11 1 0 690
Age: 65+ 80 13 6 0 0 391
Ethnicity - White 65 22 11 2 0 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 61 21 15 2 2 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 64 20 10 5 0 235
Ethnicity - Other 52 24 22 2 0 81
Democrats (no lean) 62 23 12 3 0 698
Independents (no lean) 60 23 13 3 1 607
Republicans (no lean) 74 16 8 1 0 524
Liberal (1-3) 64 23 10 3 1 501
Moderate (4) 57 26 14 3 1 525
Conservative (5-7) 74 16 8 1 0 709
Northeast 60 22 13 4 1 334
Midwest 63 24 11 2 1 432
South 66 20 12 1 0 680
West 69 20 9 2 0 384
New England 59 22 11 7 1 95
Mid-Atlantic 60 22 14 3 1 238
East North Central 61 25 10 3 0 295
West North Central 65 20 13 1 1 137
South Atlantic 68 18 12 1 0 366
East South Central 54 20 23 3 0 118
West South Central 69 24 7 1 0 196
Mountain 66 22 8 3 1 123
Pacific 70 19 9 2 0 261
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political offices?
certain to
Very likely About
Not too
Not likely
at all
Registered Voters 65 21 11 2 0 1829
Protestant 70 18 10 1 0 513
Roman Catholic 66 23 9 1 1 403
Ath./Agn./None 57 25 12 5 1 424
Something Else 63 20 14 2 0 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 71 17 10 1 0 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 61 24 12 3 1 1157
Income: Under 50k 59 21 17 2 1 794
Income: 50k-100k 62 26 9 3 0 601
Income: 100k+ 77 16 4 2 0 434
Educ: < College 60 23 14 3 1 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 71 21 6 2 0 406
Educ: Post-grad 79 15 4 1 1 221
Military HH 72 19 8 1 0 363
Not Military HH 63 22 12 3 1 1466
Urban 68 20 10 2 1 453
Suburban 65 22 10 3 0 911
Rural 62 22 14 1 0 465
Tea Party - Supporter 76 14 9 1 0 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 60 24 12 3 1 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 65 21 11 2 1 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 64 22 12 2 0 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 66 20 11 2 0 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 62 23 12 2 1 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 63 23 12 2 1 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 66 20 11 3 0 941
2: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?
The government has
gone too far
regulating financial
institutions and
markets, making it
harder for the
economy to grow
The government has
not gone far enough
in regulating financial
institutions and
markets, leaving the
country at risk of
another financial
Registered Voters 48 52 1829
Male 49 51 853
Female 46 54 976
Age: 18-29 54 46 318
Age: 30-44 45 55 430
Age: 45-64 46 54 690
Age: 65+ 47 53 391
Ethnicity - White 49 51 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 45 55 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 39 61 235
Ethnicity - Other 39 61 81
Democrats (no lean) 32 68 698
Independents (no lean) 50 50 607
Republicans (no lean) 66 34 524
Liberal (1-3) 32 68 501
Moderate (4) 41 59 525
Conservative (5-7) 64 36 709
Northeast 49 51 334
Midwest 48 52 432
South 47 53 680
West 47 53 384
New England 49 51 95
Mid-Atlantic 49 51 238
East North Central 47 53 295
West North Central 52 48 137
South Atlantic 46 54 366
East South Central 44 56 118
West South Central 49 51 196
Mountain 57 43 123
Pacific 42 58 261
2: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?
The government has
gone too far
regulating financial
institutions and
markets, making it
harder for the
economy to grow
The government has
not gone far enough
in regulating financial
institutions and
markets, leaving the
country at risk of
another financial
Registered Voters 48 52 1829
Protestant 53 47 513
Roman Catholic 48 52 403
Ath./Agn./None 43 57 424
Something Else 45 55 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 53 47 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 44 56 1157
Income: Under 50k 47 53 794
Income: 50k-100k 49 51 601
Income: 100k+ 45 55 434
Educ: < College 50 50 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 45 55 406
Educ: Post-grad 39 61 221
Military HH 54 46 363
Not Military HH 46 54 1466
Urban 44 56 453
Suburban 48 52 911
Rural 49 51 465
Tea Party - Supporter 67 33 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 40 60 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 100 0 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 0 100 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 46 54 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 50 50 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 37 63 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 57 43 941
3: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?
U.S. prosecutors
should seek jail time
for Wall Street
executives whose
firms are accused of
committing financial
U.S. prosecutors
should seek large
settlements and fines
for Wall Street
executives whose
firms are accused of
committing financial
Registered Voters 62 38 1829
Male 60 40 853
Female 63 37 976
Age: 18-29 60 40 318
Age: 30-44 58 42 430
Age: 45-64 63 37 690
Age: 65+ 66 34 391
Ethnicity - White 63 37 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 69 31 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 63 37 235
Ethnicity - Other 43 57 81
Democrats (no lean) 58 42 698
Independents (no lean) 65 35 607
Republicans (no lean) 63 37 524
Liberal (1-3) 62 38 501
Moderate (4) 61 39 525
Conservative (5-7) 63 37 709
Northeast 63 37 334
Midwest 61 39 432
South 61 39 680
West 63 37 384
New England 67 33 95
Mid-Atlantic 61 39 238
East North Central 62 38 295
West North Central 59 41 137
South Atlantic 63 37 366
East South Central 53 47 118
West South Central 64 36 196
Mountain 70 30 123
Pacific 60 40 261
3: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?
U.S. prosecutors
should seek jail time
for Wall Street
executives whose
firms are accused of
committing financial
U.S. prosecutors
should seek large
settlements and fines
for Wall Street
executives whose
firms are accused of
committing financial
Registered Voters 62 38 1829
Protestant 62 38 513
Roman Catholic 59 41 403
Ath./Agn./None 64 36 424
Something Else 63 37 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 60 40 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 63 37 1157
Income: Under 50k 63 37 794
Income: 50k-100k 61 39 601
Income: 100k+ 61 39 434
Educ: < College 61 39 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 63 37 406
Educ: Post-grad 61 39 221
Military HH 67 33 363
Not Military HH 60 40 1466
Urban 64 36 453
Suburban 59 41 911
Rural 65 35 465
Tea Party - Supporter 62 38 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 62 38 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 60 40 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 64 36 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 100 0 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 0 100 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 66 34 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 58 42 941
4: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?
Banks in Europe are
subject to stricter
financial regulations
than banks in the
Banks in the U.S. are
subject to stricter
financial regulations
than banks in Europe
Registered Voters 49 51 1829
Male 46 54 853
Female 51 49 976
Age: 18-29 48 52 318
Age: 30-44 52 48 430
Age: 45-64 48 52 690
Age: 65+ 46 54 391
Ethnicity - White 49 51 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 52 48 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 47 53 235
Ethnicity - Other 50 50 81
Democrats (no lean) 52 48 698
Independents (no lean) 49 51 607
Republicans (no lean) 43 57 524
Liberal (1-3) 54 46 501
Moderate (4) 52 48 525
Conservative (5-7) 41 59 709
Northeast 44 56 334
Midwest 49 51 432
South 49 51 680
West 51 49 384
New England 41 59 95
Mid-Atlantic 45 55 238
East North Central 49 51 295
West North Central 48 52 137
South Atlantic 48 52 366
East South Central 55 45 118
West South Central 49 51 196
Mountain 49 51 123
Pacific 52 48 261
4: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?
Banks in Europe are
subject to stricter
financial regulations
than banks in the
Banks in the U.S. are
subject to stricter
financial regulations
than banks in Europe
Registered Voters 49 51 1829
Protestant 54 46 513
Roman Catholic 42 58 403
Ath./Agn./None 54 46 424
Something Else 44 56 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 45 55 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 51 49 1157
Income: Under 50k 53 47 794
Income: 50k-100k 48 52 601
Income: 100k+ 42 58 434
Educ: < College 48 52 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 49 51 406
Educ: Post-grad 49 51 221
Military HH 48 52 363
Not Military HH 49 51 1466
Urban 49 51 453
Suburban 47 53 911
Rural 51 49 465
Tea Party - Supporter 45 55 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 50 50 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 38 62 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 58 42 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 52 48 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 43 57 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 100 0 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 0 100 941
5: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 17 24 38 21 1829
Male 15 24 36 26 853
Female 20 23 39 18 976
Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 318
Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 430
Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 690
Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 391
Ethnicity - White 13 21 41 25 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 36 33 27 4 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 34 35 25 6 235
Ethnicity - Other 40 31 19 10 81
Democrats (no lean) 18 27 38 17 698
Independents (no lean) 18 24 35 22 607
Republicans (no lean) 16 19 39 26 524
Liberal (1-3) 26 27 30 17 501
Moderate (4) 16 21 45 17 525
Conservative (5-7) 12 21 37 29 709
Northeast 15 27 36 22 334
Midwest 18 21 39 22 432
South 18 23 41 19 680
West 18 25 32 25 384
New England 13 23 42 22 95
Mid-Atlantic 16 28 34 22 238
East North Central 17 22 42 19 295
West North Central 19 19 33 28 137
South Atlantic 16 24 39 21 366
East South Central 21 24 47 8 118
West South Central 19 21 40 20 196
Mountain 17 24 31 28 123
Pacific 19 25 32 24 261
5: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 17 24 38 21 1829
Protestant 9 18 40 33 513
Roman Catholic 15 21 39 25 403
Ath./Agn./None 25 29 35 11 424
Something Else 22 26 36 16 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 19 23 32 26 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 24 41 19 1157
Income: Under 50k 21 20 37 22 794
Income: 50k-100k 18 27 35 20 601
Income: 100k+ 11 24 44 21 434
Educ: < College 20 21 40 19 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 15 32 33 19 406
Educ: Post-grad 8 19 35 38 221
Military HH 14 14 37 35 363
Not Military HH 18 26 38 18 1466
Urban 20 30 30 20 453
Suburban 18 21 37 24 911
Rural 13 23 47 17 465
Tea Party - Supporter 20 23 35 22 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 16 24 39 21 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 20 22 37 21 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 15 25 39 21 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 17 22 38 23 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 18 26 37 19 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 17 25 38 20 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 18 22 38 22 941
6: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 1829
Male 100 0 853
Female 0 100 976
Age: 18-29 39 61 318
Age: 30-44 48 52 430
Age: 45-64 44 56 690
Age: 65+ 56 44 391
Ethnicity - White 47 53 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 41 59 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 42 58 235
Ethnicity - Other 42 58 81
Democrats (no lean) 41 59 698
Independents (no lean) 52 48 607
Republicans (no lean) 48 52 524
Liberal (1-3) 45 55 501
Moderate (4) 42 58 525
Conservative (5-7) 54 46 709
Northeast 53 47 334
Midwest 49 51 432
South 42 58 680
West 47 53 384
New England 59 41 95
Mid-Atlantic 50 50 238
East North Central 45 55 295
West North Central 55 45 137
South Atlantic 40 60 366
East South Central 47 53 118
West South Central 42 58 196
Mountain 43 57 123
Pacific 49 51 261
6: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 1829
Protestant 48 52 513
Roman Catholic 50 50 403
Ath./Agn./None 49 51 424
Something Else 40 60 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 47 53 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 47 53 1157
Income: Under 50k 42 58 794
Income: 50k-100k 48 52 601
Income: 100k+ 54 46 434
Educ: < College 41 59 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 51 49 406
Educ: Post-grad 71 29 221
Military HH 59 41 363
Not Military HH 44 56 1466
Urban 47 53 453
Suburban 48 52 911
Rural 43 57 465
Tea Party - Supporter 48 52 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 46 54 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 48 52 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 46 54 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 45 55 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 49 51 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 44 56 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 49 51 941
7: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 1 6 27 4 19 8 22 2 10 1829
Male 1 7 24 3 16 6 24 3 15 853
Female 0 6 30 5 22 9 20 1 5 976
Age: 18-29 0 8 33 1 27 6 19 2 4 318
Age: 30-44 0 5 22 6 16 10 31 3 7 430
Age: 45-64 0 9 30 5 18 8 20 2 10 690
Age: 65+ 3 3 24 4 19 6 20 3 19 391
Ethnicity - White 1 6 28 4 18 7 22 2 11 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 9 26 4 23 10 21 2 4 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 10 26 5 29 11 17 1 0 235
Ethnicity - Other 1 0 13 1 21 9 41 1 13 81
Democrats (no lean) 2 6 27 5 20 9 20 2 10 698
Independents (no lean) 0 8 25 4 19 8 26 2 8 607
Republicans (no lean) 0 5 31 5 18 6 21 2 11 524
Liberal (1-3) 0 5 27 3 20 8 22 2 13 501
Moderate (4) 0 6 27 4 22 8 21 2 10 525
Conservative (5-7) 2 7 25 5 18 7 25 2 9 709
Northeast 0 6 31 4 15 7 22 2 13 334
Midwest 3 8 27 3 17 8 22 2 9 432
South 0 8 26 5 23 9 21 3 6 680
West 0 2 26 5 19 7 25 2 15 384
New England 0 3 39 3 15 6 20 1 13 95
Mid-Atlantic 0 7 28 4 15 7 23 3 13 238
East North Central 0 10 28 4 17 7 21 2 10 295
West North Central 8 4 26 2 18 10 23 1 7 137
South Atlantic 0 7 23 5 23 9 24 3 6 366
East South Central 0 17 34 4 23 4 13 2 4 118
West South Central 0 6 25 6 22 10 21 2 7 196
Mountain 0 0 36 5 15 10 20 2 13 123
Pacific 0 2 22 4 21 6 27 2 17 261
7: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 1 6 27 4 19 8 22 2 10 1829
Protestant 2 8 22 5 19 8 26 2 8 513
Roman Catholic 0 3 33 3 18 9 22 2 11 403
Ath./Agn./None 0 6 29 4 19 8 21 3 10 424
Something Else 0 8 27 5 21 7 20 2 10 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 2 7 24 4 18 8 25 2 10 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 6 29 5 20 8 21 2 10 1157
Income: Under 50k 2 12 37 6 20 8 10 1 3 794
Income: 50k-100k 0 3 24 2 20 10 29 3 9 601
Income: 100k+ 0 0 15 4 17 4 34 3 24 434
Educ: < College 1 10 41 7 29 12 0 0 0 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 406
Educ: Post-grad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 82 221
Military HH 0 5 24 6 22 9 20 3 12 363
Not Military HH 1 7 28 4 19 8 23 2 9 1466
Urban 0 8 29 4 16 8 20 3 11 453
Suburban 1 4 23 4 22 6 26 2 11 911
Rural 0 10 33 5 17 10 17 1 6 465
Tea Party - Supporter 0 11 27 6 17 7 22 1 8 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 5 27 4 20 8 22 2 11 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 0 8 31 4 19 7 21 2 8 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 1 5 24 5 19 8 23 2 12 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 0 7 26 4 20 8 23 2 10 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 2 5 29 5 18 8 21 2 10 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 1 9 24 5 19 8 22 2 10 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 0 4 31 4 19 8 22 2 10 941
8: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 29 38 30 4 1829
Male 30 33 34 3 853
Female 28 42 26 4 976
Age: 18-29 26 39 30 5 318
Age: 30-44 23 43 29 5 430
Age: 45-64 30 39 28 3 690
Age: 65+ 35 30 34 1 391
Ethnicity - White 33 32 32 3 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 29 38 25 8 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 7 74 16 2 235
Ethnicity - Other 18 43 27 12 81
Democrats (no lean) 0 100 0 0 698
Independents (no lean) 0 0 89 11 607
Republicans (no lean) 100 0 0 0 524
Liberal (1-3) 9 65 24 3 501
Moderate (4) 16 43 37 4 525
Conservative (5-7) 54 16 28 2 709
Northeast 28 40 29 2 334
Midwest 25 38 32 4 432
South 30 39 28 4 680
West 31 36 29 4 384
New England 19 37 40 5 95
Mid-Atlantic 32 41 25 1 238
East North Central 21 41 34 5 295
West North Central 35 34 28 4 137
South Atlantic 29 38 31 3 366
East South Central 28 40 26 7 118
West South Central 33 39 26 3 196
Mountain 40 25 32 3 123
Pacific 27 41 28 4 261
8: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 29 38 30 4 1829
Protestant 36 30 31 3 513
Roman Catholic 32 40 26 3 403
Ath./Agn./None 15 45 35 4 424
Something Else 29 40 26 5 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 36 33 28 2 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 41 30 4 1157
Income: Under 50k 26 41 29 3 794
Income: 50k-100k 27 39 29 5 601
Income: 100k+ 35 31 32 2 434
Educ: < College 29 39 29 3 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 27 35 33 5 406
Educ: Post-grad 32 38 28 1 221
Military HH 36 32 30 2 363
Not Military HH 27 40 30 4 1466
Urban 21 48 29 2 453
Suburban 30 37 30 3 911
Rural 34 30 30 6 465
Tea Party - Supporter 50 18 29 2 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 20 46 30 4 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 40 25 31 3 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 19 50 28 4 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 29 36 31 4 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 27 42 27 3 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 25 41 30 4 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 32 36 29 3 941
9: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 28 72 1826
Male 29 71 851
Female 27 73 976
Age: 18-29 33 67 317
Age: 30-44 27 73 430
Age: 45-64 26 74 690
Age: 65+ 29 71 389
Ethnicity - White 29 71 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 32 68 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 22 78 235
Ethnicity - Other 27 73 81
Democrats (no lean) 14 86 698
Independents (no lean) 27 73 604
Republicans (no lean) 49 51 524
Liberal (1-3) 14 86 500
Moderate (4) 17 83 524
Conservative (5-7) 48 52 707
Northeast 26 74 332
Midwest 28 72 432
South 28 72 679
West 29 71 384
New England 24 76 95
Mid-Atlantic 27 73 237
East North Central 27 73 295
West North Central 31 69 137
South Atlantic 27 73 365
East South Central 26 74 118
West South Central 32 68 196
Mountain 36 64 123
Pacific 25 75 260
9: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 28 72 1826
Protestant 38 62 513
Roman Catholic 27 73 403
Ath./Agn./None 16 84 423
Something Else 28 72 483
Religiosity: Monthly+ 38 62 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 78 1154
Income: Under 50k 32 68 793
Income: 50k-100k 26 74 599
Income: 100k+ 23 77 434
Educ: < College 29 71 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 28 72 403
Educ: Post-grad 22 78 221
Military HH 36 64 361
Not Military HH 26 74 1465
Urban 25 75 453
Suburban 28 72 908
Rural 31 69 465
Tea Party - Supporter 100 0 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 100 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 39 61 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 18 82 958
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 28 72 1129
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 28 72 697
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 26 74 887
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 30 70 939
10: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 6 12 9 29 12 15 11 5 1829
Male 5 10 11 26 14 18 12 3 853
Female 6 14 8 31 11 13 10 7 976
Age: 18-29 9 17 15 27 11 10 7 5 318
Age: 30-44 6 15 11 26 14 11 10 7 430
Age: 45-64 5 9 8 34 10 16 13 5 690
Age: 65+ 5 10 6 23 16 23 13 4 391
Ethnicity - White 6 11 8 28 13 17 12 5 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 12 13 27 16 9 9 7 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 6 16 15 30 11 7 7 8 235
Ethnicity - Other 8 22 9 33 6 9 5 7 81
Democrats (no lean) 11 22 13 32 9 4 2 5 698
Independents (no lean) 3 8 11 36 13 15 6 8 607
Republicans (no lean) 3 3 3 16 15 30 28 2 524
Liberal (1-3) 22 44 35 0 0 0 0 0 501
Moderate (4) 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 525
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 0 0 32 40 29 0 709
Northeast 7 11 10 28 12 16 7 9 334
Midwest 4 12 11 29 17 16 7 3 432
South 5 10 9 30 10 16 15 6 680
West 8 16 8 27 13 13 11 4 384
New England 5 13 15 25 8 20 5 9 95
Mid-Atlantic 8 11 9 29 13 14 8 9 238
East North Central 4 14 13 34 14 12 6 3 295
West North Central 6 6 7 18 24 25 10 3 137
South Atlantic 7 9 9 31 13 14 12 5 366
East South Central 6 11 7 30 6 21 12 7 118
West South Central 2 12 9 26 6 15 24 5 196
Mountain 4 9 8 21 12 20 20 6 123
Pacific 9 20 9 30 13 10 7 3 261
10: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 6 12 9 29 12 15 11 5 1829
Protestant 3 6 4 27 13 25 18 4 513
Roman Catholic 3 9 12 30 14 16 9 6 403
Ath./Agn./None 12 21 13 29 10 7 4 5 424
Something Else 6 13 9 28 12 13 12 6 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 8 8 25 12 20 18 4 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 7 14 11 31 12 12 7 6 1157
Income: Under 50k 6 11 10 28 11 15 11 7 794
Income: 50k-100k 6 12 9 31 14 12 11 5 601
Income: 100k+ 7 14 8 26 12 20 11 1 434
Educ: < College 5 11 10 29 12 15 11 7 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 15 7 27 15 16 12 2 406
Educ: Post-grad 11 15 8 29 11 18 9 1 221
Military HH 5 12 9 21 13 21 15 4 363
Not Military HH 6 12 10 31 12 14 10 5 1466
Urban 8 15 8 31 13 14 6 4 453
Suburban 5 13 11 27 13 15 12 4 911
Rural 5 8 8 28 11 19 14 8 465
Tea Party - Supporter 5 5 4 17 10 26 31 2 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 6 15 12 33 13 11 4 7 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 4 6 8 25 12 23 18 5 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 8 17 10 32 12 9 5 6 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 7 12 9 28 11 15 12 5 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 5 12 11 30 14 15 9 5 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 7 14 10 31 9 14 10 6 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 4 11 9 27 15 17 13 5 941
11: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 29 30 41 1735
Male 27 27 46 827
Female 30 34 36 907
Age: 18-29 43 28 29 303
Age: 30-44 34 28 38 401
Age: 45-64 23 36 41 655
Age: 65+ 22 24 54 376
Ethnicity - White 26 30 44 1420
Ethnicity - Hispanic 34 29 36 152
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 41 33 26 217
Ethnicity - Other 43 36 21 75
Democrats (no lean) 49 34 17 662
Independents (no lean) 23 39 38 561
Republicans (no lean) 8 16 75 512
Liberal (1-3) 100 0 0 501
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 525
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 100 709
Northeast 31 31 38 304
Midwest 28 30 42 418
South 26 31 43 642
West 34 28 38 370
New England 36 27 36 87
Mid-Atlantic 30 32 38 218
East North Central 31 35 33 286
West North Central 20 19 61 132
South Atlantic 26 33 41 347
East South Central 26 32 42 110
West South Central 25 27 48 186
Mountain 22 22 55 117
Pacific 39 31 31 253
11: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 29 30 41 1735
Protestant 14 29 57 495
Roman Catholic 27 32 42 377
Ath./Agn./None 48 31 22 404
Something Else 30 30 40 454
Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 26 53 649
Religiosity: LT Monthly 34 33 34 1086
Income: Under 50k 29 30 40 736
Income: 50k-100k 28 33 39 569
Income: 100k+ 29 27 44 430
Educ: < College 28 31 40 1119
Educ: Bachelors degree 28 28 44 397
Educ: Post-grad 34 29 38 219
Military HH 27 22 51 347
Not Military HH 29 32 38 1388
Urban 33 33 34 433
Suburban 30 29 41 871
Rural 22 31 47 430
Tea Party - Supporter 14 18 68 503
Tea Party - Not Supporter 35 35 30 1229
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 19 26 55 827
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 38 34 28 907
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 29 30 41 1070
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 29 31 40 665
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 32 33 35 838
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 26 28 47 897
12: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 19 53 28 1735
Male 16 53 32 827
Female 22 53 25 907
Age: 18-29 27 55 17 303
Age: 30-44 22 55 23 401
Age: 45-64 15 55 31 655
Age: 65+ 16 47 37 376
Ethnicity - White 17 52 31 1420
Ethnicity - Hispanic 21 61 19 152
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 25 61 15 217
Ethnicity - Other 33 52 15 75
Democrats (no lean) 35 58 7 662
Independents (no lean) 11 65 23 561
Republicans (no lean) 6 34 60 512
Liberal (1-3) 65 35 0 501
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 525
Conservative (5-7) 0 32 68 709
Northeast 20 55 25 304
Midwest 17 59 25 418
South 17 50 33 642
West 25 50 25 370
New England 20 52 27 87
Mid-Atlantic 20 55 24 218
East North Central 18 63 19 286
West North Central 13 51 36 132
South Atlantic 17 56 28 347
East South Central 19 46 35 110
West South Central 15 43 42 186
Mountain 14 43 43 117
Pacific 30 53 17 253
12: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 19 53 28 1735
Protestant 10 46 44 495
Roman Catholic 13 60 27 377
Ath./Agn./None 34 55 11 404
Something Else 20 53 27 454
Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 47 40 649
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 57 21 1086
Income: Under 50k 18 53 29 736
Income: 50k-100k 19 58 24 569
Income: 100k+ 21 47 32 430
Educ: < College 17 55 28 1119
Educ: Bachelors degree 21 50 29 397
Educ: Post-grad 25 48 27 219
Military HH 18 45 37 347
Not Military HH 19 55 26 1388
Urban 25 55 21 433
Suburban 19 53 28 871
Rural 14 51 35 430
Tea Party - Supporter 10 32 58 503
Tea Party - Not Supporter 22 62 16 1229
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 10 47 42 827
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 27 58 15 907
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 20 51 29 1070
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 18 57 26 665
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 22 53 25 838
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 16 53 31 897
13: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 1829
Male 8 92 853
Female 10 90 976
Age: 18-29 19 81 318
Age: 30-44 12 88 430
Age: 45-64 6 94 690
Age: 65+ 2 98 391
Ethnicity - White 8 92 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 100 0 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 10 90 235
Ethnicity - Other 0 100 81
Democrats (no lean) 9 91 698
Independents (no lean) 9 91 607
Republicans (no lean) 9 91 524
Liberal (1-3) 10 90 501
Moderate (4) 8 92 525
Conservative (5-7) 8 92 709
Northeast 6 94 334
Midwest 5 95 432
South 9 91 680
West 16 84 384
New England 5 95 95
Mid-Atlantic 6 94 238
East North Central 5 95 295
West North Central 5 95 137
South Atlantic 7 93 366
East South Central 14 86 118
West South Central 8 92 196
Mountain 11 89 123
Pacific 19 81 261
13: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 1829
Protestant 3 97 513
Roman Catholic 15 85 403
Ath./Agn./None 10 90 424
Something Else 9 91 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 90 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 92 1157
Income: Under 50k 8 92 794
Income: 50k-100k 11 89 601
Income: 100k+ 7 93 434
Educ: < College 10 90 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 8 92 406
Educ: Post-grad 5 95 221
Military HH 6 94 363
Not Military HH 10 90 1466
Urban 11 89 453
Suburban 9 91 911
Rural 7 93 465
Tea Party - Supporter 10 90 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 8 92 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 8 92 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 9 91 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 10 90 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 7 93 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 10 90 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 8 92 941
14: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1829
Male 1 3 12 83 2 853
Female 1 4 14 80 1 976
Age: 18-29 1 9 25 62 3 318
Age: 30-44 2 4 19 73 3 430
Age: 45-64 1 1 8 89 1 690
Age: 65+ 0 1 4 94 0 391
Ethnicity - White 0 0 0 100 0 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 2 1 14 72 11 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 0 100 0 0 235
Ethnicity - Other 15 71 0 0 14 81
Democrats (no lean) 1 4 25 68 2 698
Independents (no lean) 1 4 7 87 2 607
Republicans (no lean) 1 2 3 94 1 524
Liberal (1-3) 1 5 18 74 2 501
Moderate (4) 1 4 14 80 1 525
Conservative (5-7) 1 1 8 89 1 709
Northeast 1 1 9 87 2 334
Midwest 1 2 10 86 1 432
South 0 2 21 76 1 680
West 2 9 6 81 3 384
New England 1 0 3 95 1 95
Mid-Atlantic 1 2 11 84 2 238
East North Central 1 3 13 81 2 295
West North Central 1 0 4 95 1 137
South Atlantic 1 3 20 76 1 366
East South Central 0 0 25 73 2 118
West South Central 0 1 20 79 1 196
Mountain 0 0 6 92 2 123
Pacific 2 13 5 77 3 261
14: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1829
Protestant 1 3 10 87 1 513
Roman Catholic 1 3 6 88 2 403
Ath./Agn./None 1 5 13 80 1 424
Something Else 1 3 23 71 2 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 1 3 18 76 2 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 3 10 84 1 1157
Income: Under 50k 1 2 18 77 2 794
Income: 50k-100k 1 5 10 82 1 601
Income: 100k+ 0 3 7 88 2 434
Educ: < College 1 2 16 80 1 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 7 10 81 2 406
Educ: Post-grad 1 4 2 92 1 221
Military HH 1 1 10 87 1 363
Not Military HH 1 4 13 80 2 1466
Urban 1 4 22 72 2 453
Suburban 0 4 12 82 2 911
Rural 1 1 6 90 1 465
Tea Party - Supporter 1 3 10 84 2 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 3 14 80 1 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 1 3 11 84 1 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 1 3 15 79 2 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 1 2 13 82 1 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 1 5 12 80 2 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 1 3 12 82 1 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 1 3 13 81 2 941
15: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 6 4 90 1829
Male 8 6 85 853
Female 4 2 94 976
Age: 18-29 4 4 92 317
Age: 30-44 5 5 90 430
Age: 45-64 7 3 90 690
Age: 65+ 8 3 89 391
Ethnicity - White 6 4 90 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 6 4 91 162
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 4 5 90 234
Ethnicity - Other 3 3 94 81
Democrats (no lean) 7 5 88 697
Independents (no lean) 5 3 92 607
Republicans (no lean) 6 3 91 524
Liberal (1-3) 8 5 87 501
Moderate (4) 7 3 90 524
Conservative (5-7) 5 4 91 709
Northeast 13 6 82 334
Midwest 8 4 87 432
South 2 3 95 679
West 5 3 92 384
New England 10 6 84 95
Mid-Atlantic 14 6 81 238
East North Central 10 6 84 295
West North Central 5 1 95 137
South Atlantic 2 1 97 366
East South Central 2 3 95 118
West South Central 2 5 93 196
Mountain 0 0 99 123
Pacific 7 5 88 261
15: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 6 4 90 1829
Protestant 5 3 92 513
Roman Catholic 11 7 82 403
Ath./Agn./None 4 3 93 424
Something Else 5 2 93 484
Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 5 88 671
Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 3 92 1157
Income: Under 50k 5 4 91 794
Income: 50k-100k 5 4 91 601
Income: 100k+ 9 3 88 434
Educ: < College 6 4 90 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 4 94 406
Educ: Post-grad 11 2 87 220
Military HH 11 6 83 363
Not Military HH 5 3 92 1465
Urban 8 3 89 452
Suburban 6 4 90 911
Rural 5 4 91 465
Tea Party - Supporter 6 5 89 511
Tea Party - Not Supporter 6 3 91 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 6 4 90 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 6 4 90 959
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 5 3 92 1131
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 8 4 88 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 6 4 89 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 6 3 91 941
16: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1829
Male 20 60 2 10 5 4 853
Female 18 56 2 12 8 5 976
Age: 18-29 61 31 3 0 0 6 318
Age: 30-44 20 64 2 7 0 6 430
Age: 45-64 8 64 1 16 6 5 690
Age: 65+ 2 61 2 14 20 1 391
Ethnicity - White 15 61 2 11 7 4 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 27 52 3 7 5 7 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 37 40 3 10 4 6 235
Ethnicity - Other 32 56 1 7 1 3 81
Democrats (no lean) 23 52 2 11 7 6 698
Independents (no lean) 18 58 2 12 7 3 607
Republicans (no lean) 15 65 2 10 6 4 524
Liberal (1-3) 28 46 2 12 5 7 501
Moderate (4) 20 56 2 12 6 4 525
Conservative (5-7) 11 69 2 9 7 3 709
Northeast 21 57 1 9 6 6 334
Midwest 19 58 2 10 9 3 432
South 20 59 1 11 6 4 680
West 15 57 5 13 6 4 384
New England 22 60 1 10 3 4 95
Mid-Atlantic 21 55 2 9 7 7 238
East North Central 19 59 2 10 7 3 295
West North Central 19 55 2 9 13 3 137
South Atlantic 16 66 1 10 3 3 366
East South Central 31 40 0 14 10 5 118
West South Central 21 55 0 10 9 6 196
Mountain 7 54 11 18 7 3 123
Pacific 19 58 3 12 5 4 261
16: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1829
Protestant 10 69 0 9 9 2 513
Roman Catholic 18 57 1 11 9 4 403
Ath./Agn./None 29 50 2 13 1 5 424
Something Else 21 53 4 10 7 6 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 17 62 2 9 8 2 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 20 55 2 12 6 5 1157
Income: Under 50k 23 40 3 17 12 5 794
Income: 50k-100k 18 68 1 6 2 4 601
Income: 100k+ 13 75 0 6 2 3 434
Educ: < College 21 51 2 13 8 5 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 16 70 1 7 3 3 406
Educ: Post-grad 11 69 1 8 6 5 221
Military HH 11 70 1 10 5 3 363
Not Military HH 21 55 2 11 7 4 1466
Urban 22 52 4 10 7 5 453
Suburban 19 59 1 10 7 5 911
Rural 15 60 2 14 6 3 465
Tea Party - Supporter 16 64 1 8 8 3 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 20 55 2 12 6 5 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 18 59 3 12 5 4 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 20 57 1 10 8 5 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 19 57 2 11 7 5 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 19 59 2 10 7 4 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 19 55 2 12 9 4 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 19 60 2 10 4 5 941
17: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 28 22 23 27 1825
Male 29 24 24 23 853
Female 27 21 22 30 972
Age: 18-29 14 19 33 34 318
Age: 30-44 22 20 29 29 430
Age: 45-64 30 23 22 25 686
Age: 65+ 43 26 12 20 391
Ethnicity - White 30 24 23 23 1485
Ethnicity - Hispanic 10 37 26 26 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 21 10 23 47 235
Ethnicity - Other 22 15 33 30 81
Democrats (no lean) 22 23 28 28 698
Independents (no lean) 29 19 27 25 606
Republicans (no lean) 36 24 13 27 520
Liberal (1-3) 14 20 38 27 501
Moderate (4) 27 23 24 26 521
Conservative (5-7) 40 22 12 26 709
Northeast 20 34 21 25 334
Midwest 33 23 22 22 432
South 33 18 20 29 676
West 21 19 32 28 384
New England 25 34 25 17 95
Mid-Atlantic 18 34 19 29 238
East North Central 24 26 24 26 295
West North Central 52 16 19 13 137
South Atlantic 33 16 18 33 365
East South Central 35 11 27 27 118
West South Central 33 24 19 24 193
Mountain 34 19 17 30 123
Pacific 15 18 40 27 261
17: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 28 22 23 27 1825
Protestant 100 0 0 0 513
Roman Catholic 0 100 0 0 403
Ath./Agn./None 0 0 100 0 424
Something Else 0 0 0 100 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 25 4 32 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 20 35 23 1153
Income: Under 50k 28 22 19 31 793
Income: 50k-100k 27 22 28 23 601
Income: 100k+ 30 23 24 24 431
Educ: < College 28 22 23 27 1198
Educ: Bachelors degree 33 22 22 23 406
Educ: Post-grad 23 23 25 28 220
Military HH 37 19 22 23 363
Not Military HH 26 23 24 28 1462
Urban 25 17 28 29 453
Suburban 27 27 22 24 910
Rural 33 17 21 29 461
Tea Party - Supporter 38 22 13 27 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 24 22 27 27 1310
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 31 22 21 25 865
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 25 22 25 28 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 28 21 24 27 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 28 24 22 26 693
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 31 19 26 24 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 25 25 21 29 937
18: Would you describe yourself as a ’born-again’ or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 35 65 909
Male 36 64 446
Female 33 67 463
Age: 18-29 42 58 103
Age: 30-44 33 67 180
Age: 45-64 36 64 358
Age: 65+ 31 69 268
Ethnicity - White 33 67 794
Ethnicity - Hispanic 31 69 76
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 59 41 72
Ethnicity - Other 32 68 30
Democrats (no lean) 33 67 310
Independents (no lean) 29 71 286
Republicans (no lean) 41 59 313
Liberal (1-3) 18 82 171
Moderate (4) 27 73 258
Conservative (5-7) 46 54 438
Northeast 12 88 178
Midwest 38 62 239
South 46 54 341
West 28 72 151
New England 12 88 55
Mid-Atlantic 13 87 124
East North Central 25 75 147
West North Central 59 41 93
South Atlantic 41 59 178
East South Central 72 28 54
West South Central 42 58 109
Mountain 30 70 64
Pacific 26 74 86
18: Would you describe yourself as a ’born-again’ or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 35 65 909
Protestant 53 47 510
Roman Catholic 11 89 399
Religiosity: Monthly+ 50 50 430
Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 79 480
Income: Under 50k 45 55 393
Income: 50k-100k 26 74 293
Income: 100k+ 28 72 224
Educ: < College 40 60 591
Educ: Bachelors degree 28 72 217
Educ: Post-grad 15 85 101
Military HH 37 63 202
Not Military HH 34 66 707
Urban 33 67 191
Suburban 29 71 489
Rural 47 53 229
Tea Party - Supporter 47 53 305
Tea Party - Not Supporter 28 72 603
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 36 64 461
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 33 67 448
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 33 67 552
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 37 63 357
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 38 62 441
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 31 69 468
19: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services–more than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 7 21 9 16 27 20 1829
Male 7 21 9 15 27 21 853
Female 7 21 9 17 27 20 976
Age: 18-29 7 22 10 19 22 20 318
Age: 30-44 6 18 11 14 27 24 430
Age: 45-64 6 19 7 18 29 22 690
Age: 65+ 10 28 8 12 27 15 391
Ethnicity - White 6 20 8 16 28 22 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 11 18 14 11 24 22 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 12 27 11 16 22 11 235
Ethnicity - Other 6 17 11 14 27 25 81
Democrats (no lean) 6 17 9 18 27 23 698
Independents (no lean) 4 22 7 14 28 24 607
Republicans (no lean) 11 26 10 17 24 12 524
Liberal (1-3) 5 13 9 13 29 32 501
Moderate (4) 7 17 9 19 28 20 525
Conservative (5-7) 8 31 9 16 24 12 709
Northeast 4 16 7 18 27 27 334
Midwest 10 25 8 16 20 21 432
South 9 24 11 15 25 17 680
West 2 17 7 17 37 20 384
New England 2 13 7 17 32 30 95
Mid-Atlantic 5 18 7 19 25 26 238
East North Central 10 23 7 16 18 26 295
West North Central 9 29 10 16 25 11 137
South Atlantic 11 21 13 15 23 17 366
East South Central 5 26 8 16 26 20 118
West South Central 8 28 9 14 28 13 196
Mountain 2 20 5 20 35 18 123
Pacific 2 15 8 15 37 22 261
19: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services–more than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 7 21 9 16 27 20 1829
Protestant 9 31 11 16 25 8 513
Roman Catholic 4 29 10 22 27 9 403
Ath./Agn./None 1 2 3 8 28 59 424
Something Else 12 22 10 19 27 11 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 18 58 24 0 0 0 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 0 0 25 42 32 1157
Income: Under 50k 7 24 8 15 26 19 794
Income: 50k-100k 7 19 9 16 26 23 601
Income: 100k+ 6 19 10 18 28 20 434
Educ: < College 7 21 8 16 27 22 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 22 11 16 26 17 406
Educ: Post-grad 8 20 9 18 27 19 221
Military HH 10 25 7 13 27 18 363
Not Military HH 6 20 9 17 27 21 1466
Urban 7 19 8 15 29 22 453
Suburban 6 24 9 16 24 20 911
Rural 8 17 10 17 29 19 465
Tea Party - Supporter 12 29 9 14 25 11 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 5 18 9 17 28 24 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 8 26 7 14 26 19 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 6 17 10 18 27 22 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 7 20 8 15 28 22 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 6 24 9 18 25 19 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 6 19 9 15 28 23 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 7 23 8 17 25 18 941
20: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 28 72 1829
Male 26 74 853
Female 31 69 976
Age: 18-29 32 68 318
Age: 30-44 61 39 430
Age: 45-64 21 79 690
Age: 65+ 3 97 391
Ethnicity - White 26 74 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 49 51 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 42 58 235
Ethnicity - Other 33 67 81
Democrats (no lean) 34 66 698
Independents (no lean) 26 74 607
Republicans (no lean) 24 76 524
Liberal (1-3) 31 69 501
Moderate (4) 27 73 525
Conservative (5-7) 27 73 709
Northeast 27 73 334
Midwest 26 74 432
South 29 71 680
West 31 69 384
New England 21 79 95
Mid-Atlantic 29 71 238
East North Central 25 75 295
West North Central 27 73 137
South Atlantic 30 70 366
East South Central 36 64 118
West South Central 24 76 196
Mountain 33 67 123
Pacific 29 71 261
20: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 28 72 1829
Protestant 25 75 513
Roman Catholic 25 75 403
Ath./Agn./None 31 69 424
Something Else 33 67 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 30 70 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 27 73 1157
Income: Under 50k 28 72 794
Income: 50k-100k 31 69 601
Income: 100k+ 26 74 434
Educ: < College 28 72 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 34 66 406
Educ: Post-grad 19 81 221
Military HH 25 75 363
Not Military HH 29 71 1466
Urban 31 69 453
Suburban 26 74 911
Rural 30 70 465
Tea Party - Supporter 33 67 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 27 73 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 30 70 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 27 73 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 27 73 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 30 70 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 28 72 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 29 71 941
21: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 25 50 25 1829
Male 25 51 24 853
Female 24 49 27 976
Age: 18-29 28 52 19 318
Age: 30-44 31 44 25 430
Age: 45-64 20 49 31 690
Age: 65+ 24 56 21 391
Ethnicity - White 22 50 28 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 31 50 20 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 41 46 12 235
Ethnicity - Other 23 60 18 81
Democrats (no lean) 31 49 20 698
Independents (no lean) 23 50 27 607
Republicans (no lean) 18 51 30 524
Liberal (1-3) 29 52 19 501
Moderate (4) 27 48 25 525
Conservative (5-7) 21 51 29 709
Northeast 21 53 26 334
Midwest 25 49 26 432
South 22 50 29 680
West 34 47 19 384
New England 17 46 38 95
Mid-Atlantic 22 56 21 238
East North Central 26 51 24 295
West North Central 23 46 31 137
South Atlantic 21 53 26 366
East South Central 15 36 49 118
West South Central 25 53 22 196
Mountain 41 37 22 123
Pacific 31 52 17 261
21: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 25 50 25 1829
Protestant 22 48 30 513
Roman Catholic 19 61 19 403
Ath./Agn./None 30 47 23 424
Something Else 28 45 28 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 23 53 24 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 48 26 1157
Income: Under 50k 28 42 30 794
Income: 50k-100k 23 51 27 601
Income: 100k+ 22 62 16 434
Educ: < College 25 46 29 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 22 59 19 406
Educ: Post-grad 30 54 16 221
Military HH 19 53 28 363
Not Military HH 26 49 25 1466
Urban 100 0 0 453
Suburban 0 100 0 911
Rural 0 0 100 465
Tea Party - Supporter 23 49 28 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 26 50 24 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 23 51 26 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 26 49 25 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 26 48 27 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 23 53 24 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 25 49 27 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 25 51 24 941
22: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 32 6 9 10 6 23 8 7 1829
Male 37 6 11 3 4 26 8 5 853
Female 28 5 7 15 8 20 8 8 976
Age: 18-29 28 6 7 8 34 0 10 6 318
Age: 30-44 53 8 10 10 2 1 8 9 430
Age: 45-64 33 7 10 13 0 17 11 8 690
Age: 65+ 9 1 7 4 0 75 2 1 391
Ethnicity - White 32 5 9 10 4 26 8 6 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 37 6 15 6 12 4 11 10 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 32 12 5 6 14 10 12 9 235
Ethnicity - Other 33 7 10 8 20 11 5 6 81
Democrats (no lean) 35 6 6 11 8 19 9 7 698
Independents (no lean) 30 6 8 8 6 25 8 7 607
Republicans (no lean) 29 5 14 9 4 25 8 5 524
Liberal (1-3) 38 4 8 7 12 19 7 5 501
Moderate (4) 31 7 9 8 6 20 10 9 525
Conservative (5-7) 30 6 11 11 3 27 7 4 709
Northeast 36 3 11 10 5 22 8 6 334
Midwest 32 5 7 10 7 22 8 8 432
South 28 8 6 11 7 23 8 8 680
West 34 4 14 7 6 23 9 3 384
New England 42 2 10 7 4 21 6 7 95
Mid-Atlantic 34 4 11 11 5 22 8 6 238
East North Central 33 6 8 9 6 22 9 8 295
West North Central 31 3 6 12 9 24 7 8 137
South Atlantic 27 9 7 11 4 28 8 5 366
East South Central 25 4 3 7 10 13 16 21 118
West South Central 31 10 7 12 9 20 4 6 196
Mountain 35 4 12 8 4 28 8 0 123
Pacific 33 4 15 6 7 21 9 4 261
22: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 32 6 9 10 6 23 8 7 1829
Protestant 26 7 7 13 3 33 7 5 513
Roman Catholic 34 7 10 5 5 28 6 4 403
Ath./Agn./None 43 4 7 9 9 13 8 7 424
Something Else 26 6 12 10 9 16 12 10 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 28 8 9 9 6 26 8 6 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 34 4 9 10 6 21 8 7 1157
Income: Under 50k 23 5 5 13 7 26 13 10 794
Income: 50k-100k 36 6 10 8 6 21 7 7 601
Income: 100k+ 43 7 14 6 6 19 3 2 434
Educ: < College 26 5 7 13 8 22 11 8 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 46 6 11 5 3 21 3 5 406
Educ: Post-grad 37 10 14 1 1 32 1 3 221
Military HH 27 8 6 8 5 39 4 3 363
Not Military HH 33 5 10 10 7 19 9 8 1466
Urban 35 6 9 7 6 19 12 6 453
Suburban 32 6 8 8 8 25 7 5 911
Rural 27 5 10 14 4 22 8 10 465
Tea Party - Supporter 31 6 9 12 6 23 8 6 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 32 6 9 9 7 22 8 7 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 31 6 9 10 6 22 9 6 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 32 6 8 10 6 23 7 7 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 31 6 10 10 5 23 8 6 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 32 5 8 8 8 22 9 7 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 31 7 7 12 7 22 9 6 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 32 4 11 8 6 24 8 7 941
23: Many people weren’t able to vote in the election for President and other offices in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 88 12 1829
Male 89 11 853
Female 87 13 976
Age: 18-29 71 29 318
Age: 30-44 88 12 430
Age: 45-64 92 8 690
Age: 65+ 95 5 391
Ethnicity - White 89 11 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 82 18 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 86 14 235
Ethnicity - Other 86 14 81
Democrats (no lean) 87 13 698
Independents (no lean) 85 15 607
Republicans (no lean) 92 8 524
Liberal (1-3) 88 12 501
Moderate (4) 86 14 525
Conservative (5-7) 92 8 709
Northeast 88 12 334
Midwest 88 12 432
South 87 13 680
West 91 9 384
New England 87 13 95
Mid-Atlantic 88 12 238
East North Central 90 10 295
West North Central 82 18 137
South Atlantic 88 12 366
East South Central 76 24 118
West South Central 90 10 196
Mountain 92 8 123
Pacific 90 10 261
23: Many people weren’t able to vote in the election for President and other offices in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 88 12 1829
Protestant 90 10 513
Roman Catholic 90 10 403
Ath./Agn./None 86 14 424
Something Else 86 14 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 89 11 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 87 13 1157
Income: Under 50k 83 17 794
Income: 50k-100k 91 9 601
Income: 100k+ 93 7 434
Educ: < College 84 16 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 95 5 406
Educ: Post-grad 98 2 221
Military HH 92 8 363
Not Military HH 87 13 1466
Urban 88 12 453
Suburban 88 12 911
Rural 87 13 465
Tea Party - Supporter 89 11 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 87 13 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 89 11 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 87 13 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 90 10 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 85 15 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 87 13 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 89 11 941
24: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 53 42 5 1608
Male 51 44 5 756
Female 56 39 5 851
Age: 18-29 64 30 6 226
Age: 30-44 63 31 6 381
Age: 45-64 50 44 6 631
Age: 65+ 42 56 2 370
Ethnicity - White 47 48 5 1318
Ethnicity - Hispanic 60 36 4 134
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 90 6 4 203
Ethnicity - Other 62 27 11 70
Democrats (no lean) 92 6 2 608
Independents (no lean) 48 41 11 515
Republicans (no lean) 11 87 2 485
Liberal (1-3) 85 11 4 439
Moderate (4) 68 25 7 449
Conservative (5-7) 20 76 3 652
Northeast 56 40 4 292
Midwest 57 39 4 378
South 49 45 6 589
West 55 39 6 348
New England 53 42 4 83
Mid-Atlantic 57 40 4 210
East North Central 62 34 5 267
West North Central 45 52 4 111
South Atlantic 53 40 7 323
East South Central 46 51 3 90
West South Central 43 52 5 176
Mountain 39 56 5 113
Pacific 63 31 6 234
24: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 53 42 5 1608
Protestant 39 57 4 460
Roman Catholic 54 42 4 365
Ath./Agn./None 71 22 7 363
Something Else 53 41 6 416
Religiosity: Monthly+ 42 53 5 600
Religiosity: LT Monthly 60 35 5 1008
Income: Under 50k 53 42 6 659
Income: 50k-100k 53 41 6 545
Income: 100k+ 55 42 2 404
Educ: < College 53 43 5 1007
Educ: Bachelors degree 52 41 6 387
Educ: Post-grad 59 37 4 214
Military HH 48 49 3 332
Not Military HH 55 40 6 1276
Urban 66 29 4 398
Suburban 53 43 4 805
Rural 41 51 8 405
Tea Party - Supporter 21 75 4 458
Tea Party - Not Supporter 66 28 6 1147
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 37 57 6 770
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 68 27 5 838
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 52 43 5 1015
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 56 39 4 592
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 58 37 5 774
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 49 45 5 834
25: Many people weren’t able to vote in the election for Congress and other offices in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 75 25 1829
Male 78 22 853
Female 73 27 976
Age: 18-29 44 56 318
Age: 30-44 74 26 430
Age: 45-64 81 19 690
Age: 65+ 92 8 391
Ethnicity - White 77 23 1490
Ethnicity - Hispanic 62 38 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 69 31 235
Ethnicity - Other 67 33 81
Democrats (no lean) 74 26 698
Independents (no lean) 68 32 607
Republicans (no lean) 86 14 524
Liberal (1-3) 73 27 501
Moderate (4) 71 29 525
Conservative (5-7) 83 17 709
Northeast 76 24 334
Midwest 77 23 432
South 73 27 680
West 78 22 384
New England 76 24 95
Mid-Atlantic 76 24 238
East North Central 79 21 295
West North Central 73 27 137
South Atlantic 75 25 366
East South Central 58 42 118
West South Central 77 23 196
Mountain 72 28 123
Pacific 80 20 261
25: Many people weren’t able to vote in the election for Congress and other offices in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 75 25 1829
Protestant 81 19 513
Roman Catholic 80 20 403
Ath./Agn./None 69 31 424
Something Else 71 29 485
Religiosity: Monthly+ 80 20 672
Religiosity: LT Monthly 73 27 1157
Income: Under 50k 69 31 794
Income: 50k-100k 79 21 601
Income: 100k+ 82 18 434
Educ: < College 70 30 1202
Educ: Bachelors degree 82 18 406
Educ: Post-grad 93 7 221
Military HH 84 16 363
Not Military HH 73 27 1466
Urban 77 23 453
Suburban 76 24 911
Rural 73 27 465
Tea Party - Supporter 82 18 512
Tea Party - Not Supporter 73 27 1314
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 75 25 869
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 76 24 960
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 78 22 1132
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 70 30 698
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 74 26 888
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 77 23 941
26: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 49 45 6 1378
Male 47 48 5 663
Female 52 42 6 715
Age: 18-29 52 40 7 141
Age: 30-44 62 33 5 318
Age: 45-64 48 45 7 560
Age: 65+ 40 57 3 358
Ethnicity - White 43 51 6 1146
Ethnicity - Hispanic 49 46 5 100
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 88 8 4 162
Ethnicity - Other 61 28 11 54
Democrats (no lean) 95 3 2 514
Independents (no lean) 42 43 15 414
Republicans (no lean) 4 94 2 450
Liberal (1-3) 83 14 4 364
Moderate (4) 61 31 8 373
Conservative (5-7) 21 75 5 591
Northeast 49 45 6 251
Midwest 49 43 8 332
South 47 48 5 496
West 53 42 4 299
New England 44 47 9 72
Mid-Atlantic 52 44 5 179
East North Central 53 39 9 233
West North Central 39 53 8 100
South Atlantic 51 44 5 276
East South Central 54 44 2 69
West South Central 38 55 7 151
Mountain 39 55 6 89
Pacific 59 37 3 209
26: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 49 45 6 1378
Protestant 35 59 6 418
Roman Catholic 51 45 4 320
Ath./Agn./None 67 26 7 292
Something Else 51 43 6 343
Religiosity: Monthly+ 40 55 4 538
Religiosity: LT Monthly 55 38 7 839
Income: Under 50k 49 44 7 550
Income: 50k-100k 49 45 6 473
Income: 100k+ 51 46 3 355
Educ: < College 49 45 7 839
Educ: Bachelors degree 49 46 5 334
Educ: Post-grad 54 43 3 204
Military HH 42 53 5 304
Not Military HH 51 43 6 1073
Urban 61 31 8 346
Suburban 49 46 5 691
Rural 39 56 5 340
Tea Party - Supporter 22 74 4 421
Tea Party - Not Supporter 62 32 6 955
Q1: FinRegs Too Far 32 60 7 652
Q1: FinReg Not Far Enough 65 31 4 725
Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 47 47 6 887
Q2: Fines for WS Execs 54 41 5 491
Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 55 39 5 655
Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 44 50 6 722

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