Furnish a complete Analogue soft addressable electrically supervised fre detection
and alarm system as specifed herein and indicated on the drawings. The system
shall include but not limited to a control panel with integral battery charger, in-built
alphanumeric eypad ! eys to facilitate on-site programming", in-built #0 column
thermal printer, visual display unit capable of displaying 1$ lines of #0 characters
each !$# %haracters &%' " and signal initiating devices, audible and visual alarm
devices, and all accessories re(uired to provide a complete operating system.
All the system components shall be manufactured by a single manufacturer,
laboratory tested and assessed by the standards of the &oss *revention %ouncil. All
the e(uipment of fre alarm system shall have the &oss *revention %ertifcation
+oard !&*%+" listing or ,ds approved.
The system shall be installed in accordance with the ./% and the following
+0 12-3 - *art1 Fire 'etection 4 Alarm 0ystem in +uildings.
+0 12-3 - *art ) to *art 1,
+0 1##1 - *art 1 4 5
+0 1##$
/. 1#
.F*A 6 '7. or any other international standards.
*rovide together with the shop drawings submittal, where called for in these
specifcations. 8pon completion of the installation and prior to fnal inspection, the
contractor shall provide 9As-built9 drawings where sensors are used, the 9As +uilt9
drawing shall show the number and the e:act se(uence in which the detectors are
installed in the circuit.
0ubmit complete list of materials and e(uipment of fre Alarm and 'etection 0ystem
for engineer;s approval. 7nclude in the submitted pacage, catalogues, illustrations,
diagrams and any other relevant descriptive literature.
The contractor shall provide si: copies of a maintenance manual giving complete
instructions for the operations, inspection, testing and maintenance of the system
including wiring diagrams of units and main control panel. 7t shall also include the
following <anufacturer;s instructions for testing and fre(uency of cleaning for
16721 - 1
automatic smoe detector heads. <anufacturer;s instructions for any control
ad>ustment and maintenance of battery6charger units.
The fre detection and alarm system shall be designed to facilitate accurate
identifcation of the source of heat 6 smoe 6 fre in their early stages to minimi?e
occurrences of false alarms due to faulty e(uipment, electrical transients, system
faults etc.
The fre alarm control panel shall be of # or 2 loops capacity and shall be installed as
shown in the drawings. The panel shall mae fnal decision on whether a fre or fault
e:ists by comparing the plotted patterns from a fre sensor against nown fre and
fault patterns held in its memory. 0ystem shall be true Analogue with the ability to
print the output from a fre sensor over a period of time.
All system components and devices shall be connected to a two-wire loop circuits
with each component having its own individual built-in isolator. @emoval or
disconnection of any component from the loop shall not aAect the functioning and
performance of other components and the system. *lease note that group isolators
which are used to isolate a section of a loop in case of fault are not acceptable.
0ystem shall be of Analogue soft !safe" addressable type i.e. Addressing of all
devices shall be done automatically from FA%* whereby use of hard switches to set
addresses is eliminated. *lease note that hard addressing is not acceptable.
i. Ala! C"#$i%i"#
The Bperation of fre alarm manual station, or automatic detector, or water Cow
sensing device in sprinler etc. shall cause the following functions.
,isual indicate the alarm indicating device e:act location and the detailed -)
character label at the Fire Alarm %ontrol *anel &i(uid %rystal 'isplay.
Active audible alarm sounders in the eAected ?one with evacuate tone and alert
tone in the ad>acent ?ones i.e. 7n case of Fire, when reported from 0ensors or <anual
+rea Dlass unit the sounders connected on the loop shall ring throughout the
building in ) phases and accordingly as below E
a" %ontinuous evacuation signal shall be provided at the Coor of origin of fre alarm ,
7ntermittent alert signal shall be provided for one Coor above and one Coor below F
fre stair wells.
b" 7f the fre alarm is not resetted within - minutes of receiving the above signal,
evacuation signal shall travel one Coor above and one Coor below.
c" 7f still the fre alarm is not resetted for another - minutes then the whole of the
building shall provide the evacuation signal.
d" Automatic operate the fan shut down control and fre doors for the same Coor.
e" Air-conditioning system shall be Gswitched oAH only on the Coor of origin of fre
alarm signal and A6% system on the other Coors shall be switched oA only if such
signal is received from these Coors. +ut if there is a fre reported from transfer Coor
where all chillers and chilled water circulating pumps are installed then a6c system
for the whole building shall be switched oA. To achieve this se(uencing the F.A
system shall be interfaced to +<0 and shall provided Coor wise contacts of fre
condition through the 7nterface @ac. .
16721 - 2
f" Bperate a clean contact and provide a signal to the +uilding <anagement 0ystem,
&ift *anel serving the same ?one. 7f the fre is initiated in any other Coors other than
ground Coor, the respective lift in that area shall trip and stop at ground Coor. 7f the
fre is initiated in the ground Coor, the lift shall trip and stop at frst Coor.
The system shall connect to the telephone system through an Auto dialer so that
one common fre signal is relayed to the %entral Fire 0tation after a set delay. TI/
A+B,/ F7@/ *&A. 0IA&& +/ F7.A&70/' +A0/' B. TI/ A**&7A%T7B. +J TI/ %&7/.T
/.D7.//@ '
[email protected] /K/%8T7B..
B. Fa&l% C"#$i%i"#
Facilities shall be provided to constantly monitor and chec the following circuits and
fault conditions on the &i(uid %rystal 'isplay of the FA%* and a fault and warning
condition &/'.
The operation of a valve tamper switch.
The power supply to the loop 6s
For open-circuit, short-circuit, earth fault and any other fault condition in the loop
For communication failure and errors in all cards and loops.
For faults in eyboard and printer circuits.
<onitoring of all devices status every 1.- minutes to create a table of each analogue
channel for event analysis.
All devices i.e., 0ensors, <%*Ls, sounders, repeat panel, interface unit etc. shall be
installed on the same loop. All devices shall be assigned a ma:imum of $# character
alpha-numeric label. 7n case of fre, fault or warning, the label of device sensing
threshold shall appear on visual display unit of the panel.
Any programming, correction in label shall have to be carried out from the built-in
eyboard of FA%*. 8se of separate *% or tools shall not be acceptable. Any event i.e.
Fire, fault or warning shall be recorded with time, date and place of occurrence in the
memory of FA%*. These events can either be displayed on ,'8 or printed, as
*rovision shall be done at the fre alarm control panel to silence the alarm sounders
but the visual indication shall remain until the system is reset. 0ensitivity of sensors
can be changed, if re(uired, only from fre alarm control panel. 0ensitivity can also
be varied automatically, if re(uired by time ?oning feature whereby it allows sensors
to be programmed to respond at diAerent sensitivities relative to any time of day,
and any day of wee.
Facility to introduce 6 change delay periods in operating individual sounder 6 group of
sounders, shall be possible to program from FA%* without the need to change any
16721 - 3
The panel shall be computer controlled using analogue techni(ue to detect smoe 6
heat 6 fre conditions. The panel shall be complete with, but not limited to, the
following elements E
,isual display unit capable of displaying 1$ lines of #0 characters bac-lit display
+uilt-in #0 character thermal printer.
+uilt-in full alpha numeric eyboard. &abeling of devices can be done from this
eyboard. Also, any programming , correction in label if re(uired, shall be done by
this eyboard only.
0hall be baced-up with maintenance free sealed lead acid battery and charger unit,
as per the re(uirements of +0 12-3.
/ssential controls- sound alarms, silence alarms and reset fre. These shall be
enabled by a ey-switch.
%ancel fault bu??er
Fire, fault, warning and power on lamps.
0imple menu driven function eys with password protection shall allow users to an
e:tensive range of software based features such as E
- last 100 fre events
- last )11 system events
- current fault and warning logs.
- analysis of analogue sensor information
- interrogation of sensor cleanliness
- loop map connections
- enable6 disable sensors, ?ones, sounders, interface unit channels.
- fre plan confguration menus
- outstation label changes
- address allocation
- status of outstation
- status of all cards
- printer on, oA, line feed and test facilities.
All control buttons and eyboard shall be enclosed behind a locable cover.
8p to )00 analogue addressable device capacity per 1 m loop.
@0 )-)6 @0 #21 computer communication option.
0hall have minimum of ) <aster alarm circuits.
0hall have a secure networing facility to indicate a remote ?one and remote ?one
te:t across the networ in future.
16721 - 4
This power supply unit shall be integrated into the fre alarm control panel to power
the electronics within the panel and also provide power for outstations connected to
the panels loop. The unit shall normally derive its supply from the standard mains of
))0,A% 106$0 I?, protected with a 1A fuse. 7n the event of a mains failure the
panels battery bacup facility shall maintain all power re(uirements for )# hours
using the maintenance free sealed lead acid batteries.
The method used for transforming the power shall involve the switching of power
devices at high speed to chop unregulated dc voltage into pulse at a rate
determined by the load re(uirements. /Mcient computer grade energy storage
devices shall modulate the pulse into a stabili?ed dc voltage, which shall be
chopped yet again to create a number of other isolated dc voltage for use by the
control panel.
There shall be two charger circuits for the sealed lead acid battery bans integrated
with the power supply design and each charger shall be protected by a 1A fuse.
/ach charger shall have a negative temperature compensation characteristic giving
a #2m,6 deg. % reduction in charge voltage with an increase in temperature.
Bther facilities shall be built into the power supply assembly to provide for panel
and system control. These shall include two au:iliary relays, two master alarm
circuits rated 1A at )#, and a two tone Fire6Fault bu??er. /:tensive fault monitoring
shall be performed at the unit to cover the mains supply, loop voltage, earth fault
monitoring and the monitoring of all stabili?ed dc voltages.
7nstall where ever appropriate as shown in the drawings. All smoe sensors shall
comprise of three componentsE-
Termination *late, /lectronics <odule and a replaceable sensor chamber. The
termination plate shall incorporate the terminals for wiring only and shall not contain
any electronic parts. The electronic module shall plug onto the termination plate as
a second f: item. 7t shall have micro processors, short-circuit isolators and all
electronic components and circuitry suitable for an Analogue addressable system.
The sensing chamber shall ft on the electronics module as a third f: item.
This design shall allow sensing element alone to be replaced, should it become dirty
due to a build up of dust from the surrounding atmosphere. Nhen removed, the
panel shall display a fault condition with a message G0ensor chamber @emovedH
with a relevant label6address. The sensor chamber shall also have -$0 degree
viewing &/' indicator.
The automatic fre detectors shall be f:ed to the installation by means of plug-in
The bases specifed herein shall have a facility to set and accept all type of sensors
with feature of locing the detectors place once plugged in.
The base or sensors shall .BT have any address setting ey-switches. All the
devices connected on the loop shall be soft addressed by the FA%*. Addressing of
devices through hard switches or separate tools or Cips are .BT acceptable.
16721 - 5
All e(uipment connected to the system addressable loops either directly via
interfaces units, shall be proofed against electrical noise, high fre(uency pulses and
electromagnetic inCuences from other e(uipment.
%omply where applicable with re(uirements of +0 1##1E *art5. 7nstall where ever
appropriate as shown in the drawings. %ontain integral &./.'. indicator to denote
operational mode and infra-red emitter for transmitting address and status
information to an hand held device.
%ontain all necessary microprocessors, electronic components and circuitry re(uired
to form a analogue6addressable device for direct connection to the two wire loop
circuits originating from the central control panel and operate in con>unction
with the system circuitry6operational arrangements.
The smoe chamber shall employ a low energy alpha emitting ioni?ing radiation
source !Americium )#1 of 0.2<c". 7oni?ation sensors shall be dual chamber type with
sampling reference chambers for high reliability.
%omply where applicable with the re(uirements of +0 1##1E *art 1 4 and +0 1##$E
*art 1 for the Ieat60moe elements respectively. 7nstall where ever appropriate as
shown in the drawings.
0moe sensing shall be by pulses of an infra-red beam pro>ected across a dar
sensor chamber by the &./.'. emitter. A photo-diode receive ftted at an obtuse
angle to the 7@ beam shall normally sense some standing light scatter. Nhen smoe
enters the smoe chamber through entry slots around the sensor head, more light
shall be scattered towards photo-diode receiver thus enabling the microprocessor
and measurement circuits on the *%+ to pic up a fre threshold. Ieat sensing shall
be done by the two thermistors in close contact with the mesh which shall prevent
foreign bodies entering the sensor chamber and shall serve as a heat sin for the
two Thermistors to allow even heat distribution. These sensors should also have
capabilty of accomodating inbuilt sounders upto 21 d+A.
%omply where applicable with the re(uirement of +0 1##1E*art1 4 2. 7nstall where
ever appropriate as shown in the drawings.
Ieat sensing shall be carried out by the thermistor and heat sin assembly.
The microprocessor on the *%+ performs the monitoring of the TI/@<70TB@ through
analogue to digital conversion circuitry and uses the measurement to enable heat
sensing to be performed.
7t shall use an optical smoe6heat sensor combined. 7nstall where ever appropriate in
return air ducts as shown in the drawings. Iousing shall include inlet and outlet
probes and terminations to the sensor base.
16721 - 6
0hall monitor an air Cow of 0-10 meters per second in ventilation ducts. Therefore a
correct positioning of duct detectors is a must. Air turbulence caused by bends, fans
or obstructions shall reduce the eMciency of the probes and the unit shall be ftted
away from these positions. A position shall be selected where a suMcient density of
smoe can reach the inlet probe.
For this to be achieved, duct sensors must not be sited in a common duct as this will
lead to smoe dilution. That is, air from an area of fre will mi: with clean air from
other areas and may not satisfactorily operate the sensor within the duct housing.
Nhen the probes are correctly aligned in the duct, the air Cow along the duct
promotes a pressure diAerential between the inlet and e:haust probes, causing air
to Cow through the duct housing. 7f smoe is present in suMcient (uantity in the
duct it shall be sensed by optical6heat sensor.
%omply where applicable with the re(uirement of +0 12-3 *art ) . 7nstall where ever
appropriate as shown in the drawings.
The Addressable call points shall be soft addressable type, microprocessor based
and shall monitor and signal to FA%* the status of switch operated by a brea glass.
The addressable call points shall be capable of operating by means of thumb
For e:ternal applications, the addressable call points shall be capable of mounted in
weather -proof aAording protection to 7* $$.
The addressable call points shall incorporate a mechanism to interrupt the normal
addressable loop scan to provide an alarm response within less than 1 second.
The addressable call points shall be feld programmable to trigger either an alert or
an evacuate response from FA%*.
The addressable call point shall be capable of being tested using a special GeyH
without the need for shattering the glass.
The addressable call points shall be provided with an integral red &/' to indicate
The addressable call point glass shall have both /nglish and Arabic script.
0hall meet the re(uirements of +0 12-3 *art 1.
0hall be electronic soft addressable pattern with
Two lin selectable volumeE
31d+ at 1 <t.
10# d+ at 1 <t.
0hall be compatible to be connected on the same loop along with addressable
sensors and addressable manual call points.
16721 - 7
%ross - ?oning concept shall be available which can be modifed and programmed
accordingly using the eyboard. Activation, deactivation, enabling and dissembling
features shall be available and shall be achieved using the built-eyboard. 0hall be
suitable for surface mounting.
7nstall where ever appropriate as shown in the drawings.
All interface units shall be soft addressable *ATT/@. and contain all necessary
micro-processors, electronic components6circuitry re(uired to form an addressable
device for direct connection to the two wire loop circuits and operate in con>unction
with the system circuitry6operational re(uirements to tae inputs from the adessable
detectors and manual brea glass units if shown in the drawings.
0hall have capacity to drive # special outlets to be controlled via relays with 1 no.
set of )# volts A%6'% $ amp rated volt free change over %B.TA%T0 to provide the
outputs to door holders., all pre-wired to terminals for accepting incoming cables
shall be by the sub-contractor.
The relay coil shall be controlled from the control panel via the two wire loop circuits
and internal micro-processors6electronic components6circuitry, the contacts shall be
utili?ed to adressable de-energi?e automatic fre doors and transfer ventilation
plants to a fre status under a fre alarm condition as shown in the drawings and
mentioned elsewhere.
The interface units shall be complete with power supply units i.e. integral battery
and charger, all housed within a surface mounted metallic enclosure.
.o use of relays shall be re(uired when any form of low current output devices are
connected to any of the # lines of interface units.
%omply where applicable with the re(uirement of +0 12-3 *art # . 7nstall where ever
appropriate as shown in the drawings.
All graphic mimic display panel shall be installed at entrance reception in the
ground Coor . This shall have soft addressable pattern, containing all necessary
microprocessors, electronic components and circuitry re(uired to form an
addressable device for direct connection to the two wire loop circuits and operate
with con>unction with the system circuitry6operational re(uirements.
This shall give secondary indications of fres detected by the main control panel by
means of illuminating lamps behind a translucent site plan of the protected
premises. The lamps shall be on 16)9 matri: and consists of high brightness @ed
%ontrolled illuminated patterns shall be carried out automatically based on pre-
programmed data to illuminate lamps individually or in groups depending on the
positions of the outstations on the protected site.
The map shall be ftted between ) sheets of clear perple: and mounted against
11-$ high brightness lamps. Any site alterations as a result of oMce moves or
16721 - 8
e:tensions to the building shall be easily accommodated by replacing the flm and
programmable device holding the lamp illumination data.
7t shall also includeE
0hall have frst or last fre Cashing option
0hall have Cashing in phase of anti-phase to save power consumption
0hall have the facility to operate single or group of lamps with individual devices.
7nstall where ever appropriate as shown in the drawings.
Fire Alarm repeat panel shall be soft addressable pattern, contain all necessary
microprocessors, electronic components and circuitry re(uired to form an
addressable device for direct connection to the two wire loop circuits and operate in
con>unction with the system circuitry6operational re(uirements. 7t shall give the
secondary indication and control of the main fre alarm control panel. 7t shall repeat
system Fire, Fault and Narning messages with indications and also duplicates
essential system controls for emergency conditions.
The messages on the repeat panel shall be alphanumeric 1$ lines by #0 characters
li(uid crystal display. Audible indications are by means of a ) tone bu??er for Fire
and Fault sound.
7t shall have an identical display and eyboards to those used on the control panel
and includes 0tart 0ounders, 0top 0ounders, @eset %ontrols and Test /ngineering
&ocal communication, interconnection of electronics disconnection from the loop
power supply land standby supply shall be monitored.
All alarm6graphic mimic panels, manual contacts, sensors, sounders, repeat panels
and interface units shall be complete with individual circuit monitors.
The function of the monitors being to both isolate short6open circuit faults on the
loop wiring and e(uipment items, without impairing the operation of all other
e(uipment items connected to the loop of the system.
7nstall where ever appropriate as shown in the drawings.
Fire Alarm interface rac shall be /<% compliant, &,' %ompliance cable types and
loop circuit connections. The rac shall consist of #0 monitored change over
contacts to provide signal to +<0 and other au:iliary e(uipment. 7nterface rac
shall be semi-Cush mounted and shall consist of 10 numbers loop powered interface
*%+Ls with each # .os. input6output programmable contacts.
A. Fire alarm components shall be installed directly to conduit outlet bo:es at the
following mounting heights above fnished Coor level, measured to the center of
bo: unless stated otherwise.
+. Fi: manual call station semi-recessed at 1.10 <t. height above fnished Coor.
%. Automatic smoe and heat sensorsE %eiling mounted
16721 - 9
'. Alarm soundersE ).)0 <t. above fnished Coor
/. Butdoor alarmE f: where indicated by fre dept. and approved by the %lient 6
%onsultant engineer.
F. /:ternal response indicatorsE f: beside or above doors as directed by the client
engineer 6 as shown on the drawings.
A. 0upply and install the necessary conduit, enclosed truning to the Fire %able and
accessories and wiring for the fre alarm system.
+. 0upply shall operate on two wire lines for detection, alarm and control functions.
Nire si?e termination and other details shall be as per Fire Alarm 0ystem
manufacturer;s recommendations. &oop wiring for the devices shall be ) core 1.1 s(.
mm screened Firecell 0@11# , *irelli F*#00 cable or approved e(uivalent fre resistant
%. All wiring shall be installed to provide complete and satisfactory function system in
all respects. All cable terminationLs at components and >unction bo:es shall have
identifcation tags, indicating through out the system.
'. The Fire Alarm6'etection system wiring shall be completely independent from the
other system wiring in all respects in accordance with the 7// @egulations.
/. After the installation is complete, the contractor shall conduct operating and
commissioning tests. The e(uipment shall be demonstrated to operate in accordance
with the re(uirements of the specifcation. The system installation, testing and
commissioning shall be as per &ocal approvals and re(uirements.
F. The fre alarm system shall be completely programmed in accordance with Fire
'epartment re(uirement and a specialist from the manufacturer shall attend and
demonstrate the complete system.
D. A company trained representative shall personally supervise the complete
installation and fnal testing of the system .
I. All tests shall be carried out in the presence of the %lient or persons authori?ed by
the consultant 6 client..
7. 8pon the completion of the acceptance tests, the representatives shall instruct
operatives in the proper operation , maintenance programming, confguration, and
testing of the system.
O. The vendor shall provide e(uipment and 6or software which is necessary to allow
feld modifcation of the programming and confguration.
16721 - 10