Flu babi 1

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Swine Influenza and You
What is swine flu?
Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. Outbreaks of swine flu happen regularly in pigs. People do not nor ally get swine flu! but hu an infections can and do happen. "ost co only! hu an cases of swine flu happen in people who are around pigs but it#s possible for swine flu viruses to spread fro person to person also.

Are there human infe tions with swine flu in the U!S!?
In late "arch and early April $%%&! cases of hu an infection with swine influenza A ('()() viruses were first reported in Southern *alifornia and near San Antonio! +e,as. *-* and local and state health agencies are working together to investigate this situation.

Is this swine flu "irus onta#ious?
*-* has deter ined that this virus is contagious and is spreading fro hu an to hu an. 'owever! at this ti e! it not known how easily the virus spreads between people.

What are the si#ns and s$m%toms of swine flu in %eo%le?
+he sy pto s of swine flu in people are si ilar to the sy pto s of regular hu an flu and include fever! cough! sore throat! body aches! headache! chills and fatigue. So e people have reported diarrhea and vo iting associated with swine flu. In the past! severe illness (pneu onia and respiratory failure) and deaths have been reported with swine flu infection in people. .ike seasonal flu! swine flu ay cause a worsening of underlying chronic edical conditions.

&ow serious is swine flu infe tion?
.ike seasonal flu! swine flu in hu ans can vary in severity fro ild to severe. /etween $%%0 until 1anuary $%%&! ($ hu an cases of swine flu were detected in the 2.S. with no deaths occurring. 'owever! swine flu infection can be serious. In Septe ber (&33! a previously healthy 4$5year5old pregnant wo an in 6isconsin was hospitalized for pneu onia after being infected with swine flu and died 3 days later. A swine flu outbreak in 7ort -i,! )ew 1ersey occurred in (&89 that caused ore than $%% cases with serious illness in several people and one death.

&ow do $ou at h swine flu?
Spread of swine flu can occur in two ways:
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+hrough contact with infected pigs or environ ents conta inated with swine flu viruses. +hrough contact with a person with swine flu. 'u an5to5hu an spread of swine flu has been docu ented also and is thought to occur in the sa e way as seasonal

flu. Influenza is thought to spread sneezing of infected people.

ainly person5to5person through coughing or

Are there medi ines to treat swine flu?
;es. *-* reco ends the use of oselta ivir or zana ivir for the treat ent and<or prevention of infection with these swine influenza viruses. Antiviral drugs are prescription edicines (pills! li=uid or an inhaler) that fight against the flu by keeping flu viruses fro reproducing in your body. If you get sick! antiviral drugs can ake your illness ilder and ake you feel better faster. +hey ay also prevent serious flu co plications. 7or treat ent! antiviral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick (within $ days of sy pto s).

&ow lon# an an infe ted %erson s%read swine flu to others?
People with swine influenza virus infection should be considered potentially contagious as long as they are sy pto atic and possible for up to 8 days following illness onset. *hildren! especially younger children! ight potentially be contagious for longer periods.

What an I do to %rote t m$self from #ettin# si '?
+here is no vaccine available right now to protect against swine flu. +here are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of ger s that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza. +ake these everyday steps to protect your health:
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*over your nose and outh with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. +hrow the tissue in the trash after you use it. 6ash your hands often with soap and water! especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol5based hand cleaners are also effective. +ry to avoid close contact with sick people. If you get sick with influenza! *-* reco ends that you stay ho e fro work or school and li it contact with others to keep fro infecting the . Avoid touching your eyes! nose or outh. >er s spread this way.

What should I do if I #et si '?
If you live in San -iego *ounty or I perial *ounty *alifornia or >uadalupe *ounty! +e,as and beco e ill with influenza5like sy pto s! including fever! body aches! runny nose! sore throat! nausea! or vo iting or diarrhea! you ay want to contact their health care provider! particularly if you are worried about your sy pto s. ;our health care provider will deter ine whether influenza testing or treat ent is needed. If you are sick! you should stay ho e and avoid contact with other people as possible to keep fro spreading your illness to others. uch as

If you beco e ill and e,perience any of the following warning signs! seek e ergency edical care.

In children e ergency warning signs that need urgent
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edical attention include:

7ast breathing or trouble breathing /luish skin color )ot drinking enough fluids )ot waking up or not interacting /eing so irritable that the child does not want to be held 7lu5like sy pto s i prove but then return with fever and worse cough 7ever with a rash edical attention include:

In adults! e ergency warning signs that need urgent
• • • • •

-ifficulty breathing or shortness of breath Pain or pressure in the chest or abdo en Sudden dizziness *onfusion Severe or persistent vo iting

(an I #et swine influenza from eatin# or %re%arin# %or'?
)o. Swine influenza viruses are not spread by food. ;ou cannot get swine influenza fro eating pork or pork products. ?ating properly handled and cooked pork products is safe.

Swine flu
A new strain of swine flu that has killed as any as 3( and sickened ore than (!4$@ in "e,ico has spread to the 2nited States and is raising fears of a possible pande ic. .earn ore about the disease and why it is causing concern a ong health officialsA new strain of swine flu that has killed as any as 3( and sickened ore than (!4$@ in "e,ico has spread to the 2nited States and is raising fears of a possible pande ic. .earn ore about the disease and why it is causing concern a ong health officials A new strain of swine flu that has killed as any as 3( and sickened ore than (!4$@ in "e,ico has spread to the 2nited States and is raising fears of a possible pande ic. .earn ore about the disease and why it is causing concern a ong health officials 'ow do people get infectedA

'u an infection happens inter ittently! with

ost cases occurring when patients have

direct contact with pigs. /ut cases of an infected person trans itting the swine flu to

others have also been docu ented! says the *-*. (A (&33 outbreak in pigs in 6isconsin led to ultiple hu an infections! and there was evidence that a patient trans itted the virus to health care workers.)

About one case of swine flu in hu ans is reported to the *-* every one to two years! but fro -ece ber $%%0 through 7ebruary $%%&! ($ cases were reported to the agency. According to 6eb"-.co ! (( of those people had direct or indirect contact with infected pigs.

'u an5to5hu an infections do occur si ilar to the way the hu an seasonal flu virus is trans itted B through coughing! sneezing and co ing in contact with a person or obCect with the virus.

People cannot beco e infected by eating pork or pork products. *ooking pork to an internal te perature of (9% degrees 7ahrenheit kills the virus as well as other bacteria! notes the *-*. 6hat are the sy pto sA

Sy pto s are si ilar to those of the regular hu an influenza virus: fever! lethargy! lack of appetite and coughing. So e who have been infected with the swine flu also reported having a runny nose! sore throat! nausea! vo iting and diarrhea. 'ow is it diagnosedA

A respiratory speci en (such as children)! Speci ens

ust be collected within the first four to five days of illness! ost likely to be shedding the virus. 'owever! so e patients

when the infected person is

ay shed the virus for (% days or longer! according to the *-*.

ust be sent to the *-* for laboratory testing in order to identify swine flu.

7our antiviral drugs are licensed to treat the disease in the 2.S.: a antadine! ri antadine! oselta ivir and zana ivir. "ost of the viruses are susceptible to all four! but the *-* currently reco ends oselta ivir or zana ivir to treat and prevent swine flu infections. +he antivirals should be taken as soon as possible sy pto s appear.

+a iflu! the generic na e for oselta ivir! appears to be effective against the new strain when taken early! says the *-*.

+here is currently no hu an vaccine for swine flu! but the flu vaccine protection against the '4)$ strain! though not the '()( strain

ay provide so e

)e%artemen *esehatan + Awas ,lu -a.i
"inggu! $9 April $%%& D (8:%& 6I/ TE/0O Interaktif! 1a'arta: Penetapan status darurat kasus swine flu (flu babi) oleh /adan Eesehatan -unia (6'O)! e buat -eparte en Eesehatan engedarkan surat kewaspasdaan dini! ke seluruh kantor kesehatan. FIni langkah antisipasi! ka i belu tahu situasinya seperti apa!F uCar -irektur 1enderal Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan .ingkungan -eparte en Eesehatan +Candra ;oga Adita a ketika dihubungi Ahad ($9<@). Sabtu ($0<@) sore telah diku pulkan aparat kesehatan di pelabuhan di seluruh Indonesia untuk engaktifkan dan e astikan thermal scanner bekerCa dengan baik. Saat ini seluruh perwakilan kantor kesehatan tengah berku pul engikuti si ulasi Pande i 7lu /urung di "akasar. FSekalian e bahas situasi terakhir dan pengetatan lalu lintas pintu asuk lewat bandara dan pelabuhanF i buh ;oga. -eparte en Eesehatan Cuga e bentuk kerCasa a dengan -eparte en Pertanian untuk e bentuk ti terpadu penanggulangan kasus zoonosis (penyakit yang dapat enular dari hewan kepada anusia). 2paya pencegahan asuknya flu babi ke Indonesia! kata +Candra! tergantung situasi yang terCadi. .angkah yang sudah dilakukan hingga Ahad ini adalah engu pulkan data dan kaCian il iah serta berkoordinasi dengan 6'O. -eparte en kata +Candra Cuga e persiapkan pe eriksaan laboratoriu untuk 7lu /abi.

7lu babi! Celasnya adalah penyakit influenza yang disebabkan oleh virus influenza A subtipe '()( yang dapat ditularkan elalui binatang! teruta a babi! dan ada ke ungkinan penularan antar anusia. FSecara u u penyakit ini irip dengan influenza! geCala klinisnya sa a!F ta bahnya *ara penularannya! Ia ena bahkan bisa elalui udara dan dapat Cuga elalui kontak langsung dengan penderita. "asa inkubasinya 4 sa pai 0 hari. (Inkubasi: 6aktu antara asuknya bibit penyakit sa pai unculnya geCala5gekala awal: Agus Ga dani! he.. hee..) +Candra engingatkan antisipasi penyebarannya dengan enCaga pola hidup bersih. +ercatat hingga saat ini 3 kasus positif (confirm) di A erika Serikat dan di "eksiko sebanyak 383 kasus dan 9% diantaranya eninggal dunia ($% kasus positif flu babi).

MAKASSAR - Delapan kasus Flu Babi yang ditemukan di Amerika Serikat diduga ditularkan antar manusia. Dirjen Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (P2PL) Departemen esehatan !jandra "#ga Aditama mengungkapkan dugaan tersebut saat k#n$erensi pers di %#tel &mperial Aryaduta 'akassar. Dia menjelaskan( Flu Babi yang mun)ul saat ini adalah *irus tipe A %+,+. -Ada %+,+( %+,2( %.,+( %.,2. Dan yang ditemukan adalah %+,+(- ujarnya( Sabtu (2/0102223). !jandra menambahkan( *irus tersebut berbeda dengan *irus Flu Burung. Pada Flu Burung( *irus %/,+ tidak ada penularan antar manusia. Dugaaan sementara( *irus %+,+ penyebab Flu Babi dapat menular antar manusia. -%/,+ tidak sama dengan %+,+( sangat berbeda. 4irus ini berdekatan dengan *irus $lu biasa tipe A(terangnya. Sebelumnya( *irus Flu Babi me5abah di 'eksik#. Dari 676 #rang yang mengalami gejala Flu Babi( 82 #rang telah meninggal dunia. 22 di antaranya telah conform terkena *irus %+,+ penyebab Flu Babi.

'inggu( 2802102223 22922 :&B

Flu Babi Meksiko Diduga Telah Merambah Selandia Baru
Shohib Masykur - detik,e5s


Flu Babi Merebak di Meksiko dan AS

Flu Babi Menyerang Meksiko Wellington - ekha5atiran merebaknya $lu babi 'eksik# ke seluruh dunia tampaknya mulai menjadi kenyataan. Diduga $lu jenis baru ini telah merambah ke Selandia Baru. ;euters( 'inggu (280102223)( menyebutkan( sekel#mp#k guru dan murid di k#ta Au)kland yang baru pulang dari 'eksik# terindikasi terserang $lu sehari setelah tiba di tanah air. Setelah menjalani uji lab#rat#rium( +2 dari 2/ guru dan murid itu dipastikan terin$eksi *irus $lu tipe A. %asil dari pengujian lab#rat#rium itu telah dikirim ke lab#rat#rium :%< di Australia untuk dipastikan apakah *irus tersebut %+,+ atau bukan. - ementerian esehatan tidak bisa memastikan itu adalah $lu babi( tapi kemungkinan ada saja(- ujar 'enteri esehatan Selandia Baru !#ny ;yall. -'eski begitu( semua pasien itu tidak mengalami sakit serius dan kebanyakan mulai sembuh(- imbuhnya. 4irus babi jenis baru yang merupakan k#mbinasi antara $lu babi( $lu burung( dan $lu manusia ini telah mene5askan 6+ #rang dan mengin$eksi sekitar +..22 #rang di 'eksik#. 4irus ini juga telah merambah ke Amerika Serikat dan mengin$eksi ++ #rang di =ali$#rnia( !e>as( dan ansas. :%< belum menyatakan penyakit tersebut sebagai pandemi gl#bal. ,amun :%< memperingatkan kemungkinan itu bisa saja terjadi dan menyerukan agar seluruh dunia 5aspada terhadap *irus ini.

Swine influenza
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+his pathology is related to a urrent e"ent+ 3445 &6N6 flu out.rea'. Infor ation ay change rapidly as the event progresses. +his article ma$ re7uire leanu% to meet Wi'i%edia8s 7ualit$ standards! Please i prove this article if you can. (April 2009)


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Influenza Hirus Avian influenza Swine influenza 7lu season Gesearch Haccine +reat ent >eno e proCect '0)( strain '()( strain Pande ic

Pigs can harbor influenza viruses adapted to hu ans and others that are adapted to birds! allowing the viruses to e,change genes and create a pande ic strain. Swine influenza "irus (referred to as Swine influenza "iruses or SI9) refers to influenza cases that are caused by Ortho y,oviruses ende ic to pig populations. SIH strains isolated to date have been classified either as Influenzavirus * or one of the various subtypes of the genus Influenzavirus A.I(J Swine flu infects people every year and is found typically in people who have been in contact with pigs! although there have been cases of person5to5person trans ission.I$J Sy pto s include fever! disorientation! stiffness of the Coints! vo iting! and loss of

consciousness ending in death.I4J Swine influenza is known to be caused by influenza A subtypes '()(!I@J '()$!I@J '4)(!I0J '4)$!I@J and '$)4.I9J In swine! three influenza A virus subtypes ('()(! '4)$! and '()$) are circulating throughout the world.Icitation neededJ In the 2nited States! the '()( subtype was e,clusively prevalent a ong swine populations before (&&3K however! since late August (&&3! '4)$ subtypes have been isolated fro pigs. "ost '4)$ virus isolates are triple reassortants! eaning that it contains genes fro hu an ('A! )A! and P/()! swine ()S! )P! and ")! and avian (P/$ and PA) lineages.Icitation neededJ

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( '0)( $ 'istory o $.( (&(3 epide ic o $.$ (&89 2.S. outbreak o $.4 $%%8 Philippine outbreak o $.@ $%%& '()( flu outbreak 4 Heterinary swine flu vaccine @ See also 0 7urther reading 9 Geferences

Avian influenza virus '4)$ is ende ic in pigs in *hina and has been detected in pigs in Hietna ! increasing fears of the e ergence of new variant strains.I8J 'ealth e,pertsIwho?J say pigs can carry hu an influenza viruses! which can co bine (i.e. e,change ho ologous geno e sub5units by genetic reassort ent) with '0)(! passing genes and utating into a for which can pass easily a ong hu ans.I3J '4)$ evolved fro '$)$ by antigenic shift.I&J A co bination of these two subtypes of the species known as the avian influenza virus in a country like *hina is a worst case scenario.I(%J In August $%%@! researchers in *hina found '0)( in pigs.I((J "easured resistance to the standard antiviral drugs a antadine and ri antadine in '4)$ in hu ans has increased to &(L in $%%0.
Icitation neededJ

In $%%0 it was discovered that '0)( could be infecting up to half of the pig population in so e areas of Indonesia! but without causing sy pto s. *hairul )ido ! a virologist at Airlangga 2niversityMs tropical disease center in Surabaya! ?ast 1ava! conducted an independent researchK he tested the blood of (% apparently healthy pigs housed near poultry far s in 6est 1ava where avian flu had broken out! Nature reported. 7ive of the pig sa ples contained the '0)( virus. +he Indonesian govern ent has since found si ilar results in the sa e region. Additional tests of (0% pigs outside the area were negative.I($JI(4J

1918 epidemic
"ain article: Spanish 7lu In the spring of (&(3! bird influenza utated into a severe hu an for in Cust a few onths. It was originally thought the strain evolved fro a i, of swine flu which hu ans are ore susceptible to and bird flu! with the two strains co bining in a pig infected with both strains at the sa e ti e. /ut recovery of the actual (&(3 strain fro preserved tissue sa ples revealed it to be a utated bird flu virus and not a swine flu virus co bination. In the 2.S.! appro,i ately 980!%%% people died.I(@J 6orldwide! the nu ber of casualties was between 0% and (%% illion.I(0J


!S! outbreak

On 7ebruary 0! (&89! an ar y recruit at 7ort -i, said he felt tired and weak. 'e died the ne,t day and four of his fellow soldiers were later hospitalized. +wo weeks after his death! health officials announced that swine flu was the cause of death and that this strain of flu appeared to be closely related to the strain involved in the (&(3 flu pande ic. Alar ed public5health officials decided that action ust be taken to head off another aCor pande ic! and they urged President >erald 7ord that every person in the 2.S. be vaccinated for the disease. +he vaccination progra was plagued by delays and public relations proble s! but about $@L of the population had been vaccinated by the ti e the progra was canceled.I(9J About 0%% cases of >uillain5/arrN syndro e! resulting in death fro severe pul onary co plications for $0 people! were probably caused by an i unopathological reaction to the vaccine.I(9J Other influenza vaccines have not been linked to >uillain5/arrN syndro e.I(8J

"##7 $hilippine outbreak
On August $%! $%%8 -epart ent of Agriculture officers investigated the outbreak of swine flu in )ueva ?ciCa and *entral .uzon! Philippines. +he ortality rate is less than (%L for swine flu! if there are no co plications like hog cholera. On 1uly $8! $%%8! the Philippine )ational "eat Inspection Service ()"IS) raised a hog cholera Fred alertF warning over "etro "anila and 0 regions of .uzon after the disease spread to backyard pig far s in /ulacan and Pa panga! even if these tested negative for the swine flu virus.

"##9 %1&1 'lu outbreak

+rain co uters in "e,ico *ity wearing surgical "ain article: $%%& '()( flu outbreak


In "arch and April $%%&! ore than (!%%% cases of swine flu in hu ans were detected in "e,ico! and ore than 3% deaths are suspected to have a connection with the virus. As of April $0! $%%& (&:4% ?-+ there are (( laboratory confir ed cases in the southwestern 2nited States and in Eansas!I$%J and several suspected cases in the )ew ;ork *ity etropolitan area. 7ollowing a series of reports of isolated cases of swine flu!I$(JI$$J the first announce ent of the outbreak in "e,ico was docu ented on April $4! $%%&. So e of the cases have been confir ed by the 6orld 'ealth Organization to be due to a new genetic strain of '()(.I$4JI$@J +he new strain has been confir ed in (9 of the deaths and @@ others are being tested as of April $@! $%%&.I$0J +he "e,ican fatalities are said to be ainly young adults! a hall ark of pande ic flu.I$9J At 3 p. . on Sunday! April $9! the )ew Oealand "inister of 'ealth confir ed that $$ students returning fro a school trip fro "e,ico had flu like sy pto s ( ost likely swine flu). (4 of the students with flu like sy pto s were tested and (% tested positive for Influenza A! their cases strongly suspected to be the swine flu strain. 'owever there is a possibility that the infected are not infected with the swine flu but other for s of the flu. +he govern ent has suggested that citizens of )ew Oealand with flu5like sy pto s should see their >.P. i ediately. +here have been five cases of possible swine flu in *anada! according to the *anadian Press. +wo in /ritish *olu bia! and three in )ova Scotia. According to the >overn ent of )ova Scotia! four students in 6indsor! )ova Scotia have confir ed cases of swine flu.

+he new strain appears to be a reco binant between two older strains. Preli inary genetic characterization found that the he agglutinin ('A) gene was si ilar to that of swine flu viruses present in 2.S. pigs since (&&&! but the neura inidase ()A) and atri, protein (") genes rese bled versions present in ?uropean swine flu isolates. Hiruses with this genetic akeup had not previously been found to be circulating in hu ans or

pigs! but there is no for al national surveillance syste circulating in pigs in the 2.S.I$3J

to deter ine what viruses are

According to 2niversity of Hirginia virologist 7rederick 'ayden! the ost recent flu season was do inated by '()( viruses! and people who had received flu shots in the 2.S. ay have so e protection against swine flu.I$&J

Veterinary swine flu vaccine
Swine influenza has beco e a greater proble in recent decades as the evolution of the virus has resulted in inconsistent responses to traditional vaccines. Standard co ercial swine flu vaccines are effective in controlling the infection when the virus strains atch enough to have significant cross5protection! and custo (autogenous) vaccines ade fro the specific viruses isolated are created and used in the ore difficult cases.I4%JI4(J Present vaccination strategies for SIH control and prevention in swine far s! typically include the use of one of several bivalent SIH vaccines co ercially available in the 2nited States. Of the &8 recent '4)$ isolates e,a ined! only @( isolates had strong serologic cross5reactions with antiseru to three co ercial SIH vaccines. Since the protective ability of influenza vaccines depends pri arily on the closeness of the atch between the vaccine virus and the epide ic virus! the presence of nonreactive '4)$ SIH variants suggests that current co ercial vaccines ight not effectively protect pigs fro infection with a aCority of '4)$ viruses.I4$JI44J +he current vaccine against the seasonal influenza strain '()( is thought unlikely to provide protection.I4@J +he director of *-*Ms )ational *enter for I unization and Gespiratory -iseases said that the 2nited StatesM cases were found to be ade up of genetic ele ents fro four different flu virusesB)orth A erican swine influenza! )orth A erican avian influenza! hu an influenza A virus subtype '()(! and swine influenza virus typically found in Asia and ?urope. On two cases! a co plete geno e se=uence had been obtained. She said that the virus is resistant to a antadine and ri antadine! but susceptible to oselta ivir (+a iflu) and zana ivir (Gelenza).I40JI49JI48J

See also
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/ird flu -og flu 'orse flu 'u an flu

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Ooonosis Pande ic .ist of epide ics Infectious disease

Further reading
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FSwine 7lu *ases 6ithout Swine ?,posureF *enter for /iosecurity of 2P"* The Swine Flu Affair: Decision !a"in# on a Slipper$ Disease Original (&83 2.S.A. -epart ent of 'ealth ?ducation and 6elfare review by Gichard ?.

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)eustadt and 'arvey H 7ineberg available fro .ouisiana State 2niversity .aw *enter "edical and Public 'ealth .aw Site. Surface sanitation and interruption of influen%a usin# NA& '(2 The Swine Flu )pisode and the Fo# of )pidemics by Gichard Erause in *-*Ms ? erging Infectious -iseases 1ournal Hol. ($! )o. ( 1anuary $%%9 published -ece ber $%! $%%0 S6I)? I)7.2?)OA by *arol >. 6oodlief of *ollege of Heterinary "edicine at )orth *arolina State 2niversity Overview! sy pto s in pigs! treat ent for pigs *n 'alifornia and Te+as, - New Swine Flu 'ases 6ashington Post! /y Gob Stein (Staff 6riter) Swine Flu *n !e+ico And ./S/ !a$ 0ead To 1andemic, 23( Sa$s A')! "ayur PahilaCani (Staff 6riter) )ews and infor ation on the $%%& hu an swine flu outbreak

(. : 'einen P. ((0 Septe ber $%%4). FSwine influenza: a zoonosisF. &eterinar$ Sciences Tomorrow. http:<<www.vetscite.org<publish<articles<%%%%@(<print.ht l. FInfluenza / and * viruses are al ost e,clusively isolated fro an! although influenza * virus has also been isolated fro pigs and influenza / has recently been isolated fro seals.F. $. : *uevas "ayra! *urley Ann! 'eller an *aleb! PuiCano ?laine! *andiotti Susan ($0 April $%%&). F"ore cases of swine flu reportedK 6'O warns of health e ergencyF. http:<<www.cnn.co <$%%&<'?A.+'<%@<$0<swine.flu<inde,.ht l. 4. : F6orld 'ealth Organization: Swine flu could spread globallyF. *)).co . http:<<www.cnn.co <$%%&<'?A.+'<%@<$0<swine.flu<inde,.ht l. Getrieved on $%%&5%@5 $0. @. Q a b c FSwine InfluenzaF. Swine Diseases ('hest). Iowa State 2niversity *ollege of Heterinary "edicine. http:<<www.vet ed.iastate.edu<depart ents<vdpa <swine<diseases<chest<swineinfluenza<. 0. : eurekalert +ips fro the 1ournals of the A erican Society for "icrobiology 5 )ovel '4)( Swine Influenza Hirus Identified in Pigs in Eorea 9. : P)AS Published online before print -ece ber (3! $%%8! doi: (%.(%84<pnas.%8(%$39(%@ P)AS -ece ber $9! $%%8 vol. (%@ no. 0$ $%&@&5$%&0@ 8. : ;u! '. ("arch $%%3). F>enetic evolution of swine influenza A ('4)$) viruses in *hina fro (&8% to $%%9F. 4ournal of 'linical !icro5iolo#$ ;< (4): (%98. doi:(%.(($3<1*".%($085%8. P"I- (3(&&83@. http:<<Cc .as .org<cgi<content<full<@9<4<(%98A a,toshowRS'I+SR(%ShitsR(%SG?S2.+7OG"A+RSfullte,tRphylogeneticSsearchi dR(S7IGS+I)-?TR$4%SresourcetypeR'67I>. 3. : F/ird flu and pande ic influenza: what are the risksAF. 2E -epart ent of 'ealth. http:<<www.dh.gov.uk<en<Aboutus<"inistersand-epart ent.eaders<*hief"edicalOfficer <7eatures<-'U@(%$&&8. &. : F>enetic analysis of hu an '$)$ and early '4)$ influenza viruses! (&08V(&8$: evidence for genetic divergence and ultiple reassort ent eventsF. ScienceDirect. http:<<www.sciencedirect.co <scienceAUobRArticle2G.SUudiR/96TG5@-98/3&5 (SUuserR(%SUrdocR(SUf tRSUorigRsearchSUsortRdSviewRcSUacctR*%%%%0%$$(SU versionR(SUurlHersionR%SUuseridR(%S d0R&fd$3(ee@&3caee$09bc0bf3e4f0$&8%. (%. : F?cono ic i pact of avian fluF. +he 6orld /ank. http:<<web.worldbank.org<6/SI+?<?T+?G)A.<*O2)+GI?S<?AS+ASIAPA*I7I*?T

+<?T+?APG?>+OP'?A)2+<%!!content"-E:$%8(40$8WpagePE:4@%%@(84WpiPE:4@% %48%8WtheSitePE:0%4%@3!%%.ht l. ((. : 6'O (October $3! $%%0). F'0)( avian influenza: ti elineF (P-7). http:<<www.who.int<csr<disease<avianUinfluenza<+i elineU$3U(%a.pdf. ($. : FIndonesian pigs have avian flu virusK bird cases double in *hinaF. *I-GAP. $8 "ay $%%0. http:<<www.cidrap.u n.edu<cidrap<content<influenza<avianflu<news< ay$8%0avflu.ht l. (4. : . 4( "arch $%%&. http:<<www.cidrap.u n.edu<cidrap<content<influenza<avianflu<news< ar4(%&swine5 Cw.ht l. report on Pigs as carriers (@. : Pande ics and Pande ic +hreats since (&%%. 2.S. -epart ent of 'ealth S 'u an Services (0. : +aubenberger 1E! "orens -" (1anuary $%%9). F(&(3 Influenza: the other of all pande icsF. )mer# *nfect Dis (*enters for -isease *ontrol and Prevention (*-*)) 63 ((). http:<<www.cdc.gov<ncidod<eid<vol($no%(<%05%&8&.ht . (9. Q a b F+he sky is falling: an analysis of the swine flu affair of (&89F. 'averford.edu. http:<<www.haverford.edu<biology<edwards<disease<viralUessays<warnervirus.ht . Getrieved on $%%&5%@5$0.Idu5ious 6 discussJ (8. : FInfluenza < 7lu HaccineF. 2niversity of Illinois at Springfield. http:<<www.uis.edu<healthservices<i unizations<influenzavaccine.ht l. Getrieved on $9 April $%%&. (3. : F-A probes reported swine flu MoutbreakM in ). ?ciCaF. > anews.tv. http:<<www.g anews.tv<story<093%0<-A5probes5reported5swine5flu5outbreak5in5)5?ciCa. Getrieved on $%%&5%@5$0. (&. : F>ovMt declares hog cholera alert in .uzonF. > anews.tv. http:<<www.g anews.tv<story<04%(@<>ovt5declares5hog5cholera5alert5in5.uzon. Getrieved on $%%&5%@5$0. $%. : F'u an swine influenza investigationF. *enter for -isease *ontrol and Prevention. $@ April $%%&. http:<<www.cdc.gov<swineflu<investigation.ht . Getrieved on $%%&5%@5$0. $(. : Stobbe "ike (April $(! $%%&). FOfficials alert doctors after $ *alifornia children infected with unusual swine fluF. Associated Press. http:<<www.startribune.co <lifestyle<health<@4408%&8.ht lA elrREArks8P;-iaE8-2v-?8a.UHU/-88:-ii2iacyE22r. Getrieved on April $@! $%%&. $$. : /rown -avid ($$ April $%%&). F)ew Strain of Swine 7lu Investigated: +wo *hildren in San -iego Area 'ad )o *ontact 6ith PigsF. 6ashington Post. http:<<www.washingtonpost.co <wp5 dyn<content<article<$%%&<%@<$(<AG$%%&%@$(%49&@.ht l. Getrieved on April $@! $%%&. $4. : FPSA: Swine fluF. //* )ews. http:<<news.bbc.co.uk<$<hi<health<3%(8030.st . $@. : FInfluenza5like illness in the 2nited States and "e,icoF. 6orld 'ealth Organization. $@ April $%%&. http:<<www.who.int<csr<don<$%%&U%@U$@<en<inde,.ht l. $0. : F?,perts probe deadly "e,ico fluF. $@ April $%%&. http:<<news.bbc.co.uk<(<hi<world<a ericas<3%(9&%&.st . $9. : F-eadly new flu virus in 2S and "e,ico ay go pande icF. )ew Scientist. $@ April $%%&. http:<<www.newscientist.co <article<dn(8%$05deadly5new5flu5virus5in5us5and5 e,ico5 ay5go5pande ic.ht l. $8. : FSwine Influenza .ive 6ebcastF. >overn ent of )ova Scotia. $%%&5%@5$9. http:<<gov.ns.ca<stayinfor ed<respiratoryillness.asp. $3. : FSwine Influenza A ('()() Infection in +wo *hildren 555 Southern *alifornia! "arch55April $%%&F. !!27. *enters for -isease *ontrol. $$ April $%%&. http:<<www.cdc.gov< wr<preview< wrht l< 03(0a0.ht .

$&. : FSwine flu e ergency caused by new variant of old bugF. /loo berg. $%%&5%@5$9. http:<<www.bloo berg.co <apps<newsApidR$%9%(%38SsidRa-%HE%Uo) w@. 4%. : FSwine flu virus turns ende icF. )ational 'og 7ar er. (0 Septe ber $%%8. http:<<nationalhogfar er.co < ag<swineUfluUvirusUende ic<. 4(. : FSwineF. 'ustom &accines. )ovartis. http:<<www.livestock.novartis.co <cvUswine.ht l. 4$. : >ra er "arie GenN! .ee 1ee 'oon! *hoi ;oung Ei! >oyal Sagar "! 1oo 'an Soo (1uly $%%8). FSerologic and genetic characterization of )orth A erican '4)$ swine influenza A virusesF. 'anadian 4ournal of &eterinar$ 7esearch =6 (4): $%(V$%9. P"I- (3&&399. http:<<www.pub edcentral.nih.gov<articlerender.fcgiAartidR(3&&399. 44. : "yers EP! Olsen *6! >ray >* (April $%%8). F*ases of swine influenza in hu ans: a review of the literatureF. 'lin *nfect Dis ;; (3): (%3@V3. doi:(%.(%39<0($3(4. P"I(8499@0@. 4@. : F2pdate: Swine Influenza A ('()() Infections 555 *alifornia and +e,as! April $%%&F. !!27. *entrers for -isease *ontrol. $@ April $%%&. http:<<www.cdc.gov< wr<preview< wrht l< 03d%@$@a(.ht . 40. : Steven Geinberg ($@ April $%%&). FSwine 7lu *ases )ow +otal 8: *-*F. A/* )ews. http:<<www.abcnews.go.co <'ealth<'ealthday<storyAidR8@(09((SpageR(. 49. : Gob Stein ($4 April $%%&). FIn *alifornia and +e,as! 0 )ew Swine 7lu *asesF. 6ashington Post. http:<<www.washingtonpost.co <wp5 dyn<content<article<$%%&<%@<$4<AG$%%&%@$4%@((9.ht l. 48. : F*-* /riefing on Public 'ealth Investigation of 'u an *ases of Swine InfluenzaF. *-* online newsroo . $4 April $%%&. http:<<www.cdc.gov< edia<transcripts<$%%&<t%&%@$4.ht .

?gyptian health officials have Cust reported two deaths fro bird flu within days of each other. +he dangerous virus variant '0)( struck down a si,5year5old boy and a young wo an! bringing the total death toll in ?gypt to $0. 6hile bird flu e,perts note that ?gypt has seen a surge in hu an cases in recent onths! with (9 confir ed since the start of the year! co pared to seven cases between 1anuary ( and April (8 last year IGeutersJ! they also say that the ?gyptian people#s level of alar is out of proportion to the threat. Gu ors have appeared in the ?gyptian edia that the virus is circulating widely! and that so e people get Xsilent infectionsY which show no sy pto s! but still allow the to pass on the virus. +he ru ors have been fueled by the pattern of recent infections: "any of the infected patients have been toddlers! leading to the belief that stronger adults are also infected but si ply show no sy pto s. Although thousands of ?gyptians have rushed their children to hospitals this flu season! there is no evidence yet of asy pto atic avian flu cases or any significant utation in the '0)( virus. XGight now! it#s all hot air!Y said -r. Gobert >. 6ebster! a flu e,pertZ. XI hope to hell it#s not happening! because it would ean the virus is adapting to hu ans. /ut there#s not a shred of dataY IThe New 8or" TimesJ. 6hile the '0)( virus rarely infects people! the loo ing fear is that the virus ay utate into a for that can be trans itted easily fro person to person! which could spark a

deadly pande ic. 'owever! an outbreak of swine flu across the world fro ?gypt! in Southern *alifornia! has re inded people of the hazards of overreacting before all the infor ation is in. Swine flu is found in pigs and very rarely in hu ans who have direct contact with pigsK the 2nited States reports one hu an case every one or two years. 'owever! two *alifornia children were diagnosed with the disease this spring! sparking an investigation by the *enters for -isease *ontrol. Since neither of the two children! a (%5year5old boy and a &5year5old girl! had contact with pigs! it Xincreases the possibility that hu an5to5 hu an trans ission of this new influenza virus has occurred!Y according to a *-* report. +he girl did attend an agricultural fair four weeks before beco ing sick! she said! but did not have any contact with pigs or other livestock I*))J. +he incident has brought back e ories of another swine flu outbreak in (&89 a ong ar y recruits at 7ort -i,! )ew 1ersey! which taught public health officials a tough lesson. +hat winter! (4 en got sick and one died of what proved to be swine influenza virusesV viruses that were thought to be si ilar to the one responsible for the (&(3 Spanish flu pande ic. 2.S. officials ordered the anufacture of swine flu virus vaccine and the country proceeded to launch a ass i unization progra that saw upwards of @% illion people inCected with the vaccine. +he feared pande ic never occurred. /ut the vaccine appeared to trigger a high level of cases of >uillain5/arre syndro e! a type of paralysis IThe 'anadian 1ressJ! and thousands of vaccine recipients filed inCury clai s.

(o)t ups e''orts to increase S*ine +lu a*areness
The 1a'arta 0ost ! 1akarta D Sun! %@<$9<$%%& ($:@4 P" D )ational +he govern ent is working on efforts to increase awareness within the health sector! particularly at ports! in response to the spread of hu an cases of swine flu that has struck parts of "e,ico and )orth A erica since "arch. F+he PortsM 'ealth Office (EPP) was asked to be on alert and a second batch of warning letters was circulated a ong the EPPs across the country!F director general for -isease *ontrol at the 'ealth "inistry +Candra ;oga Adita a said on the sidelines of a flu si ulation e,ercise in "akassar on Sunday. According to Antara state news agency! Adita a said the govern entMs recent ove was in response to a state ent issued by the 6orld 'ealth Organization stating that swine flu constituted a public health e ergency of international concern. 'e added! however! that despite increasing concern over a possible swine flu pande ic! the govern ent has yet to issue a travel warning for its citizens. F+he 6'O has yet to reco end specific easures to be taken in response to the flu! including travel warnings or bans. 6e can wait for such to be issued! but could also ove on our own! we need to see how things progress!F Adita a argued.

A ong the easures the govern ent has taken is the allocation of ther oscanners across aCor Indonesian harbors to identify possible infection a ong travelers. +he president of "e,ico recently assu ed e ergency powers to deal with the health crisis! which has killed at least 3( people and infected about (!4%% others. All public gatherings have been banned! including ore than 0%% concerts and sporting events and the popular bicycle rides on closed boulevards. -r. "argaret *han! the director general of the 6orld 'ealth Organization! said the events in "e,ico Xconstitute a public health e ergency of international concern.Y +he 6'O convened an e ergency eeting of e,perts on Saturday! but the panel adCourned without raising the global pande ic alert level! saying it wanted ore infor ation. So e e,perts e,pressed surprise that no action was taken since the "e,ico outbreak see s to eet the definition of a .evel @ alert V sustained hu an5to5hu an trans ission of a new virus. +he alert has been at .evel 4 for years because of the s all clusters of hu an cases of avian flu. (a r)

(. Easus Suspek  Seseorang yang enderita ISPA dengan geCala de a (suhu [ 43 o *)! batuk dan atau sakit tenggorokan dan atau ber5ingus serta dengan salah satu keadaan:  Se inggu terakhir engunCungi peternakan yang sedang berCangkit flu burung.  Eontak dengan kasus konfir asi flu burung dala asa penularan.  /ekerCa pada suatu laboratoriu yang sedang e proses spesi en anusia atau binatang yang dicurigai enderita flu burung. $. Easus XProbableY  Easus suspek disertai salah satu keadaan:  /ukti laboratoriu terbatas yang engarah kepada virus influenza A ('0)()! isal test 'I yang enggunakan antigen '0)(.  -ala waktu singkat berlanCut enCadi pneu onia! gagal pernafasan! eninggal.  +erbukti tidak terdapat penyebab lain. 4. Easus Eonfir asi  Easus suspek atau XprobableY didukung oleh salah satu hasil pe eriksaan laboratoriu :  Eultur virus influenza '0)( positip.

 P*G influenza ('0) positip.  Peningkatan titer antibody '0 sebesar @ kali.

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