French Course Programme 2010v3

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programme des cours
Sat. Dec. 12, 2009 10.00 - 15.00 hrs Thu. Dec. 17, 2009 17.00 - 20.00 hrs


Wed. Jan. 6, 2010
17.00 - 20.00 hrs

Lessons start on Monday, Januari 11, 2010

parle Oui, je çais! Fran
Westersingel 14 | 3014 GN | Rotterdam, Pays-Bas | | [email protected] | 010-4360421

Bienvenue à l’Alliance Française
Would you like to learn real French while picking up on culture as well? Alliance Française offers both beginner and advanced courses, for instance for those who are interested in French culture and wish to brush up their French. All our group courses are given by experienced French teachers (‘native speakers’). Our courses touch on all aspects of the French language and culture; a truly successful concept that has made Alliance Française the foremost address for the French language in the Netherlands for over 120 years.

Come to our OPEN DAYS,


Classes in 'centre ville' of Rotterdam

One of the inspiring classrooms

The interior is designed by Atelier van Lieshout

Alliance Française Rotterdam
Westersingel 14 | 3014 GN | Rotterdam Phone +31(0)10 - 436 04 21 | Fax +31(0)10 - 436 00 88 | [email protected]
Our course prices are exclusive of course materials and a one-off registration amount of € 20,-. Course books are available from us. Start classes Monday January 11, 2010. Next semester starts on April 12, 2010.
The Alliance Française can be reached very easily by bicycle or public transport. Trams: 4, 7, 8, 21, 23, 25 stop Kruisplein Subway: Calandlijn: stop Eendrachtsplein Erasmuslijn: stop Central Station Train
21, 23

During de schoolholidays are no classes: Spring holiday 02.22.2010 to 02.28.2010
4, 7, 8, 20, 25

send or hand in

First name Surname Mr. Born the Address P.O. Box E-mail Phone work Private phone Cellphone Company Function Course last year season: yes / no. If so, which level? City Mrs. / Miss in House nr.

REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT. By signing this form you
agree to the total amount due and the terms of registration and you will bind yourself for the full course.

Level Day Time Commencement date

Where do you know Alliance Française from?

Westersingel 14 | 3014 GN | Rotterdam Phone +31(0)10 - 436 04 21 | Fax +31(0)10 - 436 00 88 | [email protected]


courseprogramme 10

GENERAL FRENCH The all-in-one course for every level
Visit for more information about courses, all activities and course material.

All our General French courses are concluded by a final assessment. In case of a sufficient result you will receive a certificate of the Alliance Française Rotterdam. Your level conforms to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

LEVEL A Basic user A1.1 Basic level A1.2

COURSE 3 hours per week 12 weeks week 2 > week 14 1 x per week (3 hours) € 295,- (w. discount € 280,-) Mon. Tue. Thu. Sat. Ma. Tue. Thu. Sat. Mon. Mon. Wed. Sat. Mon. Tue. Thu. Sat. Mon. Wed. Mon Thu. Wed. Sat. Tue. Tue. Tue. Mon. 09.45 - 13.00 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 09.30 - 12.45 hrs 09.45 - 13.00 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 09.30 - 12.45 hrs 09.45 - 13.00 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 09.30 - 12.45 hrs 09.45 - 13.00 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 09.30 - 12.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 09.30 - 12.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs 18.30 - 21.45 hrs

COURSE 2 hours p/wk day-time 20 weeks week 2 > week 26 * 1 x per week (2 hours) € 295,- (w. discount € 280,-) Fri. 09.30 - 11.30 hrs


'small groups'
This General French course is intended especially for participants who wish to be guaranteed a small group, involving more room for personal attention. The course adheres to the regular programme, but contains fewer participants (min. 4, max. 6).

Fri. 09.30 - 11.30 hrs

A2.1 Survivor level A2.2 LEVEL B Independent user B1.1 Threshold level B1.2 B1.3 Real Independence LEVEL C Proficient user C1 B2.1 B2.2 B2.3

Fri. 09.30 - 11.30 hrs

Fri. 09.30 - 11.30 hrs

GENERAL FRENCH COURSE 12 weeks week 2 > week 14 1 x per week (3 hours) € 400,- (with discount € 385,-) LEVEL A Basic user Monday 18.30 - 21.45 hrs A1.2 Monday 18.30 - 21.45 hrs A2.1 Wednesday 18.30 - 21.45 hrs A2.2 LEVEL B Independent user Wednesday 18.30 - 21.45 hrs B1.2
General French courses are also given in these cities

* There are no classes on Friday April 30, 2010 | Friday May 7, 2010 | Friday May 14, 2010 for this course.

Would you prefer

private classes?
Then contact us to find out about possibilities.

maassluis (koningshof) & delft (community centre st. olof)

12 weeks week 2 > week 14 1 x per week (2 hours) Price: € 270,- (with discount € 255,-)

with grammatical support

Keep your French up by way of a conversation course! Unlike the General French course, this course emphasises on improving your oral fluency via interesting themes.
A2 (A2.1+) Tue. 18.00 - 20.00 hrs B1 (B.1.2+) Tue. 20.15 - 22.15 hrs

“Oui, je parle Français!”
B2 (B2.2+) Wed. 19.45 - 21.15 hrs C1 Wed. 20.15 - 21.45 hrs

12 weeks week 2 > week 14 1 x per week (11/2 hour) Price: € 200,- (with discount € 185,-)

This is a course during which the weekly news topics of the French (and Dutch) media are discussed. 12 weeks 1 x per week (11/2 hour), week 2 > week 14, price: € 200,- (with discount € 185,-) Level: Advanced (B2/C1 of the CEFR) Tue. 11.15 - 12.45 hrs and Wed. 18.00 - 19.30 hrs.

We also give courses at primary schools!

Parler, chanter et écrire en français à travers des activités ludiques.


ars Learn French and social skills while playing! 18 weeks, € 165,- (w. discount € 150,-) 5 – 11 yrs. Sat. 10.00 - 11.00 hrs

LEARNING FRENCH IS CHILD'S PLAY! from 5 'ti ll 11 ye

18 semaines € 165,- (tarif réduit € 150,-)

De 7 à 9 ans Samedi 14h15 – 15h15 De 10 à 12 ans Samedi 15h30 – 16h30
This course is intended for participants who are/ will be using French for their business contacts. On completion of the course the participants can take an official examination set by the French Chamber of Commerce. Or check our website: for more information.

à partir de 7 ans

12 weeks week 2 > week 14 1 x per week (3 hours) € 355,- (w. discount € 340,-)

A2 Thu. 18.30 - 21.45 hrs B1 Thu. 18.30 - 21.45 hrs B2/C1 Thu. 18.30 - 21.45 hrs

Courses, therefore, that go for result and more effective business transactions. For more information, please contact our secretariat, without any obligations involved on your part.

Alliance Française also gives business courses that

• are attuned to the specific business activities of the company; • can be arranged in a location of your choice; • emphasise on both the oral and written language as is common in business and trade settings, and for establishing social and business contacts; a • re given and arranged by experienced French teachers (native speakers); • can be decided by you in the way of commencement date, frequency and duration of classes.

send or hand in

Payment: Course costs: Registration fee: Course material Cash Total ATM
€ € € €

The course fee is paid by my employer Send invoice to (ONLY FOR COMPANIES) Company name Attn. mr. / mrs. Company address P.O. Box City

(to be provided by the records dept.)

Course participant has paid: yes / no date: Date / Signature:

Alliance Française Rotterdam
By signing this registration form you agree to the total amount due and you will bind yourself for the full course. It also implies your agreement to the terms of registration as defined.

Westersingel 14 | 3014 GN | Rotterdam Phone +31(0)10 - 436 04 21 | Fax +31(0)10 - 436 00 88 | [email protected]

The course fee must have been paid before commencement of the course. Registrations can only be made on simultaneous payment. First registrations are charged by € 20.- registration costs. If you should decide on a complementary course within one year following first registration, these costs will not be charged again. If your last-attended course should be more than one year ago, your registration will be considered as new, and will be charged by € 20.-. Those who withdraw from a course not later than 8 days before commencement of the course (withdrawals by registered mail only) will only remain due for their registration costs. No refunds will be made at all as soon as a course has started. The same applies to premature termination of participation. In case of default of payment in spite of the above terms of registration a debt collection agency will be contracted, the costs of which will also be for the expense of the course participant. It is not allowed for other persons to assume participation of a course for the original registered course participant. Any course fees paid cannot be used for other course periods. Mode of payment for private persons: cash or PIN. Mode of payment for companies: if course fees are paid by the employer we can send an invoice if the name and address are explicitly stated on the registration form. Courses commence as soon as the minimum number of registrations has been reached. If necessary the commencement date of a course will be postponed until this required minimum number has been reached. We reserve the right to cancel a course in case of insufficient enrolment, after which any paid course fees will be refunded. Without any further announcement on our part the course will start at the time and date named in the brochure.

Terms of registration:

The following discounts apply: 65+; students; participants that also attended an Alliance Française course in the previous year; Rotterdampas holders; registrations involving 2 persons or more at the same time.

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