Generic Employee Handbook Template

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(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
(Insert Your Company
(Insert Your Company
Name Here)
Name Here)
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(Insert Your Company Logo
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Table of Contents nts
..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT..........................................................................................................5
1-01 ADA - Americans with Disai!ities Act.............................................................................................."
1-0# ADA - $i%e-Threatenin& I!!nesses.......................................................................................................'
1-0( Asenteeism........................................................................................................................................ )
1-04 Atten*ance.......................................................................................................................................... +
1-05 A,t-m-i! 0,siness.......................................................................................................10
1-0" 0ene%its............................................................................................................................................. 11
1-0' Ins,rance 1r-&rams......................................................................................................................... 1#
1-0) CO0RA-0ene%its C-ntin,ati-n.......................................................................................................1(
1-0+ C-m.!aints-1r-!em Res-!,ti-n......................................................................................................14
1-10 C-mm,nicati-n-E!ectr-nic an* Te!e.h-nic.....................................................................................15
1-11 C-m.,ter-Internet Usa&e................................................................................................................ 1"
1-1# C-n*,ct an* 2-r3 R,!es................................................................................................................. 1'
1-1( C-n%i*entia!it/-0,siness Ethics an* C-n*,ct.................................................................................1)
1-14 C-n%!icts -% Interest-O,tsi*e Em.!-/ment......................................................................................1+
1-15 C-n%!icts -% Interest.......................................................................................................................... #0
#-01 Disci.!ine.......................................................................................................................................... #1
#-0# 1-ste* O%%enses................................................................................................................................ ##
#-0( Disci.!ine an* 2arnin& 1r-ce*,res.................................................................................................#(
#-04 Dr,& 4ree 2-r3 1!ace..................................................................................................................... #4
#-05 T--! 1-!ic/........................................................................................................................................ #5
#-0" Dress C-*e....................................................................................................................................... #"
#-0' Dr,& Testin&..................................................................................................................................... #'
#-0) Em.!-/ment-At-2i!!........................................................................................................................ #)
#-0+ E5,a! Em.!-/ment O..-rt,nit/ 6EEOC7......................................................................................#+
#-10 4irst Ai*-Acci*ents.......................................................................................................................... (0
#-11 4,nera! -r 0erea8ement $ea8e........................................................................................................(1
- # -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
(-01 9i%ts.................................................................................................................................................. (#
(-0# :arassment...................................................................................................................................... ((
(-0( Se;,a! :arassment 1-!ic/................................................................................................................(4
(-04 :I1AA.............................................................................................................................................. (5
(-05 :-!i*a/s............................................................................................................................................ ("
(-0" Intr-*,ct-r/ 1eri-*........................................................................................................................ .('
4-01 <,r/ D,t/......................................................................................................................................... ()
4-0# $ea8es*7............................................................................................................................... (+
4-0( Mai!-1ers-na!................................................................................................................................... 40
4-04 News Me*ia...................................................................................................................................... 41
4-05 O8ertime........................................................................................................................................... 4#
5-01 1er%-rmance E8a!,ati-n.................................................................................................................. 4(
5-0# 1ers-na! 1r-.ert/............................................................................................................................ 44
"-01 Sa%et/====================================..45
"-0# Secti-n 1#5 1!an================================4"
"-0( Sim.!e IRA 1!an=============================...==4'
"-04 Sa%et/ E5,i.ment an* Trainin& 1r-&rams=====================4)
'-01 Ins.ecti-n an* M-nit-rin& -% E!ectr-nic Res-,rces===============...=..4+
'-0# N- S-!icitati-n 1-!ic/==============================50
'-0( Te!e.h-ne-1ers-na! Use===============..============.=51
'-04 Terminati-n-Em.!-/ment============================5#
'-05 >acati-n 0ene%its===============================..5(
'-0" 2-r3ers? C-m.ensati-n Ins,rance========================.54
&'() Sm-3in& 1-!ic/=...==============================..55
Revised: 10-!-00
Msson "tatement

- ( -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
"ur #ission is to $ork to%et&er and value one anot&er as partners 'or t&e
purpose o' desi%nin% and produ(in% a produ(t and servi(e t&at e)(eeds our
(ustomer*s e)pe(tations+
Corporate %alues
1+ ,e value our employees by providin% an environment t&at promotes personal
%ro$t& and 'inan(ial se(urity+
+ ,e value employees by s&o$in% re(o%nition 'or personal pride and
(ommitment in meetin% and e)(eedin% our (ustomer*s needs+
-+ ,e value our employees by respe(tin% t&eir skills and dedi(ation in servin% our
1+ ,e value our (ustomers by treatin% t&em $it& &onesty and inte%rity. by
providin% a produ(t and servi(e t&at $ill &elp in t&eir su((ess+
+ ,e value our (ustomers by providin% t&e e)pertise o' /uality personnel to
deliver our produ(t on time+
1+ ,e value e/uity as a means to meet our responsibilities to bot& our employees
and (ustomers+
+ ,e value e/uity as a tool 'or reinvestment in people. 'a(ilities. and e/uipment+
-+ ,e value e/uity to provide %ro$t& and 'inan(ial stability to our sto(k&olders.
(ompany. and (ommunity+
0&is &andbook is desi%ned to a(/uaint you $it& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ and
provide you $it& in'ormation about $orkin% (onditions. employee bene'its. and some o' t&e
poli(ies a''e(tin% your employment+ You s&ould read. understand. and (omply $it& all provisions
o' t&e &andbook+ It des(ribes many o' your responsibilities as an employee and outlines t&e
- 4 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
pro%rams developed by (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ to bene'it employees+ "ne o' our
ob1e(tives is to provide a $ork environment t&at is (ondu(ive to bot& personal and pro'essional
Your employment $it& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is voluntarily and t&ere is no
spe(i'ied len%t& o' employment+ 2((ordin%ly. eit&er (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ or
you (an terminate t&e relations&ip at $ill. $it& or $it&out (ause. at any time. so lon% as t&ere is
no violation o' appli(able 'ederal or state la$+
3lease (onsult t&e Human Resour(es 4epartment re%ardin% any /uestions not ans$ered in t&e
&andbook+ No employee &andbook (an anti(ipate every (ir(umstan(e or /uestion about poli(y+ 2s
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ (ontinues to %ro$. t&e need may arise and (Insert Your
Company Name Here). In(+ reserves t&e ri%&t to revise. supplement. or res(ind any poli(ies or
portion o' t&e &andbook 'rom time to time as it deems appropriate. in its sole and absolute
dis(retion+ 0&e only e)(eption to any (&an%es is our employment-at-$ill poli(y permittin% you or
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ to end our relations&ip 'or any reason at any time+ 2ny
revised in'ormation may supersede. modi'y. or eliminate e)istin% poli(ies+ 0&is &andbook is neit&er
a (ontra(t o' employment nor a le%al do(ument
- 5 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
)'() A*A ' Amer!ans +t, *sabltes A!t
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is (ommitted to (omplyin% 'ully $it& t&e 2meri(ans $it& 4isabilities 2(t
(242) and ensurin% e/ual opportunity in employment 'or /uali'ied persons $it& disabilities+ 2ll employment
pra(ti(es and a(tivities are (ondu(ted on a non-dis(riminatory basis+
Hirin% pro(edures &ave been revie$ed and provide persons $it& disabilities meanin%'ul employment opportunities+
3re-employment in/uiries are made only re%ardin% an appli(ant*s ability to per'orm t&e duties o' t&e position+
Reasonable a((ommodation is available to all disabled employees. $&ere t&eir disability a''e(ts t&e per'orman(e o'
1ob 'un(tions+ 2ll employment de(isions are based on t&e merits o' t&e situation in a((ordan(e $it& de'ined
(riteria. not t&e disability o' t&e individual+
5uali'ied individuals $it& disabilities are entitled to e/ual pay and ot&er 'orms o' (ompensation (or (&an%es in
(ompensation) as $ell as in 1ob assi%nments. (lassi'i(ations. or%ani6ational stru(tures. position des(riptions. lines
o' pro%ression. and seniority lists+ 7eave o' all types $ill be available to all employees on an e/ual basis+
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is also (ommitted to not dis(riminatin% a%ainst any /uali'ied employees or
appli(ants be(ause t&ey are related to or asso(iated $it& a person $it& a disability+ (Insert Your Company Name
Here). In(+ $ill 'ollo$ any state or lo(al la$ t&at provides individuals $it& disabilities %reater prote(tion t&an t&e
0&is poli(y is neit&er e)&austive nor e)(lusive+ (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is (ommitted to takin% all
ot&er a(tions ne(essary to ensure e/ual employment opportunity 'or persons $it& disabilities in a((ordan(e $it& t&e
242 and all ot&er appli(able 'ederal. state. and lo(al la$s+ I' you 'eel you &ave been unla$'ully dis(riminated
a%ainst. immediately in'orm t&e Human Resour(e 4epartment+ You (an be assured t&at your (omplaint $ill be
t&orou%&ly investi%ated+
Revised: !-0-001
)'(- A*A ' Lfe'T,reatenng Illnesses
Employees $it& li'e-t&reatenin% illnesses. su(& as (an(er. &eart disease. and 2I48. o'ten $is& to (ontinue t&eir
- " -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
normal pursuits. in(ludin% $ork. to t&e e)tent allo$ed by t&eir (ondition+ (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+
supports t&ese endeavors as lon% as employees are able to meet a((eptable per'orman(e standards+ 2s in t&e (ase o'
ot&er disabilities. (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $ill make reasonable a((ommodations in a((ordan(e
$it& all le%al re/uirements. to allo$ /uali'ied employees $it& li'e-t&reatenin% illnesses to per'orm t&e essential
'un(tions o' t&eir 1obs+
#edi(al in'ormation on individual employees is treated (on'identially+ (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $ill
take reasonable pre(autions to prote(t su(& in'ormation 'rom inappropriate dis(losure+ #ana%ers and ot&er
employees &ave a responsibility to respe(t and maintain t&e (on'identiality o' employee medi(al in'ormation+
2nyone inappropriately dis(losin% su(& in'ormation is sub1e(t to dis(iplinary a(tion. up to and in(ludin%
termination o' employment+
Employees $it& /uestions or (on(erns about li'e-t&reatenin% illnesses are en(oura%ed to (onta(t t&e Human
Resour(es 4ire(tor 'or in'ormation and re'erral to appropriate servi(es and resour(es+ I' you 'eel you &ave been
unla$'ully dis(riminated a%ainst. immediately in'orm t&e Human Resour(e 4epartment+ You (an be assured t&at
your (omplaint $ill be t&orou%&ly investi%ated+
Revised: !-0-001
- ' -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
)'(. Absenteesm
Absen!e or Lateness - 9rom time to time. it may be ne(essary 'or you to be absent 'rom $ork+ (Insert
Your Company Name Here). In(+ is a$are t&at emer%en(ies. illnesses. or pressin% personal business t&at (annot be
s(&eduled outside your $ork &ours may arise+ I' you are unable to report to $ork. or i' you $ill arrive late. please
(onta(t your supervisor immediately+ I' you kno$ in advan(e t&at you $ill need to be absent. please re/uest t&is
time o'' dire(tly 'rom your supervisor+ ,&en you (all in to in'orm (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ o' an
une)pe(ted absen(e or late arrival. simply ask 'or your supervisor. I' you*re arrivin% to $ork late. please let your
supervisor kno$ $&en you e)pe(t to arrive 'or $ork+ I' you are unable to (all in yoursel' be(ause o' an illness.
emer%en(y or 'or some ot&er reason. be sure to &ave someone (all 'or you+ 2bsen(e 'rom $ork 'or t&ree (-)
(onse(utive days $it&out noti'yin% your supervisor or t&e Human Resour(es 4epartment. it $ill be (onsidered a
voluntary resi%nation+ I' you are absent be(ause o' an illness 'or t&ree (-) or more su((essive daysA your Human
Resour(es 4epartment may re/uest t&at you submit $ritten do(umentation 'rom your do(tor statin% you are able to
resume normal $ork duties be'ore you $ill be allo$ed to return to $ork+ 2 (onsistent pattern o' /uestionable
absen(es (an be (onsidered e)(essive. and may be (ause 'or (on(ern+ In addition. e)(essive lateness or leavin%
early $it&out lettin% your supervisor kno$ $ill be (onsidered a :lateness pattern: and may (arry t&e same $ei%&t
as an absen(e+ "t&er 'a(tors. like t&e de%ree and reason 'or t&e lateness. $ill be taken into (onsideration+ Your
supervisor $ill make a note o' any absen(e or lateness. and t&eir reasons. in your personnel 'ile+ ;e a$are t&at
e)(essive absen(es. lateness or leavin% early may lead to dis(iplinary a(tion. in(ludin% possible dismissal+
Revised: !--1-001
)/0 Atten1an!e
0o maintain a sa'e and produ(tive $ork environment. (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ e)pe(ts employees
- ) -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
to be reliable and to be pun(tual in reportin% 'or s(&eduled $ork+ 2bsenteeism and tardiness pla(e a burden on
ot&er employees and on (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ 2ll asso(iates are re/uired to report to $ork promptly
and re%ularly+
2sso(iates are e)pe(ted to be at $ork ready to per'orm t&eir duties at t&eir start time+ "ne minute late is late and puts an
un'air burden on 'ello$ asso(iates+ 2ttendan(e re(ords are kept and monitored+ <ood attendan(e is e)pe(ted and appre(iated+
3oor attendan(e (&abitual tardiness. (&roni( absenteeism. et(+) is una((eptable and $ill result in dis(iplinary a(tion. up to and
in(ludin% termination+
Ea(& day o' absen(e must be separately reported prior to t&e start o' your s&i't+ 2bsen(es due to illness or in1ury must be
supported by satis'a(tory medi(al eviden(e i' t&e absen(e e)(eeds t&ree (-) days or unless abuse is suspe(ted+ 2 Return-0o-
,ork 'orm 'rom t&e treatin% p&ysi(ian must be submitted to your supervisor be'ore you (an return to $ork+
I' you are absent 'rom $ork 'or a period o' t&ree (-) (onse(utive days $it&out noti'i(ation to t&e Company. it $ill be (onsidered
=>ob 2bandonment? and t&at you &ave voluntarily terminated employment+

Revised: !--1-001
)'(2 Automoble ' Company 3usness
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is not responsible 'or dama%e to your personal auto $&en you are usin% it
'or Company business+ 0&e Company $ill reimburse t&e employee based on a(tual miles driven times t&e rate
establis&ed by t&e Company+ 0&is must totally (ompensate you 'or all %asoline milea%e. $ear and tear. and
insuran(e (osts asso(iated $it& t&e business use o' t&e ve&i(le+
- + -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $ill reimburse employees 'or reasonable business travel e)penses t&e
a(tual (osts o' travel. meals. lod%in%. and ot&er e)penses dire(tly related to a((omplis&in% business travel
ob1e(tives $ill be reimbursed by (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ Employees are e)pe(ted to limit e)penses
to reasonable amounts+
Employees $&o are involved in an a((ident $&ile travelin% on business must promptly report t&e in(ident to t&eir
immediate supervisor+ @e&i(les o$ned. leased. or rented by (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ may not be
used 'or personal use $it&out prior approval 'rom your supervisor+
,&en travel is (ompleted. employees s&ould submit (ompleted travel e)pense reports on t&e 'irst day o' ea(&
mont&+ Re(eipts 'or all individual e)penses s&ould a((ompany reports+ Employees s&ould (onta(t t&eir supervisor
'or %uidan(e and assistan(e on pro(edures related to travel arran%ements. e)pense reports. reimbursement 'or
spe(i'i( e)penses. or any ot&er business travel issues+
2buse o' t&is business travel e)penses poli(y. in(ludin% 'alsi'yin% e)pense reports to re'le(t (osts not in(urred by
t&e employee. (an be %rounds 'or dis(iplinary a(tion. up to and in(ludin% termination o' employment+
Revised: !-0-001
)'(4 3enefts
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is (ommitted to sponsorin% a (ompre&ensive bene'its pro%ram 'or all
eli%ible employees+ In addition to re(eivin% an e/uitable salary and &avin% an e/ual opportunity 'or pro'essional
development and advan(ement. you may be eli%ible to en1oy ot&er bene'its t&at $ill en&an(e your 1ob satis'a(tion+
,e are (ertain you $ill a%ree t&e bene'its pro%ram des(ribed in t&is Employee #anual represents a very lar%e
investment by (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+
2 %ood bene'its pro%ram is a solid investment in (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+*s employees+ (Insert Your
- 10 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Company Name Here). In(+ $ill periodi(ally revie$ t&e bene'its pro%ram and $ill make modi'i(ations as
appropriate to t&e (ompany*s (ondition+ (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ reserves t&e ri%&t to modi'y. add
or delete t&e bene'its it o''ers+
2 (&an%e in employment (lassi'i(ation t&at $ould result in loss o' eli%ibility to parti(ipate in t&e &ealt& insuran(e
plan may /uali'y an employee 'or bene'its (ontinuation under t&e Consolidated "mnibus ;ud%et Re(on(iliation
2(t (C";R2)+ Re'er to t&e ;ene'its Continuation (C";R2) poli(y 'or more in'ormation+
4etails o' t&e &ealt& insuran(e plan are des(ribed in t&e 8ummary 3lan 4es(ription (834)+ 2n 834 and
in'ormation on (ost o' (overa%e $ill be provided in advan(e o' enrollment to eli%ible employees+ Conta(t t&e
Human Resour(es 4epartment 'or more in'ormation about &ealt& insuran(e bene'its+
Revised: !-0-001
)'(5 Insuran!e Programs
0o be eli%ible 'or bene'its. an employee o' (Insert Your Company Name Here). must avera%e at least A0 &ours per
$eek. 'or a minimum o' si)ty (B0) (alendar days+ "nly 9ull time asso(iates are eli%ible 'or bene'its+
(Insert Your Company Name Here) o''ers &ealt&. dental. li'e. and s&ort-term disability insuran(e+ 0&e Company
(ontributes a portion o' t&e premium and t&e parti(ipatin% asso(iate. t&rou%& pre-ta)ed payroll dedu(tion. pays t&e
balan(e o' t&e premium+
0&ere is an option 'or additional insuran(e (overa%e t&rou%& 2meri(an 9amily 7i'e 2ssuran(e Company o'
Columbus (2972C)+ 0&is (ost is t&e sole responsibility o' t&e asso(iate and t&e Company does not (ontribute to
t&e premium+
2ny 'ull time asso(iate $&o is eli%ible 'or insuran(e and ele(ts N"0 to parti(ipate in any or all o' t&e plans must
- 11 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
(omplete t&e appropriate insuran(e $aiver 'orm statin% t&at t&e plan(s) &ave been presented and e)plained to
2t t&e time an asso(iate be(omes unemployed or in t&e event an asso(iate no lon%er /uali'ies 'or 'ull time statusC
t&ey may be eli%ible to (ontinue (overa%e by parti(ipatin% in a C";R2 Insuran(e plan+ 0&e pro(edure 'or
(ontinuin% (overa%e (an be e)plained to t&e asso(iate at t&e time t&at t&eir eli%ibility is in /uestion+
Revised: !--1-001
)'(& CO3$A ' 3enefts Contnuaton
0&e 'ederal Consolidated "mnibus ;ud%et Re(on(iliation 2(t (C";R2) %ives employees and t&eir /uali'ied
bene'i(iaries t&e opportunity to (ontinue &ealt& insuran(e (overa%e under (Insert Your Company Name Here).
In(+*s &ealt& plan $&en a :/uali'yin% event: $ould normally result in t&e loss o' eli%ibility+ 8ome (ommon
/uali'yin% events are resi%nation. termination o' employment. or deat& o' an employeeC a redu(tion in an
employee*s &ours or a leave o' absen(eC an employee*s divor(e or le%al separationC and a dependent (&ild no lon%er
meetin% eli%ibility re/uirements+
Dnder C";R2. t&e employee or bene'i(iary pays t&e 'ull (osts o' (overa%e at (Insert Your Company Name Here).
In(+Es %roup rates plus an administration 'ee+ (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ provides ea(& eli%ible
employee $it& a $ritten noti(e des(ribin% ri%&ts %ranted under C";R2 $&en t&e employee be(omes eli%ible 'or
(overa%e under (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+*s &ealt& insuran(e plan+ 0&e noti(e (ontains important
in'ormation about t&e employee*s ri%&ts and obli%ations+
- 1# -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
)'(6 Complants ' Problem $esoluton
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is (ommitted to providin% t&e best possible $orkin% (onditions 'or its
employees+ 3art o' t&is (ommitment is en(oura%in% an open and 'rank atmosp&ere in $&i(& any problem.
(omplaint. su%%estion. or /uestion re(eives a timely response 'rom (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+
supervisors and mana%ement+
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ strives to ensure 'air and &onest treatment o' all employees+ 8upervisors.
mana%ers. and employees are e)pe(ted to treat ea(& ot&er $it& mutual respe(t+ Employees are en(oura%ed to o''er
positive and (onstru(tive (riti(ism+
I' employees disa%ree $it& establis&ed rules o' (ondu(t. poli(ies. or pra(ti(es. t&ey (an e)press t&eir (on(ern
t&rou%& t&e problem resolution pro(edure+ No employee $ill be penali6ed. 'ormally or in'ormally. 'or voi(in% a
(omplaint $it& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ in a reasonable. business-like manner. or 'or usin% t&e
problem resolution pro(edure+ I' a situation o((urs $&en employees believe t&at a (ondition o' employment or a
de(ision a''e(tin% t&em is un1ust or ine/uitable. t&ey are en(oura%ed to make use o' t&e 'ollo$in% steps+ 0&e
employee may dis(ontinue t&e pro(edure at any step+
1+ Employee presents problem to immediate supervisor a'ter in(ident o((urs+ I' supervisor is unavailable or
employee believes it $ould be inappropriate to (onta(t t&at person. employee may present problem to Human
Resour(es 4epartment or any ot&er member o' mana%ement+
- 1( -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
+ 8upervisor responds to problem durin% dis(ussion or a'ter (onsultin% $it& appropriate mana%ement. $&en
ne(essary+ 8upervisor do(uments dis(ussion+
-+ Employee presents problem to Human Resour(es 4epartment i' problem is unresolved+
A+ Human Resour(es 4epartment (ounsels and advises employee. assists in puttin% problem in $ritin%. visits
$it& employee*s mana%er(s). i' ne(essary. and dire(ts employee to t&e (ompany 3resident 'or revie$ o'
F+ Employee presents problem to t&e (ompany 3resident in $ritin%+
B+ 3resident revie$s and (onsiders problem+ 3resident in'orms employee o' de(ision and 'or$ards (opy o' $ritten
response to Human Resour(es 4epartment 'or employee*s 'ile+ 0&e 3resident &as 'ull aut&ority to make any
ad1ustment deemed appropriate to resolve t&e problem+
Not every problem (an be resolved to everyone*s total satis'a(tion. but only t&rou%& understandin% and dis(ussion
o' mutual problems (an employees and mana%ement develop (on'iden(e in ea(& ot&er+ 0&is (on'iden(e is
important to t&e operation o' an e''i(ient and &armonious $ork environment. and &elps to ensure everyone*s 1ob
Revised: !-0-001
- 14 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
)')( Commun!atons ' Ele!tron! an1 Telep,on!
2ll ele(troni( and telep&oni( (ommuni(ation systems and all (ommuni(ations and in'ormation transmitted by.
re(eived 'rom. printed 'rom. or stored in t&ese systems are t&e property o' t&e Company and as su(& are to be used
solely 'or 1ob-related purposes+ 0&e Company retains t&e ri%&t to monitor all o' its ele(troni( and (ommuni(ation
systems at its dis(retion in(ludin% listenin% to andGor printin% up and readin% all voi(e mail and e-mail messa%es
stored in t&ese systems+ 0&e use o' any so't$are and business e/uipment. in(ludin%. but not limited to. 'a(similes.
tele(opiers. (omputers. and (opy ma(&ines 'or private purposes is stri(tly pro&ibited+
Employees usin% t&is e/uipment 'or personal purposes do so at t&eir o$n risk+ 9urt&er. employees are not
permitted to use a (ode. a((ess a 'ile. or retrieve any stored (ommuni(ation unless aut&ori6ed to do so or unless
t&ey &ave re(eived prior (learan(e 'rom an aut&ori6ed Company representative+ 2ll pass (odes are t&e property o'
t&e Company+ No employee may use a pass (ode t&at &as not been issued to t&at employee or t&at is unkno$n to t&e
Company+ Employees $&o violate t&is poli(y are sub1e(t to dis(iplinary a(tion. up to and in(ludin% dis(&ar%e+
0o ensure t&at t&e use o' ele(troni( and telep&oni( (ommuni(ations systems and business e/uipment is (onsistent
$it& t&e CompanyEs le%itimate business interests. aut&ori6ed representatives o' t&e Company may monitor t&e use
o' su(& e/uipment 'rom time to time to determine i' su(& use is business-related+
E-#ail is an e)tension o' t&e $orkpla(e and any abusive or inappropriate e-mail $ill result in dis(iplinary a(tion
by t&e employer t&at (ould lead to termination+ 0&ere $ill be no allo$an(es 'or display or transmission o' any
se)ually e)pli(it ima%es. (artoons or messa%es+ 0&e e-mail system $ill not be allo$ed to be used 'or any
(ommuni(ations (ontainin% any ra(ial or et&ni( slurs or epit&ets or anyt&in% t&at (ould be (onstrued as &arassment
or o''ensive to ot&ers based on se). a%e. ra(e. national ori%in. se)ual orientation. disability. (olor or any ot&er
(lassi'i(ations prote(ted by state or 'ederal la$+ 2ll messa%es on t&e e-mail system (an be tra(ed to t&eir aut&or
even a'ter t&ey are deleted+
Computers. (omputer 'iles. t&e e-mail system. and so't$are 'urnis&ed to employees are (Insert Your Company
Name Here). In(+ property intended 'or business use+ Employees s&ould not use a pass$ord. a((ess a 'ile. or
retrieve any stored (ommuni(ation $it&out aut&ori6ation+ 0o ensure (omplian(e $it& t&is poli(y. (omputer and e-
mail usa%e may be monitored+
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ strives to maintain a $orkpla(e 'ree o' &arassment and sensitive to t&e
diversity o' its employees+ 0&ere'ore. (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ pro&ibits t&e use o' (omputers and
t&e e-mail system in $ays t&at are disruptive. o''ensive to ot&ers. or &arm'ul to morale+
9or e)ample. t&e display or transmission o' se)ually e)pli(it ima%es. messa%es. and (artoons is not allo$ed+ "t&er
su(& misuse in(ludes. but is not limited to. et&ni( slurs. ra(ial (omments. o''-(olor 1okes. or anyt&in% t&at may be
(onstrued as &arassment or s&o$in% disrespe(t 'or ot&ers+
E-mail may not be used to soli(it ot&ers 'or (ommer(ial ventures. reli%ious or politi(al (auses. outside
or%ani6ations. or ot&er non-business matters+
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ pur(&ases and li(enses t&e use o' various (omputer so't$are 'or business
purposes and does not o$n t&e (opyri%&t to t&is so't$are or its related do(umentation+ Dnless aut&ori6ed by t&e
so't$are developer. (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ does not &ave t&e ri%&t to reprodu(e su(& so't$are 'or
use on more t&an one (omputer+
Employees may only use so't$are on lo(al area net$orks or on multiple ma(&ines a((ordin% to t&e so't$are li(ense
a%reement+ (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ pro&ibits t&e ille%al dupli(ation o' so't$are and its related
do(umentation+ Employees s&ould noti'y t&eir immediate supervisor. t&e In'ormation 8ervi(es 4epartment or any
member o' mana%ement upon learnin% o' violations o' t&is poli(y+ Employees $&o violate t&is poli(y $ill be
sub1e(t to dis(iplinary a(tion. up to and in(ludin% termination o' employment+
Revised: !-0-001
)')) Computer ' Internet Usage
Internet a((ess to %lobal ele(troni( in'ormation resour(es on t&e ,orld ,ide ,eb is provided by (Insert Your
Company Name Here). In(+ to assist employees in obtainin% $ork-related data and te(&nolo%y+ 0&e 'ollo$in%
%uidelines &ave been establis&ed to &elp ensure responsible and produ(tive Internet usa%e+
- 15 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
2ll Internet data t&at is (omposed. transmitted. or re(eived via our (omputer (ommuni(ations systems is
(onsidered to be part o' t&e o''i(ial re(ords o' (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ and. as su(&. is sub1e(t to
dis(losure to la$ en'or(ement or ot&er t&ird parties+ Conse/uently. employees s&ould al$ays ensure t&at t&e
business in'ormation (ontained in Internet e-mail messa%es and ot&er transmissions are a((urate. appropriate.
et&i(al. and la$'ul+
0&e e/uipment. servi(es. and te(&nolo%y provided to a((ess t&e Internet remain at all times t&e property o' (Insert
Your Company Name Here). In(+ 2s su(&. (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ reserves t&e ri%&t to monitor
Internet tra''i(. and retrieve and read any data (omposed. sent. or re(eived t&rou%& our online (onne(tions and
stored in our (omputer systems+
4ata t&at is (omposed. transmitted. a((essed. or re(eived via t&e Internet must not (ontain (ontent t&at (ould be
(onsidered dis(riminatory. o''ensive. obs(ene. t&reatenin%. &arassin%. intimidatin%. or disruptive to any employee
or ot&er person+ E)amples o' una((eptable (ontent may in(lude. but are not limited to. se)ual (omments or ima%es.
ra(ial slurs. %ender-spe(i'i( (omments. or any ot&er (omments or ima%es t&at (ould reasonably o''end someone on
t&e basis o' ra(e. a%e. se). reli%ious or politi(al belie's. national ori%in. disability. se)ual orientation. or any ot&er
(&ara(teristi( prote(ted by la$+
0&e unaut&ori6ed use. installation. (opyin%. or distribution o' (opyri%&ted. trademarked. or patented material on
t&e Internet is e)pressly pro&ibited+ 2s a %eneral rule. i' an employee did not (reate material. does not o$n t&e
ri%&ts to it. or &as not %otten aut&ori6ation 'or its use. it s&ould not be put on t&e Internet+ Employees are also
responsible 'or ensurin% t&at t&e person sendin% any material over t&e Internet &as t&e appropriate distribution
2buse o' t&e Internet a((ess provided by (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ in violation o' la$ or (Insert Your
Company Name Here). In(+ poli(ies $ill result in dis(iplinary a(tion. up to and in(ludin% termination o'
employment+ Employees may also be &eld personally liable 'or any violations o' t&is poli(y+ 0&e 'ollo$in%
be&aviors are e)amples o' previously stated or additional a(tions and a(tivities t&at are pro&ibited and (an result in
dis(iplinary a(tion:
• 8endin% or postin% dis(riminatory. &arassin%. or t&reatenin% messa%es or ima%es
• Dsin% t&e or%ani6ation*s time and resour(es 'or personal %ain
• 8tealin%. usin%. or dis(losin% someone else*s (ode or pass$ord $it&out aut&ori6ation
• Copyin%. piratin%. or do$nloadin% so't$are and ele(troni( 'iles $it&out permission
• 8endin% or postin% (on'idential material. trade se(rets. or proprietary in'ormation outside o' t&e
• 9ailin% to observe li(ensin% a%reements andGor violatin% (opyri%&t la$
• En%a%in% in unaut&ori6ed transa(tions t&at may in(ur a (ost to t&e or%ani6ation or initiate un$anted
Internet servi(es and transmissions
• 8endin% or postin% messa%es or material t&at (ould dama%e t&e or%ani6ation*s ima%e or reputation
• 3arti(ipatin% in t&e vie$in% or e)(&an%e o' porno%rap&y or obs(ene materials
• 8endin% or postin% messa%es t&at de'ame or slander ot&er individuals
• 2ttemptin% to break into t&e (omputer system o' anot&er or%ani6ation or person
• Re'usin% to (ooperate $it& a se(urity investi%ation
• 8endin% or postin% (&ain letters. soli(itations. or advertisements not related to business a(tivities
• Dsin% t&e Internet 'or politi(al (auses or a(tivities. reli%ious a(tivities. or any sort o' %amblin%
• >eopardi6in% t&e se(urity o' t&e or%ani6ation*s ele(troni( (ommuni(ations systems
• 8endin% or postin% messa%es t&at dispara%e anot&er or%ani6ation*s produ(ts or servi(es
• 3assin% o'' personal vie$s as representin% t&ose o' t&e or%ani6ation
• 8endin% anonymous e-mail messa%es
• En%a%in% in any ot&er ille%al a(tivities
Revised: !-0-001
)')- Con1u!t an1 7or8 $ules
0o ensure orderly operations and provide t&e best possible $ork environment. (Insert Your Company Name Here).
In(+ e)pe(ts employees to 'ollo$ rules o' (ondu(t t&at $ill prote(t t&e interests and sa'ety o' all employees and t&e
- 1" -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
It is not possible to list all t&e 'orms o' be&avior t&at are (onsidered una((eptable in t&e $orkpla(e+ 0&e 'ollo$in%
are e)amples o' in'ra(tions o' rules o' (ondu(t t&at may result in dis(iplinary a(tion. up to and in(ludin%
termination o' employment:
• 0&e't or inappropriate removal or possession o' property
• 9alsi'i(ation o' timekeepin% re(ords
• ,orkin% under t&e in'luen(e o' al(o&ol or ille%al dru%s
• 3ossession. distribution. sale. trans'er. or use o' al(o&ol or ille%al dru%s in t&e $orkpla(e. $&ile on duty. or
$&ile operatin% employer-o$ned ve&i(les or e/uipment
• 9i%&tin% or t&reatenin% violen(e in t&e $orkpla(e
• ;oisterous or disruptive a(tivity in t&e $orkpla(e
• Ne%li%en(e or improper (ondu(t leadin% to dama%e o' employer-o$ned or (ustomer-o$ned property
• Insubordination or ot&er disrespe(t'ul (ondu(t
• @iolation o' sa'ety or &ealt& rules
• 8mokin% in pro&ibited areas
• 8e)ual or ot&er unla$'ul or un$el(ome &arassment
• 3ossession o' dan%erous or unaut&ori6ed materials. su(& as e)plosives or 'irearms. in t&e $orkpla(e
• E)(essive absenteeism or any absen(e $it&out noti(e
• Dnaut&ori6ed absen(e 'rom $ork station durin% t&e $orkday
• Dnaut&ori6ed use o' telep&ones. mail system. or ot&er employer-o$ned e/uipment
• Dnaut&ori6ed dis(losure o' business :se(rets: or (on'idential in'ormation
• @iolation o' personnel poli(ies
• Dnsatis'a(tory per'orman(e or (ondu(t
Employment $it& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is at t&e mutual (onsent o' (Insert Your Company Name
Here). In(+ and t&e employee. and eit&er party may terminate t&at relations&ip at any time. $it& or $it&out (ause.
and $it& or $it&out advan(e noti(e+
Revised: !-0-001
)'). Conf1entalty ' 3usness Et,!s an1 Con1u!t
0&e su((ess'ul business operation and reputation o' (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is built upon t&e
prin(iples o' 'air dealin% and et&i(al (ondu(t o' our employees+ "ur reputation 'or inte%rity and e)(ellen(e re/uires
(are'ul observan(e o' t&e spirit and letter o' all appli(able la$s and re%ulations. as $ell as a s(rupulous re%ard 'or
t&e &i%&est standards o' (ondu(t and personal inte%rity+
- 1' -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
0&e (ontinued su((ess o' (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is dependent upon our (ustomers* trust and $e
are dedi(ated to preservin% t&at trust+ Employees o$e a duty to (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+. its
(ustomers. and s&are&olders to a(t in a $ay t&at $ill merit t&e (ontinued trust and (on'iden(e o' t&e publi(+
Dpon a((eptin% employment $it& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+. it is e)pe(ted t&at you $ill not dis(lose
or use any (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ (on'idential in'ormation 'or anyt&in% ot&er t&an aut&ori6ed
Company business+ Your employment $it& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ assumes an obli%ation to
maintain (on'identiality. even a'ter you leave our employ+
2dditionally. our (ustomers and suppliers entrust (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $it& important
in'ormation relatin% to t&eir businesses+ 0&e nature o' t&is relations&ip re/uires maintenan(e o' (on'identiality+ In
sa'e%uardin% t&e in'ormation re(eived. (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ earns t&e respe(t and 'urt&er trust
o' our (ustomers and suppliers+
I' someone /uestions you outside t&e (ompany or your department and you are (on(erned about t&e appropriateness
o' %ivin% t&em (ertain in'ormation. you are not re/uired to ans$er+ Instead. as politely as possible. re'er t&e re/uest
to your supervisor+
No one is permitted to remove or make (opies o' any (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ re(ords. reports or
do(uments $it&out prior mana%ement approval+ 4is(losure o' (on'idential in'ormation (ould lead to termination.
as $ell as ot&er possible le%al a(tion+
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $ill (omply $it& all appli(able la$s and re%ulations and e)pe(ts its
dire(tors. o''i(ers. and employees to (ondu(t business in a((ordan(e $it& t&e letter. spirit. and intent o' all relevant
la$s and to re'rain 'rom any ille%al. dis&onest. or unet&i(al (ondu(t+
In %eneral. t&e use o' %ood 1ud%ment. based on &i%& et&i(al prin(iples. $ill %uide you $it& respe(t to lines o'
a((eptable (ondu(t+ I' a situation arises $&ere it is di''i(ult to determine t&e proper (ourse o' a(tion. t&e matter
s&ould be dis(ussed openly $it& your immediate supervisor and. i' ne(essary. $it& t&e Human Resour(es
4epartment 'or advi(e and (onsultation+
Complian(e $it& t&is poli(y o' business et&i(s and (ondu(t is t&e responsibility o' every (Insert Your Company
Name Here). In(+ employee+ 4isre%ardin% or 'ailin% to (omply $it& t&is standard o' business et&i(s and (ondu(t
(ould lead to dis(iplinary a(tion. up to and in(ludin% possible termination o' employment+
Revised: !-0-001
)')0 Confl!ts of Interest ' Outs1e Employment
Employees may &old outside 1obs as lon% as t&ey meet t&e per'orman(e standards o' t&eir 1ob $it& (Insert Your
Company Name Here). In(+ 2ll employees $ill be 1ud%ed by t&e same per'orman(e standards and $ill be sub1e(t to
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+*s s(&edulin% demands. re%ardless o' any e)istin% outside $ork
I' (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ determines t&at an employee*s outside $ork inter'eres $it& per'orman(e
or t&e ability to meet t&e re/uirements o' (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+. t&e employee may be asked to
terminate t&e outside employment i' &e or s&e $is&es to remain $it& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+
- 1) -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
"utside employment t&at (onstitutes a (on'li(t o' interest is pro&ibited+ Employees may not re(eive any in(ome or
material %ain 'rom individuals outside (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ 'or materials produ(ed or servi(es
rendered $&ile per'ormin% t&eir 1obs+
Revised: !-0-001
)')2 Confl!ts of Interest
Employees &ave an obli%ation to (ondu(t business $it&in %uidelines t&at pro&ibit a(tual or potential (on'li(ts o'
interest+ 0&is poli(y establis&es only t&e 'rame$ork $it&in $&i(& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $is&es
t&e business to operate+ 0&e purpose o' t&ese %uidelines is to provide %eneral dire(tion so employees (an seek
'urt&er (lari'i(ation on issues related to t&e sub1e(t o' a((eptable standards o' operation+ Conta(t t&e Human
Resour(es 4epartment 'or more in'ormation or /uestions about (on'li(ts o' interest+
2n a(tual or potential (on'li(t o' interest o((urs $&en an employee is in a position to in'luen(e a de(ision t&at may
result in a personal %ain 'or t&at employee or 'or a relative as a result o' (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+*s
business dealin%s+ 9or t&e purposes o' t&is poli(y. a relative is any person $&o is related by blood or marria%e. or
$&ose relations&ip $it& t&e employee is similar to t&at o' persons $&o are related by blood or marria%e+
No :presumption o' %uilt: is (reated by t&e mere e)isten(e o' a relations&ip $it& outside 'irms+ Ho$ever. i'
- 1+ -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
employees &ave any in'luen(e on transa(tions involvin% pur(&ases. (ontra(ts. or leases. it is imperative t&at t&ey
dis(lose to an o''i(er o' (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ as soon as possible t&e e)isten(e o' any a(tual or
potential (on'li(t o' interest so t&at sa'e%uards (an be establis&ed to prote(t all parties+
3ersonal %ain may result not only in (ases $&ere an employee or relative &as a si%ni'i(ant o$ners&ip in a 'irm $it&
$&i(& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ does business. but also $&en an employee or relative re(eives any
ki(kba(k. bribe. substantial %i't. or spe(ial (onsideration as a result o' any transa(tion or business dealin%s
involvin% (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+
Revised: !-0-001
-'() *s!plne
0&e purpose o' t&is poli(y is to state (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+*s position on administerin% e/uitable
and (onsistent dis(ipline 'or unsatis'a(tory (ondu(t in t&e $orkpla(e+ 0&e best dis(iplinary measure is t&e one t&at
does not &ave to be en'or(ed and (omes 'rom %ood leaders&ip and 'air supervision at all employment levels+
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+*s o$n best interest lies in ensurin% 'air treatment o' all employees and in
makin% (ertain t&at dis(iplinary a(tions are prompt. uni'orm. and impartial+ 0&e ma1or purpose o' any dis(iplinary
a(tion is to (orre(t t&e problem. prevent re(urren(e. and prepare t&e employee 'or satis'a(tory servi(e in t&e 'uture+
2lt&ou%& employment $it& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is based on mutual (onsent and bot& t&e
employee and (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ &ave t&e ri%&t to terminate employment at $ill. $it& or
$it&out (ause or advan(e noti(e. (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ may use pro%ressive dis(ipline at its
4is(iplinary a(tion may (all 'or any o' 'our steps -- verbal $arnin%. $ritten $arnin%. suspension $it& or $it&out
pay. or termination o' employment -- dependin% on t&e severity o' t&e problem and t&e number o' o((urren(es+
0&ere may be (ir(umstan(es $&en one or more steps are bypassed+
- #0 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
3ro%ressive dis(ipline means t&at. $it& respe(t to most dis(iplinary problems. t&ese steps $ill normally be
'ollo$ed: a 'irst o''ense may (all 'or a verbal $arnin%C a ne)t o''ense may be 'ollo$ed by a $ritten $arnin%C
anot&er o''ense may lead to a suspensionC and. still anot&er o''ense may t&en lead to termination o' employment+
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ re(o%ni6es t&at t&ere are (ertain types o' employee problems t&at are
serious enou%& to 1usti'y eit&er a suspension. or. in e)treme situations. termination o' employment. $it&out %oin%
t&rou%& t&e usual pro%ressive dis(ipline steps+
;y usin% pro%ressive dis(ipline. $e &ope t&at most employee problems (an be (orre(ted at an early sta%e.
bene'itin% bot& t&e employee and (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+
Revised: !-0-001
-/- Poste1 Offenses
,&enever an asso(iate re(eives a $arnin% re%ardin% $ork per'orman(e or 'or breakin% o' Company rules
andGor poli(ies. a re(ord o' t&e o((urren(e $ill be put in t&e asso(iateEs 3ersonnel 9ile+ 0&e Company &as
determined t&at violations re%ardin% (ertain Company poli(ies (an result in immediate termination o'
employment+ 0&ese poli(ies are (onsidered =3osted "''en(es?+ 0&e 'ollo$in% violations are 3osted
• 0&e't o' property 'rom t&e Company or ot&er asso(iates+
• 4rinkin% al(o&oli( bevera%es or t&e use o' ille%al dru%s on Company premises+
• 2ssault on supervision or ot&er asso(iates+
• Intentionally pun(&in% anot&er asso(iateEs time(ard or &avin% oneEs o$n time(ard
pun(&ed by anot&er asso(iate+
• 3ossession o' $eapons or 'irearms on Company premises+
• 0&reatenin% ot&er asso(iates or supervisors+
• 9i%&tin% or attemptin% to provoke a 'i%&t on (ompany premises+
- #1 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
• Removal o' Company re(ords or release o' (on'idential or proprietary in'ormation+
• <ainin% a((ess to Ele(troni( Resour(es or ot&er (on'idential in'ormation $it&out proper
aut&ori6ation. or 'or a purpose ot&er t&an le%itimate business+
• "peratin% desi%nated e/uipment $it&out usin% proper "8H2 sa'ety e/uipment+
Revised: 1-1H-00
-'(. *s!plne an1 7arnng Pro!e1ures
A!ton )st Offense -n1 Offense .r1 Offense 0t, Offense 2t, Offense
Reporting for work under the influence
of alcohol or drugs-Refusing to be 3 Day
tested if reasonable belief is suspected Suspension Termination
Intentionally misusing or damaging
Company property or the property 3 Day
of another associate Suspension Termination
Smoking in unauthorized areas Day 3 Day
Suspension Suspension Termination
Repeated failure to punch own timecard Day 3 Day
Daily !erbal "ritten Suspension Suspension Termination
#ea$ing department or plant during
working hours without super$isor%s Day 3 Day
&ermission Suspension Suspension Termination
'nauthorized operation of power tools 3 Day
or tow motor (fork tractor) "ritten Suspension Termination
&osting or remo$ing notices on the
bulletin board without Company Day 3 Day
*ppro$al !erbal "ritten Suspension Suspension Termination
Disregard of safety rules+ failure to wear or 3 Day
use the appropriate safety e,uipment Suspension Termination
-ailure to wear specified uniforms Day 3 Day
"ritten Suspension Suspension Termination
-ailure to report in.ury or accident Day 3 Day
"ritten Suspension Suspension Termination
- ## -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Stopping work before shift end Day 3 Day
!erbal "ritten Suspension Suspension Termination
'nauthorized absence 3 Day
"ritten Suspension Termination
Creating scrap or poor ,uality Day 3 Day
/aterials due to carelessness "ritten Suspension Suspension Termination
Stretching breaks or otherwise wasting 3 Day
Time !erbal "ritten Suspension Termination
"illful insubordination by refusing a Day 3 Day
Super$isor%s order Suspension Suspension Termination
Sleeping while punched in Day 3 Day
During working hours Suspension Suspension Termination
Deliberately restricting
3 Day
Suspension Termination
-ailure to maintain producti$ity Day 3 Day
Standards "ritten Suspension Suspension Termination
'ne1cused tardiness Day 3 Day
!erbal "ritten Suspension Suspension Termination
2ating in unauthorized areas Day 3 Day
!erbal "ritten Suspension Suspension Termination
-ailure to obser$e traffic and parking Day 3 Day
rules on Company property !erbal "ritten Suspension Suspension Termination
'se of another associates tools Day 3 Day
without permission "ritten Suspension Suspension Termination
Distributing printed materials on 3 Day
Company premises without permission "ritten Suspension Termination
Inability or unwillingness to work 3 Day
3armoniously with other associates !erbal "ritten Suspension Termination
Intentionally browsing through
&ersonnel records other than his4her 3 Day
own without permission Suspension Termination
3arassment or intimidation of an
*ssociate by another associate or 3 Day
Super$isor "ritten Suspension Termination
Revised: 1-1H-00
-'(0 *rug an1 Al!o,ol Pol!y
(Insert Your Company Name Here) is (ommitted to providin% a sa'e and produ(tive $ork environment 'ree 'rom
t&e e''e(ts o' al(o&ol and dru%s+ 2ll employees &ave a responsibility to report 'or $ork $&en s(&eduled or sub1e(t
to (all-in and to per'orm t&eir 1obs in a sa'e and e''i(ient manner. 'ree 'rom t&e e''e(ts o' dru%s. al(o&ol bevera%es.
and (ontrolled substan(es+ 0&e (ompany poli(y re%ardin% t&is sub1e(ts states:
• It is t&e poli(y o' (Insert Your Company Name Here) t&at bein% under t&e in'luen(e o'.
brin%in% in. possessin%. providin%. manu'a(turin% or ot&er produ(tion o'. buyin%. sellin%
or usin% al(o&oli( bevera%es. unaut&ori6ed dru%s. skill impairin% substan(es or
(ontrolled substan(es durin% $orkin% time. on (ompany premises or in (ompany
ve&i(les. is stri(tly pro&ibited+
• Dnder t&e in'luen(e is de'ined as bein% impaired or unable to per'orm $ork in a sa'e
produ(tive mannerC bein% in a p&ysi(al or mental (ondition $&i(& (reates a risk to t&e
sa'ety and $ell-bein% o' t&e a''e(ted employee. ot&er employees. t&e publi( or (ompany
propertyC andGor &avin% any dete(table level. in e)(ess o' a tra(e. o' al(o&ol. dru%s or
(ontrolled substan(es in t&e body+
• 2n employee $&o is involved $it& t&e o''-t&e-1ob ille%al dru% use. possession. sale or
bein% under t&e in'luen(e on-t&e-1ob (an be (onsidered in violation o' t&is poli(y+ "''-
t&e-1ob drub use. possession or sale $&i(& &as any adverse e''e(t on t&e (ompanyEs
(ustomers. ot&er employees. t&e publi( or t&e (ompanyEs reputation or ima%e (an also be
(onsidered a violation o' &is poli(y+ In de(idin% $&at a(tion to take. t&e (ompany $ill
take into (onsideration t&e nature o' t&e (ondu(t and t&e employeeEs present assi%nment
and re(ord $it& t&e (ompany+
• 2dditionally. any employee $&o is takin% dru%s or medi(ation $&i(& &as been
pres(ribed by t&e employeeEs p&ysi(ian. $&i(& may adversely a''e(t ability to per'orm
- #( -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
$ork in a sa'e or produ(tive manner is re/uired to report su(& use o' medi(ation to t&e
3ersonnel 4epartment or. i' t&is is not possible. to &isG&er supervisor prior to startin%
$ork or enterin% t&e (ompanyEs 'a(ility+ 0&is in(ludes dru%s. $&i(& are kno$n or
advertised as possibly a''e(tin% 1ud%ment. (oordination or t&eir senses. in(ludin% t&ose.
$&i(& may (ause dro$siness or di66iness+ #ana%ement. in (on1un(tion $it& medi(al
advi(e. i' appli(able. $ill t&en determine $&et&er t&e employee (an (ommen(e $ork and
$&et&er any $ork restri(tions $ill be ne(essary+
• 2s part o' en'or(ement o' t&is poli(y. t&e (ompany may re/uire an employee to submit
to testin% 'or dru%s. al(o&ol or (ontrolled substan(es+ Consent to dru% or al(o&ol testin%.
$&en re/uired by t&e (ompany. is a (ondition o' (ontinued employment and re'usal o'
(onsent is insubordination. and (ould be (onsidered %rounds 'or termination+
• @iolations o' t&is poli(y. in(ludin% re'usal to (onsent to medi(al testin%. $ill result in t&e
immediate suspension o' t&e employee pendin% a (ompany investi%ation. and t&e
(ompany $ill t&en make a determination (on(ernin% t&e appropriate dis(ipline. up to
and in(ludin% dis(&ar%e. on t&e basis o' eviden(e t&en available to t&e (ompany. any
reasonable in'eren(es $&i(& t&e (ompany dra$s 'rom t&at eviden(e and t&e employeeEs
re'usal to (onsent to su(& medi(al testin%+ Ille%al dru%s. ille%al dru% parap&ernalia. and
al(o&ol $ill not be tolerated on t&e premises o' (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+
Company premises (onsist o' t&e buildin%s. parkin% lots. surroundin% land and all
(ompany-o$ned ve&i(les+ 4is(overy o' ille%al dru%s or dru% items $ill lead to dismissal
and noti'i(ation o' lo(al poli(e aut&orities+ 0&e Company reserves t&e ri%&t to re/uire
all asso(iates to submit to random dru% testin% in a((ordan(e $it& t&e CompanyEs 4ru%
0estin% poli(y+
Revised: B-H-0F
-/2 Tool Pol!y
0&e Company $ill 'urnis& all po$er tools+ 2sso(iates are responsible 'or 'urnis&in% all ne(essary &and
tools re/uired to per'orm t&eir spe(i'i( 1ob duties. $it& t&e e)(eption o' t&ose spe(i'i( tools desi%nated as
'urnis&ed by t&e (ompany+ 2sso(iates are re/uired to turn in broken tools supplied by t&e (ompany prior
to &avin% t&em repla(ed by t&e Company+
In addition. (Insert Your Company Name Here) $ill 'urnis& one di%ital (amera 'or ea(& sales person+
8&ould t&at (amera be(ome broken or unusable t&e sales person $ill be responsible 'or repla(in% &is or
&er di%ital (amera $it& a (omparable model+ 2t t&at time. t&e salesperson $ill o$n t&e repla(ement
di%ital (amera+
0&e Company e)pe(ts its asso(iates to pur(&ase tools and di%ital (ameras t&at are $arranted+ 2sso(iates
s&ould return any broken tools or di%ital (ameras to t&e manu'a(turer in a((ordan(e $it& t&e $arranty in
order to &ave t&e tool repla(ed+ I' an asso(iate does not pur(&ase tools $it& a $arranty t&e asso(iate is
responsible to repla(e t&e broken tool+
- #4 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: 1-0-00A
-/4 *ress Co1e
0&e dress (ode is to apply to all asso(iates+ 2sso(iates $&o $ork in t&e 3lantG8&op areas (Neon 3lant.
3aint Room. <rap&i( 2rtists. @inyl 2ppli(ation. and 9abri(ation) and on t&e Installation Cre$s are
re/uired to $ear uni'orms desi%nated by t&e (ompany+ 2sso(iates $&o &ave uni'orms provided by an
outside vender (i+e+ 2meri(an Industrial. 2ramark Dni'orm 8ervi(es. et(+) are re/uired to pay 'or one &al'
o' t&e maintenan(e (osts o' t&eir uni'orms+ 0&e asso(iateEs portion o' t&e uni'orm (ost $ill be dedu(ted
'rom ea(& asso(iates pay(&e(k in e/ual installments+ 8alespersons and "''i(e 8ta'' are re/uired to $ear
4ress Casual attire+ 0&is dress (ode &as been establis&ed in order to insure t&e sa'ety o' ea(& asso(iate
and also to portray a pro'essional ima%e to our (ustomers+
- #5 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: 10-01-1HH!
-'(5 *rug Testng Pol!y
Pre'Employment *rug Testng
2ll appli(ants 'or employment $ill be re/uired to under%o and pass a dru% test be'ore &eGs&e $ill be (onsidered 'or
employment at (Insert Your Company Name Here)+ 0&is in(ludes all individuals $&o are $orkin% 'or temporary
servi(es and per'ormin% t&eir 1ob duties under t&e dire(tion o' (Insert Your Company Name Here) employees+
9or'Cause Testng
Employees to be tested:
• ,&enever an employeeEs observed be&avior raises a /uestion (based upon identi'iable symptoms)
t&at &isG&er p&ysi(al (ondition or 'itness to per'orm &isG&er 1ob sa'ely and e''i(iently may be
e''e(ted by dru%s. al(o&ol or (ontrolled substan(es. t&e employee is sub1e(t to 'or-(ause testin%
• ,&enever an employee is involved in an on-t&e-1ob a((ident. $&i(& (auses e/uipmentGbuildin%
dama%e. produ(t dama%e andGor bodily in1ury. t&e employee is sub1e(t to 'or-(ause testin%+
$an1om *rug Testng
(Insert Your Company Name Here) $ill administer random dru% andGor al(o&ol testin%+ Considerations 'or timin%
and lo(ations s&all be on a random. statisti(al basis+
• 3rior to any testin%. i' an employee (omes 'or$ard to indi(ate t&at &eGs&e &as a substan(e abuse
problem and is seekin% &elp 'rom an a((redited substan(e abuse treatment pro%ram. (Insert Your
Company Name Here) $ill &old &isG&er 1ob. but $ill not pay any (ompensation durin% t&e time o'
treatment+ 2'ter veri'i(ation o' su((ess'ully (ompletin% t&e pro%ram. t&e employee $ill be
allo$ed to return to $ork+ 0&e employee t&at returns to $ork $ill return at t&e same pay. but not
ne(essarily to t&e same position+ 2ny 'uture substan(e abuse identi'ied 'or t&is employee $ill be
&andled via an immediate termination+
0&e poli(y is available 'or inspe(tion and revie$ at all times. to all employeeEs. in t&e o''i(es i' (Insert Your
Company Name Here)+ 0&is poli(y is e)plained durin% ne$ employee orientation 'or all employees+ It is updated
to re'le(t modi'i(ations in task or pro(edures. $&i(& may result in sa'ety-sensitive positions and is revie$ed
- #" -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
annually and revised as needed+ #ana%ement is responsible to insure (omplian(e $it& t&e 4ru% and 2l(o&ol
3oli(y and it is t&e responsibility o' all (Insert Your Company Name Here) employees to abide by all t&e rules as set
'ort& in t&e 4ru% and 2l(o&ol 3oli(y+
Revised: B-H-0F
-'(& Employment'At'7ll
Employment $it& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is voluntarily entered into. and t&e employee is 'ree to
resi%n at $ill at any time. $it& or $it&out (ause+ 8imilarly. (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ may terminate
t&e employment relations&ip at $ill at any time. $it& or $it&out noti(e or (ause. so lon% as t&ere is no violation o'
appli(able 'ederal or state la$+
3oli(ies set 'ort& in t&is &andbook are not intended to (reate a (ontra(t. nor are t&ey to be (onstrued to (onstitute
(ontra(tual obli%ations o' any kind or a (ontra(t o' employment bet$een (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+
and any o' its employees+ 0&e provisions o' t&e &andbook &ave been developed at t&e dis(retion o' mana%ement
and. e)(ept 'or its poli(y o' employment-at-$ill. may be amended or (an(elled at any time. at (Insert Your
Company Name Here). In(+*s sole dis(retion+
No employee o' (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ (an enter into an employment (ontra(t 'or a spe(i'ied
period o' time. or make any a%reement (ontrary to t&is poli(y $it&out $ritten approval 'rom t&e Company
0&ese provisions supersede all e)istin% poli(ies and pra(ti(es and may not be amended or added to $it&out t&e
e)press $ritten approval o' an o''i(er o' (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+
- #' -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
-'(6 E:ual Employment Opportunty (EEOC)
In order to provide e/ual employment and advan(ement opportunities to all individuals. employment de(isions at
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $ill be based on merit. /uali'i(ations. and abilities+ (Insert Your Company
Name Here). In(+ does not dis(riminate in employment opportunities or pra(ti(es on t&e basis o' ra(e. (olor.
(iti6ens&ip status. reli%ion. (reed. %ender. se)ual orientation. national ori%in. an(estry. a%e. p&ysi(al or mental
disability. marital status. veteran status. politi(al a''iliations. or any ot&er (&ara(teristi( prote(ted by la$+
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $ill make reasonable a((ommodations 'or /uali'ied individuals $it&
kno$n disabilities unless doin% so $ould result in an undue &ards&ip+ 0&is poli(y %overns all aspe(ts o'
employment. in(ludin% sele(tion. 1ob assi%nment. (ompensation. dis(ipline. termination. and a((ess to bene'its and
2ny employees $it& /uestions or (on(erns about any type o' dis(rimination in t&e $orkpla(e are en(oura%ed to
brin% t&ese issues to t&e attention o' t&eir immediate supervisor or t&e Human Resour(es 4epartment+ Employees
(an raise (on(erns and make reports $it&out 'ear o' reprisal+ 2nyone 'ound to be en%a%in% in any type o' unla$'ul
dis(rimination $ill be sub1e(t to dis(iplinary a(tion. up to and in(ludin% termination o' employment+
- #) -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
-')( 9rst A1 ' A!!1ents
Ca!! +11. t&e emer%en(y p&one number. i' re/uired+ I' an a((ident or illness s&ould o((ur. no matter &o$ sli%&t.
noti'y your supervisor immediately so t&at appropriate medi(al treatment (an be administered+ ,it& t&e number o'
reported 2I48 (ases (ontinuin% to rise. it is imperative t&at employees take e)treme (are in (ase o' an a((ident.
bot& on and o'' t&e 1ob+ 0&e trans'er o' any body 'luid (blood. saliva. urine. et(+) may pass on t&e 2I48 virus+ Dse
(aution to avoid (onta(t $it& t&ese body 'luids.
Each %irst ai* 3it c-ntains .!astic &!-8esA .!ease e s,re t- ,se them+ I' t&is is not possible. use a stron%
disin'e(tant. su(& as 7ysol or li/uid blea(&. to (lean up a'ter$ards+ "n t&e 1ob in1uries $ill be &andled in
a((ordan(e $it& t&e ,orkmenEs Compensation la$s+ 2ny employee $&o is in1ured $&ile on t&e 1ob must noti'y t&e
personnel department immediately to be eli%ible 'or (overa%e provided under t&e ,orkmenEs Compensation 2(t+
2s part o' our 4ru% 9ree ,ork 3la(e. you may also be re/uired to submit to dru% testin% i' you are in1ured on t&e
2-r3 re!ate* InB,ries an* I!!ness. 2ll $ork related in1uries and illnesses must be reported to your supervisor
immediately+ 0&e asso(iate must t&en 'ill out an =EmployerEs 9irst Report "' In1ury "r 4isease? 'orm $it&in A
&ours o' t&e in(ident and submit it to mana%ement+ 2 =8upervisorEs 2((ident Investi%ation 9orm? must also be
(ompleted by t&e supervisor and turned into t&e o''i(e $it&in A &ours+ I' you are totally disabled or assi%ned li%&t
duty $ork. a $ritten e)(use is ne(essary 'rom your do(tor+ I' you are o'' $ork be(ause o' a $ork-related in1ury or
illness. you (annot return to $ork unless you &ave a Return-0o-,ork 'orm 'rom t&e treatin% p&ysi(ian+
- #+ -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
- (0 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
-')) 9uneral or 3erea;ement Lea;e
Employees $&o $is& to take time o'' due to t&e deat& o' an immediate 'amily member s&ould noti'y t&eir
supervisor immediately+
Dp to - days o' paid bereavement leave $ill be provided to eli%ible employees in t&e 'ollo$in% (lassi'i(ation(s):
• Re%ular 'ull-time employees
;ereavement pay is (al(ulated based on t&e base pay rate at t&e time o' absen(e and $ill not in(lude any spe(ial
'orms o' (ompensation. su(& as in(entives. (ommissions. bonuses. or s&i't di''erentials+
;ereavement leave $ill normally be %ranted unless t&ere are unusual business needs or sta''in% re/uirements+
Employees may. $it& t&eir supervisors* approval. use any available paid leave 'or additional time o'' as ne(essary+
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ de'ines :immediate 'amily: as t&e employee*s spouse. parent. (&ild.
siblin%C t&e employee*s spouse*s parent. (&ild. or siblin%+
Revised: !-0-001
.'() <fts
- (1 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
2dvan(e approval 'rom mana%ement is re/uired be'ore an employee may a((ept or soli(it a %i't o' any kind 'rom a
(ustomer. supplier or vendor representative+
Employees are not permitted to %ive unaut&ori6ed %i'ts to (ustomers or suppliers. e)(ept 'or (ertain promotional
:premiums: supplied by t&e Company (su(& as 0-s&irts. (o''ee mu%s. pens or key (&ains) imprinted $it& t&e (Insert
Your Company Name Here). In(+ lo%o or sales in'ormation+
Revised: !-0-001
.'(- Harassment
It is t&e lon% establis&ed poli(y o' t&e (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ to e)tend e/ual employment and
advan(ement opportunities to all /uali'ied individuals re%ardless o' t&eir ra(e. (olor. a%e. se). pre%nan(y. %ender.
disability. reli%ion. national ori%in. et&ni( ba(k%round. military servi(e or (iti6ens&ip+
- (# -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
2ll personnel are reminded t&at ea(& employee is at all times to be treated (ourteously by 'ello$ employees. so t&at
&e or s&e is 'ree 'rom &arassment or inter'eren(e based on 'a(tors su(& as t&ose mentioned above+ Harassment is
de'ined as un$el(ome or unsoli(ited verbal. p&ysi(al or se)ual (ondu(t t&at inter'eres $it& an employees 1ob
per'orman(e or $&i(& (reates an intimidatin%. o''ensive or &ostile $ork environment+ E)amples o' $&at may be
(onsidered &arassment. dependin% on t&e (ir(umstan(es. are:
5uestions or (omments t&at unne(essarily in'rin%e on personal priva(y or o''ensive. se)ist. o'' (olor or se)ual
remarks. 1okes. slurs or propositions or (omments t&at dispara%e a person or %roup on t&e basis o' ra(e. (olor. a%e.
se). pre%nan(y. %ender. (reed. disability. reli%ion. national ori%in. et&ni( ba(k%round. military servi(e or
(iti6ens&ip+ 4ero%atory or su%%estive posters. (artoons. p&oto%rap&s. (alendars. %ra''iti. dra$in%s. ot&er materials.
or %estures+ Inappropriate tou(&in%. &ittin%. pus&in% or ot&er a%%ressive p&ysi(al (onta(t or t&reats to take su(&
a(tion+ Dnsoli(ited se)ual advan(es. re/uests. or demands. e)pli(it or impli(it. 'or se)ual 'avors+
2nyone $&o 'eels t&at &e or s&e &as been dis(riminated a%ainst or &arassed s&ould report su(& in(idents to anyone
o' t&e 'ollo$in% personsC t&eir supervisor. t&e <eneral #ana%er. or t&e 3resident
0&e Company $ill promptly investi%ate all (&ar%es o' violation o' t&is poli(y+ 0&e (on'identiality o' persons
reportin% violations $ill be respe(ted so 'ar as pra(ti(able in (ondu(tin% an investi%ation o' su(& (laims+ 0&ere $ill
absolutely be no retaliation a%ainst persons 'ilin% su(& (omplaints+
Revised: !-0-001
.'(. "e=ual Harassment Pol!y
It is t&e poli(y o' t&is Company t&at all employees s&all &ave t&e ri%&t to $ork in an environment 'ree 'rom any
'orm o' unla$'ul dis(rimination+ 8e)ual Harassment is (onstituted as dis(rimination and is pro&ibited by state and
'ederal la$s+ 0&ere'ore. it is t&e position o' t&is (ompany t&at se)ual &arassment $ill not be tolerated+ It is a
violation o' Company poli(y 'or any supervisor or employee. male or 'emale to en%a%e in se)ual &arassment as
de'ined belo$+ 8u(& (ondu(t $ill result in dis(iplinary a(tion up to and in(ludin% dismissal+
0&e E/ual Employment "pportunity Commission (EE"C) de'ines se)ual &arassment as 'ollo$s:
5uid 3ro 5uo - Dn$el(ome se)ual advan(es. re/uests 'or se)ual 'avors. and ot&er verbal or p&ysi(al (ondu(t o' a
se)ual nature (onstitute /uid pro /uo $&en (1) submission to su(& (ondu(t is made eit&er e)pli(itly or impli(itly a
- (( -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
term or (ondition o' an individuals employment and. or () submission or re1e(tion o' su(& (ondu(t by an
individual is used as t&e basis 'or employment de(isions a''e(tin% an individual+
Hostile Environment - Is one $&i(& un$el(ome se)ual advan(es. re/uests 'or se)ual 'avors and verbal or ot&er
(ondu(t o' a p&ysi(al nature o((ur and $&en su(& (ondu(t &as t&e purpose or e''e(t o' unreasonably inter'erin%
$it& an individuals $ork per'orman(e or (reatin% an intimidatin%. &ostile. or o''ensive $ork environment+
8ome e)amples o' se)ual &arassment in(lude but are not limited to:
• Dn$anted se)ual advan(es
• "''erin% employment bene'its in e)(&an%e 'or se)ual 'avors
• #akin% t&reatenin% reprisals a'ter a ne%ative response to se)ual advan(es
• @isual (ondu(t su(& as leerin%. makin% se)ual %estures. or displayin% se)ually su%%estive ob1e(ts. pi(tures.
(artoons. or posters
• @erbal (ondu(t su(& as makin% dero%atory (omments. epit&ets. slurs. se)ually e)pli(it 1okes or (omments
about an employees body or dress @erbal se)ual advan(es or propositions
• @erbal abuse o' a se)ual nature. %rap&i( verbal (ommentary about an individuals body. se)ually de%radin%
$ords to des(ribe an individual or su%%estive or obs(ene letters. notes or invitations
• 3&ysi(al (ondu(t su(& as tou(&in%. assault or impedin% or blo(kin% movement and
• Retaliation 'or reportin% &arassment or t&reatenin% to report &arassment
2ny employee $&o believes &eGs&e &as e)perien(ed su(& (ondu(t by anyone. in(ludin% a supervisor. (o-$orker or
by persons doin% business $it& or 'or t&is Company s&ould tell t&e o''ender t&at su(& (ondu(t is un$el(ome and
una((eptable+ I' t&e o''ensive be&avior does not stop. or i' t&e employee is un(om'ortable (on'rontin% t&e o''ender.
t&e employee must immediately report su(& (ondu(t to t&eir supervisor. or to eit&er t&e <eneral #ana%er or t&e
Company 3resident+
0&is (ompany pro&ibits retaliation a%ainst any employee $&o (omplains o' se)ual &arassment or $&o parti(ipates
in an investi%ation+ 2ll aspe(ts o' t&e (omplaint-&andlin% pro(edure $ill be &andled dis(reetly+ Ho$ever. it may be
ne(essary to in(lude ot&ers on a need to kno$ basis+
2ll in(idents o' pro&ibited &arassment t&at are reported $ill be investi%ated+ 0&e Complian(e o''i(ers listed above
$ill immediately undertake or dire(t an e''e(tive. t&orou%&. and ob1e(tive investi%ation o' t&e &arassment
alle%ations+ 0&e investi%ation $ill be (ompleted as soon as pra(ti(able and a determination re%ardin% t&e reported
&arassment $ill be made and (ommuni(ated to t&e employee $&o (omplained and to t&e a((used &arasser+ I' a
(omplaint o' pro&ibited &arassment is substantiated. appropriate (orre(tive a(tion. up to and in(ludin% dis(&ar%e
$ill be taken+ 2ppropriate a(tion $ill also be taken to (orre(t t&e e''e(ts o' t&e &arassment and to deter any 'uture
Revised: !-0-001
.'(0 HIPAA
:I1AA - The :ea!th Ins,rance 1-rtai!it/ an* Acc-,ntai!it/ Act -% 1++" HI322 $as si%ned into la$ on
!G1GHB+ HI322*s provisions limit e)(lusions 'or pree)istin% (onditionsC pro&ibit dis(rimination a%ain employees
and dependents based on t&eir &ealt& statusC %uarantee rene$ability and availability o' &ealt& (overa%e to (ertain
employers and individualsC and prote(t many $orkers $&o lose &ealt& (overa%e by providin% better a((ess to
individual &ealt& insuran(e+ Your Insuran(e Carrier $ill probably &andle most o' HI322Es rules and re%ulations+
8ee your 3lan 2dministrator 'or more details+
:I1AA S.ecia! Enr-!!ment (4e*era! Re&ister Secti-n 54.+)01-"T) - 0&e spe(ial enrollment ri%&ts apply
$it&out re%ard to t&e dates on $&i(& an individual $ould ot&er$ise be able to enroll under t&e plan+ 8pe(ial
Enrollment periods are to apply to you andGor your spouse andGor your (&ildGren i' you &ave a ne$ dependent as a
result o' marria%e. birt&. adoption or t&e pla(ement 'or adoption+ Dnder t&ese rules. a %roup &ealt& plan is re/uired
- (4 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
to provide a spe(ial enrollment period 'or t&ese individuals s&ould t&ey re/uest enrollment $it&in 30 days a'ter a
spe(ial enrollment event &as o((urred+
:I1AA S.ecia! Enr-!!ment %-r Dec!inin& Enr-!!ment - I' you are de(linin% enrollment 'or yoursel' or your
dependents (in(ludin% your spouse) and you state in $ritin% t&at you andGor your dependents &ave (overa%e under
anot&er %roup &ealt& plan or &ealt& insuran(e (overa%e as t&e reason 'or de(linin% to enroll. t&en spe(ial
enrollment rules may apply to you andGor your spouse andGor your (&ildGren in t&e event you andGor your
dependents &ave lost t&is ot&er (overa%e due to t&e loss o' eli%ibility+
:I1AA Ann,a! O.en Enr-!!ment - Your plan may o''er an 2nnual "pen Enrollment %ivin% you t&e opportunity
to enroll yoursel' andGor your dependents i' you &ave previously de(linedG$aived (overa%e 'or you andGor
Revised: !-0-001
.'(2 Hol1ays
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $ill %rant &oliday time o'' to all eli%ible employees on t&e &olidays listed
I Ne$ Year*s 4ay (>anuary 1)
I #emorial 4ay (last #onday in #ay)
I Independen(e 4ay (>uly A)
I 7abor 4ay ('irst #onday in 8eptember)
I 0&anks%ivin% ('ourt& 0&ursday in November)
I C&ristmas (4e(ember F)
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $ill %rant paid &oliday time o'' to all eli%ible employees immediately upon
assi%nment to an eli%ible employment (lassi'i(ation+ Holiday pay $ill be (al(ulated based on t&e employee*s
strai%&t-time pay rate (as o' t&e date o' t&e &oliday) times t&e number o' &ours t&e employee $ould ot&er$ise &ave
$orked on t&at day+ Eli%ible employee (lassi'i(ation(s):
- (5 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
I Re%ular 'ull-time asso(iates $&o &ave been employed 'or si)ty (B0) (ontinuos days o' employment
0o be eli%ible 'or &oliday pay. employees must $ork t&e last s(&eduled day immediately pro(eedin% and t&e 'irst
s(&eduled day immediately 'ollo$in% t&e &oliday+
2 re(o%ni6ed &oliday t&at 'alls on a 8aturday $ill be observed on t&e pro(eedin% 9riday+ 2 re(o%ni6ed &oliday t&at
'alls on a 8unday $ill be observed on t&e 'ollo$in% #onday+
I' a re(o%ni6ed &oliday 'alls durin% an eli%ible employee*s paid absen(e (su(& as va(ation or si(k leave). &oliday
pay $ill be provided instead o' t&e paid time o'' bene'it t&at $ould ot&er$ise &ave applied+
I' eli%ible none)empt employees $ork on a re(o%ni6ed &oliday. t&ey $ill re(eive &oliday pay plus $a%es at one and
one-&al' times t&eir strai%&t-time rate 'or t&e &ours $orked on t&e &oliday+
3aid time o'' 'or &olidays $ill not be (ounted as &ours $orked 'or t&e purposes o' determinin% overtime+
Revised: F--00
.'(4 Intro1u!tory Pero1
0&e introdu(tory period is intended to %ive ne$ employees t&e opportunity to demonstrate t&eir ability to a(&ieve a
satis'a(tory level o' per'orman(e and to determine $&et&er t&e ne$ position meets t&eir e)pe(tations+ (Insert Your
Company Name Here). In(+ uses t&is period to evaluate employee (apabilities. $ork &abits. and overall
per'orman(e+ Eit&er t&e employee or (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ may end t&e employment
relations&ip at $ill at any time durin% or a'ter t&e introdu(tory period. $it& or $it&out (ause or advan(e noti(e+
2ll ne$ and re&ired employees $ork on an introdu(tory basis 'or t&e 'irst B0 (alendar days a'ter t&eir date o' &ire+
2ny si%ni'i(ant absen(e $ill automati(ally e)tend an introdu(tory period by t&e len%t& o' t&e absen(e+ I' (Insert
Your Company Name Here). In(+ determines t&at t&e desi%nated introdu(tory period does not allo$ su''i(ient time
to t&orou%&ly evaluate t&e employee*s per'orman(e. t&e introdu(tory period may be e)tended 'or a spe(i'ied period+
Dpon satis'a(tory (ompletion o' t&e introdu(tory period. employees enter t&e :re%ular: employment (lassi'i(ation+
4urin% t&e introdu(tory period. ne$ employees are eli%ible 'or t&ose bene'its t&at are re/uired by la$. su(& as
$orkers* (ompensation insuran(e and 8o(ial 8e(urity+ 2'ter be(omin% re%ular employees. t&ey may also be eli%ible
'or ot&er (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+-provided bene'its. sub1e(t to t&e terms and (onditions o' ea(&
bene'its pro%ram+ Employees s&ould read t&e in'ormation 'or ea(& spe(i'i( bene'its pro%ram 'or t&e details on
eli%ibility re/uirements+
- (" -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
0'() >ury *uty
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ en(oura%es employees to 'ul'ill t&eir (ivi( responsibilities by servin% 1ury
duty $&en re/uired+ Employees may re/uest unpaid 1ury duty leave 'or t&e len%t& o' absen(e+ I' desired. employees
may use any available paid time o'' ('or e)ample. va(ation bene'its)+
Employees must s&o$ t&e 1ury duty summons to t&eir supervisor as soon as possible so t&at t&e supervisor may
make arran%ements to a((ommodate t&eir absen(e+ "' (ourse. employees are e)pe(ted to report 'or $ork $&enever
t&e (ourt s(&edule permits+
Eit&er (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ or t&e employee may re/uest an e)(use 'rom 1ury duty i'. in (Insert
Your Company Name Here). In(+*s 1ud%ment. t&e employee*s absen(e $ould (reate serious operational di''i(ulties+
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $ill (ontinue to provide &ealt& insuran(e bene'its 'or t&e 'ull term o' t&e
1ury duty absen(e+
- (' -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
0'(- Lea;es (Unpa1)
In %eneral. a leave o' absen(e is an o''i(ial aut&ori6ation to be absent 'rom $ork $it&out pay 'or a spe(i'ied period
o' time+ ;ot& paid and unpaid time o'' may be %ranted to eli%ible employees. a((ordin% to t&e 'ollo$in% poli(y+
3lease (onsult your supervisor 'or 'urt&er in'ormation+ 9or 3aid 7eaves. time o'' is paid usin% your base &ourly
rate. e)(ludin% s&i't premiums and overtime (ompensation. i' any+
"((asionally. 'or medi(al. personal. or ot&er reasons. you may need to be temporarily released 'rom t&e duties o'
your 1ob $it& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ It is t&e poli(y o' (Insert Your Company Name
Here). In(+ to allo$ its eli%ible employees to apply 'or and be (onsidered 'or (ertain spe(i'i( leaves o'
Eli%ible employees may re/uest personal leave only a'ter &avin% (ompleted -BF (alendar days o' servi(e+ 2s soon
as eli%ible employees be(ome a$are o' t&e need 'or a personal leave o' absen(e. t&ey s&ould re/uest a leave 'rom
t&eir supervisor+
I' an employee 'ails to report to $ork promptly at t&e e)piration o' t&e approved leave period. (Insert Your
Company Name Here). In(+ $ill assume t&e employee &as resi%ned+
4urin% t&e period o' leave. an asso(iate must arran%e 'or payment o' t&eir &ealt& insuran(e premiums. (onsistent
$it& spe(i'i( terms o' t&e insuran(e poli(y i' t&e asso(iate $is&es to maintain &is or &er (overa%e+ No bene'its are
(onsidered earned $&ile on an unpaid leave o' absen(e+ 9ailure to return to $ork upon t&e e)piration o' an
approved leave o' absen(e s&all be (onsidered a voluntary termination
- () -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
0'(. Mal ' Personal
0&e use o' (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+-paid posta%e 'or personal (orresponden(e is not permitted+
"((asionally $e re(eive mail addressed to an employeeEs attention and marked :3ersonal and Con'idential+:
8ometimes t&ese pie(es o' mail are inadvertently opened. and sometimes t&ey are opened be(ause t&e addressee is
not &ere and it is believed t&at t&e pie(e o' mail is an important business-related item t&at re/uires immediate
attention+ 2((ordin%ly. t&e (ompany assumes t&at it &as ea(& employeeEs permission to open any pie(e o' mail
re(eived at t&e o''i(e address+ 9or t&is reason. it $ould be $ise to dire(t your personal non-business mail to anot&er
- (+ -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
0'(0 Ne+s Me1a
0o ensure t&at all (ompany related in'ormation is a((urate and up to date. all re/uests 'or (omment are to be
re'erred to t&e <eneral #ana%er or t&e Company 3resident 'or a response+ No statement $&i(& involves (Insert
Your Company Name Here). In(+. its poli(ies. (lients or employees is to be released verbally or in $ritin%C all
in/uires are to be re'erred to t&e person(s) named above+
- 40 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
0'(2 O;ertme
0&e CompanyEs produ(tion s(&edules are set by (ustomer demand+ ,&en operatin% re/uirements or ot&er needs
(annot be met durin% re%ular $orkin% &ours. employees may be re/uired to $ork overtime. $&i(& is de'ined as any
&ours $orked over 'orty (A0) &ours per $eek+ 2ll overtime $ork must re(eive t&e supervisor*s prior aut&ori6ation+
"vertime assi%nments $ill be distributed as e/uitably as pra(ti(al to all employees /uali'ied to per'orm t&e
re/uired $ork+ 2lt&ou%& $e %enerally $ork #onday t&rou%& 9riday. i' t&e $ork demands it. $e (an operate seven
days per $eek+ ,ork on 8unday is at 0ime-and-a-Hal' (t&ere is no pyramidin% o' overtime)+ 0&e $ork s(&edule is
8unday t&rou%& 8aturday+ 0&e pay period is bi-$eekly. and pay(&e(ks are issued on t&e 0&ursday 'ollo$in% t&e
pay period+ 2sso(iates paid on a 8alary andGor Commission basis $ill not be entitled to overtime pay+
"vertime (ompensation is paid to all none)empt employees in a((ordan(e $it& 'ederal and state $a%e and &our
restri(tions+ "vertime pay is based on a(tual &ours $orked+ 0ime o'' 'or &olidays. on si(k leave. va(ation leave. or
any leave o' absen(e $ill not be (onsidered &ours $orked 'or purposes o' per'ormin% overtime (al(ulations+
0&ose employees $&o are eli%ible 'or overtime pay in a((ordan(e $it& t&e 9air 7abor 8tandards 2(t. $&o $ork on
a Company &oliday are (onsidered to &ave $orked overtime on t&at day and $ill be paid overtime 'or &ours
$orked. re%ardless o' t&e number o' &ours $orked durin% t&at same $ork $eek+
2ll overtime must be approved in advan(e by your 8upervisor+
- 41 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
2'() Performan!e E;aluaton
8upervisors and employees are stron%ly en(oura%ed to dis(uss 1ob per'orman(e and %oals on an in'ormal. day-to-
day basis+ 2 'ormal $ritten per'orman(e evaluation $ill be (ondu(ted at t&e end o' an employee*s initial period o'
&ire. kno$n as t&e introdu(tory period+ 2dditional 'ormal per'orman(e evaluations are (ondu(ted to provide bot&
supervisors and employees t&e opportunity to dis(uss 1ob tasks. identi'y and (orre(t $eaknesses. en(oura%e and
re(o%ni6e stren%t&s. and dis(uss positive. purpose'ul approa(&es 'or meetin% %oals+
- 4# -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
2'(- Personal Property
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ (annot be responsible 'or losses o' personal property t&at is lost. dama%ed
or stolen+ I' you brin% personal propertyGitemsGbelon%in%s into t&e o''i(e or onto (ompany property. you are
responsible to keep tra(k o' t&em+
I' you do brin% personal property. you need to understand t&at it $ill not be (overed under t&e Company*s insuran(e
and be(ause o' limitations on personal &omeo$ners* poli(ies $it& business property a$ay 'rom t&e &ome premises.
it may not be (overed under your &omeo$nerEs (overa%e eit&er+
2lso (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ pro&ibits any items on t&e premises or $orksite t&at are se)ually
su%%estive. o''ensive. or demeanin% to spe(i'i( individuals or %roups. alon% $it& 'irearms or ot&er $eapons+
Employees s&ould understand t&at all personal property brou%&t onto t&e employer*s premises may be inspe(ted 'or
purposes o' en'or(in% t&e or%ani6ation*s poli(ies and to prote(t a%ainst t&e't+
- 4( -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
4'() "afety
0o assist in providin% a sa'e and &ealt&'ul $ork environment 'or employees. (ustomers. and visitors. (Insert Your
Company Name Here). In(+ &as establis&ed a $orkpla(e sa'ety pro%ram+ 0&is pro%ram is a top priority 'or (Insert
Your Company Name Here). In(+ 0&e 8a'ety 4epartment &as responsibility 'or implementin%. administerin%.
monitorin%. and evaluatin% t&e sa'ety pro%ram+ Its su((ess depends on t&e alertness and personal (ommitment o'
"afety "tatement' "ur 7oss Control 8tatement e)presses t&e $isdom. p&ilosop&y. e)perien(e. and belie'
o' t&e Company 'or 'uture %uidan(e to$ards attainment o' stated %oals is as 'ollo$s:
0&e sa'ety o' our asso(iates (ontinues to be a ma1or (onsideration in t&e
operation o' our business+ ,orkin% (onditions must meet a((epted standards 'or t&e
prote(tion. sa'ety. and &ealt& o' our asso(iates+ Every asso(iate &as an important role in
t&e a((ident and loss time prevention pro%ram and is e)pe(ted to (ooperate 'ully in t&e
measures taken 'or sa'ety.
"afety Commttee' 0&e 8a'ety Committee is made up o' asso(iates and mana%ement+ 2 sa'ety
Coordinator &eads t&e (ommittee+ 0&e 'un(tion o' t&e CompanyEs 8a'ety Committee is to &elp and
maintain all asso(iates a(tive interest in sa'ety+ 0&e su((ess o' t&e (ommittee depends on t&e purpose.
make-upC responsibilities assi%ned. and support re(eived 'rom mana%ement+ 0o a(&ieve t&is. t&ere must
be a spirit o' (ooperation and a (ommitment to sa'ety as a s&ared responsibility bet$een asso(iates and
0&e 8a'ety Committee is also responsible 'or developin% and maintainin% a 8el'-Inspe(tion pro%ram.
Ha6ardous Communi(ation pro%ram. 8a'ety In(entive 3ro%ram. and sa'ety operation 3ro%rams+
• Se!%-Ins.ecti-n 1r-&ram 0&e main purpose o' t&e pro%ram is to dete(t unsa'e (onditions and
provide (ountermeasures be'ore someone is in1ured+ 8el'-inspe(tions s&ould o((ur at various times
intervals and be (ondu(ted by various people- dependin% in t&e s(ope and purpose o' t&e inspe(tion+
• :aCar*-,s C-mm,nicati-n 1r-&ram 2 'ormali6ed &a6ardous (ommuni(ations pro%ram is a
re/uirement o' "8H2+ 0&e main purpose o' t&e pro%ram is to in(rease t&e availability o' &a6ard
in'ormation. insuran(e o' #848 s&eets. &elp asso(iates devise appropriate prote(tive measures. and
%ives asso(iates t&e in'ormation t&ey need to take steps to prote(t t&emselves+
• Sa%et/ Incenti8e 1r-&ram 0&e main purpose o' t&is pro%ram is to investi%ate and re(ommend to
mana%ement. in(entive pro%rams t&at $ill re$ard t&ose asso(iates $&o &ave demonstrated a positive
sa'ety attitude and %ood sa'ety re(ord+ 0&e pro%ram s&ould be tailored to promote sa'ety a$areness+
• Sa%et/ O.erati-n .r-&ram 0&e purpose o' t&is pro%ram is to monitor and develop a respiratory
prote(tion pro%ram. a &earin% (onservation pro%ram. and a trainin% pro%ram in a((ordan(e $it&
'ederal la$ re/uirements. su(& as a 'ormuli6ed 'orkli't operator trainin%. et(+
- 44 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !--1-001
4'(- "e!ton )-2 Plan
9or t&e bene'it o' our employees. $e &ave in pla(e a 8e(tion 1F 3lan+ 0&is allo$s employees $&o (ontribute
to$ard t&e (ost o' t&eir &ealt& insuran(e to pay on a pre-ta) basis+ 0&is &as t&e potential to redu(e a(tual out-o'-
po(ket (osts by 0J or more. dependin% on your parti(ular ta) bra(ket+ Ele(tion 'orms 'or t&e 1F 3lan are
available every plan year rene$al. and you must maintain t&is ele(tion 'or one 'ull year+ 0&ere are (ertain (&an%es
in 'amily (ir(umstan(es t&at t&e IR8 $ill (onsider as valid reasons to make mid-year plan (&an%es+ "nly %roup
Healt& Insuran(e and %roup 4ental Insuran(e may be paid t&rou%& t&e use o' t&e 8e(tion 1F 3lan+
- 45 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
4'(. "mple I$A Plan
(Insert Your Company Name Here) o''ers a 8imple IR2 $it& t&e 2I# 9amily o' 9unds+ 0o be(ome eli%ible to
parti(ipate in t&e 8imple IR2 plan. an asso(iate needs to be employed 'or one year. and &ave earned at least KF.000
in t&at year+ 2n employee (an (ontribute up to KB.000 'or t&eir salary to t&e 8imple IR2 plan+
0&e Company $ill mat(& t&e asso(iateEs (ontributions dollar-'or-dollar up to -J o' t&eir %ross salary+ (#at(&in%
(ontribution (annot e)(eed KB.000 annually)+ In t$o years o' any 'ive-year period t&e Company (an ele(t to redu(e
t&e dollar-'or-dollar mat(& up to 1J o' salary+ Employees are 100J vested immediately+ 0&e asso(iateEs money is
ta)-de'erred and any $it&dra$als be'ore t&e a%e o' FH-1G are sub1e(t to %overnment penalties+
Your (onta(t person 'or /uestions pertainin% to t&e 8imple IR2 plan is:
6Insert the name an* a**ress -% the an* its c-ntact .ers-n wh-
is a*ministratin& /-,r Sim.!e IRA 1!an7
Revised: ---00F
4/0 "afety E:upment an1 Tranng Programs
- 4" -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
• Safety Equipment 2sso(iates $&o $ork as 'abri(ators and installers are re/uired to
$ear steel tip sa'ety s&oes at all times+ 0&e Company $ill reimburse t&ese asso(iates 'or L o' t&e
(ost o' steel tip sa'ety s&oes+ 0&e asso(iate must (omplete and submit an e)pense 'orm and
atta(& t&e sales re(eipt 'or t&e s&oes onto t&e 'orm in order to re(eive payment+ 2sso(iates are
re/uired to $ear sa'ety %lasses $&ile in t&e s&op area+ 0&e Company $ill reimburse asso(iates
'or L o' t&e (ost 'or pres(ription sa'ety %lasses+ 0o re(eive payment t&e asso(iate must submit an
e)pense 'orm alon% $it& a sales re(eipt+ 0&e Company $ill 'urnis& standard sa'ety %lasses 'or all
• Training Programs 2 =0rainin% In(entive 3ro%ram?. 'a(ilitated by t&e 8a'ety 0eam.
$ill be available 'or all asso(iates+ 0&is pro%ram is desi%ned to tea(& and train asso(iates in
basi( sa'ety rules usin% "8H2 re%ulations and industry standards as a ben(&mark+ 0&e pro%ram
is a video-based pro%ram done in (ooperation $it& 8e(ura Insuran(e Company and is (onsidered
a voluntary pro%ram+
• Continuous Education Program 2sso(iates $&o (&oose to pursue (ontinuous edu(ation
outside o' t&e Company pro%rams &ave an opportunity to be reimbursed 'or t&eir tuition (osts+
2n asso(iate must submit a =Continuin% Edu(ation 3ro%ram 2ppli(ation 9orm? and &ave it
approved prior to attendin% (lasses+ 0&e Company reserves t&e ri%&t to a((ept or deny any
appli(ation 'or any reason+ Dpon Company a((eptan(e o' t&e appli(ation. t&e asso(iate must
(omplete t&e (lass su((ess'ully $it& a +F %rade point avera%e or &i%&er+ 0&e asso(iate must t&en
submit a (opy o' t&e re(eipts 'or tuition and books. alon% $it& veri'i(ation o' t&e 'inal %rade+ 0&e
Company $ill t&en reimburse t&e asso(iate MFJ o' t&e (ourse (osts+
Revised: F-0--00F
5/) Inspe!ton an1 Montorng of Ele!tron! $esour!es
• Electronic Resources Ele(troni( Resour(es is de'ined as telep&ones. voi(e mail. E-
mail. Internet a((ess. 'a) ma(&ines. pa%ers. et(+ Ele(troni( Resour(es are primarily 'or business
use and asso(iates s&ould avoid unne(essary personal use o' telep&ones. E-mail. et(+ E)(essive
- 4' -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
personal use o' telep&ones and ot&er Ele(troni( Resour(es may result in dis(ipline. in(ludin%
termination+ 0&is Company poli(y applies e/ually to preparation and dissemination o'
do(uments and (ommuni(ations. re%ardless o' $&et&er t&ey are paper-based or ele(troni( 'orms+
Ele(troni( Resour(es (annot be used 'or any a(tivities t&at are pro&ibited by appli(able la$s
in(ludin%. but not limited to. kno$in%ly transmittin%. retrievin% or storin% any 'iles. do(uments
or (ommuni(ations t&at are dis(riminatory. &arassin%. de'amatory or t&reatenin% in any $ay. or
$&i(& are o' a se)ual nature or ot&er$ise o''ensive+ In addition. Ele(troni( Resour(es (annot be
used to distribute =(&ain letters? and similar (ommuni(ations. or to soli(it or advertise outside
business ventures. personal enterprises. or ot&er si%ni'i(ant non-business related a(tivities+
• Inspections and Monitoring 0o maintain se(urity 'or asso(iates. (ustomers. and Company
in'ormation and property. alon% $it& ot&er purposes relatin% to employment. t&e Company
reserves t&e ri%&t to /uestion any person enterin% or leavin% t&e premises. and to inspe(t any
person. lo(ker. desk. 'ile (abinet. stora%e spa(e. ve&i(le. pa(ka%e. purse. &andba%. brie'(ase.
lun(& bo). or ot&er possessions at any time+ 4esks. lo(kers. 'ile (abinets. and ot&er stora%e
lo(ations are sub1e(t to periodi( inspe(tions re%ardless o' $&et&er t&ey are lo(ked or unlo(ked+
8imilarly. all in'ormation. 'iles and re(ords stored on Company telep&one systems.
(omputers. disks and ot&er stora%e and retrieval systems are Company property and are sub1e(t to
inspe(tion at any time+ Computers (in(ludin% ele(troni( mail) and ot&er stora%e and retrieval
systems s&ould not be used 'or personal purposes+ 0&e Company reserves t&e ri%&t to
periodi(ally inspe(t (omputer 'iles. ele(troni( mail. voi(e mail and ot&ers systems to monitor
$ork /uality. improper or unaut&ori6ed use. or ot&er matters relatin% to employment+
2sso(iates s&ould not &ave any e)pe(tation o' priva(y $it& respe(t to in'ormation and
property stored at $ork or on Company premises+
2lt&ou%& sear(&es or monitorin% may be ne(essary 'rom time to time 'or business purposes.
any asso(iate $&o %ains a((ess to Ele(troni( Resour(es or ot&er (on'idential in'ormation $it&out
proper aut&ori6ation. or 'or a purpose ot&er t&an le%itimate business $ill be sub1e(t to dis(ipline.
as t&is is (onsidered a 3osted "''ense+
Revised: F-1H-000
5/- No "ol!taton Pol!y
8oli(itation or distribution o' literature by non-employees on (ompany property is pro&ibited at all times+
8oli(itation andGor distribution o' literature by asso(iates are pro&ibited in $orkin% areas durin% $orkin%
time+ ,orkin% time is de'ined as time in $&i(& t&e asso(iate is re/uired to per'orm $ork+ ,ork time does
not in(lude break periods or meal periods (unless t&e asso(iate is pun(&ed in on t&e time (lo(k)+ ,ork
time does in(lude periods in $&i(& a member o' mana%ement properly e)(uses an asso(iate 'rom
per'ormin% $ork+ 9urt&ermore. an asso(iate $&o is not on $orkin% time s&all not soli(it asso(iates $&o
are on $orkin% time+
- 4) -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
0&is poli(y applies to soli(itation and distribution o' literature 'or all types o' (auses or or%ani6ations+
@iolation o' t&is poli(y is %rounds 'or dis(ipline up to and in(ludin% termination+
Revised: 10-1-1HH!
5'(. Telep,one ? Personal Use
0elep&one Dsa%e - 3ersonal ,&en ne(essary. use o' t&e o''i(e telep&one 'or lo(al personal (alls is permitted+ It is
e)pe(ted t&at you $ill not abuse t&is privile%e and t&at (alls $ill be s&ort and to t&e point+ 0oo many personal (alls
are (ostly to t&e (ompany+ 3ersonal lon%-distan(e (alls (&ar%ed to t&e (ompany are pro&ibited+ 2sk t&e operator to
(&ar%e t&e (all to your &ome telep&one number or to your (redit (ard number+
- 4+ -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
5'(0 Termnaton ' Employment
0ermination o' employment is an inevitable part o' personnel a(tivity $it&in any or%ani6ation. and many o' t&e
reason(s) 'or termination are routine+ ;elo$ are e)amples o' some o' t&e most (ommon (ir(umstan(es under $&i(&
employment is terminated:
• Resi%nation - voluntary employment termination initiated by an employee+
• 4is(&ar%e - involuntary employment termination initiated by t&e or%ani6ation+
• 7ayo'' - involuntary employment termination initiated by t&e or%ani6ation 'or nondis(iplinary reasons+
• Retirement - voluntary employment termination initiated by t&e employee meetin% a%e. len%t& o' servi(e.
and any ot&er (riteria 'or retirement 'rom t&e or%ani6ation+
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ $ill %enerally s(&edule e)it intervie$s at t&e time o' employment
termination+ 0&e e)it intervie$ $ill a''ord an opportunity to dis(uss su(& issues as employee bene'its. (onversion
privile%es. repayment o' outstandin% debts to (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+. or return o' (Insert Your
Company Name Here). In(+-o$ned property+ 8u%%estions. (omplaints. and /uestions (an also be voi(ed+
- 50 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
8in(e employment $it& (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ is based on mutual (onsent. bot& t&e employee
and (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ &ave t&e ri%&t to terminate employment at $ill. $it& or $it&out (ause.
at any time+ Employee bene'its $ill be a''e(ted by employment termination in t&e 'ollo$in% manner+ 2ll a((rued.
vested bene'its t&at are due and payable at termination $ill be paid+ 8ome bene'its may be (ontinued at t&e
employee*s e)pense i' t&e employee so (&ooses+ 0&e employee $ill be noti'ied in $ritin% o' t&e bene'its t&at may be
(ontinued and o' t&e terms. (onditions. and limitations o' su(& (ontinuan(e+
In t&e event t&at t&e terminated employee is (ompensated on a (ommission basis. (Insert Your Company Name
Here) $ill only pay (ommissions on money t&e (ompany &as (olle(t up to t&e termination date+ 2ny (ommissions
(olle(ted a'ter t&e employeeEs termination date $ill be paid to t&e salesperson $&o servi(es t&e a((ount t&rou%& its
Revised: !--00
5'(2 %a!aton 3enefts
@a(ation time o'' $it& pay is available to eli%ible employees to provide opportunities 'or rest. rela)ation. and
personal pursuits+
0&e amount o' paid va(ation time employees re(eives ea(& year in(reases $it& t&e len%t& o' t&eir employment as
s&o$n in t&e 'ollo$in% s(&edule: 0&e len%t& o' eli%ible servi(e is (al(ulated on t&e basis o' a :bene'it year+: 0&is is
t&e 1-mont& period t&at be%ins $&en t&e employee starts to earn va(ation time+ 2n employee*s bene'it year may be
e)tended 'or any si%ni'i(ant leave o' absen(e e)(ept military leave o' absen(e+ #ilitary leave &as no e''e(t on t&is
(al(ulation+ (8ee individual leave o' absen(e poli(ies 'or more in'ormation+
9ull time asso(iates are eli%ible 'or @a(ation 3ay+ 9ull time is de'ined as $orkin% an avera%e A0 &ours a
$eek 'or a minimum o' seven (onse(utive $eeks+ @a(ation pay is paid to t&e asso(iate at t&eir re%ular rate
o' pay+ @a(ation time is (al(ulated 'rom >anuary to >anuary+ 2n e)ample o' an asso(iate $&o is &ired on
2pril 1. 1HH! is as 'ollo$sC
9rom 2pril 1. 1HH! to 2pril 1. 1HHH asso(iate satis'ies t&e 1- mont& /uali'yin% period+ 2s o'
2pril . 1HHH t&e asso(iate is eli%ible 'or A0 &ours o' va(ation to be used 'rom 2pril . 1HHH to
4e(ember -1. 1HHH+ 2s o' >anuary 1. 000 t&e asso(iate is eli%ible 'or A0 &ours o' va(ation pay
to be used bet$een >anuary 1. 000 and >anuary 1. 001+
- 51 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
@a(ation not taken $it&in t&e (alendar year a'ter it is earned is (onsidered 'or'eited+ Re%ular 'ull time
asso(iates are eli%ible 'or a paid va(ation as 'ollo$sC
A0 &oursNNNN++2'ter one (1) year o' (ontinuous servi(e
!0 &oursNNNN++2'ter t&ree (-) years o' (ontinuous servi(e
10 &oursNNNN2'ter t&irteen (!) years o' (ontinuous servi(e
2ll re/uests 'or va(ation must be submitted to mana%ement in advan(e and are sub1e(t to approval+
"n(e employees enter an eli%ible employment (lassi'i(ation. t&ey be%in to earn paid va(ation time a((ordin% to t&e
@a(ation time o'' is paid at t&e employee*s base pay rate at t&e time o' va(ation+ It does not in(lude overtime or any
spe(ial 'orms o' (ompensation su(& as in(entives. (ommissions. bonuses. or s&i't di''erentials+
Dpon termination o' employment. employees $ill be paid 'or unused va(ation time t&at &as been earned t&rou%&
t&e last day o' $ork+
Revised: ---00F
5'(4 7or8ers@ Compensaton Insuran!e
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ provides a (ompre&ensive $orker* (ompensation insuran(e pro%ram at no
(ost to employees+ 0&is pro%ram (overs any in1ury or illness sustained in t&e (ourse o' employment t&at re/uires
medi(al. sur%i(al. or &ospital treatment+ 8ub1e(t to appli(able le%al re/uirements. $orkers* (ompensation insuran(e
provides bene'its a'ter a s&ort $aitin% period or. i' t&e employee is &ospitali6ed. immediately+
Employees $&o sustain $ork-related in1uries or illnesses s&ould in'orm t&eir supervisor immediately+ No matter
&o$ minor an on-t&e-1ob in1ury may appear. it is important t&at it be reported immediately+ 0&is $ill enable an
eli%ible employee to /uali'y 'or (overa%e as /ui(kly as possible+ 2s a dru%'ree $orkpla(e you may be re/uired to
take a dru% test. (in a((ordan(e to t&e Company 4ru% 3oli(y). 'ollo$in% your involvement in an a((idental in1ury+
Neit&er (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ nor t&e insuran(e (arrier $ill be liable 'or t&e payment o' $orkers*
(ompensation bene'its 'or in1uries t&at o((ur durin% an employee*s voluntary parti(ipation in any o''-duty
re(reational. so(ial. or at&leti( a(tivity sponsored by (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+
- 5# -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
&'() "mo8ng Pol!y
In response to many studies s&o$in% t&e detrimental &ealt& e''e(ts o' bein% e)posed to =se(ond &and? smoke.
(Insert Your Company Name Here) is pleased to 1oin numerous D+8+ (ompanies in providin% a smoke-'ree
8mokin% is not permitted any$&ere in our (Insert Your Company Name Here) buildin%s+ 3eople $&o $is& to
smoke. may do so only in t&e desi%nated areas durin% t&eir s(&eduled break periods+
0&e desi%nated areas $&ere smokin% is allo$ed areC outside o' t&e ba(k door o' t&e 'abri(ation s&op $&i(& 'a(es
$est to$ards 2meri(an 4rive and outside o' t&e door in t&e vinyl appli(ation s&op 'a(in% sout&+
0&anks 'or your (ontributions to makin% our buildin% a &ealt&y pla(e to $ork+
- 5( -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: 10-H-00
0&e employee &andbook des(ribes important in'ormation about (Insert Your Company Name
Here). In(+. and I understand t&at I s&ould (onsult t&e Human Resour(es 4epartment re%ardin%
any /uestions not ans$ered in t&e &andbook+ I &ave entered into my employment relations&ip $it&
(Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ voluntarily and a(kno$led%e t&at t&ere is no spe(i'ied
len%t& o' employment+ 2((ordin%ly. eit&er (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ or I (an
terminate t&e relations&ip at $ill. $it& or $it&out (ause. at any time. so lon% as t&ere is no
violation o' appli(able 'ederal or state la$+
8in(e t&e in'ormation. poli(ies. and bene'its des(ribed &ere are ne(essarily sub1e(t to (&an%e. I
a(kno$led%e t&at revisions to t&e &andbook may o((ur. e)(ept to (Insert Your Company Name
Here). In(+*s poli(y o' employment-at-$ill+ 2ll su(& (&an%es $ill be (ommuni(ated t&rou%& o''i(ial
noti(es. and I understand t&at revised in'ormation may supersede. modi'y. or eliminate e)istin%
poli(ies+ (Insert Your Company Name Here). In(+ &as t&e ability to adopt any revisions to t&e
poli(ies in t&is &andbook. as it deems appropriate. in its sole and absolute dis(retion+
9urt&ermore. I a(kno$led%e t&at t&is &andbook is neit&er a (ontra(t o' employment nor a le%al
do(ument+ I &ave re(eived t&e &andbook. and I understand t&at it is my responsibility to read and
(omply $it& t&e poli(ies (ontained in t&is &andbook and any revisions made to it+
- 54 -
(Insert Your Company Name Here) Employee Handbook
Revised: !-0-001
- 55 -

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