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A Message from I.N.Suresh Kumar AGM(TRG)
A Message from V.K.Akbar Co-ordinator(TRG)
A short man with Himalayan resolve
The Pioneer of Team Kerala
The Committed Banker
An interaction with the Smiling AGM
Fighting with my Own Fears
Make a Difference
India of my Dreams....!
The Non-Financial Skills You Need to Succeed in Banking Sector
Creating Value
Beauty in Numbers
*I Love Me*
The Power of Positive Thinking
Project Ara
A Tour in Fort Kochi
Tongue Twisters
Photo Gallery
Contact Details

Asst General Manager

My dear young colleagues,
I am delighted to know that the Probationary Officers of the first batch, undergoing
the Foundation Training Programme-I at SBLC Kochi have prepared a beautiful
Magazine, named Genesis.
This e-magazine, with contributions bubbling with enthusiasm and innovations from
the creative, young minds of the batch, is indeed a breath of fresh air.
The team that worked hard to bring out the magazine within the available few days,
using spare time after the classes, deserves congratulations. The contributors, and the
Editors Sri. Deepak Sharma and Ku. Saumya Mishra can rightfully be proud of
creating a cute magazine, rich in content.
I am sure the magazine will help the whole batch to showcase their creative talents
and also memories to cherish.
Best wishes and warm regards to everyone in the batch.


Message from the Coordinator
Mr. V. K. Akber
Chief Manager, Training

The hard working coordinator, Mr. Akber pointed out three major things to be kept in mind.
First and foremost is learning to the most. In this aspect, he stressed on getting knowledge in
diverse fields. Second most important thing for him is building relationships, as banking is
co-terminus to relationships. Last but not the least, he emphasized on enjoying the life to the
most while handling the challenges of work.
With this short, crisp and useful message, he wishes the whole batch the best in life.

A Short Man with Himalayan Resolve
Mr. R. Muthuvel
DGM-Business and Operations

The PO 2014 batch got the privilege of an interaction with Mr. Muthuvel, DGM-Business and
Operations, Ernakulum on 4th February 2015.
After taking short introduction from each Probationer with regards to their background and
purpose of joining SBI, he pointed out that the decision of joining SBI is a correct one. SBI is an
organization wherein no one would ever need to look back or repent.
He insisted on importance of Virtual file in the career of a State banker. By virtual file, he meant
the impression that you create among seniors, subordinates and even customers by your
behavior, attitude, caliber and interpersonal skills. He emphasized the importance of virtual file
as it is the most influential factor when an officer is considered for promotion.
Mr. Muthuvel also stressed the importance of going through the SBI Service Rules and
Conditions thoroughly. This is imperative for maintaining impeccable integrity.
He stressed on hard work and gave his mantra "Work like a donkey for first ten years, and then
make others work like a donkey."
SBI is a democratic organization which provides opportunities to speak and work. But the
democratic aspect is in consonance with hierarchical aspects whereby you have to do all the
things within certain boundaries. Thus, he highlighted the need for balancing between freedom
and responsibility.
The enthusiastic speaker passionately made the case for SBI as a motherly institute that takes
care of all its employees not just during service or post service, but even after death (with
regards to the family).
Mr. Muthuvel emphasized the importance of keeping oneself updated through e-circulars. He
believes that systems and procedures are the lifelines or bloodstreams of the bank.
The interaction ended on the note that today's top executives were POs of yester years.
Exhorting the new joinees to work hard, he summed up by saying that collective wisdom should
be developed with sincere efforts.
~ By Saumya Mishra & Deepak Sharma

The Pioneer of Team Kerala
Smt. Radha Unni
Former CGM, Kerala Circle
Smt. Radha Unni, former CGM, Kerala circle, addressed the batch of POs, 2014 in a very friendly and
candid manner. She in her time made waves for initiating a special campaign for business
development, called Wing Kerala. Under her leadership, Kerala circle found its feet. Here is an excerpt
of her interaction with us She began by emphasizing on role played by officers in the growth of State Bank of India by saying that
“State Bank will be where you lead it. Always remember that you are the face of State Bank of India.”
For her, State Bank has always been associated with a warm feeling, surrounded by not just colleagues
and co-workers, but also by friends and mentors.
Mrs. Radha emphasized the immense responsibility that we carry by just being associated with SBI.
Illustrating from her own life on how she came to be known as “SBI Amma”, she elaborated on how
association with SBI shapes our identity, which is a huge privilege as well as a huge responsibility.
She also exhorted all the female officers present in the hall to continue the service come what may. No
matter how difficult the times may seem sometimes, you would always feel proud when you look back.
“Dont expect the path to be perfect. But certainly, ups are more than the downs.” She pointed out that
the journey of being a State Banker was not always easy, and she herself faced situations where there
was a lot of heartburn. But a supportive family, especially spouse, go a long way in helping you ascend
the heights.
Mrs. Radha believes that knowledge is power. She urged the POs to be updated with latest information
and use the wisdom effectively in their workspace.
Her mantra for life is CARPE DIEM that means “seize the day”. By this, she meant to live each day to
the fullest. Today is today, and it won’t come back. So, make the best use of it.
She later focused on the behavioral aspects, on creating value systems incorporating integrity,
transparency and customer orientation.
In the end, she answered a few queries from the audience, including about Wing Kerala, work life
balance, competition with State Bank of Travancore and how to succeed in career.
- By Saumya Mishra and Deepak Sharma

The Committed Banker
Mr. Pradeep Nair
CM, Ernakulum Branch

Mr. Pradeep Nair, Chief Manager, Ernakulum branch interacted with the 2014 PO batch. A very
distinguished State Banker, he designed and implemented Banker's Calculator, stood first in the CAIIB
certification and created a website for NRI business, NRI Sandesham. Having an experience of 14
years, he provided a deep insight into the practical aspects of banking.
His focus was on building relationship with customers as well as employees for sustaining bank's
growth. He illustrated this by a very successful initiative under him wherein he was able to greatly
increase SBI's lending to shipyard industry in Kochi. He attributed this success to creation of positive
environment in the workspace and building trust among customers.
He emphasized the importance of continuous learning in life. He said “Learn as much as possible from changing the ribbon of a printer to managing a branch.”
State Bank of India provides ample opportunities for growth, where good work is always appreciated
and recognition will be given wherever deserved. There are lots of advantages of working in SBI. It not
only provides exposures to various learning opportunities but also diversity in every sphere, be it work,
people or geography.
Later he answered some queries from the audience. On being asked whether the bank provides enough
opportunities for innovation and creativity, he replied that it all depends on self motivation. He
elucidated from his own experience how the management in general welcomes new ideas.
On off-the-premises marketing, he believes that developing strong relationships within the premises
handles 75% of marketing. And the rest can be achieved through references in the near by area.
He elaborated on team work by saying that it is based on complimentary skills and a person should be
delegated what he is capable of doing. Every person has different capabilities and different styles of
working. A leader should identify these capabilities and styles and should put them to use
~ By Deepak Sharma & Saumya Mishra

Interview With Suresh Kumar I.N. (AGM)
An interview with Senior Officers always provides an insight into what is ahead of us. Suresh Sir
with beaming smile gave his time from busy schedule . An excerpt :
Q. How has been your experience as in-charge of SBLC Kochi?
It is one of the most cherished postings of my life, second only to my PO days. Initially I was here
for a short period of two years, and during that time we were able to transform SBLC, Kochi as
one the best training centers among 50 SBLCs across the countries. I am happy as well as
comfortable here. Since it provides me enough freedom and opportunities to innovate, I relish it.
Q.Your Motto as the head of SBLC?
My motto is to mentor and to bring back the old glory of SBLC, Kochi. Here we have an added
advantage of 150 years old heritage building that too 20 meters away from the Arabian Sea.
Q.Having a rich experience in the field, does that help in converting theory into
I was posted to difficult places and during these postings I realized one thing – there can be two
approaches. Either you can get upset and do nothing about it, or you make the best out of it. It is
better to accept and embrace the changes around and take each challenge as it comes.
Q.What is the crux of this Foundation Training Program-I for PO'S?
This program lays the foundation stone of you becoming a banker. This helps in developing
professional aspects in the new joinees. You should know how exactly the things are done in a
bank. Otherwise you will be clueless when you join your branch.
Q. You talked about different types of people who have different approaches to
learning, like "Hearing things, Doing things, Seeing things". Could you elaborate
on that?
People are of different kinds. Some are more inclined towards learning through hearing.
Whereas others might learn through doing or seeing things. Class of 34 of you may have different
approaches to learning. The goal should be to involve everyone equally in the learning process.
Q. What is your idea of being a banker?
We are lucky in so many ways that we touch the lives of people. A banker needs to be creative,
service oriented and competitive considering the contemporary times. He/She needs to be
responsible. As a banker, he/she helps in the running of the economy.
Q. What would be your advice to the new joinees?
Enjoy life but also take your career seriously. You have to take care of self first, to achieve what
you truly desire.

Right from my childhood I have been treated as 'abnormal ' in social terms because of being physically
differently-abled in medical terms. Though from childhood I never felt that I am abnormal. It was only
when people told me that I came to know that I was abnormal. As a result of this I started separating
myself from groups. Because whenever I tried to participate in group activities people looked at me with
different eyes.
But my life changed on 29th November, when I saw my name on the list of candidates finally selected for
S.B.I P.O. When my mother told my relatives & acquaintances about my selection they expressed joy (
though some of them were filled with awe inside). Some of them said that now I have a better chance of
getting a good life partner (Because of being differently-abled people don’t consider to be a better life
Like all of us I joined the bank on 29th December. Days passed and then came 19th January our
training (leadership & orientation program started in Hyderabad). To be honest I was filled with
immense fear initially as to what all activities they will 'make' us participate into. It was as if I was going
to see a doctor who was going to tell whether I am going to live or die. On the second day of the program
I participated in a group activity. It was about team management. Our team came 2nd. Then the other
day we were asked to volunteer in a role play. Acting is my hobby but I have never performed in public.
But on that day some thing inside me urged me to raise my hand & I did. As I went in front of public my
legs were shivering due to nervousness. I was also feeling nauseated. But the experience was awesome. I
was satisfied because I fought my fear and it lessened to a great extent.
We reported at Kochi S.B.L.C on 27th January 2015. On the first day we were told that we had to give a
Trainee Talk i.e each one of us would be speaking on a particular topic in front of the whole class. So
they asked for volunteers who would be the first to give the trainee talk on the next day.
Listening to them I felt something exploding inside me. I became very nervous. How could I deliver a
public speech. Something which I had never done before. Even when opportunities came my way earlier
I used to escape. But it was as if my batchmate Deepak realized what was happening inside me and
encouraged me to raise my hand. I did so & gave my presentation the next day. Though it was not that
good by quality standards but one thing I can definitely say is that I fought the devil inside me.
Summing up, as I sit here on a beach in front of the Arabian sea, the thought that crosses my mind is:
Disability is connected with the mind and not with the body. You become what you feel
from inside and not what the world says about you.
I would like to thank my batch-mates and faculty especially Deepak and Saumya for encouraging me to
put forward my thoughts, and to our coordinator Akbar Sir for encouraging me at the time of giving the
~ Ashish Sharma
Bhopal Circle

Kerala is one of the most beautiful states in India and one of the most beautiful place on earth also.
Kerala is given the title " Gods own country ".Kerala is the land of coconut trees and is blessed with
endless beaches, lush green forests , waterfalls , fertile lands, lakes and backwaters.
Kerala is formed in November 1, 1956. It is boarded by Karnataka to the north and north east, Tamil
Nadu to the east and South and Lakshadweep sea to the west. It is the state with highest literacy
rate(93.19%) and the highest population growth rate in India (3.44%). It is the 13th largest state by
Production of pepper and natural rubber contributes to a significant portion of the total output.
In agriculture sector, coconut, tea, coffee, cashew nuts, spices are also very important.
Culture of Kerala is composite in nature and is an integral part of Indian culture.
Main Festivals:
Onam is popularly called as Thiruvonam. Onam is the harvest festival celebrated by the people of
Kerala.It is also the state festival. Onam falls during the Malayalam month of Chingam (
) and
marks the commemoration of King Mahabali who ruled Kerala years back and was sent to 'Pathala' by
Vamana who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is believed that the king Mahabali visits Kerala in
every year to ensure that his people are living in peace and happiness and we celebrate it as Onam to
welcome the king Mahabali.
Onam is celebrated with most number of cultural elements.
Pookalam is an intricate and colourful
arrangement of flowers laid on the floor.
Tradition of decorating Pookalam is extremely
popular in Kerala and is followed as a ritual in
every household during ten-day-long Onam


Puli Kali ("Puli" = Tiger & "Kali" = Play in Malayalam language) is a colorful recreational folk art from
the state of Kerala. It is performed by trained artists to entertain people on the occasion of Onam, an
annual harvest festival, celebrated mainly in the Indian state of Kerala. On the fourth day of Onam
celebrations (Nalaam Onam), performers painted like tigers and hunters in bright yellow, red, and
black dance to the beats of instruments like Udukku and Thakil. Literal meaning of Pulikali is the 'play
of the tigers' hence the performance revolves around the theme of tiger hunting. The folk art is mainly
practiced in Thrissur district of Kerala.
Onam Sadya

It is one of the indispensable part of
Thiruvonam and almost every Keralite
attempts to either make or attend one. The
feast is served on Plaintain leaves and consists
of about 26 dishes.

Boat race
Vallamkali is the traditional boat race in
Kerala, India. It is a form of canoe racing, and
uses paddled war canoes. It is mainly
conducted during the season of the harvest
festival Onam in autumn. Vallam Kali includes
races of many kinds of paddled longboats, the
traditional boats of Kerala.

Thrissur pooram

Thrissur pooram is celebrated in the district
Thrissur of Kerala. It is a popular temple
festival held in Vadakkumnatha temple at every
year of pooram. People celebrate it without any
religious difference. Elephants were mainly
used for processions and displays.

Main Festivals:
Kathakali is a stylized classical indian dance drama which is famous
for the attractive makeup of characters, elaborate costumes, detailed
gestures and well defined body movement. The most popular story
enacted are Nalacharitham from Mahabharatha. The language used
for kathakali is called Manipravalam.

Mohiniyattam is the classical dance form of Kerala.
Mohiniyattam is reffered to as the dance of enchantress. The
main theme of the dance is love and devotion to God with usually
Vishnu and Krishna being the hero.

It is a popular ritual form of worship of North Malabar in
Kerala. The performers of Theyyam belong to the lower caste
community and have an important position in Theyyam.
People consider Theyyam itself as God and they seek
blessings from this Theyyam.


Kalaripayattu is regarded as the mother of all
martial arts. It is considered to be the oldest
fighting system in existence. It is played with
sword and shield.

~ Aswathi T
Bangalore Circle

Make a Difference
We are all gifted with a unique set of skills and abilities. With those abilities we can make
extra-ordinary things happen in the world around us, or not.
It is completely up to you whether you want your life to make a difference and what difference
you want your life to make.
Many people set lofty goals for their lives and want to be remembered as visionaries, they want to
change and save the world.
Others want to be remembered as the kind man or women down the street who always helped
and always listened if you needed help.
Who do you think is the better person?
The one who changes the world or the one who saves the individual?
Do what not have to do incredible things; just being there for the people around you can save
someone from a meaningless life and help them lead the life they were meant to live.
Small things matter
Changing the life of another person is an incredible feeling and it is completely within your grasp.
You can do this by deciding to become a mentor for a young ambitious person. You can help
them avoid the mistakes you have made and help them learn from the ones they will inevitably
make themselves.
Fight for someone's rights
You will often see someone get treated unfairly. It happens both professionally and socially,
individuals who deserve recognition do not get it.
By taking up the fight and making sure others get what they deserve and earned you will be a true
hero. You will make a lasting impact on their lives and you will be rewarded with love and help in
the future when you are in need.
The law of karma says that whatever you do you will get back three fold, helping others is
therefore a selfish act, but still a good act, one that you should do without fear, with love and with
the knowledge that you will one day be rewarded.
Go the distance
Compromise is the enemy of long term commitment, if you have committed to helping someone
by being their mentor or by fighting for their rights, doesn't stop half way. Go the distance and
see it through. Make sure something happens so all your work doesn't end up as only talk.

In truth we might all be here to help each other, we might all be a part of a machine that fosters
cooperation, or were not. We might just be here to make the best of the situation for ourselves.
In any case, helping others brings happiness and prosperity into your own life, so for whatever
reason you chose to help others, it will always help you in return.
The difference between stopping half way and finishing isn't much in terms of the work you put
in, but worlds apart in the difference for the individual you are helping.
~ Anusha Singaraju
Hyderabad Circle

Modern, yet intricately linked to the roots...
Industrialized, yet so clean and pure.

Highest literacy ratio, representing the educated nation...
Ideal gender ratio, showcasing the dignity of women.

With one of the Asia's biggest mall, yet termed small...
Practicing culture ages old, yet bringing forex manifold.

With India's longest lake, you bring serenity and provide solace...
With beautiful beaches and hill stations, you are truly God's own place.

Yes, Kerala..!

You are the India of my dreams.
~ Roshni
Patna Circle

The Non-Financial Skills You Need to Succeed in Banking Sector
"The accounting/financial aspect of the Banking Job is the floor - not the ceiling."
In other words, if you can't perform the other basic functions of your job, you won't make it. In
order to stick around and get ahead in Banking Sector, you need to master these essential
non-financial skills.
Communication Skills
Banking professionals can't just be good at crunching numbers - they must be able to
communicate their knowledge with strong speaking, writing and presentation skills.
When you are presenting to a board, an investor or a prospect, you need to know how to convey
complex information in a way people can easily understand.
Relationship-Management Skills
The people skills you need in order to succeed as a Banking professional include understanding
different personality types, listening, asking the right questions, resolving conflicts, educating
others and counseling clients
What clients often need, therefore, is an unbiased advisor who can understand their needs and
help them make financial decisions.
Marketing and Sales Skills
Banking professionals need to be able to market their professional skills and knowledge to
prospects in their niche markets.
In marketing yourself to clients, you shouldn't just communicate how much you know, but also
how much you care, because "the client's most valuable assets and their biggest daily concern is
not their monetary wealth, but rather their families”.
Project Management Ability, Organizational Skills
Any task that takes more than a few minutes is essentially a project - one that you'll need to
manage effectively in order to be profitable. You'll need to efficiently and effectively schedule
your time, manage budgets, meet deadlines and get what you need from other people in time to
complete your project successfully.
For any analytical project, someone will usually have questions about the inputs and
assumptions. If you can't deliver timely backup information, even if it is 100% accurate, people
will question the accuracy of the final output."
Problem-Solving Skills
You will always encounter problems in any job, and being able to solve them rather than cracking
under pressure is essential.

Technological Savvy
No matter where you work, you will need to be proficient with computer hardware and software
and able to pick up new programs related to your job quickly. The more shortcuts, keys,
programs and functions you know in Excel, the better off you will be in finance.
Tenacity and Ethics
A competitive personality, passion for your work and the stamina to work long hours and go
above and beyond what's expected of you and what your co-workers and competitors are doing
are all crucial to success in finance. At the same time, you can't be so competitive that you make
poor choices, or your career and reputation will suffer.
By combining your ability to analyze numbers with skills such as communication, project
management and relationship development, you'll emerge as a leader and position yourself to rise to
the top of your field.
Always remember if you follow these 7 non financial skills, “People will gravitate towards you and
your Banking Career will flourish"
~ Sandeep Hajare
Mumbai Circle

Creating Value
Creating value for any product or service is pre-eminent in the contemporary times so as to
sustain long term growth. For this purpose, there are three vital factors as shown in the

Creating Value



Priced appropriately
Reduce Psychic Costs






Attitudinal change


Customer Convenience ::
Official Process

Beauty in Numbers

We learn mathematics for three essential reasons namely, calculation, application and
inspiration. Mathematics is the science of patterns and by studying it we learn how to
think creatively, logically and critically. But not too much of the mathematics that we
learn in schools is effectively motivated. So when the students ask why are they learning
this they often get the answer that it will be needed in a test or an upcoming class. From
our perspectives as bankers, we can expect to do at least some amount of calculations on
a daily basis throughout our careers. But wouldn’t it be great if every once in a while we
did mathematics simply because it is beautiful. Let me walk you through how
mathematics can excite the mind. I’ll take the example of a collection of numbers known
as The Fibonacci Numbers or The Fibonacci Series.
Fibonacci numbers can be appreciated in many different ways. From the standpoint of
application, they are easy to remember. In fact, the person we call Fibonacci was
actually named Leonardo of Pisa and these numbers appear in his book Libero Abaci
which taught the modern world the methods of arithmetic that is used today. Fibonacci
numbers were first discovered in India but it was introduced to Europe with the help of
this book. In terms of application, Fibonacci numbers appear in nature surprisingly
often. For example, the number of petals in a flower is often a Fibonacci number. There
are many applications of Fibonacci numbers but what I find the most inspiring is the
beautiful number pattern they display. Let us take an example. Suppose we were to
square numbers. So the squares of first few Fibonacci numbers would be:
Fibonacci series: 1 1 2 3







55 ….

1 4 9 25 64 69 121 1156 3025 ….

Now it’s no surprise that when we add two consecutive Fibonacci numbers we get the
next Fibonacci number. That’s the way they are created. But what if we look up at
adding the consecutive squares of first few Fibonacci numbers? 1+1=2, 1+4=5, 4+9=13,
9+25=34 and so on. The sums are also Fibonacci numbers.
Let us look at another example. Suppose we want to add the squares of first few
Fibonacci numbers.
So 1+1+4 = 6
1+1+4+9= 15
1+1+4+9+25= 40
1+1+4+9+25+64= 104 and so on.

The results are not Fibonacci numbers but if we observe closely we can see the Fibonacci
numbers buried inside of them. As in, 6=2x3, 15=3x5, 40=5x8 and 104=8x13 and so on.

Now as much fun it is to discover these patterns, it is even more satisfying to understand
why they are true. Let us take that last equation. Why should the sums of squares of 1, 1,
2, 3, 5 and 8 add up to 8x13. Let us see a simple picture.

In this picture we can see a small aquare of 1x1 and another one at its side. Then there is
a square of 2x2 below it and so on upto a square of 8x8 forming a big rectangle. Now, on
one hand the area of this rectangle will be the sum of area all the small squares
consisting it. On the other hand, the area will be its length x breadth. Here breadth is
clearly 8 and the length will be (8+5)=13 which is the next Fibonacci number. We got
the same result from both the calculations so it is true.

This was an attempt to show you that there is a beautiful side to mathematics. We spend
lots of time learning about calculations but let us not forget about application, including
perhaps the most important application of all, learning how to think.
-Alfred Marak
North-East Circle

*I Love Me*
I do not have crush on every other guy whom I meet. I do not blush on hearing the name of
some eligible bachelor of my own community from my relatives. My friends say I am weird.
I go to parties. I do not drink but still enjoy. My friends say I do not belong to this world. Okay.
I still believe in writing a letter to solve a fight instead of dealing with the last seen of Whats
App. Yeah, I am old fashioned. Okay.
I am not size zero. I do not think twice before gorging on delicious momos or truffle pastry. I
look decent enough. My friends say I am stupid to not follow the diet to get that perfect jaw line.
I need just my favorite pens to sketch and good music to get that happiness. I hate hanging out
in malls, window shopping and clicking selfies. And yes, I cannot even pout. My friends say I am
boring. Okay.
I still smile like an idiot seeing the handmade cards or the paintings gifted to me on my birthday
than the expensive watch which I am too afraid to even use. That makes me not so stylish I
guess. Okay.
I often judge books by covers. For whom are these cover artists are working for? I live in total
chaos. I am clumsy and indecisive. And sometimes I feel so bad saying 'NO’ that I end up
agreeing to things but when it comes to my ego, I end up arguing and winning the matter. I bite
my lower lip when I lie. My friends say I have no fashion statements. Okay.
I cannot even fake an accent so faking a friendship or relationship is beyond my reach. I have
never watched ‘Friends’. I have never played ‘Candy Crush’. And so you don’t like me? Well, who
cares? Because I love me. Okay.
I do not have a long list of ex-boyfriends. And I had no-one. I am happy with this and who will
not be after watching the break-ups, fake promisers, liars around yourselves. I can't be a “Time
pass” to anyone. In this fast pacing world where we do not have enough time for things, how can
people be a mere time pass? My friends say I should change my attitude towards them. Okay.
I have a secret and strong crush on a famous personality. My friends keep irritating me and
making me jealous by the name of his crush. Yes, I keep staring him like a fool whenever I see
him on television or in a newspaper. I know he can't be mine. But still I love my choice and will
untill my death. My friends say I live in a fantasy world of him. Okay.
But among these all, I fell in love with someone again. This time with myself. The alien and
weird me. I cannot even eat my food without sharing it with my clothes, still I am awesome
because I love myself more than anyone else can and ever will. I am not perfect but natural. I am
a keeper. I am an incredible human being with profound sense of understanding and great
capacity to love. I can do better than being a time pass, I really can.

If you don't like me and my attitude, then I must remember you that I hadn't enforced you to
stay in my life. It was totally your choice. And don't blame me for this. You are heartily
welcomed at the exit door of my life.
And that's me. For me, If you’re not hundred percent into you, then who else will be? I love me
and myself and beautiful in my own way.
~ An anonymous writer

The Power of Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images
that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good
and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful
outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.
Many have heard it said that another person cannot make you happy. The happiness will come
from within you. Being confident is a choice and it will produce positive emotions. There has
been much research done on being in a positive state. It will produce a sense of well-being and
has even proven to have multiple health benefits. Successful living today being positive will
change your life.
The way that someone feels about themselves shows in the way they act. They always find
funny things in everyday life that makes them and others happy. There is joy and cheerfulness
that just rubs off on the people who are around them. The way they feel shows in their life
because they are more relaxed and sleep better at night. They are not only physically assured
but mentally as well. Most people have a spiritual connection that gives them the confident
mindset in life.
People who have a confident mindset take full advantage of their work force. They go in
everyday with a smile on their face and the confidence that they have the ability to handle
anything that comes their way. Their ability to take responsibility and not to blame others
when something goes wrong shows that they have a handle on life. Negative emotions have no
place with them on their way to success.
Confidence is so much better than looking back and thinking of what could have been.
Confident people are ones that you want to be around because they make the most of the
present and look forward to the future. They are in awe of the beauty of nature and good things
around them.
This behavior comes from choosing the atmosphere that one is around. It is best to surround
yourself with assured people that are upbeat and thinking good thoughts. Try to avoid negative
news and thinking on unpleasant things. This will be to your advantage in building the blocks
in your life of thinking of good wholesome thoughts.
Positive and negative thinking are both contagious.
All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a
subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference, and through body language.
People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts, and vice versa. Is it any wonder that we
want to be around positive people and avoid negative ones? People are more disposed to help
us if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.
Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions.
When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness
and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.

Becoming a Positive Example to All
Being positive, doing the right things and thinking the right things will produce the kind of
behavior that is an example to all. It will be an encouragement to those around you and an
example that they can follow. Watching your confident living will help those with negative
tendencies to change the way they think. If it changes the course of their lives you have done a
great thing. Being careful of the things we say also will manifest how we act. Our conversation
should be complimentary and uplifting.
Being tolerant of others is another advantage of being confident. We will not always be treated
in the manner that is right. We are not responsible for the negative way that people treat us,
but we are responsible for how we react to it. A positive person will realize that sometimes
people are a product of their environment. Maybe they didn't have all of the advantages that
you did. The right thing to do is to act in a positive way.
It is always positive to think of others. Contributing in positive ways leads to an eternal
~ Gopinath Mukiri
Chennai Circle

Project Ara
Project Ara is the codename for an initiative by Google that aims to develop an open hardware
platform for creating highly modular smartphones . The platform will include a structural
frame (endoskeleton that holds smartphone modules of the owner's choice), such as a display,
camera or an extra battery. It would allow users to swap out malfunctioning modules or
upgrade individual modules as innovations emerge, providing longer lifetime cycles for the
handset, and potentially reducing electronic waste.
Project Ara smartphone will begin pilot testing in Puerto Rico later 2015 with a target bill of
materials cost of $50 for a basic grey phone. The project was originally headed by the
Advanced Technologies and Projects team within Motorola Mobility while it was a subsidiary
of Google. Although Google had sold Motorola to Lenovo , it is retaining the project team who
will work under the direction of the Android division.
Project goals: Google says the phone is designed to be used by "six billion people", including
the one billion smartphone users and the five billion feature phone users. Google intends to
sell a starter kit where the bill of materials is US$50 and includes a frame, display, battery,
low-end CPU and WiFi.
Google wants Project Ara to lower the entry barrier for phone hardware manufacturers so there
could be "hundreds of thousands of developers" instead of the current handful of big
manufacturers. This would be similar to how the Google Play Store is structured. Lowering the
barrier for entry allows many more people to develop modules. Anyone will be able to build a
module without requiring a license or paying a fee.
Structure and features
Ara frames:
Frame Size Rear module slots
Mini 45 × 118 × 9.7 mm 2 × 5
Medium 68 × 141 × 9.7 mm 3 × 6
Large 91 × 164 × 9.7 mm 4 × 7
Ara Smartphones are built using modules inserted into metal endoskeletal frames known as
"endos". The frame will be the only component in an Ara Smartphone made by Google. It acts
as the switch to the on-device network linking all the modules together. Two frame sizes will be
available at first: "mini", a frame about the size of a Nokia 3310 and "medium", about the size
of a LG Nexus 5 . In the future, a "large" frame about the size of a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 will
be available. Frames have slots on the front for the display and other modules. On the back are
additional slots for modules. Each frame is expected to cost around US$15. The data from the
modules can be transferred at up to 10gigabits/sec per connection. The 2×2 modules have two
connections and will allow up to 20gigabits/sec. This is to defer its obsolescence as long as
Modules can provide common smartphone features, such as cameras and speakers, but can
also provide more specialized features, such as medical devices, receipt printers, laser pointers
, pico projectors , night vision sensors, or game controller buttons. Each slot on the frame will
accept any module of the correct size. The front slots are of various heights and take up the
whole width of the frame. The rear slots come in standard sizes of 1×1, 1×2 and 2×2. Modules
can be hot- swapped without turning the phone off. The frame also includes a small backup

battery so the main battery can be hot-swapped. Modules are secured with electropermanent
magnets . The enclosures of the modules were planned to be 3D-printed , but due to the lack of
development in the technology Google opted instead for a customizable molded case. Modules
will be available both at an official Google store and at third-party stores. Ara Smartphones will
only accept official modules by default, but users can change a software setting to enable
unofficial modules. This is similar to how Android handles app installations.
Project team
Project Ara was developed and is led by Paul Eremenko . The project falls under Regina
Dugan, who runs Google's Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) organization. Both
Eremenko and Dugan worked previously at DARPA , where Eremenko originated the
fractionated spacecraft concept and ran the Adaptive Vehicle Make program before heading the
Tactical Technology office. The core Project Ara team at Google consists of three people with
most of the work being done by outside contractors. One of the main contractors is NK Labs, a
Massachusetts-based engineering firm, whose co-founder is Ara Knaian after whom the project
was named. Another contractor is 3D Systems.
Planned events
Google organized a series of three Developers' Conferences throughout 2014. More than 3300
developers signed up to the first conference that took place on April 15–16, where Google
released the developers' kit. Commercial release is planned for Q1 2015.
Possible Pilot
Google stated at a conference on 1/14/15 that it would pilot the release of Spiral 2, a Project
Ara prototype, in Puerto Rico. The phones will be sold out of a food-truck like vehicle, with
project lead Eremenko stating “We want to create a flexible retail experience. We’re designing a
food truck as a retail vehicle for the market pilot.”
Initial reception to the earlier modular Phonebloks concept was mixed, citing possible
infeasibility, lack of a working prototype, as well as other production and development
concerns. Some production and development issues were addressed after the Project Ara
announcement from Motorola as the concept now had OEM backing, but other issues were
raised about the modular concept.
Potential issues with the modular concept include a tradeoff between volumetric efficiency and
modularity, as the framework interface holding the device would increase overall size and
weight. Eremenko says modularity would create a difference of less than 25% in size, power,
and weight to components, and he believes that is an acceptable trade-off for the added
flexibility. The current prototype is 9.7mm thick, slightly thicker than conventional
Additional issues include regulatory approval; the FCC tests single
configurations for approval, not modular configurations. Google said the FCC "has been
encouraging so far".
~ Kiran Teja B.
Chennai Circle

A Tour in Fort Kochi
Hey friends, we all are in State Bank Learning Centre Kochi. So why don’t we roam around a little. I
think this will be of future use if you don’t get enough time now. Before exploring Kochi a little
background information about Kochi.
Fort Kochi is the west side of the city of Kochi (in Ernakulam District) in the state of Kerala, India. It
was earlier known as Old Kochi or West Kochi was once a fishing village. It was invaded by Portuguese,
Dutch, and later British. It has a mix of all these cultures and you can see it in all the buildings, streets
and culture in the city. Kochi is the home to Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Gujarathis, Parsis.
Tourist Places in Fort Kochi
Let’s start in K. J. Herschel Road and turning left, you can have a glimpse of Fort Immanuel. This
bastion once belonged to the Portuguese and is a symbol of the strategic alliance which existed between
the Maharaja of Cochin and the Monarch of Portugal, after whom the fort is named. This fort was built
in 1503 and reinforced in 1538. Walking a bit further, you will come across the Dutch cemetery.
Consecrated in 1724 and managed by the Church of South India, the tomb stones here silently remind
visitors of those Europeans who left their homeland to expand their colonial empires. Tourists from
Europe come here in search of their ancestors remains.
Walk on and you can see David Hall which was built around in 1695 by the Dutch East India Company.
The hall is associated with Hendrik Adriaan van Reed tot Drakeston, renowned Dutch commander, who
is more admired for his monumental book on the flora of Kerala namely Hortus Malabaricus. However,
David Hall is named after David Koder, a later occupant of the hall.
There is Parade Ground, the four acres of ground where the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British had
once conducted military parades.
The Santa Cruz Cathedral Basilica at Fort Kochi is one of the eight Basilicas in India. It is built by the
Portuguese and counted as one of the heritage edifices of Kerala. It was elevated to a cathedral by Pope
Paul IV in 1558. In 1984, Pope John Paul II declared it as a Basilica.. It is a place of devotion as well as a
center of historic significance, endowed with architectural and artistic grandeur and colours of the
gothic style.

St,Francis CSI Church

Santa Cruz Basilica

St. Francis CSI Church was originally built in 1503 by the Portuguese and is the oldest European church
in India and has great historical significance as a mute witness to the European colonial struggle in the
subcontinent. The Portuguese explorer, Vasco da Gama, died in Kochi in 1524 when he was on his third
visit to India. His body was originally buried in this church, but after fourteen years his remains were
removed to Lisbon.
Then there is the VOC gate, the large wooden gate facing the Parade ground. The gate, built in 1740,
gets its name from the monogram (VOC) of the Dutch East India Company on it.
The Bishop's house, built in the year of 1506. It had once been the residence of the Portuguese Governor
and is set on a small hillock near the Parade Ground.
The Paradesi or Jewish Synagogue is the oldest active synagogue in the Commonwealth of Nations.
Constructed in 1568, it is one of seven synagogues of the Malabar Yehudan people or Cochin Jewish
community in the Kingdom of Cochin.

Jewish Synagogue

Dutch Palace

The Mattancherry Palace is a Portuguese palace popularly known as the Dutch Palace, in Mattancherry
features Kerala murals depicting Hindu temple art, portraits and exhibits of the Rajas of Kochi. A
museum is set to display the culture significance of the palace. Temple is also attached along with the
Bolgatty Palace located on the island popularly known as Bolghatty Island in Kochi is built by the Dutch
1744. The building was then the Governor's palace for the commander of Dutch Malabar, and later in
1909 was leased to the British. It served as the home of the British governors, being the seat of
the British resident of Cochin during the British Raj.
Shopping places in Ernakulam
Shopping can be done either in Fort Kochi or in Ernakulam. You can reach Ernakulam by catching a
boat from Customs Boatjetty or by travelling in a bus. From Boatjetty go to broadway where you can
shop spices, dresses etc.

There are also some malls in Kochi where you can have branded items. Lulu Mall,Oberon Mall,Gold
Souke are some among them. LuLu Mall is the largest shopping mall in India and 48 th largest in the
world. It contains more than 215 outlets including food courts, restaurants, family entertainment zones,
a multiplex, ice skating rink and bowling alley.
Stay in Kochi will be one of the memorable moments in your life.
~ Jebna P. Jamal
Kerala Circle

~ Devesh Pratap Singh
Lucknow Circle

~ Devesh Pratap Singh
Lucknow Circle

~ Devesh Pratap Singh
Lucknow Circle

Tongue Twisters
1. Send toast to ten tense stout saints' ten tall tents.
2. Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles thumped and
thundered threatening the three-D thoughts of Matthew the thug - although, theatrically,
it was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and thorns through the underneath of his thigh
that the thirty year old thug thought of that morning.
3. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
4. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I
won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
5. One-one was a race horse.
Two-two was one too.
One-one won one race.
Two-two won one too.
6. How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A
groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground.
7. Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue to twist and turn, and twit an twat, to
learn the letter "T".
8. Bobby Bippy bought a bat.
Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball
"Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball
Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.
9.Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
Spread it thick, say it quick!
Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
Spread it thicker, say it quicker!
Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
Don't eat with your mouth full!
10. If you understand, say "understand".
If you don't understand, say "don't understand".
But if you understand and say "don't understand".
how do I understand that you understand. Understand!?

~ Swamy D. K.
Chennai Circle

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Clash of titans

The PO Batch 2014
S No.

Akash Lazrus
Alfred Marak
Amanjot Singh
Amrit Pal Singh
Anam Mirza
Andrew Lorin
Anuhya Mallipamula


Anusha Singaraju
Ashish Sharma
Asmita Yadav
Aswathy T
Baljinder Singh
Chinmay Halpati
Debojit Barua
Deep Shubham
Deepak Kumar Panda
Deepak Sharma


Devesh Pratap Singh
Fariah Ghazal
Girija Shankar Sahoo
Gulshan Verma
Harsh Joshi
Jebna P Jamal
K Sri Harsha
Kiran Teja Baireddi
Mukiri Gopinath
Neeraj Kujur
Sandeep Hajare


Saumya Mishra
Shailesh Alone
Shailesh Urumale
Swamy DK

Kanchichauni, Jammu
GT Road, Panipat
Hitech City, Hyderbad
Banjara Hills,
Jabalpur city
Gandevi, Surat
Sayaji Ganj, Vadodara
Pitampura, Delhi
Christ Nagar, Varanasi
Punjabi Bhagh
Lync Road, Cuttack
Chalakudy Town
Trichy Main Branch
KK Nagar, Nagpur
Seminary Mills,
Ravi Nagar, Nagpur
JP Nagar, Nagpur

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