Sub: Counselling for Provisional admission to [COURSENAME], [CODE] subject
to availability of seats at your rank.
Dear Applicant,
I am pleased to inform you that on the basis of the merit index of the UET/PET-2015, you
are required to report for counselling for possible provisional admission to the
[COURSENAME],[CODE] for the academic session 2015-16, subject to availability of seats
at your rank. Please report personally to the Chairman/Convenor, Admission Committee,
[VENUE], BHU Varanasi along with all required documents (listed in para 2 below) as per
following counselling schedule:
Counselling for Regular Fee Seat
Counselling for Paid Seat
Counselling for seats in Affiliated Colleges/ RGSC
Please note that for consideration of admission, you must be present in person on
the above date(s) alongwith required documents. In case you fail to report for
counselling along with all the original documents and complete the necessary formalities by
4.00 p.m. of the above date(s), claim for consideration of provisional admission shall stand
(i) Please bear in mind that the number of eligible candidates called for Counselling is
much larger than the seats available in the course to which you are seeking admission.
Therefore, mere receipt of the Call Letter does not entitle you for provisional admission.
The Admission of the eligible candidates shall be made strictly on the basis of merit
index of UET/PET – 2015 against the available seats. No eligible candidate shall
advance any claim, whatsoever, for the provisional admission if seats are not vacant at
the time of consideration of his/her candidature for admission-counselling.
(ii) There is a provision to provide opportunity to a candidate who has failed to report for
counselling on the day he/she has been called, due to certain unavoidable reasons. At
the discretion of the concerned Admission Committee, such candidates may be
entertained for counselling subject to availability of seat provided they report on next
day of counselling till the period the counselling of that course is going on. Such
candidates may, however, be entertained for provisional admission subject to
availability of seats.
iii). A candidate who has been called for counselling for the seats on the main campus
only, may also attend the Counselling for affiliated Colleges/RGSC (which would be
held only after the counselling for main campus is over) with the prior approval of the
concerned Admission Committee. In that case, he/she should see the counselling
schedule of the affiliated College/RGSC and report the counselling venue at 10.00 a.m.
on the 1st day of commencement of Counselling for affiliated colleges/ RGSC.
iv). As the admission process is time-bound exercise, the candidates are advised to visit
the Entrance Test/ Counselling Portal of the University ( every day
during the counselling period to see updated information on counselling schedule, offer
of course allotment, offer of hostel allotment, fee payment deadlines and other
important communications. The University will not be responsible for claim of any kind if
the candidate does not visit the portal on daily basis and keeps updated with the
List of Essential Documents required at the time of Counselling:
You must produce the under mentioned documents in ORIGINAL at the time of counselling
for provisional admission before the Admission Committee for its perusal and
scrutiny/verification. Failure to produce any of these documents on any ground may disqualify
the candidate from the provisional admission.
a) Mark-Sheets of the QUALIFYING EXAMINATION and all other previous
examinations such as High School, Intermediate, Graduation, Post-graduation (as the
case may be).
Ordinarily only the original mark-sheet shall be accepted. However, in case the
marksheet of the qualifying examination has not been issued by the concerned
Examining Body by the date of counselling (candidate is required to give an affidavit
to this effect), Marksheet downloaded from the Website of the concerned examining
body (subject to verification by the Admission Committee), CONFIDENTIAL
MARKSHEETS or PROVISIONAL RESULTS issued by the Registrar/ Controller of
Examinations of the concerned University or Secretary of the concerned Board (in
case qualifying examination is of Senior Secondary level) shall also be entertained at
the time of admission.
ii) Candidates who were appearing in the final year/ final year semester of the
qualifying examination were allowed to appear in the Entrance Test with the
condition that they will be required to produce the original marksheet of the qualifying
examination at the time of counseling for getting admission. However, if such
candidates are called for counseling for provisional admission in a course, but they
are not able to produce the mark sheet of the qualifying examination(s) (main or
supplementary or revaluation) confirming the minimum eligibility requirements at the
time of counseling, may also be allowed to take conditional admission provided that:
a). Candidate gives an undertaking that he/she will produce the original mark sheet
of the qualifying examination with minimum eligibility requirement latest by 31st
October, 2015.
b). It is evident from the mark sheet(s) of the previous examination(s) relating to the
course of qualifying degree that the candidate has secured at least stipulated
minimum percentage of aggregate marks (viz. 50%) in the previous
examination(s) (except final year examination/final year semester examination(s)
of the qualifying degree. This will not be necessary for SC/ST candidates).
However, this test/check [para (b)] would not apply in case the qualifying
examination is of 10+2 (Sr. Secondary level) largely required for admission to UG
c). If they fail to produce the requisite mark sheet by 31st October, 2015 their
conditional admission will be treated as cancelled and they will not claim for refund
of fee paid for conditional admission.
b) Matriculation or its equivalent certificate to ascertain the date of birth.
c) Caste Certificate issued by the appropriate authority, if admission is sought under
SC/ST/OBC Category.
NOTE: Each SC/ST/OBC candidate shall have to submit a copy of the caste/class
certificate mentioning that the candidate belongs to SC/ST/OBC community. Such
certificate shall be subject to verification from the concerned District Magistrate.
Candidate must note that if he/she belongs to SC, ST or OBC category, his/her
caste/tribe must be listed in the appropriate Govt. of India schedule. The caste certificate
should be in the Governments‟ approved format and should clearly state (a) name of
his/her caste/tribe (b) whether he/she belongs to SC/ST/OBC category (c) District and
State or Union Territory of his/her ordinary residence and (d) the appropriate Govt. of
India schedule under which his/her caste/tribe is approved as SC, ST or OBC. Further,
the OBC certificate should clearly mention that the candidate does not belong to
Creamy Layer under Govt. of India criteria.
NOTE: The OBC certificate should not have been issued earlier than 01.07.2014.
Further, if the OBC Certificate is issued earlier than the aforesaid date i.e. 1.7.2014
the candidate may be given one month time to produce a recent OBC Certificate
OR recent Income Certificate issued not earlier than 1.1.2015.
d) Medical Certificate issued by the appropriate authority, if admission is sought under
Physically Challenged Category. The candidates will also be required to present
themselves before a Medical Board constituted by B.H.U. The date and time for
appearing before the Medical Board will be communicated to the candidate by the
concerned Admission Committee.
e) Employee’s ward certificate issued by the Dy. Registrar (Admin-LTC Cell), BHU only if
admission is sought under Employee‟s ward Category.
f) Admit Card in original issued for appearing in the concerned Entrance Test – 2015.
g) Character Certificate issued by the institution last attended.
h) Transfer Certificate (TC) issued by the institution last attended.
NOTE: If due to certain reasons a candidate is unable to produce T.C., the Admission
Committee may, at its discretion, allow a period up to 31st October' 15 for submission
of the Transfer Certificate, failing which the admission may be cancelled. An
undertaking that "My provisional admission be cancelled in case I fail to produce
the Transfer Certificate from the institution which I last attended by 31st October,
2015 " shall be taken from each such candidate who has not submitted his/her Transfer
Certificate before he/she is provisionally admitted. Original mark-sheet of the qualifying
examination/original certificate of High School shall be retained and the same will be
returned to an admitted student only after he/she has submitted his/her T.C.
Migration Certificate issued by the Institution/ University/ Board last attended.
NOTE: Under exceptional situation a candidate may be allowed to submit the Migration
Certificate latest by 31st October’ 2015. Certain Institutions/ Universities/Boards issue
either Transfer Certificate or Migration Certificate but not both. In such cases, the
certificate issued to the candidate shall be accepted and the candidate shall be asked to
give an undertaking to the effect that the Institution does not issue Transfer (or
Migration) certificate as the case may be.
The University will follow computerised (online) counselling procedure for admissions to
various courses during the academic session 2015-16. The scheduling of different phases
of Counselling would be done in the following manner:
i). Three Phase Counselling: Such regular courses, which have provision of paid
seats and are concurrently run on the main campus, affiliated colleges and/or
RGSC, the admissions will be made in three segments. In the first segment (which
could be of 5-6 days, depending on the availability of seats in the course), regular
fee seats on the main Campus would be filled up. After the regular fee seats are
full, admission on paid seats on the main campus (wherever available) would be
done in the second segment of counseling (1-2 day). In the third segment, seats in
the affiliated College and/or RGSC would be filled up.
ii). Two Phase Counselling: Such regular courses, which have provision of paid seats
and are run on the main campus only, the admissions will be made in two
segments. In the first segment (which could be of 5-6 days, depending on the
availability of seats in the course), regular fee seats on the main Campus would be
filled up. After the regular fee seats are full, admission on paid seats on the main
campus (wherever available) would be done in the second segment of counseling
(1-2 day).
iii). One Phase Counselling: Such Courses which do not have provision for paid seats
(such as Special Courses of Study and courses running under paid fee structure)
and are run only at one location (Main Campus or RGSC), the admissions will be
made in one segment which could be of 5-6 days, depending on the availability of
seats in the course.
The counselling procedure will involve following steps:
Every candidate called for counselling for admission to a Course shall be required to fill up
an online Preference Entry Form as follows:
a). Click on the Button „Preference Entry” icon on the Candidate‟ segment of the
Entrance Test Portal [] for online preference entry.
b). Give your preference of various Course(s) given in the Preference Entry Form.
However, in certain courses, there may not be any choice and the page will show
only one course with prefilled text box.
c). Enter the percentage of marks (upto 02 decimal points) obtained in Qualifying
Examination in the box given for the purpose in the online Preference Entry Form.
d). If interested, give your paid seat option. However, paid seats would be allotted to
only such candidates, in order of merit, who are present in person on the Paid
Seat Counselling Date/Time along with Paid Seat Fee (in the form of demand
draft drawn in favour of Registrar, BHU)
e). Save the details entered.
f). If there are more than one preference entry form (one for the main campus and
other for the affiliated college/ RGSC), fill up both completely in the aforesaid
i). Give your order of preference carefully. No section of the online preference
form should be left blank. If any section is left blank, it will be presumed that
candidate is not interested in that option. Candidates will get another
opportunity of making changes in the entries made in the Online Preference
Entry Form on the day of counselling (prior to verification of documents).
ii). In B.Sc (Hons)- Bio Group, B.Sc (Hons)- Maths Group and BA (Hons.)-Social
Sciences [Main Faculty] admissions will be made in Honours-Combinations.
iii). In BA (Hons)-Arts [Main Faculty] and BA (Hons.)-Social Sciences [MMV]
admissions will be made in Honours subject only. After admission of a
candidate in an Honours subject, the other two subjects [as per approved
combinations for the concerned honours] would be allotted in order of merit.
The choice of combination subjects can be exercised by a candidate only after
he has secured admission in an honours subject .
iv). In BA (Hons)-Arts [MMV] allotment of Honours and combinations would
be done manually in order of merit. Exercise your choice of course, paid
seat option and requirement of hostel on the day of counseling on the
form provided by the Admission Committee.
v). In some courses, there may not be any choice of course. In that case, fill up the
percentage of marks and other required fields.
The call letter contains the reporting date(s) and time of counseling and the venue where
you are required to report for counseling. Please ensure that you reach the counseling
venue on the prescribed date and time. After reaching the counseling venue following
steps needs to be followed:
a) Reach the counselling venue at the prescribed time/date(s) given in this Call letter.
Contact the Counselling Centre/Venue Incharge and mark your attendance by
signing the attendance sheet available with the Counselling Centre Incharge.
b) Discuss with the teacher-counsellors available at the Counselling Centre/Venue
about the available Honours/Course Combinations, locations and fee structures,
availability of hostels, etc. In case you want to change your preference [earlier filled
up by you ONLINE], you can do at this stage. After preference entry form is finalised,
get its printout, sign it and submit it alongwith other required original documents at
the Verification Desk. Preference Entry Form once signed and confirmed by a
Candidate on the Counselling Date shall be final and shall not be changed
later. The computer will allot seats strictly in order of merit in the entrance test taking
into account the order of preference filled up by the candidate and availability of
NOTE: If a Reserved Meritorious candidate is called for counselling alongwith
General category candidates his/her claim on seats reserved for his/her
category shall remain intact.
c) In case you need Hostel facility, please submit your requirement in the
preference entry form. The concerned Admission Committee will ascertain
your eligibility for hostel allotment during counselling. The hostel allotment
will also be done strictly in accordance with merit subject to availability of
d) The concerned Admission Committee will also retain your set of verified
documents (photocopy/originals).
The concerned Admission Committee would release/ publish the admission list on
each day of Counselling ordinarily between 06:00 p.m.- 08:00 p.m.
As soon as results are published by the concerned Admission Committee(s), log in into
the portal (as you have logged in for downloading call letter and making preference
entry), and click on “COURSE ALLOCATION” icon to see whether you have been
offered provisional admission. The course allocation would be based on your merit in
the UET/PET, preferences filled up by you and the availability of seats in the course on
the day of Counselling.
In case you are offered provisional admission, make payment of the admission fee
before the deadline (which would be normally 06:00 p.m. of the following day) failing
which offer of admission will stand withdrawn.
Note: As results would be declared between 06:00-08:00 p.m. on each day of
Counselling, all candidates are required to check their admission status on the
‘Course Allocation’ page every day positively as those who have secured their
admission after initial rounds of declaration of admission lists may get
upgradation to a course more preferred by them and those in waitlist on the
counseling date may receive offer of admission due to dropouts/withdrawal in
previous rounds. In case initially waitlisted candidates receive offer in
subsequent rounds of declaration of admission lists, they will also be required to
pay the admission fee on the following day by 06.00 p.m..
Following admission fee payment modes will be available for the students admitted on
the BHU Main Campus and RGSC:
1) Online payment (through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net banking) through the
payment gateway available on the Portal.
2) In cash at any branch of ICICI Bank in India through Challan downloaded
from the payment page of the candidate’s portal.
3) In cash at the Extension Counters of ICICI Bank opened on the BHU
Campus through Challan downloaded from the payment page of the
candidate’s portal. Demand Draft drawn on ICICI Bank towards Paid Seat/
Special Course Fee shall also be accepted at the Extension Counters of
ICICI Bank opened on the BHU Campus.
The students admitted in the affiliated Colleges would be required to pay the admission
fee in the concerned affiliated College.
a). Online payment and challan can be downloaded from Course Allocation page.
b). In case you are interested in securing admission in the course provisionally
offered, pay the prescribed Admission Fee within the deadline for payment
of fee contained in the offer of admission (shown on the Course Allocation
page). In case you are provisionally admitted to a special Course of Study or on
Paid Seat, you will be required to pay the Special Course/ Paid Seat Fee in
addition to regular Fee of the Course also. For paid seat fee/ special course, you
are, however, required to pay the fee amount by means of a demand draft
drawn on ICICI Bank.
c). A candidate will be treated as provisionally admitted in the course offered
only after the prescribed admission fee has been paid by him/her. In case
you do not make payment of fee through either of the above modes within the
prescribed deadline, you will forfeit your claim for admission in the University.
On successful payment of prescribed admission fee, the payment ID will
appear in the ‘Application’ page of the candidate’s portal. Candidates are
advised to check the payment status after remittance of admission fee for
Only limited number of hostel seats is available which will be allotted in order of merit
subject to your eligibility for hostel allotment. You will be required to give the
requirement of hostel facility in the online preference entry form. Based on your
eligibility, the Admission Committee may allot you hostel after admission in the course.
You are required to check on your portal (after logging in) regarding hostel allotment
status by clicking “HOSTEL ALLOCATION” icon. In case the status shows as
“HOSTEL ALOTTED”, make payment of Hostel Fee as well through either of the modes
of fee payment given above (in the same manner as given for payment of Admission
Fee) within the deadline prescribed for payment else it will be considered that you are
not interested in seeking hostel facility and the provisional offer of allotment of hostel
will be treated as withdrawn and the seat so spared may be offered to next candidate in
the merit.
Candidates can download the Admit Cards from their portals only after the admissions
are over in the concerned course. The Admit Card will contain the date on which they
have to report to the University for attending classes and the documents they are
required to bring.
i). There is a provision of 'Paid Seats' (supernumerary) in some courses, up to a
maximum of 15% of total seats. Admission on Paid Seats will be done only after the
regular fee seats are full.
ii). Paid seats options may be exercised by the candidates during preference entry or
later by presenting themselves on the Paid Seat Counselling date given in the Call
iii). All those candidates who are interested in Paid Seats must present themselves in
person by 4.00 p.m. on the Paid Seat Counselling Date given in the Call Letter.
Allotment of Paid Seats would be done amongst those candidates, in order of
merit, who are present in person on the Paid Seat Counselling Date/Time
alongwith Paid Seat Fee (in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of
Registrar, BHU).
Rearrangement in 2nd and/or subsequent Admission List(s): The candidates have
entered their preference of course (where choice is available) in the preference entry
stage. The module has been developed to ensure that if the seats fall vacant on expiry
of deadline of fee payment (after declaration of any Round of results due to candidates
holding higher merit do not take admission etc.), there are chances that the candidates
initially allotted a course of his lower order of preference may get upgraded to a more
preferred course in his preference order. Accordingly, based on the preference given by
the candidate at the time of counselling, there could be change in course options after
initial allotment. Rearrangement process will only enable upward mobility of a candidate
in the order of preference filled up by him, vacancy being created and his merit order
provided payment of admission fee has been done for the initial allotment within the
Locking Course Allotment: At times, the candidates do not want any change in the
Course initially allotted to him/ her (say after 1st or subsequent round of result) thereby
meaning that they want to be excluded from the aforesaid rearrangement process in the
subsequent round. In case candidate feels that he is satisfied with the course allocation
after any round of declaration of admission list, he/she can immediately give in writing to
the Convenor of the concerned Admission Committee to lock his course allotment. If a
candidate asks for lock allotment in the manner aforesaid, he/she will be excluded from
the aforesaid rearrangement exercise in the succeeding rounds. However, choice of
locking a course allotment should be done by 02:00 pm on the day when the
immediately next succeeding round of admission list is scheduled to be released.
Locking the course allotment can be done only after admission in that course has been
secured by making payment of admission fee within the prescribed deadline in the
manner given above.
NOTE: No request for locking initial allotment of course would be entertained if
the candidate fails to give a formal written request to the concerned admission
Committee within the deadline indicated above.
Candidates must read carefully the under mentioned general information and
conditions for the provisional admission. Non-compliance of any condition shall
disqualify a candidate for provisional admission.
1. The candidates must note:
(i) In this Call letter for Counselling, the place of reporting is mentioned. The candidate
should reach to the concerned office on the date(s) and time as mentioned.
(ii) The admission to a particular Course in the Faculty/Mahila Mahavidyalaya/Affiliated
Colleges/ Rajeev Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapur as the case may be,
shall be done as per merit and choice of the candidate.
2. Presence of parents/guardians of female candidates called for counselling is desirable.
3. The completion of necessary formalities for provisional admission may take generally 23 days. Accordingly the outstation candidates are advised to come prepared to stay at
Varanasi for the aforesaid period.
4. BHU Employee’s Ward category candidates are required to submit a certificate of the
Employee's Ward in the prescribed format duly signed and issued by the Joint Registrar
(Admin-LTC Cell) only. For this purpose, the candidate is required to apply to the Joint
Registrar (Admin-LTC Cell), immediately after the receipt of the Call Letter and submit an
application on the prescribed format obtainable from the concerned office.
5. The provisional admission of the candidate to the concerned Course of Study shall be
subject to such ordinances, rules and regulations as may be framed from time to time by the
6. Hostel accommodation is not guaranteed. However, if it is available, it shall be
allotted strictly on the basis of the merit index of the concerned Entrance Test 2015
excluding those candidates residing in the nearby areas in the city/locality of Varanasi. Mere
provisional admission shall not entitle any student to a seat in the University Hostel.
7. The date of commencement of classes of the concerned Course of Study shall be as per
the time schedule prescribed by the University. Ascertain the date of reporting from the
Faculty/ Department/ College when you come for counseling.
8. Candidate provisionally selected for admission shall be required to deposit the
prescribed fee before the deadline of fee payment failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her
claim for the provisional admission. The candidates belonging to SC/ST categories are
exempted from payment of non refundable component of the fee provided the annual
income of their parents is less than the prescribed limit. Accordingly, prospective candidates
belonging to the said category desirous of availing this facility are required to furnish a
certificate to this effect from the competent authority at the time of admission.
9. The dependends of Leprosy Affected Persons (LAPs) shall be exempted from paying
non-refundable component of regular fee. Accordingly, candidates desirous of availing the
aforesaid facility (on provisional admission) should produce/bring (at the time of
Counselling) a certificate issued by the Government District Hospital to the effect that their
parent(s) (as per the details furnished in the UET/PET form) are Leprosy Affected Persons
10. Enrolment: All newly admitted students must get themselves enrolled by 31st October,
2015. For the purposes of enrolment only original documents (marksheets of the qualifying
examination, marksheet/certificate of high school, TC and/or Migration Certificate) shall be
entertained. In case a provisionally admitted candidate fails to produce the said documents
by 31st October, 2015, his/her admission shall be cancelled forthwith.
11. Only the local Court of Varanasi/Honorable High Court of Judicature at Allahabad/
Honorable Supreme Court of India shall have jurisdiction in case of any dispute relating to
the provisional admission.
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frfFk rFkk vU; egRoiw.kZ v|ru tkudkfj;ksa ds fy, izfrfnu fo”ofo|ky; ds izos”k
ijh{kk@dkmalfyax iksVZy ¼www.bhuonline.in½ dk voyksdu djrs jgsAa ;fn vH;FkhZ bl
iksVZy dk fu;fer vk/kkj ij voyksdu ugha djrs gSa rFkk v|ru tkudkfj;ka izkIr ugha djrs gSa
rks blds fy, fo”ofo|ky; fdlh Hkh rjg ds nkos ds fy, ftEesnkj ugha gksxkA
2- dkmalfyax ds le; vko”;d nLrkostksa dh lwph
vLFkk;h izos”k gsrq dkmalfyax ds le; izos”k lfefr ds le{k blds voyksdu rFkk laoh{kk@lR;kiu ds
fy, vkidks fuEufyf[kr ewy nLrkostksa dks izLrqr djuk gksxkA buesa ls dksbZ Hkh nLrkost fdlh Hkh
fLFkfr esa izLrqr u dj ikus ij vLFkk;h izos”k gsrq vH;FkZu fujLr dj fn;k tk,xkA
d½ vgZrk ijh{kk ds vadi= rFkk fiNyh lHkh ijh{kkvksa tSls&gkbZ Ldwy] b.VjehfM,V] Lukrd]
ijkLukrd ¼tSlh fLFkfr gks½A
uksV %
lkekU;r% dsoy ewy vadi= gh Lohdkj fd;k tk,xk rFkkfi] lacfa /kr ijh{kk ysus okyh laLFkk
}kjk dkmalfyax dh frfFk rd ;fn vadi= tkjh ugha fd;k x;k gS rks vH;FkhZ dks bl vk”;;
dk gyQukek izLrqr djuk gksxkA ijh{kk ysus okyh lacaf/kr laLFkk dh osclkbV ls MkmuyksM
fd, x, vadi= ¼izos”k lfefr }kjk lR;kiu ds v/khu½] xksiuh; vadi= ;k lacaf/kr
fo”ofo|ky; ds dqylfpo@ijh{kk fu;ark vFkok lacaf/kr cksMZ ds lfpo ¼;fn vgZrk ijh{kk
lhfu;j lsdsaMjh Lrj dh gS½ }kjk tkjh vLFkk;h ijh{kkQy Hkh izos”k ds le; Lohdkj fd,
vgZrk ijh{kk ds vafre o’kZ@vafre lsesLVj esa “kkfey gksus okys vH;FkhZ ftUgsa izos”k ijh{kk esa
l“krZ “kkfey gksus dh vuqefr nh xbZ Fkh mUgsa izos”k ysus ds fy, dkmalfyax ds le; vgZrk
ijh{kk dk ewy vad i= izLrqr djuk gksxkA fQj Hkh] ;fn bu vH;fFkZ;ksa dks fdlh ikB~;Øe esa
vLFkk;h izos”k ds fy, dkmalfyax gsrq cqyk;k x;k gS fdarq os dkmalfyax ds le; U;wure
;ksX;rk dh iqf’V djus okyh vgZrk ijh{kk¼vksa½ ¼eq[; ;k iwjd ;k iquewZY;kadu½ dk vadi= izLrqr
ugha dj ikrs gSa rks Hkh mUgsa l”krZ izos”k dh vuqefr nh tk ldrh gS c”krsZ fd %
d½ vH;FkhZ opu nsrk@nsrh gS fd os 31 vDVwcj] 2015 rd U;wure vgZrk lac/a kh ewy vadi=
izLrqr dj nsaxsA
[k½ vgZrk ijh{kk ikB~;Øe ls laca/kh fiNyh ijh{kk¼vks½a ds vadi= ls ;g Li’V gks fd vH;FkhZ us
de ls de dqy vadksa dk U;wure fu/kkZfjr izfr”kr vad ¼50 izfr”kr½ izkIr dj fy, gSa ¼vgZrk
ijh{kk dh vafre o’kZ dh ijh{kk@vafre lsesLVj dh ijh{kk dks NksM+dj½A vuqlwfpr tkfr@tu
tkfr ds vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, ;g t:jh ugha gSA fQj Hkh] vkerkSj ij Lukrd ikB~;Øeksa esa izos”k
ds fy, visf{kr vgZrk ijh{kk 10+2 ¼lhfu;j lsdsM
a jh Lrj dh½ dh fLFkfr esa ;g tkap ekud
¼iSjk&ch½ ykxw ugha gksxkA
x½ ;fn os 31 vDVwcj] 2015 rd visf{kr vadi= izLrqr ugha dj ikrs gSa rks mudk l”krZ izo”s k
fujLr ekuk tk,xk vkSj os l”krZ izo”s k ds fy, tek fd, x, “kqYd dh okilh dk nkok ugha
a As
[k½ tUefrfFk dh iqf’V gsrq eSfVªdqys”ku vFkok bldk led{k izek.k&i=
l½ ;fn izos”k vuqlwfpr tkfr@tutkfr@vkschlh laoxZ ds varxZr fy;k x;k gS rks l{ke izkf/kdkjh
}kjk tkjh tkfr izek.k&i=A
uksV % vuqlwfpr tkfr@tutkfr@vkschlh laoxZ ds izR;sd vH;FkhZ dks tkfr@leqnk; izek.k&i= dh
,d izfr izLrqr djuh gksxh ftlesa ;g mYys[k gks fd vH;FkhZ vuqlwfpr tkfr@tutkfr@vkschlh
leqnk; dk gSA ;g izek.k&i= lacfa /kr ftyk eftLVªsV ls lR;kiu ds v/khu gksxkA vH;FkhZ /;ku j[ksa
fd ;fn os vuqlwfpr tkfr@tutkfr@vkschlh laoxZ ls lacaf/kr gSa rks mudh tkfr@tutkfr Hkkjr
ljdkj dh fufnZ’V vuqlwph esa lwphc) gksA tkfr izek.k&i= ljdkj }kjk vuqeksfnr izk:i esa gksuk
pkfg, rFkk mlesa ¼v½ mldh tkfr@tutkfr ¼c½ D;k og vuqlwfpr tkfr@tutkfr@vkschlh laoxZ
dk gS ¼l½ mlds lkekU; fuokl dk ftyk rFkk jkT; ;k la?k jkT; {ks= ¼n½ Hkkjr ljdkj dh fofufnZ’V
vuqlwph ftlesa mldh tkfr@tutkfr vuqlwfpr tkfr@tutkfr@vkschlh ds :i esa vuqeksfnr gS] dk
Li’V mYys[k gksuk pkfg,A blds vfrfjDr] vkschlh izek.k&i= esa Li’V :i ls mfYyf[kr gksuk pkfg,
fd vH;FkhZ Hkkjr ljdkj ds Øheh ys;j ekunaM ls lacaf/kr ugha gSA
uksV % vkschlh izek.k&i= 01-07-2014 ls igys dk tkjh fd;k gqvk ugha gksuk pkfg,A vkxs] ;fn vkschlh
izek.k&i= mDr frfFk vFkkZr 01-07-2014 ls igys dk tkjh fd;k x;k gS rks vH;FkhZ dks v|ru vkschlh
izek.k&i= vFkok vk; izek.k&i= tks 01-01-2015 ds ckn dk tkjh fd;k x;k gks] izLrqr djus gsrq ,d
ekg dk le; fn;k tk ldrk gS A
n½ ;fn izos”k “kkjhfjd :Ik ls v{ke laoxZ ds varxZr fy;k x;k gS rks l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk tkjh
fpfdRlk izek.k&i=A vH;FkhZ dks ch,p;w }kjk xfBr fpfdRlk cksMZ ds le{k Hkh izLrqr gksuk gksxkA
fpfdRlk cksMZ ds le{k izLrqr gksus dh frfFk o le; dh lwpuk vH;FkhZ dks izos”k lfefr }kjk nh
/k½ ;fn izos”k deZpkjh dksVk laoxZ ds varxZr fy;k x;k gS rks mi&dqylfpo ¼iz”kklu&,yVhlh
izdks’B½ }kjk tkjh ,EIykbZ okMZ lfVZfQdsV izLrqr djuk gksxkA
u½ lacaf/kr izos”k ijh{kk&2015 esa “kkfey gksus ds fy, tkjh fd;k x;k ewy izo”s k&i=
i½ vafre laLFkku tgka v/;;u fd;k x;k gks] }kjk tkjh pfj= izek.k&i=
Q½ vafre laLFkku tgka v/;;u fd;k x;k gks] }kjk tkjh LFkkukarj.k izek.k&i=
uksV % ;fn dksbZ vH;FkhZ fdlh dkj.ko”k LFkkukarj.k izek.k&i= izLrqr ugha dj ikrk gS rks izos”k lfefr
vius foosd ls LFkkukarj.k izek.k&i= izLrqr djus gsrq 31-10-2015 rd dk le; ns ldrh gSA
LFkkukarj.k izek.k&i= izLrqr u dj ikus dh fLFkfr esa izos”k fujLr fd;k tk ldrk gSA vLFkk;h izos”k
ysus ls iwoZ ftu vH;fFkZ;ksa us vius LFkkukarj.k izek.k&i= izLrqr ugha fd, gSa mu lHkh dks ^^;fn eSa
vafre laLFkku tgka eSus v/;;u fd;k gS] }kjk tkjh LFkkukarj.k izek.k&i= 31-10-2015 rd izLrqr ugha
dj ikrk gw¡ rks esjk vLFkk;h izos”k fujLr dj fn;k tk,**] opu&i= nsuk gksxkA vgZrk ijh{kk dk ewy
vadi=@gkbZ Ldwy dk ewy vadi= j[k fy;k tk,xk rFkk vH;FkhZ }kjk LFkkukarj.k izek.k&i= tek
djus ij bls okil dj fn;k tk,xkA
vafre laLFkku tgkW ls v/;;u fd;k x;k x;k gks] }kjk tkjh izotu ¼ekbxzs”ku½ izek.k&i=
uksV % vkiokfnd fLFkfr esa vH;FkhZ dks 31-10-2015 rd izotu ¼ekbxzs”ku½ izek.k&i= izLrqr djus
dh vuqefr nh tk ldrh gSA dqN laLFkku@fo”ofo|ky;@cksMZ ;k rks LFkkukarj.k izek.k&i= tkjh
djrs gSa vFkok izotu izek.k&i=] fdarq nksuksa ughaA ,slh fLFkfr esa vH;FkhZ ds fy, tkjh fd;k x;k
nksuksa esa ls dksbZ ,d izek.k&i= Lohdkj fd;k tk,xk rFkk vH;FkhZ dks bl vk”k; dk opu nsuk
gksxk fd muds laLFkku }kjk LFkkukarj.k vFkok izotu izek.k&i= ¼tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks½ tkjh ugha
fd;k tkrk gSA
dkmalfyax izfØ;k
fo”ofo|ky; }kjk “kS{kf.kd l= 2015&16 ds fy, fofHkUu ikB~;Øeksa esa izos”k gsrq daI;wVjhd`r
¼vkWuykbu½ dkmalfyax izfØ;k viuk;h tk,xhA dkmalfyax ds fofHkUu pj.kksa dk fu/kkZj.k fuEukuqlkj
fd;k tk,xk %
f=Lrjh; dkmalfyax % ,sls fu;fer ikB~;Øe] ftuesa isM lhV ds izko/kku gSa rFkk orZeku le;
esa eq[; ifjlj] lEc) egkfo|ky; vkSj@vFkok jk-xka-n-i- }kjk lapkfyr fd, tk jgs gSa] esa
izos”k rhu pj.kksa esa fy, tk,axAs izFke pj.k ¼ikB~;Øe esa lhV dh miyC/krk ds vk/kkj ij
;g 5&6 fnuksa dk gks ldrk gS½ esa fu;fer “kqYd okyh eq[; ifjlj dh lhVsa Hkjh tk,axhA
f}Lrjh; dkmalfyax % ,sls fu;fer ikB~;Øe] ftuesa isM
ifjlj esa lapkfyr fd, tk jgs gSa] esa izos”k nks pj.kksa
esa lhV dh miyC/krk ds vk/kkj ij ;g 5&6 fnuksa
fu;fer “kqYd okyh lhVsa Hkjh tk,axhA fu;fer “kqYd
pj.k esa eq[; ifjlj ¼tgka miyC/k gks½ esa isM lhVksa
dh tk,xhA
,dLrjh; dkmalfyax % ,sls fu;fer ikB~;Øe] ftuesa isM lhV ds izko/kku ugha gSa ¼tSls fo”ks’k
v/;;u ikB~;Øe rFkk ,sls ikB~;Øe tks isM “kqYd lajpuk ds rgr lapkfyr gks jgs gSa½
rFkk dsoy ,d LFkku ¼eq[; ifjlj vFkok jk-xka-n-i-½ esa lapkfyr fd, tk jgs gSa] esa izos”k
,d pj.k esa fy;k tk,xk tks ikB~;Øe esa lhV dh miyC/krk ds vk/kkj ij 5&6 fnuksa dk
gks ldrk gSA
dkmalfyax izfØ;k esa fuEufyf[kr pj.k gksx
a s%
lhV ds izko/kku gSa rFkk dsoy eq[;
esa fy, tk,axAs igys pj.k ¼ikB~;Øe
dk gks ldrk gS½ esa eq[; ifjlj esa
okyh lhVksa ds Hkj tkus ds ckn nwljs
ij izos”k gsrq dkmalfyax ¼1&2 fnu½
izFke pj.k & % vkWuykbu ojh;rk izfof’V ¼dkmalfyax dh frfFk rd½
fdlh ikB~;Øe esa izos”k ds fy, cqyk, x, izR;sd vH;FkhZ dks fuEufyf[kr vk/kkj ij vkWuykbu ojh;rk
izfof’V i= Hkjuk gksxk %
v½ vkWuykbu ojh;rk izfof’V gsrq izo”s k ijh{kk iksVZy ¼www.bhuonline.in½ ds ^dSafMMsV lsxesaV* ds
a baVªh* vkbdu cVu ij fDyd djsAa
c½ vkWuykbu ojh;rk izfof’V QkeZ esa fn, x, fofHkUu ikB~;Øe¼eks½a gsrq viuh ojh;rk nsAa rFkkfi] dqN
ikB~;Øeksa esa dksbZ fodYi ugha gksxk vkSj ist igys ls gh Hkjk gqvk VsDLV ckWDl lfgr dsoy ,d gh
ikB~;Øe n”kkZ,xkA
l½ vkWuykbu ojh;rk izfof’V QkeZ esa vgZrk ijh{kk esa izkIr vadksa dk izfr”kr ¼n”keyo ds nks LFkku
rd½ HkjsAa
n½ ;fn bPNqd gksa rks isM lhV dk fodYi HkjsAa fQj Hkh] isM lhV ojh;rk esfjV ds vk/kkj ij dsoy
mUgha vH;fFkZ;ksa dks vkoafVr dh tk,xh tks isM lhV “kqYd ¼dqylfpo] dk”kh fgUnw fo”ofo|ky; ds i{k
esa vkgfjr fMekaM MªkW¶V½ ds lkFk isM lhV ds fy, dkmalfyax dh frfFk@le; ij O;fDrxr :Ik ls
mifLFkr gksaxsA
/k½ Hkjs x, fooj.k dks lqjf{kr djsa ¼lso djs½a
u½ ;fn ,d ls vf/kd ojh;rk izfof’V QkeZ ¼,d eq[; ifjlj ds fy, rFkk nwljk lEc)
egkfo|ky;@jk-xka-n-i-½ gSa rks mijksDr rjhds ls nksuksa dks iwjh rjg HkjsAa
uksV % i) viuk ojh;rk Øe lko/kkuhiwoZd HkjsAa vkWuykbu ojh;rk i= dk dksbZ Hkh Hkkx [kkyh u NksM+sAa
;fn dksbZ Hkkx [kkyh gS rks ;g ekuk tk,xk fd vH;FkhZ ml fodYi ds fy, bPNqd ugha gSA vH;FkhZ dks
dkmalfyax ds fnu ¼nLrkostksa ds lR;kiu ls iwoZ½ vkWuykbu ojh;rk izfof’V QkeZ esa ntZ dh xbZ izfof’V
esa ifjorZu djus dk ,d nwljk volj izkIr gksxkA
ch-,l&lh-¼vkulZ½&tho foKku lewg] ch-,l&lh-¼vkulZ½& lewg rFkk
¼vkulZ½&lkekftd foKku ¿eq[; ladk;À esa izos”k vkulZ&la;kstu esa fn, tk,axsA
ch-,-¼vkulZ½&dyk ¿eq[; ladk;À rFkk ch-,-¼vkulZ½&lkekftd foKku ¿efgyk egkfo|ky;À esa
izos”k dsoy vkulZ fo’k; esa fn, tk,axAs fdlh vkulZ fo’k; esa vH;FkhZ ds izos”k ysus ds
i”pkr nks vU; fo’k; ¼lacfa /kr vkulZ ds fy, vuqeksfnr la;kstu vuqlkj½ ojh;rk Øe ds
vuqlkj vkoafVr fd, tk,axsA vH;FkhZ fdlh vkulZ fo’k; esa izos”k ysus ds Ik”pkr gh
la;kstu fo’k; pqu ldrk gSA
ch-,-¼vkulZ½&dyk ¿efgyk egkfo|ky;À esa vkulZ rFkk la;kstu fo’k;ksa dk vkoaVu ojh;rk Øe
esa eSuqvy :Ik esa fd;k tk,xkA izos”k lfefr }kjk dkmalfyax ds fnu iznku fd, x, QkeZ
esa vius ikB~;Øe dk pquko] isM lhV fodYi vkSj Nk=kokl dh vko”;drk ds ckjs esa HkjsAa
dqN ikB~;Øeksa esa p;u dk fodYi ugha gksxkA bl fLFkfr esa vadksa dk izfr”kr vkSj nwljh
vko”;d lwpuk,a HkjsAa
f}rh; pj.k & % dkmalfyax ds fnu dk fØ;k&dyki
cqykok i= esa mifLFkfr frfFk] dkmalfyax dk le; vkSj LFkku dk mYys[k gksxk tgka dkmalfyax ds
fy, vkidks mifLFkr jguk gksxkA d`Ik;k fu/kkZfjr frfFk o le; ij viuh mifLFkfr lqfuf”pr djsAa
dkmalfyax LFkku ij igqapus ds ckn vkidks fuEufyf[kr dne mBkus gksx
a s%
v½ bl cqykok i= esa nh xbZ frfFk o le; ij dkmalfyax LFkku ij igqapasA dkmalfyax dsUnz@LFkku ds
izHkkjh ls laidZ djsa vkSj dkmalfyax dsUnz ds izHkkjh ds ikl miyC/k mifLFkfr i=d ij vius gLrk{kj
c½ miyC/k vkulZ@ikB~;Øe la;kstu] LFkku] “kqYd lajpuk] Nk=koklksa dh miyc/krk bR;kfn ds ckjs esa
dkmalfyax dsUnz@LFkku ij ekStwn v/;kid&dkmalyj ls tkudkjh izkIr djsAa ;fn vki viuh ojh;rk
¼vki }kjk igys vkWuykbu Hkjs x,½ esa ifjorZu djuk pkgrs gSa rks bl pj.k esa dj ldrs gSaA ojh;rk
izfof’V i= iw.kZ gks tkus ds ckn bldk eqfnzr #i fudkys]a bl ij gLrk{kj djsa vkSj t:jh dkxtkrksa
ds lkFk lR;kiu MsLd ij tek djsAa dkmalfyax frfFk ij ,d ckj vH;FkhZ }kjk ojh;rk izfof’V i= ij
gLrk{kj djus o bldh iqf’V dj fn, tkus ij bls vafre ekuk tk,xk vkSj ckn esa blesa dksbZ cnyko
ugha fd;k tk ldsxkA izos”k ijh{kk esa izkIr ;ksX;rk Øe rFkk vH;FkhZ }kjk Hkjs x, ojh;rk Øe o lhVksa
dh miyC/krk ds vk/kkj ij lhVksa dk vkoaVu daI;wVj }kjk fd;k tk,xkA
uksV % ;fn vkjf{kr laoxZ ds es/kkoh vH;FkhZ dks dkmalfyax ds fy, lkekU; ds vH;fFkZ;ksa ds lkFk
cqyk;k tkrk gS rks mldh viuh ds fy, vkjf{kr lhVksa ij mldk nkok cjdjkj jgsxkA
l½ ;fn vkidks Nk=kokl lqfo/kk dh vko”;drk gS rks d`i;k ojh;rk izfof’V i= esa bldk mYys[k
djsAa lacaf/kr izos”k lfefr dkmalfyax ds le; Nk=kokl vkoaVu gsrq vkidh ;ksX;rk dk fu/kkZj.k
djsxhA Nk=kokl dk vkoaVu Hkh iwjh rjg lhVksa dh miyC/krk o ;ksX;rk lwph ds vk/kkj ij fd;k
n½ lacaf/kr izos”k lfefr vkids lR;kfir nLrkostksa ¼Nk;kizfr@ewy izfr½ dk lsV j[ksxhA
r`rh; pj.k & % izos”k lwph dh ?kks’k.kk
lacaf/kr izos”k lfefr lkekU;r% izR;sd dkmalfyax ds fnu vijkºu 6&8 cts ds chp izos”k lwph
tkjh@izdkf”kr djsxhA
lacaf/kr izos”k lfefr }kjk tSls gh ifj.kke ?kksf’kr fd, tkrs gSa] iksVZy ykWx&bu djsa ¼tSlk fd vki
cqykok i= MkmuyksM djus o ojh;rk izfof’V Hkjus ds fy, ykWx&bu dj pqds gSa½] vkSj ;g ns[kus ds
fy, fd vkidks vLFkk;h izos”k fey pqdk gS ^dkslZ ,yksds”ku* vkbdu ij fDyd djsAa ikB~;Øe vkoaVu
;wbZVh@ihbZVh esa vkids ;ksX;rk Øe] vki }kjk Hkjs x, ojh;rk vkSj dkmalfyax ds fnu miyC/k lhVksa
ij vk/kkfjr gksaxsA ;fn vkidks vLFkk;h izos”k feyk gS rks vafre le; lhek ¼tks lkekU;r% vxys fnu
lk;a 6-00 cts rd gksxh½ ls iwoZ izo”s k “kqYd tek djsa vU;Fkk vkids izos”k dk fujLr eku fy;k
uksV % pw¡fd ifj.kke dkmalfyax ds izR;sd fnu vijkºu 6&8 cts ds chp ?kksf’kr fd, tk,axs] vr% lHkh
vH;fFkZ;ksa ls visf{kr gS fd os ikB~;Øe vkoaVu ist ij vius izo”s k dh fLFkfr dk voyksdu djsa D;ksafd
ftUgksaus izos”k lwph tkjh gksus ij igys nkSj ds Ik”pkr izos”k ys fy;k gS] mUgsa mudh mPPrj ojh;rk dk
ikB~;Øe izkIr gks ldrk gS vkSj tks dkmalfyax frfFk dks izrh{kk lwph esa gSa mUgsa fiNys pj.k esa fjDr
gqbZ lhVksa ij izos”k ysus dk volj izkIr gks ldrk gSA ;fn vkjafHkd izrh{kk lwph ds vH;fFkZ;ksa dks ckn
ds pj.k dh izos”k lwph ?kksf’kr gksus ij izos”k dk volj izkIr gksrk gS rks mUgsa Hkh vxys fnu vijkºu 6
cts rd fu/kkZfjr “kqYd tek djuk gksxkA
prqFkZ pj.k & % izos”k “kqYd ds Hkqxrku dh fof/k
dk”kh fgUnw fo”ofo|ky; eq[; ifjlj ,oa jk0 xkW0 n0 i0 esa izos”k ds fy, vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, izos”k
“kqYd ds Hkqxrku ds fuEufyf[kr rjhds miyc/k gksx
a s
1- iksVZy ij miyC/k iseVsa xsVos ds ek/;e ls MsfcV dkMZ@ØsfMV dkMZ@usV cSafdx }kjk izos'k
'kqYd vkWuykbu tek dj ldrs gSaA
2- dSaMhMsV~l iksVZy ds iseVsa ist ls MkmuyksM pkyku ds ek/;e ls vkbZlhvkbZlhvkbZ cSad dh
fdlh 'kk[kk esa izos'k 'kqYd dk uxn HkqxrkuA
3- dSaMhMsV~l iksVZy ds iseVsa ist ls MkmuyksM pkyku ds ek/;e ls ch,p;w ifjlj esa LFkkfir
vkbZlhvkbZlhvkbZ cSad ds foLrkj iVy ij izos'k 'kqYd dk uxn HkqxrkuA isM lhV@fof”k’V
ikB~;Øe ds fy, vkbZ-lh-vkbZ-lh-vkbZ- cSd ds i{k esa vkgfjr ns; ekWx i= dk-fg-fo-fo- esa [kqys
vkbZ-lh-vkbZ-lh-vkbZ- cSad ds foLrkj iVy ij Hkh Lohd`r fd;s tk;saxsA
uksV % lEc) dkWystksa esa izos”k ds fy, vH;fFkZ;ksa dks lEcfU/kr lEc) dkWystksa esa izos”k “kqYd dk Hkqxrku
djuk gksxkA
v½ vkWuykbu Hkqxrku vkSj pkyku ^^dkslZ ,yksds'ku** ist ls MkWmuyksM fd;k tk ldrk gSA
c½ ;fn vki izLrkfor ikB~;Øe esa vLFkk;h izos”k ysus ds bPNqd gSa rks izos”k laca/kh izLrko esa fn, x,
“kqYd dk fu/kkZfjr le;&lhek ds Hkhrj Hkqxrku djsa ¼dkslZ ,yksds'ku ist ij n”kkZ;k x;k gS½A ;fn
vkidks fdlh fo”ks’k v/;;u ikB~;Øe esa vFkok isM lhV ij izos”k fn;k x;k gS rks vkidks ikB~;Øe ds
fu;fer “kqYd ds vykok fo”ks’k ikB~;Øe@isM LkhV “kqYd dk Hkh vyx ls Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA fo”ks’k
ikB~;Øe@isM LkhV “kqYd dk Hkqxrku vkbZlhvkbZlhvkbZ cSad ij vkgfjr fMekaM Mªk¶V ds ek/;e ls
djuk gksxkA
l½ vH;FkhZ dk fdlh ikB~;Øe esa vLFkk;h izo”s k rHkh ekU; gksxk tc og fu/kkZfjr “kqYd dk Hkqxrku dj
fn;k gksA ;fn vki mijksDr rjhdksa ls nh xbZ le;&lhek ds Hkhrj fu/kkZfjr “kqYd dk Hkqxrku ugha
djrs gSa rks fo”ofo|ky; ds ikB~;Øe esa izos”k ysus dk vkidk nkok lekIr le>k tk;sxkA fu/kkZfjr
“kqYd dk lQyrkiwoZd Hkqxrku djus ij vH;FkhZ ds iksVZy ds vIyhds”ku ist esa iseaVs vkbZMh iznf”kZr
gksxhA vH;fFkZ;ksa dks pkfg, fd izo”s k “kqYd ds Hkqxrku dh iqf’V ds fy, ^isesaV LVsVl* dh tkap djsAa
iape pj.k & % Nk=kokl vkoaVu
Nk=kokl esa lhfer la[;k esa lhVsa miyC/k gSa tks vkids ojh;rk Øe ds vuqlkj Nk=kokl vkoaVu gsrq
vkidh ;ksX;rk ds vuqlkj vkoafVr dh tk,xhA vkWuykbu ojh;rk izfof’V QkeZ esa vkidks Nk=kokl
lqfo/kk dh vko”;drk dk mYys[k djuk iM+x
s kA izos”k lfefr vkidh ;ksX;rk ds vk/kkj ij ikB~;Øe esa
vkids izos”k ds i”pkr Nk=kokl vkoafVr dj ldrh gSA vki Nk=kokl vkoaVu LVsVl vius iksVZy
¼ykx&bu djus ds ckn½ ij ^gkLVy ,ykVesVa * vkbdu ij fDyd djds psd dj ldrs gSaA ;fn LVsVl
^gkLVy ,ykVsM* n”kkZrk gS rks Åij fn, x, rjhdksa esa ls fdlh ,d }kjk Nk=kokl “kqYd dk ;Fkk”kh?kz
fu/kkZfjr le;lhek ds Hkhrj Hkqxrku djsa ¼mlh rjg ls ftl rjg izos”k “kqYd dk Hkqxrku fd;k x;k
gS½A vU;Fkk ;g ekuk tk,xk fd Nk=kokl lqfo/kk ysus gsrq vki bPNqd ugha gSa vkSj Nk=kokl vkoaV u
dk izLrko fujLr le>k tk;sxk rFkk bl rjg ls cph gqbZ lhV ojh;rk Øe esa vxys vH;FkhZ dks ns nh
NBkW pj.k & % izos”k i= MkmuyksM djuk
lacaf/kr ikB~;Øe esa izos”k lekIr gks tkus ds ckn gh vH;FkhZ vius iksVZy ls izos”k i= MkmuyksM dj
ldrk gSA izos”k i= esa fo”ofo|ky; esa d{kkvksa esa “kkfey gksus dh frfFk vkSj lkFk esa yk, tkus okys
nLrkostksa dk mYys[k gksxkA
isM lhV ds varxZr izo”s k
dqN ikB~;Øeksa esa dqy lhVksa dk vf/kdre 15 izfr”kr rd ^isM lhV* ¼vfrfjDr½ dk izko/kku
gSA isM lhV ij izo”s k fu;fer “kqYd dh lhV Hkj tkus ds ckn gh gksxkA
vH;FkhZ }kjk isM lhV ds fodYi dk p;u ojh;rk izfof’V ds nkSjku vFkok ckn esa cqykok i= esa
nh xbZ isM lhV dkmalfyax frfFk ij Lo;a dh mifLFkfr }kjk fd;k tk,xkA
isM “khV esa izos”k ysus ds bPNqd lHkh vH;fFkZ;ksa dks cqykok i= esa nh xbZ isM lhV gsrq
fu/kkZfjr dkmalfyax frfFk dks vijkºu 4-00 cts rd Lo;a mifLFkr gksuk gksxkA
isM lhV dk vkoaVu esfs jV ds vk/kkj ij mu vH;fFkZ;ksa ds chp fd;k tk,xk tks isM lhV gsrq
fu/kkZfjr dkmalfyax frfFk ij isM lhV “kqYd ¼dqylfpo] dk”kh fgUnw fo”ofo|ky; ds i{k
esa vkgfjr fMekaM MªkW¶V½ ds lkFk O;fDrxr :Ik ls mifLFkr gksaxsA
vixzsMs”ku ,oa ykWfdax fu;e %
f}rh; vkSj@vFkok vkxkeh izos'k lwph¼lwfp;ks½a esa iqu% O;oLFkk % vH;FkhZ ojh;rk izo`f"V pj.k esa vius
ikB~;Øe dh ojh;rk ¼tgka fodYi miyC/k gSa½ izfo"V fd;s gksx
a As ;fn 'kqYd Hkqxrku dh le; lhek
lekIr gksus ij ¼igys pj.k dk ifj.kke ?kksf"kr gksus ij mPprj esfjV /kkj.k djus okys vH;fFkZ;ksa }kjk
izos'k u ysus ds dkj.k bR;kfn½ igys pj.k esa lhVsa [kkyh jg tkrh gSa rks ;g lqfuf'pr djus ds fy,
fd vkjEHk esa fdlh vH;FkhZ dks mlds fuEurj ojh;rk dk vkoafVr ikB~;Øe dh txg ij mPprj
ojh;rk dk ikB~;Øe vkoafVr gksus dk volj izkIr gks lds] ekWM~;wy fodflr fd;k x;k gSA rn~uqlkj]
vkjfEHkd vkoaVu ds i'pkr~ vH;FkhZ }kjk dkmalfyax ds le; fn;s x;s ojh;rk ds vk/kkj ij ikB~;Øe
fodYi esa ifjorZu fd;k tk ldrk gSA iqu% O;oLFkk izfØ;k vH;FkhZ dks muds }kjk Hkjs x;s ojh;rk Øe
esa mPprj ikB~;Øe ds fy, dsoy rHkh miyC/k gksxh] tc mlus vius esfjV ds vuqlkj izo's k 'kqYd dk
Hkqxrku vfUre le; lhek ds Hkhrj izkjfEHkd vkoaVu ds fy, dj fn;k gksA
ikB~;Øe vkoaVu ykWd djuk % ;fn vH;FkhZ izkjEHk esa vkoafVr ikB~;Øe ¼igys pj.k dh dkmalfyax ds
ckn½ esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha pkgrk@pkgrh gS rks bldk rkRi;Z ;g gS fd os mijksDr iqu% O;oLFkk
izfØ;k ls i`Fkd jguk pkgrs gSaA ;fn vH;FkhZ fdlh pj.k dh izo's k lwph ?kksf"kr gksus ds ckn ikB~;Øe
vkoaVu ls larq"V gS rks og rRdky lacfa /kr izos”k lfefr ds la;kstd ls fyf[kr :i esa ikB~;Øe
vkoaVu ykWd djus gsrq fuosnu djsxk@djsxhA ;fn dksbZ vH;FkhZ mDr rjhds ls vkoaVu ykWd
djrk@djrh gS rks mls iqu% O;oLFkk izfØ;k ls vyx dj fn;k tk;sxkA rFkkfi] fdlh ikB~;Øe
vkoaVu ds ykfdax dk fodYi ml fnu vijkºu 2-00 cts rd miyC/k gksxk tc mlds Bhd vxys
pj.k dh izos”k lwph tkjh gksus okyh gksxhA fdlh ikB~;Øe vkoaVu dh ykWfdax ml ikB~;Øe esa izos”k
ds ckn dsoy rHkh dh tk ldrh gS tc ml ikB~;Øe ds fy, izos'k 'kqYd dk Hkqxrku fu/kkZfjr le;
lhek ds Hkhrj dj fn;k x;k gksA
uksV % ;fn vH;FkhZ mijksDr fu/kkZfjr le; lhek ds Hkhrj lacfa /kr izos”k lfefr ls fyf[kr vuqjks/k ugha
djrk gS rks ikB~;Øe vkoaVu dh ykWfdax gsrq vuqjks/k Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA
3- egRoiw.kZ lkekU; lwpuk,a
vH;fFkZ;ksa dks vLFkk;h izos”k gsrq uhps nh xbZ lkekU; lwpukvksa vkSj “krksZa dks /;kuiwoZd i<+uk pkfg,
ftudk vuqikyu u djus ij mudk izos”k fujLr le>k tk;sxkA
1- vH;FkhZ /;ku nsa %
dkmalfyax gsrq bl cqykok i= esa fjiksfVaZx LFkku dk mYys[k fd;k x;k gSA vH;FkhZ dks
mfYyf[kr frfFk o le; ij lacfa /kr dk;kZy; esa igqapuk pkfg,A
a efgyk egkfo|ky;@lEc) egkfo|ky;ksa@jktho xka/kh nf{ ifjlj] cjdNk]
fetkZiqj esa fdlh ikB~;Øe esa izos”k esfjV rFkk vH;FkhZ ds p;u ds vk/kkj ij fd;k
2- dkmalfyax ds fy, cqyk, x, efgyk vH;fFkZ;ksa ds ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod dh mifLFkfr okaNuh;
3- vLFkk;h izos”k dh t:jh vkSipkfjdrkvksa ds iwjk gksus esa 2&3 fnu yx ldrk gSA rnuqlkj]
ckgj ds vH;fFkZ;ksa ls visf{kr gS fd os mDr vof/k rd okjk.klh esa Bgjus dh viuh O;oLFkk ds
lkFk vk,aA
4- ch,p;w deZpkjh dksVk laoxZ ds vH;fFkZ;ksa ls visf{kr gS fd os la;qDr dqylfpo
¼iz”kklu&,yVhlh izdks’B½ }kjk fof/kor gLrk{kfjr o fu/kkZfjr izk:Ik esa tkjh ^,EIykbZ okMZ
lfVZfQdsV* izLrqr djsAa blds fy, vH;fFkZ;ksa dks pkfg, fd cqykok i= izkIr gksus ds rRdky
ckn os la;qDr dqylfpo ¼iz”kklu&,yVhlh izdks’B½ ds ;gka vkosnu djsAa
5- fdlh vH;FkhZ dk lacfa /kr v/;;u ikB~;Øe esa vLFkk;h izos”k fo”ofo|ky; }kjk le;≤ ij
fu/kkZfjr v/;kns”kksa] fu;eksa o fofu;eksa ds v/khu gksxkA
6- Nk=kokl lqfo/kk dh xkjaVh ugha gS fQj Hkh] miyC/k gksus ij ;g iwjh rjg ls lacaf/kr izos”k
ijh{kk&2015 dh ojh;rk lwph ds vk/kkj ij mu Nk=ksa dks NksM+dj tks okjk.klh “kgj esa vFkok
blds vkl&ikl fuokl djrs gSa] vkoafVr dh tk,xhA dsoy vLFkk;h izos”k ik ysus ek= ls gh
dksbZ fo|kFkhZ fo”ofo|ky; ds Nk=kokl esa lhV ik ysus dk gdnkj ugha gksxkA
7- lacaf/kr v/;;u ikB~;Øeksa dh d{kkvksa ds izkjaHk gksus dh frfFk fo”ofo|ky; }kjk fu/kkZfjr le; ds vuqlkj gksxhA blds ckjs esa tc vki dkmalfyax ds fy, vk,a rks
ladk;@foHkkx@fo|ky; ls lqfuf”pr djsAa
8- izos”k gsrq vLFkk;h :i ls p;fur vH;fFkZ;ksa dks nh xbZ le; lhek ds Hkhrj fu/kkZfjr “kqYd
tek djuk gksxkA vU;Fkk vLFkk;h izos”k gsrq mudk nkok lekIr eku fy;k tk;sxkA vuqlwfpr
tkfr@tutkfr laoxZ ds vH;fFkZ;ksa dks vizfrns; ¼uku&fjQaMscy½ “kqYd ds Hkqxrku ls NwV gS
c”krsZ fd muds ekrk&firk dh okf’kZd vk; fu/kkZfjr lhek ls de gksA rnuqlkj] mDr laoXkZ ds
Hkkoh vH;FkhZ tks ;g lqfo/kk izkIr djuk pkgrs gSa] muls visf{kr gS fd izo”s k ds le; os l{ke
izkf/kdkjh }kjk tkjh bl vk”k; dk izek.k&i= izLrqr djsAa
9- dq’B izHkkfor O;fDr;ksa ij vkfJr vH;fFkZ;ksa dks fu;fer “kqYd ds vizfrns; ¼uku&fjQaMscy½
va”k esa NwV nh tk;sxhA rnuqlkj] vLFkk;h izos”k ds fy, mDr lqfo/kk izkIr djus ds bPNqd
vH;fFkZ;ksa ls visf{kr gS fd os dkmalfyax ds le; ljdkjh ftyk fpfdRlky; }kjk tkjh bl
vk”k; dk izek.k&i= izLrqr djsa fd muds ekrk@firk ¼;wbZVh@ihbZVh QkeZ esa fn, x, fooj.k
ds vuqlkj½ dq’B izHkkfor O;fDr gSaA
10- iath;u % lHkh uoizo”s kh Nk=ksa dks 31 vDVwcj] 2015 rd Lo;a dk iath;u vo”; djk ysuk
pkfg,A iath;u ds fy, dsoy ewy nLrkost ¼vgZrk ijh{kk dk vadi=] gkbZ Ldwy dk vad
[email protected]&i=] LFkkukarj.k izek.k&i= vkSj@vFkok izotu izek.k&i=½ Lohdkj fd, tk,axsA
;fn vLFkk;h :i ls izos”k fy;k vH;FkhZ 31 vDVwcj] 2015 rd mDr nLrkost izLrqr ugha dj
ikrk gS rks mldk izos”k rRdky fujLr eku fy;k tk;sxkA
11- izos”k ls lacaf/kr fdlh Hkh fookn ds ekeys esa U;k;kf/kdkj {ks= dsoy okjk.klh fLFkr LFkkuh;
vnkyr] ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky;] bykgkckn@mPpre U;k;ky; dk gksxkA
12- Hkk’kk lEcU/kh folaxfr dh fLFkfr esa vaxzsth Hkk’kk dk izk#i vf/kekU; gksxkA