Gloria Jean Roddey Funeral Program

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Acknowledgments It is with grateful appreciation that we extend our sincere thanks for your presence, your deeds of kindness, flowers, visits, expressions of love and messages of comfort extended to us during the death of our love one.

Celebrating the Life of

May God’s grace and mercy shine upon each of you. Sincerely, The Family

Gloria J. Roddey Sunrise August 2, 1946 - Sunset July 21, 2015

Arrangements by Walker Funeral Home 7825 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45231

Program Courtesy of: Family Members and Loved Ones

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 11:30 AM

St. Mark A.M.E. Zion Church 9208 Daly Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 Dr. Michael Posey, Pastor Manuel L. Smith, Pastor Officiating

Commemoration Service

Obituary Gloria Jean Roddey ”Smith” was born to Lavisse Bryant Smith and Fannie Mae Hood Smith on August 2, 1946 in Cincinnati, Ohio. She was baptized at an early age at Calvary United Methodist Church Cincinnati, Ohio. She later united with Jerriel Missionary Baptist Church under the pastorate of Dr. Melvin T. Jones and New Jerusalem Baptist Church under the pastorate of Damon Lynch, Jr. She attended the Cincinnati Public Schools and graduated from Taft High School in 1964. While at Taft, Gloria participated in the Booster Club, Glee Club and choir. Gloria furthered her education at the University of Cincinnati where she received a Bachelors of Arts and a Masters Degree in Social Work. She worked for the City of Cincinnati, the Chamber of Commerce (CAC) and the State of Ohio for more than 20 years. Gloria was a woman of impeccable taste and class. She defined what it was to be a diva. She put the "D" in diva by being darling and dazzling. She loved hats. She loved fashion. She was a lady. Her favorite song was "He's An On Time God". She was a community advocate who had a big heart for people. Gloria married Gregory Carter and to that union was born Angela Sherron Carter and Gary Allen Carter. Gloria was preceded in death by both parents and an older brother Bryant. She leaves to cherish her memories her loving and faithful daughter, Angela S. Solomon (William); her devoted son Gary Allen Carter; three grandchildren, Jon Eric Chisholm, Jr., Sherron Monique Hand, Tae’awn Thomas; and one great grandson, Chase Alexander Durham. Brothers: Eddie Oliver of New Orleans, Joseph Smith of Cincinnati, Michael Smith (Donna) of Indianapolis, Indiana, Manuel Smith (Estella) of Centerville, Georgia. Sisters: Christine Grant (Daryl), Ernestine Montgomery, Wanda Dantzler (Charles) and Beatrice Rudolph of Cincinnati. She leaves one aunt, Irene Lee of Livingston, Alabama, a host of nephews, nieces, cousins, other relatives and friends.

Processional of Family Members Proverbs 3:5-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Read in Unison Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pastor Manuel L. Smith Brother Congregation Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .“Love Lifted Me" (Chorus) Old Testament - Psalm 8:1-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pastor Jerome Clay Morning Star Baptist Church Obituary (Read silently)

New Testament…….Jude 24-25 . . . . . . . . . . . .Min. Eddie Williams Greater New Hope Baptist Church Resolutions/Cards/Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Dorothy Greene Words of Expression:  

Pastor Dr. Christine Grant, Sister Pastor Manuel L. Smith, Brother

Solo………...I Will Bless Thee O Lord… . . . . .Min. Estella L. Smith Sister-in-Law Recessional (Please remain seated until the Family has been escorted out.)

Repast immediately following service in the Fellowship Hall. Ushers from New Jerusalem Apostolic Temple Elder Frank Toliver, Pastor

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