As most of you know I am gluten free. I've found that a lot of people do not know what gluten is when I say I'm gluten free. I also find a lot of people who are interested in going gluten free get overwhelmed with all the information out on the net and in books. It can be quite discouraging when your told how many things you can no longer eat. But it can be simple if you know the basics. So Eric, my lovely husband thought I should make a short starters guide to Gluten Free. And So I did. Attached is what I have put together. I did not write it myself, I gathered info from the sources on the last page and pieced the info together in what I hope is an easy understandable format. I choose easy simple recipes ones that only required one or at most two Gfree ingredients. Feel free to pass on to anyone you think this may help. Also if you see an error or have a suggestion to make this better let me know!
As most of you know I am gluten free. I've found that a lot of people do not know what gluten is when I say I'm gluten free. I also find a lot of people who are interested in going gluten free get overwhelmed with all the information out on the net and in books. It can be quite discouraging when your told how many things you can no longer eat. But it can be simple if you know the basics.
So Eric, my lovely husband thought I should make a short starters guide to Gluten Free. And So I did. Attached is what I have put together. I did not write it myself, I gathered info from the sources on the last page and pieced the info together in what I hope is an easy understandable format. I choose easy simple recipes ones that only required one or at most two Gfree ingredients. Feel free to pass on to anyone you think this may help. Also if you see an error or have a suggestion to make this better let me know!