
Published on December 2016 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 57 | Comments: 0 | Views: 533
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old are expected to trade positive and are likely to observer 27200 to 27250, one can buy MCX Gold on dips around 27150 to 27175. We are suggested gold prices are expected to trade higher end today. MCX Silver prices are expected to trade upper for the day one can buy Silver with in current market level and maintain a stop level near to 27079. MCX Copper prices are likely to trade 442 to 445 on higher end, while 338 to 336 on lower level. One can sell MCX Copper June below 441 and targets 440, 339 Stop Loss 443. MCX Lead Commodity is expected to trade within the range from 108 to 113, more chances will go below so you can sell it. Commodity Crude oil prices are expected to trade with a range from 5200 to 5300. Day trader can buy it above 5230 for may contact and targets 5245, 5260 Stop Loss 5200. MCX Natural gas is trading red sign in the domestic market today. Currently trading rate is 214. You can sell below 214 within May delivery and target’s 213,212 SL 216.

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