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GRE® General Test Policy Information The following information applies to the current GRE General Test prior to Augus t 1, 2011. By clicking the Next button at the bottom of this page, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the policies set forth below. Important: After selecting a date and time for your testing appointment, please complete the scheduling process within 20 minutes. Your pending reservation is n ot confirmed until the process is completed. Test Takers with Disabilities Requests for nonstandard testing accommodations must be made through ETS. What to Bring to the Testing Center Prometric® and ETS® maintain very strict Identification (ID) Requirements. Please ta ke the time to review the identification requirements. If you do not have the required ID, or if you have questions about meeting the I D requirements, you must contact the ETS Office of Testing Integrity (1-609-4065430, fax: 1-609-406-9709, or e-mail: [email protected]) before you complete you r registration form or schedule an appointment to test. What Time to Arrive at the Testing Center You must report to the test center at least 30 minutes before your scheduled app ointment for check-in procedures. If you arrive late, you may not be admitted and your fee will not be refunded. Prometric and ETS maintain very strict Test Center Procedures and Regulations. P lease take the time to review the Test Center Procedures and Regulations. If you fail to comply with these procedures and regulations, you may not be admi tted and your fee will not be refunded. Payment VISA®, MasterCard®, American Express®, JCB® or Discover® GRE Scheduling Policy The current General Test may be taken only once per calendar month and no more t han five times within any 12-month period. Reschedule/Cancellation Policy You must change or cancel your test no later than three full days before your ap pointment (not including the day of your test or the day of your request). Examp le: The deadline to reschedule a Friday appointment is Monday. Have your appoint ment confirmation number and the full name you used to make an appointment. If you change your test date to another test date before August 2011, you may re schedule online or call Prometric®. You will be charged a rescheduling fee of US$5 0. If you need to change your test date to a date in August 2011 or later, call Pro metric Services at 1-443-751-4820 or 1-800-473-2255, or contact the appropriate Regional Registration Center. You cannot change your test date online. You will be charged the full test fee for the new test and will be eligible for either a partial or full refund depending on the new test date you select. Review the ful l reschedule and cancellation policies and score reporting timeline. Appointments cannot be changed beyond one year from the original appointment dat e. If you do not cancel or change your appointment as indicated above, your full test fee will be forfeited.

Refund Policy A refund equivalent to one-half the test fee is available if you cancel your app ointment within the proper time period. For details regarding the refund procedure, please review the refund policy info rmation. Contact Information Should a center be unable to test because of a technical problem or some other e mergency (including weather), your appointment will be rescheduled to the first available appointment of your choice (within the selected quarter), with no addi tional charge. During the registration process, you will be asked to provide a p rimary and secondary phone number so that we can contact you in case of an unfor eseen problem at the testing center. If you have any questions, please contact t he appropriate Regional Registration Center. Data Privacy Notice At Prometric, protection of your personal information, and making sure you under stand how and why it is processed, is of paramount importance to us. As a data p rocessor for your test sponsor, Prometric processes your personal information on ly for the purposes of registering and scheduling you for a test, administering that test, and processing the results. At no time will your personal information be used by Prometric for any other purpose without your permission. Your person al information, including your test results, will be provided to your test spons or for the purposes of providing scores, certification, or other benefits to you . Prometric may also disclose your personal data to other Prometric entities for the purpose of providing you with testing information, administering the test, or processing your results. These Prometric entities may be located outside the country in which you take the test, and your personal information may be process ed or stored there to provide results and information to your test sponsor. Adeq uate protection of your personal information is ensured at all Prometric entitie s. You may access, limit the use of, or change your personal information by contact ing your test sponsor during normal business hours. If you test with multiple te st sponsors, Prometric may update your personal information for all test sponsor s upon receipt of a change to your personal information. The above processing is necessary to administer a test to you, and we cannot register you for a test, i f you do not agree to personal information processing by Prometric as described above. You will have to contact your test sponsor if you do not agree to this pr ocessing. If you have questions about this notice or wish to discuss the contents further, please contact us at [email protected].

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