Report Submitted to Fulfill the Partial Requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons) in Electronic Universiti Kuala Lumpur
MAY 2011
I declare that this entitle GSM – based Security System is the results of my own research expects as cited in the references. The report has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree.
We have examined this report and verify that it meets the program and University requirement for the Bachelor of ………………………………………………………………………………
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Signature: …………………………………………….. Supervisor‟s Name: …………………………………… Official Stamp:
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Signature: ……………………………………………. Co-Supervisor‟s Name: ……………………………… Official Stamp:
Firstly, thank to Allah with His blessing I‟m finishing for my GSM-based Security System project. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Mr Ahmad Basri bin Zainal for his guidance, advice and assistance throughout the process of fulfillment of this final year project.
I am very grateful to get the guidance and advice from Mr. Ismail Bin Adam as my co-supervisor. He always help to improve my knowledge about the Programming C and troubleshoot the circuit. The sources given by him are useful indeed.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my beloved parents and siblings for always mentally and financially supporting me while completing this project till the end.
My fellow course mates should also be recognized for their support. My sincere appreciation also extends to all my friends and others who have provided assistance at various occasions. Their views and tips are useful indeed.
Thank you for all.
This project is designed to improve the security system. It based on the application of PIC 16F877A microcontroller. The objective of this project is to build a security system by using GSM modem. Since many years ago, security system has been an essential part of home management system. It became important due the increase number of crime in Malaysia every year. House is very important need of living nowadays. So, the main goal of this project is to establish a security system with send system service via Short Message Service (SMS). This project consists of two main parts, hardware and software. For hardware part, the security system is controlled by a microcontroller PIC 16F877A, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), keypad and GSM Wavecom modem. While for the software implementation, Proteus 7.2 for PIC has been used for simulation. Besides, it also interfaces the microcontroller with computer using UC00A USB to UART converter. This project successfully achieved the main objective which is user was able to get the message using SMS and it definitely can inform the user if have the criminal at home. It also can protect house by using password door system. Thus, it is need to do testing for reliability and it also can applied in the practical life because it just a simple and affordable system for home to apply security system right now.
i ii iii iv v vi x xi xiii xiv
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Introduction Project Background Problem Statement Objective Scope of Study
1 2 2 3 4
1.6 1.7 1.8
Project Expectation Report Structure Summary
4 5 6
Introduction 2.2 The Security System in Market 2.2.1 Maxtrigger Security System 2.2.2 Wireless Door Alarm
Pin of LCD and its function Parallel LCD Protocol LCD Command Bit function and value PIC Application List of Component PIC Circuit Limit Switch Functional Board Function Serial port Pin
Maxtrigger Security System Wireless Door Alarm Wavecom GSM Modem PIC microcontroller PIC 16F877A ports PIR Sensor Limit Switch LCD Sample Source Code of LCD Keypad Pin Connection Pin Connection of Keypad Block Diagram of Flow Project Flow Chart of Program Flow Chart of Project Block Diagram of Project Schematic Diagram of Project Circuit for PIC 16F877A Application and Interfacing PCB layout of PIC Push Button Diagram
Limit Switch Basic LCD Program Simulation of LCD Keypad Operation Basic Program AT Command Programming Flow Chart of System CCS Compiler UIC00A PIC Programmer Board Layout PICkit 2.0 Programmer PICkit Programmer Application Select Device Family Write Successful Status Write Error Status Select Device Dialog Complete Hardware Project Home Prototype DB9 and MAX232 System before ON System after ON The Information display on LCD
Peripheral Interface Controller Short Message service Passive Infra-Red Light Emitting Diode Liquid Crystal Display Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Code Division Multiple Access Time Division Multiple Access 3rd Generation Partnership Project Multimedia Messaging Service Wireless Application Protocol Protocol Data Unit Printed Circuit Board Input Output Random Access Memory Read-Only Memory Global System for Mobile Communication
Datasheet of Resistor Array Datasheet of LCD Datasheet of Keypad Datasheet of PIC 16F877A
74 76 77 78
Nowadays, the GSM technology applied in most our life widely. This technology was introduces in communication rapidly. The GSM technology now can apply for many field of life. The examples are access control, sensor, and solution of environment.
This final year project is to study and understand about the GSM technology in home security system. Meanwhile, also study how to improve the application and reduce the cost.
The main component of this system divides by two parts. There are hardware and software components. The main hardware is LCD, keypad, PIC 16F877A microcontroller circuit and sensor. While, software components are using CCS Compiler, PICkit 2.0, and Proteus 7.2. All components are combined together to make one security system that can be applied for our life.
Project Background
GSM-based Security System is a security system that is capable to monitoring house and its compound. This system will monitor doors, windows or gate at the house or any residential users. By using Microcontroller-based interface, two ways communication can be implemented. Program C (CCS compiler) is use to develop the specify structure of the security system. Additional supportive devices such as push button, sensor, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and will make this system more reliable.
The microcontroller will use as main controller to communicate between device and user. The user can control device by communicate with controller by using GSM technology. This project will go through part by part where:
i) ii) iii)
Choose the microcontroller and programming. Application of GSM technology Analyze and reduce cost.
Problem Statement
At present, the government is focused on the safety of people in each district. Security guards also are needed to ensure the safety of all the public areas. Recently, the government urged the police take care of each high-risk crime areas. Security system in the market is so widespread is required in every home or office. Even the government requires the installation of CCTV cameras in every corner of the highrisk areas.
However, many more thefts and robberies occur in residential areas and officials even if the security is in good condition. Every day there are only the cases occurred in which all the people blaming each other. This means that the security system in Malaysia is still a lot of weaknesses. Through this project, we will improve our weaknesses, particularly the security system that is already on the market. This project will also reduce the burden on the police to take care of their civil rights, while many more cases pending to be solved. The project will also provide a great convenience to the user to ensure the safety of his own, without depending on hope the police or security guards. The most interesting, this project gives facilities for users to connect directly to the fire when emergency assistance is not only the police immediately. Consumers will be more responsible in his area.
There are some objectives need to be achieved in order to accomplish this project. These objectives will act as a guide and will restrict the system to be implemented for certain situations: 1. To develop security system for standard house, office or residential area. 2. To use GSM as a medium to receive the message from sensor.
3. To develop the security system that must work effectively. 4. C language is use for developing program and system optimization.
Scope Of Study
The scopes of this project are to design and fabricate a security monitoring system. The project needs an understanding about the way of the connection between PIC microcontroller to GSM monitoring system. The project need an understanding about the data communication and will be a platform for that security application. Proteus 7.2 is an engineering circuit design and drawing software for electronic circuit designing for PIC 16F877A. The system should design with standard components that available at market. This software aids us in showing the reality before do it practically.
Serial data knowledge will be an important part in developing this project. Programming knowledge is important in optimizing the source code for this project. C language is a good tool to use for this project because it can be done a lot of functions and compatible to PIC microcontroller. The controller unit will send the information to user via short message service (SMS) by through GSM modem. The user can get the information based on message sent.
Project Expectation
Mainly this system will protect our resident such as home or office by sending message to user that informs them the level of security.
For earlier stage, this system will use to monitor doors and windows at our homes. For future planning, this device can be extending by adding some features like put the wireless system and display via PC.
This project is divided into two parts. At part 1, it will cover about the hardware and the part 2 will cover the software. The hardware part is focus on to develop and design the circuit, sensor device, controller unit, equipment and GSM modem. Then the software part is on to write the programming for hardware part. From this programming, it will connect with hardware, so that the controller unit can communicate with GSM modem, sensor device, and equipment and send message to handpone.
Report Structure
Chapter One: This chapter will tell us more detail about the introduction to my project. The chapter more covering about project background, scope and finally about projects expectations. This introduction gives a confident about purpose of developing my project.
Chapter Two: This chapter will give scope of studies and research done in understanding it more on the project.
Chapter Three: This chapter will discuss the methods that use throughout the phases. It content the types of hardware and software part used. These two parts was important for each other to develop the project.
Chapter Four: This chapter show the result when the project was function. It includes the image of the project. The result will show in two part that software and hardware.
Chapter Five: This chapter is conclusion part. It gives the explanation to the reader about overall of the project. There is some solution or suggestion of upgrade the system.
The overall of this project is to study and explore the application of the microcontroller in security system and communication with GSM modem. This application will give the student for the new knowledge. Besides, let the user can get the correct data control the equipment or device via short message service (SMS).
This chapter reviews about previous system that has been developed and has similarities with the remote control of a moving vehicle. This topic will also discuss about the component that will be used in developing this systems.
There are a lot of products currently available in the market. The product designed with intelligent and integrated but hte cost is expensive and need a contract to sign. There are still have product more cheper but sometime it not be safe and limitation monitoring. For this chapter, it will dicuss the security system that existed in market and review all the component are used for this project. There are PIC microcontroller, sensor, GSM Modem, AT Command and Handphone / Personal Computer.
The Security System in Market
2.2.1 Maxtrigger Security System
Figure 2.2.1: Maxtrigger Security System MAXTRIGGER™ security system is a Malaysian made product and is designed to be wireless with high pitch siren capable to deter away burglar, hence save your valuables and life. The product operates at DC 12 V and has backup rechargeable battery. It applies with wireless system and burglar alarm system. It used burglar sensor to detect the unknown person. It also has remote control to setting up this security for anytime. However, it still new in market and the ordering only used online market. Although MAXTRIGGER is simple and easy to use product, its powerful 90dB high pitch siren will awaken you while the intruder panics and run for his life. This concept is called: PREVENTION. Main Unit is able to receive its sensor signal, even through concrete and brick walls, within a radius of 30 meters ( 100 feet).[1] The step to use this security system is:
1) 2) 3)
Plug to wall socket and switch ON the Main Unit. Press Remote button 1 second and release for activation. Your house will be protected from intruders.
Wireless Door Alarm
Figure 2.2.2: Wireless Door Alarm This is the fastest way to protect your home, office, apartment, RV from Intruders and makes a great protection device for yourself. It uses a magnetic sensor to detect the opening of a protected door or window, and sounds a super loud alarm to alert you. It can also be used to alert you of an opening of a Sliding glass door, door, window, Locker, Medicine cabinet, Refrigerator, Gun cabinet and so on. Here are 3 steps you can take to prevent a Break in: 1) Install a security system. 2) Post signs to warn criminals that your home is protected. 3) Install surveillance cameras The operation instruction is, feel off the double sides adhesive tape, attach the main sensor on the door/window and attach the stick adjacent the main sensor on the door/window frame. Test the setup by switching on the system of the main unit and see whether the alarm can be triggered by opening the door/windows. It uses for secure your doors, windows, cabinets (anything with a door). Besides, use as your personal security companion - slip one in your bag. Switch the alarm ON in case of emergency [2].
GSM Modem
The GSM modem is a wireless modem that works with a GSM wireless network. A wireless modem behaves like a dial-up modem. The main difference between them is that a dial-up modem send and receives data through radio waves. Like a GSM mobile phone, a GSM modem requires a SIM card from a wireless carrier in order to operate.
2.3.1 Wavecom Fabstack Supreme 10
The Wavecom Fabstack Supreme 10 modem delivers all the power of WISMO® technology in one unit[3]. This modem is built to withstand the toughest environments. The figure 2.3.1 is shown the product features.
Figure 2.3.1: Wavecom GSM Modem
To communicate with GSM modem, we need to use AT command. By using this command, the user can communicate either by computer or PIC controller. Both GSM modem and dial-up modem support a common set of standard AT command. These extended AT commands are defined in the GSM standard. From this knowledge, the user can do things like:
i. ii. iii. iv. v.
Reading, writing and deleting SMS messages. Sending SMS message. Monitoring the signal strength. Monitoring the charging status and charge level of the battery. Reading, writing and searching phone book entries.
PIC 16F877A Microcontroller
The name PIC initially referred to "Programmable Interface Controller", but shortly thereafter was renamed "Programmable Intelligent Computer"[4]. PIC are popular with developers and hobbyists alike due to their low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive collection of application notes, availability of low cost or free development tools, and serial programming (and re-programming with flash memory) capability.
Figure 2.4(a): PIC microcontroller
Figure 2.4(b): PIC 16F877A ports
PIC 16F877 (Microchip Technology, Inc.) 8-bit microcontroller will be used for the controller. I was chosen to detect any switch triggered and generate the DTMF tones according to the predetermined handphone number. This microcontroller has a 25 MHz processor (the current compiler runs the processor at 20 MHz), 33 input/output (I/O) pins, (8K*14words) of Enhanced FLASH program memory, (368*8bytes) of RAM, (256*8bytes) of data EEPROM [5]. The PIC does not have an operating system and simply runs the program in its memory when it is turned on.
The PIC architectures have several limitations:
A small instruction set. Operations and registers are not orthogonal; some instructions can address Random Access Memory (RAM) and/or immediate constants, while others can only use the accumulator.
PIC microcontroller perfectly fits many uses, from automotive industries and controlling home appliances to industrial instruments, remote sensors, electrical door locks and safety devices. It is also ideal for smart cards as well as for battery supplied devices because of its low consumption.
2.4.2 Special Features of Microcontroller
PIC 16F877A is a low power, high speed FLASH?EEPROM using CMOS technology. It also has 100,000 erase or write cycle enhanced FLASH program memory and has 1,000,000 rase or write cycle data EEPROM memory typical. The PIC 16F877A provides the following feathers [6]:
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Wide operating voltage rage (2.0V-S.SV) Programmable code protection Power saving sleep mode Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation
(v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii)
Self-reprogrammable under software control Single supply 5V in-circuit serial programming Up to 8K x 14 words of FLASH program memory Up to 368 x 8 bytes of data memory (RAM) Up to 256 x 8 bytes of EEPROM data memory Only 35 single word instruction Timer 0:8-bit timr/counter with 8-bit prescaler. Timer 1:16-bit timer/counter with prescaler can be increment during SLEEP via external crystal or c
The cell phone is the key player in wireless technology in today. The technology make the possessing of a mobile a basic commodity and the trends in wireless technology is changing from day-to-day.
2.5.1 Short Message Service (SMS)
This is a technology that enables the sending and receiving of message between mobile phone. SMS first appeared in Europe in 1992. It was include in the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) standard right at the beginning. Later it was ported to wireless technologies like CDMA and TDMA. One SMS message can contain at most 140 bytes (1120 bits) of data [7].
SMS text messaging supports languabe internationally. It works fine with all language supported by Unicode. SMS messages can also carry binary data. It is possible to send ringtones, pictures operator logos, wallpapers, animations, business card and WAP configurations to a mobile phone with SMS messages. One major advantage of SMS is that it is
supported by 100% GSM mobile phones. Almost all subscription plans provide by wireless carriers include inexpensive SMS messaging service. Unlike SMS, mobile technologies such as WAP and mobile Java are not supported on many old mobile phone models.
2.5.2 Example Application of SMS
SMS is a technology for delivering alerts and notification of important events. There are two reasons:
A mobile phone is a device that carried by its owner most of the time. Wherenever an SMS text message is received, the mobile phone will notify you by giving out a sound or by vibrating. You can check what the SMS text message contains immediately. SMS technology allows the “push” of information. This is different from the “pull” model where a device has to poll the server regularly in order to check whether there is any new information. The “pull” model is less suitable for alert and notification applications, since it wastes bandwidth and increases server load.
In a remote system monitoring application, a program (spmetimes with the help of a group of sensor) is constantly monitoring the status of the remote system [8]. Is a certain condition is satisfid, the program will send a text message to the system administrator to notify him/her of the situation. For example, a program may be written to “ping” a server regularly. If no response is received from the server, the program can send an SMS alert to the system administrator to notify him/her that the may be hanged.
Operating Mode: SMS Text and SMS PDU
The SMS specification has defined two modes in which a GSM/GPRS modem or mobile phone can operate. They are called SMS text mode and SMS PDU mode (PDU stands for Protocol Data Unit). The mode that a GSM/GPRS modem or mobile phone is operating in determines the syntax of some SMS AT commands and the format of the responses returned after execution [9]. Following are the AT commands affected:
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)
+CMGS (Send Message) +CMSS (Send Message from Storage) +CMGR (Read Message) +CMGL (List Message) +CMGW (Write Message to Memory) +CNMA (New Message Acknoledgement to ME/TA) +CMGC (Send Command)
AT Command
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) memory makes it easier to apply microcontrollers to devices where permanent storage of various parameters is needed (codes for transmitters, motor speed, receiver frequencies, etc.). Low cost, low consumption, easy handling and flexibility make PIC applicable even in areas where microcontrollers had not previously been considered (example: timer functions, interface replacement in larger systems, coprocessor applications, etc.) [10].
In System Programmability of this chip (along with using only two pins in data transfer) makes possible the flexibility of a product, after assembling and testing have been completed. This capability can be used to create assembly-line production, to store calibration data available only after final testing, or it can be used to improve programs on finished products.
2.6.1 Basic Commands and Extended Commands
There are two types of AT commands: basic commands and extended commands. Basic commands are AT commands that do not start with “+”. For example, D(Dial), A(Answer), H(Hook control) and O(Return to online data state) are basic commands. Extended commands are AT commands that start with “+”. All GSM AT commands are extended commands. For example, +CMGS (Send SMS message), +CMSS (Send SMS message from storage), +CMGL (List SMS messages) and +CMGR (Read SMS messages) are extended commands [11].
2.6.2 General Syntax of Extended AT commands
The general syntax of extended AT commands is straightforward. The syntax rules are provided below. The syntax of basic AT commands is slightly different [12].
Syntax rule 1: All command lines must start with “AT” and end with a carriage return character. (<CR> represents a carriage return character). In a terminal program like Hyperterminal of Microsoft Windows, user can press the Enter key on the keyboard to output a carriage return character. Example: To list all unread inbound SMS message stored in the message storage area, type “AT”, then the extended AT command “+CMGL”, and finally a carriage return character, like this: AT+CMGL<CR>
Syntax rule 2: A command line can contain more than one AT command. Only the first AT command should be prefixed with “AT”. AT commands in the same command-line string should be separated with semicolons. Example: To list all unread inbound SMS message storage area and obtain the manufacturer name of the mobile device, type “AT”, then the extended AT command “+CMGL”, followed by a semicolon and the next extended AT command “+CGMI”: AT+CMGL; +CGMI<CR> An error will occur if both AT commands are prefixed with “AT”: AT+CMGL; AT+CGMI<CR>
Syntax rule 3: A string is enclosed between double quotes. Example: To read all SMS messages from message storage in SMS text mode, assign the string “ALL” to the extend AT command +CMGL: AT+CMGL=”ALL”<CR>
Syntax rule 4: Information responses and result codes (including both final result codes and unsolicited result codes) always start and end with a carriage return character and a linefeed character. Example: After sending the command line “AT+CMGI<CR>” to the GSM modem, the GSM modem should return a response similar to this: <CR><LF><OK><CR><LF> The first line is the information response of the AT command +CMGI and the second line is the final result code. The “<CR>” and “<LF>” represent a carriage return character and a linefeed character are respectively. The final result code “OK” marks the end of the response. It indicates no more data will be sent from the mobile device to the computer or PC. When a terminal program such as HyperTerminal of Microsoft Windows sees a carriage return character, it moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. When it sees a linefeed character, it moves the cursor to the same position on the next line. Hence, the command line “AT+CGMI<CR>” that you entered and the corresponding response will be displayed like this in a terminal program such as HyperTerminal of Microsoft Windows: AT+CGMI OK
2.7.1 PIR Sensor
Figure 2.7.1: PIR sensor
This PIC microcontroller based project uses PIC16F876A to interface PIR sensor and read its status for alarm system. PIR can be used to detect human motion. It demonstrates the method to interface PIR sensor with microcontroller. It can further be modified to become alarm system. Cytron Technologies uploaded this project with the aim to assist hobbyist and students to pick up embedded system application and development [13].
Limit Switch
Figure 2.7.2: Limit Switch
A limit switch is used to limit the activation of an electrical circuit. When a circuit is “closed,” it allows the flow of electrical current through the switch to pass to the device being powered. When the switch is “open,” the switch is disengaged and no electrical power will pass through it. Whether the limit switch is open or closed is generally determined either by the position of a device being powered or by a set amount of time a device requires completing a specific task.
The most common type of limit switch is a mechanical limit switch. This switch tracks the location of a specific item and opens or closes when that item reaches a specific location. The switch is activated by physical contact, or lack thereof. For example, a light inside a car often turns on when one of the doors is opened.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Figure 2.8(a): LCD
2x16 character LCD is the most common message display device used to display ASCII character. By using the SK40C, user is able to complete the circuit for this project easily. Information which is includes sample source code, schematic and detail description [14].
Figure 2.8(b): Sample source code of LCD
System Overview
In this project, a JHD 162A (with black light) 2x16 character LCD will be used. It has the same pin configuration with Hitachi HD 44780. LCD breakout pin and its function are shown below. Pin 1 2 3 Name VSS VCC VEE Pin Function Ground Positive Supply for LCD Contrast adjust Connection GND 5V Connected to a preset to adjust contrast 4 RS Select register, select instruction or data register 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RW E DB0 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 LED+ LEDSelect read or write Start data read or write Data bus pin Data bus pin Data bus pin Data bus pin Data bus pin Data bus pin Data bus pin Data bus pin Backlight positive input Backlight negative input GND (always write) RB5 RD0 RD1 RD2 RD3 RD4 RD5 RD6 RD7 5V Connect to JP8 RB4
Table 2.8.1(a): Pin of LCD and its function
This LCD may be interfaced in either 8 pins (8-bit interface) or 4 pins (4-bit interface), depend on the I/O pin available. For PIC 16F877A which has 33 I/O pins, there should be no problem using the 8-bit interface which much easier for software development. Pin 15 and 16 of LCD are for backlight which is optional by connect or disconnect JP8. Switching on LCD backlight will consume more energy and further dry up the battery faster. The third pin (VEE) needs to be connected to a variable resistor to control the LCD contrast, while the RW (read/write) pin is connected to the ground which indicates the LCD is in write mode. RS and E are connected to RB4 and RB5 of PIC reactively. For data communication pins, DB0-DB7 (8-bits) is connected directly to RD0-RD7 of PIC [15].
Before display any ASCII character, LCD needs to be initialized. The Table 1 below is LCD protocol or function and table 2 LCD command bit function and the value. Users need both tables to initiate LCD display.
Table 2.8.1(b): Parallel LCD Protocol
Table 2.8.1(c): LCD Command Bit function and value
To initiate LCD, RS must be sent to logic 0 (Low) to indicate the data send trough data pin (8-bit) is command. RS is set to logic 1 (High) to write an ASCII character to LCD. LCD will need to be initialized in PIC program according the table [16].
Keypad is an array of switch. There will be 2 wires connected each time a button is pressed. For example, when button „1‟ is pressed, pin 1 and pin 5 is connected. There is no connection between rows and also columns. The buttons make it connect. They are many types of keypad. Different types of keypad sometimes come from different manufactures. And it maybe as different pin connection. User is advised to check pin before use [17].
Figure 2.9: Keypad
The keypad‟s pins need to be pulled up or pulled down to avoid floating case. Pull up normally connect to 5V and pull down is connect to ground. 4x3 Keypad pin can directly connect to microcontroller or keypad decoder IC.
2.9.1 Pin Connection
The figure below shows the internal structure of the 4x3 keypad. Different brand or manufacturer of keypad has different architecture and number of pin. For this kind of keypad, it consists of 8 pins. When button 3 is pressed, the pin C4 and pin R2 will short while the others are open [18].
Figure 2.9.1(a): Pin Connection
The figure below shows the internal structure of 4x3 keypad from other manufacturer. For this kind of keypad, it consists of 8 pins and only 7 pins are used. Pin 8 is unused. When button 3 is pressed, the pin C3 and pin R1 will short while the others are open.
Figure 2.9.1(b): Pin Connection for Keypad
The main components of the project are described in this chapter. There are have two functional in this security system. First, the system can detect unknown person when the user activated this system. PIC Microcontroller will read the data when the sensor activated. Then, the GSM get data from PIC Microcontroller to send message for user by using handphone. To communicate between GSM modem and hand phone, AT Command is a basic command need to be study and learning. It is important to apply this project. Because of that, the GSM modem just only understands AT Command declaration. From this, it can communicate with hand phone, computer and PIC board. To accomplish for this project, the entire component must be work effectively based on objective. The GSM as a medium to receive the message from PIC microcontroller is the same application with handphone. Programming C is used for PIC board application to develop program and system optimization. In the simple application, this security system can be used for our life whether in the house, office or residential area.
This chapter will give an explanation about the method that used in this project. It will be including the description of the design flow, design architecture and detail explanations for the software development (compiling process, assign pin location and run programmer) as well as hardware development Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), sensors, push button and PICKits downloaded cable. Figure 3.1 shows a phases and project flow for this project. There are five phases to complete this project:
Figure 3.1: Block Diagram of flow project.
Design Flow
Based on the requirement, the design is divided into two developments; software development and hardware development. In order to confirm the system is working, the programming needs to be done correctly.
Figure 3.2 shows the complete process that will be covered.
Learn about PIC Microcontroller device and GSM module how it work
Design the Circuit are related
Writing the programming C with it source code
Compile and download source code using Proteus or MPLAB v7.0
Optimize the source code
Modified to meet the standard requirement for security system
Troubleshoot and repair hardware or software
Figure 3.2: Flow Chart of program
The GSM-based Security System need do a lot of studying, researching and troubleshooting. The first step, knowledge about PIC Microcontroller and GSM modem must be studying for the basic function. There must have some circuit to be design. The programming C must be writing in CCS Compiler for interface. It become with some source code. The circuit and program have to compile and download the source code using Proteus 7.2. When the program can be running, the next step is to modify to meet the standard requirement for security system. If the program getting error, the source code have to optimized and then try to running again until successful. If the entire program is no error, we can troubleshoot the circuit to get the best result. The troubleshoot will repair the hardware and software component better.
Project Architecture
3.3.1 Flow Chart
Figure 3.3 shows the project architecture. It has shown the overall process flow for the software and hardware development. In this project, push button and sensor are the input of microcontroller. Meanwhile, the hand phone/PC as the output for this project.
Program Design
Compiling Process
Assign Pin Location Run Program
Push Button
PIC 16F 877A Microcontroller
GSM Modem
Figure 3.3.1: Flow Chart of project
After studying about programming, I need to design some program related to this system. Every program related are compiled in CCS Compiler. The pin location placed for each component in Proteus 7.2. The program from CCS Compiler was running in Proteus to see whether the hardware functions or not. After that, develop the circuit based on simulation by adding the push button and sensor. Then, combine it with PIC 16F877A Microcontroller to see the result. For final process, all the hardware connected to GSM Modem.
Block Diagram
Description of Block Diagram as followed below.
Limit Switch Keypad
GSM PIC 16F877A Micro controller Buzzer
Handphone / PC
Figure 3.3.2: Block Diagram of project
There are two function in this program. The PIC 16F877A is a core of this project. The entire program will be control through the microcontroller. The limit switch and keypad is the input. First, when the limit switch activate, will give the signal for PIC. The data from PIC will send to GSM. The handphone/PC as the output will get the message from GSM modem. Second operation is when the password entered, the PIC contoller will get the data and the door will be open. However, when the user enter for the wrong password, the door is not open. The message will display in LCD as the output. This is for door security system.
Hardware Development
The hardware development for this project mainly referred to the project architecture block diagram that has been visualized in the beginning of this chapter. The architecture outlined the inputs and outputs of the system. The hardware developments include PIC microcontroller, sensors, keypad, LCD and push button.
3.4.1 Controller Unit Design
This hardware is a part of interfacing in between input sensor, application device, GSM modem and handphone. The controller unit will be process in the input signal and turn ON/OFF/RESET the application needed and at the same time, it will give information to handphone/PC through the GSM modem. Schematic Diagram
The hardware part are sensor (switch), PIC 16F877A microcontroller, and 3 LEDs represent as output. This simulation is the basic program to show how PIC 16F877A communicate with sensor as switching and LED. This represent from input signal send to process and respond to output signal.
Figure Schematic Diagram of Project
The PIC 16F877A is powered by adaptor power supply, 12 VDC 1A. The I/O ports at PIC were used as shown below.
I/O Port C0 C1 C2 A0 A1 A2
Application LED, Output response for Switch 1 LED, Output response for Switch 2 LED, Output response for Switch 3 Push Button for Switch 1 Push Button for Switch 2 Push Button for Switch 3 Table PIC Application
3.4.2 PIC Circuit Design
The circuit is using PIC 16F877A and interfacing in Proteus. The design PCB layout is shown in figure below. The PIC circuit have the power supply regulator for 12V DC, and serial port communication.
Figure 3.4.2: Circuit for PIC 16F877A Application and Interfacing
List of Component PIC circuit
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Component IC 16F877A IC 7805 IC MAX 232 20Mhz Crystal Oscillator Capasitor 470 uF Capasitor 1 uF Capasitor 100 uF Capasitor 8 pF Capasitor 100 nF Resistor 10kΩ Resistor 1.5kΩ LED Serial Port Connector DB9F Table List of Component
Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 3 2 4 1 1
PCB Layout Design
Figure PCB layout for PIC 16F877A application
3.4.3 Part List for Switching
Push Button
Figure Push button diagram
Figure shows push button criteria. When push button are on release mode, the receive input at port A0 is „1‟ because of there are current flow at the moment. When the push button are depressed, port A0 will receive input „0‟. From these criteria, program can be made by refer to the input came from push button, which is „1‟ or „0‟. Limit Switch
Figure Limit Switch
A limit switch is used to limit the activation of an electrical circuit. When a circuit is “closed,” it allows the flow of electrical current through the switch to pass to the device being powered. When the switch is “open,” the switch is disengaged and no electrical power will pass through it. Whether the limit switch is open or closed is generally determined either by the position of a device being powered or by a set amount of time a device requires completing a specific task.
of limit switch is
mechanical limit switch. This switch tracks the location of a specific item and opens or closes when that item reaches a specific location. The switch is activated by physical contact, or lack thereof. For example, a light inside home often turns on when one of the doors is opened.
Application “The door 1 is open” “The door 2 is open” “The door 3 is open”
Table Limit Switch Functional
3.4.4 LCD
The LCD panel's Enable and Register Select is connected to the Control Port. The Control Port is an open collector / open drain output. While most Parallel Ports have internal pull-up resistors, there are a few which don't. Therefore by incorporating the two 10K external pull up resistors, the circuit is more portable for a wider range of computers, some of which may have no internal pull up resistors.
It makes no effort to place the Data bus into reverse direction. Therefore it is hard wire the R/W line of the LCD panel, into write mode. This will cause no bus conflicts on the data lines. As a result it cannot read back the LCD's internal Busy Flag which tells us if the LCD has accepted and finished processing the last instruction. This problem is overcome by inserting known delays into the program. The 10k Potentiometer controls the contrast of the LCD panel. Nothing fancy here. As with all the examples, I've left the power supply out. So, I can use a bench power supply set to 5v or use a onboard +5 regulator. Remember a few de-coupling capacitors, especially if you have trouble with the circuit working properly.
Schematic Circuit of the LCD
Figure Basic LCD program
Figure Simulation in LCD and Virtual Terminal
This figure shown the schematic of the LCD based on Simulation. The figure shown the simulation for basic LCD and the Figure shown the simulation with AT command. When the program running, the result will dispay in LCD. It also shown in Virtual Terminal at RS 232.
3.4.5 Keypad
Figure 3.4.5: Keypad Operation
Software Development
The flow chart for the system main program is shown in figure 3.00. When the system in ON, the PIC 16F877A will initialize the modem until the system is ready. When the system is ready, PIC board will send the SMS to hand phone with message. Then the PIC will check whether the sensor is activated or not. If it activated, PIC will send the message to handphone according which sensor is activated. The system will continue to check and check again. This step will repeat since the sensor activated.
3.5.1 Basic AT Command
AT OK AT+CMGF=1 OK AT+CMGS=“phone number”<CR> Message to send <CTRL>&<Z> SEND SMS FROM STORAGE AT+CMSS
//test GSM //response // define text format // response //OK //+CMGS: 7
Figure 3.5: Example of basic program
3.5.2 Software Flow Chart
The flow chart at Figure show complete program of this project.
Initialize the system
System is Ready: GSM- based Security System
Sensor Activated? Password Activated?
Send SMS: The door is OPEN
Door Open: PASS
Figure 3.5.2: Programming Flow Chart for the system
Programming Tool
Programming tools are used to implement the task between hardware and software. These tools of programming are selected based on the chip products that are used during this project. CCS Compiler
CCS Compiler is a powerful, feature rich development tool for PIC microchip provide by CCS, Inc. this software offers a wide variety of C Embedded Development Tools for Windows or Linux. It support the PIC 10, PIC 12 PIC 14, PIC 16, PIC 18, PIC 24 microcontrollers and dsPIC® DSCs. The CCS create this software is to provide the simplest and most efficient solutions for Microchip PIC® MCU development needs. The CCS Compiler has a generous library of useful routines and ready-to-run example programs for hardware peripherals. Your development productivity levels will easily exceed all other compilers available [19].
Figure CCS Compiler for PIC
PIC and C programming are fit together well: PIC is the most popular 8-bit chip in the world, used in a wide variety of applications, and C, prized for its efficiency, is the natural choice for developing embedded systems, microC provide a successful match featuring highly advanced IDE, ANSI compliant compiler, broad set of the hardware libraries, comprehensive documentation, and plenty of read-to-run examples. CCS Compiler for PIC features are: Built-in libraries that work with all chips for RS-232 serial I/O, I2C, discrete I/O and precision delays. Serial I/O functions allow standard functions such as GETC() and PRINTF() to be used for RS-232 like I/O. Formatted printf allows easy formatting and display in HEX or decimal.
Multiple I2C and RS232 ports may be easily defined. #use rs232() offers options to specify a maximum wait time for getc. Hardware tranceiver used when possible, but for all other occasions the compiler generates a software serial transceiver. Microcontroller clock speed may be specified in a PRAGMA to permit built-in functions to delay for a given number of microseconds or milliseconds.
Functions such as INPUT() and OUTPUT_HIGH() properly maintain the tri-state registers. Compiler directives determine if tri-state registers are refreshed on every I/O or if the I/O is as fast as possible. Simple functions like READ_ADC() to read a value from A/D converter. Source code drivers included for LCD modules, keypads, 24xx and 94xx serial EEPROM, X10, DS1302 and NJU6355 real time clocks, Dallas touch memory devices, DS2223 and PCF8570, LTC1298 and PCF8591 A/D converters, temperature sensors, digital pots, I/O expander and much more.
133 ready-to-run programs included. CCS Compiler allows quick development and deployment of complex applications:
50 UIC00A PIC Programmer
Figure UIC00A PIC Programmer
UIC00A offer low cost yet reliable and user friendly PIC USB programmer solution for developer, hobbyist and students. It is designed to program popular Flash PIC MCU, On board ICSPTM (In Circuit Serial Programming) connector offers flexible method to load program. It supports on board programming which eliminate the frustration of plug-in and plug-out PIC MCU. This also allow user to quickly program and debug the source code while the target PIC is on the development board. Since USB port have become a popular and widely used on Laptop and Desktop PC, UIC00A is designed to be plug and play with USB connection. This programmer obtained it power directly from USB connection, thus NO external power supply is required, making it a truly portable programmer. This programmer is ideal for field and general usage. UIC00A offers reliable, high speed programming and free windows interface software [20]. It is design with capabilities and features of:
Industrial grade PCB with surface mount component to offer small size yet reliable and quality product. Every component is soldered properly and programmer is tested before it is shipped to customer.
USB Plug and Play function IDC box header for ICSP connection, an IDC cable is included for external on board programming. Windows XP compatible software Compatible with Windows Vista Auto load program capability Compatible with Microchip‟s PICkit 2. Optional external power to target PIC should be +5V Small size of 5cmx2.5cm. Powers directly from USB port. No external power required for UIC00A to function USB 2.0 Low cost yet reliable solution Suitable for Laptop and Desktop PC Optional socket (UIC-S) to program 18 pins, 28 pins and 40 pins PIC microcontroller.
Board Layout
Figure Board Layout
1. Mini USB port socket “A” is for USB connection to PC desktop or laptop. 2. Switch at “B” is a push button which may used to initiate the write device function when programmer> write on PICkit button is checked. 3. Green LED at “C” is used to indicate the main power supply of UIC00A. it should ON once USB connection from UIC00A to computer or laptop is ready. 4. Red LED at “D” is used to indicate busy function such as UIC00A is in program mode or is alerting that a function is in progress. 5. IDC box header at “E” is for programming cable. Please connect one end of programming cable to this header, while the other end to target board.
Label A B C D E
Function Mini USB port socket Switch to initiate write device programming Main power supply indicator LED (green) Busy indicator LED (red) IDC Box Header for programming connector Table Board Function PICkit 2 v2.55 for PIC Compiler
PICkit 2 v2.55 Compiler is ready to be used with PICkit 2 programming software. This section gives instruction on how to get started with UIC00A [21]. With the help of pictures and some simple instruction, following section illustrates the steps using UIC00A shown at figure
1. Connect the UIC00A as shown in section 5 (hardware installation).
2. Launch PICkit 2 programming software by selecting Start> Program> Microchip> PICkit 2. The following programming interface appears and notifies that the PICkit 2 and target device found and connected. The programmer is able to automatically detect PIC from connected target and display it in the Device Configuration window.
Figure PICkit Programmer Application To connect to the target device once the application software is already running, select Device Family as shown in Figure 3.18 below. If device is successfully detected, the model name will appeared at “Device Configuration” area.
Figure Select Device Family 3. UIC00A can supply power to the target device. However, users are advised to power the target device externally to prevent this programmer exceed from 150mA current unit. For UIC00A, the “VDD target” will automatically be 5.0. user should powered +5V to the target PIC.
4. Go to File and select Import Hex. Browse for the Hex file location and open to start import the Hex file.
5. After Hex file has been successfully imported, the target device can be programmed by clicking on Write. The PIC will be erased and programmed with the new Hex code imported. The operation status will display on the Status Bar and the status bar will turn to GREEN if writing is successful shown as Figure. Now the PIC is ready to use.
Figure Write Successful Status
Figure Write Error Status
Figure (f): Select Device Dialog
In this chapter it shown the methodology process for to hardware development and software development to make the project is successful. The hardware development more focuses on circuitry that will use according to sensor device and microcontroller. This is for achieving the objective that develop the simple security system at home, office and residential area. GSM modem as a medium to send message can be program the source code at CCS Compiler. Hyperterminal code can be applied to this software for stored data at GSM modem. The software development more focuses on creates programming software that will transfers or load into PIC microcontroller. It shown the step start with program flow chart and design the program using C language and compile into HEX file format and then load into PIC 16F877A by using PICkit 2 software and UIC00A PIC Programmer device to achieve the objective of project effectively. C language is to develop the program and system by using CCS Compiler source code.
This chapter discusses the result of the project. It shows that the GSM-based Security System was developed. This chapter also discusses the major problem structured. All problems were solved.
Hardware Result
The GSM-based Security System has been successfully implemented. For hardware construction and interfacing, tests have been carried out to verify the circuit correctly. The figure has shown the hardware that has been development.
1 5 4 3
Figure 4.2(a): Complete Hardware Project 1. LCD – display instruction 2. Keypad – press password and phone number. It also can changed any information related. 3. Limit Switch / Sensor – activated system 4. Controller Unit (in casing) – stored data 5. GSM Modem (in casing) – receive and send message
Home Model – Detect the unknown person at door Figure 4.2 (b): Home Prototype
Explanation Problem
The hardware starts with ON the power supply and all the information display at LCD. There are no problem when to construct the limit switch and sensor. However, the system cannot detect the PIR sensor properly even this sensor is function. The main problem on this hardware is the GSM Modem (Wavecom model) cannot be function. So, the message cannot be send to user. Besides, I have problem with serial port controller unit using MAX 232 [22]. This serial port is used to communicate with GSM modem.
Male Figure 4.3: DB9 and MAX 232
The pin 25 (Transmitter) and pin 26 (Receiver) of PIC are connect to pin 11 (T1 in) and pin 12 (R1 out) of MAX232 respectively. Pin 14 (T1 out) and pin 13 (R1 in) of MAX232 are connect to pin 2 (Rx) and pin 3 (Tx) of DB9 connector (female). Pin 5 of DB 9 connector connect to ground. Then pin 1,4,6 of DB9 connector need to shorted each other and pin 7, 8 also need be shorted. Mostly, it is not working at all. The solution is to do some modification at the circuit.
The problem are solving in three step: (1) Short pin 4 and 7 of the DB9 connector and connect to pin 7 of Max 232 IC. (2) Connect pin 10 of MAX232 to ground. (3) Connect pin 8 of MAX232 to VCC through 1K resistor.
The step 1 and 2 are make DTR and RTS will be enabled high (10V) for GSM modem. This will ensure that the status of PC‟s connector pins match with the controller connector. Step 3 is for (Rx) gate is not left open.
Pin Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Description CD – Carrier Detect RXD – Receive Data TXD – Transmit Data DTR – Data Terminal Ready GND – Signal Ground DSR – Data Set Ready RTS – Request To Send CTS – Clear To Send R1 – Ring Indicator Table 4.2: Serial Port Pin
After the modification, the PIC and GSM modem can communicate successfully.
Software Result
There was having some problems when do the simulation in Proteus. During the simulation, I faced main problem for LCD and keypad. The hardware in Proteus cannot get the result based on programming done. It is difficult to compare with actual hardware. The other problem is, the GSM Modem cannot detect the data from PIC. So, the user cannot get the message if the system is activated. There was a problem when I try to transfer data to Visual Basic for upgrade. The system cannot function when it connect with VB. For solving with these three problems, it must do some troubleshooting and checking error.
Problem 1: The GSM Modem cannot detect the data from PIC.
Solution: After transfer program into PIC at the controller unit, the data is connecting to PC and communicate using hyperterminal to verify connection on serial port. The result shows that the connection is “OK”. Then the same step is followed by replace the controller unit with GSM modem. The result also shows “OK”. Here, the problem may cause by the main program, there need to do initialize the GSM modem first before can send SMS to handphone/ PC.
Problem 2: The PIC cannot process the SMS when received.
Solution: This problem is because the GSM cannot be read with PIC data. I have to find the error in programming. From the reading some information about AT command, I found the solution. In my system, bound rate of GSM is 115200, so the PIC circuit cannot be communicate with larger value. After that, I changed the GSM modem with lower value that 9600. Finally, the data successfully can be sent.
Problem 3: The system cannot function in Visual Basic.
Solution: I‟m still new in Visual Basic knowledge. It must do a lot of reading and study. The system is now can function for handphone. I want to upgrade this system to PC. However, there were the problem when transfer data to VB. For this solution, I just do some program in Visual Basic without do as my system. I need to study a lot with this program. So, for the future plan, I will upgrade this system myself and tell the next student to try this application.
The Result in Fully Function
In this part, there will display and show how the system is function. The result will show based on picture and explanation.
Figure 4.5(a): System before ON The system is already finished by using prototype. The system placed in casing and the application used in home model.
Figure 4.5(b):System after ON
System is activated
Enter the password
System is ON
The door is open
User get message
Example password ENTER PASSWORD: 123456
Example message WARNING, someone in your home. Door 1 is Open
Figure 4.5 (c): The information that display in LCD
When the push button ON, the LCD will display “PRESS: #, SECURITY OFF”. Press the „*‟ button, the LCD shows “SECURITY ON”. When press „#‟, the LCD were display “ENTER PASSWORD”. The password must be entered in 6 digits. When the password entered is true, the LCD will display “SECURITY DISABLE”. Then, pressed „*‟ to change the LCD with “SECURITY ENABLE”. The system has been activated. When keypad presses „#‟, it will show “PHONE NUMBER”. It means that, we enter the phone number for sending the message. The limit switch is closed the door. There is having 3 doors to be detected from the system. When the door is open, the limit switch will be activated. It will send the data to PIC 16F877A for storing. The PIC will send the data to GSM Modem. Lastly, the GSM will send the message to phone number that entered. The user will get the message “WARNING! Someone is in your home. Door 1 is Open”. For adding information, the user can get message if all three doors is open. For example, the system will send the message “Door 1 is Open, Door 2 is Open, Door 3 is Open”.
This chapter show the fully result of the project development. The operations for this system have two main functions. First, when user activated this system, the sensor will activate. The information to user‟s handphone received when the sensor detect unknown person. This operation including three main hardware that GSM modem, PIC microcontroller and switch. The switching is to ON the sensor, PIC microcontroller and GSM modem stored data before send message to handphone. Second application is, the user can activated the password when they want to leave the house. They just press keypad button for activated password. The password can changed for anytime time same goes with the user‟s phone number. It is more effectively for user when they felt not secure with older password setting. For problem solving, it will give take advantages for me to know more about the project and operation‟s system, problem happened and action taken. The problems faced in both of part that hardware and software. The entire core problems have been successful fixed. This is important how to troubleshoot any problem existed. After do trying and error, this system can be development follow the planning. The main solution I taken to solve the problem is to trying and error the GSM modem connection between PIC microcontroller and Hyperterminal. Second, I was changed the boundrate of GSM with lower value to get the ideal result. After finished the system, I try to upgrade the system for PC application. However, it cannot to be done because of limitation time. Besides, I faced many time of problem when to develop the circuit for each component. For limitation issues are, I have to study about the communication knowledge besides electronic. It is take some time to understand properly. I have to research more how to connect PIC with GSM. To upgrade the system, it is not enough to learn more about Visual Basic. Lastly, I applied this system for handphone and not to PC.
This chapter will discuss the conclusion of the project. There are some solution needs to discuss about it weakness in this project and how to solve it later. The suggestion of further work to upgrade the system is also for this chapter.
In conclusion, it can be claimed that the project of GSM to handphone provide benefits in developing the security system for standard house, office and residential area. By only power supply 12 V, low-cost PIC Microcontroller and sensor circuit, this security can be applied at any houses, offices or shops as long as they have the handphone or PC. This is used GSM modem as a medium to receive the message from sensor detection.
This system are work effectively in simple function but practical. Hopefully, this project can be commercialized for new application. For example this security system can be applied to police station and fire bridget. It is because in Malaysia, we have not yet any security information for them to secure our home. We do not need calling to police when the robber entered our home. It takes time than we create a system to tell them via GSM system. Lastly, the application by using program C is very useful for developing program and system optimization.
Suggestion for Further Work
This GSM-based Security System has been successfully function and developed with the basic application. However, this system can be upgrade with new component and application. At present, we can see that the technology very rapidly change and develop. Then, this project must have better application in the next stage of research. For future improvement, there are several suggestions can be continued in my project: i. Instead of security system using GSM modem can apply with several user number phones to send the message in one application.
Add this project with send and reply message. It means that the user can send the message back after he/she get the message. For example, he can send the message to close the door immediately.
Add another sensor for the system like smoke sensor, temperature sensor and burglar alarm system. It also can add any sensor that can apply in home security.
Upgrade the system with placed the CCTV and recorded the situation in several time. After that, the video can send the user for information.
Make the system can communicate with the PC by using Visual Basic or Web Server. It can inform the user in another place or used for police and fire bridget.
Home Security System, Wireless Alarm System
GSM project, the sample of project by using GSM modem
Martin Bates, Interfacing PIC Microcontroller: Embeded Design by Interactive Simulation, Elsevier 2006. Problem with PIC16F877A, CCS Compiler – View topic. topic.html
Julio Sanchez, Microcontroller Programming, CRC Press, 2007. Richard Barnett, Larry O‟Cull and Sarah Cox, Embeded C Programming and the Microchip PIC, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2004.
Yashavant P. Kanetkar. Let Us C Fifth Edition, Kicit, 2004. How to use PIC, PIC lesson. PIC 16F877A Manual Datasheet, Microchip Technology Inc.
microcontroller. [8] Stuart R. Ball PE, Analog Interfacing Embeded microprocessor: Real World Design, Second Edition, Elsevier, 2004. [9] How To Use HyperTerminal, Hyperterminal in using for GSM. http://www. /howToUseHyperTerminal.asp.htm [10] [11] Wavecom Fabstrack 20 GSM Modem [12] [13] Password Access, PIC 16F877A with keypad. [14] [16] LCD, Liquid Crystal Display Operation and the function. [15] LCD Application, Relationship between CGRAM Addresses, Character Codes (DDRAM) and Character Patterns (CGRAM Data) Initializing the LCD by Instruction [17] [18] Keypad, Datasheet and how it work. [19] CCS Compiler IDE, Custom Customer Service Inc.
UIC00A USB ICSP PIC Programmer, Cytron Technologies Sdn. Bhd.