Health and Fitness Center VLCC

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The project deals with the study of Vandana Luthra’s Curls and Curves centers in New Delhi. We surveyed their product profile, customer ase and prospects. ! sample study of attitude of customers ase and prospect .! sample study of the attitude of the present customers throu"h #uestionnaires was conducted $t was found that VLCC has emer"ed as the most popular slimmin" and eauty center. The tar"et se"ment of VLCC comprises of oth males and females pertainin" to the varied a"e "roup of %& to '( years. )emale customers comprise of *+, of the total clientele. The upper class customers are satisfied with the services offered y the centers and willin"ly pay the re#uisite char"es. -ut middle class people consider it to e more e.pensive than it’s rivals. The promotional campai"n of VLCC includes advertisements in newspaper and ma"a/ines, distri ution of hand ills and throu"h word of mouth. The chan"es proposed y our research will help in increasin" the tar"et mar1et of VLCC y desi"nin" pro"rammes to attract the colle"e students, middle class people and e.ecutive males. $n order to achieve identification of VLCC as a perfect health and fitness for oth men and women advertisement throu"h ca le networ1 and sponsorship pro"rammes in tar"et se"ments will e more effective. rochures in the main residential areas of New Delhi. 0atisfied customers are the est a"ents of advertisin"


The process of technolo"ical advance and li erali/ation have rou"ht a out a new way of life amon" the ur an socialities, city dwellers are "enerally status conscious and imitate the affluent life style of the upper strata. -oys and "irls spend most of their time in watchin" TV channels, Computers and push2 utton "ad"ets are at their disposal. They ta1e non2nutritive jun1 food they have no time for outdoor sports. 0o they put on wei"ht at an early a"e. !dults lead a sedentary life ein" en"rossed in the pursuit of their am itions so put ellies, wide hips and o esity cover most of the housewives, e.ecutives and usinessmen. Durin" the last decade a new wave of heath consciousness has emer"ed amon" the ur anities. The fad of today is “slim is in”. -ul1y ones are tryin" to 1noc1 off a few 1ilos. The o jects of health2trend at present is threefold3 to loo1 "ood3 to loo1 slim and youn" and to e fit. $n order to meet these demands a num er of health clinics4wei"ht loss centers have come up and "ained in usiness. They attract numerous customers. -ut ‘getting thin’ is not synonymous with "ettin" 5)it’. 6any wei"htless clinics act as money ma1in" machines. 7hysicians and enli"htened pu lic opinion ecome apprehensive a out the role such centers played. ! dire need was felt for a slimin" health2cum eauty center run on scientific asis. Vandana Luthra Curls and Curves with si.teen centers in Delhi has projected itself as an ideal clinic for complete ody care with minimum side effects. $t caters to the asic needs of the customers on scientific asis usin" 8erman technolo"y. $mported 8erman e#uipment administered y trained technicians leads inevita ly to wei"ht loss. VLCC also helps ody firmin" and ody shapin". The center advises the customers on a proper diet and e.ercise pro"ramme. Thus the center offers oth physical and mental enefit ensurin" lon"er life and happier outloo1. We have o served and studied the wor1in" of VLCC at three Delhi centers. We have interacted with their staff and customers. We have utili/ed primary and secondary sources of information. 9ur o servations and conclusions are recorded in the succeedin" chapters of the project report.


• To identify, study and analy/e the "eneral usiness environment for a health and fitness service. • • • • • To identify and analy/e the e.istin" and potential mar1et for fitness centre.

To underta1e customers se"ementation, tar"etin" and positionin".

To develop a plan for settin" up a 0-: in health and fitness centre.

To develop a via le service portfolio.

To prepare a ma1etin" mi. strate"y to tap the e.istin" mar1et and also the potential mar1et.

The project involves the study of the e.istin" health and fitness mar1et centres and devisin" mar1et of detailed mar1etin" plan coverin" the financial aspects and other aspects re#uired for a via le usiness feature. $t includes conductin" survey amon" the customers and the e.istin" centres. $t also included the devisin" of various promotion techni#ues in terms of impact and response. The informations re"ardin" mar1etin" si/e, cost factors, mar1etin" strate"ies were collected and reali/ed from the survey conducted.


The approach followed y the "roup is e.plained underneath;

%< +< &< The data was collected from primary and secondary sources. 7rimary data was collected throu"h #uestionnaire and one to one personal interviews. 0econdary data was collected from ma"a/ines and articles in newspaper.

The approach adopted was customer survey and interactive sessions with people.

=esearch instrument used was an o jective #uestionnaire and personal interviews with people and clinic mana"er of VLCC.

0ample 0i/e; The sample si/e for the convenience of the "roup was >&. 0amplin" 7rocedure; The process underta1en was random samplin" at various places in Delhi.


%< The si/e of the sample surveyed was small .Therefore the result may not accurate. +< The sample method used was convenient samplin". &< There are num er of services provided present at one centre. >< The sample findin"s show that people surveyed consist mainly of upper middle class. !s a result of which the findin"s may not "ive a complete picture of se"mentation, Tar"etin" and 7ositionin" of a health and )itness centre. (< The $ncome Ta. !uthorities conducted raids on the premises and offices of all the VLCC in Delhi. )iles and records pertainin" to the income ,e.penditure and profits were sei/ed and sealed durin" the last wee1 of !u"ust. This hindered our project wor1. The officials whom we approached were ti"ht lipped as a result we were not "iven access of there financial statement. '< 0ome of the customers were not a le to devote their attention and spare ade#uate time in fillin" the #uestionnaire ecause of their usy schedule. y VLCC ut all the services are not e


0e"mentation has een done on the followin" asis;2 %< +< 7sycho"raphic Demo"raphic !"e 8roup 8ender $ncome 9ccupation

%< The psycholo"y of the **, VLCC customers is that they are conscious a out their loo1s.They li1e to 1eep themselves fit. +< %?, of the customers felt that their decision to join VLCC was a result of the )amily pressure.



Age group

above 45






%< +< &< >< &*, of the customers are in the a"e etween%(2+> years. &%, of the customers are in the a"e etween +(2&> years. %', of the customers are in the a"e etween &(2>> years. %', of the customers are a ove the a"e of >( years.


Income Group

-1 ! above 5 !

1 ! -3 !



3 !

-5 !



42% of the customers are from middle class families whose families monthly income lies between Rs 1 ! -Rs3 ! 37% of the customers are from the "i#h class families whose families monthly income is above Rs 5 ! 1$% of the customers family income lies between Rs 3 ! -Rs 5 ! %


3) 4)

&s the awareness for 'ee(in# oneself fit is risin#! it can be seen that 2% of the )*++ customers come from the lower income #rou(%



.emale 2,%

-ale 72%

72% of the )*++ customers are females as com(ared to the 2,% of males%


students housewives



self em(loyed (rofessional





!mon" the various VLCC customer,+(, of the customers are self employed. They are 6onetarily "ood and spend a "ood percenta"e of the income in maintainin" themselves as well as their customers. &(, of the customers are Aomewives. They are very conscious a out their loo1s. +%, of the customers are 7rofessionals.!s they are on jo s,their healths and loo1s reflects their and their companys reputation. %?, of the customers are students. They are either over wei"htor

+< &< ><


The Target seg e!t "# "$r %&'e!t VLCC %" (r'ses "#: %. 7eople of all a"e "roups. +. They are tar"etin" oth carrier women C housewife. !lthou"h housewife’s are more than wor1in" women. &. VLCC is tar"etin" oth male C female ut ratio is &.(;'.( for males; females. !s per our survey the percenta"e of housewives is the hi"hest i.e.&(, . The percenta"e of women is *+, as compared to +@, of male client.

!fter evaluatin" each se"ment C the present customer num er, we thou"ht that there are certain se"ments, which VLCC is overloo1in". )irstly, a se"ment comprises of colle"e "oin" students can also e roped in. This is 5co/ the youn"er "eneration is "ettin" more and more conscious of there loo1s. 0econdly, a VLCC can retar"et itself to attract e.ecutive men who are conscious of their loo1 C want to loo1 slim C feel "ood a out themselves.


!fter choosin" a particular tar"et se"ment the ne.t step is to position the rand DVLCC< !ccordin" to the needs C wants of people. %. VLCC is thou"ht to e as a very e.pensive slimmin" center compared to various other competitions as most of its outlets are esta lished in very posh areas. +. The institution is thou"ht to e caterin" to the female section of the population. This can e due to the followin" factsE 2 the concept was ori"inated y2 6rs. Luthra 2 ma.imum of the staff comprises of women 2 the name Vandana Luthra’s Curls C Curves is feminine in nature. &. The center is currently positioned mainly as a wei"ht loss center as ma.imum percenta"e of income is earned from the wei"ht loss pac1a"es. >. VLCC is not considered to e a youn" and a cool place. The adds which VLCC is usin" to attract customers comprises of men C women who are a ove the a"e of +( as a result of which only house wife’s and carrier women are attracted y it. (. VLCC is very tactfully tryin" to place itself in the minds of the customers y usin" the punch line sha('!g )"$r %"!#'*e!%e.


!fter throu"h analysis of the data collected we reached to the followin" result. We find out that total num er of clientele is appro.imately +la1hs all over $ndia and the "rowth rate has dou led as compare to last yr. The male and female ratio F +.@; *.+ )or most of the customers VLCC is the first health center they have joined in an attempt to lose wei"ht. -efore joinin" VLCC they indul"ed in various slimmin" activities such as; %< Wal1in" &< G.ercises +< Dietin" >< 8randma’s remedial measures

There are various channels of media, which inform the customers a out VLCC D%< Newspaper !dvertisement; 2 comprises of *+, of the total advertisin" media. $t is most popular with the clients especially there -efore and !fter wei"ht loss adds. D+< =ecommendation; 2 +&, of the customers have joined recommended to them y friends or families The health center offers a num er of service com inations such as; 2 Wei"ht loss; 2 vi ration, tummy tuc1in", inch loss, ody shapin" C firmin". 8ymnasium2 sauna, steamC wor1out The price char"ed y VLCC for it services are;2 Di< Dii< The cost incurred for joinin" the "ym is &BBB42month 7rice for wei"ht loss is %+BB42month ecause it was

!dvanta"e of VLCC over it Competitors
%. 0ervices provided y VLCC are e.cellent. +. =eputation of VLCC is very "ood compared to other health centers. &. 7eople "et curious as well as encoura"ed y the -efore and !fter wei"ht loss adds.

%> >. The punch line used y VLCC shapin" your confidence is very motivatin" Today’s customer is willin" to pay hi"h price for premium services. -ein" healthy C fit is not only limited to a individuals physical ein" ut also includes his mental set. !lthou"h a few clients complaint a out the poor functionin" of the machines in the "ym. VLCC still enjoys ma.imum percenta"e of mar1et shares for any health and fitness center.


VLCC enjoys a rand ima"e in the mar1et. The main stren"th of VLCC is that it has ranches at all the prime "eo"raphical locations in the city. These are located with a close pro.imity to the various residential areas which are middle income households. !ll the centers have physicians, psycholo"ists and "ynecolo"ist who are trained to "ive personal attention to each and every customer. VLCC also provides additional facilities includin" "ym, sauna ath and steam ath at some of its center’s.

The main wea1ness of VLCC is the hi"h cost ecause of which the low income "roup can not even thin1 of joinin" it. 9nly ul1y people thin1 of joinin" it.

HAealth is WealthI, The awareness can e seen amon" the health conscious people which "ives VLCC a "reat opportunity to open its centers all over Delhi and increase its networ1 as it already has si.teen centers in Delhi. The livin" standard of the people is risin" with the increasin" income. 7eople are more convinced y western techni#ues of reducin" wei"hts rather than "oin" for mornin" wal1s ecause it is easier and faster.

9penin" up of new slimin" centers who are offerin" the same services at a lower price pose a i" threat.


!fter "oin" throu"h the various results of the research the 9verall picture of VLCC that has emer"ed is  !s many people are ecomin" more and more health conscious these days, there is a hi"h increase in num er of people joinin" health centers. This can e seen in increase in num er of people joinin" VLCC.  There is definitely a communication "ap etween the way VLCC is positionin" its rand ima"e and the Way people perceive it.  VLCC has a very "ood reputation in the mar1et, which attracts the customers and impresses people. !s a result VLCC has the ma.imum mar1et share.  The services provided y VLCC are ama/in". )rom the head of the clinic to the lowest ran1ed staffs, all are very helpful and cooperative.  The upper middle class can mainly enjoy services provided ecause they char"e a very hi"h price from them y VLCC only


We put forward the followin" set of recommendations for etter functionin" of VLCC.  VLCC should e diversified into a total ody clinic for complete heath care ased on Western 8erman technolo"y.  9nline counselin" to customers y trained psycholo"ists and Dieticians.  The institute of eauty, health and mana"ement should provide distant education and trainin" to health conscious customers  ! systematic feed ac1 and follow2up services should customers.  $ncrease the current mar1et se"ment y tar"etin" the middle class throu"h TV media.  0tudents of colle"es should e "iven discount in fees char"ed for fitness center.  They should mention the name of few of the specialistsJmentioned who all comprise of a panel of doctors  They should also provide pro"rams for stress, strain, various aches C pains as these issues are related to a person’s health. To follow any of the recommendations, it is necessary a thorou"h cost analysis should e done and only if it is provin" to e eneficial should they e followed. e provided for e.2

customers. 7rovision of readymade nutritive food pac1a"es at reasona le price to


%. +. Kotler 73 H6ar1etin" 6ana"ementI %??>, @th Gdition, 7rentice2Aall. -atra =3 6yer Lohn 83 !a1er David 8. !dvertisin" 6ana"ement %???, (th Gdition, 7rentice2Aall $ndia.


%. HCountry Wide =aid 9n VLCCI. The Aindustan Times D7"%< &%st !u"ust +BB%. +. &. Aealth !nd )itness 6a"a/ines F!u"ust +BB%. VLCC




Name; Date of -irth; !ddress; Telephone; Aow did you come to 1now a out this )itness Centre; a. Newspaper . )riends c. T.V d. Leaflets e. 9thers Dspecify< '. =easons for joinin" the fitness center; a. 7eer pressure . Conscious of self ima"e c. )amily pressure d. 9thers Dspecify< *. Aow much money are you willin" to spend for fitness purpose; a. B2%BBB . %BBB2+BBB c. +BBB2&BBB d. &BBB2(BBB @. Aow are the services availa le; a. G.cellent . 8ood c. 9.K d. -ad ?. 0tatus; i< a. 0in"le . 6arried ii< 0tudent a. :nder "raduate . 8raduate c. 7ost "raduate iii< Wor1in" a. 0elf employed . 7rofessional c. 9thers Dspecify< iv< Aousewife %B. Why do you prefer this centre C not others; a. Near to home . 0atisfied with facilities availa le c. =eputed %%. What type of pac1a"e do you avail; %+. Do you thin1 it is the est health C fitness centre in your city; a. Mes . No %. +. &. >. (.


0e.;2 !"e;2 Di< Dii< Diii< Div< etween %(2+> years 2222%' etween +(2&> years 2222%& etween &(2>> years 2222 * >( C a ove years 2222 * males2%+ respondents )emales2&% respondents

6arital status married 2222 +* unmarried 2222 %' 9ccupation student 2222 @ self employed 22 %* professional 22 ? housewife 22 %( %. Aow did you came to 1now a out the fitness centerN Newspaper 222222&% 9verleaf 222222 + )riends 22222 %B +. 6ost influential factor in your decision ma1in" to join VLCCN )amily pressure 22222@ Conscious of self ima"e 2222&& =eputation 2222 + &. Aow are the services availa le G.cellent 2222 ++ 8ood 2222 %+ 91 2222 & 0atisfaction ' >. What is monthly income of your familyN B2222%BBBB % %BBBB2222+BBBB %* +BBBB2222&BBBB @ &BBBB2222(BBBB %' (. Aow much are you willin" to spend for fitness purpose B2222%BBBB %BBBB2222+BBBB +BBBB2222&BBBB &BBBB2222(BBBB ( +B * %%


'. Why do you prefer this centerN Near to home 0atisfied with =eputed +> %> ( %& ? +%

8ym $nch lossEtummyC hips Aeat Therapy



M !tmosphere P


O 0ervice P


9n the a ove positionin" map the varia le ta1en in is service and is atmosphere. The map endorses the view that VLCC stands hi"h oth on H0erviceI and H!tmosphereI criteria.


+hat .e'ghs

"st "! )"$r


Hea&th a!* F't!ess Ce!ter
Va!*a!a L$thra0s C$r& a!* C$r1es

Submitted By: Name %< ! hishe1 0a.ena +< 8aurav -atra &< 0unny 6alhotra >< Nachi1eta 6ohapatra (< 0wati Chandra =oll No. B+4! %>4! &?4! +(4! >(4!

Submitted To: 6s. 6eena1shi 8upta D)aculty 6em er, 6ar1etin"<

T".ar*s #$&#'&& e!t "# P"st Gra*$ate D'(&" a '! B$s'!ess Ma!age e!t2





We are than1ful to the followin" persons for their 1ind co2operation and a le "uidance for helpin" us in our project successfully.  6rs. !nju 6ali1.  6rs. Vandana.  6rs. 6arina.  6s G1ta Country mana"er2mar1etin" VLCC Clinic Aead. Clinic 6ana"er. Dietitian , 7ersonal 7oint

)inally, we e.tend our sincere than1s to all those people who have "iven relevant $nformation as to the needs and wants of customers.


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