Hidden Life of Marilyn Monroe - Project MK ULTRA

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The Hidden Life of Marilyn Monroe, the Original
Hollywood Mind Control Slave (Part-I)
May 21st, 2013 !ategory: "eat#red, $igilant %eports &'( !omments
Marilyn Monroe is possibly the most iconic figure in American culture and the most
recognizable sex symbol of all times. However, behind Monroe’s photogenic smile was a
fragile individual who was exploited and subjected to mind control by powerful handlers.
he first part of this two!part series will loo" at the hidden life of Marilyn, a Hollywood
Monarch slave.
Marilyn Monroe is the #ltimate se) sym*ol, em*odying everything that +ollywood
represents: glamor, glitz and se)-appeal. +er iconic sens#al *londe persona forever
revol#tionized the movie ind#stry and, to this day, is greatly infl#ential in pop#lar c#lt#re.
,hile Marilyn represents everything that is glamoro#s a*o#t +ollywood, the dist#r*ing
story of her private life e-#ally represents everything that is dar. in +ollywood. Marilyn
was indeed manip#lated *y high level /mind doctors0 who controlled every aspect of her
life and ca#sed her to *asically lose her mind. +er death, at the yo#ng age of 31 is one of
the first /mysterio#s cele*rity deaths0 in pop#lar c#lt#re. ,hile many facts point to a
m#rder, it is still classified as a /pro*a*le s#icide0.
,hile many *iographers e)plain away Marilyn2s hardships with /psychological iss#es0,
piecing together facts a*o#t her life com*ined with .nowledge of the dar. side of
+ollywood reveals something a lot dar.er: Marilyn Monroe was one of the first cele*rities
s#*3ected to Monarch mind control, a *ranch of the !452s M6 7ltra program 8for more
information on the s#*3ect, read my article entitled 9rigins and :echni-#es of Monarch
Mind !ontrol;. :hro#gh tra#ma and psychological programming, Monroe a *ecame high
level p#ppet of the shadow elite, even *ecame <"62s =residential Model.
,hen Monroe2s programming lost its effect and she started to *rea. down, some arg#e that
she was /thrown off the freedom train0, an M6 7>:%5 term for designating slaves that are
.illed when they are not #sef#l 8and potentially dangero#s; to their handlers.
:he first part of this series of articles will loo. at the real life and career of Monroe, an
isolated girl whose great *ea#ty *ecame a tr#e c#rse.
Her Early Year
?orma <eane as a teenager
?orma <eane Mortenson had a diffic#lt and #nsta*le yo#th. @he never .new her father and
her mother was mentally #nsta*le and incapa*le of ta.ing care of her. 4n My #tory, Monroe
wrote that she recalled seeing her mother /screaming and la#ghing0 as she was forci*ly
ta.en to a @tate +ospital.
5t age 11, ?orma <eane was declared a ward of the state. @he lived in a total of 11 foster
homes thro#gho#t her yo#thA when there was no foster home availa*le, she sometimes
ended #p at the +ollygrove 9rphanage in >os 5ngeles. 5s if moving from one foster home
to another wasn2t diffic#lt eno#gh, ?orma <eane recalled *eing treated harshly in several of
them. Bven worse, she was a*#sed in at least three of them.
"or instance, at age 11, ?orma <eane was adopted *y her mother2s *est friend Crace
Mc6ee and her new h#s*and, Brvin @illiman /Doc0 Coddard. :here, /Doc0 repeatedly
se)#ally assa#lted her, which forced ?orma <eane to move o#t. 4n another case, when she
was in middle-school, ?orma <ean was sent to her great-a#nt2s ho#se in !ompton,
!alifornia. :here, one of her great-a#nt2s sons a*#sed her, forcing her, again, to move o#t.
+ere is another acco#nt of a*#se:
/@he told of *eing whipped *y one foster mother for having to#ched Ethe *ad part2 of her
*ody. 5nother more serio#s incident occ#rred when she was eight. 9ne evening a lodger
she called Mr. 6immel 8Marilyn said later that this was not his real name; as.ed her to
come into his room and loc.ed the door *ehind her. +e p#t his arms aro#nd her. @he .ic.ed
and str#ggled. +e did what he wanted, telling her to *e a good girl. 84n a later interview
Marilyn stated that the a*#se involved fondling;.
,hen he let her o#t, he handed her a coin and told her to *#y herself an ice cream. @he
threw the coin in his face and ran to tell her foster mother what happened, *#t the woman
wo#ldn2t listen.
E@hame on yo#,2 her foster mother said. EMr. 6immel2s my star *oarder.2
?orma <ean went to her room and cried all night.
Marilyn said she felt dirty and too. *aths days after it happened to feel clean. @#ch repeated
attempts to feel clean thro#gh showers or *aths are typical *ehavior for victims of assa#lt.
Marilyn said she *egan to st#tter after the incident and reverted to it at times of stress.
,hen she told one interviewer a*o#t the a*#se, she *egan st#ttering.
:he evidence points to the fact that she was an a*#sed child whose early se)#alization led
to her inappropriate *ehavior as an ad#lt.
- Daily Mail, /:he magic red sweater that t#rned E?orma <eane, string *ean2 into Marilyn
?orma <eane2s #nsta*le and sometimes tra#matic yo#th made her a perfect candidate for
Monarch mind control. Feing a ward of the state, she had no sta*le family.
/@ome children live in foster homes, or with adopted parents, or in orphanages, or with
careta.ers and g#ardians. Feca#se these children are at the mercy of the non-related ad#lts,
these types of children fre-#ently are sold to *ecome mind-controlled slaves of the
intelligence agencies.0
- "ritz @pringmeier, :he 4ll#minati "orm#la to !reate a Mind !ontrol @lave
?orma <eane2s *ac.gro#nd made her a prime target for Feta =rogramming 8also .nown as
6itten programming;. Feing an attractive and charismatic woman loo.ing to *e part of
show *#siness, she also had the perfect profile for it.
/Feta is the second Cree. letter, and it represents the se)#al models and alters that the
=rogrammers are creating. :he primitive part of the *rain is involved in this type of
programming. 5n early a*#se event will *e #sed to anchor this programming.0
- 4*id.
Conta!t with O!!"lt Hollywood
Fefore *ecoming famo#s, ?orma <eane went *y the name of Mona and wor.ed as a
stripper at a F#rles-#e ho#se in >os 5ngeles. :here, she came in contact with 5nton
>a$ey, the man who wo#ld later fo#nd the highly infl#ential !h#rch of @atan. 5ccording
to @pringmeier, >a$ey was an M6 handler and Monroe *ecame one of his /6itten0 slaves.
/Marilyn Monroe was an orphan, and d#ring her infancy the 4ll#minati/!45 programmed
her to *e a Monarch slave. Fefore *ecoming an actress, while she was still a stripper, she
spent time with the fo#nder of the !h#rch of @atan 5nton >a$ey. $ictims of >a$ey have
pointed him o#t as a mind-control programmer.0
- 4*id.
>a$ey2s *iography also mentions an /affair0 with Monroe, which was pro*a*ly more than
/,hen the carnival season ended, >a$ey wo#ld earn money *y playing organ in >os
5ngeles area *#rles-#e ho#ses, and he relates that it was d#ring this time period that he had
a *rief affair with a then-#n.nown Marilyn Monroe.0
- Mag#s =eter +. Cilmore, 5nton @zandor >a$ey: 5 Fiographical @.etch
5nton >a$ey visiting Monroe2s grave, 1G1H.
5ro#nd the same time period, >a$ey was involved with another actress, one that was
.nown for *eing the /wor.ing man2s Marilyn Monroe0: <ayne Mansfield. :he relationship
*etween the two was also descri*ed as an /affair0, *#t the reality was a lot dar.er.
/5nton >a$ey has *een the mind-control handler/programmer of a n#m*er of +ollywood
actors I actresses, incl#ding <ayne Mansfield and Marilyn Monroe, who *oth serviced him
as se)#al slaves0.
- 5nton @zandor >a$ey, ,hale.to
=ict#res of <ayne Mansfield with 5nton >a$ey
Marilyn Monroe and <ayne Mansfield had a lot in common. Foth were /*lond *om*shells0
8neither were nat#ral *londes; and are credited for /se)#alizing0 +ollywood. Foth were
=lay*oy playmates, *oth had an /affair0 with 5nton >a$ey and *oth had an /affair0 with
%o*ert ". 6ennedy and <ohn ". 6ennedy 8the /affair0 was act#ally them *eing =residential
Models;. "inally, *oth died in their 30s.
# Star Living Li$e an In%ate
5nother common point *etween Monroe and Mansfield is that they were *oth part of the
Fl#e Foo. Model 5gency. 4t is there that ?orma <ean metamorphosed into the iconic
Marilyn Monroe.
,hen ?orma <eane was recr#ited as a model, she had c#rly red hair. :his /girl ne)t door0
will soon get a +ollywood ma.eover and em*ody a new persona named Marilyn Monroe.
4nd#stry insiders convinced ?orma <eane to #ndergo aesthetic s#rgery, to change her name
to Marilyn Monroe and to change her hair color to platin#m *londe. Monroe2s sens#al,
/d#m* *lond0 persona allowed her to land roles in several movies which *egan a clear
c#lt#re shift in +ollywood.
4n the movie /Centlemen =refer Flondes0, Marilyn adorns her trademar. platin#m *londe
/+ollywood0 hairdo. 4n this movie, she plays the role of a sens#al yet materialistic woman
that is not afraid of #sing her charm to o*tain what she wants. :his type of character will *e
repeated time and time again in pop#lar c#lt#re.
?orma <eane #sed Marilyn Monroe as a stage name for several years, *#t in 1G&1, she
accomplished a strange *#t sym*olic move: @he legally changed her name to Marilyn
Monroe. :he change reflected many sad tr#ths a*o#t her personal life: 4n mind-control
terms, the changing of her name to Marilyn Monroe represents the s#ppression of her /core
persona0 in order to only allow her programmed alter persona to e)ist. Marilyn was only
what /they0 wanted her to *e.
5s several *iographies have revealed, Marilyn had little to no personal freedom. @he had no
contact with her family, and her handlers isolated her in order to f#rther control her and to
avoid /real0 people from helping her to realize that she was *eing manip#lated. :he only
people that she was in contact with were her /psychologists0 and her handlers.
/Marilyn2s e)istence was not of a rich person, *#t more li.e of an inmate. Marilyn was
allowed to have no personal life, o#tside of the dictates of the programmers and her
masters. :he programmers and #sers *ore down so hard on controlling Marilyn that they
repeatedly came close to driving her insane.0
- @pringmeier, 9p. !it.
Marilyn was also constantly #nder high s#rveillance. Jears after her death, an incredi*le
amo#nt of s#rveillance e-#ipment was fo#nd in one of her homes.
/4n 1GH2, actress $eronica +amel and her h#s*and *ecame the new owners of Marilyn2s
Frentwood home. :hey hired a contractor to replace the roof and remodel the ho#se, and
the contractor discovered a sophisticated eavesdropping and telephone tapping system that
covered every room in the ho#se. :he components were not commercially availa*le in
1G12, *#t were in the words of a retired <#stice Department official, /standard "F4 iss#e.0
:his discovery lent f#rther s#pport to claims of conspiracy theorists that Marilyn had *een
#nder s#rveillance *y the 6ennedys and the Mafia. :he new owners spent K100,000 to
remove the *#gging devices from the ho#se.0
- @o#rce: 4MDF
&nder the S'ell of Mind (o!tor
4n 1G&1, Marilyn converted to <#daism and married her third h#s*and, screenwriter 5rth#r
Miller. 5t this point, the only people in Monroe2s life were her h#s*and and her acting
teacher >ee @tras*erg and her psychiatrists Margaret +ohen*erg, Marianne 6ris and %alph
/Marilyn2s life was incredi*ly monotono#s for her. +er doctor2s appointments 84 later
learned these were appointments with psychiatrists; and her acting lessons were virt#ally all
she had to to loo. forward to.0
- >ena =epitone, Marilyn Monroe !onfidential: 5n 4ntimate 5cco#nt0
>ee @tras*erg, Monroe2s acting coach. 5ccording to Blia 6azan: /+e carried with him the
a#ra of a prophet, a magician, a witch doctor, a psychoanalyst and a feared father of a
<ewish home.0
:he #ltimate proof that these individ#als were the 9?>J people in Marilyn2s life is that
they inherited most of her fort#ne. >ee @tras*erg alone inherited H&L of her estate while
Dr. 6ris o*tained 2&L.
/Marilyn *egan associating with >ee and his wife =a#la @tras*erg from aro#nd 1G&&, very
-#ic.ly they *ecame a colossal infl#ence in Marilyn2s life, ta.ing over almost every aspect
of her very *eing.
Many of Marilyn2s friends and colleag#es watched this happen and felt very #ncomforta*le
a*o#t it *#t were powerless to do anything a*o#t it. ,hilst she was married to 5rth#r
Miller, Miller had *eg#n to voice these concerns to Marilyn.
D#ring the final year of her life there were signs that her faith in the @tras*ergs2 was
wea.ening and that she no longer wanted them to have the control. 4t has *een said that she
was in the process of dispensing with their services M this was seen as another indicator that
Marilyn was intending to change her ,ill.0
- >oving Marilyn, ,ho 9wns Marilyn2s :hingsN
5fter her death, Marilyn2s ,ill was contested d#e to her *eing #nder /#nd#e infl#ence0 of
her handlers.
/9n 2&
9cto*er 1G12, the >os 5ngeles :imes reported that Marilyn Monroe2s ,ill was
*eing contested *y her long time *#siness manager 4nez Melson. Miss Melson, who was
not a *eneficiary of the ,ill claimed that Marilyn was #nder #nd#e infl#ence of either >ee
@tras*erg or Dr Marianne 6ris at the time the ,ill was made.0
- 4*id.
5nother proof of the e)cessive control of /mind doctors0 on Marilyn2s life is the fact that
her psychiatrist %alph Creenson was the one who fo#nd Monroe dead. ,hy was he at her
ho#se late at nightN 5s we2ll see in the ne)t part of this series of articles, the circ#mstances
of her death are incredi*ly s#spicio#s.
4n short, as it is the case for most Monarch slaves, Marylin2s handlers were in charge of
every aspect of her life. !ontact with family mem*ers was totally for*idden.
/5ltho#gh Marilyn Monroe had family, her doctors, psychologists, and acting coaches
isolated her from them. 8O; Mem*ers of the +ogan family, who lived in the >os 5ngeles
area, had attempted to ma.e contact with Marilyn Monroe after she was famo#s, and their
efforts to connect with her were *loc.ed.0
- <ennifer <ean Miller, /,as =henergan Marilyn Monroe2s @ilent 6iller, and ,as @he a
$ictim of =sychological 5*#se, Medical Malpractice and ,rongf#l DeathN0
Disconnected from her family and with virt#ally no friends, Monroe was visiting therapists
almost daily. ,ere these visits act#ally programming sessionsN 9ne thing is for s#re, as the
visits a#gmented in fre-#ency, Monroe *ecame worse. 9ne partic#larly h#nting acco#nt is
the /@#rgeon @tory0, a te)t written *y Monroe herself.
The S"rgeon Story
:he @#rgeon @tory is a te)t written in poem form *y Monroe where she descri*es *eing c#t
open *y >ee @tras*erg and her psychiatrist Margaret +ohen*erg. ,hile some descri*e this
story as Marilyn2s recollection of a nightmare, other researchers claim that it is act#ally a
description of a mind control session.
Fest finest s#rgeonP@tras*erg
to c#t me open which 4 don2t mind since Dr. +
has prepared mePgiven me anaesthetic
and has also diagnosed the case and
agrees with what has to *e doneP
an operationPto *ring myself *ac. to
life and to c#re me of this terri*le dis-ease
whatever the hell it isP8O;
@tras*erg c#ts me open after Dr. + gives me
anesthesia and tries in a medical way to comfort me M
everything in the room is ,+4:B in fact 4 can2t even see anyone 3#st white o*3ects -
they c#t me open M @tras*erg with +ohen*erg2s ass.
and there is a*sol#tely nothing thereP
@tras*erg is
deeply disappointed *#t more evenP
academically amazed
that he had made s#ch a mista.e. +e
tho#ght there was going
to *e so m#chPmore than he had ever
dreamed possi*le O
instead there was a*sol#tely nothingP
devoid of
every h#man living feeling thingP
the only thing
that came o#t was so finely c#t sawd#stPli.e o#t of a raggedy ann dollPand the sawd#st
all over the floor I ta*le and Dr. + is
*eca#se s#ddenly she realizes that this is a
new type case. :he patient O e)isting
of complete emptiness
@tras*erg2s dreams I hopes for theater
are fallen.
Dr. +2s dreams and hopes for a permanent
psychiatric c#re
is given #pP5rth#r is disappointedP
let down.
4n this odd and dist#r*ing story, Monroe descri*es *eing dr#gged and c#t open *y her
psychiatrists. @he writes that she /didn2t mind the operation0 *eca#se she was /prepared0.
,as she dissociatingN :here is also mention of her seeing /only white0 which might refer
to sensory deprivation M a method #sed in M6 7ltra programming.
9nce c#t open, the doctors only fo#nd /finely c#t sawd#st0 inside of her /li.e o#t of a
raggedy ann doll0. :hese are the typical words of an M6 slave who have completely lost
to#ch with their tr#e core personality. Marilyn perceives herself as an /empty0 doll.
5ccording to <ason 6ennedy, a mem*er of Marilyn2s family, the @#rgeon2s @tory descri*es
Mind !ontrol techni-#es s#ch as sensory deprivation and the administration of dissociative
anesthetic dr#gs.
/9nline p#*lications have referred to the /@#rgeon @tory0 as a dream or nightmare. Bven a
m#sician, 5nnie !lar., was inspired to write a song with the lyrics, /Fest, finest
s#rgeon/!ome c#t me open0, *eca#se she *elieved Marilyn wrote the words d#e to her
reverence of >ee @tras*erg d#ring her st#dies with him.
<ason, on the other hand, li.ened it to a very real time in the life of Marilyn Monroe, and
her narrative of the e)perience, after *eing s#*3ect to mind-control techni-#es and dr#gs at
the hands of >ee @tras*erg and Dr. Margaret +ohen*erg, when she #nderwent private
sessions with the d#o in 1G&& to help release *loc.s in her acting techni-#es.
:heir methodology consisted of having Marilyn Monroe delve into painf#l childhood
memories, they told her, to ma.e her into a great actress.
5ccording to <ason2s research, the pair convinced Marilyn this was all a part of /helping0
her. +e said she was conf#sed from the start as she doc#mented the /@#rgeon @tory0
details, correcting her own details of the story from /p#pil0 or /st#dent0, to coining herself
the /patient0.
/4t was a mental operation,0 <ason said. /@he wasn2t physically c#t, *#t mentally c#t open.0
+e said it was #sed to *rea. her down and change her *ehavior.
/:his had nothing to do with acting,0 <ason contin#ed. /4t was p#re and simple e)tortion
#sing mind control techni-#es. 5lso, Emind-control dr#gs2 were only one aspect of the
process of mind-control. @ensory deprivation, dissociative anesthetic dr#gs, and psychic
driving are part of an overall process of mind-control.0
>ee @tras*erg often referred to himself as doctor, incl#ding in his 1G1& *oo., /@tras*erg 5t
:he 5ctor2s @t#dio: :ape %ecorded @essions0.
- 4*id.
,hether or not this story act#ally happened, it nevertheless conveys the inner-tho#ghts of a
mind control slave who is powerless against her handlers and their clinical attempts to
program and modify her. @adly, other tra#matic events ca#sed *y her handlers were all too
Tra"%ati)ed *y Her Handler
4n 1G11, Dr. 6ris convinced Marilyn to chec. in at =ayne ,ithney psychiatric ward. :he
events that ens#ed are shoc.ing considering the fact that Marilyn was a world-renowned
movie star M *#t not s#rprising considering the fact that she was a mind control slave.
+ere2s what happened at the psychiatric ward:
/6ris had driven Marilyn to the sprawling, white-*ric. ?ew Jor. +ospitalP,eill !ornell
Medical !enter, overloo.ing the Bast %iver at 1(th @treet. @wathed in a f#r coat and #sing
the name "aye Miller, she signed the papers to admit herself, *#t she -#ic.ly fo#nd she was
*eing escorted not to a place where she co#ld rest *#t to a padded room in a loc.ed
psychiatric ward. :he more she so**ed and *egged to *e let o#t, *anging on the steel doors,
the more the psychiatric staff *elieved she was indeed psychotic. @he was threatened with a
strait3ac.et, and her clothes and p#rse were ta.en from her. @he was given a forced *ath and
p#t into a hospital gown.
9n March 1 and 2, 1G11, Marilyn wrote an e)traordinary, si)-page letter to Dr. Creenson
vividly descri*ing her ordeal: /:here was no empathy at =ayne-,hitneyPit had a very *ad
effectPthey as.ed me after p#tting me in a Ecell2 84 mean cement *loc.s and all; for very
disturbed depressed patients 8e)cept 4 felt 4 was in some .ind of prison for a crime 4 hadn2t
committed. :he inh#manity there 4 fo#nd archaic O everything was #nder loc. and .ey O
the doors have windows so patients can *e visi*le all the time, also, the violence and
mar.ings still remain on the walls from former patients.;0
5 psychiatrist came in and gave her a physical e)am, /incl#ding e)amining the *reast for
l#mps.0 @he o*3ected, telling him that she2d had a complete physical less than a month
*efore, *#t that didn2t deter him.
,hen she ref#sed to cooperate with the staff, /two hefty men and two hefty women0
pic.ed her #p *y all fo#rs and carried her in the elevator to the seventh floor of the hospital.
8/4 m#st say that at least they had the decency to carry me face down.O 4 3#st wept -#ietly
all the way there,0 she wrote.;
@he was ordered to ta.e another *athPher second since arrivingPand then the head
administrator came in to -#estion her. /+e told me 4 was a very, very sic. girl and had *een
a very, very sic. girl for many years.0
Dr. 6ris, who had promised to see her the day after her confinement, failed to show #p, and
neither >ee @tras*erg nor his wife, =a#la, to whom she finally managed to write, co#ld get
her released, as they were not family.0
- Marilyn and +er Monsters, $anity "air
5nother less p#*licized aspect of Monroe2s life is her two failed pregnancies. ,hile most
*iographies state that she s#ffered miscarriages, some acco#nts hint that, in reality, the
miscarriages were provo.ed. =rovo.ing miscarriages is a common practice in M6 7ltra
and, reading Marilyn2s own words, it appears that her *a*y was ta.en away *y her
handlers. 4n =epitone2s *oo., Marilyn reportedly said a*o#t her pregnancy:
/Don2t ta.e my *a*y. @o they too. my *a*y from meO and 4 never saw it again.0
- =epitone, 9p. !it.
:he *oo. *asically states that Marilyn did not s#ffer a miscarriage. /:hey0 too. her *a*y
/5fter Marilyn had a healthy *a*y it was ta.en away from her and she was never allowed
to see it. 4t was very li.ely sacrificed. Marilyn was too afraid to as. what they were going
to do with it.0
- @pringmeier, 9p. !it.
5ccording to her *iographies, Marilyn lost *oth her *a*ies at =olyclinic +ospital, the place
where, according to @pringmeier, she was *eing programmed.
/:he operation too. place at =olyclinic +ospital where Marilyn had lost her *a*y the year
*eforeOMarilyn said: /Coing *ac. to that hospital2s a nightmareO =ainN ,hat EpainN0.
"or her, the only pain was in not having her own child0
- =epitone, 9p. !it.
/?otice she always goes *ac. to the =olyclinic +ospital. Monarch victims have had to
end#re vast amo#nts of horri*le tort#re. :hey learn to s#rvive *y disassociation. ,hen
Marilyn says /,hat is painN0 she is *eing acc#rate in reflecting her response to pain. @he
co#ld not have painM*eca#se she wo#ld disassociate it. !ertain alters are created to ta.e the
pain, and the other alters don2t have to e)perience it.0
- @pringmeier, 9p. !it.
In Con!l"ion
4n the first part of this series of articles, we loo.ed at the hidden life of Marilyn Monroe M
one that reveals the dar. side of +ollywood. Marilyn was not only thoro#ghly manip#lated
*y her handlers, *#t act#ally mistreated and tra#matized in order to /.eep her down0 and
reinforce programming. :he chilling facts mentioned a*ove originate from different
so#rces *#t, when they are p#t together, they paint a sad, yet crystal clear pict#re of the life
of a +ollywood M6 slave. :ra#ma, a*#se, isolation, mind control and constant s#rveillance
were part of Monroe2s daily life.
:his .ind of a*#se however ta.es a severe toll on the victims and, after a while, a total
*rea.down almost inevita*ly ens#es. 5t that point, M6 slaves are #s#ally /thrown off the
freedom train0. ,as this Marilyn2s #ltimate fateN
Click here to read Part II
Co%%ent (+,-)
@ort *y: Date %ating >ast 5ctivity
@emira $ %& wee"s ago
4 was waiting on this articleR :han. yo# so m#ch $C. 4t was e)actly what 4 e)pectedRR :;
H replies $ active ' wee"s ago
hhh $ %& wee"s ago
%ain*ow $ %& wee"s ago
i havenSt read the article yet, canSt wait to get me a c#p of tea and start reading. :han.s vc
Dee $ %& wee"s ago
:han. yo# so m#ch for writing and article on MM $!R 5s always yo#r wor. is thoro#gh.
Jo#Sre my hero :-;
?orman $ %& wee"s ago
DonSt *e yo#r perfect self aro#nd pathetic psychopaths.
@iren $ %& wee"s ago
4 recall reading acco#nts of her early childhood with her mother. @he wo#ld fre-#ently *e
dropped off at vario#s par.s, shopping centers etc. when her mother was #na*le to care for
her d#ring the day. 4 *elieve she was H-( years old. 7nimagina*ly tragicR >oo.ing forward
to the ne)t article and the mysterio#s circ#mstances s#rro#nding her death, which 4 have
never *elieved to *e at her own hand.
3 replies $ active %( wee"s ago
>ynnette ,el.e $ %& wee"s ago
B)cellent. >oo.ing forward to yo#r ne)t article concerning this.
:eam Cod $ %& wee"s ago
:hat is so sad. @he was a woman with talent and why co#ld that do this to herN
2 replies $ active %( wee"s ago
HHH-#een $ %& wee"s ago
@ad,4 do *elieve <"6 had something to do with her death.4 see why she was a hot
mess..may she finally *e resting in peace.
' replies $ active %( wee"s ago
<eanne $ %& wee"s ago
@o 7n*elieva*ly @ad- :8
%.4.=. Marilyn
5dam $ %& wee"s ago
9"": Did any*ody see the B#rovision contest last wee.N :here was a lot of sym*olism:
*#tterfly, one eye, one world government references
1 replies $ active %( wee"s ago
+arle-#in ?ameless $ %& wee"s ago
Feen waiting for this article. !o#ld yo# do one on Michael <ac.sonN
& replies $ active %( wee"s ago
Tee $ %& wee"s ago
4 had some idea..*#t this is deepR
1 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
s.egeeace $ %& wee"s ago
:hat poor woman. :-888 4 wish there had *een someone, anyone to give her some
compassion and mercy. ?ow, perhaps sheSs at rest with Cod.
1 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
#pgazer $ %& wee"s ago
i watched a doc#mentary a*o#t her for two years ago, i g#ess and
i saw a video of her on how she needed to ta.e some pill which was given *y her UdoctorsU
*eca#se she wo#ld forgot her script, it too. many action c#ts and she wo#ld get li.e totally
*lan. while sheSs acting, Uthey say she got a memory pro*lemU.
:r#th is she disassociated herself from her real self 3#st to sh#t down her odd e)periences in
life and what she had gone thro#gh from norma 3ean to marilyn monroe while the media
spec#lates etc. pl#s hollywood made her as the original se) sym*ol which some actresses
mimic in every generation.
& replies $ active %' wee"s ago
Daniella $ %& wee"s ago
<#st li.e FeyoncV... 4 donSt .now *#t thereSs similarities.
1G replies $ active %' wee"s ago
@andra $ %& wee"s ago
,ow, great articleR >otSs of things 4 hadnSt heard *efore. 5nd yes, 4 thin. this paints a very
good pict#re of the life of a hollywood M6 slave.
9*ed frm ?igeria $ %& wee"s ago
$C 7 are realy doin a great 3o* may Cod *less #.89FBD ?4CB%45.;
>ight I :r#th $ %& wee"s ago
$ery intrig#ing piece. 5ny one who dresses as her, isnt it a sign of mind control, se)
2 replies $ active %( wee"s ago
dcypher1 $ %& wee"s ago
+er life was s#ch a tragedy. 4tSs so sad it made me cry. 4 read in her wi.i her mom s#ffered
from a mental illness thatSs why she was ta.en from her mother. :hey pro*a*ly did the
same thing to her mother.
1 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
<im $ %& wee"s ago
Jarragimi yala $!R
<essica @. $ %& wee"s ago
,ow, after a long time waiting for an article a*o#t Marilyn, here it isR 5nd itSs amazing. 4
always .new she had a ro#gh time, *eing a se)-sym*ol, 4 .new she had to s#ffer to *ecome
the ideal model for her handlers and todaySs handlers aswell. 4tSs awf#l whatSs sheSs *een
thro#gh, and we see her little loo.ali.es every day now, in the media.
B)cellent article, $!, .eep it #pR
?ot Flind $ %& wee"s ago
@o sad. ,hat chance did she ever have of getting awayN
4 thin. she and others sho#ld *e referred to as M6 prisoners instead of slaves.
st# $ %& wee"s ago
4 remem*er reading that her home was f#ll of mirrors too. ,ay too many of them.
1 reply $ active %' wee"s ago
<ay $ %& wee"s ago
:hey did the same thing to 5nna ?icole...
3 replies $ active %( wee"s ago
%o*C. $ %& wee"s ago
B)cellent article, the *est one in a long time in my opinion.
5 co#ple of things, after having read *oo.s on *oth Monroe and @tras*erg, 4 wo#ld say
yo#r s#ggestion that @tras*erg was one of MarilynSs handlers is a *it far-fetched. :hereSs no
do#*t however, he was a h#ge part of her life and he definitely #sed and e)ploited her.
7nfort#nately, she was an e)tremely v#lnera*le woman with a psyche that was damaged to
no end. 5 very tragic life.
1H replies $ active %* wee"s ago
%osa $ %& wee"s ago
:han. yo#. 4Sve never #nderstood why anyone wo#ld admire Marylin Monroe. @he was
#sed, a*#sed,pro*a*ly depressed when she died, yet sheSs glorified. =oor woman, o*vio#sly
had many pro*lems, *#t everyone chooses to ignore them and foc#s on the glamo#r.
' replies $ active %( wee"s ago
c5*o#tMe $ %& wee"s ago
$ery #nfort#nate and very than.f#l for we*sites li.e $!. 5t least we are all learning the
1 reply $ active %& wee"s ago
dea $ %& wee"s ago
so sad, so tr#e, so ordinary #nder o#r very noses
5pres @.i $ %& wee"s ago
!anSt wait for =art 2R 4tSs *een said that her death was !45/"F4 ind#ced. @he got too close
to the 6ennedys and *ecame collateral damage. <"6 wanted to end $ietnam I Fo**y was
having tro#*le with the Mafia.
' replies $ active %( wee"s ago
!hilling $ %& wee"s ago
9ne of the most disc#ssed women in history. 5s a se) slave she was also passed ro#nd to
Marlon Frando, :ony !#rtis, =a#l ?ewman, J#l Frynner, "ran. @inatra, +oward +#ghes,
Dean Martin, =eter >awford, that *ig and *ad %o*ert ,agner among others. @he was also
married to <oe DiMaggio. ,hat a lifeR +er association with the 6ennedySs wasnSt *o#nd to
end well. 4 have read she had a lot of state secrets in her hands and Bdgar +oover wasnSt
comforta*le with how m#ch she .new. @he was -#ite an intelligent woman *#t had to play
that d#m* *londe personae to get on in life. =l#s, the *eta programming m#st have s.ewed
her *rains. @#ch s#ppression. =oor woman.
Meanwhile, that <ayne MansfieldSs death was gory to say the least.
' replies $ active %' wee"s ago
samantha $ %& wee"s ago
yooooh..haaaaai shame man....:8...i was almost in tears...poor woman....
2 replies $ active %( wee"s ago
s#rferca3#n $ %& wee"s ago
>ovely woman... s#ch a sad story. :han.s for filling in what 4 did not .now.
@he and 4 had a common *ond with miscarriages even tho#gh hers were more than li.ely
M5DB to happen.
9h 4 co#ld feel her painRR
Cod *less her as she is still my favorite actress.
deeezn#tzzz $ %& wee"s ago
http://www.yo#t#*e.com/watchNvW3'1s-23X#24 at (:32 her 1st h#s*and says Uonly family
she had were her dollsU
Cary $ %& wee"s ago
4t amazes me how many people donSt .now that her real name wasnSt Marilyn Monroe. 4n
fact, 4 didnSt even .now that.
2 replies $ active %& wee"s ago
Moni.a $ %& wee"s ago
4 remem*er reading her story years ago. :hey was tvst part: U :hey too. my *a*y from me
and 4 never saw him againU. 5nd my first tho#ght - sacrifiseR 5nd a lot of tears... :he
,9%@: destiny anyone co#ld have. @o frea.ing sad.
Jo# lived yo#r life li.e a dar. candle in the wind..
Moni.a $ %& wee"s ago
4 remem*er reading her story years ago. :here was that part: U :hey too. my *a*y from me
and 4 never saw him againU. 5nd my first tho#ght - sacrifiseR 5nd a lot of tears... :he
,9%@: destiny anyone co#ld have. @o frea.ing sad.
Jo# lived yo#r life li.e a dar. candle in the wind..
G replies $ active & wee"s ago
mic.1'0H $ %& wee"s ago
U:heir methodology consisted of having Marilyn Monroe delve into painf#l childhood
memories, they told her, to ma.e her into a great actress.U
4tSs a wonder she never said to them, U"or all this training to *e a Sgreat actressS, yo# wo#ld
thin. 4 wo#ld land a great role in a great movie.U
1 reply $ active %& wee"s ago
=avlovsYYYYY $ %& wee"s ago
:han. yo#A very good - filled in some gaps. ?orma <eane was also twinned with the SFlac.
DahliaS Bliza*eth @hort who was also in the Mafia Mo* cl#tches of +olly,ood. 4 read that
she and Marylin #sed to do YYYYo gigs and services as twins #ntil Bliza*eth @hort SsangS or
threatened to reveal secrets. 9ne of the most gr#esome messages to slaves in the right to
remain silent as the only right they have. :hereSs a very revealing video doc#mentary on
<ayne MansfieldSs last wee. on Barth, shot *y her handler/h#s*and in >ondon. @heSs clearly
#nder M6 programme. :hey love to do this, the last recording of a life destined for
10 replies $ active %' wee"s ago
=avlovsYYYYY $ %& wee"s ago
9h, 3#st wanted to add the deeper significance of ma.ing a slave a SstarS and promote them
to *e ad#lated *y millions. 4n this manner, the p#*lic or fans give energy to the systems
operators and programmers as a mar. of approval for their actions. 4n this manner, fans
*ecome as one with the perpe-:%54:9%@ and are made c#lpa*le of the crime8s;.
1 reply $ active %& wee"s ago
?o s#prises $ %& wee"s ago
$!...:han. yo# so very m#ch for yo#r contin#ing efforts to ed#cate the masses on this
insidio#s +ollywood scheme. +owever it does e)tend far *eyond the *o#ndaries of
+ollywood. 4 first discovered m#ch of this thro#gh a laws#it filed in B#rope in 1GH' 8as 4
recall; against some of these horrific #sers of M6...:r#ly it is >#cifierian in itSs
origins...and sadly, it to#ches some of the highest a#thorities in the world...
2 replies $ active %( wee"s ago
?ame $ %& wee"s ago
4 was waiting for this for a long timeR $! yo# did an incredi*le wor. on thisR
,hen 4 was a*o#t 12 years old 4 read an article in one of those thic. magazines. 4t was
a*o#t her life and her *eing manip#lated *y anyone literally. :here was also some photos of
her smiling and some rare photos of her *eing sad. 4 didnSt li.e her *efore. 5fter reading
that article 4 was so sad and all 4 wanted was to h#g her. :hat was very strange...
Cod *less her...
,illie $ %& wee"s ago
5wesome articleR Marilyn story reminds me <ean +arlow, and mainly, the story of =eg
Bntwistle, who .illed herself. +ereSs her s#icide note:
U4 am afraid 4 am a coward. 4 am sorry for everything. 4f 4 had done this a long time ago, it
wo#ld have saved a lot of pain. =.B.U
Flondes and hollywood actresses in all cases.
( replies $ active %( wee"s ago
Cet @erio#s $ %& wee"s ago
@ome of the comments here are ----- weird.
:his is *rief *io / synopsis of a life of a m#rder victim at the hands of satanistsR
4t so#nds odd and inappropriate to write how the article has *een anticipated and
that c#ps of tea are *eing prepared to have d#ring the reading of this article -
as if someone is sitting down to read some anticipated fiction new to the shelves
or some new episode of some tv miniseries.
,ished some of yo# wo#ld stop the odd fawning over $!s writing,
things are weird and *azaar eno#gh witho#t the strange comments.
11 replies $ active %( wee"s ago
Fre $ %& wee"s ago
DonSt .now if itSs 3#st me, *#t 4 see a strong resem*lance *etween Marilyn and Fritney.
:hey even loo. ali.e.
1 replies $ active %( wee"s ago
"ree :hin.er $ %& wee"s ago
5mazing articleR
Ms. 5dvent#re $ %& wee"s ago
@pea.ing of Marilyn, <"6, dr#gs, and nefario#s Uprofessionals,U this is a $B%J interesting
article from a few w.s ago.
4n 1G12, at the !arlyle +otel in ?ew Jor., a man /peeled off his clothing and *egan
prancing aro#nd his hotel s#ite.0 +is *odyg#ards were ca#tio#sly am#sed, #ntil the man
/left the s#ite and *egan roaming thro#gh the corridor of the !arlyle.0
:he man in -#estion was del#sional, paranoid and s#ffering a /psychotic *rea.0 from the
effects of an overdose of methamphetamine.
+e was also the president of the 7nited @tates.
:he reason for <ohn ". 6ennedy2s *izarre *ehavior was that, according to an e)plosive new
*oo., the president was P #n*e.nownst to him, at first P a meth addict.
:he man who s#pposedly made him so was Ma) <aco*son, a doctor who had invented a
secret vitamin form#la that gave people renewed energy and c#red their pain, and was
given the code name /Dr. "eelgood0 *y 6ennedy2s @ecret @ervice detail.....
H replies $ active %) wee"s ago
"reeyo#rmind $ %& wee"s ago
,ow this was great.. 4 read some of this *efore *#t i didnSt .now all of this a*o#t her. :his
is sooo sad. @o many people in the ind#stry and not in the ind#stry dress #p li.e her to this
day and donSt .now why they are have no cl#e a*o#t her programmings, etc and then yo#
have those that do who are 3#st repeating it li.e $igilant said. sad. so many people getting
manip#lated and tort#red its terri*le. 4 thin. of %ihanna, Fritney, Miley cyr#s, 5manda
Fynes, and so on.......
The Hidden Life of Marilyn Monroe, the Original
Hollywood Mind Control Slave (Part-II)
<#n &th, 2013 !ategory: "eat#red, $igilant %eports '1H !omments
2H1' 23& 310 G003
+n the second part of this two part series, we’ll loo" at the end of Marilyn Monroe’s career
and the circumstances around her death , all of which were typical for a victim of mind
control. -e will also examine her legacy in the shady M. /ltra underworld and how she
became a symbol for Monarch 0rogramming in Hollywood.
Note: It is recommended that you read the first part of the series first.
:he first part of this series of articles descri*ed the hidden side of Marilyn Monroe2s
childhood and her *eginnings in the entertainment ind#stry. ,hile Monroe pro3ected the
image of a glamoro#s se) sym*ol, the reality of her day-to-day life was pretty m#ch the
opposite: @he was controlled, a*#sed, e)ploited and even tra#matized *y vario#s handlers
while living in prison-li.e conditions. +er diffic#lt sit#ation slowly lead to a total mental
*rea.down and, when she apparently lost her #sef#lness to those controlling her, she lost
her life in very strange circ#mstances.
Monroe2s legacy lives on, however, and in some ways she is more relevant today than ever
in the entertainment ind#stry O *#t for the wrong reasons. :here are now a great n#m*er
of mind control slaves in +ollywood and those *ehind the scenes have made Marilyn
Monroe the #ltimate sym*ol of Feta =rogramming. :here are several Marilyn Monroes in
+ollywood, these days, all pro3ecting an attractive image while *eing s#*3ected to the same
control and hardship as Monroe was. 5nd all of them get associated with Monroe at one
time or another in their career. 4s it a coincidenceN 4f yo# read my series of articles
@ym*olic =ics of the Month, yo# pro*a*ly .now that the #se of Monroe2s image is often
repeated on a specific type of cele*rity O too often to *e simply a coincidence.
>et2s loo. at the end of Monroe2s career, the circ#mstances of her death and how her image
is e)ploited *y today2s 4ll#minati ind#stry.
Preidential Model
5t the height of her career, Marilyn got involved with the highest power fig#re in the
world: :he =resident of the 7nited @tates, <ohn ". 6ennedy. ,hile some historians classify
their relationship as an /affair0, researchers in Monarch mind control claim that she was
act#ally a presidential model M the highest /level0 of Feta =rogramming slaves who are
#sed to /service0 =residents.
4f tr#e, the e)istence of presidential models is -#ite a tro#*ling concept, one that proves the
power and the importance of Monarch Mind !ontrol in elite circles.
/=residential models0 were/are allegedly #sed *y *ig time entertainers and politicians as
playthingsA mind controlled p#ppets programmed to perform assorted acts at the *idding of
their manip#lative /handlers0. @#pposedly Marilyn Monroe was the first Monarch slave
who achieved /cele*rity0 stat#s. "or those #nfamiliar with the term /=residential model0,
42ll refer them to he 1ontrol of 1andy 2ones *y Donald Fain and >ong <ohn ?e*el. 5s the
story goes, >ong <ohn ?e*elMa ?ew Jor. radio personality in the &0Zs-H0ZsMdiscovered via
hypnosis that his wife, !andy <ones, was a victim of 3#st this sort of mind control pro3ect,
one of the many M6-7>:%5 mind slaves, programmed *y !45 /spychiatrists0 and #sed
*y high m#c.y m#c. dignitaries to perform their whims, among other assorted d#ties s#ch
as *eing #sed as dr#g m#les and message co#riers for this vast networ. of morally deficient
power *ro.ers. More has come to light in this regard in recent years *y way of similar
allegations dis*#rsed widely across the 4nternet, as well as s#ch highly controversial *oo.s
as rance 3ormation +n America *y Mar. =hillips and 6athy 92Frien, wherein Ms.
92Frien relates her own tro#*ling tales of M6-7>:%5 and Monarch a*#se. 0
- 5dam Corightly, /5n 4nterpretation of 6#*ric.2s Byes ,ide @h#t0
5ccording to mind-control researchers, Marilyn was the first /high profile0 presidential
model, a sit#ation that re-#ired her handlers to e)ercise e)treme control on what she said
and did in p#*lic.
/:hey stripped Marilyn of any contact with the o#tside world to ins#re that their mind
control wo#ld wor.. :hey were afraid that something might go wrong with the first
=residential slave that was allowed to *e highly visi*le to the p#*lic0
- "ritz @pringmeier, :he 4ll#minati "orm#la to !reate a Mind !ontrol @lave
Marilyn singing /+appy Firthday Mr. =resident0 to <"6 on May 1Gth 1G12. 4n this iconic
moment of 7.@. +istory, Monroe sings to the =resident in a s#ltry voice while wearing a
s.in-tight dress with nothing #nder it. ,hen one .nows the /hidden side of history0 this
event was act#ally a*o#t a Feta =rogramming slave singing to the =resident she is servicing
- for the whole world to see.
/+igh level0 Monarch slaves are often identified with gems and stones to identify their
stat#s. =residential models are reportedly identified with diamonds.
/"or *ona-fides I recognition signals, the Monarch slaves wear diamonds to signify they
are presidential models. 8O;
Bmeralds mean dr#gs, r#*ies mean prostit#tion, diamonds 8rhinestones; =residential Model
- 4*id.
4n the movie /Centlemen =refer Flondes0, Monroe famo#sly performs the song /Diamonds
are a Cirl2s Fest "riend0. ,as there a do#*le meaning to that songN
%elevant fact: :he dress worn *y Monroe while singing /+appy Firthday Mr. =resident0
contained more than 2&00 rhinestones. ,as it a way to identify her as a =residential
ModelN 9ne thing is for s#re, *ehind the smiles and the diamonds, things were e)tremely
so#r for Marilyn d#ring that time period. 4n fact, that =residential performance was act#ally
one of her last p#*lic appearances, as she was fo#nd dead less than three months later.
Slowly .rea$ing (own
:he last months of Marilyn2s life were characterized with erratic *ehavior, strange
anecdotes and several /intimate0 relationships with high-powered individ#als. 5s she was
increasingly showing signs of serio#s mental distress, she also had affairs with several men
8<"6, his *rother Fo**y 6ennedy, Marlon Frando, etc.; and according to a *iography
Marilyn Monroe4 My 5ittle #ecret *y :ony <erris, with some women as well.
5s a Feta @lave, she was also #sed *y ind#stry people. 4n <#ne DiMaggio2s *oo. Marilyn,
2oe and Me the a#thor descri*es how she was forced to service old men and that she had to
completely dissociate from reality 8an important aspect of M6 programming; to *e a*le to
go thro#gh the disg#sting acts.
/Marilyn co#ldn2t afford emotions when she had to sleep with wrin.led old men to s#rvive
in the *#siness. @he had to protect herself *y virt#ally t#rning them 8emotions; off d#ring
those times M as if she were playing a part in order to remove herself from the horror of the
sit#ation. ,hen these highly placed, high-priced mog#ls owned her *ody and so#l, she
co#ldn2t afford a life of her own. :here were times, she told me, when she came home
e)ha#sted from a day2s shoot and some powerf#l old geezer wo#ld telephone her and her
s.in wo#ld crawl. 5fter some of the horrors she wo#ld come over and stay in o#r shower
for an ho#r or more. @he wanted to wash away the terri*le e)perience she2d had to end#re0.
- <#ne DiMaggio, Marilyn, <oe and Me
4n the last months of her life, Marilyn was reportedly very diffic#lt to wor. with and her
*ehavior ca#sed o*servers to worry a*o#t her sit#ation. D#ring the shooting of her last
completed movie, he Misfits, Monroe had a /serio#s illness0 that was never disclosed *#t
was reportedly treated *y a O psychiatrist. 4n other words, mind control.
/Monroe was fre-#ently ill and #na*le to perform, and away from the infl#ence of Dr.
Creenson, she had res#med her cons#mption of sleeping pills and alcohol. 5 visitor to the
set, @#san @tras*erg, later descri*ed Monroe as /mortally in3#red in some way,0and in
5#g#st, Monroe was r#shed to >os 5ngeles where she was hospitalized for ten days.
?ewspapers reported that she had *een near death, altho#gh the nat#re of her illness was
not disclosed. >o#ella =arsons wrote in her newspaper col#mn that Monroe was /a very
sic. girl, m#ch sic.er than at first *elieved0, and disclosed that she was *eing treated *y a
- ,i.ipedia, /Marilyn Monroe0
4n 1G12, Marilyn *egan filming #omething’s 6ot to 6ive, *#t she was so ill and #nrelia*le
that she #ltimately got fired and s#ed *y the st#dio 20th !ent#ry "o) for half a million
dollars. :he movie2s prod#cer +enry ,einstein stated that Marilyn2s *ehavior d#ring the
filming was horrifying:
/$ery few people e)perience terror. ,e all e)perience an)iety, #nhappiness, heart*rea.s,
*#t that was sheer primal terror.0
- 5nthony @#mmers, /Coddess0
,einstein o*served that Marilyn2s was not having reg#lar /*ad days0 or mood swings. @he
was feeling /sheer primal terror0 M something that prod#cts of tra#ma-*ased Mind !ontrol
often end #p e)periencing.
The Lat Sitting
4n late <#ne 1G12, Marilyn modeled for a photoshoot with photographer Fert @tern for
$og#e magazine. @i) wee.s later, she was fo#nd dead. :here is something tro#*ling a*o#t
those images as they show a sens#al yet aging Monroe, dr#n. and with a eyes that
somewhat lost of their spar.. ,hether it was intentional or not, this photoshoot is sym*olic
for several reasons.
4n @tern2s *oo. he 5ast #itting, the photographer chose to incl#de pict#res that were
crossed o#t *y Marilyn *eca#se they were deemed #nsatisfactory. ?ow .nowing that she
wo#ld *e /crossed o#t0 a few wee.s later, pro*a*ly *eca#se she was deemed #nsatisfactory
*y her handlers, there is something prophetic a*o#t these images.
6nowing what wo#ld happen to her a few wee.s after this shoot, this red veil on her face
and these closed eyes can sym*olically portray Marilyn2s sacrifice *y the ind#stry.
:he photoshoot too. place at the Fel 5ir +otel and, reportedly, there was a lot of alcohol in
the air. 4t is also r#mored Marilyn and the photographer *ecame /intimate0 d#ring the
:his photoshoot, ta.en at the most diffic#lt time of her life M after a /miscarriage0, a
divorce, a forced trip to a psychiatric ward, and all .inds of a*#se, will also *e remem*ered
as her most revealing and intimate one. 5s Marilyn2s life got more diffic#lt, she also
*ecame increasingly sens#al M which is what Feta =rogramming slaves are programmed to
do. +owever, li.e other M6 slaves, she did not live past the age of '0.
Her (eath
Marilyn Monroe was fo#nd dead *y her psychiatrist %alph Creenson in her *edroom on
5#g#st &, 1G12. ,hile her death was classified as a /pro*a*le s#icide0 d#e to /ac#te
*ar*it#rate poisoning0, it is still one of the most de*ated conspiracy theories of all time.
:here are indeed a great n#m*er of facts pointing toward m#rder, yet the tr#th a*o#t her
death has never *een official ac.nowledged. @ince Marilyn2s demise, a great n#m*er of
other cele*rities have lost their lives in similar circ#mstances. :o those who are aware of
the dar. side of the entertainment ind#stry, the mod#s operandi of the occ#lt elite has
*ecome -#ite clear.
4n Marilyn2s case, the evidence is -#ite startling. 4n fact, so m#ch evidence has *een
destroyed that it is diffic#lt not to *elieve in a cover-#p. <ac. !lemmons, the first >5=D
officer who investigated the death scene, has gone on record to state that he *elieves that
she was m#rdered. Many other detectives have said the same, *#t no m#rder charges were
ever filed.
:hree people were present in Marilyn2s ho#se at the time of her death: +er ho#se.eeper
B#nice M#rray, her psychiatrist Dr. %alph Creenson, and her internist Dr. +yman
Bngel*erg. :he investigation aro#nd Marilyn2s death revealed that Dr. Creenson called the
police over an ho#r after Dr. Bngel*erg prono#nced her dead. :he *ehavior of the three
present at the scene was descri*ed as /erratic0. +ere are parts of the official timeline of
events of that fatef#l night.
• /0/12+ '3%3: <oe DiMaggio <r., son of *ase*all player <oe DiMaggio 8and
th#s Monroe2s former stepson; phones her a*o#t his *ro.en engagement to a
girl in @an Diego. DiMaggio <r. said when interviewed that Monroe so#nded
cheerf#l and #p*eat. 9n d#ty with the Marines in !alifornia, DiMaggio was
a*le to place the time of the call *eca#se he was watching the seventh inning
of a Faltimore 9rioles->os 5ngeles 5ngels game *eing played in Faltimore.
5ccording to the game2s records the seventh inning too. place *etween 10
and 10:1& p.m. Bastern Daylight :imeA th#s, Monroe received the call
aro#nd H p.m. !alifornia time.
• /1450/1,+ '3%3: =eter >awford 8=resident 6ennedy2s *rother-in-law;
telephones Monroe to invite her to dinner at his ho#se, an invitation she had
declined earlier that day. 5ccording to >awford, Monroe2s speech was
sl#rred and was *ecoming increasingly indeciphera*le. 5fter telling him
good*ye the conversation a*r#ptly ends. >awford tries to call her *ac.
again, *#t receives a *#sy signal. :elephone records show that this is the last
phone call Monroe2s main line received that night.
• - '3%3: >awford telephones B#nice M#rray, who is spending the night in
Monroe2s g#est ho#se, on a different line as.ing if the maid wo#ld chec. in
on her. 5fter a few seconds, M#rray ret#rns to the phone telling >awford
that she is fine. 7nconvinced, >awford will try all night long to get in to#ch
with Monroe. >awford telephones his friend and lawyer Milton 5. /Mic.ey0
%#din, *#t is advised to .eep away from Monroe2s ho#se to avoid any
p#*lic em*arrassment that co#ld res#lt from Monroe possi*ly *eing #nder
the infl#ence.
• 25 '3%3: +o#se.eeper B#nice M#rray wal.s past Monroe2s *edroom door
and later testifies that she saw a light on #nder the door, *#t decided not to
dist#r* Monroe.
• 4155 a3%3: B#nice M#rray calls Marilyn2s personal psychiatrist, Dr.
Creenson, on the second telephone line, she cannot wa.e Monroe. @he is
s#re something is very wrong after pee.ing into her *arred *edroom
• 41,5 a3%3: Dr. Creenson arrives and tries to *rea. open the door *#t fails.
+e loo.s thro#gh the "rench windows o#tside and sees Monroe lying on the
*ed holding the telephone and apparently dead. +e *rea.s the glass to open
the loc.ed door and chec.s her. +e calls Dr. +yman Bngel*erg. :here is
some spec#lation that an am*#lance might have *een s#mmoned to
Monroe2s ho#se at this point and was later dismissed
• ,145 a3%3: =olice are called and arrive shortly after. :he two doctors and
M#rray are -#estioned and indicate a time of death of aro#nd 12:30 a.m.
=olice note the room is e)tremely tidy and the *ed appears to have fresh
linen on it. :hey claim M#rray was washing sheets when they arrived.
=olice note that the *edside ta*le has several pill *ottles, *#t the room
contains no means to wash pills down as there is no glass and the water is
t#rned off. Monroe was .nown to gag on pills even when drin.ing to wash
them down. >ater a glass is fo#nd lying on the floor *y the *ed, *#t police
claim it was not there when the room was searched.
• +1,5 a3%3: 7nderta.er C#y +oc.ett arrives and notes that the state of rigor
mortis indicates a time of death *etween G:30 and 11:30 p.m. :he time is
later altered to match the witness statements.
• 6 a3%3: M#rray changes her story and now says she went *ac. to *ed at
midnight and only called Dr. Creenson when she awo.e at 3 a.m. and
noticed the light still on. Foth doctors also change their stories and now
claim Monroe died aro#nd 3:&0 a.m. =olice note M#rray appears -#ite
evasive and e)tremely vag#e and she wo#ld event#ally change her story
several times. Despite *eing a .ey witness, M#rray travels to B#rope and is
not -#estioned again.
- ,i.ipedia, /Death of Marilyn Monroe0
:o s#m #p some strange events that happened that night: :he police were called more than
an ho#r after Monroe was fo#nd deadA the room was cleaned #p *y the maid and linen were
changed 5":B% she was fo#nd deadA there were m#ltiple pill *ottles in her room, *#t no
waterA a glass was later fo#nd on the floor, *#t was not there when the room was first
searchedA the time of death given *y the witnesses changed several times. "inally, prime
witness 8and a possi*le s#spect;, B#nice M#rray leaves the co#ntry and is never -#estioned
=ill *ottles fo#nd ne)t to Monroe2s *ody.
!irc#mstances s#rro#nding Monroe2s a#topsy are also e)tremely s#spicio#s, as the
concl#sion of the most important reports clearly show that swallowing pills was not the
ca#se of her death. "#rthermore, there appears to *e a clear effort to s#ppress all evidence
that might lead to the tr#e ca#se of Monroe2s death.
/:he pathologist, Dr. :homas ?og#chi, co#ld find no trace of caps#les, powder or the
typical discoloration ca#sed *y ?em*#tal in Monroe2s stomach or intestines, indicating that
the dr#gs that .illed her had not *een swallowed. 4f Monroe had ta.en them over a period
of time 8which might acco#nt for the lac. of resid#e;, she wo#ld have died *efore ingesting
the amo#nt fo#nd in her *loodstream. Monroe was fo#nd lying face down. :here was also
evidence of cyanosis, an indication that death had *een very -#ic.. ?og#chi as.ed the
to)icologist for e)aminations of the *lood, liver, .idneys, stomach, #rine and intestines,
which wo#ld have revealed e)actly how the dr#gs got into Monroe2s system. +owever, the
to)icologist, after e)amining the *lood, did not *elieve he needed to chec. other organs, so
many of the organs were destroyed witho#t *eing e)amined. ?og#chi later as.ed for the
samples, *#t the medical photographs, the slides of those organs that were e)amined and
the e)amination form showing *r#ises on the *ody had disappeared, ma.ing it impossi*le
to investigate the ca#se of death.
:he to)icology report shows high levels of ?em*#tal 83(M11 caps#les; and chloral hydrate
81'M23 ta*lets; in Monroe2s *lood. :he level fo#nd was eno#gh to .ill more than 10
people. 5n e)amination of the *ody r#led o#t intraveno#s in3ection as the so#rce of the
dr#gs. !oroner Dr. :heodore !#rphey oversaw the f#ll a#topsy. 5part from the ca#se of
death as listed on the death certificate, the res#lts were never made p#*lic and no record of
the findings was .ept.0
- 4*id.
4n 1G(&, Fritish 3o#rnalist 5nthony @#mmers investigated the circ#mstances s#rro#nding
Monroe2s death. +e managed to o*tain an interview with the maid B#nice M#rray for a
FF! report. @he inadvertently admitted some damning facts.
/"or the FF! program B#nice M#rray initially repeated the same story she had told %o*ert
@latzer in 1GH3 and the police in 1G12. @he apparently noticed the camera crew starting to
pac. #p and then said, /,hy, at my age, do 4 still have to cover this thingN0 7n.nown to
her, the microphone was still on. M#rray went on to admit that Monroe had .nown the
6ennedys. @he vol#nteered that on the night of the actress2 death, /,hen the doctor
arrived, she was not dead.0 M#rray died in 1GG' witho#t revealing f#rther details.0
- 4*id.
Despite all of these facts, the tr#th a*o#t Marilyn2s death is still not o#t in the open. 5s is
the case for many other cele*rity deaths, there is an a#ra of mystery s#rro#nding it and a
whole lot of answered -#estions. 4n other words, it fits the profile of a typical occ#lt elite
assassination that has the power to .eep law enforcement from revealing the tr#th.
@ome researchers have attempted to pin-point who instigated the m#rder. @ome cite the
6ennedys, the !45, her psychologists or other individ#als. 4t is perhaps wiser to ta.e a step
*ac. and to loo. at the wider pict#re: Most of the people aro#nd Monroe were part of the
same system. 4t was not a single person who decided to .ill her, she was a M6 slave who
was /thrown off the freedom train0. >i.e many others after her, she was a cele*rity who
was e)ploited when she was #sef#l and eliminated when her programming started to *rea.
/:he deeper meaning here is that all Monarch slaves are e)penda*le if they cross the line,
and many of these victims reportedly have *een /discarded0 in 3#st s#ch a manner after
they *ecome a certain age and are no longer desira*le as prostit#te/slaves, or if they in
someway *rea. free of their programming and are considered a /ris.0.0
- 9p. !it. Corightly.
Sy%*ol of .eta Progra%%ing in Today7 Entertain%ent
,hile Marilyn Monroe -#ic.ly *ecame a larger-than-life icon representing all that is hot
and glamoro#s in +ollywood, she also *ecame, in the shady world of M6-7ltra, a sym*ol
of Feta =rogramming in +ollywood. :oday, more than ever, many yo#ng starlets raised in
the entertainment ind#stry follow in Marilyn2s footsteps M as if it was all planned o#t for
them. Manip#lated *y handlers, they are lead to fame and fort#ne, *#t also go thro#gh
tra#ma-*ased mind control, a*#se, e)ploitation, *rea. downs and, sometimes, early death.
4n all cases, these cele*rities are made to em*ody Marilyn Monroe at one stage of their
career, as if it was a sic. re-#irement *y the M6 p#ppeteers, who ma.e it a point to
identify their slaves to the cl#eless masses. +ow many videos or photoshoots feat#ring
ma3or stars are said to /channel0 Marilyn MonroeN :oo many to *e a coincidence. 4n some
cases, the resem*lance is not only aesthetic. +ere are some e)amples.
.ritney S'ear
9ne of the most o*vio#s cases of mind control in today2s entertainment ind#stry is Fritney
@pears. "rom her childhood as a Mo#se.eteer to her ad#lthood living #nder the
conservatorship of her father and fiancVe 8a.a her handlers;, Fritney has always *een
closely monitored *y powerf#l fig#res. >i.e so many other slaves, she has gone thro#gh
*rea.downs, s#*stance a*#se, and is often descri*ed as a /dr#gged zom*ie0 *y those
closest to her.
Fritney /channels0 Marilyn Monroe, complete with a platin#m *londe loo.. +er hands are
*o#nd which can represent her state in the entertainment ind#stry.

4n this stage performance, Fritney recreates the iconic flowing dress Monroe moment.
Fritney is reportedly /o*sessed0 with Monroe. 5ccording to ,onderwall, Fritney demands
that a collection of Marilyn Monroe D$Ds *e on-hand in all her hotel rooms. @he also
visits Marilyn2s grave reg#larly and wants to *e *#ried in the same cemetery. 5re Feta
slaves programmed to ad#late MarilynN
#nna-8i!ole S%ith
5nna-?icole @mith2s life was very similar to Monroe2s, right down to the tragic end.
"amo#s for her c#rves and her /d#m* *londe0 persona pop#larized *y Monroe, her life in
the spotlight was typical of a Feta slave. 4n the final years of her life, she was in a
relationship with her attorney +oward 6. @tern M who acted more as a M6 handler than a
h#s*and. 4n this video 8that 4 originally posted in the article ,hen 4nsiders B)pose the 7gly
@ide of the Bntertainment 4nd#stry;, we see 5nna-?icole demonstrating odd *ehavior O
-#ite possi*le a programmed alter-personality switched on. :he sad scene is filmed *y
@tern who appears to have triggered the episode.
5nna-?icole also had to live thro#gh some incredi*ly tra#matic events. "or instance, in
2001, right after giving *irth to her da#ghter, her 20 year-old son came to visit her O and
mysterio#sly died right in her hospital room. :he ca#se of his death was never clear *#t, as
#s#al, the reason given *y mass media is /dr#gs0. ,as this a sacrifice *y the occ#lt elite to
tra#matize 5nna-?icole @mith the Feta slaveN 9ne thing is for s#re, the event completely
changed for the rest of her life. 8?ote that Monroe lost two #n*orn *a*ies and claims they
were /ta.en from her0 *y #nidentified people;.
>ess than three wee.s after the death of her son, 5nna-?icole /committed0 to handler
+oward. 6. @tern in an #nofficial ceremony. "ive months later, @mith was fo#nd dead in a
hotel room in "lorida. @he lost her life at age 3G d#e to a /com*ination of dr#gs0. 4n short,
@mith2s resem*lance to Monroe was not only physical, she was programmed to relive
Monroe2s life.
5nna-?icole @mith in a recreation of Monroe2s movie /Centlemen =refer Flondes0.
9ne of the n#mero#s occasions @mith was made to loo. e)actly li.e Monroe.
Other .eta Progra%%ing Cele*ritie a Monroe
+ere are other personalities with Feta personas that are associated with Marilyn Monroe:
>indsay >ohan recreated he 5ast #itting photoshoot with the same photographer, Fert
>i.e Monroe, >ohan is an ind#stry sym*ol whose fre-#ent trips to reha*ilitation centers
8a...a. reprogramming centers; and erratic *ehavior are reminiscent of Monroe2s
Megan "o) poses with a *oo. on Marilyn Monroe while showing off her Monroe tattoo.
@ince then "o) has however removed that tattoo. @he stated in an interview: /42m removing
it. 4t is a negative character, as she s#ffered from personality disorders and was *ipolar. 4 do
not want to attract this .ind of negative energy in my life.0 Did she learn the tr#th a*o#t
Monroe and what she represents in the M6 7ltra entertainment ind#stryN
6aty =erry is definitely #sed to p#sh the 4ll#minati 5genda M incl#ding Feta =rogramming
sym*olism. +ere she is posing as Monroe with a Masonic chec.er*oard pattern in the
5s stated in previo#s articles, !o#rtney @todden has all of the *earings of a Feta slave. @he
married her handler when she was 11 and he was &1. +er online videos are all a*o#t *eing
a Feta 6itten and displaying m#ltiple personalities.

?ic.i Mina3 often imitates the Marilyn Monroe loo..
4n her video /?ational 5nthem0, >ana del %ey recreated the Monroe2s /+appy Firthday
Mr. =resident0. :he imagery in many of her videos all#de to Feta =rogramming.
>ana Del %ey standing in front of an image of Marilyn Monroe.
,hile it is normal for cele*rities to *e inspired *y an iconic star s#ch as Marilyn Monroe,
her image is systematically #sed on stars p#shing the 4ll#minati 5genda. >i.e other
sym*ols descri*ed on this site, the sym*ol of Monroe is #sed to represent the presence of
Feta programming in pop#lar c#lt#re.
In Con!l"ion
4n this two-part series of articles, we loo.ed at Marilyn Monroe2s yo#th, career, death and
legacy. 4n all of these stages, Monroe2s life was imprinted with tra#ma, a*#se and mind
control. 5s a victim of Feta =rogramming, when she was not wor.ing on a pro3ect, she was
literally passed aro#nd for her 0 intimate services0. :owards the end of her life, Marilyn
was <"62s =residential Model, a sit#ation that co#ld have *een e)plosive if revealed to the
p#*lic. Foth of them wo#ld die shortly afterwards in circ#mstances that remain e)tremely
shady and s#spicio#s.
Bven after Monroe2s death, her image contin#es to *e #sed ad-na#seam to identify those
who are following in her footsteps *y the same system that controlled her entire life. ,hy
do the most iconic fig#res in o#r pop c#lt#re often end #p living tragic livesN 4s it *eca#se
there is something terri*ly wrong in the entertainment ind#stryN 42ll let Marilyn Monroe
s#m #p the sit#ation.
/+ollywood is a place where they pay yo# &0,000 dollars for a .iss and &0 cents for yo#r
- Marilyn Monroe
2H1' 23& 310 G003
@ponsored "rom 5ro#nd the ,e*:
+ow to B)ercise Jo#r Frain to Ma.e 4t @trong
:ric.s !ar 4ns#rance 5gents DonSt ,ant Jo# to 6now
:hese & @igns ,arn Jo# :hat !ancer 4s @tarting 4nside Jo#r Fody
+ow !r#ise @hips "ill :heir 7nsold !a*ins
5 ?ew @ol#tion :hat @tops @noring and >ets Jo# @leep
9elated #rti!le1
:he +idden >ife of Marilyn Monroe, the 9riginal +ollywood Mind
!ontrol @lave 8=art-4; Monster +igh: 5 Doll >ine 4ntrod#cing
!hildren to the 4ll#minati 5genda Megan "o) %emoves Marilyn
Monroe :attoo, !laims it Frings U?egative BnergyU U:he !a*in in
the ,oodsU: 5 Movie !ele*rating the BliteSs %it#al @acrifices 6aty
=errySs 4ll#minati, M6-7ltra !ommercial
Tag1 marilyn monroe
Co%%ent (,6/)
@ort *y: Date %ating >ast 5ctivity
Dragon*orn $ %) wee"s ago
<#st a great article i love itR
1 reply $ active %7 wee"s ago
Mario $ %) wee"s ago
@o sad.
1 reply $ active %) wee"s ago
Bric $ %) wee"s ago
,ow 4Sm definitely sharing this, people wonSt listen of co#rse, *#t at least itSll get them
thin.ing 8hopef#lly;R
1 reply $ active %) wee"s ago
northgermany $ %) wee"s ago
great article vc, hollywood is sic. satanic ind#stryR
1 reply $ active %) wee"s ago
+eavenforth#gs $ %) wee"s ago
Cood wor. as #s#al $! .
6eep it real
so*112 $ %) wee"s ago
,ell done article. :his woman was and is an icon in +ollywood. 4tSs sad that o#r world
loo. #p to s#ch lifestyles and images.
'20.illa $ %) wee"s ago
"orgot the >ohan play*oy spread, she loo.ed B\5!:>J li.e monroe.
10 replies $ active %* wee"s ago
>a#ra $ %) wee"s ago
=oor so#l ...
1 reply $ active %) wee"s ago
(((leo $ %) wee"s ago
7gh that 5nna ?icole footage angers meRwhat a so*,she was clearly dr#gged and
pregnant..so sad %4= 5nna and Marilyn may yo#r so#ls *e at peaceR
3 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
?ephew >iam $ %) wee"s ago
@he was literally passed aro#nd in death too: 4Sve heard from a relia*le so#rce that in the
morg#e her *ody was a*#sed in necrophiliac rit#als *y many men
' replies $ active %) wee"s ago
:a3 $ %) wee"s ago
@o is Feyonce a Upresidential modelUN @he is associated with the president a lot.
1G replies $ active % wee" ago
<ay !ool $ %) wee"s ago
4 find it fascinating that Feyonce is following almost the e)act same trac.. +er stat#s,
affiliation with the president, her image of lightened s.in and *londe hair, and the overt
se)#alization of her image in recent years. 4 fear she will one day s#ffer the same fate.
"antastic article
21 replies $ active % wee" ago
:?: $ %) wee"s ago
,ow. :his is a =9,B%"7> post. :han.s for this. 4 have passed it aro#nd...
?ycholle $ %) wee"s ago
FravoR ,onderf#l 5rticleRRRR :hee *est article th#s farRRRR 4 am convinced that ,hitney
+o#ston was .ic.ed off the freedom train and .illed *eca#se she co#ld not perform or sing
the way she #sed too. =oor Marilyn...4 3#st feel awf#l a*o#t what they did to her. :his
sho#ld *e a lesson to the #p anc coming starlets. ?o one is e)empt.
& replies $ active %) wee"s ago
%.Crat $ %) wee"s ago
"ascinating and so sad at the same time. :he a#to*io 4 read on her was really to#gh to get
thro#gh *#t 4 highly recommend it.
B)cellent as always $! - can 4 *#y yo# a *eer sometimeN
:a.e care
deeezn#tzzz $ %) wee"s ago
do a <ayne Mansfield article plz
3 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
sammy $ %) wee"s ago
yo# .now whats so sadN that marilyn was denied happiness in order to *ecome the #ltimate
se) sym*ol. i mean she wasnt allowed to have .ids even tho#gh she wanted them and
co#ldnt get married so that she was always availa*le as the presidential se) slave. same
with the cele*s now, especially the females.
1 reply $ active %) wee"s ago
?i*ir#is?ow $ %) wee"s ago
,hile this was an e)cellent article covering a story that has *een e)posed many many
times....4 thin. it missed MarylynSs FBD%99M in her ho#se on the night of her m#rder.
=ict#res of her *edroom are st#nningly dist#r*ing. "or who was a living 4con that 3#st sang
for the =resident ] her living conditions :9:5>>J e)plicate this article.......*are walls ,
ch#c.ed a*o#t clothing and hand*ags 3#st o#t of their pac.aging.....almost slovenly ..... 4
donSt thin. there was even a *ed frame ] 3#st a mattress on a a *ase.
,he one considers the >7\7%497@ lives of <oan !rawford or Bliza*eth :aylor ] in
partic#lar their +9MB@ and decor I collections of 3ewels I f#rSs I f#rnit#re I
art......what .ind of life was Marylyn living when compare to her own peers.....:he image
of her *edroom is the ha#nting smo.ing g#n of anyone who dis*eliefs the e)istence of
Monarch or M.7ltra.
' replies $ active %) wee"s ago
4mani $ %) wee"s ago
=lease, do one on Michael <ac.son. 4 see so many parallels in MarilynSs story and his.
3 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
4sra(& $ %) wee"s ago
>ady Caga also acts li.e Marilyn Monroe sometimes. ,hen 4 watched >ady CagaSs video
Fad %omance, her style was very li.e Marilyn.
2 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
Do it $ %) wee"s ago
Do a post on the song %adioactive *y imagine dragons
3 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
@traw*erry Jog#rt $ %) wee"s ago
4 forgot to mention in my other post that Michael <ac.son is a victim of M6 Feta. 5 se)
sym*ol for men and women. %emem*er that dance he did gra**ing his dic.. :hat dance
had send men and women in a se)#al frenzy. 5lso, he too was close to two =residents. Fill
!linton and =resident %eagan. :hese are some sic. perverts.
5nisha $ %) wee"s ago
5lso, yo# mention emeralds on presidential models *eing 5 sign of dr#gs. Feyonce had on
emeralds at 9*amas ina#g#ration ceremony. @he is highly lin.ed with the president and the
*londe hair too. "ishy....
& replies $ active %8 wee"s ago
>a#ra $ %) wee"s ago
Coogle F#sh family tree and yo# will see that MM and CF are co#sins. =roof that yo#
donSt *ecome rich and famo#s #nless yo# are *orn into a satanic *loodline.
& replies $ active %) wee"s ago
"ooled5gain $ %) wee"s ago
!ele*rities wear %#*ies and Bmeralds and Diamonds all the time, how wo#ld anyone .now
which were *eing controlled and which werenStN @ophia $egara had on a million dollars
worth 3#st the other day.
2 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
<enny $ %) wee"s ago
yo# g#ys sho#ld do an article a*o#t that video UdonSt h#g me, 4Sm scaredU oh and cool
article *y the wayR
iammarilyn $ %) wee"s ago
,hat a *ea#tif#l woman who had the life drained from her *y greedy, evil, hatef#l men.
@he was tr#ly a fighter, and 4 see her in Fritney today. 4 3#st donSt #nderstand how this evil
can go on. May she finally find peace, and may these +ollywood pigs 3#st let her rest.
1 reply $ active %* wee"s ago
@yr#s $ %) wee"s ago
DonSt worry a*o#t whether we can destroy the 4ll#minatiA 3#st allow the a#thentic feelings
in yo#r heart to crystallize and, when the opport#nity presents itself, ?at#re will do what it
does *est. DonSt allow any complicated =sy9ps to ma.e yo# feel powerless. ,e are
incredi*ly powerf#l *eingsR >ots of people have already wo.en #p.
>etSs see them try to .ill #s 5>> off *efore 3#stice can *e met.
11 replies $ active %* wee"s ago
Der Die Das $ %) wee"s ago
/+ollywood is a place where they pay yo# &0,000 dollars for a 6iss and &0 cents for yo#r
- Marilyn Monroe
,ow, thatSs so !razy. 4 read this -#ote and 4 was c#rio#s who said that. 5?D, ,9,, it
was Marilyn Monroe itself. @he has already recognized it. Mad.
1 reply $ active %) wee"s ago
+oward $ %) wee"s ago
"inally hereR :han) for all yo#r hard wor. $!R
5t some point MMSs story reminds me a lot on how Michael <ac.son died... doctor aro#nd
at the time I all...
3 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
3agon2012 $ %) wee"s ago
M< da#ghter try to commit s#icide...poor girl...she now will *e in U%eha*UN
& replies $ active %) wee"s ago
3agon2012 $ %) wee"s ago
My -#estion is a*o#t Madonna. @he #ses MM image many times. F#t she doesnSt loo. li.e
a M6 7ltra victim. @he is so strong and smart. 4 conf#sed a*o#t her.
& replies $ active %) wee"s ago
>aila $ %) wee"s ago
:his article ma.es me thin. of Bliza*eth :aylor and her UdiamondsU.
2 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
!allie $ %) wee"s ago
hmmm 4 f#lly #nderstand why MM has *een so pop#lar over a lengthy period of time. Jes
she was a very pretty woman, yo# canSt deny it, on the other hand not that #ni-#e to *e
*om*arded with her images and legacy for 10 years. :hatSs plain *rainwashing of the
pop#lace. 4Sve seen 2-3 of her movies over the years and 4 gen#inely never warmed #p to
her. +er roles were always similar, *esides 4 fo#nd her 9::, over-se)#alised. 4Sve always
*een more fascinated *y 4ngrid Fergman, %omy @chneider, F Fardot, % %edford and C
!hris $ %) wee"s ago
@o my ne)t step was to Coogle U:aylor @wift Marilyn MonroeU and loo.ed at the images.
,hy am 4 not s#rprised to see :aylor @wift is wearing a very similar s.irt to the one
Marilyn Monroe wore in that famo#s s#*way scene, and have it *lown #p tooN Jo#Sre not
fooling anyone Disney/"o), yo# perverts.
1 reply $ active %) wee"s ago
!hristinne $ %) wee"s ago
!o#ntless actresses and topmodels posed as MM or played her too: ?icole 6idman,
!harlize :heron, Michelle ,illiams, @carlett <ohansson, =aris +ilton, @ophie Mon.,
Melody 5nderson, <essica @impson, Mira @orvino, >ara Fingle, 4sla "isher, :iffany
=ollard, 6ate Moss, =enelope !r#z, Madonna of co#rse, Mariah !arey, >inda Bvangelista,
even ?aomi !amp*ell or Cong >i. Bn#ff to search on the internet.... :heres one Marilyn
impersonator, called, ironically @#zie 6B??BDJ.... B)actly.... 5nother detail very
important: the presence of <ews in her life/aro#nd her. @tern, the photographer, was a 3ew,
Creenson, another <ew, Bngel*erg another, Fr#no Fernard, famo#s for his MM pin#s,
another <ew, <ohnny +yde, etc. not to mention those <ews in powerf#l positions she was
#sed *y.... Draw #r own concl#sions
1( replies $ active %* wee"s ago
:rippy $ %) wee"s ago
Man this some trippy shit.
4 still firmly *elieve that <"6 was planted *y the 4ll#minati, *#t decided to do his own
things. 4 donSt thin. he en3oyed MM that m#ch. 3#st something for the world to go on a*o#t
from then till now.
4 really thin. its sad when someone has no control over their life. and all the false, lies and
harm come o#t after death, when they canSt defend themselves 8Michael <ac.son, 5my
,ineho#se, +eath >edger, etc...;
+ollywood is a sic., evil and twisted place. 4 pray for anyone good hearted, honest person
see.ing fame and fort#ne there.
in the end tho#gh, fame and fort#ne canSt *#y yo# life...
*elieve in Cod, 5llah, <ehovah or which ever Cod yo# worship, only that yo# do worship
+im, and not any false gods or prophets
H replies $ active %* wee"s ago
Marozia $ %) wee"s ago
5 lovely lady that was e)ploited *y many people from her *irth to her death.
Dr Creenson and his homonc#l#s B#nice M#rray have a lot to answer for. ,hen the police
arrived, M#rray had *oth the washer and dryer wor.ing to wash away the evidence of
MarilynSs death.
@he went thro#gh the entire M6 7ltra programming *#t once she o#tlived her #sef#lness,
she was gotten rid of. 5s we all .now 8thro#gh $!; most slaves do not live past the ages of
30-'0. MarilynSs programming was *rea.ing down, d#e to her age, the alcohol/dr#gs and
psychiatric treatment. 9r perhaps, her programmers were deli*erately trying to *rea. her
down, to get rid of her for a rit#al m#rder to ma.e way for another yo#ng *idda*le star.
4 feel for these stars doing the SMarilyn thingS. +ow long Stil we see one of these yo#ng
women losing their life at a yo#ng age.
1 reply $ active %) wee"s ago
Bve $ %) wee"s ago
:his whole thing is scaringly sad... to thin. that these UmodelsU are someoneSs da#ghter...
1 reply $ active %) wee"s ago
@imone $ %) wee"s ago
:hese are the conse-#enses of what we choose and permit to ma.e part of o#rs lives, 3#st to
o*tain fame and money.
4ts *eing said that:
U...devil is li.e a ra*id dog chained inside a circle with a limit distancing from people, so he
only h#rts when people vol#ntarily enter in his perimeter...U
+ey $! what a*o#t the @ym*olic pics of the month 01/13NNN
+ope hear from yo# 5@5= :;
@am$ $ %) wee"s ago
5s always, the #s#al cover-#p as the ill#minati controls the police and what not else is
there. <#st goes to show how very malevolent their schemes are in p#shing their agenda
forward to which many give into F7: few li.e the rest of #s tend to resist and hold
steadfast to the tr#th of life and li*erty thro#gh the secrets that can *e easily seen *y #s.
Marilyn was definitely a poor so#l who was #sed and cons#med *y those people *ehind the
dar. ind#stry of hollywood and thrown away once she was done with, as in .illed.
@t#pendo#s 3o* $!, .eep them articles coming a*o#t the ill#minati and their dar. agendas,
along with their pawns.
!hilling $ %) wee"s ago
+arry ,einstein. 4s he related to +arvey ,einsteinN TionistsR
+o#se.eeper B#nice M#rray was a p#ppet serving a p#ppet for their mastersR :ragicRR
4 wonder how many more women <"6 and %"6 shared apart from M#nroe, Mansfield and
<ac.ie 9.
4 have to loo. for this article *#t 4 read that !arla Fr#ni @ar.ozy was given to ?icholas
@ar.ozy *y 4talians as a than. yo# gift for helping them with some Mafia deals and r#nning
of arms. @he2s another presidential slave, a *eta programmed one li.e most top models and
despite all the whispers a*o#t the state of their marriage, she remains compliant.
5lso, when 4 loo. at ?aomi !amp*ell and her well .nown iss#es 8they say she needs anger
management *#t we .now she needs !hrist,; the old men she has dated li.e De ?iro, the
Bdge, =esci, !ostner, !lapton, Friatore, :ommy >ee, [#incy <ones and the one she 3#st
*ro.e #p with $oronin, it2s -#ite o*vio#s she2s given to these men for them to /service
her.0 :he latest one $oronin *o#ght her that eye of hor#s island somewhere near :#r.ey
and they still *ro.e #pN !ontract over. =l#s she2s *een lin.ed to =residents li.e the late
!havez and who .nows what she did with !harles :aylor of >i*eria. 4f they did nothing he
definitely had the intentions to sed#ce her. =residential or not she2s a se) slave and she
remains compliant too.
5s for Feyonce, who .nowsN ,hen 4 loo. at her, all 4 see is a fra#dR 4 digressA she was on
the 5ndrew Marr show on @#nday 8FF!1; and she was as.ed /why do women who are
a*#sed stay in their relationshipsN0 @he replied /that2s why we are here to change thatR0 5
well programmed airhead. @alma +aye. *#tted in and said /*eca#se they are afraid and
their a*#sers feel worthless.0 4 don2t thin. F9 is sleeping with Feyonce. 4 can wager that
he2s sleeping with <ay-T. 42ll *elieve that more as some rit#alistic thing. 9r may*e it2s a
?e)t, =aris <ac.sonRRR ,:+N
11 replies $ active %* wee"s ago
dcypher1 $ %) wee"s ago
6aren M#lder was a presidential model for s#re. @he was on live tv in "rance and said that
=rince 5l*ert of Monaco raped her. :hen there was a cover #p and the fotage was erased
*#t she said that on live "rench tv and said that in front of a f#ll a#dience. 4t was never
mentioned on the media again.
3 replies $ active %) wee"s ago
>ily $ %) wee"s ago
:ra#matizing mind control victims *y ta.ing away or .illing their children seems to *e a
rec#rrent theme. 4 find 5nna ?icole @mithSs death to *e the most dist#r*ing. :he fact that
her 20 year old son Daniel died in the same hospital room where 5nna had 3#st given *irth
was done to .ill her mind and it did. ,ith Marilyn, they too. her *a*ies.
,hitney +o#stonSs death is also very strange. :he fact that her da#ghter Fo**y !hristina
almost drowned in a *atht#*, was it the day *eforeN or something li.e that, is very very
odd. ,ere they trying to .ill Fo**y !hristina in order to tra#matize ,hitney and it failed
and then they had to .ill ,hitneyN
5nd the UdoctorsU in the *edroom with Marilyn is very reminiscent of Michael <ac.sonSs
' replies $ active %) wee"s ago
tasty $ %) wee"s ago
$! can yo# please tell a thing or two a*o#t the Fig Frother 5frica reality tv show. 4 thin.
itSs lin.ed to the 4ll#minatiN
nir#sh $ %) wee"s ago
yo# forgot madonna. she is famo#s for *eing o*sessed with marilyn monroe 8material girl;.
she loo.s on the o#tside li.e a strong, independent woman. co#ld this all *e only an
5 :BB? $94!B $ %) wee"s ago
:his is 3#st sad. >ana Del %ey 3#st strives for this .ind of life. @he already changed her
name and face, whatSs ne)tNN
>ight I :r#th $ %) wee"s ago
,ow....dead person tell no tales so yo# silence them.
@io $ %) wee"s ago
!o#ld yo# do an article a*o#t >ana Del %eyN
1 reply $ active %) wee"s ago
!hristis>ife $ %) wee"s ago
4tSs all a part of a five tho#sand year old ?,9 plan for world domination *y the UeliteU or
?ew Cro#p of ,orld @ervers. :here is so m#ch to this plan, it is insaneR :his is 3#st a tittle
compared to what UtheyU are planning. :a.e the 7nited ?ations for e)ample, the Dar.
=ower *ehind the move towards ,orld Bmpire, *ehind the Clo*alists, the Upeacema.ersU
and cheerleaders of the 7nited ?ations, is to contrive wars and conflicts to destroy the U9ld
,orld 9rderU predicated on ?at#ral Moral 9rder to clear the way for the esta*lishment of
the ?ew ,orld 9rder predicated on Bvil. 4n short, to sic.en people of wars, to frighten
them into giving #p what freedoms they have for the promise of sec#rity and peace, the
architects of the ?ew ,orld 9rder, the real >ords of =ower, have deli*erately fomented
wars and r#mo#rs of wars to cons#mmate their ancient dream of ,orld Bmpire. =lease
#nderstand, modern wars are created *y ?ew 5ge 9ne ,orld !onspirators.
Fy intrig#ers and traitors wor.ing *ehind the scenes to an agenda for ,orld Bmpire.
Moreover, an 5ncient 5genda, the @inister =lot to !hange the ,orld, of which the ma3ority
of people are wholly ignorant of, especially the men who are sent o#t to fight these
contrived wars: men who *leed and die and s#ffer for reasons they do not .now or not
allowed to .now or #nderstand. :he 7nited ?ations is the creat#re of the ?ew ,orld
9rder, planned in secret *y men who see. to *ring UpeaceU to the world *y esta*lishing a
,orld Bmpire in which no competing ideologies or spirit#al systems are allowed to e)ist.
5 "e#dal-"ascist ,orld Bmpire r#led over *y the Clo*al Blite raising its reven#e *y Uworld
ta)esU and .ept in power *y a h#ge sophisticated ,orld 5rmy and ,orld =olice that will
control the masses with new s#rveillance and *ehavio#r modification technology or, if this
fails, with sheer *r#te force. :he greatest tool #sed *y these plotters is the crises, chaos and
conf#sion derived from contrived wars. :h#s, in the name of Uworld peaceU and to
legitimise the U7nited ?ationsU these wic.ed, evil people have fomented wars and conflicts
in which h#ndreds of millions have died, and who will in the near f#t#re precipitate even
more *r#tal wars in which many more will die.
:he 7nited ?ations is the greatest fra#d in all +istory. 4ts p#rpose is to destroy the 7nited
Marilyn Monroe: Mind-Controlled Sex Slave
Marilyn Monroe wa, 'erha', firt %ind-!ontrolled e: lave to rea!h !ele*rity
tat". :echni-#es gleaned from Pro;e!t M<&ltra and intended for psychological
warfare, fo#nd a place also in victimizing yo#ng women for se)#al favors. 4tSs as if #gly
old rich men were a ready mar.et with the prod#ct to fill demand: mind-controlled se)
slaves. =igilant Citi)en (=C) paints a more intimate portrait of Marilyn Monroe 8'art 2,
'art >;, giving reader greater insight into her life - a tragedy from start to finish. =C first
advises thereSs more *ehind odd cele*rity *ehaviors than reported in media: "While many
biographers explain away arilyn!s hardships with "psychological issues"# piecing
together facts about her life combined with knowledge of the dark side of $ollywood
re%eals something a lot darker: arilyn onroe was one of the first celebrities sub&ected
to onarch mind control# a branch of the CI'!s ( )ltra program... *hrough trauma
and psychological programming# onroe a became high le%el puppet of the shadow elite#
e%en became +,(!s Presidential odel." Fritney @pears and 5nna ?icole @mith are
e)amples of Marilyn MonroeSs co#nterparts today. =C also points o#t fascination with
Monroe *y c#rrent cele*rities, especially @pears. Does it hint at stat#s still held *y Marilyn
Monroe, who remains "ultimate symbol of -eta Programming"N
:he daily life of Marilyn Monroe was, in reality, a far cry from what a fan might imagine.
"While onroe pro&ected the image of a glamorous sex symbol# the reality of her day.to.
day life was pretty much the opposite: /he was controlled# abused# exploited and e%en
traumati0ed by %arious handlers while li%ing in prison.like conditions#" reports =C. 5
-#ote in article ta.en from ?The Ill"%inati @or%"la to Create a Mind Control Slave,?
*y "ritz @pringmeier: "*hey stripped arilyn of any contact with the outside world to
insure that their mind control would work. *hey were afraid that something might go
wrong with the first Presidential sla%e that was allowed to be highly %isible to the public1
5 mind-controlled individ#al can *rea. programming, and in 1G12, scientists .new far less
a*o#t it. Monroe, as a res#lt, had an e)tremely g#arded life thr#st #pon her. 85n alternate
lin. to @pringmeierSs *oo. is availa*le here.;
=C also ma.es a connection *etween Monroe and @atanist #nton Lavey: "...before
becoming famous# Norma +eane went by the name of ona and worked as a stripper at
a -urles2ue house in 3os 'ngeles. *here# she came in contact with 'nton 3a4ey# the
man who would later found the highly influential Church of /atan. 'ccording to 5,rit06
/pringmeier# 3a4ey was an ( handler and onroe became one of his "(itten" sla%es."
5lso, the article introd#ces readers to another detail a*o#t Monarch se) slaves learned from
@pringmeier in his *oo.:: "$igh le%el" onarch sla%es are often identified with gems and
stones to identify their status. Presidential models are reportedly identified with
diamonds. 7meralds mean drugs# rubies mean prostitu. tion# diamonds 8rhinestones9
Presidential odel work." =C follows with his own o*servation: "*he dress worn by
onroe while singing "$appy -irthday r. President" contained more than :;<<
rhinestones ... 5and6 was actually one of her last public appearances# as she was found
dead less than three months later."
=C follows MonroeSs story to its termin#s - a common fate for a Monarch se) slave:
"When onroe!s programming lost its effect and she started to break down# some argue
that she was "thrown off the freedom train"# an ( )3*=' term for designating sla%es
that are killed when they are not useful 8and potentially dangerous9 to their handlers."
Yo"All 'ro*a*ly view Marilyn Monroe inging ?Ha''y .irthday? to the Preident a
little differently, now3 Preidential %odel Monroe ing to the Preident he ervi!e
in front of the entire world *elow3
=osted Gth <#ne *y \nihilator
>a*els: *eta progamming marilyn monroe mind control m. #ltra video
5lphaMind!ontrol^3&0 v_deos
P"*li!ado e% 45B54B>524
:his video was made *y the Marilyn Monroe family:
www.@#[email protected]
• Categoria
• Li!enCa
>icen`a padrao do Jo#:#*e
!omentbrios em desta-#e

! .!arter & meses atrbs
May*e it 3#st me *#t the video is more diffic#lt to follow than need *e. Feca#se yo#
arenSt spea.ing and yo# have lo#d *ac.gro#nd m#sic with lyrics it may *e *est to
show the te)t more clear. 4s there an act#al need for the words to *e 3#mping aro#nd
or it that 3#st for dramatic affectN 4 thin. the messages # get o#t are great *#t if #
want #r a#dience to watch all the way thro#gh may*e yo# sho#ld reconsider yo#r
method. ?ot at all trying to *e r#de. <#st some friendly criticism from a s#*cri*er
^ 1

@5!:4!5> F5C 2 meses atrbs
what +ollywood did to her was !%4M4?5> and intentional . %eportedly her
UpsychiatristU got H&L of her Bstate and her home was so filled w/ so m#ch
s#rveillance B-#ipment , it too. the new owners tho#sands to remove it all .
@trass*erg ma.es !harles Manson loo. li.e an 5mate#r ....
^ 2
Marilyn Monroe
c200G "e*d Diana: !an Jo# @ee :he %eal MeN: :he Createst @pirit#al Bnergy B)traction
@cam of the 20th !ent#ry Fy Matthew Delooze Marilyn was another @erpent !#lt
sym*olic Coddess. @ame @cam, different time and different location
See: !ele*rity idols $ictoria Fec.ham Bnergy ro**ing
Marilyn Monroe identity
Marilyn and the <ews
Madonna @tole "rom Marilyn Monroe MadonnaSs thefts from Marilyn Monroe went
*eyond the 1G(& Material 6irl m#sic video, the 1GG1 9anity 3air magazine spread, and the
1G(& and 1GG2 #aturday :ight 5ive television show appearances. Madonna stole from
Monroe from aro#nd 1G(3 #p to 1GG3, and sporadically there-after. Marilyn Monroe was
*orn in 1G21, and she died in 1G12.
M5D9??5 [7BB? 9" %4= 9""@ 7=D5:BD
Marilyn Monroe, the #ltimate prototype of @e) 6itten =rogramming.---- Madonna2s
@#per*owl +alftime @how: 5 !ele*ration of the Crand =riestess of the M#sic 4nd#stry
1G'1 images ta.en *y photographer <oseph <asg#r

M5%4>J? M9?%9B: 1G21-1G12 4n 1G&&, an acting coach recommended that Monroe
#ndergo psychoanalysis to tap into her Ue)plosive energy.U @he started and event#ally saw
psychiatrist Marianne 6ris, who prescri*ed the *ar*it#rates the actress a*#sed #ntil her
death. 9f the psychoanalysis, Monroe said she felt Uas if 4 were going aro#nd in circles. 4t
was alwaysOnot where 4 was going *#t where had 4 *eenNU 4n 1G10, Monroe saw
psychiatrist %alph Creenson, whose control over her was swift, severing all her close
relationships. Fy 1G12, she realizedPtoo latePthat she m#st Udisconnect from Creenson.U
5fter spending si) ho#rs with him, she was fo#nd dead of a dr#g overdose. 4n the seven
years prior to psychiatry2s infl#ence, Monroe had made 23 movies. 4n the seven years of
her psychiatric Ucare,U she only made si) films. http://www.cchr.org/inde).cfm/&32'
4n <an#ary, 1GG&, this co-a#thor2s newsletter "rom 5 "ollower of !hrist had a feat#re
article on Marilyn Monroe. Monarch mind-controlled slaves li.e >oretta >ynn and Marilyn
Monroe lived tightly controlled lives, and were not allowed to drive a#tomo*iles. :he one
e)ception is that >oretta has *een allowed to drive her car aro#nd the ranch. :he following
is some e)cerpts from the co-a#thor2s <an#ary EG& newsletter *eca#se it gives a good
e)ample of how Marilyn Monroe, a mind-controlled slave had her life very tightly
B)cerpts ...9n a day in 9cto*er, 1G&H, a woman named >ena =epitone was hired to ta.e
care of Marilyn Monroe. 4n 1GHG, she p#*lished her memories of the time she was the
primary person ta.ing care of Marilyn Monroe. 4 personally thin. that >ena =epitone was
clean, and didn2t .now what she was dealing with. @he descri*es in detail her life with
Marilyn Monroe. :he inside story of life with Marilyn is nothing li.e people might
imagine. >ena2s *oo. is s#ch a clear description of how life with a Monarch slave can *e--
that 4 decided to #se her *oo. as the *asis of some articles.
Marilyn Monroe was an orphan, and d#ring her infancy the 4ll#minati/!45 programmed
her to *e a Monarch slave. Fefore *ecoming an actress, while she was still a stripper, she
spent time with the fo#nder of the !h#rch of @atan 5nton >a$ey. $ictims of >a$ey have
pointed him o#t as a mind-control programmer. 5t that time, Marilyn was going *y several
names incl#ding Mona. ,hen they made her a star, Marilyn lived on the 13th floor, in 13B
at @#tton =lace, ?J - the world of the rich and famo#s. :hat is where >ena came to help
+owever, Marilyn2s e)istence was not that of a rich person, *#t was more li.e that of an
inmate. Marilyn was allowed to have no personal life, o#tside of the dictates of her
programmers and her masters. :he programmers and #sers *ore down so hard on
controlling Marilyn that they repeatedly came close to driving her insane.
:he following format the words in italic are direct -#otes from >ena =epitone2s *oo.
which is entitled Marilyn Monroe !onfidential 5n 4ntimate =ersonal 5cco#nt, ?J: @imon
I @ch#ster, 1GHG. ^ p.11- U"loor-to-ceiling mirrors were everywhere. Bven the dining
alcove at the rear of the living room had a ta*le with a mirrored top. 5ll these mirrors
didnEt cheer things #p.U
4n programming Monarch slaves, mirrors are #sed a great deal. ,ithin the Monarch
slave2s mind, co#ntless mirror images are made. :he slave sees tho#sands of mirrors
everywhere in their mind. Feca#se Marilyn was so stripped of any personal identity, she
decorated her ho#se as her mind loo.ed on the inside--f#ll of mirrors. 5ltho#gh other
Monarchs may have some desires to decorate with mirrors, Marilyn is the most e)treme
case 4 .now of filling one2s ho#se f#ll of mirrors.
^ p.2&-- UMarilyn Es *edroom was definitely not a -#een Es cham*er... :here were no
paintings in the cramped, s-#are room, only mirrors. Marilyn2s controllers .ept her down.
Bven when she was famo#s and great, she lived li.e a slave. @he was not allowed to have
any self-esteem *eyond what she was programmed for.
^ p.2G -- UMay was finally a*le to call for the cha#ffe#r to ta.e Marilyn away. U ... Marilyn
was a captive, she didn2t go anywhere on her own, she always had someone drive her.
^ p.32-- U"irst of all, Marilyn2s life was incredi*ly monotono#s for her. +er doctor Es
appointments 84 later learned these were appointments with psychiatrists; and her acting
lessons were virt#ally all she had to loo. forward to. @he spent most of her time in her little
*edroom... Marilyn went o#t of the ho#se to *e either programmed or groomed. 9ther than
that she stayed cooped #p in her room. Does the reader *egin to see that the woman was a
slave with no life of her ownN
^ p.33-- U@he cMarilynd didn Et even own a television, never listened to the radio.U :hey
stripped Marilyn of any contact with the o#tside world to ins#re that their mind control
wo#ld wor.. :hey were afraid that something might go wrong with the first =residential
slave that was allowed to *e highly visi*le to the p#*lic....
^ p.'1-- cMarilyn saysd, U@hit. My life is shit, Ushe wept. U4 can2t go anywhere. 42m a
prisoner in this ho#se. U Marilyn is only telling the tr#th.
^ p.'3-- UFeca#se Marilyn had no real friends, she concentrated on herselfU :he closest
friend Marilyn had is saying that Marilyn Monroe had no real friends. Doesn2t that stri.e
someone as strange. Marilyn didn2t have any real friends. 5lmost the only ones in her life
were her a*#sers, and they wor.ed hard to strip her of any personal goals or esteem.
^ p.H0-- UJo# can go anywhere,U 4 c>enad ass#red her. U5nywhere in the worldU U,ho
withN she as.ed sadly. U,ho withN Fy myselfUUMr. Miller, yo#r friends...U U,hat friendsN
4 ain Et got no*ody.U Many times d#ring the programming, the programmers separate the
victim from anyone who co#ld *e a s#pport person, they are isolated from having friends
and relatives #nless the relatives are in the occ#lt.
^ p. H1 --Marilyn repeatedly calls herself a prostit#te. @he says, U:hey la#gh at me. ,hat am
4 . . . nothing... a prostit#te. U"#rther on the page Marilyn tells >ena that no one has cared
a*o#t her for her entire life, incl#ding her mother....
^ p.HH-- UDon2t ta.e my *a*y. @o they too. my *a*y from me... and 4 never saw it again.
U5fter Marilyn had a healthy *a*y it was ta.en away from her and she was never allowed
to see it. 4t was very li.ely sacrificed. Marilyn was too afraid to as. what they were going
to do with it.
^ p.100-- Marilyn loses her *a*y at the same place that some of her programming was done
at. 9ne can spec#late that they too. the *a*y for some perverted #se....
^ p.13' -- U:he operation too. place at =olyclinic +ospital where Marilyn had lost her *a*y
the year *efore... cMarilyn saiddUCoing *ac. to that hospital2s a nightmare... .=ainN ,hat
EspainNU "or her, the only pain was in not having her own childU . ?otice she always go
*ac. to the =olyclinic +ospital. Monarch victims have had to end#re vast amo#nts of
horri*le tort#re. :hey learn to s#rvive *y disassociation. ,hen Marilyn says U,hat is
painNU she is *eing acc#rate in reflecting her response to pain. @he co#ld not have pain--
*eca#se she wo#ld disassociate it. !ertain alters are created to ta.e the pain, and the other
alters don2t have to e)perience it.
^ p.13&-- U4 fo#nd Marilyn in a small room witho#t any view. 4t was very depressing,
especially since there were no flowers or any other signs that Marilyn had friends who were
thin.ing of her.U 4magine a great actor li.e Marilyn is given a room witho#t a view and no
flowers or anything to cheer her #p.
^ p.13H-- UMarilyn2s now almost daily visits to the psychiatrists ... @he was closely
^ p.1G3-- Marilyn2s half-sister tries to come into Marilyn2s life. Marilyn says, U4 have a
right to have a family.U 5nd on the ne)t page, UCee, yo#2re really my sister. My sister...
5t least yo# lived with relatives.U Marilyn2s masters did not want her to have any family.
:hey often strip the deeper alters of a Monarch slave from any ties to any non-c#lt
^ p.1GG--Marilyn orders a K3,000 Bmerald green dress to *e made. Bmerald green is often
the most favorite color of Monarch slaves *eca#se of their ,izard of 9z programming
which is #s#ally the fo#ndational programming.
^ p.202-- U"ran.... clipped two gorgeo#s emerald earrings on Marilyn Es ears.U 5gain we
see that emerald green is often #sed *y Monarch slaves.
^ p. 20&-- U5 side from her evenings with "ran. c@inatrad, Marilyn2s life in !alifornia
seemed identical to her life in ?ew Jor.. @he didnEt read, didnEt watch television, didn2t go
anywhere. 5ltho#gh the s#n was always shining, Marilyn was as pale as ever. @he didn2t
li.e to go o#tside d#ring the day.U The Illuminati Formula 12. B)ternal !ontrols
:he mind-control programmers need only have someone s.illed in the manip#lation of the
cranial *ones and the s.#ll *ones and they can with repeated delicate precision reshape a
person2s s.#ll and also his *rain2s shape, th#s manip#lating the personality I loo.s. =hotos
of Marilyn Monroe 8Brma <ean; d#ring her life strongly s#ggest that type of cranial
manip#lation was done to her for mind-control p#rposes. (: :+B @!4B?!B 9" F9DJ
M5?4=7>5:49? I =%9C%5MM4?C Deeper 4nsights into the 4ll#minati "orm#la
%oc. +#dson 8"oris "ay co-star, U@econdsU star and friend of U<ohn and Jo.oU 8appeared
in their film U4magineU;, in a 1G13 Marilyn Monroe tri*#te, some smir.ing cl#es given
8Uhe wa the "% total then, the final 'rod"!t of all that had gone *efore her ....U;.
@trange delivery *y %oc. +#dson, he seems slightly into)icated---
Marilyn Monroe and the <ews
@riday, O!to*er >, >55D
8ew evidan!e of Marilyn MonroeA ?%ental illne? %ind !ontrol3
4n 1G11, Marianne 6ris, the psychoanalyst treating Marilyn Monroe, was convinced that
her famo#s patient was on the verge of s#icide. @o she did what most psychiatrists at the
time wo#ld have done: @he committed Monroe to a mental instit#tion. 6nowing the star
wo#ld never go to a psychiatric hospital on her ownP Monroe was terrified of sanitari#ms
*eca#se her mother lived in one for most of her life and her grandmother had died in oneP
6ris told Monroe that she was going to a private hospital for some Urest and rela)ation.U 4t
was #nder these false pretenses that Monroe arrived at ?ew Jor.Ss =ayne ,hitney hospital
on "e*. &, where she was -#ic.ly escorted *y orderlies thro#gh several steel doors, then
forci*ly thrown into a padded room with *arred windows. U4Sm loc.ed #p with these poor
n#tty people,U Monroe wrote to her acting teachers =a#la and >ee @tras*erg. U4Sm s#re to
end #p a n#t too if 4 stay in this nightmare. =lease help me.U
:his episode, well-.nown to Marilyn followers, is reco#nted again in the new *est-selling
*iography, he #ecret 5ife of Marilyn Monroe. :he a#thor, <. %andy :ara*orrelli, writes
that a =ayne ,hitney intern who visited Monroe after she tried to *rea. down the *athroom
door in her room told her, UJo# are a very, very sic. girl. 5nd yo#Sve *een sic. for a long
time.0 :ara*orrelliSs &'1-page *iography is *ased on more than a decade of research and
incl#des -#otes from "F4 files released in 2001 thro#gh the "reedom of 4nformation 5ct,
#np#*lished acco#nts from reportersS note*oo.s from the 1G&0s and letters to, from and
a*o#t Monroe that have never *efore *een p#*lished. 9f co#rse he promises discoveries
that are /e)plosive0 and /revelatory,0 *#t there aren2t really any, not a to a Marilyn
o*sessive li.e myself. 4nstead, there is the deepening of the m#ch more ordinary tragedy
that contin#es to fascinate, a*o#t a woman :ara*orrelli calls Ua *rave soldier in a
devastating *attle with her own mind.U
Monroe died of an overdose in 1G12. Fy some estimates, more than 300 *oo.s have *een
p#*lished a*o#t Monroe, and writers as esteemed as ?orman Mailer, Cloria @teinem, and
<oyce !arol 9ates have attempted to wrest some .ind of meaning from her short life. ,as
she a victim of +ollywood, or only tr#ly happy when she was ho#nded *y fans and posing
for camerasN ,as she ?orma <eane, the a*andoned waif in search of love and approval, or
Marilyn, Uevery manSs love affair with 5merica,U as Mailer proposed, or *oth of these
women rolled into one tort#red psycheN Did we 8or the 6ennedys, "F4, et al.; .ill her, or
did she .ill herselfN
:ara*orrelli delves into the early relationships that shaped ?orma <eane Mortenson,
incl#ding her relationship with her mother, Cladys Fa.er, a paranoid schizophrenic. +e
also #ncovers evidence that s#ggests that, *eginning in her late teens, Monroe heard voices
and *elieved she was *eing followed. :his wo#ld mean that her psychosis li.ely predated
her meteoric rise to fame and her descent into dr#g addiction. 4s this interestingN 9nly in
that it disr#pts the romantic, self-flagellating narrative we preferPthat /we,0 the insatia*le
p#*lic, r#ined her. 4n, fact it2s not all that s#rprising given her family history.
:he *oo. does not delve into what is to me the most interesting a*o#t MonroeSs mental
illness: the #northodo) relationship the actress shared with %alph Creenson, the psychiatrist
who was treating her at the time of her death. Creenson was a *rilliant and flam*oyant
analyst who treated several famo#s actors 8$ivien >eigh, "ran. @inatra, :ony !#rtis; and
wrote the seminal te)t he echni;ue and 0ractice of 0sychoanalysis. Creenson *elieved
his patient, ha#nted *y her a*andonment as a child, wo#ld *enefit from spending time with
a sta*le, happy family. @o he chose the closest family at hand, his own. 5fter dailyP
sometimes twice dailyP sessions in his private home office in @anta Monica, Marilyn
wo#ld often 3oin the Creenson family for meals or 3#st to hang o#tA she attended parties
there 8once showing #p for CreensonSs da#ghterSs *irthday cele*ration and teaching the
g#ests how to do the twist; and, :ara*orrelli claims, she even spent the night on occasion.
:ara*orrelli, who has penned *iographies of Michael <ac.son and Bliza*eth :aylor, among
others, is more meas#red a*o#t Creenson than many Monroe chroniclers, some of whom
have claimed he was directly responsi*le for her death. Uc4dn the 1G&0s and 1G10s all sorts
of vang#ard treatments for mental illness were *eing tested,U he writes. CreensonSs methods
were ro#ndly criticized *y his colleag#es, and he was despised *y most of MonroeSs
friends, many of whom tho#ght he was a @vengali who was manip#lating the fragile
actress. UJo# are seeing too m#ch of that g#y,U MarilynSs close friend =at 6ennedy
>awford told her, according to :ara*orelli. U+eSs got yo# #nder a spell or something.U
Creenson was indeed territorial with his patient. +e installed a ho#se.eeper, B#nice
M#rray, at MonroeSs Frentwood home and instr#cted her to .eep watch over the actress and
report any dangero#s or s#spicio#s *ehavior to Creenson. :he psychiatrist even intervened
in MonroeSs *#siness negotiations. ,hen she was on the verge of *eing fired *y 20th
!ent#ry "o) for missing so many days of wor. on the 8never completed; film #omething<s
6ot to 6ive, Creenson personally g#aranteed the director that the star wo#ld arrive to set
promptly and ready to act. 8+e co#ldnSt .eep this promise, tho#ghA Monroe was so
depressed and dr#gged o#t at this time that she was event#ally fired.;
=erhaps the most fascinating wrin.le in the Creenson-Monroe story was #ncovered in
5#g#st 200&, when the 5os Angeles imes p#*lished a front-page story a*o#t the discovery
of Usecret tapesU that Monroe allegedly made for Creenson shortly *efore her death. :he
transcripts of these tapes were given to the imes *y former >.5. prosec#tor <ohn ,.
Miner, who investigated MonroeSs death. Miner, now in his G0s, said that Creenson allowed
him to listen to the tapes and ta.e notes on the condition that he never reveal their contents.
Miner .ept his promise for 30 years *#t was moved to go p#*lic in an attempt to clear
CreensonSs name after a Monroe *iographer acc#sed him of ordering a sleeping medication
that proved fatal in com*ination with the ?em*#tal that was already in her system.
:he transcripts are peppered with many headline-ma.ing *its, incl#ding MarilynSs
confession that she had a les*ian affair with <oan !rawford, an admission that se) with e)-
h#s*and 5rth#r Miller was only Uso-so,U and her intention to *rea. things off with her
paramo#r, then-5ttorney Ceneral %o*ert 6ennedy. F#t *eyond these 3#icy details, what the
tapes prove most profo#ndly is that MarilynSs relationship with her analyst was *izarre,
complicated, and, it wo#ld seem, filled with love. UBver since yo# let me into yo#r home O
4Sve tho#ght a*o#t how it wo#ld *e if 4 were yo#r da#ghter instead of yo#r patient O. 4
.now yo# co#ldnSt do it while 4Sm yo#r patient, *#t after yo# c#re me, may*e yo# co#ld
adopt me,U said the woman who had spent her entire life in a conscio#s and #nconscio#s
-#est to replace the man who had a*andoned her *efore she was *orn.
F#t it gets even weirder. 4f Marilyn saw Creenson as a father fig#re, this was a daddy who
ta#ght her how to have Uthe greatest pleas#re there is,U an orgasm. UJo# said O that when 4
did e)actly what yo# told me to do 4 wo#ld have an orgasm and that after 4 did it to myself
and felt what it was, 4 wo#ld have orgasms with lovers.U !learly, theirs was a case of
transference and co#ntertransference r#n amo.. 8"or his part, :ara*orrelli reviewed MinerSs
handwritten transcripts and *elieves Miner to *e a Uvery nice, congenial manU who wo#ld
have Uno reason to lie,U *#t finds MinerSs Ue)planation that he reconstr#cted his copio#s
notes from memory is tro#*ling.U;
:oday, Creenson wo#ld s#rely have his license p#lled, and his m#g wo#ld *e splashed on
the cover of the :ew =or" 0ost and on :MT. @till, the tas. *efore Creenson was +erc#lean.
+e was essentially charged with treating someone who was #ntreata*le, a *orderline
paranoid schizophrenic 8his diagnosis;, someone who was s#icidal and co#ld proc#re the
prescription dr#gs she was addicted to from any n#m*er of so#rcesP*#t who co#ldnSt *e
instit#tionalized. 4n notes a*o#t MonroeSs case that :ara*orrelli references, Creenson writes
that he felt he had to .eep her from *eing Ucommitted once again, for 4 .now she wonSt
s#rvive it a second time.U
:he Utr#thU of Marilyn MornroeSs relationship with her psychiatrist %alph Creenson will
always remain open to interpretationA Creenson died in 1GHG and while his papers are
ho#sed in a special collection at 7!>5, most of the doc#ments pertaining to his treatment
of Monroe have *een sealed #ntil 203G. 7ndo#*tedly, he crossed all .inds of lines in his
attempts to help Monroe, and may have even damaged her f#rther.
,e are always loo.ing for an e)ternal villain to e)plain Marilyn MonroeSs tragic life and
death. ,e *lame the +ollywood fame machine, the wrong h#s*ands, the 6ennedys, and
%alph Creenson, too. F#t there is no villain in this sad tale. 5t the heart of the story, there
is something m#ch simpler: 5 very, very sic. girl.
=osted *y i5dmin at (:13 =M
Bmail :his Flog:hisR @hare to :witter @hare to "ace*oo.
>a*els: Marilyn Monroe, mind control, m. #ltra, :he @ecret >ife of Marilyn Monroe.
2 !o%%ent1
%7%462012 said...
have yo# seen this video http://www.yo#t#*e.com/watchN
vW%.F&1zX(nc.Ifeat#reWplayerXem*eddede ...
9cto*er 2, 200G at G:0H =M
Eedneday, Mar!h >-, >52>
Marilyn Monroe Mental Illne
<nowing that Marilyn wo"ld never go to a 'y!hiatri!
ho'ital on her ownF Monroe wa terrified of
anitari"% *e!a"e her %other lived in one for %ot of
her life and her grand%other had died in oneF <ri told
Monroe that he wa going to a 'rivate ho'ital for o%e
?ret and rela:ation3
? It wa "nder thee fale 'retene that Monroe arrived
at 8ew Yor$A Payne Ehitney ho'ital on @e*r"ary +th,
where he wa G"i!$ly e!orted *y orderlie thro"gh
everal teel door, then for!i*ly thrown into a 'added
roo% with *arred window3 ?IA% lo!$ed "' with thee
'oor n"tty 'eo'le,? Monroe wrote to her a!ting tea!her
Pa"la and Lee Stra*erg3 ?IA% "re to end "' a n"t too if
I tay in thi night%are3 Pleae hel' %e3?
Thi e'iode, well-$nown to Marilyn follower, i
re!o"nted again in the new *et-elling *iogra'hy, ?The
Se!ret Life of Marilyn Monroe?3 The a"thor, H3 9andy
Tara*orrelli, write that a Payne Ehitney intern who
viited Monroe after he tried to *rea$ down the
*athroo% door in her roo% told her, ?Yo" are a very,
very i!$ girl3 #nd yo"Ave *een i!$ for a long ti%e3?
Tara*orrelliA +,2-'age *iogra'hy i *aed on %ore
than a de!ade of reear!h and in!l"de G"ote fro% @.I
file releaed in >556 thro"gh the @reedo% of
Infor%ation #!t, "n'"*lihed a!!o"nt fro% re'orterA
note*oo$ fro% the 2D+5 and letter to, fro% and a*o"t
Monroe that have never *efore *een '"*lihed3 Of !o"re
he 'ro%ie di!overie that are ?e:'loiveI? and
?revelatory,? *"t there aren7t really any, not a to a
Marilyn o*eive li$e %yelf3 Intead, there i the
dee'ening of the %"!h %ore ordinary tragedy that
!ontin"e to fa!inate, a*o"t a wo%an Tara*orrelli !all
?a *rave oldier in a devatating *attle with her own
Tara*orrelli delve into the early relationhi' that
ha'ed 8or%a Heane Mortenon, in!l"ding her
relationhi' with her %other, Jlady .a$er, a 'aranoid
!hi)o'hreni!3 He alo "n!over eviden!e that "gget
that, *eginning in her late teen, Monroe heard voi!e
and *elieved he wa *eing followed3 Thi wo"ld %ean
that her 'y!hoi li$ely 'redated her %eteori! rie to
fa%e and her de!ent into dr"g addi!tion3 In, fa!t that7
not all that "r'riing given her fa%ily hitory3
The *oo$ doe not delve into what i to %e the %ot
intereting a*o"t MonroeA %ental illne1 the
"northodo: relationhi' Marilyn hared with 9al'h
Jreenon, the 'y!hiatrit who wa treating her at the
ti%e of her death3 Jreenon wa a *rilliant and
fla%*oyant analyt who treated everal fa%o" a!tor
(=ivien Leigh, @ran$ Sinatra, Tony C"rti) and wrote
the e%inal te:t ?The Te!hniG"e and Pra!ti!e of
Jreenon *elieved hi 'atient, ha"nted *y her
a*andon%ent a a !hild, wo"ld *enefit fro% 'ending
ti%e with a ta*le, ha''y fa%ily3 So he !hoe the !loet
fa%ily at hand, hi own3 #fter dailyFo%eti%e twi!e
dailyF eion in hi 'rivate ho%e offi!e in Santa
Moni!a, Marilyn wo"ld often ;oin the Jreenon fa%ily
for %eal or ;"t to hang o"tK he attended 'artie there
(on!e howing "' for JreenonA da"ghterA *irthday
!ele*ration and tea!hing the g"et how to do the twit)
and, Tara*orrelli !lai%, he even 'ent the night on
Tara*orrelli, who ha 'enned *iogra'hie of Mi!hael
Ha!$on and Eli)a*eth Taylor, a%ong other, i %ore
%ea"red a*o"t Jreenon than %any Monroe
!hroni!ler, o%e of who% have !lai%ed he wa dire!tly
re'oni*le for her 'aing3 ?LIMn the 2D+5 and 2D65 all
ort of vang"ard treat%ent for %ental illne were
*eing teted,? he write3 JreenonA %ethod were
ro"ndly !riti!i)ed *y hi !olleag"e, and he wa de'ied
*y %ot of MonroeA friend, %any of who% *eleived he
wa a Svengali who wa %ani'"lating the v"lnera*le and
ine!"re a!tre3 ?Yo" are eeing too %"!h of that g"y,?
MarilynA !loe friend Pat <ennedy Lawford told her,
a!!ording to Tara*orelli3 ?HeA got yo" "nder a 'ell or
Jreenon wa indeed territorial with hi 'atient3 He
intalled a ho"e$ee'er, E"ni!e M"rray, at MonroeA
.rentwood ho%e and intr"!ted her to $ee' wat!h over
the a!tre and re'ort any dangero" or "'i!io"
*ehavior to Jreenon3 The 'y!hiatrit even intervened
in MonroeA *"ine negotiationN
@or e:a%'le,when he wa on the verge of *eing fired *y
>5th Cent"ry @o: for %iing o %any day of wor$ on
the (never !o%'leted) fil% ?So%ethingA Jot to Jive?,
Jreenon 'eronally g"aranteed the dire!tor that
Marilyn wo"ld arrive to et 'ro%'tly and ready to a!t3
(He !o"ldnAt $ee' thi 'ro%ie, tho"ghK Monroe wa o
de'reed and dr"gged o"t at thi ti%e that he wa
event"ally fired3)
Perha' the %ot fa!inating wrin$le in the Jreenon-
Monroe tory wa "nveiled in #"g"t >55+, when the
?Lo #ngele Ti%e? '"*lihed a front-'age tory a*o"t
the di!overy of ?e!ret ta'e? that Monroe allegedly
%ade for Jreenon hortly *efore her death3 The
tran!ri't of thee ta'e were given to the Ti%e *y
for%er L3#3 'roe!"tor Hohn E3 Miner, who invetigated
MonroeA death3 Miner, now in hi D5, tated that
Jreenon allowed hi% to liten to the ta'e and ta$e
note on the !ondition that he never reveal their !ontent3
Miner $e't hi 'ro%ie for 45 year *"t wa %oved to go
'"*li! in an atte%'t to !lear JreenonA na%e after a
Monroe *iogra'her a!!"ed hi% of ordering a lee'ing
%edi!ation that 'roved fatal in !o%*ination with the
8e%*"tal that wa already in her yte%3
The tran!ri't are 'e''ered with %any headline-
%a$ing *it, in!l"ding MarilynA !onfeion that he had
a le*ian affair with Hoan Crawford, an ad%iion that
e: with e:-h"*and #rth"r Miller wa only ?o-o,? and
her intention to *rea$ thing off with her 'ara%o"r,
then-#ttorney Jeneral 9o*ert <ennedy3 ."t *eyond
thee ;"i!y detail, what the ta'e 'rove %ot 'rofo"ndly
i that MarilynA relationhi' with her analyt wa
*i)arre, !o%'li!ated, and, it wo"ld ee%, filled with love3
?Ever in!e yo" let %e into yo"r ho%e O IAve tho"ght
a*o"t how it wo"ld *e if I were yo"r da"ghter intead of
yo"r 'atient O3 I $now yo" !o"ldnAt do it while IA% yo"r
'atient, *"t after yo" !"re %e, %ay*e yo" !o"ld ado't
%e,? aid the wo%an who had 'ent her entire life in a
!on!io" and "n!on!io" G"et to re'la!e the %an who
had a*andoned her *efore he wa *orn3
."t it get even weirder3
If Marilyn aw Jreenon a a father fig"re, thi wa a
daddy who ta"ght her how to have ?the greatet 'lea"re
there i,? an orga%3 ?Yo" aid O that when I did
e:a!tly what yo" told %e to do I wo"ld have an orga%
and that after I did it to %yelf and felt what it wa, I
wo"ld have orga% with lover3? Clearly, their wa a
!ae of tranferen!e and !o"ntertranferen!e r"n a%o$3
(@or hi 'art, Tara*orrelli reviewed MinerA handwritten
tran!ri't and *elieve Miner to *e a ?very ni!e,
!ongenial %an? who wo"ld have ?no reaon to lie,? *"t
find MinerA ?e:'lanation that he re!ontr"!ted hi
!o'io" note fro% %e%ory i tro"*ling3?)
Today, Jreenon wo"ld "rely have hi li!ene '"lled,
and hi %"g wo"ld *e 'lahed on the !over of the 8ew
Yor$ Pot and on TMP3 Still, the ta$ *efore Jreenon
wa Her!"lean3 He wa eentially !harged with treating
o%eone who wa "ntreata*le, a *orderline 'aranoid
!hi)o'hreni! (hi diagnoi), o%eone who wa "i!idal
and !o"ld 'ro!"re the 're!ri'tion dr"g he wa
addi!ted to fro% any n"%*er of o"r!eF*"t who
!o"ldnAt *e intit"tionali)ed3 In note a*o"t MonroeA
!ae that Tara*orrelli referen!e, Jreenon write that
he felt he had to $ee' her fro% *eing ?!o%%itted on!e
again, for I $now he wonAt "rvive it a e!ond ti%e3?
The ?tr"th? of Marilyn MornroeA relationhi' with her
'y!hiatrit 9al'h Jreenon will alway re%ain o'en to
inter'retationK Jreenon died in 2D/D and while hi
'a'er are ho"ed in a 'e!ial !olle!tion at &CL#, %ot
of the do!"%ent 'ertaining to hi treat%ent of Monroe
have *een ealed "ntil >54D3 &ndo"*tedly, he !roed all
$ind of line in hi atte%'t to hel' Monroe, and %ay
have even da%aged her f"rther3
Mot of the ti%e we tend to loo$ for an e:ternal villain
to e:'lain Marilyn MonroeA tragi! life and death3 Ee
*la%e the Hollywood fa%e %a!hine, the wrong
h"*and, the <ennedy, and 9al'h Jreenon, too3 ."t
there i no villain in thi ad tale3 #t the heart of the
tory, there i o%ething %"!h i%'ler1 # very, very i!$
girl3 Ehat do yo" thin$Q
@eel free to !o%%ent and hare thi *log 'ot if yo" find
it interetingN
2 !o%%ent1
2olly 0rincess March 2G, 2012 at &:23 =M
,hat a lifeR @he was a victim. 4 hope she fo#nd the happiness she was loo.ing for,
in the place where she is now.
Th"rday, #'ril 2>, >52>
Marilyn Monroe - The Original Mind Control Se: <itten
The !ar wa nor%ally air*r"hed o"t of 'i!t"re3 It wa aid to *e her a''endi:3
Only thing i the a''endi: i nowhere near3
E#SP writes -
+i :ap,
4 see yo#r Sfavo#rite s#*3ectS is *ac. in the news, so here is one for starters that >in.s :wo
@#*3ects together, M6 7ltra I Bntertainers. :here has *een so m#ch information in the
=ipe >ine, this Baster its *een diffic#lt to .now what to send, in view of the fact yo# donSt
li.e too many >in.s.
T#P - Jes. 4Sm very lazy ,asp. @orry a*o#t that.
:he M6-7ltra, or Monarch %a**it +ole goes Deep I itSs ,ide,it is #sed to control every
aspect of the Bntertainments 4nd#stry, as well as :he =olitical Bsta*lishment, I pro*a*ly
m#ch of :he Military I >aw Bnforcement 9rganisations.
9ne of the :op !ontrollers was :he >ate Fo* +ope, a +igh %an.ing 6night of Malta. :he
$atican feat#res very +ighly in its degree of 4nvolvement I !ontrolling 4nfl#ence, in this
partic#lar field, witho#t e)ception @M9M@ #s#ally #p there at :he "ront, as well as
!overing :he %ear 8:5= - ahem;.
4 sent a =ost in some wee.s ago relating to this I 6athy 9SFrian et-alia, with many >in.s,
together with read on line pdfSs *#t :ap forgot to p#t them in. 5s <#lia has res#rrected the
s#*3ect again which :ap tries to *#ry, if 4 thin. a*o#t it 4 will loo. them o#t again.
Jo# will never loo. at those who !ontrol #s in :he S@ame >ight 5gainS, F#sh I !heney in
partic#lar, as they appear to li.e h#nting I shooting M6Sed @laves, as one of their
+owever, with regard to 6aty =erry, @he is a @hape @hifter 8:5= - really. +o does that
wor.N;, I has *een well M6Sed. +ere is an e)ample of the st#ff she gets involved in. @he is
-#ite o*vio#sly 5cting o#t their 5genda.
>in.:1- 8>4?6 doesnSt wor.;
6aty =erry2s 4ll#minati, M6-7ltra !ommercial
:his commercial intended for Cerman television has it all: chec.er*oard patterns
everywhere, transh#manism, desh#manization, mind control, alter-personalities, Marilyn
Monroe 8the original Monarch se) .itten;, the colors white, *lac. and red, etc.
%BC5%D@ .......... E#SP
T#P - ,asp. Me .eeps saying that there is no evidence for chemtrails. Do yo# have
anything to sh#t him #pNR =lease reconnect the lin.s. 4 tried to swap phone n#m*ers with
yo# once. Did yo# not get the email may*eN 4t might *e easier to tal. these iss#es o#t
=osted *y :apestry at 11:&2 pm
Bmail :his Flog:hisR @hare to :witter @hare to "ace*oo.
D !o%%ent1
5nonymo#s said...
mp forgot his name portadown admit it we are now onto shale gas or frac.ing chec.
o#t gaslands on #t#*e and they dont even chalenge it
12:12 am
wasp said...
:here is plenty of st#ff 4 can give yo# on !hem :rails, itSs a *it late now tho#gh so 4
will give yo# some lin.s with @cientific $alidation in the ne)t co#ple of days, I 4
will find o#t why >in. 1, wo#ldnSt wor. as it did when 4 tested it.
:he fore r#nner for this activity in my opinion was tried o#t in $ietnam, when they
were B)perimenting spraying 2.'.&.: from their transporters, 4 *elieve @#perfortresS,
#sed *#t @eymo#r M +ersch covered it in +is Foo. !IF ,arfare. :his was some
20 odd years ago, when he was disc#ssing st#ff >i.e 54D@ , B*ola etc., *#t 4
*elieve its now o#t of print, they werenSt too .een on it when it was first p#*lished,
I it was diffic#lt to o*tain.
:o change s#*3ect, here is a lin. 4 was going to send earlier, so her it is now.
>in.:- http://www.zerohedge.com/news/t*tf-get-t*tfer-top-&-*an.s-hold-G&H-or-
:F:" Cet :F:"er: :op & Fan.s +old G&.HL, 9r K221 :rillion, 9f 9#tstanding
Bvery -#arter the 9ffice of the !#rrency !omptroller releases its report on Fan.
Derivative 5ctivities, and every -#arter we find that the :oo Fig :o "ail get :oo
Figger :o "ail. :o wit: in [' 2011, of the total K230.( trillion in 7@ o#tstanding
derivatives, the :op & *an.s 8<=M, Fof5, Morgan @tanley, Coldman and +@F!;
acco#nted for G&.HL of all Derivatives. 4n some respects this is good news: in [2,
the :op & *an.s held G&.GL of the K2&0 trillion in derivatives. 7nfort#nately it is
also *ad news, *eca#se K220 trillion is more than eno#gh for the world to collapse
in a daisy chained fail#re of *ilateral netting 8which not even all the central *an.s in
the world can offset;. ,hat is the worst news, is that the 3#st released report
indicates that in addition to everything else, we have now hit pea. del#sion, as
*an.s now report to the 9!! that a record high G2.2L of gross credit e)pos#re is
U*ilaterally netted.U ,hile we wonSt spend m#ch time on this iss#e now, it is safe to
say that *ilateral netting is the *iggest lie in modern finance 8read +ow 7@ Fan.s
5re >ying 5*o#t :heir B#ropean B)pos#reA 9r +ow Filateral ?etting Bnds ,ith 5
Fang, ?ot 5 ,himper for an e)planation of this fra#d which was e)posed
completely in the 54C collapse;. 5nd 3#st to p#t this in glo*al perspective,
according to the F4@ in the first half of 2011, glo*al derivative gross e)pos#re
increased *y K10H trillion to a record KH0H trillion. 4t will *e -#ite interesting to get
the f#ll year report to see if this acceleration in gross e)pos#re has increased.
Feca#se if it has, we will now .now that in 2011 B#ropean *an.s were forced #p to
load #p on several h#ndred trillion in mostly interest rate swap e)pos#re. ,hich can
only mean one thing: when and if central *an.s lose control of government *ond
c#rves, an rates start moving wider again, the glo*al margin call will *e
#nprecedented. 7ntil then we can 3#st del#de o#rselves that central planners have
everything #nder control, have everything #nder control, have everything #nder
control. .............
%egards ....... ,5@=
2:01 am
<ac. said...
4 *elieve it was a gall*ladder operation which gave Marilyn her scar.
<#st saying.
G:2H am
wasp said...
:hey have p#lled the pl#g on that video tap, they say d#e to copy write
infringement. 4 have some other lin.s tho#gh 4 will loo. them o#t.
%BC5%D@ ........ ,5@=
10:21 am
5nonymo#s said...
:he following lin. gives a lot of info on mind control of the entertainment
ind#stry.4t is loaded with history on this.
&:3' pm
<#lia said...
%egarding chemtrails, 4 am str#ggling with the chemtrails evidence thing too. 4 see
itSs main p#rpose as *loc.ing the s#n, possi*ly stars and 7"9s too. :he secondary
p#rpose seems to *e a massive mind control thing to whip #p fear and panic and
powerlessness. 4 am open minded on this, *#t have not seen or e)perienced any
convincing evidence of the physical threat to #s that is greater than all the other
assa#lts on #s on the gro#nd and in o#r homes. 4 am o#tdoors in them a lot with no
adverse health effects. ,hereas car poll#tion or *eing indoors ma.es me feel -#ite
ill. "ear and panic spreads negative vi*es and lowers yo#r imm#ne system.
10:2' pm
:apestry said...
,hat a*o#t angerNR
=anic yes, very *ad. "ear yes. Jo#r enemy is winning if he ma.es yo# afraid. F#t
s#rely someone can get motivated to destroy the planes on the gro#nd one eveningR
:hat might ta.e a *it of planning. :here m#st *e people in the military who are
minded to stop these ?5:9 operations.
11:03 pm
troy *asoren said...
a great lin. on chemtrails for :5=. :;
visit my face*oo. f http://www.face*oo..com/troy.*asoren
to find o#t more a*o#t mass shootings and how they get staged.
&:0H pm
=a#l Mcpi.e said...
4 *elieve witho#t do#*t that Fo* +ope was a handler for M. slaves.%emem*er him
*ringing a two year old :iger woods on to his show showing #s his golfing s.illsN
:his is the elite showing and telling #s they were going to ma.e him a world
champion proving how good they are at prod#cing mind control slaves with
e)cellent s.ills.4 watched an interesting doc#mentary a*o#t tiger woods where his
*est friend was e)plaining how the closest person to him was act#ally hypnotising
him to prod#ce perfect shots,very interesting,then he went ScrazyS for a while as he
tried to *rea. free 3#st li.e *ritney spears did,every m#sic video and every film
always shows the *lac. and white s-#ares of masonry,every SentertainerS is act#ally
a mind control slave,remem*er *ritney,tim*erla.e and christine ag#laria 8wrong
spelling;were all in the disney cl#* which is called the 33 cl#*,all .ids,all
controlled,all going thro#gh a real living hell,.ids watch them and want to *e them
thin.ing they live *ea#tif#l cool lives,when in fact they are +igh class
prostit#tes,pimped o#t to the highest *idders in the world yet totally #naware of the
fact,#ntil the programming starts to *rea. down.9#r world is in *ig tro#*le
&:1H pm
T"e eat" o# Marilyn Monroe
March 2', 2011 Fy !onspire >eave a !omment
Theory1 Marilyn Monroe met her death not
*e s#icide or accidental overdose *#t at the hands of some of the most powerf#l men in the
co#ntry li.e mo*ster @am Ciancana or the 6ennedys.
@a!t1 Monroe had relationships with some of the most powerf#l men in the co#ntry and
each of them had reasons to want her silenced. Feca#se of this the "F4 and !45 had files
and .ept close ta*s on Monroe, not for her own safety *#t for national sec#rity reasons.
Monroe also made constant calls to ,hiteho#se that were #nwelcome. 9n 5#g#st ', 1G12
Monroe was fo#nd dead in her >5 home. :here was a prescription *ottle in the *athroom
for strong sedatives *#t there was no significant trace of pill resid#e in her system, or any
glass of water she wo#ld have #sed to ta.e the lethal dose. Monroe had a relationship with
Mafia crime *oss @am Ciancana and #n*e.nownst to her he had her home wiretapped for
months as a means of .eeping ta*s on her. 5t the time of her death Monroe was addicted to
*oth alcohol and prescription medications. %ecently, legal doc#ments have s#rfaced
revealing that the 6ennedy family promised to deposit K100,000 in the name of Marilyn
Monroe to her mother, Cladys Fa.er. 5fter Monroe2s death the deposit didn2t happen and
all references to it were hidden. Fo**y 6ennedy was also in >5 the night Monroe died.
&nanwered R"etion1 :he wiretaps that @am Ciancana .ept on Monroe have never *een
released *#t there are many r#mors that circ#late a*o#t what they may contain a*o#t the
night of her death. !onspiracy theorists *elieve that the tapes contain an arg#ment *etween
Fo**y 6ennedy and Monroe on the night she died and that escalated to a physical level.
4t2s #n.nown specifically why Ciancana wiretapped her, *#t it may possi*ly have *een his
way of gaining control over the 6ennedys.

Idea1 5fter sharing the same *ed with the president, %"62s prosec#tor, and vario#s
mem*ers of the Mafia, incl#ding @am Ciancana, Monroe .new things that co#ld destroy
the most powerf#l gro#p of people in the 7.@. Many conspiracy theories *elieve that the
death of Marilyn Monroe was at the hands of the powerf#l 6ennedy family. @ome say that
Monroe had information that <ohn 6ennedy was elected with Mafia *oss @am Ciaconda2s
help and that she threatened to go p#*lic with that information if <"6 didn2t contin#e the
relationship with her. @ome even *elieve patriarch to the 6ennedy clan <oe 6ennedy was
#ltimately responsi*le *eca#se he was power h#ngry and wanted to avoid scandal. :he
most widely *elieved scenario *y conspiracy theorists is that Fo**y 6ennedy, actor =eter
>awford 8married to =at 6ennedy; and an #n.nown man carrying a medical .it entered
Monroe2s home. Fo**y 6ennedy and Monroe had a fight and the actress was in3ected in
the leg with sedatives and her *ody was then staged to loo. li.e a s#icide. 9ther theorists
spec#late that Monroe may have *een pregnant in 1G12 and that one of the 6ennedy2s was
the father.
Con'ire3!o% H"dg%ent1 :he conspiracy aro#nd Marilyn Monroe2s death act#ally holds
water. ,hile it2s tr#e that Monroe was addicted to medications and alcohol, the fact that
she was involved with very powerf#l men who were .nown to *e #nscr#p#lo#s to get what
they wanted or f#rther their careers ma.es for dangero#s company. Monroe did
#ndo#*tedly pose a threat to a few important men and *eca#se of her doc#mented mental
insta*ility, she was li.ely considered a loose cannon. !onspire.com says that this
conspiracy deserves a little more investigation and that we2d give an arm to hear what2s on
those wiretaps.

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