n Economist Best Book of the Year
New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice
Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year
“[Gareth Stedman Jones] has written the definitive biography
of Marx for our time.”
—Peter E. Gordon, New York Times Book Review
“Important…[Stedman Jones] bring[s] exceptional learning to
the business of rooting Marx in the intellectual and political life
of nineteenth-century Europe.”
—Louis Menand, New Yorker
Into the Breach
Hugh Sebag-Montefiore
Telegraph Best Book of the Year
“[Sebag-Montefiore] utilizes the
intimate archives of letters, diaries,
and dispatches to produce a far
more detailed and individualized
portrait of the subject than earlier
big single-volume treatments…The
narrative moves easily from the
larger logistical tangles back at
headquarters to the experiences of
the men fighting in the front lines,
and Sebag-Montefiore is every bit
as authoritative writing about the
birth of air and tank warfare as he
is picking apart the psychologies of
the men involved…[An] enormously
satisfying book.”
—Steve Donoghue,
Christian Science Monitor
Belknap Press 2016
65 halftones, 21 maps 656 pp.
$35.00 cloth 9780674545199
United States and its dependencies only
Belknap Press 2016 30 halftones, 4 maps 768 pp. $35.00 | £25.95 cloth
9780674971615 World rights except United Kingdom, Commonwealth & Europe
The Habsburg Empire
A New History
Pieter M. Judson
EuropeNow Editor’s Pick
Telegraph “Best History Books for Christmas” Selection
“Pieter M. Judson’s book informs and stimulates. If his account of
Habsburg achievements, especially in the 18th century, is rather
starry-eyed, it is a welcome corrective to the black legend usually
presented. Lucid, elegant, full of surprising and illuminating details,
it can be warmly recommended to anyone with an interest in
modern European history.”
—Tim Blanning, Wall Street Journal
Belknap Press 2016 40 halftones, 7 maps 592 pp.
$35.00 | £25.00 cloth 9780674047761
Park Chung Hee and Modern Korea
The Roots of Militarism, 1866–1945
Carter J. Eckert
“This pathbreaking book contributes to both modern Korean history
and Japanese colonial history by exploring the instruction that Park
Chung-hee (who went on to lead South Korea from 1961 to 1979) and
others of his generation received when they were officer trainees in
the Japanese colonial army in the 1940s.”
—Andrew J. Nathan, Foreign Affairs
Belknap Press 2016 36 halftones, 2 maps 512 pp.
$39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674659865
2 harvard university press
800-405-1619 (US only)
Heart of Europe
A History of the Holy Roman Empire
Peter H. Wilson
n Economist Best Book of the Year
“An ambitious, sprawling tome that seeks to rehabilitate the Holy
Roman Empire’s reputation by re-examining its place within the
larger sweep of European history…Heart of Europe succeeds
splendidly in rescuing the empire from its critics.”
—Mark Molesky, Wall Street Journal
Belknap Press 2016 10 color illus., 10 halftones, 20 line illus. 1008 pp.
$39.95 cloth 9780674058095 United States and its dependencies only
The Triumph of Empire
The Roman World from Hadrian to Constantine
Michael Kulikowski
“This is a wonderfully broad sweep of Roman history. It tells the
fascinating story of imperial rule from the enigmatic Hadrian
through the dozens of warlords and usurpers who fought for
the throne in the third century AD, to the Christian emperors of
the fourth—after the biggest religious and cultural revolution
the world has ever seen.”
—Mary Beard, University of Cambridge
History of the Ancient World 2016 35 color illus., 14 maps 400 pp.
$35.00 cloth 9780674659612 North America only
History and Presence
Robert A. Orsi
“[A] brilliant, theologically sophisticated exploration of the
Catholic experience of God’s presence through the material
world…On every level—from its sympathetic, honest, and sometimes moving ethnography to its astute analytical observations—
this book is a scholarly masterpiece.”
—A. W. Klink, Choice
Johannes Fried
Translated by Peter Lewis
“Charlemagne is relentless in
the accumulation of detail and
austerely comprehensive in its
endnotes…This Charles the Great
is unmistakably Karl der Grosse…
Matching the mood of our times,
blood-flecked Realpolitik and
smoldering religious intolerance
are very much to the fore…Few
[Charlemagne biographies] capture
so well the unlovely realities of
Carolingian politics and the sheer
technical difficulty of ruling a
medieval empire in the absence
of a state apparatus.”
—Michael Kulikowski,
Wall Street Journal
“In this splendid biography, Fried
shows that Charlemagne remains
a figure to be reckoned with even
12 centuries after his death.”
Cover credit: Charlemagne with model of Palatine Chapel by Casper Johann
Nepomuk Scheuren, 1825. De Agostini Picture Library / A. Dagli Orti /
Bridgeman Images
800-405-1619 (US only)
2016 8 color illus., 62 halftones,
2 maps 688 pp.
$39.95 | £25.00 cloth
harvard university press 3
Firearms and the Violent Transformation of Native America
David J. Silverman
“A good measure of a work of history is whether it changes the way we
understand its subject. By that measure, David J. Silverman succeeds
admirably in Thundersticks…In Silverman’s sober, sprawling account,
America is a nation built on slaves and guns.”
—Thomas E. Ricks, New York Times Book Review
“Silverman tells this sad and bloody story with verve, making this an
essential work for scholars of colonial encounters.”
—Publishers Weekly
Belknap Press 2016 28 halftones, 1 map 400 pp.
$29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674737471
This Vast
Southern Empire
Slaveholders at the Helm of
American Foreign Policy
Matthew Karp
“Combining immense erudition
with an engaging style, Karp sheds
light on an important but poorly
understood era in American foreign
policy and provides much food for
thought about the ways in which
the Davisonian legacy continued
to influence the United States long
after slavery died.”
Tibet in Agony
Lhasa 1959
Jianglin Li
Translated by Susan Wilf
“Should be required reading.”
—Jonathan Mirsky, The Spectator
“Remarkable…for its meticulously researched and detailed exposé
of Chinese duplicity and ruthlessness…What you hear turning every
page of this book—the first book written with full access to official
Chinese documents and accounts of the events—is the sound of
scales falling from the eyes.”
—Mick Brown, Literary Review
2016 30 halftones, 7 maps 464 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674088894
—Walter Russell Mead,
Foreign Affairs
“Adept and detailed…Karp’s
thorough and polished study
will be eagerly welcomed by
—Publishers Weekly
2016 7 halftones, 3 maps,
3 tables 368 pp.
$29.95 | £22.95 cloth
The War Within
Diaries from the Siege of Leningrad
Alexis Peri
“By mining an extraordinarily rich treasure trove of unpublished diaries,
Peri moves beyond relating what happened during the blockade and
instead explains how Leningraders made sense of it. Sophisticated,
nuanced, and extremely well written, The War Within is a major contribution to our understanding of the mentality of Leningrad’s civilians
during the blockade and the role that diaries played in Soviet history.”
—Richard Bidlack, coauthor of The Leningrad Blockade, 1941–1944
2016 20 halftones, 2 maps 384 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674971554
4 harvard university press
800-405-1619 (US only)
The French Resistance
Olivier Wieviorka
Translated by Jane Marie Todd
“The work of [a] seasoned scholar and energetic researcher…The
ultimate question is what difference the French Resistance really made. Wieviorka considers this matter most fully.”
—Robert O. Paxton, New York Review of Books
“Magisterial…Wieviorka shows that the Resistance was divided
and fragmented from the start, and that the many and varied
organizations that constituted it were often driven by political
ideology…[An] engrossing book.”
—Richard J. Evans, London Review of Books
Belknap Press 2016 1 line illus., 3 maps 592 pp.
$39.95 | £31.95 cloth 9780674731226
In His Time and Ours
Élisabeth Roudinesco
From the War
on Poverty to the
War on Crime
The Making of Mass
Incarceration in America
Translated by Catherine Porter
Times Higher Education Book of the Week
Elizabeth Hinton
“Through seamlessly and eloquently weaving together
details from Freud’s time and our own, [Roudinesco] provides
a refreshingly new and welcome account—warts and all.”
New York Times Notable
Book of the Year
New York Times Book Review
Editors’ Choice
—Janet Sayers, Times Higher Education
“A welcome reminder of Freud’s considerable influence on
20th-century intellectual life.”
—Samuel Moyn, The Nation
Publishers Weekly Favorite
Book of the Year
Seminary Co-op Notable
Book of the Year
o-Winner, Thomas J. Wilson
2016 1 chart 592 pp. $35.00 | £25.00 cloth 9780674659568
Red Ellen
The Life of Ellen Wilkinson, Socialist, Feminist, Internationalist
Laura Beers
“In Red Ellen, Laura Beers…draws a multifaceted portrait, capturing the woman herself as well as her remarkable political career.”
—Martin Rubin, Wall Street Journal
“Beers has produced a detailed account of an extraordinary life.”
—Clare Griffiths, Times Higher Education
Memorial Prize
“A revelation…A reader cannot
help reckoning with the truth that
the problem of police brutality
and mass incarceration won’t be
remedied with technology and
training. Those of us who believe
in the principles of democracy and
justice would do well to witness,
as detailed in Hinton’s pages, the
shameful theft of liberty in this socalled land of the free.”
—Imani Perry,
2016 30 halftones 568 pp. $29.95 | £20.00 cloth 9780674971523
New York Times Book Review
2016 11 halftones 464 pp.
$29.95 | £23.95 cloth
800-405-1619 (US only)
harvard university press 5
Once Within Borders
Territories of Power, Wealth, and Belonging since 1500
Charles S. Maier
“In this brilliant and sweeping narrative, Maier shows how,
beginning in the seventeenth century, sovereignty and territory
became intertwined as states built borders, reorganized systems
of labor and capital, and forged domains of law and authority.”
—G. John Ikenberry, Foreign Affairs
Belknap Press 2016 16 halftones 416 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674059788
The Cold World They Made
The Strategic Legacy of Roberta and Albert Wohlstetter
Ron Robin
Nothing Ever Dies
Vietnam and the
Memory of War
Viet Thanh Nguyen
H F inalist, National Book Award
in Nonfiction
Kirkus Reviews Best
Nonfiction Book of the Year
Listener Best Book of the Year
Seminary Co-op Notable
Book of the Year
“Nothing Ever Dies is an account
of humanity at its darkest, a realm
of war, memory, identity and pain
that ventures from the jungles
of Vietnam to the killing fields of
—Jeffrey Fleishman,
“Provocative…The Cold World They Made is a withering indictment
of the Wohlstetters and their influence on defense policy.”
—Philip Taubman, New York Times Book Review
2016 7 halftones 376 pp. $35.00 | £25.95 cloth 9780674046573
Preparing for War
The Emergence of the Modern U.S. Army, 1815–1917
J. P. Clark
“A subtle, sophisticated, and immensely insightful contribution to U.S.
military history. Combining intimate understanding with admirable
critical distance, J. P. Clark’s study stands alone in describing the intellectual evolution of the army officer corps. His story may end with
World War I, but its implications echo down to the present day.”
—Andrew J. Bacevich, author of
America’s War for the Greater Middle East
2017 12 halftones 352 pp. $39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674545731
Los Angeles Times
“[An] eloquent…narrative of the
Vietnam War’s psychological impact
on combatants and civilians…
Nguyen succeeds in delivering
a potent critique of the war and
revealing what the memories of
living have meant for the identities
of the next generation.”
—Publishers Weekly
2016 35 halftones 384 pp.
$27.95 | £22.95 cloth
6 harvard university press
800-405-1619 (US only)
The Good Occupation
American Soldiers and the Hazards of Peace
Susan L. Carruthers
“A disturbing look at the experiences of the ‘after-army’: the
American service-people who stayed on active duty after the
Second World War, charged with rebuilding the places they had
helped to destroy. Frank, often harsh voices from letters, diaries
and memoirs serve up ‘inconvenient truths’: the armed forces’
caste system and racism; casual cruelty and venality trumping
conscience; ‘fraternisation’ (and prostitution and rape) with
‘blowsy frauleins’ and ‘anxious to please’ Japanese maids.”
—Times Higher Education
2016 25 halftones 400 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674545700
The Politics of
Admiral Bill Halsey
A Naval Life
Thomas Alexander Hughes
“Smartly written…[It] deserves to supplant E. B. Potter’s 21-yearold Bull Halsey as the standard life of its subject…Hughes is an
entertaining writer and an incisive observer.”
—James D. Hornfischer, Wall Street Journal
2016 42 halftones, 6 maps 544 pp. $35.00 | £27.95 cloth 9780674049635
Elvis’s Army
Cold War GIs and the Atomic Battlefield
Death and Honor in Arlington
National Cemetery
Micki McElya
“An insightful and affecting
investigation of how Americans
see themselves, and how they
memorialize their soldiers, that
will be of interest to historians and,
particularly, veterans.”
—Edwin Burgess,
Brian McAllister Linn
Library Journal
“Brian Linn’s history holds lessons for us: be wary about claims
of revolutionary change in warfare; find ways to keep servicemen and women connected to those in whose name they serve;
recognize that the American military’s advantage over potential
enemies is more human than technological. This is a book for
scholars, students, soldiers, and citizens.”
—H. R. McMaster, author of Dereliction of Duty
2016 20 halftones 464 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674737686
800-405-1619 (US only)
harvard university press 7
Elusive Refuge
Chinese Migrants in the Cold War
Laura Madokoro
“Madokoro shows that our grasp of the history of refugees is woefully
incomplete unless we take proper account of the international response to those who fled mainland China in the wake of the Chinese
Revolution…Innovative in conception and execution, Elusive Refuge
makes a very significant contribution to our understanding of the
modern world’s response to refugees.”
—Peter Gatrell, author of The Making of the Modern Refugee
2016 5 halftones 352 pp. $45.00 | £33.95 cloth 9780674971516
Accidental State
China’s Crony
The Dynamics of Regime Decay
Minxin Pei
n Economist Best Book of the Year
Financial Times Best Economics
Book of the Year
“Pei’s book is quietly devastating…
With clinical precision, Pei explains
how corruption operates at every
level, perverting each branch of
the party-state and subverting the
political authority of the regime…
This book is essential reading for
anyone who wishes to understand
China today, or engage with it at any
level, in any field.”
—The Economist
“Xi Jinping claims to be eliminating
corruption from China’s economic
and political systems. Pei, one of
the world’s most knowledgeable
scholars, argues that this is
impossible because corruption is
the system.”
—Martin Wolf, Financial Times
2016 10 tables 376 pp.
$35.00 | £25.95 cloth
8 harvard university press
Chiang Kai-shek, the United States, and the Making of Taiwan
Hsiao-ting Lin
“A model of rigorous scholarship and revisionist argument. Using a
wide variety of primary materials, Lin shows the early Cold War in
Asia was a time of fast and unexpected change and that the establishment of a new polity on Taiwan came about in highly contingent
circumstances. This is a powerful and exciting argument to our
understanding of modern Cold War and Chinese history.”
—Rana Mitter, author of Forgotten Ally
2016 17 halftones, 2 maps 352 pp. $39.95 | £31.95 cloth 9780674659810
Unlikely Partners
Chinese Reformers, Western Economists,
and the Making of Global China
Julian Gewirtz
H A Marginal Revolution Best Non-Fiction Book of the Year
“Gewirtz’s account of China’s transition from Marxist central
planning to ‘socialist market’ economics is masterful: detailed,
balanced, and illuminating…This is a revelatory account of China’s
economic evolution, its debt to Western economic thought, and
its love-hate relationship with capitalism.”
—Publishers Weekly (starred review)
“I loved this book. It is a tour de force on China, the theory of policy
advising, and the history of economic thought, all rolled into one.”
—Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution
2017 18 halftones 416 pp. $39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674971134
800-405-1619 (US only)
Uyghur Nation
Reform and Revolution on the Russia-China Frontier
David Brophy
“This work on the Uyghurs, a 10-million strong Turkic Muslim
minority residing mainly in Xinjiang in western China, is a
welcome contribution to a recent rise in Uyghur studies…
A remarkable account of a people searching for identity
at the intersection of empire.”
—M. Chakars, Choice
2016 15 halftones, 3 maps 368 pp. $39.95 | £31.95 cloth 9780674660373
A Book of Conquest
The Chachnama and Muslim Origins in South Asia
Manan Ahmed Asif
BBC History Magazine Global History Book of the Year
“Ahmed’s re-reading will no doubt provoke scholars in both
Pakistan and India. It cuts against the grain of the way the
Chachnama has been discussed and taught for centuries.
Though its rigorously argued style may not help win the
readership it deserves outside academia, the book comes
at a pivotal time.”
—Kanishk Tharoor, Hindu Business Line
2016 8 halftones, 1 map 272 pp. $45.00 | £33.95 cloth 9780674660113
The Discovery
of Chance
The Life and Thought
of Alexander Herzen
Aileen M. Kelly
New York Times Book Review
Editors’ Choice
“If you read only one book related to
Russia this year, this should be it.”
—Robert Legvold, Foreign Affairs
Twelve Infallible Men
The Imams and the Making of Shi’ism
Matthew Pierce
“An exemplary work on a hitherto understudied yet highly significant topic. Pierce succeeds admirably in making these biographies speak to central concerns in the contemporary study of
Shi’ism in particular and of Islam in general…This compact and
accessible work will go a long way towards offering a robust
understanding of a major religious phenomenon.”
—Ahmet Karamustafa, University of Maryland
2016 272 pp. $45.00 | £35.95 cloth 9780674737075
“[A] gripping biography of a tragic
if courageous life…[The] hidden
strands in Herzen’s thought,
painstakingly uncovered here by
Aileen Kelly, provide yet another
compelling reason we should read
the melancholy old Russian again
and recognize, in his anguished
attempt to defend human freedom
in dark times, amid all the cruelty
of history, that he is truly our
—Michael Ignatieff,
New York Times Book Review
2016 19 halftones 608 pp.
$39.95 | £31.95 cloth
800-405-1619 (US only)
harvard university press 9
Democracy’s Slaves
A Political History of Ancient Greece
Paulin Ismard
Translated by Jane Marie Todd
“This is not a conventional work of ancient history, and so much
the better. Ismard challenges our dependence on influential
comparisons of ancient and modern democracies, ancient and
modern slave societies. Democracy’s Slaves is forceful, engaging,
erudite, and sophisticated.”
—Page duBois, University of California, San Diego
2017 208 pp. $35.00 | £25.95 cloth 9780674660076
The Empire That Would Not Die
The First European
A History of Alexander
in the Age of Empire
Pierre Briant
Translated by Nicholas Elliott
“With its vast erudition, and careful
attention to minor as well as major
figures from Montesquieu to
Droysen and beyond, Pierre Briant’s
book is nothing less than a tour
de force…This is a significant and
weighty contribution to a real global
intellectual history.”
—Sanjay Subrahmanyam,
University of California,
Los Angeles
2017 13 color illus.,
17 halftones, 3 tables 496 pp.
$35.00 | £25.00 cloth
10 harvard university press
The Paradox of Eastern Roman Survival, 640–740
John Haldon
“The Empire That Would Not Die is the latest contribution from a
prolific scholar who has been laying the foundations of Byzantine history for the last twenty-five years. Haldon returns to seventh-century
Byzantium with a new approach full of fresh insights.”
—Averil Cameron, Keble College, University of Oxford
Carl Newell Jackson Lectures 2016 7 maps, 1 graph, 3 tables 432 pp.
$45.00 | £35.95 cloth 9780674088771
Legal Plunder
Households and Debt Collection in Late Medieval Europe
Daniel Lord Smail
“Legal Plunder is only partly about the exploration of grand interpretive ideas using a medieval case study. The book will also stimulate
readers interested primarily in debates about the economy, society
and culture of late medieval Europe. Its main conclusions will surely
excite discussion and further exploration.”
—Christopher Briggs, History Today
2016 15 color illus., 8 halftones, 2 line illus., 6 graphs, 4 tables 344 pp.
$39.95 | £31.95 cloth 9780674737280
800-405-1619 (US only)
The Mormon Jesus
A Biography
John G. Turner
“The Mormon Jesus is an example of excellent Mormon
scholarship that can be found from authors outside the
faith…A worthy look at the LDS faith.”
—Doug Gibson, Standard-Examiner
Belknap Press 2016 27 halftones 368 pp.
$29.95 | £23.95 cloth 9780674737433
Insanity and Sanctity in Byzantium
The Ambiguity of Religious Experience
Youval Rotman
“Rotman’s approach and interpretation are bold and novel—
Insanity and Sanctity in Byzantium gives a central and decisive
role to psychology in interpreting the historical phenomenon
of holy fools. This is an intriguing and inspiring book that will
have a profound impact.”
—Kostis Smyrlis, New York University
2016 272 pp. $39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674057616
Our Divine Double
Charles M. Stang
“In this lively, insightful book, Stang tackles a major problem
in the history of ancient religion, and sheds much light on a
forgotten chapter in the archaeology of the person. Major
instances, such as Thomas, Jesus’s twin brother, and Mani’s
heavenly twin, are studied in the context of a Platonic tradition
going from Socrates’s daimon to Plotinus.”
—Guy Stroumsa, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
and University of Oxford
The Menorah
From the Bible to Modern Israel
Steven Fine
“Fine meticulously documents how
this well-known, still-extant artifact
became a familiar and important
symbol for the Jewish people and
the State of Israel, despite initially
representing the Romans’ defeat of
the Jews in Jerusalem.”
—Amanda Folk, Library Journal
“Magisterial…Fine displays a
savvy approach to his study of the
—Jonathan Kirsch, Jewish Journal
2016 50 color illus. 304 pp.
$29.95 | £22.95 cloth
2016 1 line illus. 320 pp. $49.95 | £39.95 cloth 9780674287198
800-405-1619 (US only)
harvard university press 11
African Pentecostals in Catholic Europe
The Politics of Presence in the Twenty-First Century
Annalisa Butticci
“Excellent and highly readable…The different sides have surprising
commonalities, and it is in this area that the book makes its greatest
contribution to the literature on migrant religion.”
—Philip Jenkins, Books & Culture
2016 2 halftones 208 pp. $39.95 | £31.95 cloth 9780674737099
Beyond Timbuktu
An Intellectual History of Muslim West Africa
Ousmane Oumar Kane
“Kane’s compelling intellectual history of West Africa places Timbuktu
within a much broader tradition of Islamic learning in the region,
which was home to other medieval knowledge centers and which
continues to advance the study of Arabic philology even today…His
wide-ranging book focuses on the intellectual traditions of the region
and its role in the production and circulation of key Arabic-language
texts regarding religion, law, and ethics.”
—Nicolas van de Walle, Foreign Affairs
2016 296 pp. $39.95 | £31.95 cloth 9780674050822
The Scriptural Universe of Ancient Christianity
Guy G. Stroumsa
“The Anglophone world’s
most readily accessible
collection of classical
their digitization, [the
“Stroumsa covers scriptural history with remarkable sophistication
and provides here a comprehensive review of ancient Christian
book culture.”
—Brian Stock, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
and Collège de France
2016 192 pp. $39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674545137
translations] have crossed
yet another frontier.”
Wall Street Journal
12 harvard university press
800-405-1619 (US only)
Legible Religion
Books, Gods, and Rituals in Roman Culture
Duncan MacRae
“With this book on the role of writing in Roman religion, MacRae
offers a reasoned and persuasive corrective to current scholarship. While scholars center all too often on the importance of
ritual action and religious practice, Legible Religion provides a
timely and important reminder that writing, reading, and thinking about religion were just as essential to people’s religious
identities in the Roman world as were their sacrifices and vows.”
—Andreas Bendlin, University of Toronto
2016 272 pp. $49.95 | £39.95 cloth 9780674088719
“We can only welcome an
undertaking like the Murty
Classical Library of India,
which intends to inject
fresh blood directly into
Everyday Renaissances
The Quest for Cultural Legitimacy in Venice
Sarah Gwyneth Ross
“An innovative, highly significant, and original contribution to the
study of early modern European cultural history. Ross makes a
concrete, well-documented case that cultural pursuits served
an important set of purposes in helping early modern people
craft their identities.”
—Christopher S. Celenza, author of Machiavelli
I Tatti Studies in Italian Renaissance History 2016 256 pp.
$49.95 | £39.95 cloth 9780674659834
Success and Suppression
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy in the Renaissance
the circulatory system of
the English language. Any
intelligent reader cannot fail
to be favorably impressed
in the presence of the
variegated offerings of the
series’ first titles.”
—Roberto Calasso,
New York Review of Books
“The Murty Classical Library
is uncovering India’s
Dag Nikolaus Hasse
“A must-read for people working on the histories of philosophy,
medicine, or science in Renaissance Italy. In this important book,
Hasse challenges a reigning paradigm in Renaissance studies,
documenting the continuing centrality of the Arabic tradition in
Italy and the complex interactions of humanism and Arabism in
scientific and philosophical teaching and debates.”
—Katharine Park, Harvard University
I Tatti Studies in Italian Renaissance History 2016 6 halftones 688 pp.
$59.95 | £44.95 cloth 9780674971585
dazzling literary history…
It illuminates lost things,
brings back to recognition
texts that were once crucial.”
—Neel Mukherjee,
New Statesman
Browse the series:
800-405-1619 (US only)
harvard university press 13
Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture
Edited by Claudio Fogu • Wulf Kansteiner • Todd Presner
“These essays provide a new framework for the study of collective
violence and state terror at a global scale…A must read for anyone
interested in the past and future of Holocaust studies and a great
tribute to Saul Friedländer.”
—Andreas Huyssen, author of Miniature Metropolis
2016 24 halftones 528 pp. $45.00 | £33.95 cloth 9780674970519
The Nazi-Fascist New Order for European Culture
Benjamin G. Martin
Éamon de Valera
A Will to Power
Ronan Fanning
“[A] sharp new biography
of de Valera.”
—Fintan O’Toole,
New York Review of Books
“De Valera is the subject of many
biographies, including several
authorized productions that he
carefully supervised. But Éamon de
Valera: A Will to Power, by Ronan
Fanning, stands out…An astute,
nuanced and highly readable life
that manages to be both sharply
critical and expansive in its
judgments. In this era of doorstop
biographies, Fanning deserves
extra praise for accomplishing all
this in a trim 300 pages.”
—Michael O’Donnell,
“As Benjamin G. Martin shows in his bold and impressive book,
Germany, in close collaboration with Mussolini’s Italy, tried to recast
European culture in accordance with their ideological aims…Martin’s
book is a work of great originality because it does not focus on the
art, nor on individual artists, film-makers and writers, but instead
draws our attention to the policies enacted by the Nazi-fascist
regimes to transform the cultural market.”
—Gavin Jacobson, New Statesman
2016 19 halftones 384 pp. $39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674545748
Belonging to the Nation
Inclusion and Exclusion in the Polish-German Borderlands, 1939–1951
John J. Kulczycki
“Kulczycki seeks to show how the stories of those who left Poland
for West Germany in the 1950s do not easily fit the narrow categories
of expulsion or economic migration…Kulczycki has written an engaging and deeply informative account of nationalization policies in the
German-Polish borderlands…Judicious and fairly written, the book
reminds readers that the need to respect the cultural variety of the
region remains relevant to this day.”
—Winson Chu, H-Net Reviews
2016 3 maps, 9 tables 416 pp. $49.95 | £39.95 cloth 9780674659780
Wall Street Journal
2016 20 halftones 320 pp.
$29.95 cloth 9780674660380
Not for sale in the UK, British
Commonwealth & Europe
(except Canada)
14 harvard university press
800-405-1619 (US only)
Shaper Nations
Strategies for a Changing World
Edited by William I. Hitchcock •
Melvyn P. Leffler • Jeffrey W. Legro
“The idea that some states, while not Great Powers, play a
very large role in shaping the development of their regions
is a good one, and the essays by a diverse set of authors
provide insightful and well-grounded discussions of the
particular cases…Readers will learn a lot about an important
set of countries, how the U.S. may respond, and what this
means for the future of world politics.”
—Robert Jervis, author of Why Intelligence Fails
2016 4 graphs 224 pp. $35.00 | £27.95 cloth 9780674660212
Free Speech and Unfree News
The Paradox of Press Freedom in America
A Case Study
Sam Lebovic
David A. Moss
“How could a nation proud of its commitment to free expression
also be a place where journalists must scour through leaked
documents to learn basic facts about government policies?
Sam Lebovic’s spectacular and important book shows how
the idea of a ‘right to know’ dropped out of twentieth-century
understandings of the First Amendment. Essential for understanding what has become of an American free press.”
—Mary L. Dudziak, author of War Time
2016 352 pp. $39.95 | £31.95 cloth 9780674659773
“This set of well-documented,
accessible essays presents the
prickly challenges facing the rapidly
changing American democracy, for
lawmakers and citizens alike…A
sterling educational tool that
offers a fresh presentation of how
‘democracy in America has always
been a contact sport.’”
—Kirkus Reviews
(starred review)
Legislating Instability
Adam Smith, Free Banking, and the Financial Crisis of 1772
Tyler Beck Goodspeed
“Goodspeed’s novel interpretation of the Ayr crisis revises
the historical record and advances our understanding of the
workings of unregulated banking. It is masterly.”
—George Selgin, Director, Center for Monetary
and Financial Alternatives, The Cato Institute
2016 4 halftones, 19 graphs 224 pp. $39.95 | £31.95 cloth 9780674088887
800-405-1619 (US only)
harvard university press 15
Battle for Bed-Stuy
The Long War on Poverty in New York City
Michael Woodsworth
“This original and well-written account of postwar community activism
makes an excellent and provocative case that Bed-Stuy, long overshadowed by Harlem, is a key site for understanding postwar African
American history.”
—Karen Ferguson, author of Top Down
2016 24 halftones 424 pp. $35.00 | £27.95 cloth 9780674545069
Africans in the Old South
Mapping Exceptional Lives across the Atlantic World
Randy J. Sparks
Shantytown, USA
Forgotten Landscapes
of the Working Poor
Lisa Goff
“In her broadly researched debut
book, Goff traces the history of
shanties in America, beginning
with Thoreau’s famous cabin on
Walden Pond.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Lisa Goff’s Shantytown, USA is not
your ordinary American Studies
cuppa joe. But it’s one of those
books you might pick up in a loosechange moment of curiosity and
find yourself utterly unable to put
down because it’s so unexpected, so
smart, so good.”
—Dana D. Nelson,
American Literary History
“Africans in the Old South is an original and illuminating biographical
narrative of six Africans whose diverse and compelling stories challenge us to think deeply about African mobility and resourcefulness
across the uneven geographies of Atlantic slavery and abolition.”
—Sharla M. Fett, author of Working Cures
2016 15 maps 224 pp. $26.95 | £21.95 cloth 9780674495166
The Roots of Urban Renaissance
Gentrification and the Struggle over Harlem
Brian D. Goldstein
“We’ve waited far too long for a book like Goldstein’s. We see, through
his efforts, how debates over community control, modernist and
insurgent architecture, and public/private partnerships owe much of
their ongoing salience to the experience of redevelopment in Harlem.
Indeed, if the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s captures a distinctive
cultural flowering, the Harlem of the 1960s and 1970s, in Goldstein’s
able hands, similarly stands in for America.”
—N. D. B. Connolly, author of A World More Concrete
2017 42 halftones, 1 map 400 pp. $39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674971509
2016 21 halftones 320 pp.
$35.00 | £27.95 cloth
16 harvard university press
800-405-1619 (US only)
Afro-Latin America
Black Lives, 1600–2000
George Reid Andrews
“Black lives matter in Latin American history…This is classic
Andrews, hands on the evidence, head around the big picture,
a lover of paradox. Both a masterful introduction for the newly
curious and a master class for old hands like me.”
—John Charles Chasteen, author of Born in Blood and Fire
The Nathan I. Huggins Lectures 2016 2 maps, 2 graphs, 4 tables 136 pp.
$24.95 | £19.95 cloth 9780674737594
Informed Power
Communication in the Early American South
Alejandra Dubcovsky
America’s Dream
ichael V. R. Thomason Book Award,
Gulf South Historical Association
“Alejandra Dubcovsky offers a nuanced interpretation of the
ways in which early Americans communicated. She is a master
of the primary source evidence and employs her keen analytic
abilities to reveal not only that knowledge was power in this
early modern world but how it circulated and who it benefited.
A groundbreaking work.”
—Peter C. Mancall, University of Southern California
2016 11 halftones, 4 maps 304 pp. $39.95 | £31.95 cloth 9780674660182
Brahmin Capitalism
Frontiers of Wealth and Populism in America’s First Gilded Age
Noam Maggor
“A rich and truly original history of industrial capitalism that
ties Boston to the trans-Mississippi West. [Maggor] offers
a penetrating and bracing analysis of the spatial dynamics
of capital accumulation and the political forces that have
restrained it…A remarkable book.”
—Elizabeth Blackmar, Columbia University
Middle East Expertise
and the Rise of the
National Security State
Osamah F. Khalil
“Offers a wide-ranging exploration
of the complex relationship
between the knowledge that
Americans have produced about
the Middle East and the exercise of
American power in the region, from
the First World War down to the
invasion of Iraq. Well-researched
and engagingly written, it should
be of interest to scholars and
nonscholars alike.”
—Zachary Lockman,
author of Field Notes
2016 5 halftones 440 pp.
$35.00 | £25.95 cloth
“[Graham’s] survey of the terrifying milieu in which Lysenko thrived
includes a discussion of the eugenics movement in the Soviet Union,
and the short book thus encompasses two major types of threat to
the integrity of scientific inquiry: institutional interference from without and political infection from within. The latter threat, in particular,
is ever present…Graham’s survey of Lysenkoism and eugenics in
Soviet Russia contains important lessons about threats to the health
of science.”
—Nicholas Wade, Wall Street Journal
2016 28 halftones 224 pp. $24.95 | £19.95 cloth 9780674089051
Bone Rooms
From Scientific Racism to
Human Prehistory in Museums
Samuel J. Redman
Choice Outstanding Academic
Title “Top 25” Selection
“[A] remarkable examination
of scientific racism, biological
anthropology, and the mission of
medical museums.”
—Publishers Weekly
(starred review)
“Bone Rooms details the nascent
views of racial science that
evolved in U.S. natural history,
anthropological and medical
museums. These debates spilled
into public museum spaces,
arraying human bodies in
sometimes controversial, even
macabre, exhibits. Redman
effectively portrays the remarkable
personalities behind them.”
—David Hurst Thomas, Nature
2016 25 halftones 408 pp.
$29.95 | £23.95 cloth
18 harvard university press
Who Owns the Dead?
The Science and Politics of Death at Ground Zero
Jay D. Aronson
—Brian Bethune, Maclean’s
“Thoroughly researched, eminently judicious, powerful, and poignant…
Aronson emphasizes throughout his fine book that Americans must
find ways to understand, respect, and respond to the immense burdens bereaved families carry, as well as the cultural, economic, and
political implications of public commemorations of mass deaths.”
—Glenn C. Altschuler, Philadelphia Inquirer
2016 336 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674971493
Vanishing America
Species Extinction, Racial Peril, and the Origins of Conservation
Miles A. Powell
“Powell’s intention is to illuminate a little-known chapter of American
history, a lengthy period when wilderness was a racially charged
concept…The book deserves to be included in current discussions
of class, race, and gender. It indicates how highly intelligent and
educated, even often well-intentioned, individuals can band together
to promote divisive and discriminatory causes.”
—Louise Fabiani, Pacific Standard
2016 26 halftones 264 pp. $39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674971561
800-405-1619 (US only)
From Steel to Slots
Casino Capitalism in the Postindustrial City
Chloe E. Taft
Planetizen’s Top Planning Books for 2017
“As a case study of the steel industry’s decline and casino-based
postindustrial economic development, From Steel to Slots offers
up illuminating detail and storytelling.”
—Catherine Tumber, In These Times
2016 28 halftones, 5 maps 336 pp. $39.95 | £31.95 cloth 9780674660496
Bankrupts and Usurers of Imperial Russia
Debt, Property, and the Law in the Age of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy
Sergei Antonov
“With imagination and rich detail, [Sergei Antonov] shows
how informal personal credit pervaded every aspect of culture,
society, and government, undergirding the social order and
an entire regime of private property ownership…A masterly
addition to the new cultural and social history of debt.”
The British Empire and the Origins of International Law,
Lauren Benton • Lisa Ford
“This book is a major achievement. Benton and Ford provide
a powerful new way of understanding the global reach and
effects of modern British imperialism. By connecting projects
of colonial governance with new visions of global legal ordering, they offer a bold rethinking of the imperial context for the
emergence of modern international law.”
—Robert Travers, Cornell University
2016 7 halftones 288 pp. $39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674737464
“A treat and a treasure.”
—Richard C. Evans, New Statesman
“Linda Parshall’s elegant new
translation provides the first
complete English edition…It is
in Pückler’s observations of the
society he encounters that the
Letters really come into their own…
They are a joy to read: lively, well
observed, imbued with gentle selfirony and a good eye for a story—
even, and perhaps especially, when
the author is the butt of it.”
—Maren Meinhardt,
Times Literary Supplement
Ex Horto: Dumbarton Oaks Texts
in Garden and Landscape Studies
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library
and Collection 2016
126 color illus., 3 maps 800 pp.
$75.00 | £59.95 cloth
800-405-1619 (US only)
harvard university press 19
A Biography
David Shulman
Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year
“Shulman is a priceless advocate of the language and its many
—Steve Donoghue, Open Letters Monthly
“An impressive monument to Tamil, written with erudition and wit. This
‘biography’ deals with much more than language—literature, culture,
geography, history, all combine in praise of beauty and love.”
—Tzvetan Todorov, National Center for Scientific Research, Paris
Belknap Press 2016 416 pp. $35.00 | £25.00 cloth 9780674059924
The Story of His Life
Marco Santagata
Translated by Richard Dixon
Times Literary Supplement
Best Book of the Year
Marginal Revolution Best
Non-Fiction Book of the Year
Seminary Co-op Notable
Book of the Year
Times Higher Education
Book of the Week
“Santagata…has written an
impressive new biography that
takes into consideration every
bit of reliable and semireliable
information available to us about
Dante’s life, from his birth in
Florence in 1265 to his death in
Ravenna in 1321…If you are looking
for the most thorough, factually
based account of Dante’s life and
times to date, Santagata is your
—Robert Pogue Harrison,
New York Review of Books
Belknap Press 2016
8 line illus. 496 pp.
$35.00 | £25.00 cloth
The Irish Enlightenment
Michael Brown
“This controversial reading of the modern Irish mind is a very welcome
addition to the ongoing 2016 debates about where Ireland comes
from and where it hopes to go.”
—Richard Kearney, Irish Times
“Impressively detailed scholarship…Brown…has written a big, brave
and important book. He has authoritatively shown that a debate
about enlightenment took place in Ireland and that the debate was in
part constitutive of the phenomenon itself.”
—David Dwan, Times Literary Supplement
2016 640 pp. $39.95 | £25.00 9780674045774
The Banjo
America’s African Instrument
Laurent Dubois
Choice Outstanding Academic Title “Top 25” Selection
“Dubois illuminates the banjo’s complicated cultural history…
This lively account is not without surprises.”
—New Yorker
“[A] riveting history of the banjo…While the story Dubois tells is
primarily historical and sociological, it is also musical, and he
never lets us forget the magical hum that distinguishes the banjo
from the guitar and other stringed instruments.”
—Tom Gilling, The Australian
Belknap Press 2016 20 halftones 384 pp. $29.95 | £23.95 cloth 9780674047846
20 harvard university press
800-405-1619 (US only)
Michel Winock
Translated by Nicholas Elliott
WBUR Best Book of the Year
“This generous study ingeniously builds a narrative around
Flaubert’s own words—from not only the novels but also
voluminous correspondence and unpublished work. Adding
light background and analysis, Winock allows the mind of
the Master to shine.”
—New Yorker
“Noted French historian Winock’s biography succeeds in
presenting a fresh portrait of a man plagued by paradoxes.”
—Erica Swenson Danowitz, Library Journal
Belknap Press 2016 32 halftones 560 pp.
$35.00 | £25.00 cloth 9780674737952
Just around
Authors in Court
Scenes from the Theater of Copyright
Rock and Roll and the
Racial Imagination
Mark Rose
Jack Hamilton
“Well-written, erudite, informative, and engaging…We see the way
that personalities inflect the supposedly impartial law; we see
the role of gender in authorial self-fashioning; we see some of
the fault lines which produce litigation; and we get a nice history of the evolution of the fair use doctrine…Going forward, no
one writing about any of the cases Rose discusses can afford to
ignore his contribution.”
—Lewis Hyde, Kenyon College
2016 20 halftones 240 pp. $29.95 | £23.95 cloth 9780674048041
Writing for Hire
Unions, Hollywood, and Madison Avenue
Catherine L. Fisk
“This is an incisive work of scholarship and historical reconstruction that not only captures the dilemma of authorship in
corporatized film, TV, and advertising but also demonstrates
the central importance of good old-fashioned trade unionism
in defending the creativity, status, and income of even the
most renowned writers…Catherine Fisk’s eye-opening book is
essential reading.”
WBUR’s The Artery Holiday
Gift Guide Selection
“Brilliant…[A] valuable engagement
with the unheard narrative of race
in rock and roll.”
—Emma Rees,
Times Higher Education
“Ambitious and rewarding…Just
Around Midnight seeks to tell the
story of [black] erasure [from
rock ‘n’ roll], and it does so quite
compellingly by bringing together
artists and songs that our implicitly
segregationist narratives have
encouraged us to keep apart.”
—Kevin J. H. Dettmar,
Chronicle of Higher Education
2016 3 halftones, 5 music illus.
352 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth
—Nelson Lichtenstein, author of A Contest of Ideas
2016 320 pp. $35.00 | £25.95 cloth 9780674971400
800-405-1619 (US only)
harvard university press 21
The Animal Game
Searching for Wildness at the American Zoo
Daniel E. Bender
“What emerges is a story of adaptation and survival that exposes
the modern zoo as ‘a third nature’…Those who are ethically opposed
to zoos will find plenty here to strengthen their case. But with zoos’
power of reinvention, it seems likely that this ‘third nature’ will be
with us for some time.”
—Henry Nicholls, Nature
2016 30 halftones 400 pp. $39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674737341
Natural Interests
The Contest over Environment in Modern France
The Tupac Amaru
Charles F. Walker
orris and Carol Hundley Award,
Pacific Coast Branch of the
American Historical Association
Financial Times Best History
Book of the Year
“[This is] the first extended survey
of the causes and the course of the
Tupac Amaru rebellion to appear in
English since 1966…Walker skillfully
blends narrative with explanation
to construct a harrowing story
of violence and atrocities on an
enormous scale…[It] will give
Anglophone readers a perceptive
and reliable account of the terrible
events that occurred far away from
what they naturally regard as the
principal center of action at that
time, the British North American
colonies, a mere 322,000 square
miles in size, as compared with an
Andean surface area approaching
two million.”
Caroline Ford
“This thoughtful analysis of the people, documents, and controversies evoked by ecological themes in France since the revolution
highlights the play of anxiety and nostalgia that underpinned sites of
consciousness and trajectories in environmental actions and policies.”
—G. W. McDonogh, Choice
2016 18 halftones, 2 maps, 1 table 296 pp. $49.95 | £39.95 cloth 9780674045903
The Rhinoceros and the Megatherium
An Essay in Natural History
Juan Pimentel
Translated by Peter Mason
“In a series of brilliantly illuminating juxtapositions, between
Renaissance and Revolution, between the worlds of the East and
West Indies, and, above all, between the enterprises of analysis
and description, Pimentel’s astute book shows how the work of
imagination and of ingenious imagery has long played a decisive
if neglected role in making natural knowledge.”
—Simon Schaffer, University of Cambridge
2016 67 halftones 368 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674737129
—J. H. Elliott,
New York Review of Books
Belknap Press 2016; 2014
12 halftones, 10 maps
376 pp. $19.95 | £15.95 paper
22 harvard university press
800-405-1619 (US only)
Story of a World Language
Jürgen Leonhardt
Translated by Kenneth Kronenberg
Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year
Library Journal Best Book of the Year
Slate “Overlooked Book” of the Year
“Leonhardt has dethroned Latin from its traditional position
as a marmoreal, static sidekick to Greek and taught us to
understand the history not only of Latin, but of language
and literature, in a new way. His approach seems natural in
a time of intellectual globalization, but it is the fruit of hard
thinking, and adds to our sense of the complex ways in which
language and power intersect.”
—Anthony Grafton, London Review of Books
Belknap Press 2016; 2013 20 halftones, 3 maps 352 pp.
$18.95 | £14.95 paper 9780674659964
Corruption in
The Lives of Muhammad
From Benjamin Franklin’s
Snuff Box to Citizens United
Kecia Ali
Zephyr Teachout
“Muhammad presents two violently incompatible faces to the
historian. For devout Muslims, relying both on the Quran and
the vast corpus of sacred traditions, the hadith, he serves as the
unimpeachable model for human behavior…For non-Muslims,
drawing on the same sources, he has been viewed from the
earliest times as lustful and barbarous, as a raving impostor aping the ancient prophets…The contrast is so stark as to appear
irreconcilable. Instead of attempting to skirt this divergence, Ali
uses it to structure her inquiry.”
—Eric Ormsby, Wall Street Journal
2016; 2014 352 pp. $18.95 | £14.95 paper 9780674659889
Makers of Modern Asia
Choice Outstanding Academic
Title of the Year
Moyers & Company
Best Book of the Year
homas J. Wilson Memorial Prize
“At last…a book that puts a name to
what is perhaps the most significant
factor shaping American politics
today: corruption. In a masterly
work of scholarship, Zephyr
Teachout…traces the history of
American approaches to what was
long considered a mortal threat to
the republic.”
—Sarah Chayes, Wall Street Journal
Edited by Ramachandra Guha
“[An] entertaining and illuminating collection of essays…
The chapters on Sukarno, by James Rush, and on Bhutto,
by Farzana Shaikh, are exceptional.”
2016; 2014 384 pp.
$18.95 | £14.95 paper
—The Economist
Belknap Press 2016; 2014 400 pp. $22.95 | £16.95 paper 9780674970809
800-405-1619 (US only)
harvard university press 23
A World Not to Come
A History of Latino Writing and Print Culture
Raúl Coronado
H J ohn Hope Franklin Publication Prize, American Studies Association
ational Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies Book Award
odern Language Association Prize for a First Book
usanne M. Glasscock Humanities Book Prize, Melbern G. Glasscock
Center for Humanities Research at Texas A&M University
ward of Merit, Philosophical Society of Texas
enato Ramírez Scholarly Book Award, Texas Institute of Letters
ate Broocks Bates Award for Historical Research,
Texas State Historical Association
The First Crusade
The Call from the East
Peter Frankopan
“Highly readable…The First
Crusade tells a complex story,
but its presentation of political
machinations, compromises, and
betrayals seems utterly convincing.
The harsh truths of realpolitik are,
alas, with us always.”
—Michael Dirda,
Washington Post
“Frankopan’s qualities as a historian
and a writer are of a high order…It is
pleasing to see [the Byzantine view
of the First Crusade] updated with
scholarship and flair.”
—BBC History
Belknap Press 2016; 2012
13 halftones, 5 maps 296 pp.
$19.95 paper 9780674970786
Not for sale in the UK, British
Commonwealth & Europe
(except Canada)
“At once a gripping history, a dizzying synthesis of Enlightenment
philosophical currents, and a breathtaking feat of original archival
research, [Coronado’s] book merits reading by anyone interested in
American literature, Latina/o studies, economic history, or Western
philosophy. A World Not to Come demands that we recalibrate our
sense of what ‘American’ literary history looks like.”
—John Alba Cutler, Los Angeles Review of Books
2016; 2013 70 halftones, 4 maps 574 pp. $22.50 | £16.95 paper 9780674970908
Latino Pentecostals in America
Faith and Politics in Action
Gastón Espinosa
“Those interested in the religious experience of Latinos or in the
history of Pentecostalism will find Espinosa’s study to be both
informative and useful.”
—John Jaeger, Library Journal
2016; 2014 41 halftones, 2 tables 520 pp. $22.95 | £16.95 paper 9780674970915
Standing on Common Ground
The Making of a Sunbelt Borderland
Geraldo L. Cadava
H F rederick Jackson Turner Award, Organization of American Historians
“Thoroughly researched and cleverly organized around iconic Tucson
events and people, the book gives illuminating historical background
to current strife over racial and migrant issues. Cadava has crafted
a compelling story of the whole border region as the various people
there experienced it.”
—J. A. Stuntz, Choice
2016; 2013 18 halftones, 1 map 320 pp. $19.95 | £14.95 paper 9780674970892
24 harvard university press
800-405-1619 (US only)
The Baltic
A History
Michael North
Translated by Kenneth Kronenberg
“The book shines when the author writes about the region’s
cultural history, particularly in medieval times…North’s book
provides a valuable service in underlining the centrality of the
Baltic region to Europe’s past. The way things are going, it may
determine the continent’s future, too.”
—Edward Lucas, Wall Street Journal
2016; 2015 10 halftones, 10 maps, 5 tables 448 pp.
$22.95 | £16.95 paper 9780674970830
From Shame to Sin
Coup d’État
The Christian Transformation of
Sexual Morality in Late Antiquity
Kyle Harper
A Practical Handbook,
Revised Edition
ward for Excellence in the Study of Religion,
Edward N. Luttwak
American Academy of Religion
Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year
“I wish that I had had a book as clear, as cogent, and as intellectually responsible as Harper’s From Shame to Sin before me
when I began to write on similar topics in the early 1980s, some
third of a century ago. One can only envy the good fortune of
those who can now embark on their own work with such a book
in hand.”
—Peter Brown, New York Review of Books
Revealing Antiquity 2016; 2013 316 pp.
$18.95 | £14.95 paper 9780674660014
A Life Worth Living
Albert Camus and the Quest for Meaning
Robert Zaretsky
Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year
n Australian “Hot Reads for Summer” Selection
Newsday “Great Books You Might Have Missed” Selection
“Additions bringing this work into
the twenty-first century include
Luttwak’s observations about
how coup plotters in the age
of the internet must now take
control of more than the central
television station to control public
propaganda…[The book] offers as
much wisdom on the counter-coup
as on the coup itself…It remains in
print more than forty years after
it was written and still commands
sales. The reason may be that it is
a good read: wry, observant and
—Charles Glass,
Times Literary Supplement
2016 19 line illus., 23 tables
304 pp. $24.95 | £19.95 paper
“Zaretsky brings to light in this wonderfully readable intellectual
biography of the iconoclastic pied noir the continued relevance
of Camus in contemporary life.”
—L. A. Wilkinson, Choice
Belknap Press 2016; 2013 240 pp. $17.95 | £13.95 paper 9780674970861
800-405-1619 (US only)
harvard university press 25
The Great Acceleration
An Environmental History of the Anthropocene since 1945
J. R. McNeill • Peter Engelke
“Among the first scholarly works to make explicit use of the geological
framework of the Anthropocene for the purpose of rethinking the
grand narratives of global economic change.”
—Fredrik Albritton Jonsson, Public Books
Belknap Press 2016 12 halftones, 2 maps, 1 graph, 6 tables 288 pp.
$19.95 | £15.95 paper 9780674545038
Routes of Power
Energy and Modern America
Christopher F. Jones
A Chosen Exile
A History of Racial Passing
in American Life
Allyson Hobbs
H F rederick Jackson Turner Award,
Organization of American
awrence W. Levine Award,
Organization of American
New York Times Book Review
Editors’ Choice
Root “Best 15 Nonfiction Books
by Black Authors” Selection
San Francisco Chronicle
Best Book of the Year
NewsOne Top Book of the Year
Times Higher Education
Book of the Week
“[An] incisive cultural history…
[Hobbs] takes nothing at face
value—least of all the idea that the
person who is passing is actually
and truly of one race or the other…
[A] critically vigilant work.”
H Edelstein Prize, Society for the History of Technology
“Working at the intersection of technological and environmental
history, Jones shows that understanding political economy and
social context are integral to understanding energy transitions. His
elegantly written and cogently argued narrative of how Americans
spent down the planetary savings account of solar energy amassed
in fossil fuels is as compelling as a mystery novel.”
—Ann Norton Greene, Journal of Interdisciplinary History
2016; 2014 13 halftones, 11 maps 320 pp. $19.95 | £14.95 paper 9780674970922
American Railroads
Decline and Renaissance in the Twentieth Century
Robert E. Gallamore • John R. Meyer
eorge W. and Constance M. Hilton Book Award,
Railway & Locomotive Historical Society, Inc.
Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year
“A comprehensive account…American Railroads is a readable history
with a focus on freight rail.”
—Daniel Machalaba, Wall Street Journal
2016; 2014 15 halftones, 14 line illus., 14 maps 528 pp.
$24.95 | £18.95 paper 9780674970793
—Danzy Senna,
New York Times Book Review
2016; 2014 26 halftones
400 pp. $16.95 | £13.95 paper
26 harvard university press
800-405-1619 (US only)
The Botany of Empire in the
Long Eighteenth Century
Edited by Yota Batsaki • Sarah Burke Cahalan • Anatole Tchikine
The Botany of Empire in the Long Eighteenth Century brings
together an international body of scholars to examine the figure
of the botanical explorer; links between imperial ambition and
the impulse to survey, map, and collect specimens in “new”
territories; and relationships among botanical knowledge, selfrepresentation, and material culture.
Dumbarton Oaks Symposia and Colloquia Dumbarton Oaks Research
Library and Collection 2017 174 color illus., 6 halftones, 1 line illus., 1 map,
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The New Testament in Byzantium
Edited by Derek Krueger • Robert S. Nelson
The New Testament in Byzantium draws on the current state of
textual scholarship and explores aspects of the New Testament,
particularly as it was imagined in lectionaries, hymns, homilies,
saints’ lives, miniatures, and monuments—framing Byzantine
Christian theological inquiry, ecclesiastical controversy, and
political thought.
Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Symposia and Colloquia Dumbarton Oaks
Research Library and Collection 2016 85 color illus., 30 halftones, 1 table
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Papers of John Adams, Volume 18
December 1785 – January 1787
John Adams
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tenure as minister to Great Britain and his joint commission,
with Thomas Jefferson, to negotiate treaties with Europe and
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Satisfactory” with Britain, and the volume ends with his
decision to resign his posts.
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The Future of the Past
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Harvard Papers in Ukrainian Studies Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute
2017 516 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 paper 9781932650167
Peasants, Power, and Place
Revolution in the Villages of Kharkiv Province, 1914–1921
Mark R. Baker
Mark R. Baker focuses on Ukrainian-speaking peasants during
the 1914–1921 revolutionary period. Arguing that the peasants of
Kharkiv province thought of themselves primarily as members
of their particular village communities, and not as members of
any nation or class, he advances the historiography beyond the
ideologized categories of the Cold War.
Harvard Series in Ukrainian Studies Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute
2016 1 table 296 pp. $39.95 | £31.95 paper 9781932650150
The Battle for Ukrainian
A Comparative Perspective
Edited by Michael S. Flier • Andrea Graziosi • Lubomyr A. Hajda
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essential for understanding language, history, and politics in both
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Harvard Papers in Ukrainian Studies Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute
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The Taming of
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restrained in her writing but original
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Weinrib stops short of offering
morals from this history…Most
important, Weinrib reanimates a
strange time when the forces of
business and the forces of labor
were engaged in a pitched battle
about the way Americans should
construct their economy. When you
go looking for the origins of civil
libertarianism, it turns out, you find
a class struggle…Weinrib’s book is
an extraordinary reminder of why
history matters to the present.”
—Samuel Moyn, Wall Street Journal
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and among the notable cast of
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Aronson, Who Owns the Dead?, 18
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Aydin, Idea of the Muslim World, 31
Bailyn, Ideological Origins…, 33
Baker, Peasants, Power, and Place, 28
Ball, First Amendment and LGBT…, 32
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Bellah, Religion in Human…, 33
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Cobbs, Hello Girls, 31
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Corton, London Fog, 29
Cossar, Clerical Households…, 33
Digital Loeb Classical Library, 12
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Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, 28
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Espinosa, Latino Pentecostals…, 24
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Andrzej Franaszek
Gregory Carleton
A Biography
Edited and translated by
Aleksandra Parker •
Michael Parker
inner, Kościelski Award,
Kościelski Foundation
“Franaszek’s outstanding
biography of Czeslaw Milosz
narrates one of the great lives
of the twentieth century…
Milosz was an artist who was also a political thinker,
who stood in the center of the ideological debates of his
time, who was an incredibly industrious writer and on
top of all this had a sublime gift for poetry…A triumph.”
—Adam Zagajewski, University of Chicago
Belknap Press 2017 41 halftones, 3 maps 520 pp.
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H05725 / 22M / 0117
The Story of War
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argued, and full of telling
details, this is the most
accessible work available
that explains how memories
of wars have occupied a
preeminent part of the
Russian national mythology.”
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Miami University
Belknap Press 2017 20 halftones, 6 maps 310 pp.
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