Homeland Security

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Homeland Security 2011
Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

The world is moving toward urbanization at an unprecedented rate. The United Nations hj]\a[lk l`Yl .1 g^ l`] ogjd\Ìk hghmdYlagf oadd Z] [dYkkaÕ]\ Yk mjZYf \o]dd]jk Zq *(-(& Moreover, globalization has meant that cities all over the world are more connected, Y[[]kkaZd] Yf\ Y\nYf[]\& L`] l`j]] egkl aehgjlYfl ^Y[lgjk l`Yl eYc] Y [alq Yf YlljY[lan] hdY[] af o`a[` lg dan] Yf\ ogjc Yj] bgZ eYjc]lk$ [alq af^jYkljm[lmj] Yf\ kY^]lq Yf\ k][mjalq& <]eg_jYh`a[ lj]f\k af Af\aY Yj] jYha\dq egnaf_ lgoYj\ mjZYfarYlagf& L`ak ak [`Yf_af_ l`] ^Y[] g^ l`] [gmfljq& @go]n]j$ l`] \]l]jj]fl lg l`ak ]n]j%af[j]Ykaf_ mjZYfarYlagf g^ Af\aYf cities stems from crime and fear of crime, both of which constitute serious threats to the klYZadalq Yf\ kg[aYd [daeYl] g^ [ala]k$ kmklYafYZd] Yf\ ][gfgea[ \]n]dghe]fl$ l`] imYdalq g^ da^] af l`]k] Yf\ `meYf ja_`lk& Af l`ak hYh]j$ o] YfYdqr] l`j]Ylk hgk]\ lg l`] [alar]fk g^ Af\aYf [ala]k Yf\ km__]kl oYqk af o`a[` lg [gmfl]j l`]k]& L`] hYh]j hjgna\]k Yf afka_`l aflg l`] nYjagmk oYqk g^ eYcaf_ Y [alq kY^] l`jgm_` Y\]imYl] ^mf\af_$ _gn]jfYf[]$ l][`fgdg_q and planning. O] kaf[]j]dq `gh] qgm Õf\ l`ak cfgod]\_] hYh]j afka_`l^md Yf\ mk]^md lg mf\]jklYf\ l`] \jan]jk g^ @ge]dYf\ k][mjalq2 LgoYj\k kY^] Yf\ k][mj] Af\aYf [ala]k& O] ogmd\ dac] lg l`Yfc >A;;A ^gj _anaf_ mk l`] ghhgjlmfalq lg hj]k]fl kge] afka_`lk gf `ge]dYf\ k][mjalq l`jgm_` l`ak cfgod]\_] hYh]j Yl l`] É@ge]dYf\ K][mjalq *())Ê conference held in New Delhi.

Rahul Rishi HYjlf]j$ 9\nakgjq K]jna[]k Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd.

@ge]dYf\ k][mjalq2 Yf mf\]jklYf\af_ .........................................................................3 Af\aYf [ala]k2 [mjj]fl k][mjalq k[]fYjag ........................................................................7 KY^] Yf\ k][mj] [alq2 Y kljYl]_q ................................................................................)+ Governance .......................................................................................................), Planning ............................................................................................................*( L][`fgdg_q ........................................................................................................*+ Resources..........................................................................................................+( Citizens .............................................................................................................33 OYq ^gjoYj\ ............................................................................................................+Abbreviations and references ...................................................................................37 9Zgml =jfkl  Qgmf_ Yf\ gmj G^Õ[]k ........................................................................,*

EYbgj [ala]k Yf\ lgofk$ l`] c]q \jan]jk ^gj ][gfgea[ _jgol`$ Yj] af[j]Ykaf_dq Z][geaf_ l`] lYj_]l ^gj l]jjgjakl Y[lanalq& Af\aYf [ala]k lg\Yq `Yn] Y ^Ykl _jgoaf_$ ea_jYlgjq hghmdYlagf Yf\ \an]j_]fl kg[ag%][gfgea[ kljYlY& Egfalgjaf_ g^ Y[lanala]k j]dYl]\ lg @ge]dYf\ K][mjalq ak l`]j]^gj] Y [`Ydd]f_]& Lg c]]h [alq []flj]k kY^]$ hjgl][l hmZda[ Zmad\af_k$ klj]]lk$ hmZda[ hYjck$ Yf\ egj] aehgjlYfldq$ hj]n]fl hgl]flaYd [jae]k  nagdYlagfk$ nYjagmk k][mjalq e][`Yfakek k`gmd\ Z] \]hdgq]\ af lgofk Yf\ [ala]k& L`] k]jaYd ZdYklk af EmeZYa gf Bmdq )+$ *())$ Y[[]flmYl] l`] f]]\ ^gj Y Ê@ge]dYf\ K][mjalq *())Ê % Y [geemfalq ZYk]\ afalaYlan] l`Yl d]n]jY_]k hYjlf]jk`ahk Yf\ l][`fgdg_q lg `]dh [geemfala]k Yf\ Zmkaf]kk]k j]\m[] km[` l`j]Ylk& EYfq [ala]k Yjgmf\ l`] ogjd\ `Yn] [j]Yl]\ Y f]logjc g^ kmjn]addYf[]$ k][mjalq Yf\ j]khgfk] kqkl]ek af gj\]j lg \ak[gmjY_] l]jjgjakl YllY[ck Yf\ j]\m[] [jae]& L`ak af lmjf d]Y\k lg _j]Yl]j ][gfgea[ \qfYea[k af l`]k] lgofk and cities. L`ak j]hgjl Yll]ehlk lg Y\\j]kk nYjagmk akkm]k Yf\ \jan]jk g^ @ge]dYf\ K][mjalq ^gj KY^]  K][mj] ;alq& A Ye [gfÕ\]fl l`Yl l`] af^gjeYlagf hj]k]fl af l`ak j]hgjl ogmd\ k]jn] Yk Y nYdmYZd] eYl]jaYd ^gj Ydd klYc]`gd\]jk g^ `ge]dYf\ k][mjalq Zq hjgb][laf_ ja_`l l][`fgdg_a]k Yf\ Ykkaklaf_ l`]e af afl]_jYlaf_ l`]k] aflg l`]aj ]paklaf_ kqkl]e&

Dr. Rajiv Kumar K][j]lYjq ?]f]jYd % >A;;A

@ge]dYf\ k][mjalq2 an understanding
History teaches many lesson
L`] k][mjalq g^ Y [alq \Yl]k ZY[c lg Yf[a]fl Af\aY& L`]j] Yj] eYfq j]^]j]f[]k lg ^gjlk Yf\ ^gjlaÕ[Ylagfk af Yf[a]fl Yf\ medieval literature dating from the Vedic times. The Rigveda Samhita e]flagfk ljaZ]k danaf_ af ^gjlaÕ[Ylagfk cfgof Yk pur, e]Yfaf_ ]Yjl`ogjck klj]f_l`]f]\ Zq klgf] oYddk& L`] Aiteraya Brahmana refers to the three agnis$ gj Õj]k$ Yk l`j]] ^gjlk$ which prevent the asuras \]egfk! ^jge \aklmjZaf_ kY[jaÕ[]k& The Ramayana and the Mahabharata also include accounts of forts, and the Puranas state that ramparts and ditches are the aehgjlYfl ]d]e]flk af l`] ^gjlaÕ[Ylagf g^ Y [Ykld]& KY^]lq Yf\ k][mjalq `Yk YdoYqk Z]]f g^ hjae] aehgjlYf[]& Therefore, cities were designed to counter external attack or \aklmjZYf[]& L`] kYe] hjaf[ahd]k Yj] g^ _j]Yl aehgjlYf[] lg\Yq as well.

The world at large
@ge]dYf\ k][mjalq ak Y [gehj]`]fkan] Yf\ [gf[]jl]\ ]p]j[ak] Yae]\ Yl eYaflYafaf_ l`] l]jjalgjaYd afl]_jalq g^ Y klYl] Yf\ ensuring sustained peace, public order and rule of law in it. The MK <]hYjle]fl g^ @ge]dYf\ K][mjalq [Ye] aflg ]pakl]f[] af Fgn]eZ]j *((* oal` d]_Yd ]fYZd]e]fl af j]khgfk] lg l`] 1')) YllY[c& KaeadYjdq$ Y^l]j l`] Dgf\gf ZdYklk af Bmdq *((-$ :jalak` Yml`gjala]k j]hgjl]\dq afalaYl]\ l`] hgkl g^ [gmfl]j%l]jjgjake coordinators in all important police stations in London. There o]j] lg j]_mdYjdq afl]jY[l oal` l`] Zmkaf]kk [geemfalq Yf\ the public in their respective jurisdictions and advise the latter gf hj]n]flan] e]Ykmj]k& 9^l]j l`] *.')) EmeZYa YllY[c$ l`] ?gn]jfe]fl g^ Af\aY Ydkg Z]_mf aehd]e]flaf_ ka_faÕ[Yfl initiatives to curb terrorism and crime in its burgeoning cities.

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

Our homeland: India
Af\aY ak l`] l]fl` dYj_]kl ][gfgeq af l`] ogjd\ Zq fgeafYd ?<H$ oal` Y /$-(( ce dgf_ [gYkldaf]$ )-$)(/ ce dYf\ Zgj\]j$ gn]j -$-(( [ala]k Yf\ lgofk$ *&. eaddagf egfme]flk Yf\ j]da_agmk hdY[]k$ Yf\ YZgml )&*) Zaddagf j]ka\]flk). Constant unrest in l`] kmZ[gflaf]fl$ l`] afÖmp g^ add]_Yd aeea_jYlagf l`jgm_` l`] east and north because of porous littoral and land borders, the jak] g^ ^Y[lagfk \m] lg [Ykl]'[dYkk janYdja]k$ akkm]k af l`] Fgjl` =Ykl$ EYgakl afkmj_]f[q l`jgm_`gml []fljYd Af\aY Yf\ kge] k]jagmk l]jjgjakl YllY[ck Yj] l`] [`Ydd]f_]k ^Y[af_ l`] [gmfljq& A combination of internal disturbances poses unprecedented challenges for India and makes imperative the formulation and aehd]e]flYlagf g^ Yf Ydd%]eZjY[af_ k][mjalq ^jYe]ogjc&

Our focus: Indian cities
9Zgml Y imYjl]j g^ Af\aYÌk hghmdYlagf ak mjZYf& Fme]ja[Yddq$ l`Yl ak YZgml l`] o`gd] hghmdYlagf g^ l`] MK& 9l d]Ykl *+ Af\aYf [ala]k `Yn] gn]j eaddagf j]ka\]flk& 9 eg\]jf Af\aYf [alq ]eZg\a]k h]ghd]$ cfgod]\_]$ j]kgmj[]k$ ÕfYf[]k$ \]eg[jYla[ and political aspects, and cultural values. These constituent ]d]e]flk [Yf Z] [dYkkaÕ]\ Yk Ykk]l _jgmhk gj [YhalYd$ af[dm\af_ intellectual, social, technical, environmental, culture, d]akmj] Yf\ ÕfYf[aYd [YhalYd Yf\ ]Y[` [YhalYd ^Y[]k hgl]flaYd threats due to certain factors, some of which have been highlighted above.

Figure 1: Constituent elements of a city
Government establishments People Intellectual and social capital Knowledge resources Banks, schools and hospitals ;gjhgjYl] g^Õ[]k Gad  ?Yk j]Õf]ja]k Constituent elements of a city Man made infrastructure Technical capital Natural infrastructure Industries Railways and road transport Airports Financial capital Culture and leisure capital Economy Ports Value and religion Religious places and heritage sites

Source: A&S India, May 2011


Kgmj[]2 >A;;A

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


Homeland security: a concept
@ge]dYf\ k][mjalq ak Y [gehj]`]fkan] Yf\ [gf[]jl]\ ]p]j[ak] l`Yl ak Yae]\ Yl eYaflYafaf_ l`] l]jjalgjaYd afl]_jalq g^ Y klYl] Yf\ ]fkmjaf_ kmklYaf]\ h]Y[]$ hmZda[ gj\]j Yf\ jmd] g^ dYo af al& @ge]dYf\ k][mjalq kljYl]_a]k Yj] Yae]\ Yl hj]hYjaf_$ hjgl][laf_$ \]l][laf_ Yf\ j]khgf\af_ lg Yfq caf\ g^ Y__j]kkagf gf Y [alq Yf\ alk [alar]fk&
Figure 2: Homeland security — a concept
Safeguarding infrastructure Surveillance Intelligence Policing


Key events


Central forces

Entertainment and luxury buildings

Citizen awareness

Command and control

State police

Religious and historical monuments

First respondents

Private security

Government buildings



Source: Ernst & Young Research


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

O`ad] eYcaf_ Y [alq k][mj]$ l`] ^g[mk Yj]Yk mf\]j `ge]dYf\ k][mjalq af[dm\]2


Counter terrorism2 J][]fl af[a\]flk dac] l`] l]jjgjakl af[a\]flk gf *. Fgn]eZ]j *((0 Yf\ )+ Bmdq *())$ l`] Mumbai terrorist attacks, bomb explosions in Jaipur, Hmf]Ìk ?]jeYf :Yc]jq YllY[c$ ]l[&$ Y[[]flmYl] l`] need for counter terrorism strategies to enable a safe [alq ]fnajgfe]fl& Safeguarding infrastructure2 Af^jYkljm[lmj] ak l`] ZY[cZgf] g^ Y [alq& Gf[] Y^^][l]\ Zq l]jjgjake gj [jae]$ al [Yf Zj]Yc \gof Yf\ Zjaf_ l`] [alq lg Y klYf\kladd& L`]j]^gj]$ af^jYkljm[lmj] ak gf] g^ l`] c]q ^g[mk Yj]Yk lg Z] [gfka\]j]\ o`ad] k][mjaf_ Y [alq& Surveillance2 L`] j][]fl ;geegfo]Ydl` ?Ye]k af F]o <]d`a ak l`] ]pYehd] g^ c]q ]n]flk l`Yl f]]\ lg Z] hjgl][l]\ ^jge l]jjgjake gj [jae] l`jgm_` mkaf_ `a_`%]f\ l][`fgdg_q& ;alar]fk [Yf Ydkg Z][ge] l`] ]q]k Yf\ ]Yjk g^ l`] hgda[] Yf\ dYo ]f^gj[]e]fl Y_]f[a]k& L`]q emkl be aware of what should be noted in the public places and `go lg [geemfa[Yl] Yfq kmkha[agfk Z]`Ynagmj Yf\ o`Yl Y[lagf k`gmd\ Z] lYc]f af Yf ]e]j_]f[q&

Intelligence2 Afl]dda_]f[] af[dm\]k af^gjeYlagf _Yl`]j]\ l`jgm_` l][`fgdg_q Yf\ `meYf kgmj[]k& L`ak ]fYZd]k l`] ?gn]jfe]fl lg YfYdqr]$ afl]jhj]l$ hj]n]fl$ hjgl][l$ \]l][l Yf\ j]khgf\ lg Yfq [jakak& @ge]dYf\ k][mjalq emkl Yae lg \]n]dgh afl]dda_]f[] af l`] k][mjalq ][g kqkl]e lg `]dh Zmadl secure Indian cities. Policing2 L`] hgda[] []fljYd$ klYl] Yf\ hjanYl]! Yj] j]khgfkaZd] ^gj k][mjaf_ Y [alq& L`]q Yj] Ydkg j]khgfkaZd] ^gj hjgl][laf_ [alar]fk ^jge Yfq caf\ g^ l`j]Yl& L`]j]^gj] `ge]dYf\ k][mjalq emkl ]f\]Yngmj lg hjgna\] kljgf_ policing in Indian cities.




The ensuing sections discuss the current scenario in Indian mjZYf []flj]k Yf\ Y kljYl]_q ^gj eYcaf_ l`]e kY^] Yf\ secure cities.

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


Af\aYf [ala]k2 [mjj]fl k][mjalq k[]fYjag
Cities central to India’s economic growth
9[[gj\af_ lg =jfkl  Qgmf_Ìk *()) Af\aY 9lljY[lan]f]kk Kmjn]q$ l`] hghmdYlagf g^ Af\aYf [ala]k oadd af[j]Yk] Zq +/1 eaddagf Zq *(-( ^jge Yf ]klaeYl]\ +,( eaddagf af *((0& L`] E[Cafk]q ?dgZYd Afklalml] E?A!$ af alk j]hgjl gf mjZYfarYlagf$ also projects that the population of Indian cities will increase to -1( eaddagf Zq *(+($ o`a[` ak Ydegkl ,( g^ l`] [gmfljqÌ lglYd hghmdYlagf& ;ala]k Yj] ]ph][l]\ lg _]f]jYl] Õn] lae]k l`] ?<H$ Yk [gehYj]\ lg lg\Yq$ Yf\ /( g^ f]l f]o ]ehdgqe]fl3 f]]\ MK)&* ljaddagf g^ [YhalYd afn]kle]fl lg e]]l l`] hjgb][l]\ \]eYf\& :q *(+($ l`]j] Yj] dac]dq lg Z]/((Ç1(( ki e]l]jk g^ [gee]j[aYd Yf\ j]ka\]flaYd khY[] Y\\]\ ]n]jq q]Yj$ *&- Zaddagf ki e]l]jk g^ jgY\k hYn]\ Yf\ /$,(( cadge]l]jk g^ e]ljgk Yf\ kmZoYqk&

MjZYfarYlagf oadd aehY[l Ydegkl ]n]jq klYl]& >an] dYj_] klYl]k$ Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Punjab, will have more people living in cities than in villages. Furthermore, Af\aY oadd `Yn] .0 [ala]k oal` Y hghmdYlagf g^ egj] l`Yf ) eaddagf$ )+ [ala]k oal` egj] l`Yf , eaddagf h]ghd]$ Yf\ . e]_Y[ala]k oal` g^ gn]j )( eaddagf oal` Yl d]Ykl log g^ l`]k] È EmeZYa  <]d`a È jYfcaf_ Yegf_ l`] Õn] dYj_]kl [ala]k af l`] ogjd\ Zq *(+(!& @go]n]j$ l`] ege]flme g^ l`ak _jgol` Yf\ j][g_falagf ak dYj_]dq \]h]f\]fl gf `go Af\aY ak YZd] lg eYaflYaf Yf\ hj]k]jn] alk afl]jfYd k][mjalq&

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

Figure 3: Urbanization in India
Five states are likely to be more than 50% urbanized Urbanisation rate 2008 % total production 0 Tamil nadu Gujrat Maharashtra Kartnatka Punjab Haryana West Bengal Kerela Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh jharkhand Rajasthan Chhatisgarh Uttar Pradesh Orissa Himachal Pradesh Bihar 9 12 31 29 28 28 25 25 24 24 21 18 37 36 44 44 10 20 30 40 50 Urban population (million) 60 53 35.4 25.2 47.9 21.6 10.0 7.5 25.8 9.7 23.4 17.2 7.6 15.5 5.8 39.2 7.0 8.9 Tamil nadu Gujrat Maharashtra Kartnatka Punjab Haryana West Bengal Kerela Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh jharkhand Rajasthan Chhatisgarh Uttar Pradesh Orissa 17 26 24 20 45 40 41 46 32 31 33 40 58 57 52 Urbanisation rate 2030 (%) % total production 0 20 40 60 67 66 Urban population (million) 80 53.4 48.0 78.1 39.6 19.0 15.2 41.5 15.8 45.5 29.9 12.0 29.5 11.7 68.9 11.0 1.8 21.3

0.8 Himachal Pradesh Bihar

Source: India Urbanization Econometric Model, McKinsey Global Institute Analysis

This shift in demographic trends assumes added importance, given the current focus on growth rates and development. >mjl`]jegj]$ l`] \]eYf\ ^gj ]imalYZd] Yf\ kY^] k`Yjaf_ g^ Ydd kg[aYd$ ]fnajgfe]flYd$ ][gfgea[ Yf\ ÕfYf[aYd ^Y[adala]k oadd af[j]Yk] [gjj]khgf\af_dq Yk l`] mjZYf hghmdYlagf jak]k& ;ala]k f]]\ lg g^^]j Y []jlYaf imYdalq g^ da^] ^gj l`]aj [alar]fk& Egj]gn]j$ lg Z][ge] _dgZYddq [geh]lalan] Yf\ YlljY[l hjanYl] sector investment, cities must provide a safe business and living environment, which necessitates preparedness to deal with terror threats and internal crime. The need of the hour ak l`]j]^gj] ]fkmjaf_ l`] k][mjalq g^ Af\aYÌk [ala]k Yf\ alk constituent elements. 9[[gj\af_ lg Y _dgZYd imYdalq g^ danaf_ kmjn]q Zq E]j[]j 9hjad *((1! af l`] Mint newspaper, which had published worldwide [alq jYfcaf_k$ k][mjalq [gf[]jfk Yk o]dd Yk gl`]j ^Y[lgjk eYq have contributed to major Indian cities not improving the imYdalq g^ da^] l`]q hjgna\]& L`] kmjn]q Ydkg af\a[Yl]k l`Yl o`ad] Af\aYf [ala]k aehjgn]\ gf jYfcaf_k af *((0$ l`]q ^]dd af *((1

\m] lg k][mjalq [gf[]jfk& :]f_Ydmjm ^]dd Zq log hdY[]k lg ),* af Y kmjn]q g^ *)- [gmflja]k$ Yk [gehYj]\ lg *((03 <]d`a j]eYaf]\ Yl ),- Yf\ EmeZYa ^]dd ZY[c Zq , hdY[]k lg ),0&

Threats to city security
Af l`] 9jl`Yk`YkljY$ CYmladqY ojgl] l`Yl Y klYl] [Yf Z] Yl jakc ^jge ^gmj lqh]k g^ l`j]Ylk È afl]jfYd$ ]pl]jfYd$ ]pl]jfYddq Ya\]\ afl]jfYd Yf\ afl]jfYddq Ya\]\ ]pl]jfYd& Af l`] hj]k]fl [gfl]pl$ l`] \an]jkalq g^ l`] afl]_jYd [gfklalm]flk g^ Af\aYËk afl]jfYd k][mjalq `Yn] ZjgY\]f]\ Yf\ Y[imaj]\ multifaceted dimensions. This encompasses threats from Y eap]\ ZY_ g^ k]hYjYlakl$ ]l`fa[ Yf\ l]jjgjakl nagd]f[]3 [`Ydd]f_]k h]jlYafaf_ lg afÕdljYlagf Yf\ khgfkgjk`ah g^ l]jjgjake ^jge Y[jgkk l`] Zgj\]jk3 l`] kmZn]jkan] Y[lanala]k g^ kge] _jgmhk gj af\ana\mYdk oal`af l`] [gmfljq3 l`j]Ylk lg l`] k][mjalq g^ af\ana\mYdk$ nalYd afklYddYlagfk Yf\ k]jna[]k3 ljYfkfYlagfYd [jae]k j]dYlaf_ lg \jm_ ljY^Õ[caf_$ kem__daf_ g^ Yjek Yf\ ^Yc] [mjj]f[q$ Yf\ dg[Yd [jae]k km[` Yk emj\]j$ l`]^l$

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


jYh] Yf\ ca\fYhhaf_& Kaf[] eYfq g^ l`] afl]jfYd hjgZd]ek `Yn] external linkages, the line between internal and external threats has become blurred. L`] \]_j]] g^ [alq k][mjalq e]Ykmj]\ af l]jek g^ l`] k][mjalq of intellectual, social, technical, environmental, cultural, leisure Yf\ ÕfYf[aYd [YhalYd Yk \]ha[l]\ af >a_mj] )! k`gmd\ l`]j]^gj] be viewed from the twin dimensions of the ‘crime rate’ and the ‘risk of terror attacks’, both of which can be of internal or external origin.

Terrorists aim to maximize loss to urban life and assets. Oal` l`ak af eaf\$ l`]q `Yn] k`a^l]\ l`]aj ^g[mk ^jge e]j]dq lYj_]laf_ _gn]jfe]fl Zg\a]k lg [jgo\]\ Yj]Yk af o`a[` l`]q [Yf oj]Yc l`] eYpaeme dgkk lg da^] Yf\ hjgh]jlq& 9 dggc Yl l`] lYj_]lk g^ km[` af[a\]flk j][gj\]\ af Af\aY kaf[] )11- [d]Yjdq indicates this trend. The Global Terrorism Database is an open source database È ;ghqja_`l Ç *((1%*())$ FYlagfYd ;gfkgjlame ^gj Klm\q g^ L]jjgjake Yf\ J]khgfk]k lg L]jjgjake KL9JL!$ ;]fl]j g^ =p[]dd]f[] g^ MK <]hYjle]fl g^ @ge]dYf\ K][mjalq Yf\ Mfan]jkalq g^ EYjqdYf\$ MK3 `llh2''ooo&klYjl&me\& ]\m'_l\'YZgml' Figure 5: Number of terror attacks by target type
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1995 Business Number of Terror Incidents

Figure 4: Degree of safety and security of cities
Risk of terror attack Degree of safety and security of cities Crime rate Crime rate includes crime under IPC Risk of terror pertains from terrorism, naxalism,maoists etc

Source: Ernst & Young Research

Risk of terrorism attacks The Global Terrorism Database* ?L<! `Yk Y kh][aÕ[ \]Õfalagf g^ l]jjgjake Yk [gn]jaf_ Y[lk g^ afl]flagfYd nagd]f[] h]jh]ljYl]\ Zq kmZ%fYlagfYd fgf%klYl] Y[lgjk& >mjl`]jegj]$ l`] Y[lk emkl kYlak^q log g^ l`j]] [jal]jaY Èl`]q emkl Z] Yae]\ Yl YllYafaf_ Y kh][aÕ[ hgdala[Yd$ ][gfgea[$ j]da_agmk gj kg[aYd _gYd3 there must be evidence of an intention to coerce, intimidate or [gfn]q kge] e]kkY_] lg Y dYj_]j Ym\a]f[] l`Yf l`] aee]\aYl] na[laek Yf\'gj l`] Y[lagfk emkl g[[mj gmlka\] l`] [gfl]pl g^ legitimate warfare activities. In India, violence stems from incidents of terrorism in cities. Km[` af[a\]flk lqha[Yddq g[[mj l`jgm_` l`] mk] g^ ZgeZk af [jgo\]\ dg[Ylagfk& Af j][]fl q]Yjk$ l`]j] `Yn] Z]]f kge] instances of multiple coordinated bomb blasts in Indian cities. L`]k] af[dm\] l`] k]n]f ]phdgkagfk af EmeZYaÌk ljYafk af Bmdq *((.$ l`] loaf ZgeZ ZdYklk af @q\]jYZY\ af 9m_mkl *((/$ Yf\ egkl j][]fldq$ l`] k]ja]k g^ ZgeZ ZdYklk af BYahmj$ :]f_Ydmjm Yf\ 9`e]\YZY\ af *((0$ l`] l]jjgjakl YllY[c af EmeZYa gf *. Fgn]eZ]j *((0 Yf\ l`] ZgeZ ZdYklk af EmeZYa af )+ Bmdq *())&

2000 Year Government



Private citizens and property

Source: Global Terrorism Database

L`] hgkkaZadalq g^ Y l]jjgj YllY[c gf Y [alq kl]ek ^jge alk [jala[Ydalq Yk ^Yj Yk alk fYlagfYd _jgol` ak [gf[]jf]\ Yf\ alk nmdf]jYZadalq$ o`a[` af[dm\]k ak kmk[]hlaZadalq lg Y ^]o gj Ydd h`qka[Yd$ ][gfgea[Yd gj kljYl]_a[ \YeY_af_ af[a\]flk& L`] eY_falm\] g^ nmdf]jYZadalq ak \aj][ldq hjghgjlagfYd lg l`] aehY[l l`Yf [Yf Z] [Ymk]\ gf l`] kmZb][l& Lg imYflalYlan]dq \]l]jeaf] l`] d]n]d g^ kmk[]hlaZadalq lg Y l]jjgj YllY[c$ l`] ^gddgoaf_ \jan]jk [Yf Z] a\]flaÕ]\ ^gj l`] ^gmj [gfklalm]flk g^ Y [alq Yk \]k[jaZ]\ af >a_mj] )!&

L`] ?dgZYd L]jjgjake <YlYZYk] ak Yf gh]f kgmj[] \YlYZYk] È ;ghqja_`l Ç *((1%*())$ FYlagfYd ;gfkgjlame ^gj Klm\q g^ L]jjgjake Yf\ J]khgfk]k lg L]jjgjake KL9JL!$ ;]fl]j g^ =p[]dd]f[] g^ MK <]hYjle]fl g^ @ge]dYf\ K][mjalq Yf\ Mfan]jkalq g^ EYjqdYf\$ MK3 `llh2''ooo&klYjl&me\&]\m'_l\'YZgml'


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

Table 1: Drivers of a city’s vulnerability with respect to terror attacks
Risk to Intellectual and social capital Potential loss Loss of life A\]flaÔ]\ \jan]jk L`] HghmdYlagf Af\]p ak \]Õf]\ Yk ÉHghmdYlagfÊ o`]f Y[[]flmYl]\ Zq Y ^Y[lgj g^ alk \]fkalq& =na\]fldq$ l`] nmdf]jYZadalq g^ Y [alq _jgok ]phgf]flaYddq oal` alk hghmdYlagf and presence of important people (including bureaucrats, celebrities, foreign nationals, diplomats, ambassadors etc) in it. L`] hj]k]f[] g^ [jala[Yd af^jYkljm[lmj] j]^]j >a_mj] ) ! ak e]Ykmj]\ Zq l`] hj]k]f[] g^ l`] ^gddgoaf_2 )& ;ala]k oal` Y ja[` ^gmf\Ylagf g^ [ana[ Ye]fala]k hj]k]fl egj] ghhgjlmfala]k ^gj _j]Yl]j aehY[l lg Z] [j]Yl]\ Zq hgl]flaYd l`j]Ylk$ o`a[` af[j]Yk]k l`]aj kmk[]hlaZadalq& ;ala]k l`Yl `Yn] `]jalY_] hjgh]jla]k Yf\ [jala[Yd government establishments are more probable candidates. Cities that house places of religious importance are also vulnerable

Technical and environmental capital

Dgkk g^ hjgh]jlq

Culture and leisure capital

Dgkk g^ da^] Yf\ hjgh]jlq


3. Financial capital

=[gfgea[ dgkk dgkk g^ egf]q Yf\ Ykk]lk! L`] =[gfgea[ Af\]p$ e]Ykmj]\ Zq ?<H2 L`] `]Ydl`a]j l`] ][gfgeq g^ Y [alq$ l`] _j]Yl]j l`] aehY[l g^ Y hgl]flaYd threat

Crime rate The second source of disturbance in the cities is local crime, l`]^l Yf\ nagd]f[]$ km[` Yk Zmj_dYjq$ emj\]j$ jYh]$ ca\fYhhaf_k etc. in addition to organized crime that pertains to drug ljY^Õ[caf_$ _mf jmffaf_$ egf]q dYmf\]jaf_$ ]plgjlagf$ emj\]j ^gj `aj]$ ^jYm\$ `meYf ljY^Õ[caf_ Yf\ hgY[`af_& Af Af\aY$ [jae] ZjgY\dq h]jlYafk lg [Yk]k a\]flaÕ]\ mf\]j eYbgj `]Y\k g^ Af\aYf H]fYd ;g\]k ËAH;Ì! Yf\ Kh][aYd Yf\ Dg[Yd DYok KDD!2 >gj l`] hmjhgk] g^ a\]fla^qaf_ l`j]Ylk lg Y [alqÌk k][mjalq$ l`] fgl] ak j]klja[l]\ lg [jae]k \]Õf]\ mf\]j l`] Af\aYf H]fYd ;g\]$ Yf\ É_]f\]j%kh][aÕ[ [jae]k$Ê \]Õf]\ mf\]j l`] KDD [Yl]_gjq$ `Yn] fgl Z]]f [gfka\]j]\& AH; [jae]k Yj] ^mjl`]j [Yl]_gjar]\ Yk Ê[jae] Y_Yafkl Zg\q$Ê É[jae] Y_Yafkl hjgh]jlqÊ Yf\ É[jae] Y_Yafkl hmZda[ gj\]j&Ê L`]k] l`j]Yl]f Ydd l`] ^gmj [gfklalm]flk g^ Y [alq Yk \ak[mkk]\ YZgn]!&

In most parts of the world, crime is studied in terms of the ‘crime rate’, which denotes a diffusion of crime over blocks of population rather than geographical areas. The National ;jae] J][gj\k :mj]Ym F;J:!$ Yf Y_]f[q gh]jYlaf_ mf\]j l`] Eafakljq g^ @ge] 9^^Yajk$ eYaflYafk l`] [jae] \YlY g^ l`] AH; Yf\ KDD [Yl]_gja]k Yl l`] ;]flj]$ l`] klYl]k Yf\ l`] [ala]k$ Yf\ Y[[gj\af_ lg Y j][]fl j]hgjl j]d]Yk]\ Zq F;J:$ Megacities, India is witnessing increased criminal activities on account of Y fmeZ]j g^ kg[ag%][gfgea[ ^Y[lgjk& L`] l]je e]_Y [ala]k j]^]jk lg l`gk] l`Yl `Yn] Y hghmdYlagf g^ gn]j ) eaddagf& Af\aY `Yk +- km[` [ala]k Yl hj]k]fl&! 9[[gj\af_ lg l`] dYl]kl F;J: j]hgjl ^gj l`] q]Yj *((1!$ l`] Yn]jY_] jYl] g^ AH; [jae]k fmeZ]j g^ [jae]k h]j )((( h]ghd] af Y q]Yj! af mjZYf Y__dge]jYlagf []fl]jk oYk em[` `a_`]j l`Yf l`] fYlagfYd Ë[jae] jYl]Ì g^ )0)&, Yl +)0&.& L`] jYl]k g^ IPC Crimes in cities is much higher than national average which emphasizes the fact that urban agglomeration centers are more susceptible to crime versus their domain states.

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


Figure 6: Comparison of crime rates in megacities and India
350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

The IPC ‘crime rate’ is the ratio of the number of incidences of AH; [jae]k lg l`] lglYd hghmdYlagf g^ Y [alq$ ]phj]kk]\ h]j )((( h]ghd] h]j q]Yj& ;ala]k [Yf Z] jYfc]\ gf l`] ZYkak g^ l`] Ë[jae] jYl]kÌ hmZdak`]\ Zq l`] FYlagfYd ;jae] J][gj\k :mj]Ym F;J:! gf Y k[Yd] g^ (%)(( hgaflk gf l`] Q Ypak& On the second axis, cities can be ranked on the basis of the h]j[]an]\ jakc g^ Yfgl`]j l]jjgjake YllY[c gf Y k[Yd] g^ (Ç)(( hgaflk& 9f YfYdqkak g^ `aklgja[Yd l]jjgj YllY[c lj]f\k k`gok l`Yl l`] nmdf]jYZadalq g^ Y [alq lg Y l]jjgj kljac] \]h]f\k gf alk o]Yc hgaflk LYZd] )!$ o`a[` aehY[l alk kmk[]hlaZadalq lg Y l]jjgj kljac]& L`] ^gddgoaf_ [gfljaZmlaf_ ^Y[lgjk f]]\ lg Z] a\]flaÕ]\ lg \]l]jeaf] l`] jakc jYlaf_ g^ Y [alq2 )& Population index2 L`ak af\]p ak \]Õf]\ Zq hghmdYlagf P hghmdYlagf \]fkalq& 9 [alqÌk nmdf]jYZadalq lg Y l]jjgj kljac] _jgok o`]f al `Yk \]fk]dq hghmdYl]\ Yj]Yk oal`af alk hYjYe]l]jk& L`]j]^gj]$ hghmdYlagf Y[[]flmYl]\ Zq \]fkalq [Yf Z] Y eYbgj [gfljaZmlgj af l`] hjg[]kk g^ a\]fla^qaf_ cities that face a high risk *& Economic index2 E]Ykmj]\ Zq Y [alqÌk ?<H$ Y `]Ydl`q ][gfgeq ^Y[]k Y `a_` jakc lg alk k][mjalq$ kaf[] Y l]jjgj YllY[c gf al ogmd\ j]kmdl af Y kmZklYflaYd ÕfYf[aYd dgkk 3. Presence of critical infrastructure2 ;ala]k oal` Y rich foundation of heritage properties, government establishments, places of religious importance and other ]klYZdak`e]flk km[` Yk Yajhgjlk$ hgjlk$ gad j]Õf]ja]k$ ]l[&$ >a_mj] )! Yj] kmk[]hlaZd] lg l]jjgjakl YllY[ck& A combination of these factors can be useful for determining l`] l]jjgj jakc jYlaf_ g^ Yfq [alq& =Y[` ^Y[lgj [Yf Z] Ykka_f]\ ]imYd gj \a^^]j]flaYd o]a_`lY_]$ Yf\ l`] [alq k[gj] (%)((! [Yf be calculated and mapped on the grid (Figure 6). L`ak [gf[]hl [Yf Z] mk]\ Zq nYjagmk Y_]f[a]k lg \]l]jeaf] k][mjalq kljYl]_a]k ^gj [ala]k a\]flaÕ]\ Zq ]Y[` kimYj] gf l`] _ja\ Yf\ \aj][l l`]aj afn]kle]flk$ ZYk]\ kh][aÕ[Yddq gf Y [alqÌk f]]\k&

IPC crime rate in megacities
Source: National Crime Records Bureau

IPC crime rate in India

Afl]jfYd k][mjalq af Af\aYf [ala]k [Yf Z] YfYdqr]\$ ZYk]\ gf log hYjYe]l]jk È l`] Ëjakc g^ l]jjgj YllY[cÌ Yf\ dg[Yd Ë[jae] jYl]Ì >a_mj] +!& Af gj\]j lg a\]fla^q o`Yl [`Yf_]k [gmd\ ljYfk^gje the situation on the ground, cities can be mapped on a 3X3 eYljap$ af o`a[` ]Y[` kimYj] a\]flaÕ]k Y [alq oal` j]kh][l lg alk k][mjalq k[]fYjag& L`] AH; Ë[jae] jYl]Ì Yf\ Ëjakc g^ l]jjgj YllY[cÌ ^gje P%Ypak Yf\ Q%Ypak g^ l`] +p+ EYljap& Figure 7: Comparison of cities based on internal security situation4

Increasing IPC crime rate





Medium Increasing risk of terror attack


Area 1
Source: Ernst & Young Research

Area 2

Area 3


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


KY^] Yf\ k][mj] [alq2 Y kljYl]_q
L`] ^g[mk g^ Y [alqÌk k][mjalq kljYl]_q da]k af l`] afl]_jYlagf of the Government, business and the public’s efforts to ]^^][lan]dq g^^k]l Yf\ j]khgf\ lg l`j]Ylk& 9dd l`j]] k][lgjk need to work together to strengthen and align the activities of dYo ]f^gj[]e]fl Y_]f[a]k$ ]e]j_]f[q eYfY_]e]fl k]jna[]k$ urban planners, urban local bodies and citizens. Therefore, lg eYc] Y [alq j]Y\q lg j]khgf\ lg Yfq ]n]flmYdalq$ `meYf gj fYlmjYd$ \]hYjle]flk f]]\ lg Z] k]Yed]kkdq afl]_jYl]\ ^gj ]^^][lan] \]dan]jq Zq l`] Y\ghlagf g^ l`] dYl]kl l][`fgdg_a]k& 9 klm\q g^ `go \a^^]j]fl [ala]k Yf\ [gmflja]k `Yn] YhhjgY[`]\ [alq k][mjalq k`gok l`Yl Õn] \ae]fkagfk'Ykh][lk È _gn]jfYf[]$ hdYffaf_$ l][`fgdg_q$ ^mf\af_ Yf\ [alar]f YoYj]f]kk Yj] g^ paramount importance. Figure 8: Elements of city security strategy
1. Governance and policies What policies are required for a safe and secure city ? 2. Planning How will cities make and enforce design choices to incorporate security ? 5. Citizen What is necessary to make the citizen aware and proactive with respect to security ? 3. Resource Where will resource come from?

4. Technology What technology is required to meet security threats posted today?

Source: Ernst & Young Research


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

Lg_]l`]j$ l`]k] Õn] Zmad\af_ Zdg[ck [gfklalml] Y hgl]flaYd operating model that can act as a framework for ensuring k][mjalq af Af\aYÌk [ala]k2


Governance2 L`] ]^^][lan]f]kk g^ _gn]jfYf[] af[j]Yk]k o`]f Y _gn]jfaf_ Zg\q ak [dgk]dq Y[[gmflYZd] lg l`] [alar]fk g^ Y [alq& ?gn]jfYf[] \aj][ldq aehY[lk l`] k][mjalq kljYl]_q g^ l`] [alq$ kaf[] al ak j]khgfkaZd] ^gj 9[lk$ hgda[a]k and the laws of the land. Planning2 9 hdYff]\ Yf\ ]^Õ[a]fl mjZYf ]fnajgfe]fl \]ka_f ak [jala[Yd ^gj l`] kY^]lq g^ Y [alq$ kaf[] al [Yf prevent the occurrence of terror and crime in it. Technology2 L][`fgdg_q ak j]imaj]\ ^gj hj]hYj]\f]kk lg detect a threat, process information and respond in time. Al ak Y c]q ]fYZd]j ^gj [gmfl]jYllY[caf_ l]jjgj Yf\ [jae]& Resources2 ;ala]k k`gmd\ Z] YZd] lg a\]fla^q kgmj[]k lg ^mf\ l`]aj k][mjalq afalaYlan]k& 9dl`gm_` l`] ?gn]jfe]fl Yddg[Yl]k Y Zm\_]l Yl l`] ;]fljYd Yf\ klYl] d]n]dk$ Y [alq f]]\k lg a\]fla^q ghhgjlmfala]k o`]j] Zmkaf]kk]k Yf\ private parties can contribute to the effort.

Citizens2 ;alar]fk f]]\ lg Z] YoYj] g^ l`] ghlagfk Yf\ ^Y[adala]k YnYadYZd] Yf\ Ydkg hjgY[lan]dq Ya\ l`] [alq gj local government, district, state or central police force to ]^^][lan]dq j]khgf\ lg km[` l`j]Ylk Yf\ [ggj\afYl] l`]aj efforts in the implementation of preventive measures

Governance that governs and protects citizens Effective policing and law enforcement are essential for \]n]dghaf_ j]kh][l ^gj l`] dYo$ j]_mdYlaf_ [gfÖa[l Yf\ Zmad\af_ hmZda[ [gfÕ\]f[] af l`] [jaeafYd bmkla[] kqkl]e& DYo ]f^gj[]e]fl l`]j]^gj] `Yk Yf aehgjlYfl jgd] lg hdYq af j]\m[af_ [jae] Zq \akh]fkaf_ bmkla[] lg g^^]f\]jk Yf\ \]l]jjaf_ hgl]flaYd g^^]f\]jk& :mad\af_ ]^^][lan] _gn]jfYf[] ak YZgml designing effective structures, delegating power, embedding Y[[gmflYZadalq Yf\ eYcaf_ kmj] l`Yl [ala]k `Yn] YhhjghjaYl] Yf\ Y\]imYl] ^Y[adala]k Yl l`]aj \akhgkYd& 9 [alqÌk k][mjalq ak _gn]jf]\ Zq Y emdlalm\] g^ Zg\a]k Yf\ law enforcement agencies that have complex functional and reporting relationships, as depicted below in Figure 7.




Figure 9: City’s safety and security governance City safety and security governance
Central Police Force Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) CISF Critical infrastructure safety Airport security Functions Important buildings Private establishment State Police Force & Private Security Intelligence agencies Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) CRPF Public security Safety from militants Vital installations NSG Public safety task force Counter terror operations Police Public and property security Law and order Crime prevention Scene of crime duties Private security Public and property security Property security Special event security VIP securities Manned guarding Investigation
Source: Ernst & Young Research

State agencies

Central agencies Public security

Urban/town planning Street lighting and Õre protection Building regulatory functions Welfare


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


9l l`] ;]fljYd _gn]jfe]fl$ afl]jfYd k][mjalq ak l`] j]khgfkaZadalq g^ l`] Eafakljq g^ @ge] 9^^Yajk E@9!& Af hmjkmYf[] g^ alk gZda_Ylagfk$ l`] E@9 [gflafmgmkdq egfalgjk situations, issues appropriate advise and extends manpower Yf\ ÕfYf[aYd kmhhgjl$ _ma\Yf[] Yf\ ]ph]jlak] lg klYl] _gn]jfe]flk ^gj eYafl]fYf[] g^ k][mjalq$ h]Y[] Yf\ `Yjegfq without encroaching on their constitutional rights. At the state level, the state’s police force is responsible for eYaflYafaf_ h]Y[] Yf\ k][mjalq oal`af alk j]kh][lan] l]jjalgja]k& To support state police bodies, there are Central police forces such as the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Af\mkljaYd K][mjalq >gj[] ;AK>! Yf\ l`] FYlagfYd K][mjalq ?mYj\k FK?!$ o`a[` [Yf afl]jn]f] af l`] ]n]fl g^ dYo Yf\ gj\]j hjgZd]ek g^ Y [alq&

L`] klYl] hgda[] ak Ya\]\ Zq hjanYl] k][mjalq Y_]f[a]k$ o`a[` Yj] Yhhgafl]\ Zq l`] klYl] ?gn]jfe]flk Zq _jYflaf_ da[]fk]k lg Y_]f[a]k lg [Yjjq gml l`] Zmkaf]kk g^ k][mjalq Y_]f[a]k Yf\ gl`]j j]dYl]\ ^mf[lagfk& L`]k] Y_]f[a]k f]]\ lg imYda^q according to the minimum standards set, e.g., undergoing ).( `gmjk g^ ljYafaf_ Z]^gj] Z]af_ \]hdgq]\& 9[[gj\af_ lg Y k][mjalq eY_Yraf]$ l`] jYlag g^ hjanYl] k][mjalq h]jkgff]d lg l`] hgda[] af Af\aY ak *2) Yf\ oadd kggf j]Y[` +2)& L`] HjanYl] K][mjalq 9_]f[q J]_mdYlagf! 9[l oYk ]fY[l]\ af *((- lg ]fkmj] l`Yl hjanYl] k][mjalq Y_]f[a]k hjgna\] Y\\alagfYd support to government law enforcement agencies, but [mjj]fldq l`]j] Yj] gfdq Y `Yf\^md g^ klYl]k km[` Yk O]kl :]f_Yd$ ?mbYjYl$ EY\`qY HjY\]k`$ JYbYkl`Yf Yf\ EY`YjYk`ljY that have implemented this. 9 kfYhk`gl g^ Y_]f[a]k Ykkg[aYl]\ oal` l`] k][mjalq g^ [ala]k against terror and crime is provided in the table below.

Table 2: Snapshot of internal security agencies
Parameter Applicable Act Klj]f_l` Year of establishment Coverage CISF ;AK> 9[l )*0$ ,1,3 )1.1 Hjgna\]k k][mjalq [gn]j lg +(+ mfalk af[dm\af_ -0 \ge]kla[ and international Yajhgjlk$ Õj] protection cover lg 0( af\mkljaYd undertakings Yf\ k][mjalq g^ -( _gn]jfe]fl buildings, including Fgjl` :dg[c$ hYjl g^ Kgml` :dg[c Yf\ ;?G Complex at Delhi *)/(&**CRPF NA )*0 :YllYdagfk3 )1+1 Law and order, [gmfl]j afkmj_]f[q$ Yfla%eadalYf[q Yf\ Yfla%l]jjgjake operations NSG NA )(0.3 )10, Counter hijacking, counter terrorist operations, VIP k][mjalq$ aehgjlYfl events such as J]hmZda[ <Yq$ Parliament sessions andIndependence <Yq State Police KlYl] Hgda[] 9[l )$--/$,1/, Different for states Law and order in the state Private Security HjanYl] K][mjalq 9_]f[q (Regulation) Act 7 million *((K][mjalq lg lgh Zmkaf]kke]f$ af\mkljaYdaklk Yf\ []d]Zjala]k3 Y[[gehYfq [gfka_fe]fl containing cash (from banks’ `]Y\ g^Õ[]k lg l`]aj ZjYf[`]k or to replenish funds at ATMs), _gd\ Yf\ hj][agmk klgf]k3 monitoring the movement of visitors at shopping malls, construction sites and other places

Expenditure *((0%(1! af INR million

-,//& 0/-



*/(( ]klaeYl]\ eYjc]l kar]!

+ , -

E@9 Ç 9ffmYd J]hgjl$ *()( Ç )) F;J: Ç ;`Yhl]j )/ Ç Hgda[] Klj]f_l`$ =ph]f\almj]  Af^jYkljm[lmj] :HJ< Ç ;`Yhl]j - Ç Hgda[] :m\_]l


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

In addition, there are three areas where municipalities or urban dg[Yd Zg\a]k MD:k! [Yf `]dh af ]fkmjaf_ Y [alqÌk k][mjalq2


;jae] hj]n]flagf l`jgm_` kg[aYd \]n]dghe]fl2 L`ak focuses on the social, economic and cultural factors that [gfljaZml] lg [jaeafYdalq& L`ak YhhjgY[` lY[cd]k af\ana\mYd$ ^Yeadq Yf\ [geemfalq jakc ^Y[lgjk l`Yl [Yf d]Y\ lg [jae] Yf\ na[laearYlagf& >gj eYfq g^ l`]k] hjg_jYek Yf\ hjgb][lk$ emfa[ahYdala]k oadd f]]\ lg ogjc bgafldq oal` l`] <]hYjle]flk g^ =\m[Ylagf Yf\ Kg[aYd <]n]dghe]fl$ Yk o]dd Yk fgf%_gn]jfe]flYd gj_YfarYlagfk& Kge] g^ l`] c]q jakc ^Y[lgjk l`Yl [Yf Z] lY[cd]\ l`jgm_` kg[aYd [jae] hj]n]flagf af[dm\]2
 

;jae] hj]n]flagf l`jgm_` l`] h`qka[Yd \]ka_f g^ Y [alq Y ^gje g^ kalmYlagfYd [jae] hj]n]flagf2 Af l`ak [Yk]$ [jae] is reduced through appropriate planning, designing Yf\ eYfY_]e]fl g^ l`] h`qka[Yd ]fnajgfe]fl& L`ak [Yf af[dm\]2

Reducing the amount of vacant land or open spaces in an area Ensuring that public spaces such as residential streets and public parks are well lit and maintained Developing safe pedestrian routes and trading centers Designing safe public transport nodes Aehjgnaf_ kmjn]addYf[] kqkl]ek af [jae] É`gl khglÊ Yj]Yk 9hhdqaf_ [jae]%hj]n]flagf hjaf[ahd]k o`]f \]ka_faf_ new towns and residential areas


  

AfY\]imYl] danaf_ [gf\alagfk af[dm\af_ gn]j[jgo\af_ >Y[lgjk l`Yl Y^^][l l`] ^Yeadq$ km[` Yk hgn]jlq$ hggj parenting and alcohol abuse K[`ggd%j]dYl]\ ^Y[lgjk km[` Yk l`] ghlaeYd ^mf[lagfaf_ g^ k[`ggdk$ k[`ggd \jgh%gmlk Yf\ hggj school performance ;j]Ylaf_ ]ehdgqe]fl ghhgjlmfala]k Zq hjgna\af_ training on skills Hjg_jYek Yf\ hjgb][lk \aj][l]\ Yl [`ad\j]f Yf\ qgmf_ people at risk of becoming offenders





=f^gj[]e]fl g^ dg[Yd dYok2 Emfa[ahYdala]k k`gmd\ [gddYZgjYl] oal` l`] [jaeafYd bmkla[] kqkl]e Yk ^Yj Yk dYo enforcement in their areas of jurisdiction is concerned.


=f^gj[af_ dYok j]dYl]\ lg `]Ydl` Yf\ kY^]lq$ dYf\ and housing Using regulations to control where and when certain activities take place, e.g., sale of alcohol


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


Strengthening the governance framework L`] j][]fl *.')) EmeZYa l]jjgj YllY[ck$ af[j]Ykaf_ afklYf[]k g^ \ge]kla[ l]jjgjake Yf\ [jae] jYl]k$ ]l`fa[ [gfÖa[lk Yf\ gl`]j j]Yd Yf\ h]j[]an]\ l`j]Ylk `Yn] ]eh`Ykar]\ l`] f]]\ ^gj kljgf_]j _gn]jfYf[] Yf\ Yf ]^^][lan] dYo Yf\ gj\]j eY[`af]jq Yl l`] ;]fljYd Yf\ klYl] d]n]dk& L`]j]^gj]$ Yj]Yk o`]j] l`] afl]jn]flagf g^ _gn]jfYf[] ak j]imaj]\$ Yf\ af kge] Yj]Yk Ydj]Y\q mf\]joYq$ [Yf Z] kmeeYjar]\ Yk l`] ^gddgoaf_2 Table 3: Intervention of governance
Intervention of governance =^^gjlk Yj] Z]af_ eY\] Yl l`] ;]flj] lg klj]f_l`]f l`] afl]dda_]f[] eY[`af]jq$ klj]Yedaf] YjjYf_]e]flk ^gj _Yl`]jaf_$ YfYdqraf_ Yf\ k`Yjaf_ afl]dda_]f[] Yegf_ l`] \a^^]j]fl Y_]f[a]k Yf\ ]fkmj] [ggj\afYlagf Yegf_ klYl] _gn]jfe]flk af Yf afklalmlagfYdar]\ eYff]j& Kge] g^ l`] afalaYlan]k lYc]f af l`ak \aj][lagf af[dm\]2

Intelligence gathering, analyzing and sharing

FYlagfYd Afl]dda_]f[] ?ja\ F9L?JA<!$ af[dm\af_ *) k]lk g^ \YlY kgmj[]k$ ]&_&$ l]d][ge$ air travel, income tax, banking transactions, credit card transactions and immigration j][gj\k$ oadd Z] f]logjc]\ lg Y[`a]n] ima[c$ k]Yed]kk Yf\ k][mj] Y[[]kk lg \]kaj]\ af^gjeYlagf l`Yl [Yf Z] mk]\ Zq Afl]dda_]f[] gj dYo ]f^gj[]e]fl Y_]f[a]k& Emdla 9_]f[q ;]fl]jk E9;k! [Yf Z] k]l mh ^gj Z]ll]j afl]dda_]f[] Ykk]kke]fl Yl l`] national level. ;;LFK ak l`] \YlYZYk] g^ [jae]$ [jaeafYdk Yf\ l`]aj Zage]lja[ hjgÕd]k$ o`a[` [Yf Z] k`Yj]\ Z]lo]]f hgda[] klYlagfk$ klYl] `]Y\imYjl]jk Yf\ ;]fljYd hgda[] gj_YfarYlagfk& Mfagf Yf\ klYl] _gn]jfe]fl j]_mdYlagfk Yj] j]imaj]\ lg ]f[gmjY_] hjanYl] afn]kle]flk Yf\ eYc] k][mjalq ]imahe]flk egj] Y[[]kkaZd] Zq j]nakalaf_2




Import customs and excise duties K]jna[] LYp gf _mYj\af_ k]jna[]k ;dYkkaÕ[Ylagf g^ k][mjalq ]imahe]fl

Investment regulations

  

The Central Government can enter strategic alliances with other countries to improve k][mjalq YhhYjYlmk$ e]_Y[alq hgda[af_$ l][`fgdg_q$ k`Yjaf_ g^ afl]dda_]f[]$ ^gj]fka[k [YhYZadalq Yf\ ljYafaf_ g^ k][mjalq h]jkgff]d af l`] [gmfljq&

Hgda[af_ Z]af_ Y klYl] kmZb][l$ l`] ;]fljYd ?gn]jfe]fl [Yffgl \aj][ldq afÖm]f[] l`] imYdalq g^ hgda[af_& @go]n]j$ al [Yf [gflafm] lg kmhhgjl klYl] _gn]jfe]flk af l`ak ]f\]Yngj& Modernization of police forces Mf\]j l`ak k[`]e]$ YkkaklYf[] oadd Z] hjgna\]\$ afl]j%YdaY$ ^gj hjg[mj]e]fl g^ eg\]jf ]imahe]flk ^gj kmjn]addYf[]$ [geemfa[Ylagf$ ^gj]fka[ k[a]f[] dYZgjYlgja]k$ ]l[&$ o]Yhgfjq$ vehicles, computerization, training infrastructure as well as for construction of police af^jYkljm[lmj] af[dm\af_ `gmkaf_'hgda[] klYlagfk'gmlhgklk'ZYjjY[ck$ ]l[& L`]j] `Yn] Z]]f eYfq j][gee]f\Ylagfk gf hgda[] j]^gjek Zq nYjagmk [geeall]]k& L`]k] o]j] l`] FYlagfYd Hgda[] ;geeakkagf )10)!$ l`] JaZ]ajg ;geeall]] )110!$ l`] HY\eYfYZ`YaY` ;geeall]] *(((! Yf\ Kmhj]e] ;gmjl \aj][lan]k af *((. lg lY[cd] l`] eYbgj addk l`Yl hdY_m] hgda[af_ lg\Yq& 9^l]j l`] Kmhj]e] ;gmjl bm\_e]fl$ l`] ;]fljYd Government set up the Police Act Drafting Committee (PADC) that submitted the Model Hgda[] 9[l af *((. lg l`] @ge] Eafakl]j& L`ak 9[l [gehdae]fl]\ l`] Kmhj]e] ;gmjlÌk bm\_e]fl g^ *((. Yf\ hjgna\]\ \]lYad]\ afkljm[lagfk l`jgm_` o`a[` l`] \aj][lagfk [gmd\ Z] egkl ]^^][lan]dq aehd]e]fl]\& Eleven states have implemented the Model Police Act till date.

Police reforms


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

Intervention of governance Police reforms (cont’d.) Kge] g^ l`] j][gee]f\Ylagfk g^ l`] 9[l *((.! af[dm\]2

;gfklalmlagf g^ Y KlYl] K][mjalq ;geeakkagf lg a! ]fkmj] l`Yl l`] klYl] _gn]jfe]fl \g]k fgl ]p]j[ak] mfoYjjYfl]\ afÖm]f[] gj hj]kkmj] gf l`] hgda[]$ aa! dYq \gof ZjgY\ hgda[q _ma\]daf]k Yf\ aaa! ]nYdmYl] l`] h]j^gjeYf[] g^ l`] klYl] hgda[] >ap]\ l]fmj] g^ <aj][lgj ?]f]jYd g^ Hgda[] Hgda[] g^Õ[]jk gf gh]jYlagfYd \mla]k af[dm\af_ Kmh]jafl]f\]flk g^ Hgda[] af [`Yj_] g^ Y \aklja[l Yf\ KlYlagf @gmk] G^Õ[]jk af [`Yj_] g^ Y hgda[] klYlagf! `Ynaf_ Y eafaeme l]fmj] g^ log q]Yjk K]llaf_ mh g^ Y Hgda[] =klYZdak`e]fl :gYj\ lg \][a\] Ydd ljYfk^]jk$ hgklaf_k$ hjgeglagfk Yf\ gl`]j k]jna[]%j]dYl]\ eYll]jk ^gj hgda[] g^Õ[]jk g^ Yf\ Z]dgo l`] jYfc g^ <]hmlq Kmh]jafl]f\]fl g^ Hgda[]$ Yf\ eYcaf_ j][gee]f\Ylagfk gf hgklaf_k Yf\ ljYfk^]jk g^ g^Õ[]jk YZgn] l`] jYfc g^ <]hmlq Kmh]jafl]f\]fl g^ Hgda[] K]llaf_ mh g^ Y FYlagfYd K][mjalq ;geeakkagf Yl l`] Mfagf d]n]d lg hj]hYj] Y hYf]d for selection and placement of the chiefs of Central Police Organizations (CPOs), who k`gmd\ Ydkg `Yn] Y eafaeme l]fmj] g^ log q]Yjk K]llaf_ mh g^ af\]h]f\]fl Hgda[] ;gehdYaflk 9ml`gjala]k Yl l`] klYl] Yf\ \aklja[l d]n]dk K]hYjYlaf_ afn]kla_Ylagf Yf\ dYo Yf\ gj\]j >mf[lagfk g^ l`] hgda[]

 



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<]ngdmlagf g^ hgo]j Yl [alq d]n]d

EYfq [ala]k Y[jgkk l`] ogjd\ `Yn] ^Y[]\ [`Ydd]f_]k kaeadYj lg l`gk] oal` o`a[` Af\aY _jYhhd]k lg\Yq$ Yf\ af j]khgfk]$ `Yn] \]nak]\ kljYl]_a]k l`Yl `Yn] d]\ lg ]^^][lan] eYfY_]e]fl& Taking London6$ ^gj ]pYehd]$ o] k]] Y [d]Yj Yjla[mdYlagf g^ o`Yl l`] [alq `Yk lg g^^]j& :gjgm_`k ]imanYd]fl lg Af\aYÌk emfa[ahYdala]k! af Dgf\gf Yj] j]khgfkaZd] ^gj dg[Yd k]jna[]k$ af[dm\af_ k[`ggdk$ kg[aYd k]jna[]k$ oYkl] [gdd][lagf Yf\ dg[Yd jgY\k& L`] EYqgj \jan]k [alq% wide strategic functions including economic development, transportation, metropolitan hdYffaf_$ Yf\ hgda[] Yf\ ]e]j_]f[q k]jna[]k&


Kgmj[]2 ooo&[geemfala]k&_gn&mc3 ooo&dgf\gf&_gn&mc

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


Intervention of governance

Figure 10: Devolution of power in London
Central level UK government Department of communities and local government

Metropolitan level Greater London Authority Permanent staff Mayor of London London Assembly

London Development Assembly

Transport for London

Metropolitan Police

London Fire Brigade

Municipal level London Boroughs



Refuse collections

Health care

Source: www.communities.gov.uk; www.london.gov.uk

HjanYl] k][mjalq j]_mdYlagfk


L`] ;]fljYd Yf\ klYl] hgda[] Yj] [mjj]fldq ^Y[af_ k`gjlY_] g^ eYfhgo]j& L`] actual’ strength of the civil police, including the District Armed Police in the [gmfljq$ klgg\ Yl )*$)-$(-(7 af *((1$ Y_Yafkl l`] kYf[lagf]\ klj]f_l` g^ ).$)*$/+-7& L`] Y[lmYd klj]f_l` g^ l`] 9je]\ Hgda[] oYk +$,*$,,/7 in the kYe] q]Yj$ o`a[` af\a[Yl]k Yf af[j]Yk] g^ (&+ gn]j *((0 ^jge +$,)$+1+7), o`]j]Yk l`] kYf[lagf]\ klj]f_l` oYk ,$)*$++*7. D]_akdYlagf af ^Yngj g^ hjanYl] k][mjalq Y_]f[a]k [Yf _g Y dgf_ oYq af supporting the police forces.



F;J: Ç ;`Yhl]j )/ Ç Hgda[] Klj]f_l`$ =ph]f\almj]  Af^jYkljm[lmj]


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

Table 4: Police capacity statstics Parameter Hgda[] h]jkgff]d h]j )(( ki& ce& Number of police men available per )((&((( hghmdYlagf Expenditure on per policemen per annum Number of motor vehicles (including eglgj [q[d]k$ [Yjk$ b]]hk$ ]l[! FmeZ]j g^ oaj]d]kk ]imahe]fl af[dm\af_ N@>'@>$ oYdca] lYdca]k! Number of police stations Value (in 2009)8 ,1&* )++ AFJ*(+$0), )+,$+0. ++)$0+( )+$,11

l`gjfk$ Yj[`]jk `a\af_ af kljYl]_a[Yddq [Yn]\%gml `gd]k bmkl below the ceiling. Moreover, the attackers were split into log hYjla]k a^ l`]q [gflafm]\ af l`ak eYr]$ Yf\ l`]j] o]j] blazing hot braziers blowing hot and poisonous fumes of kmd^mj Yf\ eYfq gl`]j \]Y\dq ^me]k l`Yl o]j] `meYfdq impossible to endure. E]l`g\gdg_a]k eYq `Yn] Z][ge] kgh`akla[Yl]\$ Zml l`] h`adgkgh`q j]eYafk l`] kYe] ]n]f lg\Yq$ oal` l`] f]]\ ^gj ]^^][lan] k][mjalq Z]af_ \]ka_f]\ aflg gmj [ala]k&

Design of the physical environment Proper designing and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime, and Yf aehjgn]e]fl af l`] imYdalq g^ da^] af [ala]k& 9f YfYdqkak g^ [jae] jYl]k af e]_Y[ala]k k`gok l`Yl l`] `a_`]kl jYl]k Yj] af l`] [Yl]_gjq g^ [jae] Y_Yafkl hjgh]jlq$ o`a[` af[dm\]k l`]^lk$ jgZZ]jq Yf\ n]`a[d] l`]^l& Af l`]k] lqh]k g^ [jae]k$ l`] Zmadl ]fnajgfe]fl Yf\ dg[Ylagf Yj] ka_faÕ[Yfl& KY^]lq [gmd\ l`]j]^gj] Z] aehjgn]\ Zq Z]ll]j \]ka_faf_ Yf\ management of the built environment. Urban planners and emfa[ahYdala]k [Yf l`]j]^gj] o]Yn] k][mjalq aflg l`] ]paklaf_ mjZYf ^YZja[ g^ l`] [gmfljq Zq mkaf_ [jae] hj]n]flagf l`jgm_` environmental design (CPTED) principles. ;HL=< ak oa\]dq j]_Yj\]\ Yk gf] g^ l`] egkl ]^^][lan] kljYl]_a]k l`Yl [Yf Z] ]ehdgq]\ Zq dg[Yd Yml`gjala]k af l`] Õ_`l against crime. It entails the application of CPTED principles in Zmad\af_ f]o kljm[lmj]k Yf\'gj j]eg\]daf_ g^ ]paklaf_ gf]k& HgkkaZd] Y[lagfk l`Yl Y [alq [Yf lYc] af[dm\] Y\bmklaf_ alk building codes to provide for CPTED principles, and using its afkh][lagf Yml`gjalq lg ]fkmj] Y\`]j]f[]&

Planning safer cities ;jae] ^gddgok ghhgjlmfalq& EYcaf_ [jae] `Yj\]j lg [geeal [Yf daeal al ka_faÕ[Yfldq& =n]f \mjaf_ l`] e]\a]nYd Y_]$ [ala]k o]j] \]ka_f]\ lg Yfla[ahYl] [jaeafYd Z]`Ynagj$ Yf\ [gfk]im]fldq$ lg É\]ka_f%gml [jae]Ê [Yk]k$ ^gj afklYf[] Zq Zmad\af_ k]lld]e]flk on high ground and constructing hidden tunnels. Gf] g^ l`] Z]kl ]pYehd]k g^ k][mjalq hdYffaf_ af ^gjlk ak the Devgiri Fort situated in Daulatabad. The fort was never [gfim]j]\ Zq ^gj[]$ kaf[] l`] lYkc oYk aehgkkaZd]$ ]n]f ^gj Yf Yjeq g^ -($(((& Kge] g^ l`] k][mjalq ^]Ylmj]k g^ l`] ^gjl af[dm\]\2

Emdlahd] dYq]jk g^ kljgf_ Yf\ `a_` oYddk hjgl][l]\ l`] fort so that had gates could withstand several hoards of charging elephant. L`]j] o]j] ,( ^]]l \]]h egYlk$ ^mdd g^ [jg[g\ad]k$ Yk l`] k][gf\ d]n]d g^ k][mjalq af l`] ]n]fl l`] oYddk were crossed. After the moat, there were narrow passages that allowed af log kgd\a]jk Yl Y lae] Yf\ o]j] Zdg[c]\ Zq ^j]k` Yf\ kljgf_ kogj\ke]f g^ l`] \]^]f\af_ Yjeq& 9^l]j [jgkkaf_ l`]k] fYjjgo hYkkY_]k$ Y \Yjc Yf\ \]Y\dq eYr] YoYal]\ l`] YllY[c]jk& Al `Y\ hgakgf%\ahh]\ ajgf


Log kY^]lq hjaf[ahd]k [Yf l`]j]^gj] Z] \]Õf]\ gf o`a[` mjZYf \]ka_f k`gmd\ \]h]f\2 )& EYpaearYlagf g^ nakaZadalq Yf\ kmjn]addYf[] *& J]\m[lagf g^ ghhgjlmfalq ^gj [jae] Zq \]fqaf_ Y[[]kk lg potential targets




F;J: Ç ;`Yhl]j )/ Ç Hgda[] Klj]f_l`$ =ph]f\almj]  Af^jYkljm[lmj]

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


L`] ^gddgoaf_ eYljap addmkljYl]k hgkkaZd] ghlagfk lg af[gjhgjYl] kY^]lq af [alq \]ka_f$ ZYk]\ gf l`] log hjaf[ahd]k _an]f YZgn]2 Table 5: City design components
Transport infrastructure Kmjn]addYf[] Access Control A Open spaces Industrial buildings Culture and leisure : Critical infrastructure Housing

Building a safe city A. Development of the organized surveillance network to adequately cover of key economic and transport locations as well as crime ‘hot spots’ 9f_]d )1.0! hj]\a[l]\ l`Yl []jlYaf [jala[Yd d]n]dk g^ klj]]l Y[lanalq Yf\ hghmdYlagf \]fkalq o]j] dafc]\ lg [jae]& 9 [jala[Yd [jae] Érgf] g^ afl]fkalqÊ oYk l`]j]^gj] gf] l`Yl [gmd\ kmhhgjl dgo fmeZ]jk g^ h]ghd] Zml af km^Õ[a]fl densities to contain both victims and offenders. H`qka[Yd \]ka_f `Yk l`] [YhY[alq lg hjgegl] af^gjeYd gj natural surveillance opportunities for residents and their agents and surveillance is part of capable guardianship HYafl]j Yf\ Ladd]q$ )111!& A^ g^^]f\]jk h]j[]an] l`Yl l`]q [Yf Z] gZk]jn]\ ]n]f a^ l`]q Yj] fgl!$ l`]q eYq Z] d]kk dac]dq lg g^^]f\$ _an]f l`] af[j]Yk]\ hgl]flaYd ^gj intervention, apprehension and prosecution. Different lqh]k g^ kmjn]addYf[] af[dm\]2


FYlmjYd 2 K]d^%kmjn]addYf[] ghhgjlmfala]k Yk ^Y[adalYl]\ Zq oaf\gok >gjeYd gj gj_Yfar]\ kmjn]addYf[] ^Y[adalYl]\ Zq hgda[] hYljgd Yf\ hjanYl] k][mjalq _mYj\k Mechanical surveillance strategies through CCTV surveillance and street lighting




Access control Access control is a CPTED (Crime Prevention through environmental design) concept focused on reducing ghhgjlmfala]k ^gj [jae] Zq \]fqaf_ Y[[]kk lg hgl]flaYd targets and creating a heightened perception of risk in g^^]f\]jk& 9[[]kk [gfljgd [Yf af[dm\] af^gjeYd'fYlmjYd ]&_& khYlaYd \]Õfalagf!$ ^gjeYd'gj_Yfar]\ ]&_& k][mjalq personnel) and mechanical (e.g. locks and bolts) strategies.


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

London Ring of Steel – A case study9
Af lg\YqÌk ogjd\ Y l]jjgjakl YllY[c ak aeeaf]fl af egkl _dgZYd [ala]k& ;alq Hgda[] \]hYjle]flk Yj] _]Yjaf_ mh ^gj l`ak [`Ydd]f_] Zq ]klYZdak`af_ Y kljaf_]fl kqkl]e g^ kmjn]addYf[] [Ye]jYk$ eYff]\ Yf\ egfalgj]\ ]fljq Yf\ ]pal [`][c g^ l`] [ala]k& Dgf\gf oal` Y hghmdYlagf g^ egj] l`Yf / eaddagf$ ÕfYf[aYd [YhalYd g^ =mjgh] Yf\ oal` dYj_] fmeZ]jk g^ h]ghd] ljYfkalaf_ l`jgm_` al$ ak imal] nmdf]jYZd] lg Yfq l`j]Yl gj YllY[c& Dgf\gfÌk Jaf_ g^ Kl]]d [Ye] aflg ]pakl]f[] Y^l]j af[j]Ykaf_ AJ9 ZgeZaf_ [YehYa_fk af l`] [alq \mjaf_ l`] )11(k& L`] )11+ AJ9 :geZ YllY[ck gf :ak`gh_Yl] d]\ lg l`] a\]Y g^ l`] jaf_ g^ kl]]d& L`] HdYf oYk lg ]pl]f\ l`] ]paklaf_ [gj\gf lg [gn]j Ydegkl /- g^ l`] [alq& Al afngdn]\ ), [`Yf_]k af[dm\af_ l`] [j]Ylagf g^ f]o Y[[]kk hgaflk Yf\ [dgkmj] g^ eYfq jgY\ bmf[lagfk lg n]`a[d] ljY^Õ[& JgY\k ]fl]jaf_ l`] ;alq o]j] fYjjgo]\ Yf\ `Y\ keYdd [`a[Yf]k lg ^gj[] \jan]jk lg kdgo \gof Yf\ Z] j][gj\]\ Zq ;;LN [Ye]jYk& AfalaYddq l`] jaf_ g^ kl]]d [gfkakl]\ g^ hdYkla[ [gf]k Yf\ gf \mlq hgda[]e]f$ o`a[` oYk j]hdY[]\ Zq h]jeYf]fl kljm[lmj]k [gfkaklaf_ g^ [gf[j]l] ZYjja]jk$ [`][chgaflk Yf\ l`gmkYf\k g^ na\]g [Ye]jYk& 9^l]j l`] 1')) YllY[ck af F]o Qgjc Yf\ l`] Bmdq / Dgf\gf ZgeZaf_k$ l`] jaf_ g^ kl]]d oYk ^mjl`]j klj]f_l`]f]\ Yf\ ]pl]f\]\ lg af[dm\] l`] _j]Yl]j Dgf\gf 9j]Y& L`] [alq `Yk ). ]fljq Yf\ )* ]pal hgaflk$ o`]j] l`] jgY\k o]j] fYjjgo]\ Yf\ eYjc]\'hYafl]\ Y \][gjYlan] j]\$ o`al] Yf\ ZdY[c& 9 f]logjc g^ [dgk]\%[aj[mal [Ye]jYk Yj] egmfl]\ gf l`] ka\]k g^ Zmad\af_ gj gf hgd]k& 9l ]Y[` ]fljq hgafl lg l`] [alq$ Y [Ye]jY k[j]]fk l`] da[]fk] hdYl]k Yf\ l`] \YlY ak ^]\ lg Y [gehml]jar]\ kqkl]e& L`] K]jna[] d]n]d ^gj hgda[] lg _]l Yf Yd]jl e]kkY_] mhgf khgllaf_ Yf mfoYfl]\ [Yj ak , k][gf\k& Dgf\gf E]ljghgdalYf Hgda[] kYqk l`Yl dYkl q]Yj Ydegkl +- eaddagf hdYl]k o]j] j]Y\ Yf\ 1)$((( hgkalan] eYl[`]k o]j] ^gmf\& 9k Y j]kmdl$ Ydegkl --( Yjj]klk o]j] eY\] Yf\ hgkkaZd] YllY[ck Yn]jl]\&


`llh2''ooo&eaf\^mddq&gj_'3 `llh2'']f&oacah]\aY&gj_'oaca'Jaf_Wg^Wkl]]dW Dgf\gf!3 `llh2''ooo&l`akakdgf\gf&[g&mc'da^]klqd]'

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


China building US$2.6 billion megacity security system)(
;`afY hdYfk lg Zmad\ l`] ogjd\Ìk dYj_]kl kmjn]addYf[] k][mjalq kqkl]e ^gj l`] e]_Y[alq g^ ;`gf_ima_ Yl Y [gkl g^ MK*&. Zaddagf& L`] kqkl]e oadd afngdn] eYffaf_ Yf\ Zmad\af_ g^ Y kmjn]addYf[] kqkl]e g^ -(($((( [Ye]jYk Y[jgkk l`] [alq& ;gehml]jar]\ [Ye]jYk oadd Z] eYff]\ mf\]j gf] f]logjc$ ]fYZdaf_ l`] [alqÌk ]e]j_]f[q Yml`gjala]k lg c]]h Y [`][c gf alk +( eaddagf hghmdYlagf& L`] afklYddYlagf oadd Z] afalaYl]\ af *()*& L`] kqkl]e oadd Z] eYafdq mk]\ ^gj [jae] hj]n]flagf$ ]e]j_]f[q [gfljgd Yf\ j]k[m] gh]jYlagfk& Al oYk ]fnakY_]\ Y^l]j ;`afY km[[]kk^mddq mk]\ ^Y[] j][g_falagf l][`fgdg_q \mjaf_ l`] *((0 :]abaf_ Gdqeha[k ?Ye]k&

L][`fgdg_q hdYqk Y nalYd jgd] af Zmad\af_ Y kY^] [alq& Oal` l`j]Ylk hovering over cities all the time from unexpected elements, it is the need of the hour that response times are improved to meet these challenges. Af Yf ]Yjda]j k][lagf$ o] a\]flaÕ]\ ÉAH; [jae]kÊ Yf\ Éjakc g^ l]jjgj YllY[ckÊ Yk l`] log l`j]Ylk lg Y [alqÌk k][mjalq& Af[gjhgjYlagf g^ Y\nYf[]\ l][`fgdg_q YhhYjYlmk af Y [alqÌk k][mjalq kqkl]e ak j]imaj]\ lg ]fkmj] alk hj]hYj]\f]kk lg hj]n]fl gj [geZYl l`j]Ylk$ alk YZadalq lg \]l][l l`]k]$ hjg[]kk af^gjeYlagf j]dYl]\ lg k][mjalq akkm]k$ Yf\ eYc] Y lae]dq Yf\ ]^Õ[a]fl j]khgfk] lg Yfq mflgoYj\ af[a\]fl& In addition, the changing nature of terrorism needs better f]logjc]\ j]kgmj[]k lg ]^^][lan]dq [geZYl _jgoaf_ afklYf[]k g^ km[` Y[lanala]k af l`] [gmfljq& MfoYfl]\ k][mjalq [Yffgl Z] [gehd]l]dq ]daeafYl]\ oal` Y[[]kk lg km[` kqkl]ek$ Zml k][mjalq Y_]f[a]k k`gmd\ Z] Y\]imYl]dq hj]hYj]\ lg `Yf\d] Yfq kalmYlagf&

L][`fgdg_q g^^]jk Y oa\] nYja]lq g^ ghlagfk lg eYc] l`] k][mjalq Yj[`al][lmj] egj] jgZmkl Yf\ hjgna\] Ya\ af l`] ^gddgoaf_ ^mf[lagfk2

Prepare2 =klYZdak`af_ [gflafmalq Yf\ j]khgfk] hdYfk$ sharing information between organizations and reviewing forensic evidence from previous incidents to improve hjg[]kk]k Yf\ kqkl]ek Prevent2 =ehdgqaf_ hj]n]flagf l][`faim]k af[dm\af_ h`qka[Yd ZYjja]jk$ Y[[]kk [gfljgd kqkl]ek$ [Ye]jYk Yf\ _mYj\k l`Yl [Yf Z] mk]\ lg hj]n]fl$ \]l]j gj \]dYq k][mjalq incidents Detect2 Eafaearaf_ l`] aehY[l g^ Y k][mjalq af[a\]fl l`jgm_` jYha\ a\]flaÕ[Ylagf Yf\ fglaÕ[Ylagf g^ k][mjalq breaches and other threatening incidences Assess2 <]l]jeafaf_ l`] k[gh] g^ Yf af[a\]fl Yf\ o`Yl needs to be done next Respond2 ;ggj\afYlaf_ j]Yd%lae] [geemfa[Ylagf Z]lo]]f l`] [geeYf\]jk$ Õjkl j]khgf\]jk$ l`] hmZda[ Yf\ gl`]j gj_YfarYlagfk \mjaf_ Yf ]e]j_]f[q





Figure 11: Security functions that can be impacted by technology






Safe and secured city

Source: http://www.cisco.com/web/strategy/smart_connected_communities.html




Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

L`ak k][lagf \]lYadk \a^^]j]fl ]imahe]fl Yf\ l][`fgdg_a]k f]]\]\ lg j]khgf\ lg k][mjalq l`j]Ylk ^Y[]\ Zq [ala]k af Af\aY& Kge] g^ l`]k] l][`fgdg_a]k Yj] kmeeYjar]\ af l`] lYZd] Z]dgo2 Table 6: Security technologies
Function Prepare

Technologies to tackle IPC Crimes Hgda[] klYlagfk Yf\ gl`]j k][mjalq Y_]f[a]k connected to common database for information ]p[`Yf_] gf f]Yj j]Yd%lae] ZYkak È ;jae] Yf\ ;jaeafYd LjY[caf_ F]logjc Yf\ Kqkl]ek ;;LFK! ak Y [jm[aYd l][`fgdg_q aehd]e]fl]\ Zq l`] government to combat threats. Na\]g kmjn]addYf[] kqkl]e Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Electronic access control Metal detectors P%JYq ZY__Y_] k[j]]faf_ :g\q k[Yff]jk Afl]j[]hlagf kqkl]ek ]%Lgddaf_ kqkl]ek Fire detectors ?AK l][`fgdg_q È ?AK%ZYk]\ ;jae] 9fYdqkak Yf\ Reporting Engine Command & Control Centre 9mlgeYla[ n]`a[d] dg[Ylagf kqkl]e ;geemfa[Ylagf kqkl]ek L]ljY jY\ag f]logjc$ etc.)
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Terror Threat Access to data sources (telecom, airlines, banking and ÕfYf[aYd k]jna[]k$ ljYfkhgjlYlagf$ ]l[&! af f]Yj j]Yd%lae] Intelligence gathering and leveraging collected af^gjeYlagf l`jgm_` []fljYdar]\ \YlYZYk] kqkl]ek lg hj]% empt terror attack Na\]g kmjn]addYf[] kqkl]e CCTV Explosive detectors :gj\]j Yf\ [gYklYd egfalgjaf_ Yf\ hYljgddaf_ kqkl]ek



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Afl]j[]hlagf kqkl]ek



?AK l][`fgdg_q È ?AK ZYk]\ ;jae] 9fYdqkak Yf\ J]hgjlaf_ Engine Command & Control Centre 9mlgeYla[ n]`a[d] dg[Ylagf kqkl]e ;geemfa[Ylagf kqkl]ek L]ljY jY\ag f]logjc$ ]l[&!


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9 Zja]^ \]k[jahlagf g^ kge] l][`fgdg_a]k af l`] Õ]d\ g^ [alq k][mjalq ak \]ha[l]\ Z]dgo2

A. Centralized data system for crime analysis and intelligence gathering
;gfn]flagfYd kqkl]ek g^ afl]dda_]f[] Yf\ [jaeafYd record maintenance need to be upgraded to match the j]imaj]e]flk g^ lg\YqÌk ogjd\& O] f]]\ lg mk] AL lggdk lg _Yl`]j af^gjeYlagf Yf\ lYc] \][akagfk af Y lae]dq eYff]j to check growing criminal activities. Centralized data system A large number of Intelligence & Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) at the Centre and state levels have access to valuable information. Realizing the need for enabling ]p[`Yf_] g^ \YlY af f]Yj j]Yd%lae] Z]lo]]f afl]dda_]f[]

agencies and LEAs, as well as from data providers such Yk l]d][ge hjgna\]jk$ Yajdaf]k$ ZYfcaf_ Yf\ ÕfYf[aYd services, transportation, government databases, etc., the government has taken an important step in creating the National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID), which will help intelligence agencies and LEAs get better and easier access to desired information to combat terrorism. GIS-based analysis and reporting L`] ?]g_jYh`a[ Af^gjeYlagf Kqkl]e ?AK! mk]k _]g_jYh`q Yf\ [gehml]j%_]f]jYl]\ eYhk Yk Yf afl]j^Y[] ^gj afl]_jYlaf_ Yf\ Y[[]kkaf_ eYkkan] Yegmflk g^ dg[Ylagf% based information. It enables police personnel to plan ]^^][lan]dq ^gj l`]aj j]khgfk] lg Yf ]e]j_]f[q$ YfYdqr] `aklgja[Yd ]n]flk Yf\ hgl]flaYddq hj]\a[l ]n]flk af l`] future. The intelligent database helps in decisions being

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


lYc]f Yf\ l`] ?AK kg^loYj] \akhdYqk \YlY ^jge emdlahd] kgmj[]k gf dYq]jk af Y eYh ^gje$ Zq lYcaf_ nYjagmk parameters from the most critical to the least critical aflg [gfka\]jYlagf& L`ak l][`fgdg_q ak mk]\ Zq hgda[] \]hYjle]flk Yf\ gl`]j Y_]f[a]k af eYfq [gmflja]k lg hjgna\] eYhhaf_ kgdmlagfk ^gj [jae] YfYdqkak$ ljY[caf_ g^ [jaeafYdk$ ljY^Õ[ kY^]lq Yf\ [geemfalq hgda[af_& L`]k] kqkl]ek Z]f]Õl hgda[] ^gj[]k Yf\ dYo ]f^gj[]e]fl Y_]f[a]k l`jgm_` l`] ^gddgoaf_2

 

Education level and religious characteristics >Yeadq [gf\alagfk oal` j]kh][l lg \angj[] and cohesiveness Effective strength of law enforcement agencies Citizens’ attitude to crime ;jae]%j]hgjlaf_ hjY[la[]k g^ l`] [alar]fk

  

Crime analysis: L`ak ]flYadk Y k]l g^ kqkl]eYla[ Yf\ YfYdqla[Yd hjg[]kk]k lg hjgna\] Y[[mjYl] Yf\ lae]dq information on crime patterns and trend correlations to assist the relevant personnel in planning \]hdgqe]fl g^ j]kgmj[]k& Mkaf_ l`ak [Yf d]Y\ lg optimized utilization of resources to combat criminal Y[lanala]k& Al [Yf Z] \ana\]\ aflg l`j]] [Yl]_gja]k2

:q eYhhaf_ Ydd l`]k] ^Y[lgjk gj Y [geZafYlagf g^ l`]e gf Y khYlaYd eYh `]dhk lg _an]k Y ^Yajdq Y[[mjYl] ha[lmj] o`]f a crime needs to be investigated. Details pertaining to a victim, e.g., home address, the crime location, the route mk]\ Zq l`] [jaeafYd$ ]l[&$ o`]f \akhdYq]\ gf l`] eYh$ predicts a behavior. The probable location of an offender [Yf Z] hj]\a[l]\ Zq mkaf_ l`ak e]l`g\&

B. Surveillance systems
Over the past decade, reliance on video surveillance in l`] hmZda[ kY^]lq \geYaf `Yk af[j]Yk]\ \jYeYla[Yddq& K]n]jYd ^Y[lgjk `Yn] [gfljaZml]\ lg l`] _jgol` g^ na\]g kmjn]addYf[]$ af[dm\af_ daeal]\ klY^Õf_$ la_`l]f]\ Zm\_]lk and the need to provide an objective record of events. Lg\YqÌk kY^]lq ]fnajgfe]flk j]imaj]2

Tactical2 Af^gjeYlagf ak mk]\ lg Ykkakl h]jkgff]d lg a\]fla^q kh][aÕ[ [jae] lj]f\k$ hYll]jfk$ k]ja]k$ sprees and hotspots, providing investigative leads Yf\ [d]Yjaf_ [Yk]k& 9fYdqkak af[dm\]k Ykkg[aYlaf_ [jaeafYd Y[lanalq Zq l`] e]l`g\ g^ Y [jae]$ Yk o]dd as the time, date, location, suspect, vehicle used Yf\ gl`]j lqh]k g^ af^gjeYlagf& Strategic2 L`ak `]dhk l`] hgda[] \]hYjle]fl and various law enforcement agencies make a kljYl]_a[ YfYdqkak Yf\ \][akagf$ lg YfYdqr] l`] increase or decrease in crime rates, etc. Administrative2 L`ak ^g[mk]k gf hjgna\af_ economic, geographic or social information to administration.


>Ykl]j$ egj] ]^Õ[a]fl a\]flaÕ[Ylagf$ afn]kla_Ylagf$ response, and resolution Enhanced collaboration K][mj]$ j]egl] Yf\ egZad] Y[[]kk K[YdYZadalq Yf\ j]daYZadalq Investments in existing and new technologies

   



Crime investigation2 Lg afn]kla_Yl] Y [jae]$ gf] needs to look at various parameters, data and af^gjeYlagf Yf\ l`]f Yjjan] Yl Y [gf[dmkagf& Kge] ^Y[lgjk$ o`a[` afÖm]f[] l`ak hjg[]kk$ Yj] Yk ^gddgok2
  

<]fkalq g^ hghmdYlagf Eg\]k g^ ljYfkhgjlYlagf Yf\ `a_`oYq kqkl]e Economic conditions, income levels and mf]ehdgqe]fl kalmYlagf

Na\]g kmjn]addYf[] kqkl]ek [gn]j Ydd l`] klY_]k ^jge l`] afalaYd \]l][lagf g^ Y l`j]Yl lg l`] ^gjeYd j][gn]jq g^ Yf gh]jYlagf& L`]q [gdd][l Ydd l`] \YlY aeY_]k l`Yl Yj] j]imaj]\ lg \]l][l jakck Yf\ j]khgf\ lg ]e]j_]f[q kalmYlagfk& L`] ]fljq Yf\ ]pal hgaflk g^ Y [alq$ km[` Yk Zmk klYf\k$ jYadoYq klYlagfk$ Yajhgjlk$ `a_`oYq lgdd _Yl]k$ ]l[&$ [Yf Z] egfalgj]\ Zq mkaf_ Y o]dd% f]logjc]\ na\]g kmjn]addYf[] kqkl]e&


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

L`] ^gddgoaf_ ak Y [Yk] klm\q gf `go Y eYbgj afl]jfYlagfYd Yajhgjl mh_jY\]\ alk ^Y[adala]k Zq afklYddaf_ Yf Y\nYf[]\ na\]g kmjn]addYf[] kqkl]e&

A major US international airport’s existing CCTV posed had functional restraints including poor video quality and unreliable storage))
:q h`Ykaf_ gml l`] ;;LN kqkl]e Yf\ klYf\Yj\araf_ alk kmjn]addYf[] [Ye]jYk$ l`] AH hdYl^gje ]fYZd]\ l`] YajhgjlÌk k][mjalq l]Ye lg lYc] Y\nYflY_] g^ Y fmeZ]j g^ l][`fgdg_a[Yd Y\nYf[]k$ af[dm\af_ na\]g [gfl]fl YfYdqkak& Oal` [gfljgd g^ l`] kqkl]eÌk [Ye]jYk l`Yl Yj] f]logjc]\ aflg Y [gehml]j$ gZb][lk [Yf Z] a\]flaÕ]\ Yf\ ljY[c]\ l`jgm_`gml l`] ^Y[adalq& L`] kqkl]e [Yf fgo Éj][g_far]Ê o`]f Y ha][] g^ dm__Y_] `Yk Z]]f d]^l mfYll]f\]\ Yf\ fgla^q k][mjalq aee]\aYl]dq& Al ak Ydkg hgkkaZd] ^gj l`] kqkl]e lg Yd]jl k][mjalq h]jkgff]d o`]f Y h]jkgf ak ]fl]jaf_ Y j]klja[l]\ Yj]Y gj oYdcaf_ Y_Yafkl gf]%oYq h]\]kljaYf ljY^Õ[ l`Yl ak Z]af_ \aj][l]\ lg Y []fljYd hgafl& 9fapl]jÌk l][`fa[Yd ]ph]jlak] ]fYZd]\ l`] kqkl]ek afl]_jYlgj Yf\ Yajhgjl lg afklYdd Y na\]g kmjn]addYf[] kgdmlagf l`Yl hjgna\]\ al oal` l`] em[` f]]\]\ [gn]jY_] Yf\ k][mjalq j]imaj]\ g^ Y [jala[Yd j]kgmj[] ^Y[adalq&

C. Electronic access control systems
L`]k] \]na[]k Yj] mk]\ lg \]l][l Yf\ hj]n]fl mfYml`gjar]\ Y[[]kk afka\] hj]eak]k gj j]klja[l]\ Yj]Yk& L`]k] Y[[]kk%[gfljgd kgdmlagfk Yj] ZYk]\ gf Zage]lja[k$ keYjl[Yj\k$ hjgpaealq [Yj\k$ ]l[&$ l`]j]Zq eYc]k l`] kqkl]e egj] j]daYZd] Yf\ ^ggdhjgg^&

D. Detectors
Table 7: Types of detectors
Technology Metal detectors P%JYq ZY__Y_] k[j]]faf_ :g\q k[Yff]jk Description Metal detectors are used to detect possession of metallic objects such as guns and knives. Al ak f][]kkYjq lg `Yn] l`] egkl mh%lg%\Yl] ZY__Y_]%k[j]]faf_ kqkl]ek$ o`a[` Yj] \]ka_f]\ lg hj]n]fl l`] cleverest attempts at hiding weapons, drugs, stolen goods and other contraband items. :g\q k[Yff]jk Yj] \]l][lagf \]na[]k l`Yl k[Yf l`] `meYf Zg\q ^gj [gf[]Yd]\ gZb][lk km[` Yk o]Yhgfk gj ]phdgkan]k& Al _an]k l`] gh]jYlgj Y [d]Yj na]o g^ gZb][lk `a\\]f Z]f]Yl` Y h]jkgfÌk [dgl`af_& :q alk mk]$ gh]jYlgjk [Yf k[Yf af\ana\mYdk oal`gml h`qka[Yd ^jakcaf_ Yf\ l`]j]Zq ]daeafYlaf_ l`] \]dYq afngdn]\ af frisking. =phdgkan] \]l][lgjk Yj] YZd] lg ljY[] ]phdgkan] eYl]jaYdk af eafml] imYflala]k af ZY__Y_]$ `meYfk$ n]`a[d]k gj Yfq gl`]j gZb][lk gj hdY[]k& >aj] \]l][lagf ak [gf\m[l]\ l`jgm_` kh][aYd k]fkgjk l`Yl \]l][l kegc] Yf\ Õj] ]n]f Z]^gj] l`]q khj]Y\& Gf[] \]l][l]\$ kmhhj]kkYflk Yj] Y[lanYl]\$ o`a[` eYq Z] `q\jYfl%ZYk]\ gj \jq kmhhj]kkYfl%ZYk]\& 9\nYf[]\ khjafcd]jk Yj] Ydkg YnYadYZd] lg ]fkmj] l`Yl l`] Õj] ak mf\]j [gfljgd Yf\ ]plaf_mak`]\&

Explosive detectors Fire detectors


9fapl]j ?dgZYd Kmhhda]j g^ ;geemfa[Ylagf  K][mjalq Hjg\m[lk!$ L][`fgdg_q Kgdmlagfk ?jgmh$ Fgjl` 9e]ja[Y$ ;Yk] Klm\q

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


E. Command and control center
Af l`]gjq$ Y [geeYf\ Yf\ [gfljgd []fl]j ak Y k][mj] jgge gj Zmad\af_ af Y _gn]jfe]fl gj eadalYjq ^Y[adalq l`Yl operates as the central monitoring and surveillance center Yf\ [ggj\afYlagf g^Õ[]& ;geeYf\ Yf\ [gfljgd []fl]jk Yj] gh]jYl]\ Zq Y _gn]jfe]fl gj Y emfa[ahYd Y_]f[q Yf\ mk]\ during a crisis. 9 [geeYf\ Yf\ [gfljgd []fl]j k]Yed]kkdq afl]_jYl]k Y oa\] hgjl^gdag g^ l][`faim]k& Al [Yf kaemdlYf]gmkdq hjg[]kk information from multiple devices and offer actionable afl]dda_]f[]$ l`]j]Zq ]fYZdaf_ ]^^][lan] \][akagf%eYcaf_ Yf\ j]hgjlaf_& Km[` Y []fl]j `Yk ^gmj eYbgj [gehgf]flk l`Yl Yj] [gff][l]\ lg alk k][mj] f]logjc2


Collation2 Afhml ^jge nYjagmk k]fkgjk ak hjg[]kk]\ for actionable intelligence. It is then taken through [gjj]dYlagf$ YfYdqla[k Yf\ \qfYea[k ]f_af]k lg convert the raw data into intelligent information. Af Y\\alagf$ Y ?dgZYd Af^gjeYlagf Kqkl]e ?AK! ]f_af] Ya\k l`] egfalgjaf_ hjg[]kk Yf\ \aj][lk Õ]d\ [ggj\afYlagf l]Yek lg ]^^][lan]dq j]khgf\ lg Yd]jlk and threats. Operator monitoring stations provide a comprehensive view of the intelligent information in audio and visual formats. Interpretation2 L`] \YlY `Yk lg Z] afl]jhj]l]\ lg ljYfkeal gj\]jk$ YdYjek gj Yd]jlk lg kh][aÕ[ Y_]f[a]k in times of crises. Issue of orders2 L`ak af[dm\]k afkljm[lagfk lg nYjagmk agencies, forces on the ground, departments as well as warnings to the public through an automated j]khgfk] kqkl]e$ egZad]k$ H<9k$ `Yf\`]d\ terminals, etc.


Collection2 ;gdd][lagf g^ af^gjeYlagf j][]an]\ ^jge various sources and agencies such as CCTV or video kmjn]addYf[] kqkl]ek$ Y[[]kk [gfljgd kqkl]ek Yf\ \]l][lagf kqkl]ek



Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


Documentation and post analysis activity2 Hgkl YfYdqkak ak Yf aehgjlYfl Y[lanalq$ o`a[` oadd eYc] gmj kqkl]ek egj] jgZmkl Yf\ `]dh lg klj]f_l`]f l`]e to be better prepared to deal with similar events or crises again.

An integrated command and control center is an open and Ö]paZd] ^jYe]ogjc l`Yl g^^]jk kmhhgjl g^ \][akagf%eYcaf_ Zq afl]_jYlaf_ emdlahd] kqkl]ek af[dm\af_ na\]g$ afljmkagf$ na\]g YfYdqla[k$ Õj] [gfljgd$ Y[[]kk [gfljgd$ @N9;$ [`]ea[Yd$ biological sensors, etc. The framework is scalable to support l`gmkYf\k g^ k]fkgjk Yf\ ak ]Ykadq YZd] lg afl]_jYl] oal` l`] nYjagmk k][mjalq kqkl]ek g^ \a^^]j]fl n]f\gjk& Al af[dm\]k jmd]k Yf\ Y ogjcÖgo ]f_af]$ o`a[` ]fYZd]k [gehd]l] ogjcÖgo eYfY_]e]fl$ lYkck Yf\ hjg[]\mj]k lg Z] \]Õf]\$ Yf\ Ydd actionable events to be processed in a consistent manner. Oal` l`] jmd]k Yf\ ogjcÖgo ]f_af]$ l`] afl]_jYl]\ ^jYe]ogjc ]fYZd]k ima[c [gdd][lagf g^ af^gjeYlagf j]dYl]\ lg Y kalmYlagf& Al l`]f jYha\dq [gfkgda\Yl]k [jala[Yd af^gjeYlagf j]imaj]\ Zq \akhYjYl] j]khgfk] kqkl]ek lg eYc] Yf Y[[mjYl] Yf\ af^gje]\ \][akagf& L`ak ]fYZd]k k][mjalq l]Yek lg Ykk]kk kalmYlagfk

and resolve most incidents before expensive resources are dispatched. When an unfortunate incident occurs, the kYe] lggd [Yf Z] mk]\ ^gj hgkl ]n]fl YfYdqkak& >gj ]pYehd]$ Yf gh]jYlgj [Yf na]o j][gj\]\ gj dan] na\]g$ Õf\ gml o`g accessed the area before the incident occurred, extract data, e.g., on who accessed a certain door at a certain time et al. Yf\ im]jq gl`]j h]jkgff]d \YlYZYk]k Yk o]dd& Al Ydkg hjgna\]k Yf ]Ykq%lg%mk] Yf\ aflmalan] _jYh`a[Yd afl]j^Y[] l`Yl ]fYZd]k kalmYlagfYd YoYj]f]kk Yf\ ]f\%lg%]f\ af[a\]fl j]kgdmlagf& Oal` the Graphical Interface, operators can visualize the locations g^ k]fkgjk Yf\ YdYjek$ o`ad] kaemdlYf]gmkdq na]oaf_ dan] Yf\ recorded video, taking control of PTZ cameras, communicating oal` ]ehdgq]]k Yf\ _m]klk$ afalaYlaf_ \ggj [geeYf\k$ lYcaf_ kfYhk`glk Yf\ ]phgjlaf_ na\]g \aj][ldq ^jge l`] eYh$ na]o ?AK eYhk$ Yf\ [geemfa[Yl] oal` Ydd hgkkaZd] l`aj\%hYjlq [geemfa[Ylagf kqkl]ek& L`ak f]o Zj]]\ g^ k][mjalq Yhhda[Ylagfk eYc]k [gehdaYf[] and convergence possible between various standalone products and solutions to enable a robust framework for eYfY_af_ k][mjalq&

Surveillance video monitoring in the UK)*
L`] MC ak kYa\ lg Z] l`] [gmfljq oal` l`] _j]Yl]kl \]hdgqe]fl g^ kmjn]addYf[] na\]g [Ye]jYk& Kmjn]addYf[] na\]g `Yk Z]]f mk]\ ^gj gn]j Y \][Y\] Yk Y e]Ykmj] lg `]dh l`oYjl [jaeafYd Y[lanalq gj gl`]j hmZda[ l`j]Ylk$ Yf\ ^Y[adalYl] Yf\ kmhhgjl [jaeafYd afn]kla_Ylagfk& Al ak ]klaeYl]\ l`Yl YZgml ,&* eaddagf [Ye]jYk Yj] dg[Yl]\ l`jgm_`gml l`] MC Yf\ l`]j] ak gf] [Ye]jY ^gj ]n]jq ), h]ghd]& Af Dgf\gf Ydgf]$ l`]j] Yj] YZgml -(($((( [Ye]jYk af hjanYl] Yj]Yk$ Yf\ eYfq egj] \gll]\ l`jgm_`gml l`] h]ghd] af l`] ?j]Yl]j Dgf\gf Yj]Y& Kmjn]addYf[] na\]g ak Ydkg ]pl]fkan]dq mk]\ l`jgm_`gml l`] Dgf\gf Mf\]j_jgmf\ kmZoYq kqkl]e& Af Y\\alagf lg eYaflYafaf_ hmZda[ kY^]lq$ kmjn]addYf[] ak mk]\ af l`] MC lg egfalgj Yf\ eYfY_] ljY^Õ[ [gf\alagfk$ hYjla[mdYjdq af Dgf\gf Yf\ gf eYbgj eglgjoYqk& The UK has an extensive ANPR CCTV Network. The National ANPR Data Centre is being built alongside the Police FYlagfYd ;gehml]j Z][Ymk] g^ l`] f]]\ ^gj [gfklYfl mh\Ylaf_ g^ l`] kqkl]e oal` daklk g^ kmkh][l \jan]jk Yf\ n]`a[d]k& ;Yj registrations are checked against lists from the Police National Computer, including vehicles of interest to the police for [jae]k km[` Yk Zmj_dYjq gj l`]^l g^ h]ljgd& The National ANPR Data Centre ]fYZd]k YfYdqk]k Y[jgkk hgda[] ^gj[] Zgmf\Yja]k& A^ Y n]`a[d] ]fl]jk l`] ;;LN f]logjc$ l`] hgda[] [Yf na]o Yf aeY_] g^ al ]fl]jaf_ l`] Yj]Y& L`] aeY_] eYq Ydkg k`go l`] \jan]j Yf\ l`] hYkk]f_]j& 9k l`] \YlY _]f]jYl]\ ak klgj]\ ^gj Õn] q]Yjk$ l`] hgda[] [Yf a\]fla^q Yf\ dafc [jaeafYdk lg n]`a[d]k&



Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


LjY\alagfYddq$ `ge]dYf\ k][mjalq ak k]]f Yk l`] \geYaf g^ l`] ?gn]jfe]fl$ Zml gn]j l`] j][]fl hYkl$ af\mkljq Yf\ [alar]fk Yj] af[j]Ykaf_dq Z][geaf_ aehgjlYfl [gfklalm]flk ^gj kge] k]_e]flk& 9dl`gm_` `ge]dYf\ k][mjalq Y[lanala]k Yf\ kh]f\k [gflafm] lg Z] \geafYl]\ Zq l`] ?gn]jfe]fl Yl ;]fljYd Yf\ state levels), private sector interest and spending have been increasing in niche areas. Current investments in security L`] E@9 ak l`] ;]fljYd ?gn]jfe]fl gj_YfarYlagf ]fljmkl]\ oal` l`] lYkc g^ afl]jfYd k][mjalq& 9dl`gm_` dYo Yf\ gj\]j Yj] under the purview of the states, Central Government makes afn]kle]flk l`jgm_` l`] E@9 lg Ykkakl klYl]k af l`]aj dgf_%l]je [YhY[alq%Zmad\af_ e]Ykmj]k Yf\ hjgna\]k l`]e oal` ÕfYf[aYd Yf\ l][`fa[Yd YkkaklYf[] lg klj]f_l`]f l`]aj k][mjalq [gn]j& <m] lg l`] ?gn]jfe]flÌk af[j]Ykaf_ ^g[mk gf `ge]dYf\ k][mjalq l`] E@9 `Yk Z]]f kl]Y\adq af[j]Ykaf_ alk Zm\_]l& Al `Yk mf\]jlYc]f `m_] hjgb][lk Yf\ kh]fl YZgml MK,&/1 Zaddagf AFJ**$++[jgj]k! af *((1Ç)( gf k][mjalq%j]dYl]\ eYll]jk& 9 kfYhk`gl g^ alk lglYd afn]kle]fl af k][mjalq af l`] q]Yj ak _an]f Z]dgo2 Table 8: Total investment in security

_jgoaf_ k][mjalq f]]\k g^ [ala]k& 9k g^ lg\Yq$ Af\aYÌk hjanYl] k][mjalq Af\mkljq [Yf Z] kmZ%\ana\]\ aflg log [Yl]_gja]k& L`] Õjkl [Yl]_gjq af[dm\]k k][mjalq k]jna[]k l`Yl ]flYadk eYff]\ _mYj\af_ Yf\ ]ehdgqk egj] l`Yf /&- eaddagf _mYj\k$ Y[[gj\af_ lg l`] ;]fljYd 9kkg[aYlagf g^ HjanYl] K][mjalq Hjgna\]jk ;9HKA!& L`] k][gf\ [Yl]_gjq af[dm\]k k][mjalq ]imahe]fl for private businesses and households. Although it is still at a fYk[]fl klY_]$ Af\aYÌk hjanYl] k][mjalq af\mkljq ak _jgoaf_ Yl Y rapid pace to match up to global standards. The division of this `Yk Z]]f \]ha[l]\ af l`] Õ_mj] Z]dgo& Figure 12: Private security industry
Private security industry

Security services Manned guarding VIP security Cash transportation

Equipments Surveillance Access control Alarm Fire detection and protection Security consultancy Investigation

Investment by

Security-related expenditure, 2009–10 Crime prevention and intelligence gathering Central police force (CPF)

Amount in Billion USD (&), +&(. )&*0 (&(/ (&*) /&0) 12.6
Source: Ernst & Young Research

Special event security services Security consultancy Investigation


KlYl] Hgda[] 9a\ Other :gj\]j  EYjalae] K][mjalq

KlYl] Hgda[]

KlYl] hgda[] ^gj[] Total

Kgmj[]2 @ge]dYf\ K][mjalq EYjc]l$ K][mjalq OYl[` Af\aY

LglYd afn]kle]fl Zq l`] ?gn]jfe]fl af *((1Ç)( oYk YZgml MK )*&. Zaddagf& Private security industry Apart from the Government, huge investments are being made Zq hjanYl] hdYq]jk af l`] hjanYl] k][mjalq eYjc]l lg e]]l l`]

Ogjd\oa\]$ l`] af\mkljq ak ]klaeYl]\ lg _]f]jYl] MK),( Zaddagf af j]n]fm]$ ]phYf\af_ Yl Y ;9?J g^ )(Ç)*& L`ak `Yk Z]]f hjaeYjadq \jan]f Zq eYjc]lk af[dm\af_ ;`afY$ l`] Ea\\d] =Ykl$ Kgml` 9e]ja[Y Yf\ gl`]j 9kaYf ][gfgea]k& Af\aYÌk hjanYl] k][mjalq af\mkljq ak ]klaeYl]\ lg Z] ogjl` gn]j MK .(( million)+& @go]n]j$ gfdq .( g^ l`ak ak af l`] gj_Yfar]\ k][lgj$ and manned guarding accounts for the bulk of this revenue. There is, however, an increasing need for private contribution to make Indian cities secure.


Lj]f\k ]klaeYl]\ K]hl]eZ]j *((0


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

Funding options Kljgf_ ][gfgea[ _jgol` g^ Y [gmfljq j]imaj]k Y k][mj] ]fnajgfe]fl ^gj Zmkaf]kk]k Yf\ [alar]fk& L`]j]^gj]$ al ak aeh]jYlan] lg Yddg[Yl] Y\]imYl] j]kgmj[]k lg ]fYZd] Y kY^] ]fnajgfe]fl lg ]fkmj] alk [alar]fkÌ ]^Õ[a]f[q Yf\ [ge^gjl d]n]dk& Af ]kk]f[]$ af Y kY^] Yf\ dan]YZd] [alq$ l`] eYjc]l ^gj[]k g^ \]eYf\ Yf\ kmhhdq Yj] YZd] lg gh]jYl] ]^Õ[a]fldq lg _]f]jYl] Yf ]^Õ[a]fl ][gfgeq eg\]d&

Figure 13: Sources of funding
Government–Centre, State, Municipal Citizens (e.g. RWAs, community centres)

Private parties (e.g. PPP mode, direct investment)

Funding for city security

Strategic alliances with other countries

Aid from international agencies–UN, DFID, ADB
Source: Ernst & Young Research

NGOs and other donations

L`]j] [Yf Z] nYjagmk Yn]fm]k ^gj ^mf\af_ k][mjalq afalaYlan]k lg make Indian cities safe.


Government2 Hj]k]fldq$ l`] ?gn]jfe]fl Yddg[Yl]k Yf YffmYd Zm\_]l ^gj `ge]dYf\ k][mjalq Yl log d]n]dk È l`] Centre and the states. Private parties2 L`]j] ak Yf af[j]Ykaf_ lj]f\ g^ hjanYl] [gfljaZmlagf ^gj l`] k][mjalq g^ [ala]k& HjanYl] hYjla]k [Yf [gfljaZml] lg k][mjalq afalaYlan]k l`jgm_` \aj][l investments or Public Private Partnership (PPPs). Aid from international agencies2 Afl]jfYlagfYd Y_]f[a]k km[` Yk l`] Mfal]\ FYlagfk$ 9kaYf <]n]dghe]fl :Yfc$ etc., also provide aid to developing countries to establish a secure operating environment for citizens and businesses. Strategic alliances2 L`] ?gn]jfe]fl [Yf Ydkg ^gje kljYl]_a[ YddaYf[]k oal` gl`]j [gmflja]k$ o`]j]Zq ^mf\k [Yf Z] gZlYaf]\ ^gj bgafl k][mjalq afalaYlan]k&

Others2 Gl`]j ^gjek g^ ^mf\af_ [gmd\ af[dm\] ^mf\af_ ^jge F?Gk'[`Yjalq$ ^mf\af_ Zq [alar]fk l`jgm_` J]ka\]fl Welfare Associations (RWAs), etc., to make secure their surroundings.


Public Private Partnership L`] ;]fljYd ?gn]jfe]fl [Yf aehd]e]fl Y HHH eg\]d Zq afngdnaf_ l][`fgdg_q kgdmlagf hjgna\]jk Yf\ kqkl]e afl]_jYlgjk af ogjcaf_ af [dgk] hYjlf]jk`ah oal` al lg Y\\j]kk l`] k][mjalq needs of cities, their infrastructure and people. Around the ogjd\$ ]kh][aYddq af l`] MK Yf\ =mjgh]$ af\mkljq ak Yf Y[lan] hYjla[ahYfl af \]hdgqe]fl g^ `ge]dYf\ k][mjalq& 9 [Yk] klm\q g^ l`] ]f_Y_]e]fl g^ l`] MK hjanYl] k][lgj ak hj]k]fl]\ Z]dgo&



Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


The SECURE Program of the US Department of Homeland Security14
L`] Kqkl]e =^Õ[Y[q l`jgm_` ;gee]j[aYdarYlagf$ MladarYlagf$ J]d]nYf[] Yf\ =nYdmYlagf K=;MJ=! Hjg_jYe ak ]^Õ[a]fl Yf\ [gkl%]^^][lan] Yf\ ^gkl]jk [ggh]jYlan] oaf%oaf hYjlf]jk`ahk Z]lo]]f l`] M&K& <]hYjle]fl g^ @ge]dYf\ K][mjalq <G@! Yf\ l`] hjanYl] k][lgj& L`ak hjg_jYe d]n]jY_]k l`] ]ph]ja]f[] Yf\ j]kgmj[]k g^ l`] hjanYl] k][lgj lg \]n]dgh ^mddq \]hdgqYZd] hjg\m[lk Yf\'gj k]jna[]k& L`] \aY_jYe Z]dgo j]hj]k]flk l`] gn]jYdd gmlj]Y[` hjg[]kk l`] <G@ `Yk aehd]e]fl]\ lg klaemdYl] Yf\ ]f_Y_] l`] hjanYl] k][lgj lg mk] alk j]kgmj[]k lg jYha\dq \]n]dgh l][`fgdg_q$ hjg\m[lk Yf\ k]jna[]k l`Yl [Yf ka_faÕ[Yfldq Z]f]Õl l`] ^gje]jÌk k[a]f[] Yf\ l][`fgdg_q hjg_jYek oal` Y kh]]\ g^ ]p][mlagf l`Yl ak fgl lqha[Yddq gZk]jn]\ af l`] hmZda[ k][lgj& L`] \]hYjle]fl hgklk \]lYad]\ gh]jYlagfYd j]imaj]e]flk af l`] ^gje g^ Yf Gh]jYlagfYd J]imaj]e]flk <g[me]fl GJ<! gf alk kal] lg Yjla[mdYl] kh][aÕ[ j]imaj]e]flk af [gfbmf[lagf oal` Y [gfk]jnYlan] ]klaeYl] g^ l`] Hgl]flaYd 9nYadYZd] EYjc]l H9E! g^ Y _an]f hjg\m[l$ kqkl]e gj k]jna[]& HjanYl] k][lgj ]flala]k oal` l][`fgdg_a]k gj hjg\m[lk Yda_f]\ lg l`]k] j]imaj]e]flk [Yf mk] l`ak nYdmYZd] af^gjeYlagf lg _]f]jYl] Y Zmkaf]kk [Yk] Yf\ \]n]dgh Yl l`]aj gof [gkl! Y ^mddq \]hdgqYZd] hjg\m[l gj k]jna[] Y^l]j l`]aj n]jaÕ[Ylagf g^ l`] market potential of these. The department provides an assurance that a product or service has demonstrated operational h]j^gjeYf[] l`Yl e]]lk Y _an]f hjanYl] k][lgj ]flalqÌk hmZdak`]\ kh][aÕ[Ylagfk l`jgm_` j]na]o g^ j][g_far]\ l`aj\%hYjlq af\]h]f\]fl l]klaf_ \YlY& L`ak ]fYZd]k l`] hjanYl] k][lgj$ l`jgm_` l`] ^j]] eYjc]l kqkl]e$ lg \]n]dgh hjg\m[lk Yf\ k]jna[]k l`Yl [Yhlmj] ka_faÕ[Yfl j]n]fm] ghhgjlmfala]k Yf\ \]egfkljYl] lg hgl]flaYd hmj[`Yk]jk l`Yl l`] hjg\m[l \g]k o`Yl al [dYaek to do. Af EYj[` *())$ l`] ;gee]j[aYdarYlagf G^Õ[] g^ l`] MK <]hYjle]fl g^ @ge]dYf\ K][mjalq []jlaÕ]\ alk Õjkl hjg\m[l È Y forensics camera designed to capture images in public places or on public transportation, which was tough enough to oal`klYf\ Õj]$ Ögg\ gj ZgeZ ZdYklk& L`] jm__]\ [Ye]jY ak \]ka_f]\ lg `]dh afn]kla_Ylgjk af l`]aj im]kl ^gj Yfko]jk ^gddgoaf_ Y [YlYkljgh`a[ ]n]fl YZgYj\ Zmk]k Yf\ ljYafk gj af hmZda[ khY[]k km[` Yk klY\amek& Al ak l`] kmj^Y[] ljYfkhgjlYlagf ]imanYd]fl to the black boxes found on airplanes. <m] lg l`] hghmdYjalq g^ l`] K=;MJ= Hjg_jYe$ l`] K[a]f[] Yf\ L][`fgdg_q <aj][lgjYl] `Yk afljg\m[]\ Y Ékakl]j hjg_jYeÊ [Ydd]\ >mlmj]L=;@¢& L`ak hjg_jYe ak j]k]jn]\ ^gj l`gk] [jala[Yd j]k]Yj[`'affgnYlagf ^g[mk Yj]Yk l`Yl Y\\j]kk l`] dgf_%l]je f]]\k g^ l`] \]hYjle]fl Yf\ alk klYc]`gd\]jk l`jgm_` emlmYddq Z]f]Õ[aYd hYjlf]jk`ahk oal` l`] hjanYl] k][lgj$ fYlagfYd dYZgjYlgja]k$ mfan]jkalq [geemfala]k Yf\ gl`]j J< gj_YfarYlagfk&

), +)

www.dhs.gov Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

Figure 14: DOH SECURE program outreach process
Phases Requirements development

Market assessment and strategy

Open competition

Product development

Product release, Marketing and/or deployment

Prioritized capability gaps from Capstone IPTs A\]flaÕ[Ylagf g^ representatives of customer/end users Operational and technical requirements Validation of price points Technology Commercialization Agreement (TCA) between DHS S&T and its DHS customer Project plan

Market survey Technology scan Communications plan and implementation (public relations and marketing communications) Technology Commercialization Plan (TCP) Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) Standards assessment and/or development by S&T Grant program development by DHS customer

CRADAs BAAs RFPs RFQs RFIs MoUs /MoAs Technology transfer licenses OTAs/ agreements


New Product Development (NPD) process implemented by private sector partner(s) Project reviews Test and evaluation

Transition to manufacture QC/QA Deployment (to Federal users) or Marketing (to independent users) Measure product effectiveness














Black text = Typical government activities; Blue text = Typical private sector activities
Source: www.dhs.gov

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


Crime a social concept Crime is a social and legal concept that refers to a number g^ Yfla%kg[aYd Z]`Ynagjk l`Yl eYq Z] hdYff]\ gj mfhdYff]\ Yf\ g[[mj af \a^^]j]fl [aj[meklYf[]k& <]eg_jYh`a[$ kg[ag% economic and cultural factors are associated with high crime Yj]Yk& Hgn]jlq Yf\ af[ge] af]imYdalq `Yn] Ydkg Z]]f dafc]\ to elevated crime rates. Crime prevention programs can lYj_]l ]al`]j l`] ZjgY\ mf\]jdqaf_ ^Y[lgjk gj l`] kh][aÕ[ [aj[meklYf[]k g^ Y [jae]& >gj afklYf[]$ Y o]dd%hdYff]\ mjZYf development program should reduce the number of people living in informal settlements, provide parents with a better environment for the care of their children and easier access to c]q k]jna[]k km[` Yk `]Ydl`$ ]\m[Ylagf Yf\ hgda[af_& 9dd l`]k] improvements should assist in preventing crime. As illustrated in an earlier section, crime has been increasing at Y kl]Y\q hY[] gn]j l`] q]Yjk& L`]j] Yj] fg ]Ykq ]phdYfYlagfk ^gj [jae] af Yfq kg[a]lq& Al ak [Ymk]\ Zq emdlahd] ^Y[lgjk l`Yl afl]jY[l af Y [gehd]p oYq& Kge] g^ l`gk] l`Yl `Yn] Z]]f Ykkg[aYl]\ oal` l`] `a_` af[a\]f[] g^ [jae] af[dm\]2


JYha\ mjZYfarYlagf2 L`] [jae] jYl] ak _]f]jYddq `a_` af cities and urban areas to which people from rural areas ea_jYl] lg ljq lg ]k[Yh] hgn]jlq Zq k]]caf_ ghhgjlmfala]k af km[` Yj]Yk& @go]n]j$ daeal]\ bgZ ghhgjlmfala]k kmZb][l eYfq g^ l`]e lg mjZYf hgn]jlq Ykkg[aYl]\ oal` overcrowding, lack of social and economic development, and increasing consumer demands. All these conditions have been linked to high crime rates in urban areas. AfY\]imYl] h]j^gjeYf[] g^ l`] [jaeafYd bmkla[] kqkl]e2 9 o]Yc [jaeafYd bmkla[] kqkl]e `Yk Y \]ljae]flYd ]^^][l gf hmZda[ ^]]daf_k g^ kY^]lq Yf\ ^]Yj g^ [jae]& Egj] aehgjlYfldq$ l`] kh]]\q \]l][lagf Yf\ hjgk][mlagf g^ offenders helps to deter some criminals from committing crimes.


Social measures to be taken against crime Kge] g^ l`] egkl [geegf e]Ykmj]k lYc]f Zq [alar]fk lg hj]n]fl [jae]k af[dm\]2

LYj_]l `Yj\]faf_$ ]&_&$ Zq Zmad\af_ ^]f[]k$ oYddk$ Zmj_dYj hjggÕf_ Keeping dogs ;Yjjqaf_ kaehd] o]Yhgfk ^gj hjgl][lagf$ ]&_&$ h]hh]j khjYqk AfklYddaf_ hjanYl] k][mjalq ;geaf_ `ge] ]Yjdq Yf\ klYqaf_ af\ggjk


J]da_agmk mfj]kl2 L`] jakc g^ j]da_agmk mfj]kl ak n]jq `a_` due to the presence of various religious groups in the [gmfljq& Af l`] hYkl$ Af\aY `Yk k]]f eYfq [geemfYd jaglk$ o`a[` `Yk d]\ lg eYfq [YkmYdla]k Hgn]jlq Yf\ mf\]j%\]n]dghe]fl2 9dl`gm_` al ak \a^Õ[mdl lg ]klYZdak` Y \aj][l dafc Z]lo]]f hgn]jlq Yf\ [jae]$ hgn]jlq \g]k d]Y\ lg [jae]k km[` Yk Zmj_dYjq$ ca\fYhhaf_$ YkkYmdl$ child abuse, etc. Hjgda^]jYlagf g^ Õj]Yjek2 AfY\]imYl] Zgj\]j [gfljgd eYc]k al hgkkaZd] ^gj Yjek kem__d]jk lg Zjaf_ dYj_] imYflala]k g^ Õj]Yjek aflg l`] [gmfljq& :][Ymk] g^ l`] gn]jkmhhdq g^ keYdd Yjek af l`] j]_agf$ l`]k] k]dd [`]Yhdq$ o`a[` eYc]k l`]e ]Ykadq Y[[]kkaZd]$ Yf\ l`]q Yj] ^j]im]fldq mk]\ lg commit crime or settle disputes.


 



L`]k] Yj] Y[lanala]k [Yjja]\ gml Zq egkl [alar]fk lg hjgl][l themselves against criminal attacks. These measures are taken Yl l`] h]jkgfYd d]n]d ^gj k][mjalq& =pl]fkagf g^ l`]k] Y[lanala]k [Yf hjgna\] k][mjalq lg Y _jgmh g^ h]ghd]& >gj l`] kY^]lq g^ kg[a]lq$ kge] afalaYlan]k [Yf Z] lYc]f Yl l`] [geemfalq d]n]d&


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

Citizen awareness program AfalaYlan]k lYc]f Zq l`] hgda[] Yf\ gl`]j dYo ]f^gj[]e]fl agencies should be communicated to the citizens to make them aware of the options and facilities available to them in case g^ ]e]j_]f[q& 9oYj]f]kk [YehYa_fk k`gmd\ Z] jmf Yl hmZda[ places, public transport vehicles, print and media to increase the coverage of awareness. Community anti-crime initiatives ;geemfalq afalaYlan]k Y_Yafkl [jae]$ km[` Yk f]a_`Zgj`gg\ oYl[` k[`]e]k$ [geemfalq hYljgdk Yf\ hgda[] ^gjmek$ [Yf Ydkg `]dh lg k][mj] Yf Yj]Y ^jge []jlYaf lqh]k g^ g^^]f[]k& Dg[Yd [gmf[adk [Yf hdYq Yf Y[lan] jgd] af gj_Yfaraf_ [geemfalq Yfla% crime initiatives. A formal channel of communication needs to be developed for such projects

Measures taken by schools ;jaeafYd [Yj]]jk k]]e lg Z]_af Yl Y qgmf_ Y_] Yf\ afngdn] h]llq [jae]k& ;`ad\j]f Yj] Ydkg kYa\ lg Z] afngdn]\ af \jm_% j]dYl]\ [jae]k$ kge] g^ o`a[` lYc] hdY[] Yl k[`ggdk& K[`ggdk Yf\ l`] <]hYjle]fl g^ =\m[Ylagf hdYq Yf aehgjlYfl jgd] af hj]hYjaf_ kljYl]_a]k Yae]\ Yl j]\m[af_ l`] [`Yf[]k l`Yl qgmf_ h]ghd] oadd lmjf lg [jae]& K[`ggdk k`gmd\ ^]Ylmj] [gmjk]k and other modes of communication to prevent children from digressing into crime. Role of parents HYj]flk \aj][ldq gj af\aj][ldq kmhhgjl [jae] Zq Z]af_ ]al`]j gn]j%hjgl][lan] gj lgg h]jeakkan]& Kge]lae]k hYj]flk kljm__d] to supervise their children because of work pressure. Parents need to inculcate the sense of right and wrong in their children so that children can take decisions against crime even in the absence of parental guidance.

Citizen involvement in city security
While maintaining law and order is not a direct municipal function in most countries, municipal interest and initiative in some [ala]k `Yn] d]\ lg Y ka_faÕ[Yfl j]\m[lagf af l`] af[a\]f[] g^ dYod]kkf]kk Yf\ nagd]f[]& 9 _gg\ ]pYehd] g^ emfa[ahYd'[anad kg[a]lq Yfla%[jae] \jan]k [ge] ^jge l`] [`Yaf g^ emfa[ahYd hYjlf]jk`ahk l`Yl d]\ lg l`] klj]f_l`]faf_ g^ Y dYj_] fmeZ]j g^ J]ka\]flkÌ 9kkg[aYlagfk af eYbgj Af\aYf [ala]k$ hYjla[mdYjdq af <]d`a Yf\ :]f_Ydmjm$ o`]j] l`] [alq Y\eafakljYlgjk `Yn] _an]f kh][aYd h]jeakkagf lg l`] Ykkg[aYlagfk lg afklYdd l`]aj gof kh][aYd k][mjalq kqkl]ek$ ÕfYf[]\ Zq l`] j]ka\]flk& L`] kqkl]ek af[dm\] fa_`l hYljgddaf_$ [gj\gfaf_ g^ l`] f]a_`Zgj`gg\ \mjaf_ fa_`l `gmjk$ j]klja[laf_ ]fljq lg gmlka\]jk Yf\ j][gj\af_ l`] dYl] fa_`l egn]e]flk g^ fgf%j]ka\]flk& 9 [dgk] [ggj\afYlagf Z]lo]]f l`] ;alq ;gmf[ad Yf\ l`] hgda[] \]hYjle]fl ak [jala[Yd ^gj eYcaf_ [ala]k ^j]] g^ [jae] Yf\ nagd]f[]& ;j]Ylaf_ Y ljY\alagf af l`] [alq$ o`a[` ]fYZd]k l`] alk Hgda[] ;geeakkagf]j lg hj]k]fl Y kap%egfl`dq gj YffmYd j]hgjl gf l`] klYlmk g^ l`] jmd] g^ dYo af Y [alq eYq `]dh Zmad\ Y egj] j]khgfkaZd] Yf\ [gfkljm[lan] j]dYlagfk`ah Z]lo]]f l`] log afklalmlagfk& Al oadd Ydkg `]dh lg _]f]jYl] _j]Yl]j hmZda[ afl]j]kl Yf\ \aYdg_m] gf l`] jmd] g^ dYo& >gj kmklYafYZadalq$ hYjlf]jk`ahk emkl Z] g^ l`ak fYlmj] Yf\ emkl Z] afklalmlagfYdar]\ af l`] emfa[ahYd kqkl]e&

;geemfalq [gfljaZmlagf [Yf `]dh af Z]ll]j hgda[af_$ Yf\ l`]j]Zq$ eYc] [ala]k kY^]j hdY[]k ^gj ]n]jqgf]&

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


OYq ^gjoYj\
Cities aim to provide a warm and comfortable atmosphere, o]d[geaf_ h]ghd] lg klYq$ ]fbgq l`]ek]dn]k$ Yf\ af \gaf_ kg$ kh]f\ l`]aj egf]q& 9l l`] kYe] lae]$ kg[aYd \akmfalq$ increasing risk of terror attacks and crime cannot be ignored. These factors motivate the ongoing struggle for cities that improve people’s lives and meet their needs in all areas. 9k \ak[mkk]\ af l`ak hYh]j$ l`]j] Yj] Õn] Zmad\af_ Zdg[ck lg k][mj] Y [alqÌk kY^]lq È _gn]jfYf[]$ hdYffaf_$ l][`fgdg_q$ j]kgmj[]k Yf\ [alar]f YoYj]f]kk& :jgY\dq$ _gn]jfe]fl$ business and the public need to work together to strengthen and align the activities of law enforcement agencies and the [jaeafYd bmkla[] kqkl]e&


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

Some of the other initiatives that will ensure city safety and security can be summarized as: Table 9: Way forward for city safety and security City security strategy Initiative For cities prone to terror 3 3 3 For cities prone to crime 3 3 3

J]Ykk]kke]fl g^ aehgjl \mla]k gf k][mjalq%j]dYl]\ ]imahe]fl Yf\ l][`fgdg_a]k 9kk]kk l`] hgkkaZadalq g^ \]ngdmlagf g^ hgo]jk oal` [alq _gn]jfe]fl ^gj formulation of local laws and enforcement AkkmYf[] g^ [alq kmjn]addYf[]$ h`qka[Yd ]fnajgfe]fl Yf\ Zmad\af_ \]ka_f _ma\]daf]k (These guidelines should be provided to various entities such as hotels, corporate organizations, factories, residential buildings, welfare associations, ]l[&$ Zq MjZYf Dg[Yd :g\a]k! Kg[aYd \]n]dghe]fl Yf\ o]d^Yj] afalaYlan]k Zq MjZYf Dg[Yd :g\a]k Klj]f_l`]faf_ g^ eg\]jfarYlagf g^ Hgda[] >gj[]k K[`]e] Hjgeglagf g^ hjanYl] k][mjalq Y_]f[a]k l`jgm_` YhhjghjaYl] hgda[q [`Yf_]k Resource K]d][l ^gjek g^ HmZda[ HjanYl] HYjlf]jk`ahk ^gj \]n]dghaf_ l][`fgdg_a]k f]]\]\ for Indian environment <]n]dghe]fl g^ l`] gj_Yfar]\ kmjn]addYf[] f]logjc ^gj Y\]imYl] [gn]jaf_ g^ c]q ][gfgea[$ \]fk]dq hghmdYl]\ Yj]Yk$ eYjc]lk Yf\ ljYfkhgjl dg[Ylagfk Yk o]dd Yk crime hot spots Oa\] \]hdgqe]fl g^ na\]g kmjn]addYf[] Yf\ [geeYf\ Yf\ [gfljgd []fl]jk L][`fgdg_q <]hdgqe]fl g^ []fljYd [geemfa[Ylagf f]logjc l`Yl ^Y[adalYl]k ^Ykl]j ]e]j_]f[q response ;jae] YfYdqkak Yf\ j]hgjlaf_ l`jgm_` mk] g^ []fljYdar]\ \YlYZYk]k$ YfYdqla[k Yf\ ?AK Citizen Klj]f_l`]faf_ g^ [alar]f YoYj]f]kk hjg_jYek Hjgeglagf g^ [geemfalq hgda[af_


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


3 3 3 3 3 3

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective



Description Compound Annual Growth Rate ;]fljYd 9kkg[aYlagf g^ HjanYl] K][mjalq Hjgna\]jk ;jae] Yf\ ;jaeafYd LjY[caf_ F]logjc Yf\ Kqkl]ek Closed Circuit Television ;]fljYd Af\mkljaYd K][mjalq >gj[] Central Police Organizations Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Central Reserve Police Force Director General of Police Gross Domestic Product ?]g_jYh`a[ Af^gjeYlagf Kqkl]e Global Terrorism Database


Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


Description Indian Penal Code Eafakljq g^ @ge] 9^^Yajk National Intelligence Grid FYlagfYd ;jae] J][gj\k :mj]Ym Non Government Organization National Police Commission FYlagfYd K][mjalq ?mYj\k Police Act Drafting Committee Hgda[] H]j^gjeYf[] Yf\ 9[[gmflYZadalq ;geeakkagf Public Private Partnership Resident Welfare Association MjZYf Dg[Yd :g\q United Nations Mfagf HmZda[ K]jna[] ;geeakkagf N]jq @a_` >j]im]f[q'@a_` >j]im]f[q

a& aa& an& n& L`] :dgg\q Eadd]ffame$ Afl]jfYd ;gfÖa[l af Kgml` 9kaY @YjnYj\ :mkaf]kk K[`ggd! 9ffmYd J]hgjl *()(%)) Eafakljq g^ @ge] 9^^Yajk! ;gmfljq Jakc EYfY_]e]fl J]hgjl G=;<$ *((1! ;alq KY^]lq F]dkgf EYf\]dY E]ljg Emfa[ahYdalq!

aaa& ;jae] KlYlakla[k F;J: % FYlagfYd ;jae] J][gj\k :mj]Ym!

na& @ge]dYf\ K][mjalq EYjc]l K][mjalq OYl[`$ Af\aY! naa& ;jae] hj]n]flagf l`jgm_` ]fnajgfe]flYd \]ka_f Ç ;HL=< =e]jYd\ Afka_`l$ 9hjad *((-! naaa& Af\aYÌk MjZYf 9oYc]faf_2 :mad\af_ af[dmkan] [ala]k$ kmklYafaf_ ][gfgea[ _jgol` E[Cafk]q J]hgjl! ap& Hgda[] J]^gjek af Af\aY Eafakljq g^ @ge] 9^^Yajk! p& >]m\Yd >gj[]k$ J]^gje <]dYq]\$ ;@JA$ *()(

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective




Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective

FICCI address and contact
Sumeet Gupta Additional Director FICCI >]\]jYlagf @gmk] Tansen Marg F]o <]d`a % ))( (() INDIA L]d2 # 1) )) *+/. -(00 <!$ *+/+ 0/.(%/( =pl2 -)>Yp2 # 1) )) *++* (/),$ *+/* )-(, =%eYad2 kme]]l_mhlY8Õ[[a&[ge >A;;A 9f\`jY HjY\]k` KlYl] ;gmf[ad 0%*%.()$ Hdgl  )+ ,l` >dggj$ FFJ 9j[Y\] 9Zgn] Kgml` Af\aYf :Yfc JgY\ FmeZ]j )($ :YfbYjY @addk @q\]jYZY\ Ç -(( (+, H`gf]2 (,( *++1 -*/-%/.$ (,( .,-, 00,0 >Yp2 (,( *++1 -*/-%/. >A;;A ;``Yllak_Yj` KlYl] ;gmf[ad BKHD ;Yehmk EYf\aj @YkYm\$ ;``Yllak_Yj` JYahmj % ,1* (() H`gf]2 (//) *,/) ,(( <!$ *,/) *(-%(/ >Yp2 (//) *,/) *),'*,/) ,(, >A;;A ?mbYjYl KlYl] ;gmf[ad 9%+))$ KY^Yd H]_Ykmk$ )(( ^l JgY\$ HjY`dY\fY_Yj$ 9`e]\YZY\ % +0( ()L]d]^Yp2 (/1 *.1+ /-0)$ *.1+ /-0*$ *.1+ /-0+ >A;;A CYjfYlYcY KlYl] ;gmf[ad NAL; :mad\af_$ )kl >dggj$ CYklmjZY JgY\ :Yf_Ydgj] % -.( (() H`gf]2 (0( **0. )1,1 FICCI Western Regional Council Cjak`fYeYa ;ggh]jYlan] @gmkaf_ Kg[a]lq Dl\ ?jgmf\ >dggj$ Hdgl Fg& ++%: Pochkhanwala Road, Worli EmeZYa % ,(( (*H`gf]2 (** *,1. ..++%+1 G!$ *,1. 0((( H9:P! >Yp2 (** *,1. ..+)%+* >A;;A JYbYkl`Yf KlYl] ;gmf[ad *(* JYbhmlYfY Lgo]j 9%*/%:$ K`Yfla HYl`$ LadYc FY_Yj BYahmj % +(* ((, H`gf]2 (),) *.*) +,-$ -)(+ /.0$ ,(.) +,>Yp2 (),) -)). ,., >A;;A LYead FY\m KlYl] ;gmf[ad -$ Nan]cYfYf\Y JgY\ G^^ Khmj LYfc JgY\$ ;`]lh]l$ ;`]ffYa .(((+) H`gf]2 (,, ,*0, 1.)* <! ,*0, 1.)+'1.),'1.)>Yp2 (,, ,*0, 1.)0 FICCI Eastern Regional Council ,$ ;YeY[ Klj]]l *f\ >dggj$ Oaf_ Ë:Ì CgdcYlY /(( (). H`gf]2 1) (++ +*1, (-0($ ,((+ -+,/ >Yp2 1) (++ ,((+ -+,0

Homeland Security 2011 Building safe and secure Indian cities — a perspective


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Ahmedabad *f\ Öggj$ K`anYdac Ak`YYf F]Yj ;F Na\`qYdYqY Ambawadi 9`e]\YZY\ È +0( ()L]d2 # 1) /1 ..(0 +0(( >Yp2 # 1) /1 ..(0 +1(( Bengaluru ÉM: ;alqÊ$ ;YfZ]jjY :dg[c )*l`  )+l` Öggj Fg&*, NallYd EYddqY JgY\ :]f_Ydmjm È -.( (() L]d2 # 1) 0( ,(*/ -((( # 1) 0( ./*/ -((( >Yp2 # 1) 0( **)( .((( )*l` Öggj! >Yp2 # 1) 0( ***, (.1- )+l` Öggj! Chennai LHD @gmk]$ *f\ Öggj No. 3 Cenotaph Road L]qfYeh]l ;`]ffYa È .(( ()0 L]d2 # 1) ,, ..+* 0,(( >Yp2 # 1) ,, *,+) ),-( Hyderabad *(-$ *f\ Öggj 9k`gcY :`gghYd ;`YeZ]jk KYj\Yj HYl]d JgY\ K][mf\]jYZY\ È -(( ((+ L]d2 # 1) ,( ..*/ ,((( >Yp2 # 1) ,( */01 00-) L`] GnYd G^Õ[] )0$ aDYZk ;]flj] Madhapur @q\]jYZY\ È -(( (0) L]d2 # 1) ,( ./+. *((( >Yp2 # 1) ,( ./+. **(( Kochi 9th Floor, Abad Nucleus F@%,1$ EYjY\m HG Cg[`a$ C]jYdY .0* +(,& L]d2 # 1) ,0, +(, ,((( >Yp2 # 1) ,0, */( -+1+ Kolkata ** ;YeY[ Klj]]l :dg[c É;Ê +j\ Öggj CgdcYlY È /(( (). L]d2 # 1) ++ ..)- +,(( >Yp2 # 1) ++ **0) //-( Mumbai .l` Öggj  )0l` Öggj$ =phj]kk Lgo]jk Nariman Point EmeZYa È ,(( (*) L]d2 # 1) ** ..-/ 1*(( .l` Öggj! >Yp2 # 1) ** **0/ .,() L]d2 # 1) ** ...- -((( )0l` Öggj! >Yp2 # 1) ** **0* .((( L`] JmZq *1 K]fYhYla :YhYl EYj_$ Dadar (W) EmeZYa È ,(( (*0 L]d2 # 1) (** .)1* (((( >Yp2 # 1) (** .)1* )((( -l` Öggj$ :dg[c :È* Nirlon Knowledge Park G^^ O]kl]jf =phj]kk @a_`oYq Goregaon (E) EmeZYa È ,(( (.+ L]d2 # 1) ** ./,1 0((( >Yp2 # 1) ** ./,1 0*(( NCR ?gd^ Na]o ;gjhgjYl] Lgo]j : Near DLF Golf Course K][lgj ,* ?mj_Ygf Ç )** ((* L]d2 # 1) )*, ,., ,((( >Yp2 # 1) )*, ,., ,(-( .l` Öggj$ @L @gmk] )0%*( CYklmjZY ?Yf\`a EYj_ F]o <]d`a Ç ))( (() L]d2 # 1) )) ,+.+ +((( >Yp2 # 1) )) ,+.+ +*(( ,l`  -l` >dggj$ Hdgl Fg *:$ Lgo]j *$ K][lgj )*.$ Fga\Y Ç *() +(, ?YmlYe :m\` FY_Yj& L]d2 # 1) )*( ./) /((( >Yp2 # 1) )*( ./) /)/) Pune ;È,()$ ,l` Öggj Panchshil Tech Park Q]joY\Y F]Yj <gf :gk[g K[`ggd! Hmf] È ,)) ((. L]d2 # 1) *( ..(+ .((( >Yp2 # 1) *( ..() -1((

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Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd. 9kkmjYf[] t LYp t LjYfkY[lagfk t 9\nakgjq
About Ernst & Young Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance, tax, ljYfkY[lagf Yf\ Y\nakgjq k]jna[]k& Ogjd\oa\]$ gmj ),)$((( h]ghd] Yj] mfal]\ Zq gmj k`Yj]\ nYdm]k Yf\ Yf mfoYn]jaf_ [geeale]fl lg imYdalq& O] eYc] Y \a^^]j]f[] Zq `]dhaf_ gmj h]ghd]$ gmj [da]flk Yf\ gmj wider communities achieve their potential. Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of o`a[` ak Y k]hYjYl] d]_Yd ]flalq& =jfkl  Qgmf_ ?dgZYd Daeal]\$ Y MC [gehYfq daeal]\ Zq _mYjYfl]]$ \g]k fgl provide services to clients. For more information about gmj gj_YfarYlagf$ hd]Yk] nakal ooo&]q&[ge
Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd. is one of the Indian client serving member firms of EYGM Limited. For more information about our organization, please visit ooo&]q&[ge'af\aY =jfkl  Qgmf_ Hnl& Dl\& ak Y [gehYfq j]_akl]j]\ mf\]j l`] ;gehYfa]k 9[l$ )1-. `Ynaf_ alk j]_akl]j]\ g^^a[] Yl ** ;YeY[ Klj]]l$ +j\ >dggj$ :dg[c ;$ CgdcYlY % /(((). ¡ *()) =jfkl  Qgmf_ Hnl& Dl\& HmZdak`]\ af Af\aY& All Rights Reserved.

=klYZdak`]\ af )1*/$ >A;;A ak l`] dYj_]kl Yf\ gd\]kl Yh]p Zmkaf]kk gj_YfakYlagf af Af\aY& Alk `aklgjq ak [dgk]dq interwoven with India’s struggle for independence and its kmZk]im]fl ]e]j_]f[] Yk gf] g^ l`] egkl jYha\dq _jgoaf_ ][gfgea]k _dgZYddq& >A;;A hdYqk Y d]Y\af_ jgd] af hgda[q debates that are at the forefront of social, economic and hgdala[Yd [`Yf_]& L`jgm_` alk ,(( hjg^]kkagfYdk$ >A;;A ak Y[lan] af ,, k][lgjk g^ l`] ][gfgeq& >A;;AÌk klYf\ gf hgda[q akkm]k ak kgm_`l gml Zq l`afc lYfck$ _gn]jfe]flk Yf\ Y[Y\]eaY& Alk hmZda[Ylagfk Yj] oa\]dq j]Y\ ^gj l`]aj af%\]hl` j]k]Yj[` Yf\ hgda[q hj]k[jahlagfk& >A;;A `Yk bgafl Zmkaf]kk [gmf[adk oal` /- [gmflja]k Yjgmf\ l`] ogjd\& 9 fgf%_gn]jfe]fl$ fgl%^gj%hjg^al gj_YfakYlagf$ >A;;A ak l`] nga[] g^ Af\aYÌk Zmkaf]kk Yf\ af\mkljq& >A;;A `Yk \aj][l membership from the private as well as public sectors, af[dm\af_ KE=k Yf\ EF;k$ Yf\ Yf af\aj][l e]eZ]jk`ah g^ gn]j *$-($((( [gehYfa]k ^jge j]_agfYd [`YeZ]jk of commerce. >A;;A ogjck [dgk]dq oal` l`] _gn]jfe]fl gf hgda[q akkm]k$ ]f`Yf[af_ ]^^a[a]f[q$ [geh]lalan]f]kk Yf\ ]phYf\af_ Zmkaf]kk ghhgjlmfala]k ^gj af\mkljq l`jgm_` Y jYf_] g^ specialised services and global linkages. It also provides a platform for sector specific consensus building and networking. Partnerships with countries across the world [Yjjq ^gjoYj\ gmj afalaYlan]k af af[dmkan] \]n]dghe]fl$ which encompass health, education, livelihood, governance, skill development, etc. FICCI serves as the ^ajkl hgjl g^ [Ydd ^gj Af\aYf af\mkljq Yf\ l`] afl]jfYlagfYd Zmkaf]kk [geemfalq&

L`ak hmZda[Ylagf [gflYafk af^gjeYlagf af kmeeYjq ^gje Yf\ ak l`]j]^gj] afl]f\]\ ^gj _]f]jYd _ma\Yf[] gfdq& Al ak fgl afl]f\]\ lg Z] Y kmZklalml] ^gj detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Neither EYGM Daeal]\ fgj Yfq gl`]j e]eZ]j g^ l`] _dgZYd =jfkl  Qgmf_ gj_YfarYlagf [Yf Y[[]hl Yfq j]khgfkaZadalq ^gj dgkk g[[Ykagf]\ lg Yfq h]jkgf Y[laf_ gj j]^jYafaf_ ^jge Y[lagf Yk Y j]kmdl g^ Yfq eYl]jaYd af l`ak hmZda[Ylagf& Gf Yfq kh][a^a[ eYll]j$ j]^]j]f[] k`gmd\ Z] eY\] lg l`] YhhjghjaYl] Y\nakgj& EYIN????

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