How Much Bandwidth Does Skype Need

Published on May 2016 | Categories: Types, Instruction manuals | Downloads: 51 | Comments: 0 | Views: 252
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How much bandwidth does Skype need?
The bandwidth required by Skype depends on the type of calls you want to make. The table below provides the minimum download and upload speeds required, as well as the recommended speeds for best performance.

Call type
Calling Video calling / Screen sharing Video calling (high-quality) Video calling (HD) Group video (3 people) Group video (5 people) Group video (7+ people)

Minimum download / upload speed
30kbps / 30kbps 128kbps / 128kbps

Recommended download / upload speed
100kbps / 100kbps 300kbps / 300kbps

400kbps / 400kbps

500kbps / 500kbps

1.2Mbps / 1.2Mbps

1.5Mbps / 1.5Mbps

512kbps / 128kbps

2Mbps / 512kbps

2Mbps / 128kbps

4Mbps / 512kbps

4Mbps / 128kbps

8Mbps / 512kbps

If you are signed in to Skype but not making any calls, Skype will use on average 0-4kbps. When you make a call, Skype will use on average between 24-128kbps.

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