How to Apply Online

Published on May 2016 | Categories: Book Excerpts | Downloads: 105 | Comments: 0 | Views: 805
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How to Apply Online
Filling up Application form                 Click on the Application form Choose the post you are applying for Choose the district you are Applying Give your Name (as in 10th Certificate) Give your Father’s Name (as in 10th Certificate) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Choose your district of domicile Select Gender (Male/Female) Select Category (SC/ST/UR) Physically Challenge (Yes/No) Present Address Permanent Address (If Same, pl. Click the check box) Mobile No e-Mail Address Choose Language Spoken (Put tick mark on check box) Enter Qualification details (For Post-Graduation, Pl enter your Full Mark and Mark Secured as 100 out of 100- Those degrees which are not warding any Mark)     Enter Experience Details Put the registration no and Name of the Board/Council Click on declaration acceptance check box Click on Submit Button

Generation of USER ID and Password After submitting the form, the candidate will get a unique User ID and Password. Generating Application form At the acknowledgement form, an option will be available as “Download Application form” which is in PDF document. Candidate has to download it and take a print out (2 pages) Submission of Application to CDMO-cum-District Mission Director The Candidate has to send the printed Application form, duly signed with Place and Date, along with all enclosures listed (as per applicability) to the concerned CDMOcum-District Mission Director of the district. Editing the Application User can edit his/her application form and generate an updated print out of the Application. This can be done by logging into the User section giving the User ID and Password generated from the system at the time of filling the form first time. If the Candidate fails to get the User name and Password for any reason, user can get it by clicking the “Forgot User Id and Password”. Here the Candidate has to fill the following details exactly as filled in the Application form.  Name (as in 10th Certificate)  Father’s Name (as in 10th Certificate)  Date of Birth  Post Applied For  Regd. No After Submitting, User will get the user ID and Password.

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