How to Apply

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How to apply: Job Hunters may apply application form in a prescribed format available at
official website at And send it to the given address with all the required
documents copy.
“Office of the Secretary,
Administrative Building,
V.O. Chidambaranar Port
Trust, Tuticorin – 628 004”
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Current affairs Question and Answers August 2013
1. In the Olympic History Which US Swimmer became the Most Successful
Ans. Michel Phelps
2. Name of Indian sports personality bagged Silver in Olympics 25 Meter Rapid Fire
Pistol Event
Ans. Vijay Kumar

Which Indian Scientist was honoured with Fundamental Physics Prize (FPP) 2012

Ans. Ashoke Sen

Name India’s successfully test-fired Medium Range Ballistic Missile?

Ans. Agni – II

What is the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba who visited India in August

Ans. Rogelio Sierra Diaz
You may also join us on Facebook as well as Twitter. For more information you can download
Current Affairs Free PDF in English | Hindi as given here:

“Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living
every minute with love, grace & gratitude.” - Denis Waitley
“Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories
are sweet, cherish it.” – Unknown
“When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying
it’s hard. Think positive!” – Unknown
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as
though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein
“Life is like a ten speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use.” – Charles Schultz
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” – Albert Einstein
“Failure is success if we learn from it.” - Malcolm Forbes
“If you want to achieve things in life, you’ve just got to do them, and if you’re talented and
smart, you’ll succeed.” - Juliana Hatfield
“No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice
blessed indeed.” – Harold Macmillan
“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in
circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the
circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.” – George Bernard Shaw

ndian Railways is a demanding sector in India due to travelling & recruitment. Indian
Railway has a big network of tracks and connects to all states, districts and villages with
each other. Job Seekers try for Railway Recruitment in large number of amount.
The exam pattern of the Indian Railway follows 4 subjects- Reasoning, Math, English, and
General Knowledge. Exam conducted by RRB (Railway Recruitment Board). Here, provides a simple way to prepare you. It gives you a simple Online Quiz
2013 with simple questions and after taking this test, you can get answers of these multiple
choice questions (MCQ).

1. Which Train in pre-independence days was known as Viceroy's train?

Kalka Mail

Kalka-Simla toy train

Darjeeling toy train

Matheran toy train

2. In which year was the railways introduced in India?





3. Which train has been specially designed for promoting tourism in Rajasthan?

Deccan Odyssey

Golden Chariot

Golden wheels

Palace on Wheels

4.Diesel locomotive engines manufactured at which among the following places in India?





5. Who is the first woman railway driver?

Rajashree Sachdev

Bhavani Kumari

Ritu Chauhan

Surekha Yadav

6. How many years of its existence did the Indian Railways celebrate in the year 2002-2003?





7. Mumbai has the world's busiest suburban railway network. Name it.

Central Line

Western Line

Harbour Line

Eastern Line

8. Where did India's first metro rail start?




Tamil nadu

9. India's first train ran between Bombay and Thane, When?





10. Which train runs between India and Pakistan?

Punjab-Pakistan Passenger

Sadbhavna Express

North Punjab Passenger

Samjhauta Express
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Railway Employee Salary Details | Pay scale Information & Structure
Posted by Portalforjobs on Thursday, July 11, 2013
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We are going to tell you about railway salary and pay scale. Please keep in mind that this salary
is all about based on designation. There are some categories which government has divided into
different forms.

All salary is based on band and grade .some they are in different grade and some they are in
different band
Commercial department:

Commercial superintendent gets PB-2 band according to their post and they get 6500-10500Rs
Commercial clerk there band is PB-1 and their salary what they get 4000-6000Rs.

Tickets check staff:

Chief ticket inspector comes in (TTE) they come in PB-2 band and they get salary 6500-10500Rs

Traffic running guard:

Mail guard their salary and there band comes in PB-2 and they get salary 5500-9000/SR passenger guard and passenger guard they come in PB-2 and their salary are 5500-8000/-


Section engineer comes in technical supervisors and there band is PB-2 they get 6500-10500/SE(Drawing/Design) comes in Drawing / Design Staff there band is PB-2 and they get 650010500/-

Teaching Staff ( Railway Schools):

There is three grade come in teaching staff selection grade, senior grade and basis grade their
salary are almost same and they come in same band

SE(senior engineer) and JE(junior Engineer) :
They both come in different category but most probably there bands are same and their salary
what they get not much difference SE gets 28638/- and JE gets 22500/.

Railway Exam Eligibility Criteria – Minimum Eligibility For RRB Exam
Posted by Portalforjobs on Thursday, July 11, 2013
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Railway Exam Eligibility Criteria
Visitors as we all know that entrance exam for Railway department is held every year. Lot of
hard working and willing applicants apply for the entrance exam but only selected candidates
are able to beat the exam and get selected for the job. Many job fighters are not selected because
of the eligibility criteria which are set for the selection of the post.
Eligibility Criteria
Criteria for the selection is based on the qualification, age limit etc. candidates who are aware
for about the eligibility criteria their application forms are easily accepted because they apply
accordingly as per the post. But those who don’t know about the criteria they just simply apply
and as a result their application forms are not selected and they got easily out of the exam
without appearing in the written examination.
So here on this page we are giving you important information about the Railway exam eligibility
criteria. What is the minimum eligibility required for giving RRB exam. All this information is
given to you by our portal that is
Railway exam is divided into two sections which are as follows:


Eligibility Criteria for Technical section:
Job fighters who are applying for technical exam to get job in railway must keep the below
eligibility criteria in mind:

Candidate must possess a Bachelor degree in any stream from a recognized university.
Suitable typing speed in Hindi/English as per the requirement of the post.

Age limit

Minimum age required to get railway job is 18 year and maximum is of 30 years.
Relaxation in age will be given to the reserved category candidates according to the norms set
by the government.

Eligibility Criteria for Non-Technical section:

Eligibility criteria for Non-Technical exam are mentioned below. Interested and hard working
applicants who want to apply for non technical exam must read it.
Applicants should have passed 10th or 12th as per the post requirement.
Age limit

Aspirants should be in between 18 to 30 years of age.
Age Relaxation will be given to the reserved category candidates according to the norms set by
the government.

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How to Prepare For Railway Exams – Step by Step
Posted by Portalforjobs on Thursday, July 11, 2013
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We are having some points that it will help you to preparations of Railway Exams. Earlier
student those who were willing to get job in Railway sector they use to study at home. Some they
got and some they didn’t get job in this sector. But now for last decade it’s easy to study and get
job in Railway sector.
We have some steps related to Railway preparation. Step by step we will let you know how it’s
easy to go through Railway Exams.
Here we are providing all the details of Railway Exam through our web page
Career Tips
This is the time for students those who are willing to get job in this sector. Students will have to
carry some important things for exams. Here some tips for exam
S.N Exams step

Data collection


Study material


Update knowledge


Group discussion


General Knowledge


Work on communication skills

Data collection:
Earlier students were getting difficulties to crack the railway exams because they were facing a
king of problem to get resources. But now time has changed those who are preparing for these
exams they can collect the latest books of competition. And they can consult with tutor those are
expertise of these exams.
(How to Prepare For Written Examination)
There are many students those who cracked the railway exam. Those are preparing must be
consult with them because they know which question was taken in exam and they will help you

out about your queries. Collect data of those people who got job in railway. They will let you
know about personal interview which question was asked by interviewer.
Study material:
As far as Study material is concerned its play a Vitol role in your success. Those who are
meritorious they should get their knowledge increase by the help of book. Now everyday
students will find a good stuff in the market. Time is running like anything so there is huge
change in today scenario. Books are being sold in the marked you cannot imagine people love to
How to Score Good Marks in Exam
Update knowledge:
This game of success is all about your knowledge and your preparations. When it comes to
knowledge this will be help out of your success because those who are have Encyclopedia
knowledge of their exam or other things like present happening in your country. Because after
clearing the written test you will have to go for personal interview. In personal interview they
will check ability and knowledge
Group discussion:
Generate your Confidence and face any kind of difficulty because if you go for group discussion
they will read your mind means about everything if any topic is given by them. You will have to
participate and will have to prove them your Confidence.
How to Crack Personal Interview
General knowledge:
As far as General Knowledge is concerned with current update and also tells about important
incidents of ancient times. Gk plays a Vitol role in Railway Exam. Candidates those are willing
to give railway Exam they have to work on their Gk.
How to Prepare GK for GOVT Jobs
Work on communication skills:
Now they need those candidates those are having sound command in communication skills. Your
English skills must be good because in personal interview they check your communication skill
and give marks according to your performance. So work on it and make your skills better that
you could be saluted by others.

If you want to get any information regarding any vacancies, result, syllabus or any other
information you can visit this page time to time. We will be there.

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