How to FInd Out About Cities

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The Kappe Library Guides identify Guides identify general resources on broad topics to help researchers begin their work. Individual projects and practitioners are avoided; guides, indexes and general introductions are preferred to specialized works. Book citations that include a call number can be found at the Kappe Library; other books are identified by author, title and date. Magazine articles are selected from the Avery the Avery Index and Index and the Art the Art Index databases; to identify which are available at the Kappe Library, see the Periodicals In the Collection reference. Collection reference. Web versions of this and all other Guides are available at and Submit  Submit questions and suggestions to the library manager directly at [email protected]  [email protected] KEYWORDS Centers, Cities, Cities and towns, City Beautiful movement, City blocks, City planning, City planning, Civic centers, Civic improvement, Civilization, Downtowns, Environmental psychology, Historic towns, Megalopolis, Metropolitan areas, Plazas, Polis,, Power centers, Pub Polis Public lic space spaces, s, Pub Public lic squares squares,, Sec Sectors, tors, Squ Squares, ares, Surveillance, Sustainabilit Sustainability, y, Theming, Transportation Transp ortation corridors, Urba Urban n beautifi beautification, cation, Urban Urban design, Urban Urban fform orms, s, Urba Urban n fr fringes, inges, Urban geography, geography, Urban Urban hist history, ory, Urban homesteading, Urban Land Institute, Urban parks, Urban planning, Urban pollution, Urban renewal, Urban space, Urban sprawl, Urban studies, Urban transportation, Urban villages, Urbanism, Urbanization, TOOLS TO GET STARTED The Global Urban Observatory Databases, http:// http://ww www.unc 1.asp (U.N.  (U.N. data-collection project) LeGates, The City Reader  Reader , 2nd, HT151.C586 1999 The Mega-Cities Project,  Reference-G-153.4.C57 1999 v.1-5 Rajewski, Cities of the World World,, 5th, Reference-G-153.4.C57 Urban Urba n Affair Affairs s Association,  CITIES A - Z: CITIES CITI ES OF THE FUTURE "Cities in the 21st Century," Urban Land, Land, September 2000 (Theme issue) "City of the Future," Ekistics Ekistics,, #175, June 1970 (Theme issue) Di Fate, Infinite Worlds: the fantastic visions of science fiction art, art, NX-650.S3D54 1997 Gold, Experience of Modernism; modern architects and the future city 1928-53, city 1928-53, NA-680.G577 1997 Kimpel & Hallenberger, Zukunfsträume: Bildwelten und Weltbilder der Science-fic Science-fiction tion,, 1984 Riley, "Dreams of Tomorrow," Architectural Tomorrow," Architectural Forum, Forum, April 1967 "Urban Projections," Arca Projections," Arca,, December 1993 HISTORY Benevolo, The History of the City, City, Office-HT-111.B4513 1980 Centre for Urban History,  Fraser & Sutcliffe, The Pursuit of Urban History, History , 1983 Gutkind, International History of City Development, Development, 8 volumes, 1964-72 Handlin & Burchard, The Historian and the and the City, City, 1963 International Planning History Society,   Urban History History Association,   H-Urban,  (Urban history electronic discussion network)  AN  ANCIEN IENT  Ab  Abzu: the the guide ide to res resource rces on the the ancie ien nt near east,   Arc  Arch haeolog logy Afric frica a, Afric frica an Cit itie ies s and State tates s,  Bacon, "The City as an Act of Will, Architectural Will, Architectural Record, Record, January 1967 Chakrabarti, The Archaeology of Ancient Indian Cities, Cities, 1997 de Polignac, Cults, Territory and the Origins of the Greek City-State, City-State, DF-122.P6513 1995 Internet African History Sourceboo Sourcebook, k, 


Kenoyer, Ancient Kenoyer,  Ancient Cities Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization Civilization,,,, DS-425.K46 1998 HISTORY  AN  ANCIEN IENT Meyers, The Oxf ord ord Encyclopedia of Archaeology Archaeology in the Near East, East, 5 volumes, DS56.O9 1996 Perseus Project, (Excellent  (Excellent full-text Greek and Latin anthology with translation, criticism, etc.) (Survey  (Survey of all Roman topics) Romarch, Romarch, Rykwert, The Idea of a Town : the anthropology of urban form in Rome, Italy and the ancient world world,, HT-166 .R94 Stambaugh,The Stambaugh, The Ancient Roman City, City, HT-114 .S7 1988 van de Mieroop, The Ancient Mesopotamian City, City , DS--69.5.V36 1997 Ward-Perkins, Planning and Cities: Cities of Ancient Greece and Italy, Italy, HT166 .W25 1974 Whycherley, How the Greeks Built Cities, Cities, NA9201.W85 1976 MEDIEVAL http://ww .html Byzantine Byza ntine Studies on the Internet, http:// Frugoni, A Frugoni,  A Distant Distant City : images of urban experience in the medieval wor ld, ld, N5975 .F7813 1991 The Labyrinth, http:// http://ww www.geo w.georgetow .html (Best  (Best place to start for anything medieval) Moller, Our Urban Legacy : medieval towns, towns, 1978 Saalman, Planning and Cities: Medieval Cities, Cities, HT115.S2 Trachtenberg,Dominion Trachtenberg, Dominion of the Eye : Urbanism, Art and Power Power in Early Modern Florence, Florence, NA9070.T73 1997 Westfall, In this Most Perfect Paradise; Alberti, Nicholas V, and the invention of conscious urban planning in Rome Rome,, 1974 RENAISSANCE  Arg  Arga an, Planning and Cities: the Renaissanc Renaissancee City, NA9084.A713 City, NA9084.A713 Burroughs, From signs to design : environmental process and reform in early Renaissance Rome, NA1120 .B87 1990 Calabi, Fabbriche, piazze, mercati: la città italiana nel Rinascimen Rinascimento to,, 1997 Martines, Power and Imagination: city states in Renaissance Italy, Italy, 1979 Pinto, "Origins and development of the ichnographic city plan," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Historians,, March 1976 Smith, "Colonial towns of Spanish and Portuguese America," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Historians,, December 1955 Zucker, "Space and Movement in High Baroque City Planning," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Historians,, March 1955 EARLY MODERN Choay, Planning and Cities: Modern City; planning in the 19th century, century , NA9094.C4713 Friedrichs, Early Modern City 1450-1750, 1450-1750, HT-131.F75 1994 Saalman, Planning and Cities: Haussmann: Paris transformed, transformed, HT169.F72 P367 1971 Urban Planning 1794-1918, (Anthology  (Anthology of 100s of full-text articles) Victorian Web, (Excellent)  (Excellent) Wolf, "City structuring and social sense in 19th and 20th century urbanism," Perspecta Perspecta #13/14,  #13/14, 1971 MODERN Hall, Cities of Tomorrow, Tomorrow, HT-166.H349 1988 Hilberseimer,The Hilberseimer, The Nature of Cities: origin, growth and decline, decline, 1955 Le Corbusier, The City of Tomorrow. NA9090 Tomorrow. NA9090 .J413 1929 Garnier, Une Cité Industrielle, Industrielle, NA9030.G3 1939 Lewis, Planning the Modern City, City, NA9030.L393, v. 1 & 2 Relph, The Modern Urban Landscape, Landscape, HT-166 .R347 1987 Spinelli, "Domus itinerario: itinerario: Twentieth Twentieth Ce Century ntury Urban Models," Models," Domus Domus,, January 2000 Tafuri, "Verso la 'città socialista,'" Lotus International, International, #9, 1975 "Urban Strategies, Daidalos Daidalos,, #72, 1999 PUBLIC SPACES Cahill, The Community of the Streets, Streets , 1994  Carr, Public Space, Space, 1992 Dixon, Urban spaces, spaces, 1999 Rowe, Civic Realism, Realism, NA9053.S6 R69 1997 Rowe, Making a Middle Landscape, Landscape, 1991 Rubenstein, Pedestrian malls, streetscapes, streetscapes, and urban spaces, spaces, 1992 Stamford, Constructions of Urban Space, Space, 2000


 AR  ARCHITE ITECTURE & PUBLIC SPACES "Architecture and public spaces: a special issue," Public Interest, Interest, #74, 1984 (Theme issue) Cartwright, The design of urban space, space, 1980  Ford, Larry. The Spaces Between Buildings, Buildings, 2000  Gehl, Life Between Buildings: using public space, space, 3rd, 1996 Glazer, The Public Face of Architecture: civic culture and public spaces, spaces, 1987 Landecker, "New public spaces," Architecture spaces," Architecture,, August 1995 (Theme issue) PUBLIC SPACES  AR  ARCHITE ITECTURE & PUBLIC SPACES Marcus & Francis, People Places: design guidelines for urban open space, space, 1998  Museum d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Nuevos Nuevos territorios, nuevos paisajes / New territories, new landscapes landscapes,, 1997 Picon-Lefebvre, Architecture Picon-Lefebvre,  Architecture des des espaces publics publics modernes, modernes, 1995  1995 "Public space in transition," Daidalos, Daidalos, #67,  #67, 1998 (Theme issue) "Raum = Espace = Space," Werk, Bauen + Wohnen, Wohnen, May 1999 (Theme issue) Sennett, The Conscience of the Eye: the design and social life of cities, cities, 1992 BEHAVIOR Canetti, Crowds and Power , 1960 Davies, What do people do downtown? : how to look at Main Street activity, activity, 1981 Germain, Human behavior in the social environment: an ecological view view,, 1999 Goffman, Behavior in public places: notes on the social organization of gatherings gatherings,, 1980 Wright, Out of place: homeless mobilizations, subcities, and contested landscapes, landscapes , 1997 CRITICISM CRITI CISM & THEORY  An  Andreo reott tti, i, "Rethin think kin ing g publilic c space," Journal of Architectural Education, Education, September 1995 (Theme issue) Çelik et al, Streets: Critical Perspectives on Public Space, Space , 1994 Light & Smith, Philosophy and Geography II: the production of public space, space, 1998 Lofland, The Public Realm: exploring the city's quintessential quintessential social territory, territory, 1998 Low, On the Plaza: the politics of public space and culture, culture, 2000 Nye, Narratives and Spaces: technology and the construction of American culture culture,, 1997 Oldenburg, The Great Good Place: cafés, coffee shops, community centers, …and how they get you through the day, day , 1989 HISTORY Caputo, Le architetture dello spazio pubblico: forme del passato, forme del presente, presente, 1997  Hanawalt, Medieval Practices of Space, Space, 2000 Worpole, Here Comes the Sun: architecture and public space in twentieth-century Europea Europeann culture, culture, 2000 Zucker, Town and Square: from the Agora to the village green, green, NA9070 .Z8 1970 ORGANIZATIONS Project for Public Public Spa Spaces, ces,  The Trust for Public Land,   PLAZAS & SQUARES  As  Asensio Cerv rve er, Redesigning city squares and plazas, plazas, 1997   Atr  Atriu ium m, Redesigning City Squares and Plazas, Plazas, NA9070.A84 1997  Ay  Aymonino ino, Piazze d'Italia, d'Italia, NA1123.A9 A4 1988 Cerver, Urban spaces I: (streets and squares), 1994 squares), 1994  Chidister, "Public places, private lives: plazas and the broader public," Places Places,, Fall 1989 Favole, Paolo. Piazze d'Italia : architettura e urbanistica della piazza in Italia Italia,, 1972 Favole, Squares in contemporary architecture, architecture, 1995 Italia Meravigliosa; piazze d'Italia, DG420.P46 1971 Moughtin, Urban design : street and square, square, 2nd, 1999  Nuvolari, Le Piazze: storia e progetti, progetti, NA9070.P52 1989 Pinon, Places & parvis de France, France, 1999  "Plazas of Southern Europe," Process Architecture, Architecture, NA6.P94 no. 016 Rincón García, Plazas de España, España, 1999  "Special report: International urban plazas," Landscape Architecture, Architecture, August 1989 (Theme issue) Virtual Reality Panoramas of Town Squares and Plazas,   Webb, The City Square: a historical evolution, evolution, 1990 PUBLIC SPACE IS DEAD /public_space.htm .htm (Van  (Van Alen Institute forum) "Is Public Space Dead?" http://ww http://www.van Smithsimon, The Death of Public Space?  


THE PUBLIC SPHERE Habermas,The Habermas, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, Sphere, 1962 w.georgetow r/gaynor/publics.htm   Habermas' Public Sphere, http://ww Hénaff & Strong, Public space and Democracy, Democracy, 2001 Sennett, The Fall of Public Man, Man , 1974 Worpole & Greenhalgh, The Freedom of the City, City, 1996

REGIONAL TRADITIONS DITIONS  AF  AFRICA "African Cities," Revue Noire, Noire, #31, 1999 (Abstract at  )  Afr  Afric ica a Citie ities s and Towns, http://ww /cityguides/    An  Anders rso on & Rathb thbone, Afric  Africa's a's Urban Past, Past, 2000 http://ww www.nyp ntries.html   CIA World Factbook: Africa, http:// City Maps: Maps: Afri Africa, ca,   Davidson, Lost Cities of Africa, Africa, DT--25.D3 "Equatorial Africa: an ekistic progress report," Ekistics, Ekistics, September  September 1973 Farvacque-Vitkovic & Godin, The Future of African Cities: challenges and priorities for urban development development,, 1998 Hull, African Hull,  African Cities Cities and Towns Before Before the European Conquest Conquest,, 1977 Rakodi, The Urban Challenge in Africa: growth and management of its large cities cities,, 1997 Rajewski, Cities of the World, v. 1: Africa, Africa, Reference-G-153.4.C57 1999 v.1 Urbanization in Tropical Africa, Africa, HT169.T6 THE AMERICAS Chudacoff, Major Problems in American Urban History, History, 1994 Chudacoff & Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, Society, 4th, 1994 Conzen, The Making of the American Landscape, 1990 Landscape, 1990 Crouch, Spanish City Planning in North America, America, 1982 Findlay, Magic Lands: Western cityscapes and American culture after 1940 1940,, HT-384.U52A174 1992 Go Goldfiel ldfield d & Browne Brownell, ll, Urban America: a history, history, 2nd, 1990 Hardoy, Planning and Cities: Urban Planning in Pre-Columbian America America,, E59.C55 H3 Mohl, The Making of Urban America, America, 2nd, 1997 Monkkonen, America Monkkonen,  America Becomes Becomes Urban: the Development Development of U.S. U.S. Cities & Towns Towns 1780-1980 1780-1980,, HT123.M63 1988 Reps, The Making of Urban America, America, NA9105.R45 Roberts, American Roberts,  American cities cities & technology technology : wilderness wilderness to wired city city,, T14.5 .R597 1999 Schultz, Constructing Urban Culture: American cities and city planning 1800-1920 1800-1920,, 1989 Schuyler, The New Urban Landscape: the redefinition of city form in nineteenth-century America, America, 1988 Shumsky, Encycloped Encyclopedia ia of Urban America; Cities and suburbs suburbs,, HT123.E5 1998 v.1-2 Siegel, The Future Once Happened Here: New York, D.C., D.C., L.A. and the fate of America's big cities cities,, 1997 Society for American City and Regional Planning History, http:// http://ww www.urban  Teaford, The Twentieth Century American City, City, 1993  AS  ASIA  Asia Week's Week's Best Cities in Asia,   Enders, Hozon: Architectural and Urban Conservation in Japan Japan,, 1998 Fiévé, Japanese Capitals in Historical Perspective: place, power and memory in Kyoto, Edo and Tokyo Tokyo,, 2002 Forbes, Asian Forbes,  Asian Metropolis Metropolis,, 1996 Fujimori, A Fujimori,  A Comprehensive Comprehensive Study of East East Asian Architecture Architecture and Urba Urbann Planning 1840-1945 1840-1945,, 1996 Karan, The Japanese City, City, 1998 Kögel, Die chinesische Stadt: zwischen Tradition und Moderne, Moderne, NA9265 .C45 2000 Shapira et al, Planning for Cities and Regions in Japan, Japan, 1994 Shelton, Learning from the Japanese City, City, NA1550.S49 1999 Skinner, The City in Late Imperial China, China, 1977 Steinhardt, Chinese Imperial City Planning, Planning, NA9265 .S8 1990 Xu, The Chinese city in space and time : the development of urban form in Suzhou, Suzhou, HT169.C62 S999 2000 Yusuf, Dynamics of urban growth in three Chinese cities: Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Guangzhou, HT384.C6Y87 1997 EUROPE Hall, Planning Europe's Capital Cities; aspects of nineteenth century urban development development,, NA9183 .H27 1997 Hohenberg, The Making of Urban Europe 1000-1994, 1000-1994, 1995 Newman, Urban Planning in Europe, Europe, 1996 Nijkamp, Sustainable Cities in Europe, Europe, HD502.E8 N54 1994


THE MIDDLE EAST  Ab  Abu-Lu -Lughod, "Th "The pla lan nners' rs' dilile emma: what to do wit ith h a histo istori ric c heri rita tag ge," Design Book Review, #29/30, Review, #29/30, 1993 Bianca, Urban form in the Arab World, World, 2000 Ismail, "Origin, ideology and physical patterns of Arab urbanization," Ekistics Ekistics,, February 1972 Robinson, Cambridge Illustrated History of the Islamic World, World, 1996 Sato, Islamic Urbanisms in Human History, History, HT147.5.I86 1997 OCEANIA Lo, Emerging World Cities in Pacific Asia, Asia , 1997 REPRESENTATIONS OF URBAN ENVIRONMENTS IN ART, LITERATURE, LITERATURE, MOVIES Sharpe et al, Visions of the Modern City: essays in history, art and literature, literature, 1983  AR  ART Benson, Expression Expressionist ist Utopias: paradise, metropolis, architectural fantasy, fantasy, N6868.5.E9 B46 1993 "Cartography, Geography & GIS" Kappe Library Guide #42 Guide #42 Clark, The Painting of Modern Life, Life, ND-550.C55 1984 Hales, Silver cities : the photography of American urbanization, 1839-1915 1839-1915,, TR820.5 .H33 1984 Kagan et al, Urban Images of the Hispanic World 1493-1793, 1493-1793, 2000 Reps, Cities of the Mississ Mississippi: ippi: nineteenth century images of urban development development,, F353.R47 1994 Westerbeck, Bystander: a history of street photography, photography, 1994 LITERATURE Lehan, City in Literature: an intellectual and cultural history, history, PN--56.C55 L44 1998 MOVIES Charney, Cinema and the Invention of Modern Life, Life , PN1995.9.S6 C47 1995 Clark, Cinematic City, City, PN1995.9.C513 C46 1997 Konstantarakos, Cinema on the Urban Margin: visions from Europe and Latin America, America, 2001 THEORETICAL APPROACHES Conrads, Programs and manifestoes on 20th-century architecture, architecture, NA-680 .C6213 1970 Hays, Architecture Hays,  Architecture The Theory Since 1968, 1968, Ref erence-NA-680.A728 erence-NA-680.A728 1998 Radical Urban Theory, (Web-on (Web-only ly journal) j ournal) Ockman, Architecture Ockman,  Architecture Culture Culture 1943-1968; a do documentary cumentary anthology anthology,, Reference-680.A57 1993  AN  ANTHROPOLOGY Boltzman Boltzm an Institute Institute for for Urban Ethnology,  Gmelch & Zenner, Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology, Anthropology, 1996 Orsi, Gods of the City: Religion and the American urban landscape, landscape, 1999 Rotenberg, The Cultural Meaning of Urban Space Space,, 1993 Society for Urban, National and Transnational/Global Anthropology,  Space and Place Listserv,   AN  ANTII-U URBANISM ISM Bellamy, Looking Backward, Backward, 1887 Clapp, The Roots of Anti-Urbanism, Anti-Urbanism, 1978 Howard, Garden Cities of Tomorrow, Tomorrow, HT-161.H6 Osborn, Greenbelt Cities, Cities, 1946 THE CHICAGO SCHOOL Bulmer, The Chicago School of Sociology Sociology,, 1984 McKenzie, The Metropolitan Community, Community, 1933 Park & Burgess, City: Suggestions for Investigation of Human Behavior in the Urban Environment Environment,, HT-151.P3 1925 THE CITY BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL MOVEMENT Brownlee, Building the City Beautiful, Beautiful, 1989 Klein, Prisoners of progress : American industrial cities, 1850-1920, 1850-1920, HT123.K55 The City Beautiful Movement,   Wagner, "Freedom and glue: architecture, seriality and identity in the American city," Harvard Architecture Review, Review, #8, 1992 Wilson, The City Beautiful Movement, Movement, 1994 COGNITIVE ITIVE GEOGRAPHY Devlin, Mind and Maze: spatial cognition and environmental behavior , 2001 Lynch, Good City Form, Form, HT-166.L96 1984 Lynch, Managing the Sense of a Region, Region , HT-392 .L95 Lynch, A Theory of Good City Form, Lynch, A Form, 1981


COLONIALISM Çelik, Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations, Confrontations, 1997 King, Urbanism, Colonialism and the World Economy, 1990 Wright, The Politics and Design in French Colonial Urbanism, Urbanism, NA1590.2.M44 W75 1991  COMMUNITY PLANNING "Advocacy: a community planning voice," Design Quarterly, Quarterly, #82/83, 1971 Day, "Citizen participation in the planning process," Journal of Planning Literature, Literature, February 1997 (Literature review) THEORETICAL APPROACHES CONSUMPTION Bronner,Consuming Bronner, Consuming Visions: accumulation accumulation and display of goods in America 1880-1920, 1880-1920, HF5845.C68 1989 Fox & Lears, The Culture of Consumption, 1983 Glaeser et al, Consumer City,   Leach, Land of Desire: merchants, power and the rise of new American culture, culture, 1993 Lee, Consumer Society Reader , HF5415.32.C6592 2000 Turnbull, Urban Consumer Theory, Theory, HF5415.32.T94 1995 CRIME  Ab  Abadins insky, Organized Crime, Crime, 3rd, 1990 Blomley, Law, Space and the Geographies of Power , 1994 Compare crime rates,   "Correctional, Judicial & Police Buildings," Kappe Library Guide #52 Guide #52 Fleisher, Beggars and Thieves: lives of urban street criminals, criminals, 1995 Kelling, Coles & Wilson, Fixing Broken Windows: Restoring Order and Reducing Crime, Crime, 1998 nd Sykes, Criminology Criminology,, 2  ed., 1992 DEVELOPMENT International Network Network for Urba Urban n Development,   U.S. Chambers of Commerce,  (Directory) Urban Urba n Land Instit Institute, ute,  Willis, Form Follows Finance: skyscrapers and skylines in New York and Chicago , NA6232 .W55 1995 ECOLOGY Beatley & Manning, The Ecology of Place: Planning for Environment, Economy, and Community Community,, 1997 Brueste et al, Urban Ecology: scientific and practical aspects, aspects, 1998 The Center for Urban Ecology and Sustainability,   McHarg, Design With Nature, Nature, HC-110.E5 M33 1992 Spirn, The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human Design, Design, HT-166.S638 1984 ENTERTAINMENT Levine, Highbrow/Lowbrow: the emergence of cultural hierarchy in America, 1988 America, 1988 Nasaw, Going Out: the rise and fall of public amusements, amusements, 1993 Peiss, Cheap Amusements, Amusements, F-124 .P38 1986 Rozenzweig, Eight Hours for What We Will: workers and leisure in an industrial city 1870-1920 1870-1920,, 1985  FORMALISM  Alb  Albe ert rti, i, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, Books, NA2515 .A3513 1988 Rossi, The Architecture of the City, City , NA9031.R6713 Sitte, The Art of Building Cities, Cities, NA9052 .S5813 1979 Unwin, Town Planning In Practice: An Introduction to the Art of Designing Cities and Suburbs, Suburbs, NA9030 .U6 1994 FUNCTIONALISM Boyer, Dreaming the rational city, city, HT-167 .B655 1983 de Zurko, Origins of Functionalist Theory, Theory, 1957 "Functional City? Werk, Bauen & Wohnen, Wohnen, April 1993 Groth, "Streetgrids as Frame Framewo works rks ffor or Urban Variety," The Harvard Architecture Review, Review, # 2, Spring 1981. GENDER Blumenberg, "Gender equity planning," Journal of Planning Literature, Literature, November 1998 (Literature review) Drucker & Gumpert, Voices in the street : explorations in gender, media, and public space space,, 1997 Eichler, Change of Plans: Towards a Non-Sexist Sustainable City, City, 1995 Fenster, Gender, Planning and Human Rights, Rights, 1999 Fincher & Jacobs, Cities of Difference, Difference, 1998 Gender, Place and Culture (magazine) Ryan, Women in Public: between banners and ballots 1825-1880 1825-1880,, 1990 Stimpson, Women and the American City, City, 1981


Visvanathan, The Women, Gender & Development Reader , 1998 Wilson, The sphinx in the city: urban life, the control of disorder, and women women,, HT-361 .W55 1992 GENTRIFICATION Butler, Gentrification Gentrification and  and the Middle Classes, Classes, 1997 Ge Gentrif ntrification ication Web,   Ley, The New Middle Class and the Remaking of the Central City City,, 1996 Smith & Williams, Gentrification and the City, 1986 Zukin, Loft Living: culture and capital in urban change, change, 1989 THEORETICAL APPROACHES GEOGRAPHY Carter, The study of urban geography, geography, GF-125 .C37 1995 Hall, Urban Geography Geography, GF-125.H35to1998 Knox, Urbanization: an ,Introduction Urban Geography, Geography, GF-125.K56 1994 Short, Urban Order: an Introduction to Urban Geography Geography,, HT-151.S477 1996 GLOBALIZATION Castells & Borja, Local and Global: the Management of Cities in the Information Age, Age, HT166.B67 1997 Clark, Urban World / Global City, City , HT-151.C588 1996 "Globalization," Kappe Library Guide #38 Guide #38 Sassen, Global City: New York, London, Tokyo, Tokyo, HG184.N5S27 1991 Short & Kim, Globalizati Globalization on and the City, City, HT-361.S52 1999 Walzer, Local Economic Development, Development, 1995 HEALTHY CITIES CITIES Jacobs, Great Streets, Streets, NA9053.S7 J23 1993 Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Cities, NA9108.J3 HETEROTOPIA Deutsche, Evictions: art and spatial politics, politics, NA9053.S6 D48 1996 Focault, "Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias," in Architecture in Architecture Culture Culture 1943-1968 1943-1968,, R-680.A57 1993 LOCATION THEORY Christaller, Central Places in Southern Germany Germany,, 1933 .edu/krumm me/450/table.html e/450/table.html   Four Classical Traditions in Location Theory, http://faculty.washington Location Theory,  Ullman, A Ullman,  A Theory of Location Location for Cities, Cities, 1941 MARXIAN URBAN POLITICAL POLITICAL ECONOMY Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, Postmodernity, CB-428.H38 1989 Harvey, Social Justice and the City, City, 1973 Katznelson, Marxism and the City, 1992 Scott, Metropolis: from division of labor to urban form, form, 1988 Storper & Walker, The Capitalist Imperative: territory, technology and industrial growth, growth , 1989 Tabb & Sawers, Marxism and the Metropolis, Metropolis, 2nd, 1984 MATHEMATICAL MODELS  All  Alle en, Cities and Regions as Self-Organizing Systems, Systems , 1997 Broadbent, An Broadbent,  An Activity Analysis Framework for Urban Planning, Planning, 1970 Forrester, Urban Dynamics, Dynamics, 1969 Klosterman, Spreadsheet Models for Urban and Regional Analysis, Analysis, 1993 McLoughlin, Urban and Regional Planning: a System Approach Approach,, 1969 System Dynamics, Dynamics,  Thompson,Organizatio Thompson, Organizationn in Action, Action, 1967 NEW URBANISM Congress for the New Urbanism,   Duany & Plater-Zyberk, Towns and Townmaking Principles, Principles, NA9051.D8 1991 Katz, New Urbanism: Toward and Architecture of Community, Community, NA2542.4.K38 1994 Krier, Urban Space, Space, NA9053.S6 K7413 1979 New Urbanism Resource Index,  ORGANIC FORM  Ale  Alex xander, r, A  A New Theory of Urban Urban Design, Design, NA9031 .A38 1987 Eitel, Feng Shui, NA1540.F4 E41 1993  1993  Kostof, The City Shaped, Shaped, HT-111.K63 1991 Pattern,   Wright, The Living City, City, 1958


PLANNING  Alt  Alts shuler, ler, City Planning Process, Process, HT-168.M5A5 HT-168.M5A5 Benevolo, Origins of Modern Town Planning, Planning, NA9031 Campbell, Readings in Planning Theory, Theory, HT-165.5.R43 1996 Douglass, Cities for Citizens: Planning and the Rise of Civil Society in a Global Age, Age, HT-166.C476 1998 Kelly, Community Planning : An Introduction to the Comprehensive Plan Plan,, HT-167.K38 2000 The Journal of the American Planning Association Association (quarterly)  (quarterly) Whittick, Encyclopedia of Urban Planning, Planning, Reference-HT-166.E6 THEORETICAL APPROACHES POLICY The Center for Urban Urban Policy Research, htt ttp:// p://    The Urban World Bank,Institute, Urban Policy and Economic Development Developmen t, 1991 POLITICS Clark & Ferguson, City Money, 1983 Dahl, Who Governs? power and democracy in an American city, 1961 Elezar & Zikmund, The Ecology of American Political Culture, 1975 Hawley & Wirt, The Search for Community Power, 1974 Judd & Kantor, The Politics of Urban America: a reader , 3rd, 2001 Judge et al, Theories of Urban Politics, 1995 Katznelson, City Trenches: Urban Politics and the Patterning of Class in the United States, 1981 Ross, Urban Politics: power in metropolitan America America,, 5th, 1996 Stephens, Metropolitan Government and Governance, Governance, 2000 PRODUCTION PRODUCTI ON OF SPACE Castells, The Information Age, Age, HC--79. --79.I55C373 I55C373 1996 v. 1-3 Castells, The Urban Question, Question, 1977 Gottdiener, The Social Production of Urban Space, Space, 2nd, HT334.U5G66 1994 Lefebvre, The Production of Space, Space, BD-621.L4813 1991 Lefebvre, Writings on Cities, Cities, HT-153.L345 1996 Sadler, Situationist City, City, NA2500.S124 1998 Situationist International,  RACE Browning et al, Racial Politics in American Cities, 2 Cities, 2nd, 1997 Drake & Cayton, Black Metropolis, 1945 Metropolis, 1945 Grossman,Land Grossman, Land of Hope: Chicago, Black Southerners and the Great Migration Migration,, 1991 Jennings,Blacks, Jennings, Blacks, Latinos and Asians in Urban America, America , 1994 Kennedy, Race and Urban Space in Contemporary Culture Culture,, 2000 Perry, Race, Politics Race, Politics and Governance in the United States, States, 1996 Smith & Feagin, The Bubbling Cauldron: race, ethnicity and the urban crisis, crisis, 1995 Sugrue, The Origins of the Urban Crisis: race and inequality in postwar Detroit Detroit,, 1996 RENEWAL Teaford, The Rough Road to Renaissance: urban revitalization in America, America, 1990  1990 James Q. Wilson, Urban Renewal: the record and the controversy, controversy, TH-175.U5W69 SEMIOTICS Boudon, Introduction à une sémiotique des lieux: écriture, graphisme, architecture architecture ,  , 1981 Jencks & Baird, Meaning In Architecture, Architecture, 1969 Gottdiener & Lagopoulos, The City and the Sign: an introduction to urban semiotics, semiotics, 1986 Krampen,Meaning Krampen, Meaning in the Urban Environment, Environment, 1979 SEXUALITY Bell & Valentine, Mapping Desire: geographies of sexualities sexualities, 1995 Higgs, Queer Sites: gay urban histories since 1600, 1600, 1999 Ingram et al, Queers in Space: communities, public places, sites of resistance, 1997 SOCIOLOGY Hawley, Human Ecology, 1986 Ecology, 1986 Power Point Presentations for Urban Sociology,   Schwab, The Sociology of Cities, 1992 Cities, 1992 Shannon et al, Urban Problems in Sociological Perspective, Perspective, 1991 Theodorson, Urban Patterns: Studies in Human Ecology, Ecology, 1982 Weber, The City, HT-151 City, HT-151 .W5 1951


Whyte, The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, Spaces , HT-153.W49 HT-153.W49 TECHNOLOGY Centre for Urban Technology,   Chant, Cha nt, The pre-industrial citi cities es and technology reader, T--14.5 .P74 1999 Goodman, The European cities and technology reader : industrial to post-industrial post-industrial city city,, T14.5 .E955 1999 "Infrastructure," Kappe Library Guide #14 Guide #14 Melosi, Sanitary City: Urban Infrastructure In America From Colonial Times To The Present Present,, TD-223.M45 2000 Roberts, Rob erts, American cities cities & technology : wilderness to wired cit city, y, T--14.5 .R597 1999 1999 THEORETICAL APPROACHES TECHNOLOGY Rose, Cities of Light and Heat: domesticating gas and electricity in urban America, 1995 America, 1995 Shumsky, The Physical City: public spaceand andthe theAmerican infrastructure, infrastructure , 1996 Stilgoe, Metropolitan Corridor: Railroads Scene, HE2751.S68 Scene,  HE2751.S68 1983 Tarr & Dupuy, Technology and the Rise of the Networked City, City, 1988 Taylor, The Transportation Revolution, Revolution, 1977 THEMING Huxtable, Unreal America, America, NA-712.H88 1993 Sorkin, Variations on a theme park : the new American city and the end of public space, space, HT-123.V37 1992   Themed Entertainment Association, TOURISM "Las Vegas in New York," Lotus International, International, no. 93, 1997 (Theme issue) "Urban Entertainment Entertainment Des Destinations," tinations," Urban Land, Land, August 1995 (Theme issue) Urban Urba n Land Instit Institute, ute, Developing Urban Entertainment Centers, 1998 UTOPIA Conrads & Sperlich, The Architecture of Fantasy: utopian building and planning in modern times, times, 1962 Claeys, The Utopia Reader , PN6071.U85 U88 1999 Haydon, Seven American Utopias, Utopias, HX-653.H39 Kruft, Städte in Utopia, 1995 Utopia, 1995 More, Utopia Utopia,, HX-811 1516 .E975 .E975 The Society Society for for Utopian Studies,  Staatliche Kunsthalle, Berlin, Stadt und Utopie: Modelle idealer Gemeinschaften Gemeinschaften, 1982 Thomsen,Visionary Thomsen, Visionary Architecture, Architecture, NA-203.T46 1994 Tod, Utopia Utopia,, HX-806 .T63 1978 Vidler, "The New World: the reconstruction of urban utopia in late 19th century France, Perspecta Perspecta #13/14,  #13/14, 1971 VIRTUAL COMMUNITY ITY Boyer, Cybercities, Cybercities, QA--76.9.C66  QA--76.9.C66 B69 B69 1995 Rheingold, The Virtual Community, Community,   Webber, "Community without propinquity," in Cities and Space, HT-166.C47 Space, HT-166.C47 [09/27/01]

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