How to Setup

Published on January 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 66 | Comments: 0 | Views: 740
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How to set up this application:
This tool requires MapInfo Professional software for running (version 9 or later)
1. Unzip MY-RF-GSM and copy folder MY-RF-GSM to C:\
2. C:\MY-RF-GSM\Application double click on MY-RF-GSM.MBX this will run the tool
on MapInfo
3. Or you can add this tool to MapInfo permanence:
a. Open MapInfo application
b. Go to Tool  Tool Manager and  Add Tool  Browser to C:\MY-RFGSM\Application and select MY-RF-GSM.MBX

Input format file template:
Please refer to sample format of input file in the folder:
C:\MY-RF-GSM\Help and Ref_Doc\Input format
1. Sample Site database file (input your site data in this file)
2. Sample Neighbors File (input Neighbors data in this file)
3. Sample Transmission File (input Microwave transmission data in this file)

What you can do with this tool?
1. Frequency planning
2. Neighbors planning (delete or add new NB, number of NB, HO success)
3. NCC, BCC planning (checking BSIC)
4. Find cell or site name

5. Show cell information and update cell information... show cell QoS in graph.
Calculate antenna down tilt
Show Traffic area distribution, Utilization, Congestion, Call failt,
6. Export frequency planning to text file
7. Export neighbors planning to text file
8. Export map to image file
9. Load drive test file (Use template mex file in Help and Ref_Doc /Others folder to
export from TEMS)
Check RxLev, RxQual, by whole drive test file or by BCCH or by Cell ID
10. Back up site data base
11. Setting cell size or beam angle for rural or city to make it easy to view by your own
12. Microwave frequency planning
13. Microwave link information and port usage
14. Export microwave frequency planning to text file
15. Show / Hide transmission link for view

**Note do not calculate the neighbors distance if not needed, because calculate will
take long time to process!

Any error please contact me via [email protected]

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