HSM 330 DeVry Complete Week Discussions Package

Published on May 2017 | Categories: School Work | Downloads: 55 | Comments: 0 | Views: 521
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HSM 330 DeVry Complete Week Discussions Package HSM330 HSM 330 DeVry Complete Week Discussions Package HSM 330 DeVry Week 1 Discussion 1 The Evolution of EHRs (graded) Discuss the landmark contributions made in the development of the EHR. (Include pioneers and describe their efforts.) HSM 330 DeVry Week 1 Discussion 2 EHR Adoption (graded) Discuss the common mistakes found in gaining clinician acceptance of change brought about by an EHR. Suggest strategy to gain clinician acceptance.



HSM 330 DeVry Complete Week Discussions Package HSM330 HSM 330 DeVry Complete Week Discussions Package HSM 330 DeVry Week 1 Discussion 1 The Evolution of EHRs (graded) Discuss the landmark contributions made in the development of the EHR. (Include pioneers and describe their efforts.) HSM 330 DeVry Week 1 Discussion 2 EHR Adoption (graded) Discuss the common mistakes found in gaining clinician acceptance of change brought about by an EHR. Suggest strategy to gain clinician acceptance.

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