Human Resource

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Objectives  To provide basic knowledge in industrial relations and labour laws.  To enable the students understand the various provisions of Trade Union.  To impart knowledge on Labour Laws. UNIT – I Industrial Relations Concepts, Importance, Objectives, Scope, Frame Work of Industrial Relations, Approach to Industrial Relations, Evolution, Conditions for Successful Industrial Relations, Causes of Poor Industrial Relations. 9 Hours UNIT – II Trade Union Objectives, Applicability, Evolution, Theories, Provisions of the Act, Registration of Trade Union, Duties and Liabilities of a Registered Trade Unions, Rights and Privileges of Registered Trade Unions, Amalgamation and Dissolution, Submission of Returns, Penalties and Fines, Power to Make Regulations. 9 Hours UNIT – III Safety Causes of Accidents, Prevention, Safety Provision, Industrial Health and Hygiene – Importance, Problems, Occupational Hazards, Diseases. 6 Hours UNIT – IV Labour Legislation -I Factories Act, Contract Labour Act, Industrial Disputes Act, Employees state Insurance Act, Maternity Benefit Act. 12 Hours UNIT – V Labour Legislation -II Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, Payment of Bonus Act, Employee Provident Fund Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Workmen Compensation Act. 12 Hours Total: 48 Hours References 1. C.B. Mamoria and Sathish Mamoria, Dynamics of Industrial Relations, New Delhi: Himalaya Publishing house, 2007. 2. R.S. Dwivedi, Human Relations & Organizational Behaviour, New Delhi: Macmillan India Ltd, 2007. 3. Ratna Sen, Industrial Relations in India, New Delhi: Shifting Paradigms, Macmillan India Ltd, 2007.

4. Srivastava, Industrial Relations and Labour laws, Noida: Vikas Publishing, 2007. 5. C.S. Venkata Ratnam, Globalization and Labour Management Relations, New Delhi: Response Books, 2007.

10MH02 Objectives


To provide a comprehensive view to the students on the basic concepts of psychology  To give insight to the students about the applications of this discipline in Organization  To enable the students to make use of the concepts in developing a better workforce UNIT – I Introduction Definition of Psychology, History, Schools of Psychology, Methods in Psychology, Introspection, Observation, Case Study, Interview, Survey and Experimental method 9 Hours UNIT – II Biological Bases of Human Behaviour Brain & Behaviour, Basic structure and functions of nervous system, Left and Right Hemisphere and its functions, Brain, Neurotransmitters, Hormones and behavior 10 Hours UNIT - III Learning & Memory Classical and Operant Conditioning, Insight learning, Cognitive learning, Social learning, Meaning of memory, Short Term Memory, Long Term Memory, Stages of memory, Information processing model of memory, Forgetting, causes of forgetting, Memory improvement techniques 10 Hours UNIT – IV Thinking & States of Consciousness Thinking and Reasoning, Thinking Process, Concept formation, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Creative Thinking, Biological and Circadian Rhythms, Sleep and stages of sleep, Altered states of consciousness 10 Hours UNIT – V Intelligence Definition, Nature of Intelligence, Theories of Intelligence, Tests in Measuring Intelligence, Intellectually Gifted vs Retarded, Influence of heredity and environment on Intelligence, Group Differences in Intelligence, Ethnic, racial and gender difference and Intelligence 9 Hours Total: 48 Hours References 1. Robert A. Baron, “Psychology”, Pearson Education, 5th Edition, 2009 2. Morgan, King, Weisz, Schopler, “Introduction to Psychology”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition, 2008

3. Michael W Passer, Ronald E Smith, “ Psychology: The Science of Mind & Behaviour”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edtion, 2007 4. Robert S Feldman, “ Understanding Psychology, Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition, 2007 5. Smith, Nolen, Fredrickson, Loftus, “Introduction to Psychology”, Thomson Wadsworth, 14th Edition, 2007.


Objectives  To understand the dimensions of managerial job.  To enable the students to become effective managers.  To develop a winning edge for becoming a successful manager.



UNIT – I Defining the Managerial Job Descriptive Dimensions of Managerial Jobs, Methods, Model, Time Dimensions in Managerial Jobs, Effective and Ineffective Job Behaviour, Functional and Level Differences in Managerial Job Behaviour. 10 Hours UNIT – II Designing the Managerial Job Identifying Managerial Talent, Selection and Recruitment, Managerial Skills Development, Pay and Rewards, Managerial Motivation, Effective Management Criteria, Performance Appraisal Measures, Balanced Scorecard, Feedback, Career Management. 10 hours UNIT – III Managerial Effectiveness Definition, The Person, Process, Product Approaches, Bridging the Gap, Measuring Managerial Effectiveness, Current Industrial and Government practices in the Management of Managerial Effectiveness. 9 Hours UNIT – IV Environmental Issues Organizational Processes, Organizational Climate, Leader, Group Influences, Job Challenge, Competition, Managerial Styles. 9 Hours UNIT – V Developing the Winning Edge Organizational and Managerial Efforts, Self Development, Negotiation Skills, Development of the Competitive Spirit, Knowledge Management, Fostering Creativity. 10 Hours Total: 48 Hours References 1. Peter Drucker, Management, New York: Harper Row, 2005. 2. Milkovich and Newman, Compensation, New Delhi: McGraw-Hill International, 2005. 3. Blanchard and Thacker, Effective Training Systems, Strategies and Practices, New Delhi: Pearson Education, 2005. 4. Dubin, Leadership, ‘Research Findings, Practices & Skills, New Delhi: Biztantra, 2005.

5. Mathis Jackson, Human Resource Management, Mason: Thomson Southwestern, 2005.



Objectives  To facilitate students understand organizational change process.  To enable students understand organization development and Interventions.  To help students understand Change Management Strategies and skills. UNIT – I Organizational Change Forces, Types, Frameworks, Overcoming Resistance.




Change, 9 Hours Pressures, 10 Hours

UNIT – II Perspectives on Organizational Change Models, Integration, Need for Change- Environmental Organizational Pressures - Organizational Culture and Change

UNIT – III Change Management Diagnosis for Change, Modelling Organizations, Component Analysis, Diagnosing Readiness, Organization Development Approaches. 9 Hours UNIT – IV OD Intervention Types: Human Process, Techno Structural, Human Resource Management, Strategic Change, Designing Interventions. 10 Hours UNIT – V Implementing Change Strategies for Communicating, Implementation Process: Approaches, Change Agents, Managing Skills, Consolidating Change, Evaluation, Emerging Trends. 10 Hours Total: 48 Hours References 1. Ian Palmer, Richard Dunford and Gide Akin, Managing Organizational Change, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. 2. G. Thomas, Cummings and Christopher G. Woreley, Organizational Development and Change, OH: Thomson South Western, Mason, 2005. 3. Radha R Sharma, Change Management, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.

4. Wendell L French, Cecil H Bell and Robert A Zawaki, Organization Development and Transformation, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill of India, 2008. 5. Wendell L French and Cecil H Bell, Organization Development, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 2007.



Objectives  To help students understand the concept and Importance of Performance Management  To give insights to the students about the nuances of developing a Performance Management System  To enable them to develop effective Performance Management System & Implement UNIT – I Performance Management Introduction Definition, Importance, Objectives, Uses, Performance appraisal and Performance Management, Challenges, Ideal Characteristics of Performance Management System 9 Hours UNIT – II Developing Performance Management System Performance Management Process, Evaluation Criteria, Approaches in Measuring Performance, Standards, Sources of Information 9 Hours UNIT – III Performance Appraisal Methods Tools for Measuring Performance, Traditional Performance Appraisals, Modern and Developmental Performance Appraisal Methods, Rater Biases 10 Hours UNIT – IV Conducting Appraisals & Reward Conducting and Communicating Appraisals, Appraisal Feedback, Performance based Rewards 9 Hours UNIT – V Implementation & Improvement Communication Plan, Monitoring, Strategies for Effective Implementation, Bottlenecks, Evaluation and Improvement of Performance Management System 11 Hours Total: 48 Hours References 1. A.S. Kohli and T. Deb, Performance Management, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010. 2. Herman Aguinis, Performance Management, New Delhi: Pearson International Edition, 2008. 3. T.V. Rao, Performance Management and Application Systems – HR Tools for Global Competitiveness, New Delhi: Response Books, 2007.

4. Franklin Hartle, Transforming the Performance Management Process, London: Kogan Page Limited, 1997. 5. Gary Benson, Stepping Up Performance – A Collection of Practical Knowledge, Research and Theory on Performance & How to Improve it, Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House, 2005.



Objectives  To make the students understand the practices of HRD  To impart knowledge on cross cultural HRM  To help the students in knowing Career and Competency development.

UNIT – I Human Resource Development Meaning, Strategic framework for HRM and HRD, Vision, Mission and Values, Importance, Challenges, Functions, Roles of Professionals, Needs Assessment, Practices. 9 Hours UNIT – II e-HRM e- Employee profile, e- selection and recruitment, Virtual learning and Orientation, e - training and development, e- Performance management and Compensation design, Development and Implementation of HRIS, Designing HR portals, Issues in employee privacy, Employee surveys online. 9 Hours UNIT – III Cross Cultural HRM Domestic Vs International HRM, Dynamics, Assessment, - Education and Training Programs, Leadership and Strategic HR Issues in International Assignments, Current challenges in Outsourcing, Cross border M &A, Repatriation, Building Multicultural Organisations, International Compensation. 10 Hours UNIT – IV Career Development and Competency Development Concepts, Roles, Stages, Planning and Process, Development Models, Motivation and Enrichment, Managing Career plateaus, Designing Effective Systems. Competency Development: Competencies and Career Management, Competency Mapping Models, Equity and Competency based Compensation. 10 Hours UNIT – V Coaching and Counseling Employee Coaching: Need, Role of HR in coaching, Coaching and Performance, Skills for Effective Coaching, Effectiveness. Employee Counseling: Need, Role of HR in Counseling, Components of Counseling Programs, Counseling Effectiveness. 10 Hours

Total: 48 Hours References 1. Jeffrey A Mello, Strategic Human Resource Management, Singapore: Thomson Southwestern, 2003. 2. Randy L.Desimone and Jon M. Werner – David M. Marris, Human Resource Development, Singapore: Thomson Southwestern, 2002. 3. Robert L.Mathis and John H. Jackson, Human Resource Management, Singapore: Thomson Southwestern, 2003. 4. Rosemary Harrison, Employee Development – University Press, New Delhi: India Ltd, 2003. 5. Srinivas Kandula, Human Resource Management in Practice, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 2004.



Objectives  To enable the students in predicting Stress Symptoms and methods to Cope-up  To help the students in setting goals and achieving it.  To give an insight about Emotional Intelligence, Yoga and Spiritual Intelligence to improve themselves and develop the workforce. UNIT – I Stress Understanding Stress: Meaning, Symptoms, Work Related Stress, Individual Stress, Strategies to Cope-up Stress, Work-Life Balance 10 Hours UNIT – II Goal Setting Importance of Goal Setting, Steps in Goal Setting, Dimensions of Life and Goal Setting, Achieving the Set Goals, Visualization, Self Affirmation 8 Hours UNIT – III Emotional Intelligence Definition, Factors of Emotional Intelligence, Importance in Workplace, Analysis of Thoughts, Basing of Desires, Neutralization of Anger, Eradication of Worries, Overcoming Fear, Harmony & Happiness in Life, Attachment, Detachment and Moderation in Enjoyment. 12 Hours UNIT – IV Yoga Purpose, Types, Properties of Yoga, Eight Limbs of Yoga, Seven Chakras and its Characteristics. 8 Hours UNIT – V Spiritual Intelligence Definition, Spirituality Vs Religion, Challenges in Measuring Spirituality, Philosophy of Life, Benefits of Spirituality in Workplace, Developing a Spiritual Organization 10 Hours Total : 48 Hours References 1. Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi, Journey of Consciousness, Vethathiri Publications, 1992. 2. Swami Ranganathananda, Eternal Values for a changing society, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 2003. 3. S.K. Charavarthy, Human Values for Managers, New Delhi: Wheeler Publishing, 2002.

4. Jeff Davidson, Managing Stress, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 2006. 5. Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence, London: Bloomsberg, 2000.



Objectives  To enable the students to Identify Training Needs.  To help the students in understanding Training methods.  To familiarize the students in pedagogical approaches for Management Development. UNIT – I Introduction to Training and Development Scope, Importance, Challenges, Systematic Approach, Process, Principle of Learning, Evolving Training Policy. 9 Hours UNIT – II Training and Development Needs Organizational Analysis, Requirements Analysis – Task and Knowledge, Skill, Ability and Personal Analysis, Learning Environment and Methods. 9 Hours UNIT – III Training Systems Designing Training Programmes. Training Methods, Training Centers, Role of External Agency, Training for Change, Resistance in Training, Developing Effective Trainers. 10 Hours UNIT – IV Approaches to Management Development Methods of Development, Designing Development Programme, Team Building Exercises, Management Games. 10 Hours UNIT – V Evaluation of Training and Development Criteria, Problems, Steps in Evaluation, Emerging Issues in Training and Development in India. 10 Hours Total: 48 Hours References 1. Irwin L Goldstein and Kevin Ford J, Training in Organizations, New Delhi: Thomson Publishing, 2005. 2. Biswajiet Pattanayak, Human Resource Training, New Delhi: Wheeler Publishing, 2005. 3. Craig Robert, Training and Development Handbook, New York: McGraw Hill, 2005. 4. Randy L Desimone and John M Werner, Human Resource Development, New Delhi: Thomson Publishing, 2007. 5. Mathis Jackson, Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Thomson Publishing, 2008.



Objectives  To help the students understand Wage and Compensation Determination Process and Components of compensation  To throw light on Methodology of determination  To familiarize Compensation and Incentive Administration Process UNIT – I Definitions Wages, Salary, Compensation, Reward, Wage Determination Process, Wage and Salary Structure, Factors Influencing, Principles. 10 Hours UNIT – II Wage Plans Types- Time Wages, Piece Wages, Balance or Debt Method, Wage Differentials, Salaries: Components, Scale of Pay, Allowances, Perks. 9 Hours UNIT – III Compensation Types, Components, Designing a Compensation System: Approaches, Perception of Fairness, Legal Constraints, Linking to Organizational Objectives. 10 Hours UNIT – IV Designing Pay Scales/Structures Pay Surveys, Grades/Levels, Variable Pay: Types, Factors Determining Success, Performance Based Compensations and Incentives. Managerial Compensation, Perquisites, Competency Based Pay. 10 Hours UNIT – V Incentives and Rewards Types-Team Based, Group Based, Organizational Based- Profit Sharing, ESOPs, Bonus Plans, Gain Sharing Plans. Compensation Administration and Audit. 9 Hours Total: 48 Hours References 1. Joe Martocchio, Strategic Compensation, New Delhi: Pearson International Edition, 2008. 2. Bruce R Ellig, The complete guide to Executive Compensation, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2007. 3. George Milkovich and Jerry New Man, Compensation, New Delhi: McGraw Hill, 2004. 4. Lanu A Berger and Dorthy R Berger, The Compensation Handbook, New Delhi: McGraw Hill, 1999.

5. Dewakar Goel, Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 2008.



Objectives  To introduce to the students the concept of competency mapping  To enable the students understand the role and importance of competency mapping in development of an organization  To enable the students to use competency mapping as a tool for improving the efficiency of the workforce. UNIT – I Introduction Definitions, Competence, Competency, Skill, Knowledge and Motive, Trait, Need of Competencies, Competency Mapping, Uses 8 Hours UNIT – II Competency Categories Threshold Competencies, Differentiating Competencies, Generic or Key Competencies, Functional or Technical Competencies, Leadership or Managerial Competencies 9 Hours UNIT – III Steps in Developing Competency Model Identifying Core Competencies, Developing Assessment Instrument, Performance Effectiveness Criteria, Base Competency Map, Competency Grading, Competency Assessment, Data Gathering, Finalize and Validate Competency Model 10 Hours UNIT – IV Competency Models Leadership and Managerial Competency Models, Causes for Resistance and Recommended Actions to address, Competencies and Generic Indicators, HR Generic Competency Model, Supervisory Generic Competency Model 11 Hours UNIT – V Competency Mapping Implementation & Development Communication & Implementation of Competency Mapping, Challenges in Implementation, Strategies to Address the Gaps, Evaluate ROI, Reassess Competencies and Development 10 Hours Total: 48 Hours References 1. Seema Sanghi, The Handbook of Competency Mapping – Understanding, Designing & Implementing Competency Models, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2007. 2. Sharma, 360 Degree Feedback, Competency Mapping and Assessment

Centres for Personal & Business, Mc Graw Hill Education (India), 2002. 3. Whetten & Cameron, Development Management Skills, Prentice Hall India, 2008. 4. Udai Parek, Understanding OB, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2008. 5. Paul R.Bernthal, Competency Study: Mapping the future, ASTD, 2004.



Objectives  To understand the nature of International HRM  To develop greater sensitivity and confidence in enhancing capacity to effectively impact the HRM process when working across cultures.  To foment a global mindset among the students. UNIT I Introduction to IHRM Introduction to IHRM, Definition, Reasons For Going Global, Approaches to IHRM, Difference Between IHRM and Domestic HRM , Reasons for Emergence of IHRM , Models of IHRM, Matching Model, Harvard Model, Contextual Model, 5P Model, European Model, Models of SHRM in Multinational Companies. HRM Practices in Different Countries- Japan, USA, UK, Turkey, Middle East, India and China. 10 Hours UNIT II Recruitment and Selection International Managers, Parent Country Nationals, Third Country Nationals, Host Country Nationals , Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Selection Methods, Recruitment Methods, Head-hunters, CrossNational Advertising, e-recruitment, Selection Criteria and Techniques, Use of Selection Tests, Interviews for International Selection, International Staffing Issues. 9 Hours UNIT III Training and development Context Backdrop of International Training, Training & Development of International Staff, Types of Expatriate Training, Career Development, Repatriate Training, Developing International Staff and Multinational Teams, Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Companies. 10 Hours UNIT IV Performance Management A Conceptual Background, Constraints in Goal Attainment, Performance Management Cycle, Models, Performance and Appraisal in IHRM, Appraisal of Expatriate, Third and Host Country Employees, Issues and Challenges in International Performance Management, Country Specific Performance Management Practices. 9 Hours UNIT V International Compensation Forms of Compensation and Factors that Influence Compensation Policy, Key Components of International Compensation, Approaches to International Compensation, Compensation Practices Across the

Countries, Social Security Systems Compensation: Emerging Issues.





10 Hours Total: 48 Hours

References 1. Evans, Pucik and Barsoux, The Global Challenge- Framework For International Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2008. 2. Peter J Dowling and Denice E Welch, International Human Resource Management, Cengage Learning, 2008. 3. K. Aswathappa and Sadhna Das, International Human Resorce Management, Mc Graw Hill, 2008. 4. Tony Edwards and Chris Rees, International Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Person Education, 2008. 5. Monir H. Tayeb, International Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press, 2005.

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