Object Tracking System Using Motion Detection and Sound
Prashansha Jain
Computer Science department
Medicaps Institute of Technology and Management,
Indore, MP, India
Dr. C.S. Satsangi
Head of Department, information technology
Medicaps Institute of Technology and Management
Indore, MP, India
of the moving object can be obtained based on the marked regions. The general background subtraction uses the pixel
dependent time difference and fixed threshold in present frame and background frame to extract the motion region.
In any Real Time Object Tracking system using motion detection, one of the most important problems is the video recorded by
a shaking camera with changing background and noises.The basic block Diagram for the proposed Model is shown below:
This is the model which is adapted in this research Work for the purpose of Object Tracking using Motion Detection and
Sound Detection in Real Time.
Object detection
Sound detection
Motion detection
Motion detection
Sound detection
Alarm alert
Fig. 1 Proposed Model Diagram
Table 1. MATLAB specifications
Methodology Adopted: Tool/Software used
2.1 Problem StatementReal time object tracking in shaking camera with changing background and noises, it’s a big problem because many time
camera is not detect the object efficiently and accurately form the video recorded by a shaking camera with changing
background and noises. This system is detecting the real time object with motion as well as sound. As object is detected,
through motion and sound and lack of the security, start the alarm.
2.2 Steps of Implemented AlgorithmA) For motion detection1. Capture the live video frames through webcam.
2. Frames acquired are stored in the Matlab directory as matrix in which each element of the matrix contains information
about the pixel value of the image at a particular location.
3. Compare every single pixel of each frame being acquired by the device with the previously acquired Frame and checks for
the difference between the total values of each frame.
4. If difference is greater than the threshold value (T), start storing video until motion will be stopped otherwise delete the
previous frame.
5. As motion is detected, start the alarm.
6. The video and audio files which will be in media player format will be made and stored in the particular desired folder.
B) For sound detection1. Create an analog input object for input sound.
2. Set the trigger type as manual.
3. Repeat the trigger configuration.
4. Set the sample to record i per sample.
5. Now set the analog output object for alarm.
6. Set fs=11025 HZ.
7. Start recording.
8. Play the recording voice.
9. Now write the wave file of hard disk.
10. Now read the wave file.
11. Set the sound thresholding 0.08.
12. Now compute the lowest sound by finding average value and its deviation for mean.
13. Now show the sound and maximum value graph.
14. Now check the value of sound max with these sounds.
15. If sound max > sound thresholding
Them set noise =true
Wave play for alarm data
Otherwise false
16. End.
2.3 Flow chart of proposed algorithmStart
Input the frame i
Calculate the pixel
variant for pair of
frame i
Threshold pair of
frame i
The detected motion is shown by Fig. 5 and difference between same images as shown in Fig. 6 and the difference is zero,
there is no motion.
B) Difference between two different imagesf.