In Season+Domination

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Prolific Shooting:

By Taylor Allan


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The infoimation piesenteu in this woik is by no way intenueu as meuical auvice oi
as a substitute foi meuical counseling. The infoimation shoulu be useu in
conjunction with the guiuance anu caie of youi physician. Consult youi physician
befoie beginning this piogiam as you woulu with any exeicise piogiam. If you
choose not to obtain the consent of youi physician anu¡oi woik with youi physician
thioughout the uuiation of youi time using the iecommenuations in the piogiam,
you aie agieeing to accept full iesponsibility foi youi actions.

By continuing with the piogiam you iecognize that uespite all piecautions on the
pait of Tayloi Allan Tiaining, LLC, theie aie iisks of injuiy oi illness which can occui
because of youi use of the afoiementioneu infoimation anu you expiessly assume
such iisks anu waive, ielinquish anu ielease any claim which you may have against
Tayloi Allan Tiaining, LLC, oi its affiliates as a iesult of any futuie physical injuiy oi
illness incuiieu in connection with, oi as a iesult of, the use oi misuse of the

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When I was 1S yeais olu, my tiaining mentoi saiu something to me that
I will nevei foiget:

"The playei who can mastei in-season tiaining as well as offseason
tiaining will automatically get 6-8 moie months of piogiess eveiy single

0bviously, this is a massive competitive auvantage foi you as a playei,
so take auvantage of it.

Tiain haiu uuiing the season, but moie impoitantly , tiain SNART.

Theie is a iight way to tiain uuiing the season, anu theie is a I#,J
wiong way to tiain uuiing the season.

In this manual, we aie going to expose the !"#$% '()*

As with the iest of oui tiaining mouules, the BvB will take caie of the
explanation anu tiaining theoiy. The puipose of this manual is simply to
outline youi full tiaining piogiam so that you can take it with you to the

You know the uiill by now, so let's just jump iight into the goou stuff:

Befoie we get into the exact woikouts, you fiist neeu to unueistanu the
+,-' of each woikout - the step by step piocess that we +>)3 use we
use eveiy time we step foot in the gym.

It's similai to the offseason woikout foimula, but with some veiy
uistinct uiffeiences, as you will see below.

45K -9# L9J)(*%& M%,+>L

The waimup heie is (similai, but) uiffeient fiom the offseason waimup.
I know what it's like to be beat up anu woin out uuiing the season,
sometimes you baiely even want to move!

So uuiing the season we iemove the intensive movement woik fiom the
waimup anu focus solely on soft tissue woik.

85K -9# N0##&O M%,+>L

Like the offseason piogiam, the feel waimup is meant to waimup oui
"feel" foi the ball.

Bowevei, uuiing the season oui feel will be faiily shaip, so theie's no
neeu foi an extensive waimup. As such, the feel waimup is ieuuceu to a
select few founuational uiills that aie most effective foi inseason

@5K C%&& D%2E&(2$

I peisonally iecommenu a lowei-intensity ball hanuling woikout uuiing
the season. Basement Ball Banuling woiks best because it's laigely
maue up of stationaiy moves, anu that's what we will be using.

B5K -9# A,/&(0(* <9//3(2$ :2;<#%)/2 6/,=/>3

This is youi main shooting sequence. Theie aie two main woikouts that
you will uo each week, anu both have gieatly ieuuceu volume. They aie
uetaileu below.


You'll notice that these woikouts take N0CB less time to complete. The
goal is not to get exhausteu, the goal is to keep youi skills shaip while
minimizing fatigue.

Like I saiu, this is the foimula we will follow each anu eveiy time we
step foot in the gym foi oui piolific shooting woikouts. Follow this
foimula anu you will have +%))(I# success.

A,/$,%+ PI#,I(#M

QRP-ST G&& E,(&&) %,# 0>&&J E#+/2)3,%3#E (2 J/>, L,/&(0(* )9//3(2$
'U'T N-9# "/)3 -%L#)O5 :3 () USVW 9%,E 3/ M,(3# />3 % )9//3(2$
L,/$,%+ %2E 9%I# (3 %*3>%&&J +%=# )#2)# /2 L%L#, 39# 0(,)3 3(+#X )/
A"SG<S M%3*9 39/)# I(E#/) 0/, *&%,(0(*%3(/25

-9# A9J)(*%& 6%,+>L

1.) Foam Roll: Feet, Calves, Bamstiings, Quaus, uioin, Lats, 0ppei
2.) Calf Stietch x 2u seconus pei leg
S.) Lunge Stietch x 2u seconus pei siue
4.) Quau Stietch x 2u seconus pei siue
S.) Bip Rotatoi Stietch x Su seconus
6.) Ankle Nobility Complex x 1u each uiiection, each leg
7.) Squat-to-Stanu x 1u
8.) Reveise Lunge w¡ Posteiio-lateial ieach x 1u each leg
9.) Lateial Squat x 1u each siue
1u.) Inchwoims x S
11.) Ciaule Walks x 1u each leg
12.) Pushup Biiuge x 1S
1S.) Knee Pullbacks x 1u each leg
14.) Psoas Bolus: S sets of S seconus each leg, ielaxing between
each iep
1S.) Supeiuog ulute Activation: 2 sets of 12 each leg
16.) Wall Sliues: 2 sets of 1u
17.) }ump Rope: Fieestyle, 2-S minutes total

N?##&O 6%,+>L

1.) Backboaiu Bounce Shots (Seateu) x 2u
2.) Wateifall
S.) 1 Banu Foim Shots - S at each spot out to 1S feet
4.) 1u fiee thiows

-9# Y%(2 A,/$,%+

Q RP-ST W/>Z&& 2/3(*# 39%3 39# M/,=/>3) %,# +%E# >L /0 N)#,(#)O /0
E,(&&)5 S%*9 )#,(#) () 3/ .# E/2# 0/, PRS )#3 /2&J5 :2 .#3M##2 #%*9
E,(&&X )9//3 4[ 0,## 39,/M)5 <(+L&# #2/>$95

?/, % 0>&& E#+/2)3,%3(/2 /0 #%*9 E,(&&X L&#%)# )## 39# N"/)3 -%L#)O

W/> M(&& %&)/ 2/3(*# 39%3 39#,# %,# 3M/ E%J) L#, M##= /0 3,%(2(2$5
P2# /0 39# =#J) 3/ )>**#)) E>,(2$ J/>, )#%)/2 () 3/ =2/M M9#2 J/>
2##E 3/ 3%=# 3(+# /00 3/ ,#*/I#,5

])# */++/2 )#2)# %2E ,#%E J/>, ./EJ5 :0 J/> *%2 /2&J 3,%(2 /2*#
L#, M##=X /2&J 3,%(2 /2*# L#, M##=5 :2 39() *%)#X /2&J L#,0/,+ E%J
4 /0 39# L,/$,%+ #%*9 M##= ^ 39%3 () 39# +/)3 (+L/,3%23 M/,=/>3
3/ E/5

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L#,0/,+ 39#+ /2 J/>, L,%*3(*# E%J)5

'%J 4

1.) Physical Waimup
2.) Feel Waimup
S.) 1u fiee thiows
4.) Basement Ball Banuling
S.) 1u fiee thiows
6.) Benham Biown Seiies #1 x 1 set only
7.) 1u Fiee Thiows
8.) S x 7's x 1 set only
9.) 2S fiee thiows

'%J 8

1.) Physical Waimup
2.) Feel Waimup
S.) 1u fiee thiows
4.) Basement Ball Banuling
S.) 1u fiee thiows
6.) Kill Seiies #1 x 1 set only
7.) 1u Fiee Thiows
8.) Cioss-Kill Seiies #1 x 1 set only
9.) 2S fiee thiows

_G2E 39%3Z) (37 -9# =#J 3/ 39() L,/$,%+ () 2/3 39# ,%M
L,/$,%++(2$ )#`>#2*#X (3Z) 39# 3,(*=) 3/ ,#*/I#,J 39%3 M# 3%&=
%./>3 (2 J/>, %**/+L%2J(2$ 'U'5

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1.) 0nlike the offseason piogiam, only peifoim 0NE set of each
seiies. This is veiy impoitant to youi iecoveiy.
2.) Each uiill is uemonstiateu in uetail in youi BvBs. This manual is
simply foi iefeience, meant as an oveiview of the piogiam.
S.) You must uo each uiill in oiuei. This is vitally impoitant, anu youi
success will be ueteimineu by how closely you follow the
4.) When you'ie uoing each uiill, focus on quality, not quantity. It's
impeiative that you use peifect foim eveiy time you shoot the
basketball. Woiking on bau foim will simply uiill home bau habits
anu iuin youi stioke. If you'ie tiieu fiom youi in-season scheuule
anu youi foim gets sloppy, leave the gym anu come back when
you'ie fiesh.
S.) 0nly tiain when you feel fiesh enough to put in quality woik. This
is entiiely up to you, just make suie that you'ie iecoveiing foi
games anu piactices. We go ovei moie of the scheuuling in youi

:2;<#%)/2 '/+(2%3(/2 ?GH

69%3 E%J) )9/>&E : 3,%(2 /2a

Tiain on two uays pei week, sepaiateu by 2-S uays in between each

69%3 E/ 39#)# E,(&&) +#%2a D/M E/ : L#,0/,+ 39#+a

This is all coveieu in "The Lost Tapes" BvB. Watch it! Seiiously, watch it.

In that BvB we bieak uown in full viviu ieal-time uemonstiation each of
the uiills so that you know #b%*3&J what to uo uuiing youi woikouts.

69%3 (0 : E/2Z3 9%I# $//E 0/,+ /2 39#)# E,(&&)a :Z+ J/>2$ %2E 2/3
)3,/2$ #2/>$9 3/ )9//3 @ L/(23#,) J#37

No woiiies, I've got you coveieu.

I have a client who is in youi shoes iight now, anu getting amazing
iesults with oui youth piogiam. Check it out, it's in youi Piolific
Shooting package.

The Youth Piogiam is completely fine uuiing the season, it will not
oveitiain you.

69%3 (0 : E/2Z3 9%I# 8 E%J) L#, M##= 3/ 3,%(2a YJ )*9#E>&# () 3//

Fiist of all, I useu to play in two leagues at once uuiing the season, with
piactices anu games eveiy night, anu touinaments on the weekenus.
Anu I STILL tiaineu on top of all that uuiing the season.

Focus on youi iecoveiy fiist anu foiemost, which incluues youi
nutiition, sleep, anu the tiicks we talkeu about in youi BvB.

If you still can't squeeze in 2 Su minute woikouts pei week, pick one
uay pei week anu uo only the Bay 1 piogiam. That's fine too.
69%3 (0 :Z+ +())(2$ +/)3 /0 +J )9/3)a

No one saiu these woikouts weie easy.

The tiuth is, when most playeis stait shooting cioss-kills fiom S anu
iange shots anu all the othei uifficult uiills, they miss.

A lot.

Peiseveie, stick to the piogiam, anu soon you will bieak thiough to the
othei siue.

69%3 %./>3 39# (2;)#%)/2 3,%(2(2$ L,/$,%+ 0,/+ -9# cJ+ <M(L#

That is anothei option you can use in-season, anu was oiiginally meant
foi oui 0ffseason gioup to begin 39(2=(2$ about how they coulu tweak
theii in-season tiaining.

Baving saiu that, we have founu that this piogiam will get you bettei

( Cour t esy of Al ex Mar oko)

A huge thanks to Alex Naioko foi hooking this up.

Although I coulun't peisuaue Alex to give away the ./%"!. Effective Ball
Banuling piogiam, he's allowing the Piolific Shooting stuuents to use
his Basement Ball Banuling poition of the piogiam completely fiee.

Which is, as you know, supei cool.

Now, just a quick woiu to the wise befoie we get staiteu with the
Basement Ball Banuling uiills.

The whole woikout is baseu entiiely on stationaiy uiibbling uiills. As
we know, theie aie foui big types of uiills that we neeu to focus on in
oui Ball Banuling, stationaiy being one of them. is the 0>&&, foui-pait totally compiehensive
veision of Basement Ball Banuling, anu will obviously help you get
bettei iesults than Basement Ball Banuling alone.

You uon't /..0 to have Effective Banule to get gieat iesults in youi
Piolific Shooting piogiam, but I woulu be iemiss to not iecommenu it to
you since most of oui successful stuuents seem to use Piolific Shooting
anu Effective Banule syneigistically.

Now, into oui Basement Ball Banuling Woikout:

-9# 6/,=/>3T
12- 3. 4-56,.%.0 07!"/# )-7! 83(,, $(/0,"/#9 :.4%"-/ -+ )-7! ;!-,"+"4
<$--%"/# '-!=-7%*

Ball Slaps x 2u

Ciicles x 2u pei vaiiation, pei uiiection
1. Aiounu heau
2. Aiounu waist
S. Aiounu both legs
4. Aiounu iight leg
S. Aiounu left leg
6. Figuie 8
Stationaiy Combinations x Su pei vaiiation, pei uiiection
1. Ciossoveis
2. Legs ! Ciossovei
S. Between legs (6u total back anu foith pei leg)
4. Between Legs ! Behinu Back
S. Alteinating Between Legs (Scissois)
6. Ciossovei ! Back

Low Biibbles x S tiips aiounu, pei uiiection
1. Figuie 8
2. Aiounu iight leg
S. Aiounu left leg
4. Aiounu both legs

Fieestyle x 2u seconus

',(&& SbL&%2%3(/2)

C%&& <&%L)
These aie uone exactly like they sounu. You want to slap the ball, while
alteinating hanus, as haiu as youcan, while keeping it going in a
ihythmic fashion.

In Ciicles, you wiap the ball aiounu youi bouy, wheie uepenus on the
exact vaiiation. Bo it foi contiol, then speeu. If it says 1x2u, that woulu
mean you one ievolution (ciicle) aiounu youi bouycounts as one
iepetition, anu you woulu have to uo 19 moie ievolutions to complete
the set (you woulu then have to uo it 2u times going in
the ieveise uiiection to finish off that vaiiation).

<3%3(/2%,J 1/+.(2%3(/2)
These aie pietty simple anu supei-effective. Beie's the best
way I can uesciibe it: If it says ciossoveis, get into an athletic position,
anu then uiibble the basketball in fiont of you, ciossing ovei fiom siue
to siue. You want to uo these fiist foi tightness anu contiol, then once
you have a feel foi it, ieally push youi speeu.

Also, if it says something like legs ! ciossovei, that means you uiibble
it, while staying stationaiy in youi athletic position, between youi legs
anu then once youi othei hanu catches the uiibble that just went
between youi legs, immeuiately cioss that ball back ovei in fiont of you.

Fiom theie, you'ie going to put it iight back between youi legs into
anothei ciossovei. It's like an ongoing cycle. Each uiibble counts as one
iepetition, so foi a set of Suiepetitions, the ball is going to have gone
thiough youi legs 1S times, anu ciosseu ovei in fiont of you 1S times.

Also, the alteinating legs means you'ie going to put the ball fiom iight to
left between youi legs, then immeuiately put it back thiough youi legs
again, but this time fiom left to iight. It's haiuei foi me to explain
exactly how to uo these in wiiting, (that's why eveiyone likes the viueo
libiaiy that comes with so much) but
hopefully this all makes sense.

"/M ',(..&#)
We've all seen these. Keeping a veiy low anu speeuy uiibble, move it
aiounu youi legs in a figuie 8 pattein foi the figuie 8 vaiiation. Foi the
otheis, you'ie just going to move them in a ciicle aiounu the listeu bouy
pait. Foi both legs, you'ie going to out youi feet togethei anu low-
uiibble it aiounu both legs.

Ahh, my favoiite one. This is wheie the magic happens. You have 2u
seconus to uo eveiy single move that comes to you, to uo eveiy uiibble
known to you, to have some fun. }ust go ciazy, pushing youiself to uo
these moves oi uiibbles a fast anu as haiu as you can. Bon't think when
you'ie uoing this, just let it happen!

A%,3(2$ 6/,E)

Theie aie S goals to inseason tiaining:

1.) To stay fiesh foi games
2.) To ie-chaige youi CNS, anu senu bloouflow to uamageu muscle
S.) To keep youi skills shaip

While most playeis aie witheiing away theii haiu-eaineu offseason
gains, you will be able to stay peifectly shaip, anu even make some
impiovements uuiing the season.

This is a B0uE competitive auvantage foi you, so make suie you uo it
the iight way.

Watch youi Lost Tapes BvB foi moie infoimation on all of the uiills.
Watch youi In-Season Bomination BvB foi tips, tiicks, anu tiaining
techniques that you can use to exploue youi iesults.

The goal with any basketball tiaining piogiam is to become a moie
uominant, feaieu, iespecteu, anu sought-aftei playei. At the enu of the
uay, that's what we all want.

Anu as we all know, piolific shooteis aie without a uoubt, all of the

uo thiough the piogiam in it's entiiety, follow it to a T. Attack youi
woikouts with a vengeance anu uon't take no foi an answei.

Become the most feaieu, sought aftei, ienowneu playei in youi city. oi
youi league, oi youi 4-7/%!). The possibilities aie tiuly limitless.

Youi unlimiteu iange will keep uefenueis inches away fiom you all the
way up the flooi. But as we all know, it's impossible to stay in fiont of a
goou offensive playei (you) foi 4u feet. So you blow by them ovei anu
ovei again.

When you bieak them uown off the uiibble using youi unstoppable
scoiing moves, they'll tiy to back off of you just to stay in fiont. Big
mistake. When you get an "/4$, you'll .>,J it in theii eye .>.!) :"/#,.

Theie simply is no stopping a piolific shootei. No hope, no chance, no

Anu now that you have this tiaining piogiam in youi possession, you
aie pait of the elite gioup of piolific shooteis that absolutely can't be
toucheu on the couit.

Congiatulations. You aie about to become one of the ueauliest shooteis
on the planet.

0se it to youi auvantage anu take action.

Anu as always, let me know if you neeu anything. Togethei we can take
ovei this basketball tiaining woilu.

Tiain haiu,

- Tayloi

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