Insurance Claims Adjuster

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Insurance Claims Adjuster with 6 years experience looking for a Direct Contributor position.



Professional Summary A good CAT adjuster requires the meeting of many skills in one person in order t o effectively meet the needs of both claimants and carriers. I owe my success to a mix of strong customer service skills, solid ethics, and k nowledge of construction, policies and technical proficiency. September 2008-October 2010 Pilot Catastrophe Services-Mobile, AL Position: Independent Insurance Adjuster Duties: Review & examine damages to property. Estimate repair cost, customer ser vice and attend depositions with lawyers for claimants. Responsible for issuing payment to policy holders. Extensive use of the Xactimate estimating program to determine the policy holders estimates of damages to property. Claim types inclu ded wind, hail, lightening & flood. Appointed to the customer service/clean-up team due to excellent customer servic e skills. Also met with construction supervisors and public adjusters to negotia te any supplemental payments pertaining to property claims. May 2008-September 2008 Reliable Roofing-Nashville, TN Position: Sales Representative Duties:Scope and inspect property for storm damages. Negotiate agreements to hav e property owner sign contracts for property repairs. Duties included, estimatin g and negotiating settlements with insurance firms. Coordinating repairs with th e sub-contractor and oversee the repairs to completion. In the event that additi onal damages were found, negotiations for supplemental payments were in the scop e of work. February 2008-April 2008 Schaffer & Woods- Denison, TX Position: Independent Insurance Adjuster Duties: Examine & estimate repair of damages to policy holders property for Farm Bureau of Tennessee. Xactimate program used in estimating. Claims included, win d & hail. June 2006-January 2008 Worked with multiple adjusting firms: Pilot Catastrophe Services,Inc NCA (National Catastrophe Adjusters Group) Pacesetters Claims Adjusting Duties: Day claims to examine & estimate damages to property. September 2005-May 2006 CNC Adjusting Services- Mobile, AL Position: Independent Insurance Adjuster Duties: Inspect & estimate damages to property owners homes in the New Orleans a rea after Hurricane Katrina. Placed on the customer service/clean-up team due to strong customer service skills. Claim types included wind, flood & theft.

TRAINING QUALIFICATIONS Pilot Catastrophe Services, Inc. Rope & Harness Certified, State Farm Certified, Nationwide Insurance Certified, Earthquake Certified Status: Successfully completed Citizens Insurance Schaffer & Woods

Refresher Exam & Certified Farmers Insurance Certified Status: Successfully completed Status: Successfully completed NFIP Adjuster Certification CNC Resources American Family Insurance Flood Certified Xactimate Certified Property General Certified Status: Completed Status: Completed Status: Completed OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE/CERTIFICATIONS Department of Insurance: Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE Claims Examiner, Property and Casualty Insurance Analyze data used in settling claims to determine validity in payment of claims . Confer with legal council on claims requiring litigation Reports over payments, under payments and other irregularities Insurance Adjusters, Examiners and Investigations Analyze information gathered by investigation and report finding recommendation s Collects evidence to support contested claims in court Communicates with former associates to verify employment records and to obtain background information regarding persons or businesses applying for credit Examines claim forms and other records to determine insurance coverage Examines titles to property to determine validity and acts as a company agent i n transactions with property owners Interviews or corresponds with agents or claimants to correct errors or omissio ns and investigate questionable entries. Interviews or corresponds with claimant and witnesses, consults police and/or h ospital records and property damages to determine extent of liability. Investigates and assesses damages to property Negotiate claims settlements and recommends litigation when settlement cannot b e negotiated. Obtains credit information from banks and other credit services. Prepares report of findings of investigation Refers questionable claims to investigator or claims adjuster for investigation or settlement. COMPUTER SKILLS Typing Speed: approx 40 words per minute Email Software (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc) Graphics or Drawing Software (Photoshop etc) Internet Browser (Explorer, Firefox, etc) Spreadsheet Software (Excel, etc) Word Processing Software (Word, Word Perfect etc) Xactimate (estimating tool) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Available to handle day or Catastrophe claims (wind, flood, hail, theft, fire, tornado) Have variable travel range and lead time Have completed 500+ Xactimate claims Own all basic adjuster equipment (ladder, tapes, ropes, camera, etc) Experience in commercial Farm & Ranch claims References: available upon request

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